The Shroud What Is the Shroud

But that was only the beginning. Babes born after the
Not long ago, in the once-frozen North, beneath vast
Shroud came developed odd appearances milky skin,
glaciers that covered the ground, a single chasm miles
pale eyes, strange auras. Newborn snow-apes of the
across, countries long opened to swallow the ice, taking
surrounding forest developed a frightening new intelli-
small tribal villages with it. Shortly after, a strange
gence and then learned speech from the neighboring
and dire mist billowed forth the ice, melted and
race. These races are now known collectively as the
transformed into fog, warm and fetid. In time, the fog
Shroudborn, and at times develop strange gifts tinged by
covered all of the northern lands and came to be known
touch of death.
as the Shroud.
Other animals also changed suddenly, unpredict-
At first, it was merely the unshakable warmth that
ably, giving rise to monsters seemingly part flesh,
the Shroud brought that troubled the North. Unable to
part spectre. But worst of all, in thawing graveyards
handle such a change, choked off from exposure to the
throughout the North, the dead began to rise and walk.
sun, many crops began to die (to this day, the cuisine of
Hidden by fog, the growing undead presence in
the North is now characterized by fungus and root vege-
Shroudlands cannot be estimated with any accuracy.
tables). Famine broke out among those kingdoms too
But it is they that can make an entire town vanish
slow to adapt. Even the strange spirit-speaking tribes of
overnight, leaving only the echoes of unheard screams
the Ghostcrag Peaks, usually quite insular, came down
lingering in the air. It is they that seek out ancient
from their fastnesses in search of food and other things,
burial sites that they might visit some fresh corruption
the Shroud reaching high enough to smoke them out of
upon the noble spirits there entombed. It is they that
their homes.
Races of the Shroud | What Is the Shroud?
build their barges of bone and sinew and ride down the It is this place, the lands of the Shroud, where we first
stinking, meltwater-swollen Dusken River, to make war focus our attention. Over the course of the next several
on southern lands. months, we ll reveal the races, abilities, creatures, arti-
(The Dusken is no longer the main artery of trade facts, and locales of the Shroud and the Shroudborn
instead, it is a cancerous heart pumping poison into but as noted, we ll be leaving plenty of room for you to
the land. Down in the Lich Field delta where the river make it your own. Among the products you ll be seeing:
spreads out like a grasping hand, the Poison Gulf births
milk-eyed krakens that plague the seas beyond.) * The Witch Doctor
But that is far away from the Shroud, where many * Races of the Shroud: The Apelord
more dead yet walk and never set foot on their barges of * Races of the Shroud: The Shroudborn
death. Much of the walking dead are brainless, but too * Shrouded Agendas
many of the rest have a lively, evil intellect that they turn * River of Death
toward dark purposes. It is some small mercy that none * And more!
of them have devised a common scheme that would
unite them in a single, vile purpose much like the Join us! With the land s future shrouded in mystery,
living, they too are locked in squabbles of their own, rife who will summon the courage to bring order to the
with infighting over their own set of scarce resources. madness? Who will venture into the depths of the
Though whatever stirs in the darkest depths of the great cracked-open earth, seeking fame and fortune? Who
rift may have ideas of its own& will search for the cause of the Shroud and quest for a
You will.
Every year, more and more
of the land crumbles and
collapses into the ground, If you re interested in learning more about the Shroud,
revealing vast, sudden as well as other One Bad Egg products, visit our
canyons. The bravest souls website at:
among us must face the
dangers rising from beneath
their feet, now wakening
from their ancient slumber.
In this new, dying world, you
don t invade the dungeon
the dungeon invades you.
The world is an angry
ant-hill kicked over by the
boots of the gods. Beneath the ground lie the hidden
places, teeming with life and unlife none too happy to
have their roof coming down around their ears. Old
dungeons, hidden lairs, and buried cities now find
their treasures laid bare to the avarice of the surface-
dwellers and find a rapacious greed of their own in the
opportunities for fresh plunder now available topside.
Everywhere, kingdoms fall and wars break out as
once-mighty realms discover their farmlands have just
disappeared into the hungry ground. The land has been
forever changed but there is no place in all the world
more changed than the North. This document ©2008 by One Bad Egg, LLC.
Races of the Shroud | What Is the Shroud?


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