
4. File User Manual
4. FilePrev Chapter 4. Using Components Next4. FileThe file component allows you to upload a file of any format. The file will then be available to any member of the site to access.HintAlthough the system will allow you to upload a file in any format you need to be aware that the users need to have the right software to open it. There is no use uploading a Photoshop file if none of your users have photoshop installed.Also, be aware of the size of the file you are uploading. If your users are on a dialup connection then it will take them a long time to download a 25MB file.The following settings are available when adding a file component:File - click on the browse button here to locate the file on your hard drive or network drive.Embedded - if you select this option then the html file you upload will be embedded with the Interact navigation structure. If not set then the file will open in its own window.File type - select the file type of the file you are uploading. For common file types this will automatically add the correct file extension if it isn't already added.Zip file options - if you are uploading a zip file you have the following optionsUnzip - if selected this will unzip the file into its own directory on the server. If not selected then the zip file will be left as a single archive file.Start file - if you are unzipping the file on the server then you need to enter the filename of the file that you want the component to initially link to. In the case of a small website this might be index.html. If the files are with subdirectories in the zip file you need to include the directory path with the filename, eg. foldername//index.htmlManage associated files - once you have added a file component you can upload/delete files associated with it, eg. in the case of an html file you can upload any associated image files.Prev Up Next3. Dropbox Home 5. Folder


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