wyklad na regmet z FR ENG

I would like present whole process how get a sponsor.
what can you get working in FR??
Good FR-person is:
Be carefull about discouragement (zniechęcenie)
What's important in FR ??
 Preparing !!
 It's mean: knowledge about AEGEE, about project, about what you want from company letters,
PR material etc.. but about that later.
Is FR so hard ??
NO, you need only time.
Do I need experience? (ania kotnis)
Not especcially. It's enough your time (quite much) on the beginning and hard work. When you are
getting better you need less time.
How much time I need for FR ??
If you are looking for 3-4 sponsors, you need call at least to 30-40 companies. It's take about two
weeks, 20-30h/week  for one person.
knowledge about negotiations, communications and image it's not so important!! ( my mistakes 
running and metodysci )
When I should start FR for project ?? (etapy pracy.. ile na co pracy??)
(it's depends. What project, what kind of companies. I started about 1-1,5 months before the event,
but sometimes it was not enough)
What I need to know before about the project starting the FR??
 patrons, media patrons, what PR will be , the target group of project, budget(you will know what
you can get from sponsors)
Strategy of FR??
Limit the number of companies to approach
Decide on the approach you are going to have
Make a task division in your team (who is responsible for FR?)
you have to know what do you want sell!!!
Companies never just grant money. They sponsor events or publications for three main reasons:
increase of sales , image and prestige, recruitment.
So you have to know:
 who is interested in target group
 who want show his/her kindness (WASKO  they cooperate with university  maybe ??)
 who has special sponsoring programme...
Where can I find a companies ??
 yellow pages, internet, past co-operation, internal cooperation (old member)
Then you need list of potential sponsors ( one branch  20 companies)
You are a partner for company. Remember it! You don't ask for money, you offer a
What you can offer to sponsors??
advertising (brochures, logo on printed material & the web etc)
information stand at the conference
distribution of their promotional material during the event
mailing to the members
press releases, press conference etc.
What I need on the beginnig?
 letter to sponsors ( typical letters  mistakes?? what sponsors really want know?? look up)
 offer for sponsors ( what you can offer, be flexible, ask what he want? Don't offer everything for
two breads --- be responsible)
 PR materials, reports from last events, knowledge about that.
 introducing yourself
 can I speak with .... ?? - who I should ask to phone ??
 when can I call again??
 sorry, i havent heard your name, could you repeat ??
3-5 calls on the beginnig  training ! Take for that companies, which you are quite sure that answer
is NO. That calls can gie you knowledge what the rest of companies can give you.
Calls to one branch in one, two days. Why ?? easier to choose the best offer.
What I should say on the beginnig?? cooperation, promotion, sponsoring ?? it depends what they
want hear.
Remember about : name of responsible person, when you can call for answer, climate of talk 
make notes!!!
try make friendly relationship !! how ? Name, something good....
Fax (call again to confirm ) or mail ??
typical form :
1part: two sentences what we want, proposal
2part: 3-6 sentences about organization
3part: 4-5 sentences about project
4part: nice ending, signature
100 letters ??
My type:
1 part: we want do something for you (eg. promotion)
2part: little bit about project
3part: how we will do (eg. promotion) something for you, what we can offer you
4part: whan we want exactly
5part: attachments ( short description about project)
6part: nice ending
How get good relationship with the sponsors??
sincerely and honestly express your recognition/compliment
make that other people wants something
show other people that you are really interested in!
remember name
listen  thats the matter!
talk about that what your partner is interested in
make other person important / special
don't argue
show your respect to view of others. don't say :You dont have right!
start from show the friendship
try understand and think like other person
suit or tracksuit ??
what you need to have with you ??
don't agree for anything! Say: I have to ask my board. Why ?? ( my mistakes-  deutsch  too fast)
do you want partner for one event or longer??
yours needs and partner needs ( eg. CJZ)
Follow up!
booklet with picture of people of your sponsors  great reaction!!
zaproszenia na inne imprezy , trzymaj kontakt
Positive answer
Make sure that you thank the person !
Keep the person regularly updated on the proceedings of the organization !
Involve the company as much as possible in the organization (they can give you tips, they have the know-how
in organizational matters, they can give you useful contacts, they feel flattered in any case!)
Keep your promises, keep your obligations !
Send invitations on time!
Send a report (results brochure) and a letter of thanks after the conference !
Negative answer - thanks .... (eg. YES)
General tips (always to be followed):
Do not lose the contact once the event is finished !
Keep your contact person always updated in the activities of AEGEE
Send local and European publications
Send Christmas Cards
Follow the career of your contact person
Update regularly your Fundraising database
raIn other words&
raIn other words&
Do not let them forget you !
Do not let them forget you !


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