Nightbane World War II

NightBane: World War 2
The lab was silent as the candlelight flared up and licked the ceiling around the 12
scientists. The pentagram began to glow an eerie crimson red and rise from the floor, the
light bathed the room in a creepy glow and a form started to materialize. Moments later
an Aryan stood in the pentagram, clad in demonic looking black armor, Price Rafu had
Months later a team of SS soldiers uncovered a golden cup embedded with gemstones.
Rafu stepped forward and took from his hands, raised it into the sun and cursed some
long forgotten name. He quickly placed the cup in a wooden crate and began the long
journey back to the homeland, the only place he could keep it safe from the hands of the
in-pure ones, those disgusting NightBane!
NEW Skills and Skill Notes:
Physical: Basic Training
Representative of the strenuous training one goes through when enlisted in
the military. +4d6 SDC, +2 PS, +1d4 PE, +2 Spd
Communications/Electrical: Radio Repair 35%+5%
This skill is the specialized ability to repair the 1-way radios of the civilian
population. This skill can be used to repair 2 way radios at -5%. Requires: Basic
Electronics and Radio: Basic
Technical: Lore: Politics 45%+5%
Lore: Politics is the knowledge of how government works, the different
types of government philosophies such as Marxism and the principal of laissez-faire.
Also known is a general knowledge of government figureheads worldwide.
Technical: Computer Operations 15% +2%
This is the operation of the VERY PRIMITIVE computers of the middle
1900s, exclusive to the Communications Officer and Combat Engineer.
Electrical: Basic Electronics (Note)
This skill advances slower than usual because of the general lack of
knowledge about electronics at the time of World War 2.
Military OCCs:
Creation Note:
Choose 4 Skills from the list below and give them a (+10%) bonus, they should
reflect your character s pre-military profession. After that, choose 2 skills from any
of the categories below, these reflect your character s hobbies, and do not get any
bonuses. At levels 3, 6, 9, and 14 choose 2 skills - start at level 1 proficiency.
OCC: Communications Officer (Req: IQ: 13, PE: 11)
Lang/Lit: Native 98% Lang/Lit: 2 of Choice (+10%) Math: Basic (+15%)
Swimming (+5%) Climbing (+5%) Basic Training
First Aid (+5%) Radio: Basic 98% Wilderness Survival (+5%)
Cryptography (+15%) Radio: Scramblers (+15%) Surveillance Systems (+10%)
Basic Electronics (+10%) Read Sensory Equipment (+10%) Math: Advanced (+5%)
Computer Operation (+5%) WP: Pistol Hand to Hand: Basic
Equipment: Canteen, 2 weeks rations, Helmet (15 SDC, AR: 14), 2 Field Uniforms, 1
Dress Uniform, First Aid Kit, Pistol (6 clips), long range radio (25 miles), electronics
repair kit, tent, 2d4 spare vacuum tubes, survival knife, and binoculars.
OCC: Infantry (Req: PS: 8, PE: 8)
These guys are the grunts and the backbone of the army. They take
The bullets and dig in at the trenches. Anyone in reasonably good health
Can become a grunt. Many grunts become gruff and disillusioned by the
Constant fighting, [OPTIONAL] in fact, after 2 years of fighting most
Develop either an insanity (30%) or alcoholism (45%) if their mental
endurance is under 14.
Language: Native 98% Literacy: Native 98% Math: Basic (+15%)
Swimming (+15%) Climbing (+15%) Basic Training
First Aid (+15%) Radio: Basic (+15%) Wilderness Survival (+15%)
WP: Pistol WP: Rifle WP: Bayonet
WP: Heavy Running Boxing
Pilot: Tanks & APCs (+10%) Demolitions (+5%) Hand to Hand: Expert
Equipment: Canteen, 2 weeks rations, Helmet (15 SDC, AR: 14), 2 Field Uniforms, 1
Dress Uniform, First Aid Kit, Pistol (6 clips), Rifle (10 Clips), Bayonet for rifle (1d6+1
SDC), 8 grenades, and binoculars.
OCC: Pilot (Req: IQ: 12, ME: 12, PE: 14)
Perhaps the most romantic part of the war, these guys were often caught in dog fights or
drop supplies to the guys in the front lines. These  aces were often
celebrated in film and radio for years after the war.
Lang/Lit: Native 98% Math: Basic (+15%) Swimming (+10%)
Climbing (+10%) Basic Training First Aid (+12%)
Radio: Basic (+10%) Wilderness Survival (+12%) WP: Pistol
Pilot: Airplane (+15%) Weapon Systems (+10%) Navigation (+10%)
Read Sensor Equip. (+10%) Parachuting (+10%) Astronomy (+5%)
Aircraft Mechanics (+5%) Detect Concealment (+5%) Hand to Hand: Basic
Equipment: Canteen, 2 weeks rations, Helmet (18 SDC, AR: 16), 2 Field Uniforms, 1
Dress Uniform, First Aid Kit, Pistol (6 clips), survival knife, binoculars, parachute, flight
jumpsuit, star maps, terrain map, survival kit, goggles, and assigned to a plane of player s
choice (usually small, such as the P-51 Mustang).
OCC: Marine/OSS Agent (Req: IQ: 11, PS: 14, PE: 14, PP: 14, Spd: 12)
The true elite of the Army, these men were trained much harder than the average
soldier. They were often sent in alone or in a small group (3-6) to enemy territory
To accomplish objectives judged too dangerous for a large-scale attack. They tend to
rely on stealth and silent weapons, and try to avoid using guns if at all possible.
Lang/Lit: Native 98% Math: Basic (+15%) Swimming (+10%)
Climbing (+20%) Basic Training First Aid (+20%)
Radio: Basic (+5%) Wilderness Survival (+20%) WP: Pistol
WP: Rifle WP: Knife Sniper
Tracking (+15%) Land Navigation (+15%) Detect Ambush (+15%)
Detect Concealment (+10%) Trap Construction (+15%) Prowl (+15%)
Athletics Boxing Hand to Hand: Martial Arts
Equipment: Canteen, 2 weeks rations, Helmet (15 SDC, AR: 14), 2 Field Uniforms, 1
Dress Uniform, First Aid Kit, Pistol (6 clips), tent, survival knife, and binoculars, high-
power rifle (10 clips), 4 grenades, 50ft rope, terrain map, compass, garrote cord
OCC: Sailor (Req: IQ: 10, ME: 15)
Lang/Lit: Native 98% Math: Basic (+15%) Scuba (+15%)
Climbing (+5%) Basic Training First Aid (+5%)
Radio: Basic (+10%) Wilderness Survival (+10%) WP: Pistol
Demolitions (+10%) WP: Harpoon Gun WP: Knife
Detect Ambush (+10%) Prowl (+10%) Wrestling
Astronomy (+10%) Pilot: Small Boats (+10%) Navigation (+10%)
Equipment: Canteen, 2 weeks rations, Helmet (15 SDC, AR: 14), 2 Field Uniforms, 1
Dress Uniform, First Aid Kit, Pistol (6 clips), tent, 2d4 knives, binoculars, inflatable raft,
life vest, survival kit, 4d4x10 water-proof matches
OCC: Medic (Req: IQ: 16, ME: 13, PP: 9)
Lang/Lit: Native 98% Math: Basic (+15%) Swimming (+5%)
Climbing (+5%) Basic Training Radio: Basic (+10%)
Wilderness Survival (+5%) WP: Pistol WP: Knife
Medical Doctor (+20%) Pilot: Automobile (+5%) Biology (+10%)
Math: Advanced (+15%) Toxicology (+15%) Hand to Hand: Basic
Equipment: Canteen, 2 weeks rations, Helmet (15 SDC, AR: 14), 2 Field Uniforms, 1
Dress Uniform, First Aid Kit, Pistol (6 clips), long range radio (25 miles), tent, survival
knife, binoculars, Field Surgeon s kit, Jeep.
OCC: Combat Engineer (Req: IQ: 15)
Lang/Lit: Native 98% Math: Basic (+15%) Swimming (+5%)
Climbing (+5%) Basic Training First Aid (+10%)
Radio: Basic (+10%) Wilderness Survival (+5%) WP: Pistol
Basic Electronics (+15%) Auto Mechanics (+15%) Math: Advanced (+20%)
Mechanical Engineer (+20%) Demolitions (+10%) Demolitions Disposal (+10%)
Pilot: Trucks (+10%) Read Sensory Equip. (+10%) Camouflage (+15%)
Trap Construction (+15%) Hand to Hand: Basic
Equipment: Canteen, 2 weeks rations, Helmet (15 SDC, AR: 14), 2 Field Uniforms, 1
Dress Uniform, First Aid Kit, Pistol (6 clips), long range radio (25 miles), electronics
repair kit, tent, 2d4 spare vacuum tubes, survival knife, binoculars, complete tool kit, 4d6
lbs. of plastique, 6d6 yards of camouflage netting, Starting vehicle is a truck.
Nocturne OCCs:
About the Nocturnes:
The Nocturnes were established by a mysterious entity around 1700. A group of
human slaves were fleeing from a pack of hounds and hunters in the nightlands
After escaping a darkblade forge when a motley crew of 3 nightbane and 2 secondary
vampires rescued them. After taking haven in an abandoned mine the
Nightbane offered to return to the Humans back to earth, most of the humans accepted
but 4 decided they would stay. These humans asked if they could visit Earth to gather
supplies and get their affairs in order, then they would return. It was agreed that one
of the nightbane, Leos, would accompany them and they would meet back here in 3
weeks. The weeks passed and the humans obtained everything they could and stored
it in the nightlands. By the end of the three weeks they had gotten a small arsenal of
small arms and even a WASP armored vehicle. Using this equipment they staged
a number of raids on bordering slave pens and freed countless humans. Although
many of these humans wished to return to earth, a few stayed behind to help the
growing number, and a large amount of those even requested that the vampires
of the group embrace them so they may better help their human allies. As time
went on, the group became stronger and the 9 remaining secondary vampires
finally perfected a technique in which they could turn humans into Wampyres.
Leading to a sharp decrease in humans in the Nocturne resistance. As the stigma
Of being a vampire disappeared many volunteered to risk becoming a wild vampire to
be embraced while nearly all the rest became wampyres of their own free will.
Nocturne Population:
3,000 and growing
12% Nightbane
20% Human
21% Vampire
41% Wampyres
6% Other
Nocturne Resistance Fighter
These guys are those that chose to stay in the nightlands and
Fight after they were freed buy the nocturnes. They were trained and given elementary
weapons. Anyone can become a fighter, it
Doesn t matter if you are nightbane, human, vampire, or something else.
Requirements: NONE, only a will to fight
Bonuses: +2d6 SDC, +2 PE
Lang: American (+20%) Camouflage (+10%) Prowl (+20%)
Wilderness Survival Lore: Nighlands (+10%) Lore: Demon & Monster
(+10%) (+10%)
WP: Sword WP: Rifle WP: Pistol
Athletics Running HTH: Basic
Select 4 OCC Related Skills (All categories open except medical)
Select 7 Secondary Skills
Equipment: Rifle with Bayonet and 2d6 clips, 1d4-1 Grenades (yes, it could be zero)
40% have a darkblade of some sort, Basic Survival Gear, 1 set of cheap
clothing. Money: $2d6+5 (Remember, these guys are former slaves or other
Nightlands denizens)
Nightlands Tracker OCC
The Tracker is a driven individual, always human, who woke up one day and
found himself in the nightlands. He is never certain how he got there, but he heard the
mirror wall calling to him. Telling him to become a defender against the dark and stop
the nightlords from shattering it.
Reality: Before dark day, mirror-walking had a strange effect. Every time a minion of a
nightlord crossed over to Earth, a small fragment of the mirror-wall always remained in
the nightlands. The fragments usually dissolve after only a number of minutes but
sometimes they became permanent. Humans can only utilize these shards, but first they
must be found. They cannot be seen by any creature, supernatural or not except mirror-
mages and the tracker. Mirror Mages cannot use them, however, because they are
already charged with large amounts of PPE.
All trackers goal is to find a shard of the mirror wall and absorb it. Trackers will not use
darkblades under any circumstance.
Requirements: Good Alignment, IQ: 10, ME: 16, PS: 13, PE: 13, Spd: 13
Lang/Lit: Native 98% Wilderness Survival Tracking 98%
Prowl (+15%) Pilot: Automobile (+10%) Climbing (+10/+10)
Swimming (+10%) Boxing HTH: Martial Arts
Choose 6 OCC related Skills and 4 secondary skills (any category except electrical,
mechanical, and medical)
Starts with nothing
The Tracker is a progressive OCC, as such he/she gains skills and abilities every new
Level 1:
PS is supernatural
Land Navigation 98%
+1d4x10+10 PPE
Globe of Daylight (Same as Spell, costs triple PPE but only 1 action to cast)
Level 2:
Mirror Walk (5 PPE, takes 1 melee. Self and 60 lbs only)
+4d6 SDC, +1d6 HP
Level 3:
Sight of the Shard
-Has learned enough to sense shards of the mirror wall. Will fight his/her shard in 1d6
After shard has been found, he/she loses this ability.
Level 4:
2 new non-professional skills of choice (+15%)
Level 5:
Gain 2 spells from levels 1-3, each. (cannot learn new spells, intuitively known)
Level 6:
+3d6 PPE, Can take others across mirror wall with himself at 12 PPE per person.
Level 7:
Gain Spell: Invisibility Superior, +2d6 ME, +1d6 PE
Levels 8-10:
Learns 1 new skill at (+5%) and +5d6 PPE
Levels 11-14: +4d6 PPE
Level 15:
Double PPE and add 2 attacks per melee
When the shard is located and the tracker picks it up, it melds in his/her hand and is
absorbed into the skin. The Tracker has a new sense of purpose (destroy the nightlords
and their minions on earth and prevent Humans from entering the nightlands) To
accomplish these goals, the shard instills a number of bonuses. +1d4x10 HP, +2
Strike/Parry/Dodge, Sense Minions of the nightlords (60ft radius, 30%/+2% per lvl)
Summon MirrorWall Armor  60 SDC, AR: 16, Duration: 30 minutes (20 PPE)
Summon Reflective Sword  2d6 Damage, +1d6 every other level; Duration: 30 minutes
(20 PPE)
Double damage to supernatural creatures
Conversions: Vehicles
Light Tanks Medium Tanks Heavy Tanks
German SIG 33 British Sherman Firefly British Centurion
British Mk.VI. French S35 French B1
British Mk.VI. Crusader II US M4 General Sherman
Canadian Mk.I Ram
Canadian Mk.II Ram
German PzKpfw.II
US M22 Locust
French FT-17
German PzKpfw.I
Infantry Tanks Anti-Armor Tanks
British Mk.II. Matilda German PanzerJager
British Mk.III. Matilda German Marder I
British Mk.IV. Churchill
Anti-Aircraft Tanks Scout & Recon Cars
Canadian Crusader III Anti-Aircraft Tank Canadian Lynx Scout Car
Canadian Skink Anti-Aircraft Tank Canadian Otter Light Recon Car
Light Tanks Medium Tanks Heavy Tanks
Crew: 2 4 5
Speed: 40 mph 35 mph 25 mph
Engine Range: 100 miles 150 miles 130 miles
Armor: 200 SDC, AR: 12 300 SDC, AR: 14 380 SDC, AR: 16
Main Cannon
Damage: 6d6 SDC 1d4+1x10 SDC 1d6+1x10 SDC
Range: 600ft 600ft 600ft
Payload: 300 rounds 300 rounds 350 rounds
Rate of Fire: 4 per melee 4 per melee 3 per melee
Canadian 15-CWT - Armored Truck
Crew: 2 (Driver and Navigator)
Passengers: 8
Speed: 65 mph
Engine: Gasoline (160 mile range)
Armor: 120 SDC, AR: 14
Canadian Kangaroo APC
Crew: 2 (Driver and Navigator)
Passengers: 24
Speed: 60 mph
Engine: Gasoline (120 mile range)
Armor: 200 SDC, AR: 16
Canadian Mk.II Wasp - Flame Thrower Armored Car
Crew: 3 (Driver, Navigator, and Gunner)
Passengers: 1
Speed: 60 mph
Engine: Gasoline (120 mile range)
Armor: 160, AR: !5
Flame Thrower:
Damage: 2d10x10 SDC
plus ignition of all combustibles
Range: 1,500 ft
Rate of Fire: Equal to gunner s HTH attacks
Payload: Varies, Enough to last a good size battle
A-2 & V-2 Rocket Bombs (Nazi)
Armor: SDC: 40, AR: 8
Max. Altitude: 35,000 ft
Range: 4 miles (Usually less)
Damage: 2d4x10 SDC to a 20ft Radius
Nazi Biber midget Submarine
Armor: SDC: 75, AR: 10
Displacement: 6.25 tons
Speed: 6.5 knots
Range: 130 miles
Crew: 1
Armaments: 2 21-inch torpedoes (2d6x10 SDC)
Nazi Potato Masher (Grenade)
Damage: 5d6, Radius: 60ft
US Military Tommy Gun
Damage: 10 shot bursts does 1d4x10 SDC
Range: 200ft
Rate of Fire: Burst, Wild, Spray
Payload: 30 round box or 50 round can
Cost: $209.00
Nazi Poison Gas
Released by a variety of methods , Nazis often used it to clear hardened
Allied lines and kill dug-in infantry.
Victims must make a save vs. Lethal Poison
Damage: 3d6 direct to HP if a save if made
6d6 direct to HP if the save is failed
Area Effect: Usually 40-60 feet
In heavy winds the Area of effect is doubled.
Duration: The gas hangs in the air for 2d6x10 minutes
Race: Wraith (Result of Death Camps)
 Sir, at 1500 hours a Jew climbed out of the grave. He attacked and killed 19
soldiers before the flamer crew finally cut him down. This is the 8th incident this month,
wee must report this to the General.
 No, the occult division is already working on finding a solution, but personally,
I fear that these incidents will continue to occur as long as we operate like this.
Do not report these incidents to anyone, is that clear?
 Yes Sir.
Wraiths are the supernatural dead who have died horrible deaths. There are a great many
of these located around Death Camps, they seek a single goal (even if that goal cannot be
obtained.) once that goal is obtained, and the Wraith passes on to the other side. They are
incredibly resistant to damage, with only fire actually harming them.
Optional Player Character
IQ: 3d6 ME: 4d6 MA: 3d4 PS: 4d6 PP: 4d6 PE: 4d6 PB: 1d4+1 Spd: 4d6
SDC: None HP: 2d6x10 PPE: 5d6 HF: 12
Special Abilities:
Regen 4d6 hp per melee
Turn intangible at will (Self and clothing only, once per melee)
Takes only 1 point of damage from most attacks
Fire does full damage, magic and psionics do double damage
OCC Restrictions: No magic or Psionic OCCs
Science of Death: The Chemical Zombie (Nazi Experiment)
Dear Laura, I realize the censors will most likely cut this out but I must tell someone of
my fears. We were in the middle of a battle when my CO told myself and 8 others to
circle around and blow the bridge. We stumbled through the dense black forest avoiding
the various traps and such that those Huns had laid for us when we came across the Nazi
Medical tent. Our Engineer said this would be a perfect opportunity to strike a blow for
freedom and we went about setting a charge.
God Laura, it was all my fault! If I hadn t have tripped we would all be alive today. But
I did, the 2 guards ran out but we greatly outnumbered them. Then the doctor ran over to
a table and grabbed a needle. He opened several body bags and injected the bodies with
some strange liquid. Moments later these dead people rose and attacked us in a
whirlwind frenzy. Ensign Wartog and myself were the only 2 that survived.
I had to have my leg amputated at the knee, so I should be coming home soon and we can
get married, if you still want me. I fear that Europe won t last long though, the Nazis are
very powerful& .and if they can raise the dead, what else can they do?
All my love,
Bobby Smith
One of the most successful Nazi Experiments was bringing back the dead. A special
chemical cocktail is injected into a dead corpse after death, if injected within 6 hours of
death the dead will raise and become essentially cannon fodder lashing out at everything
it can find. Nazi medics usually carry 12 doses and use them on the dead during battle.
IQ: 1d4 (Low animal intelligence) ME: 1d4 MA: 1d4 PS: 1d4x10 PP: 2d6 PE: 6d6 PB:
3d4 Spd: 2d6
SDC: 1d4x100 HP: 1d6 AR: 10
Hand-to-Hand: 5 Attacks, Only bonuses from Strength apply.
They keep fighting until they are destroyed or until they Fatigue (see Physical
At the point of fatigue, the body goes limp and lifeless, it cannot be re-injected or
resurrected by any means (Magic or medical)
Nazi Occult Division:
Head: Albert Schwartz (Prince Rafu)
Magic Users: 3 Sorcerers and 1 Mirror Mage
SS Officers: 420
Disguised Hounds: 200
Occult Scientists: 76 (Equivalent to Acolytes with many science skills)
Magic Users: 4 (3 Sorcerers and 1 Mirror Mage)
Total Personnel: 700
NPC: Rafu (Night Prince in Charge of Occult Division)
Rafu was summoned to earth in the by the Occult Division in the Early Days of World
War 2. He masqueraded as an Aryan human sorcerer as quickly gained control of the
Occult Division of the Military. He has increased the potential of the occult division
100 fold. There are now 4 full-fledged sorcerers (levels 5,2,1,3) instead of just the 1
and Rafu has summoned over 300 hounds to Earth. The hounds are almost exclusive
assigned to the task of locating the Spear of Destiny, the exception to this is the 40
Hounds that
are always guarding the Holy Grail. If Rafu is not defeated soon, the Allies may well
lose the war and the Holocaust will continue, which is what he wants. You see, the death
play on Hitler s Racism but they also serve the Ba al a purpose. They are currently
fueling Rafu s
ritual for summoning hounds but if a few more can be completed and put into operation
(total needed is 50). It is possible that he will be able to permanently breach the mirror-
wall and let Lord Magog come to Earth. 3 Hounds disguised as SS Soldiers always
accompany Rafu, there are 4 more guarding Hitler, and usually at least 5 at each Death
Level 7, Alias: Albert Schwartz
IQ: 21 ME: 26 MA: 19 PS: 28 PP: 17 PE: 31 PB: 15 Spd: 23
SDC: 200 HP: 121 PPE: 405
All usual night Prince Knowledge and abilities
Spear of Destiny
The Roman Guards at the Crucifixion of Christ to stab him in the sides and torture him
used this object. As his blood ran down the spear tip, it was transformed into an object of
profound mystic power. Legend holds that the ruler of the Roman Empire found out
about this artifact and carried it with him always, when he died it was to be buried with
him. Hundreds of years later his grave was robbed and the spear tip was taken (the shaft
had rotted away). No one knows where tip is currently but a good guess would be an
antique shop or private collection.
IQ: 32
Alignment: Diabolic
Shape-shift into Roman Helm
Artifact Armor, Anti-Magic, Energy Blast, Shatter the Mirror Wall*
*Shatter the Mirror Wall: Using this power permanently destroys the mirror wall,
allowing anyone to mirror-walk or cross from the nightlands to earth and vise-versa
instantly and without PPE cost.
Holy Grail
A Simple Grail that Christ drank from at the last supper. Jesus Christ, having the
foreknowledge of what was to happen with the creation of the Spear of Destiny, decided
he would need to leave behind a way to defeat those who would use the Spear of Destiny.
Int: 34
Alignment: Principled
Shapeshift into Crusifix
Artifact Armor (1000 SDC, AR: 20), Anti-Magic, Dark Destroyer, Seal the Mirror
*Seal the Mirror Wall: This will permanently seal the mirror wall and prevent anyone
in the
nightlands from ever gaining access to earth, ever! Using this
will permanently destroy the Holy Grail and the spear of
Death Camps:
The death camps serve to remind us the entire truly demented mind of Adolph Hitler,
for some were already running before Rafu arrived but after his arrival, the death camp
idea was re-designed and more actively pursued, many more were built. No one knows
the true purpose of the Death Camps besides Prince Rafu, and, unless stopped, by the
time everyone discovers the truth, it will be to late&
The Death Camps created after Prince Rafu camp along are designed, not only to provide
an agonizing to death to millions to store their PPE in large, underground vats until
enough PPE can be collected to breach the mirror wall and allow the nightlords through.
The PPE manifests in cisterns as a blood-like liquid that swirls constantly.
Death Camp Stats:
PPE: 4,000
Alignment: Diabolic
IQ: 6
Personnel: Hundreds of Human Nazis and every death camp has a group of at
least 15
Shining Legion (Nightbane Underground Railroad contact)
Shining Legion was born in Russia in the late 1300s. He was raised in a typical
Russian family, with his father being a simple shoemaker. He was caught out in the
woods during a sudden snowstorm where he was forced to hide in a small cave and eat
grubs for a number of days before
His family found him. While they were walking back to the village where they lived, a
starving bear attacked, mauling his family and killing both of his parents, frightened and
furious, he underwent his first becoming. He transformed in a massive centuroid ant with
a fiery aura and blasted the bear several times. In the following weeks he was contacted
by the Underground Railroad and escorted to France where he was taught about his race
and the nightlands.
Shining Legion is part of a growing faction in the railroad that wants to take an active
stand against the Nazis, but the majority still wishes to remain out of human affairs. He
is currently helping prisoners escape death camps and giving the allies tips on prison
trains and troop movements.
No one has ever seen SL in his morphus (and lived), and he has never openly attacked
anyone, he prefers to keep quite and let others fight.
Viewpoints and Positions of the Factions in the 1940s.
The Resistance:
Is very small during this time period, only about 120 members strong. They only
have the vaguest ideas of Prince Rafu but have noticed a large increase in the number of
The Nocturnes:
The Nocturnes originated from this time period. Pendragon, a vampire created in
the nightlands, organized them; he severed his link with vampire intelligence hundreds of
thousands of years earlier. Contrary to popular belief, the nocturnes do not take their
name from the fact vampires and nightbane walk among them but from the fact that the
group was started in the Nightlands.
It is uncertain exactly where they first met, but it is believed to be somewhere in the
eastern coast of nightlands America. The began to stage A large number of raids into
New York, eventually they were forced underground, at that point, they fled to
Nightlands Asia and began to Attack the nightlands versions of death camps, freeing
countless humans, Most of whom returned home, but a few joined this group, even
volunteering to become vampires! They now have cells operating In Nightlands France
(the largest group and the nightlands version of the allied underground), Nightlands
Moscow (only about 60 members), Nightlands Britain, and a war camp in the Atlantic
Desert that stages raids in both America and Europe.
The Nightbane Underground Railroad:
As usual, the railroad has taken a wait and see stance, preferring to stay out of human
affairs, they continue to rescue and educate young nightbane.
The Seekers:
The seekers know a lot about the Nazi occult division and have staged several raids to
Acquire objects that the Nazi Occult Division has had. They know something is up, but
they aren t sure what yet or why there are hounds working for the Nazis. There have
been several run-ins between the hounds and seekers when pursuing spell tomes and
magical artifacts around the world. Luckily, Rafu has more pressing matters to attend to
than dealing with a few human  Dabblers .
Cults of the Night:
Cults are springing up all over Germany. It is even rumored that there is one operating
in the American mid-west! Generally speaking though, these groups are small (4-8
members) and try to stay away from the
General public.
The Guardians:
Few of these mysterious beings exist at this point in time, when they are seen, they are
considered avenging angels by the Allies and Jewish people,
The Nazis consider them angels as well, but they can t understand why they attack
them& No human will willingly fight a guardian
But hounds and Prince Rafu have no problems slaying them.
Use of Trenches in Game Terms
Infantry usually  dug-in to defend and hold a position,
Although it may seen silly to fight from a hole in the ground it was actually very
effective at stopping the foot troopers of the Nazis. Trenches
That were combined with multiple machine guns were especially effective and very
deadly. Sometimes trenches were surrounded with barbed wire and mines as well to
impede enemy troops even more. Trenches were usually 4-6 feet deep so that a normal-
sized human could sit down and
Be totally unhittable.
In Game Terms this translates into giving attackers from the ground
a  7 to strike anyone in a trench if the trench soldier is standing and
if sitting down or hiding in the trench attackers are  14 to strike.
However, if an enemy makes it up to the trench (Within 4 feet) or has high
Ground where he can clearly shoot into the trench, all penalties are negated and the
soldiers in the trench have a  4 to dodge because of the cramped space.
Often times Nazis and Americans alike would use flamethrowers to quickly clear out a
machine-gun nest or trench and the Nazis also made very good use of poison gases
(described earlier).
NPC: Adolph Hitler
Please tell me you don t need a description for this guy.
Age: 34 (Will vary according to your time-period)
IQ: 11 ME: 18 MA: 24 PS: 12 PP: 10 PE: 16 PB: 12 Spd: 11
SDC: 32 HP: 34
Skills of Note: Public Oratory 98%, WP: Pistol, Rifle, Knife, Sniper,
Prowl 75%, Swim 80%, Climb 98%/98%, Divination 40%
Lang/Lit German, French, and Italian 98%
Has all of the Axis powers at his beck and call.
Always accompanied by a human honor guard and at least 5 hounds.


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