Millennium's End Ultraviolet Conversion

Millenniums End guide to  UltraViolet
 The Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith
Children Of The Night, A discussion on  Ultraviolet in Millenniums End
Vampires do exist, and they are here. Many years ago, the Church waged it s own war on evil, and the war is still going on,
the weapons have just been updated. And watch out, because the Crucifixes and Holy Water only work if they believe in
them as well.
Think of a global conspiracy, in which we are all victims. The major governments all have their own groups to deal
with the problem, as we do. Tucked away in the backwaters of T-Branch, the British governments Anti-Terrorist Branch, is a
small group of offices. Several laboratories, specially built interview rooms, and a very high security vault, along with
several administration offices and meeting rooms. This is the un-named branch, which deals exclusively with the threat of
Vampires in Britain. We will refer to them as 5-Branch for the sake of argument
Formed 7 years ago, the branch was set up in light of the growing evidence that vampires existed, and that they were
slowly but surely organising, to further their own aims, and protect their existence. The group has very little accountability,
answering to only the highest levels of the British Defence ministry. This gives the group a great deal of autonomy, and
power within the UK, able to re-direct and take control of the police and military whenever required. Of course, using the
military is always risking publicity, so the group has a cadre of highly trained special operations personnel, with High-Tec
reliable equipment, and access to private and confidential information. The group is held to use any means necessary, short
of lethal force to get the information required, and on contact with the enemy, the use of lethal force is mandatory. The
group is still fairly small, working in investigative teams to find evidence of Vampire activity, then sending in Strike teams to
eliminate the threat. The branch operates covertly, usually investigating under the guise of CIB agents (Internal
investigations section of the police), but can wield power above and beyond any regular police or investigative personnel.
Millenniums End guide to  UltraViolet
The Enemy.
The common vampire, otherwise referred to as Code-Five, five being the Roman numeral V, for Vampire, is very
difficult to take down. In common with the myths of old, today s vampire is still very much allergic to Sunlight, and the
stake through the heart. Both cause the Vampire to combust, in a violent manner, ground zero to a terminated subject can
cause light to medium injury. There is a great deal of evidence that proximity to Holy places, personnel, or objects can cause
discomfort, to severe pain, but this is dependent on the actual Vampire s level of belief in the particular deity, or power that
belief in said deity has over the Vampire. There has been several instances of Code-5 infected civilians displaying
discomfort at the presence of Bibles, and other holy objects, and in extreme cases, discomfort at the presence of Holy Men.
The contemporary Code-5 possesses enhanced strength, agility, and dexterity. They are resistant to most forms of
damage, including gunshot wounds and other penetrative damage. Attack by other biological weapons has not been tested
for its effects as yet, although research programs are ongoing.
Code-5s cannot be seen in a mirror. All weapons the group carries are capable of mounting a half silvered mirror
sighting unit on them, viewing a Code-5 through the unit renders them invisible in the unit, but visible to the naked eye.
Their voices are incapable of being transmitted, or stored electronically, they do not show up on video or film. The use of
telecommunications is made possible by the use of computers, converting text into audio.
Code-5s requires fresh blood to survive, they are incapable of digesting normal food. Code-5 normally drinks from
humans, with the favoured point of feeding being the neck. Upon feeding, the victim is usually infected with the Code-5
virus. Sufferers of the virus develop aversions to sunlight, and holy items (degree depending on religion, their basic faith).
They also become very susceptible to suggestion from the Code-5. Code-5 infected wounds show up under ultraviolet light,
the only treatment at the moment, is by laser, used to burn out the infected wound. Usually the wound will not be visible,
healing over minutes after the attack. In the last few months, Code-5 material was used to infect pupils at a Catholic school
by using a modified version of the Meningitis virus as a carrier. The outbreak was contained, but the implication is that
Code-5 groups wish to develop a method of mass infection.
Code-5s are very careful about who they recruit, but to be taken, the Code-5 drains the candidate completely, this is
the crossing over process. To regenerate a neutralised Code-5, the ashes need to be placed on the ground, then an amount of
blood smeared into them, the ashes become a swirling cloud, dissipating to reveal the regenerated individual. This has only
been seen once by the branch.
Be under no illusions, Code-5s will take against a victims will, and take to further their aims, a young boy was taken
for the purposes of keeping a paedophile happy, Angela March s children were also taken against their will in order to try
and subjugate her. Ruthlessness is an unfortunate requirement when operating against Code-5s, surprise is the only
advantage, and should be used to the fullest. Shoot first, with no warnings.
Millenniums End guide to  UltraViolet
Main standard issue equipment is a Sig Sauer P220 pistol, firing Carbon Fragmentation rounds, these rounds
lodge in the body, hopefully in the heart, causing the Code-5 s destruction.
For Strike Squads, H&K MP5 s, with the same ammo type, and Fragmentation grenades loaded with Carbon.
Gas grenades with a distilled solution of Allicin, a chemical derived from Garlic. The weapons being employed show the
part science has to play in the development of weapons against a threat with Occult, and Paranormal characteristics.
All personnel are issued with a Spike. The spike is a device a little larger than a Pen. It is spring loaded to deploy a
carbon spike about 3 inches long from the end. Plunge the spike into the Code-5, and snap the carbon spike of inside the
body to cause termination.
In all cases of a carbon weapon being used for a sanction, the target is the heart, anything less will result in the
Code-5 fighting back, which it is quite capable of doing.
It is quite possible for the branch to procure other weapons depending on requirement, and evidence of effectiveness
against Code-5. The effect of heavier damage by gunshots is not known, there is evidence that Code-5s are capable of
sustaining heavy injuries before being impaired. Use of Incendiary or Fireball shotgun rounds are likely to be fairly effective
at slowing a Code-5 down. To make a reliable kill, Carbon rounds injected into the Chest cavity give the best result.
Neutralised Code-5s are collected, placed in a steel vial, and stored in the Branch headquarters, in a locked,
cryogenically controlled Vault. The Vault is computer controlled, with restricted access to the inventory, and unlock codes.
Now that the Code-5 regeneration process is known, the Vault security systems will more than likely be upgraded.
The Branch has access to most types of Transport, a car pool of various nondescript but powerful saloon cars is
available for Branch personnel for general travel. Strike squads commonly travel in plain panel vans, such as Ford Transits
and Sherpas, and Helicopters, usually Sikorsky S-76Bs. If a certain method of transport is more suitable than these common
vehicles, then they can be obtained in the minimum amount of time. In other countries, more specific modes of transport
may be employed. In the more extreme areas of the UK, 4-wheel drives, and Helicopters more suited to rugged terrain may
be more useful. For most investigative work, personal transport may also be used.
Operative Commitment
The Branch is fairly good for operating expenses, including relocation of personnel, one reason for this is the
proportion of an operatives life that working for 5-Branch can be quite great. For this reason, psychological assessment of
personnel is ongoing, and all efforts are made to ensure personnel do not operate beyond their mental and physical limits for
any length of time. Code-5s are in a position to, and very effective, in using psychological warfare and manipulation, so an
amount of knowledge of psychology is an essential tool in a Branch members armoury.
Millenniums End guide to  UltraViolet
Enemy Tactics.
Some Code-5s have been known to travel in daylight using blacked out vehicles, giving them a certain degree of
mobility, the main risk being the fragility of the glass should the car come under attack. The very fact of this new degree of
travel displays their growing confidence to travel in the outside world. One recent Code-5 case involved interests in building
companies and basement developments, with blacked out windows, no plumbing or heating, perfect Code-5 safe houses.
Code-5s usually have financial interests, often investing through brokers, and banks, financial greed is one of the better ways
to spot, track, and lure Code-5s. Recent penchants for research bodies, and blood disorders have been recorded, Code-5
scientists are branching out, looking at making Code-5 material compatible with the human foetus, with applying Code-5
material with viruses, there are most likely more biological experiments in the pipeline.
The last major Code-5 case, involved a plot involving a relative of a Branch member, the Code-5s wanted his
remains to regenerate him. His knowledge of blood was required to help perfect an artificial blood substitute. There is
currently an ongoing plot to cause a Nuclear Winter, in which Code-5s intend to use methods of mass Code-5 infection to
infect the human populace of the planet, before using a period of complete sun-block over the planet, to take over, using the
artificial blood to tide them over. The timescale for this plan is unknown, including the point along this scale they have
reached. At the moment, the probability is that the plans are still in the development point, but the building blocks are being
put into place at the moment, hence the blood replacement development.
Code-5s use a high degree of Manipulation and Psychological warfare to achieve their aims. Blackmail, corruption
and coercion are the main tools of their trade. Use of close friends and relatives is not uncommon, the youngest three of our
main investigators have all had close affiliations taken, friends and close family, in two of these occasions, these were
primarily to manipulate the investigators in question. The use of Code-5 infection to make the use of suggestion possible is
very powerful, infecting key personnel, and using them to carry out their will. Code-5s operate within a strict power
hierarchy, and the accruing of power, and money are what drives them. This sheer greed is the best clue to their existence,
and activities, there are very few who operate according to any morals. The basic concept of Code-5s precludes emotions,
but there is evidence of exceptions to the rule. The one thing Code-5s have over us is time. In a recent case, a broker was
fronting the finance interested of a Code-5 who had been taken almost 50 years previously, making him capable of investing
over a very long period of time, exponentially increasing the amount of return on investment possible. Coupling this with
the large sums of money possible through stock manipulation and trading, incredibly large sums of money were involved.
Code-5s are very private creatures, publicity is something to be avoided at all costs. Although night-life
appearances are not uncommon, the Code-5 can travel safe in the knowledge that if press or other publicity engines should
try to take advantage of their face, they will not show up on video or photo. The only problem is that this can work against
them, so a certain amount of discretion must be built in. In some ways, these traits of over-confidence, and complacency
need to be encouraged in the Code-5s, making them easier to identify and track.
Millenniums End guide to  UltraViolet
Generally, personnel can come from a variety of backgrounds, the three areas of work the branch is most concerned
with is Investigations, Sanctions of Code-5s, and Research into the Code-5 phenomenon. Police, Military, and Medical
personnel fill these roles adequately, however, first hand knowledge of Code-5s and the right mindset towards them is
usually the first qualification looked for. [Millenniums End stats included with characters, as well as some ideas for strike
squad personnel and some new skills that might be useful.]
Michael Colefield
5-Branch s most recent recruit. Taken on after displaying relevant qualities, and loyalties during recent
investigation into Code-5 financial activities. Activities involved corruption of colleague and friend, who Michael later
sanctioned, subject of investigation is now in storage. Michael is finding it difficult to reconcile himself with some of the
groups activities, especially their separation from personal lives, he was recently part of a blackmail plot which threatened to
undermine 5-Branch s activities. He is still part of the group, and has displayed fine investigative qualities, a valued
Millenniums End Statistics :
30 year old Caucasian Male
180cm 76kg Police Science 50 55
Black Hair, Brown Eyes Forensics 15 70
INT 54 SEN 46 Diplomacy 40 46
AGL 31 COR 46 Prying 10 56
CON 48 STR 61 Law 45 50
PER 58 APP 66 Criminal 10 60
BRA 61 WIL 54 Drive 50 54
Automobile 20 74
Perception : 58 Perception 40
Base Speed : 12 Aim 40 44
Dam. Rating : 6 Smallarm 20 64
Mass Factor : 0.9 Business 20 25
Finance 20 45
Weapon Speed Roll DF/DD Journalism 30 35
Sig P220 22 64 22 Research 25 60
Millenniums End guide to  UltraViolet
Vaughan Rice
Involved in a friendly fire incident during the Gulf war, he was required to Sanction all other members of his squad
when they were taken. Ruthless and highly competent, often leading the strike squads on sanctioning missions. Very
concerned with the integrity of the Branch, and hateful of failure. Likes to get results quickly, may be guilty of being too
hasty in investigations. Vaughan has a lighter side, but has great difficulty showing his emotions, a common trait among
service personnel. Vaughan is also the member most likely to hold the group together in a crisis, others weaknesses often
galvanise Vaughan into action.
Millenniums End Statistics :
33 year old Caribbean Male
190cm 95kg
Black Hair, Brown eyes Police Science 50 57
INT 74 SEN 34 Forensics 15 72
AGL 55 COR 54 Diplomacy 40 44
CON 72 STR 78 Prying 10 54
PER 32 APP 34 Coercion 20 64
BRA 45 WIL 74 Military Science 50 57
Tactics 25 82
Perception : 49 Perception 40
Base Speed : 15 Aim 60 64
Dam. Rating : 6 Smallarm 30 94
Mass Factor : 0.7 Longarm 30 94
Autofire 15 79
Weapon Speed Roll DV/DD Law 30 37
Sig P220 15 94 22 Criminal 10 47
MP5A5 9 94 22 Drive 55 59
(auto) 9 79 22 Auto 30 89
Punch 15 82 6 Unarmed H-to-H 50 57
Spike (stats as Ice Pick) Dodge 25 82
Punch 25 82
Armed H-to-H 45 52
Thrust 20 72
Millenniums End guide to  UltraViolet
Dr. Angela March
The most committed member of the Branch, lost a husband and two children to a Code-5 plot. A cancer specialist
in her own right, she leads the Branch s research programs, and forensic investigative work. Responsible for developing a
vaccine to the Code-5 meningitis strain, she can become very focused on results to the detriment of the human element in the
equation. She has a daughter, but her family life is at risk due to the isolation after dark. Dr Robert March, her husband is in
storage, his crossing over was evidently part of the Code-5s ongoing plot to research Blood substitutes, which play a part in
their long term take-over strategy.
Millenniums End Statistics :
31 year old Caucasian Female Police Science 55 63
180cm 64kg Forensics 30 93
Blonde hair, Hazel eyes Diplomacy 40 45
Prying 20 65
INT 82 SEN 64 Coercion 20 65
AGL 36 COR 46 Law 50 56
CON 49 STR 33 Criminal 25 71
PER 34 APP 64 Civil/Business 20 76
BRA 64 WIL 46 Drive 45 50
Automobile 20 70
Perception : 62 Perception 40
Base Speed : 13 Aim 45 50
Dam. Rating : 4 Smallarm 20 70
Mass Factor : 1.1 Medicine 50 56
Emergency 15 71
Weapon Speed Roll DV/DD General Practice 20 76
Sig P220 13 70 22 Pharmacy 50 56
Surgery 55 61
Biology 55 63
Microbiology 25 88
Code-5 25 88
Psychology 40 45
Code-5 20 65
Millenniums End guide to  UltraViolet
Father Pearse J Harman
The head of 5-Branch, a priest with connections to the Vatican, and to the higher levels of Government. A calm, collected
investigator, directing the Branch s strategy, and responsible for Michael Colefield s recruitment. Completely committed to
the work of the Branch, he has had at least one offer from the Code-5s to be taken, this is especially relevant in the light of
his recent diagnosed Hodgkin s Lymphoma, a type of cancer, which can be treated, but generally is incurable, i.e. terminal.
The offer of immortality was turned down by Pearse, as he used it to extract information from the Code-5 in question.
Millenniums End Statistics :
46 year old Caucasian Male Police Science 50 75
180cm 87kg Forensics 25 100
Black/Grey hair, Brown eyes Diplomacy 55 61
INT 75 SEN 56 Prying 25 86
AGL 31 COR 46 Law 60 67
CON 34 STR 36 Criminal 30 97
PER 54 APP 62 Civil/Business 30 97
BRA 65 WIL 64 Aim 35 39
Smallarm 15 54
Perception : 44 Philosophy 45 52
Base Speed : 12 Western 25 77
Dam. Rating : 4 Eastern 25 77
Mass Factor : 0.8 Literature 40 47
Religion 20 67
Weapon Speed Roll DV/DD Anthropology 35 42
Sig P220 12 54 22 Christian Culture 15 22
Psychology 45 53
Code-5 25 88
Drive 35 39
Automobile 25 64
History 35 42
Ancient 25 67
European 25 67
Modern 25 67
Perception 20
Millenniums End guide to  UltraViolet
Other Personnel
The Branch is ably supported by Technicians, Guards, administrative personnel, and the Strike Squads.
Strike Squads :
For the strike squads, use the elit counterterrorist personnel statistics from the Terrorism/Counter-Terrorism
handbook. All ammunition should use Glaser round stats for the Fragmenting Carbon rounds used to take down Code-5s. In
civilians it has basic Glaser round effects, used on a Code-5, if there is a successful hit on the Chest location, and there has
been no body armour to have any effect, after a delay of 5 seconds, the Code-6 will combust, with stun effects to anyone
within 3 metres. Grenades ditto, Gas grenades carrying Allicin only effect Code-5s, with no effect on normal civilians, apart
from a bad odour. All strike squads use tactical headsets, and carry night vision goggles. Quite often night vision goggles
will be discarded once on scene, in order to aid identification of Code-5s using the Half silvered mirror mounted on their
weapons. Use of Incendiary weapons si likely to be debilitating, but not fatal to the Code-5.
Code-5 NPCs.
Code-5 characters are enhanced physically, so CON, STR, and AGL should be increased by about 15 to 20. Ignore
wounds to any area other than the Chest cavity, and only then if the wounds are caused by wooden objects, or Carbon based
weapons. In this case, the Code-5 will detonate in a matter of seconds.
Acknowledgements :
Many thanks to World Productions, who created Ultraviolet, and Channel 4 for screening it. The ownership of the
Ultraviolet Copyright probably goes to those two. Thanks also to Roger Stenning, who did a quick conversion of the UV
team for ME, (inspiring me to write this up) and for not worrying about me going over his head and writing a full length
document on the 5-Branch.
There are currently rumours flying round over the re-organisation of Chameleon-Eclectic, I hope that none of the re-
organisation plans will jeopardise continuing development of the Millenniums End game line.


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