Steve Fearson Floating Cigarette

Note: This effect requires Invisible Thread and Magician s Wax.
For the highest quality Invisible Thread and Wax, visit
Floating Cigarette
Copyright © 1990, 2001 by Steve Fearson and DOWNLOADMAGIC.COM
Effect: The performer displays an ordinary cigarette which can be
removed from a box of cigarettes. The cigarette is placed in the mouth
and lit. The performer sticks his tongue out, and the cigarette is sus-
pended on the tip of the tongue with no visible support or movement
by the performer.
The cigarette is removed from the tongue and momentarily suspended
on the tip of the finger. Next, the cigarette begins to float freely be-
tween the hands from the left to the right, and slowly moves down
towards the floor.
Moving in a circular pattern, the cigarette floats back up towards the
hands. The performer forms his fingers into a ring, and the cigarette
floats through the fingers, proving no connections to the cigarette are
The cigarette again floats down to the floor, stops for a moment, and
finally rises up into the performers mouth, for a spectacular finish to an
incredible effect.
REQUIREMENTS: You will need a six foot length of invisible thread,
a tiny blob of magician s wax, and a cigarette.
PREPARATION: The first thing you have to do is strip out a single
length of thread in this package (each length is made up of many tiny
strands). Under the right conditions this single strand of thread is quite
invisible. (For instructions on stripping the thread, see notes at the end
of this book.) Once you have the thread, attach a pea sized or smaller
Floating Cigarette 1
blob of wax to each end.
You must now tie one end of the thread to the cigarette. If you already
know, a way to tie the thread to the cigarette, use your own method. If
you don't, here's how I do it.
Lay the thread across a table so that the wax on one end is hanging off
the edge of the table and the other piece of wax is on the edge of the
table nearest where you are standing. Under the thread, about six or
eight inches from the end on the table, you must place something (a
paperback book on edge will work) to raise that portion of the thread a
few inches off the table.
Now you are looking at the length of thread from the wax on the table to
the book. Lay the cigarette on the table, across this area of the thread
and lay the fingers of the right hand on the cigarette, with your fingers
pointing left. Take the wax in your left fingers and drop it forward over
your right fingers and to the right of the rest of the thread. (Fig. 1) Now
if you reach under the thread in front of your right hand with your left
fingers and grasp the wax, you can pinch the wax with your right fingers
and draw your right fingers out of the loop, (Fig. 2) pulling the wax
through and forming a simple knot. Form three or four knots this way to
secure the cigarette to the thread.
Floating Cigarette 2
With a scissors, clip off the short thread about 1/8" away from the
cigarette. You should now have a length of thread about six feet long
with a cigarette on one end and a piece of wax on the other end.
Now you must adjust the length of the thread. Hold the wax and let the
cigarette hang straight down to the floor. Wind the thread around the
wax until it is as long as the distance front the floor to your chest.
SET-UP: This depends on the performer. During performance, the
thread runs over the top of your head. so your hairstyle is actually
involved with the effect. I have experimented on people with different
hairstyles and types of hair, and with a little experimenting it can work
with anyone. A little hair spray on the front of the hair is recommended
to prevent any movement during performance.
Even if you have trouble with your hair (or lack of it), you can put on a
hat and do the effect. This solves any problems you may have and is a
good excuse to go into character, set a mood, etc. This is up to you. I
feet the effect is well worth it. What you want to do is attach the wax to
the left edge of your right thumbnail. With the cigarette hanging from the
right thumb, (Fig. 3) run your right thumb over the top of your head
Floating Cigarette 3
starting in the center of your forehead and going all the way over to the
back of your neck. The right hand continues to move straight forward
and downwards until the arm is fully extended.
Now by moving your right arm up and down the cigarette should move
down and up. (Fig. 4)
When your right arm is extended downwards the cigarette should come
up at least as high as your mouth. If it doesn't, take it off your head and
adjust the length of the thread until it will.
When you have the thread adjusted so that it runs across your hair
without getting stuck, and there is minimal movement of the hair, you're
If you're using a hat or cap,it is usually a good idea to put a small notch
in the center of the brim, or two tiny pins for the thread to run between.
Floating Cigarette 4
WORKING: There are a few different ways to begin the effect. If it is
your opening effect you can enter with the cigarette in your mouth and
the wax on your thumbnail.
I usually wear the cigarette behind my ear and keep the wax attached to
the lower part of the right lapel on my jacket. (Fig. 5)
You can also put the cigarette into a box of cigarettes, place the box in
your breast pocket, and attach the wax to your lapel a little higher up. If
you wear the wax on your lapel, you can secretly obtain it in the action
of adjusting your jacket.
With the cigarette in your mouth and the wax on your right thumb, turn
to the right so your left side is facing the audience and your arms are at
your sides. If you stick out your tongue you will find that you can bal-
ance the cigarette on the tip so that it is parallel to the floor. (Fig. 6)
Grasp the cigarette with the left hand as you turn to face the audience.
Move the cigarette downwards with the left hand as the right hand
moves up to meet the cigarette.
Floating Cigarette 5
Place the right fingertip against the filter end of the cigarette and let go
with the left hand so the cigarette is now suspended on the right finger-
tip. This is somewhat more difficult than the suspension on the tongue,
but With practice you will be able to hold the cigarette perfectly still,
and push it forward a distance from your body. To begin the levitation,
let the cigarette rest in the left palm with the right hand above and a bit in
front of the left. You should be looking at the cigarette with your head
tilted slightly forward so that when you move your hands away, the
cigarette remains floating between them. As you move you hands to the
right, turn your head slight to the right and the cigarette will move along
with your hands. (Fig. 7) This is what makes this the most natural
close-up levitation ever. When you do this properly it appears as if your
head is moving to watch the cigarette, when actually your head is mov-
ing the cigarette! As the cigarette moves to the right, begin to raise your
right hand towards your right ear. Your left hand follows near the ciga-
rette, and as it goes lower, you should begin to bend slightly at the
knees. All these actions blend together to look like a natural dramatic
gesture as the cigarette falls. (Fig. 8)
Floating Cigarette 6
The bending of the knees exaggerates the distance the cigarette trav-
els, and is interpreted by the spectator as natural since the cigarette
has gone so low you must bend to keep your left hand near it.
I usually make the cigarette travel in a big circle and as it rises back up
to the hands I make a ring with my fingers. The ring is formed as the
cigarette is traveling to the right and the fingers actually come together
around the thread with the left hand on top, right hand on the bottom.
(Fig. 9). If the cigarette continues to the right as the hands move
slowly left, the illusion of the cigarette passing through the fingers is
You can continue by making another circular pass with the cigarette
bringing it down near the floor before gracefully straightening your
knees and dropping your arms to your sides which will bring the
cigarette up to your mouth. (Fig. 10)
If you perform the effect without lighting the cigarette, you can reset
immediately by sticking the wax back onto your lapel and putting the
cigarette back on your ear or in the box.
Floating Cigarette 7
If you perform with a lit cigarette, be very careful when you light it at the
beginning of the effect, as the thread is very sensitive to heat. At the end
of the effect you can tilt the lit end upwards, severing the thread, and
hand the cigarette out for examination.
BONUS IDEAS: Here are some extra ideas for kid shows and non-
Jeffrey Campbell suggested using a lifesaver candy. It could be taken
from it's package, floated the same way as the cigarette (don't try light-
ing it of course!) and the candy floats into your mouth at the end. I
think this is a great idea. If you hand out candy or any small prize to
kids, you could make it extra special by floating it first.
I have experimented with a plastic kazoo, first playing a tune on it, then
floating it, and after it returns to your mouth, playing a triumphant tune
for the end. Any lightweight party favor or horn also works very well.
One thing I tried that approaches the beauty of the lit cigarette is a
bubble pipe. First blow some bubbles and then float the pipe. The
combination of the floating pipe and all the bubbles around it make a
beautiful effect.
STRIPPING THREAD: Probably the most difficult part of this rou-
tine is stripping the invisible thread. You probably won't succeed in
stripping out a full length of thread the first time you try, but with pa-
tience and practice, it will become quite easy.
Begin by removing one of the lengths of thread from the card, making
sure it does not become tangled.
If you look closely at the end of the strand you'll see many tiny fila-
ments. You must take hold of one of these tiny strands with your right
fingers. Use a tweezers if necessary. Gently pull the single strand of
thread out from the rest about an inch or two.
Floating Cigarette 8
Attach a piece of wax to the single strand, and using the wax secure
the thread to a wall just above your head so that the length of thread
is hanging down towards the floor and the top end is attached to the
wall by a single strand.
With the first finger and thumb of the right hand, lightly pinch the
thread just below the bunch of threads at the top and slowly pull
downward on the thread, causing the single strand to pull out another
inch or two. When you feel the thread begin to bind, take a grip
under the bunched up strands and pull the bundle of strands down a
little more. Repeat this until you have pulled the bundle right off the
end of the thread by the floor.
Work the thread off the single strand inch by inch, and be careful not
to snag or knot the thread. When you have removed the entire length
of invisible thread, attach a piece of wax to the bottom end, and if
you are not using it right away, you may wrap it around a cord for
safe keeping.
PRACTICE: John Haar suggests practicing the effect with fish line
until you have all the body and hand movements memorized. This
way you can visualize where the invisible thread will be when you
actually perform the effect. This also saves you from making many
invisible threads because you will no doubt break them while practic-
ing. I would like to thank John for his helpful advice on this manu-
STORAGE: After you have a cigarette tied up, you can wrap the
thread around it and attach the wax to the filter. This keeps it safe
from tangles until you are ready to use it.
CONCLUSION: This effect has endless possibilities. As you
practice it I hope you will come up with many new moves and ideas,
and develop a routine that is all your own. Just watch out for direct
sunlight, and strong rear or overhead lighting, and you will baffle
Floating Cigarette 9
laymen and magicians alike. Performed correctly it will send chills up
the most hardened magic fan's spine.
Please give it the practice it deserves!
- End
See Steve explain the Original Floating Cigarette Routine for
the first time ever on video in AREA 51 The Ultimate Flying Light!
In this great routine, a piece of space junk is displayed which
lights up and begins to levitate!
But that s not all! The performer tosses the light out the door
or window, and it FLIES AWAY!
Your audience sees it disappear into the night sky!
Listen to what the pro s have to say -
The best trick I ve seen in a long, long time!
- Michael Ammar -
The most magical thing I ve seen in a long time!
- Daryl -
The most beautiful floating routine I ve seen!
- Meir Yedid -
Unbelievably Beautiful!
- Jonathan Pendragon -
Magic tricks, videos and more available for download
24 hours a day, 7 days a week!
* This document is not to be copied, reprinted or resold. This document is only available
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by sending an email here. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated!
Floating Cigarette 10


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