The Modern Dispatch 085 Wolves of the Cold War

The Modern Dispatch
Wolves of the Cold War
the Soviets continued the Fenris Project despite the
same unpromising results. The turning point came
During World War II the Nazis conducted extensive
in the late 1960s, when the research took a radically
research programs to aid in the war effort. The majority
different turn. During this time, the Soviets shot down
of these programs were scientific in nature, but a few
an alien space craft near one of their secret air bases.
delved into mystical and arcane knowledge. A select
Soviet scientists recovered advanced technology from
few of these programs were a combination of both,
Requires the use of the d20 Modern Roleplaying
the alien craft and biological samples from its pilots.
such as the Fenris Project.
Game, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
The Soviet Life Science Directorate began a battery
Named after the great wolf of Norse mythology,
of experiments with the biological samples; some
the Fenris Project was based on blood and tissue
involved combination with the Fenris virus.
samples collected from an actual lycanthrope captured
As a result of the infusion of the alien cells, the
 Howdy from 12 to Midnight
by the Waffen SS in occupied Romania. Through
Soviets were able to alleviate the worst effects of
In case you are not familiar with us, 12 to Midnight
their research, the Nazi scientists hoped to develop
the virus, greatly extending the time before fatality
is a Texas-based RPG publisher specializing in
an injection that would turn their soldiers into the
modern horror. You might not normally think  Texas occurred in human test subjects. There was also a
superhuman berserkers of Teutonic folklore.
and  horror go together, but we are pretty sure you
notable decrease in the degree of communicability,
Perhaps surprisingly, the early attempts were partially
will change your mind after spending some time in
which drastically reduced the chance of an outbreak in
successful. The injected serum greatly enhanced the
the field. Unfortunately, test subjects were impossible
Pinebox, Texas, that is a nice little rural community strength and ferocity of the test subjects. However,
to control with any degree of reliability. This made the
smack-dab in East Texas. There is a university nearby,
the project was of limited practical value, since the
serum impractical to apply to Soviet troops. Instead,
a pine forest called the Big Thicket, and a mess of
recipients often attacked their friends or each other.
the Soviet Life Science Directorate specifically tailored
beautiful wildflowers every spring. Unfortunately, it is
Furthermore, the subjects suffered horrible physical
the Fenris virus as a biological weapon, with the
also the epicenter of a whole lot of bad mojo. We re
transformations that resulted in an excruciatingly
intention of diffusing it among an enemy population
talking dark magic, serial killers, haunted buildings
painful death within a matter of hours.
the whole ball of wax.
Scientists were horrified to discover that the
If you want to learn more about Pinebox, just visit
Fenris virus could be transferred by the sharing of
our Web site at You can start using
Author: TC.Largentżÿ
contaminated blood or saliva, thereby risking the
the free campaign setting on our site right now, then
layout: Preston.duboseżÿ
watch it continue to grow right here in the pages of possibility of an epidemic if released in the field. Tests
Modern Dispatch. Of course, Pinebox is our setting,
run on canines yielded similar results and caused the
editors: Cray.Crouseżÿ
but all the material in these pages can just as easily be
entire project to be scrapped in 1944.
dropped into yours.
At the end of the war, the Fenris Research Facility
If you have any ideas for future issues,
and its complement of scientific staff were captured
or if you want to comment on what you
by the Red Army and spirited off to the Soviet Union.
read here, please drop by the forums on
In the face of the Cold War and other countries
our website.
developing their own human enhancement projects,
Wolves of the Cold war
Page 1
The Modern Dispatch
Infection (Su): The human-engineered version of Fenris greatly increases the creature s Strength, but also causes
d20 Modern and Wizards of the Coast are trademarks
contains a very concentrated and potent form of the the creature s overall size to decrease slightly (although
of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. in the United States and
virus. Humanoids or canines who have Fenris injected not enough to change its overall size category). Items
other countries and are used with permission.  d20
into the bloodstream must make a Fortitude save (DC or clothing the creature is wearing are not absorbed
System and the  d20 System logo are trademarks of
30) or become infected with the virus. Infection causes into the new form. If slain or rendered unconscious,
Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and are used according to the
a high fever and flu-like symptoms within 1d4 days of the creature transforms back to its original form over a
terms of the d20 System License version 6.0. A copy of
the injection. The symptoms tend to last for a week, period of 1d10 rounds. Transformation to this alternate
this License can be found at
with the first involuntary change to the alternate form form is governed by the same rules as lycanthropy as
occurring during the next full moon. The bite of a found in the d20 Modern Roleplaying Game.
to sow discord behind enemy lines in the event of
creature infected by the Fenris virus also carries the After transformation, a victim commonly remains
war. Because victims of the Fenris virus blend into the
threat of possible infection, assuming that the victim in this alternate form for 1d6 hours, after which an
normal population centers, the Soviet High Command
survives the attack. Thankfully, the virility of the virus involuntary transformation back to the base creature
applied the term  Judas Wolves to them.
is greatly reduced in this case. Exposed humans or occurs. At that time, a Fortitude save (DC 15) must
And then the Soviet Union fell apart and the Cold
creatures must make a Fortitude save (DC 10) or suffer be made. Failure results in the victim succumbing to a
War ended &
the same effects indicated above. Infected creatures deep (but otherwise normal) sleep. Success results in
undergo involuntary transformations to the alternate the victim maintaining conscousness, but suffering a
form following the same guidelines as lycanthropy stupor similar to drunkeness that persists for several
as found in the d20 Modern Roleplaying Game. hours. No conscious memories of the transformation
The Fenris virus is always fatal to its victims. After remain after the change back.
The Fenris virus causes human beings, canines, and
each transformation the victim must make a Fortitude
primates to undergo a phenomenally fast mutation
save (DC 20) or permanently lose 1d4 points of Damage Reduction 5/Silver (Su): While in alternate
affecting their mental and physical characteristics. The
Constitution. If the saving throw is successful, this form, a Judas wolf ignores the first 5 points of damage
Fenris infection works as a template that can be added
is reduced to 1 point of permanent Constitution loss. dealt by a non-silver or non-magical weapon. Judas
to any humanoid or canine creature. Its characteristics
Death results when the victim s Constitution is reduced wolves take full damage from silvered weapons or
are as follows:
to zero or less. weapons with a +1 or better magic bonus. Sensitivity
Hit Dice: same amount as the character or base
to silver effects the creature in its normal form, usually
creature, but increased to d12s
Alternate Form (Su): The Fenris virus causes radical taking the form of a severe allergic rash occurring in
Speed: same as the character or base creature, or 40
physical mutations. Specifically, the base creature s bodily areas that come into contact with silver.
feet (whichever is fastest)
eyes become large and black, with no discernable
Defense: +4 natural armor bonus
irises; the creature s musculature and bone structure Regeneration (Ex): When transformed, a Judas wolf
Base Attack: Same as character or base creature +1
shifts, becoming denser and more compact; the bones is able to regenerate 2 points of damage per round but
Grapple Bonus: Apply modifiers for increased
of the skull elongate and the teeth grow larger and cannot regenerate damage caused by silver, fire, or acid.
more dagger-like; the hair of the creature changes to Regeneration does not include the ability to regrow or
Attacks: Judas wolves favorite attack is biting
an odd silvery-gray color and becomes longer and reattach severed body parts, and regeneration stops
(damage modified by size as indicated below)
shaggier over the entire body, with the exception of when the the Judas wolf is killed.
Special Qualities: Judas wolves retain all of the
the head which becomes completely bald from the ears
special characteristics of the original character or base
up. It should be noted that these changes all adhere to Ferocious Bite (Ex): The Fenris virus causes extreme
creature, and gain the additional following special
the Law of Conservation of Mass, with the creature s changes in the victim s body. The most notable is the
body becoming denser and more compact without the transformation of the teeth and jaw. While in alternate
addition of new mass from an exterior source. This form, the victim s mouth enlarges and the teeth become
Wolves of the Cold war
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The Modern Dispatch
serrated and dagger-like. For canine victims, this of the Fenris virus within 90 feet to immediately attack creatures, similarly imbues its victims with a terrible
increases the damage inflicted by a bite up to the next that same victim. craving for the flesh of human beings.
larger hit die plus Strength bonus. (For example, if the Upon transformation, a Judas wolf searches for a
base creature has a bite damage of 1d6, this increases Saves: Same as the base creature, with +5 bonus to suitable victim. Transition to the alternate form does
to 1d8). For human victims, this provides a base bite Fortitude saves. not reduce a victim s intelligence, but it does transform
attack of 1d6 plus Strength damage. its way of thinking to a more alien or predatory type of
Ability Scores: While in alternate form, the Judas thought. The alternate form realizes that its existence
Dark Vision (Ex): Whether human or canine, the wolf gains the following benefits for the duration is threatened by large numbers of humans (such as in
alternate form of a victim of the Fenris virus of the transformation: Strength +3 and Dexterity a city) and seeks to mask its presence from the general
always causes the eyes to become large and +3. While the victim s intelligence is not lowered, population. This results in the victim of the Fenris virus
completely black. This bestows dark vision it no longer functions as normal for its base human selecting a specific prey and stalking him, attacking
with a range of 90 feet while in this or canine type. Refer to the Behavior of Judas only when the opportunity seems likely to succeed
transformed state. Wolves section below for more details. without compromising its identity. The alternate form
typically remains in place for one to six hour periods,
Hive Mind (Ex): The alien DNA Allegiance: When in alternate form, the so the victim may actually revert back to its base form
provides Judas wolves with a limited Judas wolf loses all previous allegiances, before completing the hunt, at least in the case of
form of telepathy. While in their and instead gains allegiances to evil prolonged stalking.
alternate form, all victims of the and chaos for the duration of their Notable exceptions to this occur when the feeding
Fenris virus (whether canine or transformation. frenzy occurs (see above) or when the creature feels that
human) within one mile of each its safety is threatened. The base creature s intelligence
other are able to form a hive Skills: Same as the character or base is not altered; though human victims (unlike canines)
mind. This allows them to act creature, with +2 species bonuses to retain a high level of intellect and may recognize when
as a single being with multiple Hide, Move Silently, Listen, and Spot human hunters are on its trail. In such cases, it is not
bodies. The hive mind allows checks for transformations without uncommon for the Judas wolves to plan elaborate pre-
multiple Judas wolves to stalk a full moon. These bonuses increase emptive attacks on their pursuers.
or ambush a single prey or to +4 under the influence of a full
engage in other strategies. In moon.
combat, the hive mind allows Judas
wolves to discern the abilities of Feats: Same as for the character or base
their opponents and to coordinate creature. Human victims of the Fenris
their attacks on the most dangerous virus also gain the Run Feat while in
opponent first. In the case of hive alternate form.
mind occurring between a combined pack of canine
and human victims of the virus, the hive mind retains Talents: Same as the character or base creature.
the highest intellect of the individual pack members.
Behavior of Judas Wolves: Folklore is rife with stories
Feeding Frenzy (Ex): When two or more Judas wolves about the bloodlust of lycanthropes. More recent pop
are in hive mind mode, a successful bite attack scored culture tales include space aliens experimenting on
by one of the pack causes all other transformed victims humans. The Fenris virus, being derived from both
Wolves of the Cold war
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The Modern Dispatch
His neighbors knew Mr. Harvey Doyle to be an that the old regime would eventually re-establish
upstanding citizen and hardworking businessman. In control of the government.
Rudolf  Rocky Robertson is a huge man. He is
his youth, he established a modest bakery in a run-down Doyle s untimely death left a power vacuum in
employed with a local construction firm where he
section of town. He toiled there day and night, even as the neighborhood. Bereft of their usual supplier, a
builds homes during the day. He occupies his free
crime rates increased and roaming criminal gangs ran local gang of thugs decided to ransack his store to
time weight training and competing in amateur power-
the other businesses out of the neighborhood. Through see what they could salvage. In the back room they
lifting competitions. Unfortunately, he feels that his
it all, he prospered by providing fresh baked goods to found a trapdoor leading to a hidden basement, in
performance has peaked and that he can no longer
the community. He worked in his store until last week, which they found his stockpile of hidden weapons
progress by natural means. Last month he took some
when he suffered a sudden heart attack and died. and the tainted drugs. The gang members celebrated
of his vacation time and went to Mexico. He purchased
Of course, that s not the whole story. Mr. Harvey their discovery of the weapons by getting high. For the
illegal steroids and brought them back. Unfortunately
Doyle was born Sergei Mikharov in the Soviet Union. next two weeks violent crime exploded throughout the
for Robertson, the steroids were of dubious quality,
Recruited by the KGB (Old Soviet secret police and neighborhood as the gang sought to expand its territory
having been purchased by the Mexican drugstore from
spy agency) as a youth, Mikharov received intensive with its newfound firepower. This culminated in the
a shipment of various out-dated medicines from the
training in espionage that enabled him to blend in with ghastly mutilation murders of rival gang members that
former Soviet Block countries. One of the dosages
American society. He was then seeded into the United occurred under the full moon. Later investigations
was tainted with the Fenris virus.
States during the late 1950s. He served as a deep cover by the police revealed that Doyle s Bakery had been
Shortly thereafter, Robertson came down with what
agent, secretly undermining the security of the United ransacked, and that among the wreckage were many
he thought was the flu, and developed severe sores in
States, and preparing for sabotage missions if war empty Soviet weapons crates.
his mouth. Unbeknownst to him, the flu-like symptoms
between the two superpowers should ever break out. There are various hooks that a GM can use to get
were caused by the virus taking root in his body,
Although Doyle s Bakery was a legitimate business, the heroes involved in this adventure. If the heroes are
and the sores in his mouth resulted from an allergic
Mikharov financed his covert activities through more in law enforcement, they may be called in to combat
reaction of the Fenris virus to the silver fillings in his
insidious means. Namely, he utilized his KGB contacts the gang crime. If they are government agents, they
teeth. In great discomfort, he finally went to his dentist
to set himself up as a supplier of illegal drugs, thereby are investigating the Soviet angle. Searchers for the
for treatment. The traumatic stress of the dental work
increasing the amount of crime in his neighborhood unknown could be investigating the cannibalistic
promptly caused him to change into the alternate form
and buying himself influence and protection from murders.
and go on a rampage.
the gangs in the area. The KGB supplied him with a All leads should cause the characters to ultimately
In this scenario, the heroes could be innocent
secret cache of automatic weapons, explosives, and confront the gang at its headquarters in a neighborhood
bystanders, customers at a neighboring dentist, or
a significant supply of illegal intravenous drugs that of empty and abandoned warehouses. The gang is
even other patients. Suddenly, a hulking grey-furred
had been tainted with the Fenris syrum. In the event equipped with a large arsenal of automatic weapons,
monstrosity with black eyes comes chasing a terrified
of prolonged war between the Soviet Union and the and the five gang leaders are Judas wolves, a fact that
dentist into the waiting room. What do you do?
United States, Mikharov was to cause havoc behind is unknown to both themselves and their followers.
enemy lines by distributing weapons to disaffected Should a raging gun battle ensue, the stressful situation
elements of society in the hope that open rebellion causes transformation of some or all Judas wolves
might break out. He was also to disperse the tainted into slavering monsters. The creatures attempt to
drugs amongst the addict population in the hope that slay all witnesses, both friend and foe, to ensure their
an outbreak of the Fenris virus would cause terror anonymity. The empty warehouses make for a maze of
throughout the heartland. A devoted Communist at ambush and kill zones. Will the characters be required
heart, Mikharov remained at his post even after the to form an alliance with the gang to defeat the beasts?
Soviet Union became defunct, holding onto the belief Will the beasts succeed? Time will tell.
Wolves of the Cold war
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The Modern Dispatch
The son of a wealthy industrialist, Jerome Pickett family. Though happily married, husband and wife They aid her in packing last minute items, then escort
became a brilliant and highly sucessful businessman. have very little in common. Mrs. Simms-Pickett prefers her to the family limosine. Mrs Simms-Pickett instructs
Upon his father s death in 1987, Pickett inherited to spend her free time in Europe, especially when her them to make a quick stop at the groomers to pick up
the family s diversified financial holdings in several husband is ensconced in a new business venture. She the dogs before delivering the lady and her pets to the
technology corporations. During the past two has little interest in being confined to a safe-house in the airport. From there, the heroes accompany her on the
decades Pickett turned these holdings into a vast States. She has since made arrangements to spend time family s personal jet to Europe. There are any number
financial empire through a combination of talent, with her family in London. Their daughters (ages 12 of false alarms that may occur as they escort Mrs.
personal charisma, and cut-throat business tactics. and 14) are currently enrolled in prestigious boarding Simms-Pickett. There are many possible  tails that
His phenomenal success left a trail of crushed rivals, schools in England. The heroes have been hired by Dr. may appear to be following the car. There may be lots
many by questionable business practices. This earned Pickett to escort his wife from their home in the States of  suspicious looking people seen on the way to the
Pickett a large number of enemies, both from the ranks and deliver her safely to England. airport. The GM should throw in plenty of red
of vanquished opponents and existing competitors. Mrs. Simms-Pickett is a very herrings to ramp up the suspense. The main
Earlier this month, some of his enemies decided to mature and somewhat haughty danger occurs on the plane as they cross the
attack the problem by eliminating Pickett from the woman. She treats employees ocean. The flight takes place at night when
equation. A party (or parties) unknown funded at least with respect tempered by mild the moon is full.
three coordinated assassination attempts consisting of condescension. She owns two The dogs both transform into bald, gray-
two shooting incidents and a botched car bombing. prized pets, a matching pair of black, haired, fang-faced canine killing machines
Pickett managed to escape serious injury during those miniature poodles called Buffy and sometime in mid-flight as the Fenris virus
attempts, but the car bombing destroyed his wife s car. Willow. She showers them with attention, causes the alternate form to emerge. The
This led him to believe that the assassination contract talks to them in baby-talk, and generally treats them pilot and co-pilot are safely in the cockpit as the
is not limited to himself, but his entire family. Pickett with more affection than her own children. The action begins. But the relatively cramped confines
then invested heavily in protection services for both dogs are thoroughly spoiled and make utter pests of of the private jet s passenger area give a distinct
himself and his family. themselves. Their latest trip to the groomers left them maneuverability advantage to the dogs. The animals use
Jerome Pickett s immediate family consists of his with stereotypical French poodle haircuts, a ridiculous their hive mind ability to attack what they perceive to
wife and two daughters. His wife, Victoria Simms- pink dye job, and white bows in their hair. Unknown to be the most powerful character and proceed to attempt
Pickett, is a beautiful woman from a wealthy British the Pickett family, their adversaries hired a former KGB to kill everyone on board the plane. Remember, unless
agent to make the hit on they are equipped with special ammunition, firing
the family in a particularly a gun in a plane at high altitudes can result in rapid
Take 20: Join the Modern d20 Yahoo Group
horrendous fashion. The depressurization.
Sure, Modern Dispatch is great and all, but you have to wait a
assassin infiltrated their There are several weapons available for the heroes
WHOLE WEEK between issues. If you just can t get your fix of
veterinarian s office last to use. There is plenty of silverware, including several
modern gaming goodness, then head on over to the new Modern
month and injected both knives and forks. Normal airport firearms and weapons
d20 Yahoo Group. It is sponsored by the same four companies who
dogs with the Fenris virus. restrictions do not apply since this is the family s
publish Modern Dispatch, so you can ask questions about what you read in
The time of change is now private plane and the heroes are employed as their
these pages or any of our other products. Swap ideas with your fellow gamers.
at hand. bodyguards.
Get top secret, advance information on our upcoming products, and get
As the adventure begins, The poodles are allowed to roam the plane freely
coupons for titles that are already out. And it s free!
the heroes are bodyguards and have a great familiarity with their surroundings.
to Mrs. Simms-Pickett.
Click here to join the Modern d20 Yahoo Group!
Wolves of the Cold war
Page 5
The Modern Dispatch
The Modern Dispatch
Typical  Fenris Wolf Gangmember Rudolf  Rocky Robertson
(For non-Fenris human form, use low-level thug from core rulebook). (For non- Fenris human form use the mid level thug from the core rulebook).
Strong Ordinary 1 / Tough Ordinary 1 (CR 3); Strong Ordinary 3 / Tough Ordinary 3 (CR 6);
Alternate Form; HD 1d12+2 plus 1d12+2 Alternate Form; HD 3d12+6plus 3d12+6
+2 +2 17 (+3) +2 +5 18 (+4)
Initiative BAB STR Initiative BAB STR
18; touch 14; 20; touch 14;
+5 15 (+2) +12 15 (+2)
Defense Melee DEX Defense flat footed 18 Melee DEX
flat footed 16
16 +4 15 (+2) 48 +7 15 (+2)
Hit Points Ranged CON Hit Points Ranged CON
+9 +5 13 (+1) +11 +9 13 (+1)
Save Fort Grapple INT Save Fort Grapple INT
+2 15 10 (0) +4 15 10 (0)
Save Ref Threshold WIS Save Ref Threshold WIS
+0 - 8 ( 1) +2 - 8 ( 1)
Save Will Action Points CHA Save Will Action Points CHA
Occupation: Blue-clollar (class skills:
Attacks unarmed attack: Atk +12; Dmg
Attacks unarmed attack: Atk +5; Dmg Occupation: Blue-clollar (class skills:
Drive, Intimidate)
1d6+4 Bite
1d6+3 Bite Drive, Intimidate)
Wealth +0
Speed 40 ft
Speed 40 ft Wealth +0
Reputation & Allegiances +1; Chaos
Skills Climb +7, Craft (mechanical)
Skills Craft (mechanical) +5, Drive Reputation & Allegiances 0; Chaos and
and Evil
+6, Drive +8,Hide +4, Intimidate
+6,Hide +4, Intimidate +3, Evil
+5,Jump +4, Knowledge (popular
Knowledge (popular culture) +2, Possessions (Before changing to
Possessions (Before changing to
culture) +2, Knowledge (streetwise)
Knowledge (streetwise) +2, Move alternate form: Leather Jacket (+1
alternate form: Leather Jacket (+1
+3, Move Silently +4, Profession
Silently +4, Profession +4, Read/ Defense), Colt .45, 50 rounds of .45
Defense), Colt .45, 50 rounds of .45
+5, Read/Write English, Read/Write
Write English, Read/Write Spanish, ammunition, knife, various gear and
ammunition, knife, various gear and
Spanish, Repair +4, Speak English,
Repair +2, Speak English, Speak personal possessions.
personal possessions.
Speak Spanish, Spot +2, Swim +5
Spanish, Spot +2, Swim +4
Feats/Talents Brawl, Improved Brawl,
Feats/Talents Brawl, Personal Firearms
Personal Firearms Proficiency,
Proficiency, Run, Simple Weapons
Point Blank Shot, Run, Simple
Weapons Proficiency
Special Qualities Infection (Su);
Special Qualities Infection (Su);
Alternate Form (Su); Damage
Alternate Form (Su); Damage
Reduction 5/Silver (Su);
Reduction 5/Silver (Su);
Regeneration 2 (Ex); Ferocious Bite
Regeneration 2 (Ex); Ferocious Bite
(Ex); Dark Vision (Ex); Hive Mind
(Ex); Dark Vision (Ex); Hive Mind
(Ex); Feeding Frenzy (Ex)
(Ex); Feeding Frenzy (Ex)
Wolves of the Cold war
Wolves of the Cold war
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The Modern Dispatch
The Modern Dispatch
Fenris Infected Miniature Poodles
(For non- Fenris canine form, use the small dog from the core rulebook).
Small Animal (CR 1); Alternate Form; HD 1d12+2
+5 +1 16 (+3)
Initiative BAB STR
20; touch 16;
+4 20 (+5)
Defense flat footed 15 Melee DEX
8 - 15 (+2)
Hit Points Ranged CON
+11 -1 2 (-4)
Save Fort Grapple INT
+7 15 12 (+1)
Save Ref Threshold WIS
+2 - 6 ( 2)
Save Will Action Points CHA
Attacks unarmed attack: Atk +4; Dmg
1d6+3 Bite
Speed 40 ft
Skills Jump +5, Hide +7, Listen +5,Move
Silently +7, Spot +7, Survival +1
(+5 tracking by scent), Swim +7
Feats/Talents Run
Special Qualities Infection (Su);
Alternate Form (Su); Damage
Reduction 5/Silver (Su);
Regeneration 2 (Ex); Ferocious
Bite (Ex); Dark Vision (Ex); Hive
Mind (Ex); Feeding Frenzy (Ex);
Scent (Ex)
Reputation & Allegiances 0; Chaos and
Wolves of the Cold war
Wolves of the Cold war
Page 7
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The Modern Dispatch
The Modern Dispatch
pinebox news
April 17, 2006 Volume VI, Issue 85
ETU Announces Local Excavation
Rural Gang Commits Robberies
The Archaology Department of East  Of course, all volunteers are
The past three weeks have seen a rash victims was Kay Hidalgo, 19 year old
Texas University, represented by Dr. welcome throughout the project. Our
of robberies taking place in the more freshman at ETU. Kay reported that
James Siri, and Terry Easton from ETU only requirements are that you re
rural areas of Golan county Texas. The the men smelled badly, as if they had
Public Relations, held a press conference willing to work, be at least 18 years of
first occurred in mid March when Jim not washed in a while, and the leader is
last Friday to announce a three month age, and can follow directions, Terry
Simpson and his family were hiking fairly short, approximately 5'7", with a
excavation project at the Indian Mounds Easton added. High school students may
along the Nowhere Trace, just north slender build and green eyes.
State Park. also participate, but must have signed
of the Burn. Apparently five men were Local authorities are searching the
The Indian Mounds State Park is parental permission to participate in the
hiding in the woods and threatened Mr. county and request that anyone with
approximately seven miles east of excavation.
Simpson and his family at gunpoint. information on the gang contact the
Pinebox in the Big Thicket. The mounds When asked what sorts of things they
They took credit cards, money, and Golan County Sheriff s department or
were built by a Caddoan tribe c1000 expect to find in the mounds, Dr. Siri
jewelry from the family, and then fled local Crimestoppers at 555-TIPS.
C.E. answered,  Many relics and items from
into the woods. Mr. Simpson reported
 This particular Caddoan tribe was the home of the Sun priests that made
the men wore blue checkered bandanas
very successful and thrived throughout the mounds their homes. When a Sun
over their faces, and carried shotguns. continued on page 2
this part of east Texas, Dr. Siri priest would die, they would bury him
A second robbery took place south of
explained.  But there is still much we beneath his home, burn it down over the
Community Calendar
Old Trail road, when Dorothy Green s
do not know about them. Why did they grave, add more dirt to the mound, and
car broke down as she was on her way to
April 17
immigrate east? How strained were their the new Sun priest would build his home
visit a cousin s home. The men  walked
Confederate Ball Music,
relations with the Karankawa? Why did over the old one. This means every layer
out of the woods wearing bandanas and
dancing, food and period
they stop building mounds in the 17th of the excavation could provide clues
carrying shotguns, she reported. They
costumes. Tickets available now.
century? How did their religion change about the culture and lives of these early
took her jewelry, purse, and a case of
at that time? Americans.
April 19
beer from her trunk.
Dr. Siri continued,  It is our hope that Mr. Easton stated that the university
ETU Baseball Tournament 12
The last known robbery took place
by excavating this early mound, that we has contacted the descendents of the
teams represented.
south of the Agorr Compound, when
might gather new information critical to Caddo, now living in Oklahoma, and the
April 21
several East Texas University students
answering these basic questions. The tribe is sending several representatives
Lions Club Draft Party
were hiking and camping last weekend.
excavation is to begin April 21st and to attend to the excavation, though
 Everyone welcome. Come for
The men approached suddenly from
should continue until July 14th, and extra they have requested that the graves not
BBQ, beer, friends, and football
the woods carrying shotguns and rifled
Social Sciences credit is being offered as be permanently disturbed, and they be
talk. $7 at the door. Party begins
through the camp, taking provisions,
a lab credit for students of ETU. returned to their original conditions.
at 9 am.
wallets, and camping gear. One of the
The Texas Board of History and Natural
Wolves of the Cold war
Wolves of the Cold war
Page 10
Page 10
The Modern Dispatch
The Modern Dispatch
(continued from page 1)
(continued from page 1)
Sciences wants to remove the contents
Adventure Ideas
to be shown in several Texas museums,
" The gang is made up of five men who
such as the Museum of Natural Sciences
have given up on their  civilized
in Houston.
lives, and have decided to live in the
woods doing what they love hunting,
Adventure Ideas fishing, and camping. They only travel
to town to buy basic supplies, and they
" The excavation and those participating
choose easy targets to rob, as they
in it have become targets of a secret
really do not wish to hurt anyone.
organization of Native Americans,
" FX version: The leader is actually a
who are dedicated to preserving
Fey creature, who has enthralled four
their culture and heritage. They are
humans into following him and doing
violently passionate in their cause and
his bidding. He has some magical
though they begin with dire warnings,
powers and the GM should create him
they follow through with terrorizing
accordingly. The creature wishes to
the excavation team. If the heroes have
gain power over humanity, and has his
volunteered to assist in the excavation,
 gang rob others to gain wealth so he
they are targets. Otherwise they may
can eventually move into Pinebox and
be contacted by a friend who is being
begin his fiendish plot to take over the
city. He is a megalomaniac who suffers
" FX Version: The leader of the secret
delusions, but is dangerous due to his
organization is a modern witch/druid/
powers. Can the heroes stop his rise to
or skinwalker.
" While camping at the site, the ghosts
of the place make their presence
known through orbs, mists, and
strange sounds. This could be a great
ghost chase adventure using 12 to
Midnight's Green s Guide to Ghosts..
Wolves of the Cold war
Wolves of the Cold war
Page 11
Page 11
The Modern Dispatch
Open game license
11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise
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Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work containing Open John Tynes, Andy Collins, and JD Wiker.
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Open Gaming License: Modern Dispatch, 12 to Midnight. All
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Designation of Open Gaming Content: The following sections
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9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents
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Wolves of the Cold war
Page 12


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