49 be bytopic advertising4

businessenglishsite.com | exercise collection
Business English Practice Test | Topic: Advertising-related vocabulary 4
Choose the best response to complete each sentence:
1. Our recent account ______________ have allowed us to hire 100 more people.
a) wins b) winnings c) winability
2. I enjoy working for them because they encourage original, ______________ ( = not typical) work.
a) deceptive b) distinctive c) dissenting
3. A ______________ challenge = A big challenge
a) stiff b) stuffed c) stopped
4. A mistake (or a unsuccessful attempt to do something) is commonly referred to as a
a) mismatch b) misfire c) misanthrope
5. Last year our agency won three ______________ competitions. ( = competitions in which other
agencies from the whole country participate)
a) nation-level b) nationalistic c) national/country-level
6. This is where the line between advertising and marketing begins to ______________. ( = where it
begins to become difficult to tell what is advertising and what is marketing)
a) fade b) shift c) blur
7. We don't do anything on ______________ - we require payment for everything we work on.
a) spec b) the spot c) call
8. This part of the portfolio displays the brand ______________ work that we've done. ( = shows
examples of how we changed the look of a brand)
a) transfer b) transformation c) shift
9. A well-planned advertising campaign can be an effective way to ______________ a brand.
a) construct b) decipher c) build
10. We're talking about a $100 million-______________ account. ( = an account that's probably
worth more than $100 million)
a) plus b) more c) over
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Business English Practice Test | Topic: Advertising-related vocabulary 4
1) a 2) b 3) a 4) b 5) c 6) c 7) a 8) b 9) c 10) a


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