Conan The Dark Altar of Katar

The Dark Altar of Katar
The Dark Altar of katar 2
Eric K. Rodriguez
Introduction 4
Line Developer
Richard Neale
The Encounters 5
Non-Player Characters 8
Matt Sharp & Ted Chang
License 10
Studio Manager
Ian Barstow
Production Director
Alexander Fennell
Chris Quilliams, Alejandro Villen
Eric K. Rodriguez using Campaign
Cartographer v6.12 from ProFantasy Limited
The Dark Altar of Katar is © 2004 Conan Properties International LLC. CONAN®, CONAN THE BARBARIAN®
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The Dark Altar
The Dark Altar
of Katar
A Conan the Roleplaying Game adventure set within the dark jungles of
Vendhya, bordering the mysterious land of Uttara-Kuru. Characters
should be 4th to 5th level, with an average of 4 to 6 players. Any character
type can be played, however a Noble type character (Kshatriyas) would be
helpful to the adventure.
Tower of Minar Ki
The Dark Altar
Large, red drops of blood flowed down the mail corselet of Harsha,
house guard to the Lord of Cuddapah province. Dropped silently to the ground, the body of
Harsha exhaled its last breath and began to once again spill its lifeblood upon the marble steps
of the garden entryway. The music of wind chimes and the smell of incense wafted through the
air, giving the garden a semblance of serenity; and a feel of horror. The many candles set about
the Lord of Cuddapah s mansion swayed with the shifting of the wind, that wove its path through
the many trees set about the estate. The shadowy slayer of Harsha moved quickly, but silently through
the gardens entry hall. The assassin s blade dripped bright red blood and left a trail as he glided up the
staircase that would lead him to the living quarters of Lord Gopali and his doomed family.
As the assassin passed an open window adorned with vines and sweet flowers, the half-moon shed light
upon the breast of the intruder. A small, black amulet hung about the chest of the intruder; an amulet
identifying the assassin as a faithful of Katar. Hertus of Katar crept slowly up to the first marble landing and
listened intently for sounds. His animal-like senses took in his surroundings; letting him know that all was as it
should be. Suddenly he became aware of a flickering of candlelight, moving its way down the corridor toward the
landing where he stood. His dark clothed body merged with the planters and statues that lined the marble landing,
becoming more shadow than man.
A turbaned servant was walking toward Hertus place of concealment; in his hands he carried a candle and bag
of incense. With lightning speed and deathly silence, Hertus struck out at the servant as he passed. Like a deadly
cobra, his dagger plunged into the servant s back, over and over again. No sound came from the servant s mouth,
for Hertus had smothered it with a piece of his own dark outfit. Laying the dead body of the servant among the
planters, Hertus made his way stealthily down the hallway toward the estates living quarters, his head swaying from
side to side, similar to the deadly cobra that he emulated.
At the end of the corridor the passage way went left and right. The shadowy figure slowly turned to the right,
noticing a large double door a mere 30 steps down another corridor. The left hand corridor gradually faded into
darkness. Seeing the noble sigil of Lord Gopali upon the double wooden door, Hertus began to slowly move down
the corridor, listening for any sounds. When he came to the double door, he put his head against the wood, straining
to hear any sounds or movement. When none were heard, Hertus thought to himself how strange the Lord Gopali
had not set guard at his bedroom door? However, it did not really matter to Hertus; he had come to kill the Lord
and his family, for insulting the honour of another Lord s daughter. It did not matter whether Lord Gopali had
been in the right or wrong or that the insulted Lord was a follower of Katar, Hertus had been paid and Katar
demanded her due.
Slowly, Hertus pushed upon the doors. They opened silently, as if they had been well oiled. The room was very dark
and silent as the grave; no candles were lit to reveal the room s occupants. Suddenly a fierce breeze blew through the
windows, blowing aside the curtains and letting the half-moons light shine into the room. Immediately it became
apparent that this was not the room of the Lord Gopali. The room was littered with boxes, bundles and sacks of
grain. Hertus had been deceived; if this was not the Lord s room, then where in the estate was it? The midnight
wind blew at the curtains again, bringing with it the sound of chimes in the distant. No, thought Hertus, not
chimes but bells! He quickly turned around and fled through the double doors out into the corridor. He had
barely travelled halfway down the hallway when a large door burst open somewhere along the previously darkened
corridor, spilling out a flood of light as well as large group of armed house guards. The room behind him was a
dead end; those little windows would not allow him passage. His only possible exit was blocked by Lord Gopali s
house guard. There seemed to be no escape. Drawing a viciously curved scimitar, Hertus gave out a cry of rage and
contempt,  May the midnight blade cut my way to salvation!
Knowing that today might be his last day among the world or mortal men, he then charged down the corridor into
the wall of gleaming scimitars and warspears&
The Dark Altar
one of his lieutenants, Bahu Dasa, as his intermediary
and have the characters meet him in the village of
For 30 long, dark years, the cult of Katar has kept itself
Kepthhamun, which lie s near the border of Uttara Kuru.
hidden among the dank and haunted jungles of Vendhya.
The faithful of Katar, mostly assassins and thieves, have
secretly worshipped their goddess in the broken ruins
What is really
hidden deep in the dark jungles or the underbelly of
civilization. The king of Vendhya, Bhunda Chan, has
Over two years ago, one of the last surviving priests of
placed the highest bounty upon any known members of
Katar found the destroyed temple of Shirma. Shirma, once
this death-dealing cult, and has let it be known that any
a magnificent temple made of dark stone and obsidian,
who harbour or help the followers of Katar, will face royal
now nothing but ruins among the jungle overgrowth,
judgment. To this end, Bhunda Chan has assigned his
was found in a lost grove just inside the border of Uttara
spymaster, Dergith Vrul, the task of rooting out any nests
Kuru. Vadavaa Sharman, faithful priestess of Katar, had
of this dark cult and executing their members.
been searching for the ruined temple of Shirma for over
five years. Her quest had begun in the Vendhyan capital
Until recently, very few leads or information about the
city of Ayodhya, where she had been taught the ways of
whereabouts of the Katari assassins have come to the
Katar from an early age. Trading the lives of men for gold,
notice of Dergith Vrul. However, four days ago, the
Vadavaa earned a name and reputation as a skilled assassin.
spymaster received a message from a mystical source. A
One cloud filled night; Vadavaa had killed and murdered
Rakhsha named,  Yurra , contacted Dergith Vrul through
a merchant and his entire family. It just happened that
a sorcerous news spell and advised him that many men
the merchant had been hosting a learned scholar from a
had been seen traveling to an ancient place of worship
temple of Asura, who Vadavaa most happily killed. After
within the Misted Wood of Al Merraz. Two problems
searching through the scholar s bags, Vadavaa came upon
immediately became apparent. Firstly, the Wood of
an ancient scroll, which spoke of a destroyed temple of
Al Merraz was across the border of Vendhya into the dark
the cult of Katar. Since that day, Vadavaa has dedicated
lands of Uttara Kuru; second, this ancient place that the
her life to the finding of the temple and the raising of it
Rakhsha spoke of was one of the last known locations of a
to Katar s glory.
Dark Altar of Katar. Believed to have been crafted over a
millennia ago, the Altars of Katar were said to be imbued
Vadavaa has slowly been gaining a reputation among
with their dark mother s power and that any faithful who
the dark underworld of Vendhya. Many assassins and
spilled the blood of innocents upon the altar would be
professional murderers believe her to be an incarnation
granted powers relative to their sacrifice. The cultists of
of Katar herself. After discovering the lost temple of
Katar were hunted down and slaughtered and most of the
Shirma, Vadavaa has been slowly gathering her faithful
remaining altars were buried or lost with the passage of
to her. The Vendhyan village of Kepthhamun lies just
time. However, the one truth that was not widely known
across the border from Uttara Kuru and the Misted Wood
was that the altars could not be destroyed by mortal men
of Al Merraz. Vadavaa eventually discovered the Dark
and must instead be hidden from the world so that none
Altar of Katar, buried among the ruins of the temple.
could call upon their dark powers.
Once it was restored, Vadavaa began to send out the
call to all the faithful of Katar, that they come at once
Though the ruined temple is said to lie across the border
and pay homage to the return of their goddess. Since
into Uttar Kuru, Dergith Vrul cannot ignore this possible
that time, thieves, murderers and assassins have been
threat. Royal Vendhyan troops cannot be called upon
migrating west, to the village of Kepthhamun. However,
to cross the border and deal with the dark cultists;
all are disguised and have done everything possible to keep
subtlety and guile must prevail. Dergith Vrul, through
their presence a secret. Vadavaa only had one obstacle in
his spy network, makes contact with several independent
her way  a sorcerer named Yurra, resided within his
mercenaries or adventures and hires them for a secret
tower a mere six miles from the location of the ancient
mission. (The Games master can easily incorporate
temple. Not knowing whether the sorcerer would reveal
player characters from other parts of the Hyborian world
her plans to the authorities, Vadavaa put together a team
as mercenaries, or simply use Vendhyan characters as
of assassins to strike at his tower and murder him in his
independent adventures.) Dergith Vrul will use
sleep. Yurra, a powerful and skilled sorcerer and not some
mere apprentice, was warned by his spells of warding that
he had laid about his tower. Yurra was able to chase off
the assassins and then sent a message to Vendhya to warn
them of the danger.
The Dark Altar
Having failed to kill Yurra, Vadavaa was left with no willing to provide each of the characters with food and
choice but to act immediately. Vadavaa ordered several general supplies and offers a sack of 600 silver pieces for
of her faithful to sneak into the village of Kepthhamun the safe return of the villagers. If any characters perform
and capture the unsuspecting townsfolk for sacrifice. The a successful Diplomacy check, Varman Kohada will reveal
adventure starts with the group arriving in Kepthhamun that the sorcerer Yurra is a distant relative of his and that
in the aftermath of the abductions. if the characters safely return with the villagers, he would
speak to Yurra on the characters behalf. If the characters
agree, then Varman Kohada immediately supplies them
The Encounters
with any basic supplies that they need and can give the
group a list of the names of the missing villagers. After
the group re-supplies and leaves the village, they will
Encounter E1
immediately be followed by one of Vadavaa s spies. The
The characters should arrive the morning after the mass
assassin, Ranjit and his six companions will be lying in
abductions. The village is in complete chaos and armed
ambush just two miles outside the village (Ranjit, 4th level
militia and citizens are roaming the streets in mobs. The
Thief- Katari Assassin, (4) Vendhyan 3rd level Thieves-
characters will have to make Diplomacy and Bluff checks
Katari Assassins, (2) Vendhyan 2nd level Thieves- Katari
to convince the angry villagers that they had nothing to do
Assassins). Ranjit also has two Panthers (see Conan The
with the abductions. The Games Master might consider
Roleplaying Game page 307) who are trained to attack
giving the player characters a royal writ or order showing
whomever Ranjit wishes. Ranjit and his assassins will not
that they have been sent by the royal government on an
surrender and fight to the death. Even if the characters
unrelated mission. After convincing the villagers that they
manage to capture an assassin alive, they will get
had nothing to do with the abductions,
no information, even under torture. If one of the
they will be approached by the Varman.
characters is a Scholar and is able to use magic
An elected official speaker f o r
t o charm an assassin, the only information they
the village, Varman
will be able to obtain will be the route leading
Kohada will approach
across the border into Uttara Kuru. The only
the group and ask for their
items of value that the characters will find on the Katari
help. Varman Kohada
are 78 silver pieces, 2 gold necklaces (symbol of Katar),
has already sent a
one Kukri dagger - Akbitanan quality.
runner north to the
Fortress of Dahatma,
seeking aid from the
Encounter E2
royal troops stationed
A f t e r crossing the border of
there. Unbeknownst
Uttara Kuru, the group runs into
to Varman Kohada and the
a border patrol. The Uttaran
characters, Dergith Vrul
border patrol seems to consists
has sent Prince Sullima,
of ten soldiers mounted on
cousin to Bhunda Chan,
horseback. It will immediately
and 500 Royal troops to
become apparent that
reinforce the fortress and
something is wrong with the
to aid in the eradication
soldiers and characters should
of the Katari assassins.
be allowed a Spot check
It will take one and a half
(DC 15). Characters will
days for Prince Sullima s army to
notice that the patrols
reach Kepthhamun. Varman
clothing is unkempt
Kohada believes that any royal
and dishevelled. They
help will not arrive for several
might also notice that
days and fears for the life of his
the patrol does
missing daughter, as well
not handle their
as those of the other 23
mounts well
missing villagers. The
or that
village of Kepthhamun
there are
is not overly wealthy;
however, the Varman is
The Dark Altar
bloodspots on some of their uniforms. If by the second her life. If a character makes a Search check (DC 15),
round, after making contact, the group does not take they will find some assorted treasure, left over from
action, then the patrol attacks. The  patrol is actually Gushrul s past victims, lying underwater in the spring
dead, killed by Katari assassins who have taken their (23 gold pieces, 88 silver pieces, 4 pieces of gold jewellery
uniforms and mounts. When combat starts, most of the set with semi-precious stones, 2 silver amulets with royal
assassins will jump off their mounts and use their favoured Vendhyan symbols, 23 loose precious stones). A Scholar
weapons of choice; scimitar, Kukri dagger, garrotte, etc character that makes a Knowledge (arcane) check (DC 10)
( Badari 4th level Thief- Katari Assassin, (5) Vendhyan can determine that several valuable spell components can
3rd level Thieves- Katari Assassins, (2) Vendhyan 2nd level be taken from Gushrul s carcass.
Thieves- Katari Assassins, (2) Vendhyan 1st level Thieves-
Katari Assassins). If a thorough search of the assassins
Encounter E4
and their gear is performed (Search check, DC 20) the
The characters should arrive at the ruins of Shirma
group finds the following items: 55 silver pieces, 9 gold
sometime at night. Even if the group tries to sneak into
pieces, 13 semi-precious stones, a Khitain Amulet the
the ruins during the day, they will definitely be caught. If
gives the wearer the ability Deft Hands as per the feat and
the group decides to have someone scout out the ruins,
vial of luminous liquid that sheds light in a 5-foot radius,
they can get a general layout of the area.
although only at night and in a pale green glow. As in
previous encounters, these Katari fight to the death.
" A1 This part of the ancient temple houses
Encounter E3 Vadavaa s personal sleeping quarters as well as the
After travelling into the Misted Wood of Al Merraz for Altar of Katar. Several bookcases line the walls
two hours, the group comes upon a small glade. There is and have many modern and ancient volumes.
a pomegranate fruit tree, as well as a small spring situated There is also a spiral staircase, made of well-worn
in a rocky outcropping. Whether the group decides to stone, that descends into the ancient catacombs
rest or not, almost immediately after entering the glade beneath the ruins. This stairwell has never been
they will come under attack by the spring s guardian. cleared of debris and even Vadavaa has no idea
The guardian is a  Grey Devil (see Scrolls of Skelos, page what lies beneath.
88, hit points 55) and has been guardian of this spring
for over 300 years. The Devil,  Gushrul , is typical of " A2 This part of the ruins contains a serviceable
his race, the only exception being that his fur has taken well and gathering place for the faithful of Katar.
on a darker tone instead of the normal grey. Gushrul A large, obsidian statue rests in the corner of this
was a servant to an ancient sorcerer that passed this way building and depicts Katar in all her evil glory. A
over three centuries ago and was given the duty to guard Search check (DC 25) reveals a hidden chamber
over this spring until he returned. The sorcerer never beneath the statue that contains miscellaneous
returned and Gushrul has been bound to this glade ever gems valued at 2,000 silver pieces. Any character
since. The spring has a slight regenerative quality and that manages to destroy the statue should receive
anyone drinking from it is restored 10 hit points per a 1,000 experience point bonus.
day, however Gushrul gains no benefit from its healing
power. No matter if the individual drinks a handful " A3 This part of the ruins use to be used to test
or a gallon; the result will never be more than 10 hit Katar s faithful through tests of balance and
points of curative healing. Even if the group has a way perception. It is covered in deep crevasses, pitfalls
of communicating with Gushrul, he will not ally himself and rotting bails of hay. This is where the Katari
with them, even if his freedom is promised. At the first stable their horses or dispose of unwanted bodies.
opportunity, he will attack the group and try to kill as
many of them as possible. When the characters defeat " A4 These ramshackle huts house the faithful that
Gushrul they will find several torn and dismembered have answered Vadavaa s call. Each building can
bodies scattered about. Vadavaa had come with house 20 individuals and all their gear. Currently
a group of her assassins and had tried to bind 49 Katari assassins, of various levels, dwell within
Gushrul with a Control Monstrous Humanoid the huts.
scroll in the hopes of using him in Katar s
service, but the spell failed and " A5 The stink coming from this wooden building is
Vadavaa barely escaped with almost unbearable. This building is the prisoners
The Dark Altar
The Ruins of Shirma
barracks and houses over 30 individuals in its more than two guards at any time. Most of the
cramped interior. The building is surrounded time only one assassins is ever present to watch
by a wooden stockade that has been trapped with over the  sacrifices . Most of the prisoners are
bells and other noise making devices to alert the at half strength and malnourished. Even if they
Katari of any attempted escape. Characters that were given weapons, most could not fight even if
try to get past the wooden stockade must make a they wanted to.
Disable Device check (DC20) not to make any
noise. The prisoners barracks is watched by no
The Dark Altar
The group has several choices available to them, but they Special Attacks: Sneak Attack style (Kukri/Scimitar)
should be aware that trying to take on the whole temple is +5d8 damage, +1 hit; +5d6 with any other weapon she
almost certainly suicide. Characters should come up with Sneak Attacks with.
various plans to free the prisoners and to stop Vadavaa, but Special Qualities: +1 racial Will saves bonus negated
two ideas should be foremost in their minds. First would by Hypnotism, Trapfinding, Eyes of the Cat, Trap Sense
be to sneak into camp and free the prisoners quietly and +2, Light Footed, Sorcerous Protection +2, Knowledge is
try to move the prisoners southeast toward Yurra s tower. Power +8
Second would be to sneak into camp and try to make it Space/Reach: 5ft. (1)/5ft. (1)
back across the border to the village of Kepthhamun. If Saves: Fort +6, Ref +10, Will +10*
the group decides to go with the first plan and they reach Abilities: Str 17, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 18, Wis 16, Cha
Yurra s tower, he will be willing to help the adventures, but 16
would ask for a  favour in return. If the group decides to Skills: Balance +16, Bluff +17, Climb +13,
try the second plan, and they make it to the border, they Concentration +17, Diplomacy +12, Hide +14,
will find Prince Sullima and his army waiting to ambush Intimidate +11 Jump +15, Knowledge (Arcana) +20,
any Katari pursuers. If the group decides any other plan, Knowledge (Nobility) +10, Knowledge (History) +9,
the Games Master will have to improvise. Whatever Listen +17, Move Silently +18, Sense Motive +19, Spot
choice the group makes, if they do not kill Vadavaa in +13, Tumble +16
six days time, she will have sacrificed a number of victims Feats: Improved Initiative, Fleet Footed, Dodge,
(her own assassins if needed) to the Altar of Katar and be Knowledgeable
granted the ability Vampire Transformation as per Scrolls of Corruption: 2
Skelos page 19. With her newfound powers, Vadavaa will Possessions: +1 Kukri Dagger, Bauble of Bel (Grants
begin a reign of terror and destruction about the region Poison Use Feat when worn), Black Silk Robes, Mask of
and will begin plans to strike back at the adventures that Katar (Grants wearer Blind Fight Feat when worn), sack
dared to interfere with her plans. of 4 Black Lotus Leaves, coin pouch (1,205 sp)
Spells: Curses: Lesser Ill-Fortune, Gelid Bones,
Hypnotism: Entrance, Torment, Necromancy: Raise
Corpse, Death Touch, Oriental Magic: Calm of the Adept,
Darting Serpent, Summoning: Demonic Pact
Description: Vendhyan female, 35 years old, shoulder
length black hair, dark skinned, 5 9 height, 160 lbs.,
tattoo of Katar on forehead, brown eyes.
Vadavaa Sharman,
Ranjit, Katari Assassin
Medium Humanoid (4th level Vendhyan Thief)
Katari Assassin
Hit Dice: 4d8+4 (24 hp)
Medium Humanoid (7th level Thief/4th level Scholar)
Initiative: +12 (+4 Dex, +2 Dodge, +4 Imp Initiative)
Hit Dice: 7d8+3d6+31 (81hp)
Speed: 30 ft.
Initiative: +14 (+4 Dex, +6 Reflex, +4 Improved
DV: (Dodge): 17 (+4 Dex, +2 Dodge, +1 Light Footed)
DV: (Parry vs. Melee): 15 (+3 Str, +2 Parry)
Speed: 40ft.
DR: 4
DV (Dodge): 20 (+4 Dex, +5 Dodge, +1 Light Footed)
Attack: Kukri +7 melee finesse (1d8+3/ 19-20/x2, AP
DV (Parry vs. Melee): 17 (+3 Str, +4 Parry)
4): or Scimitar +6 melee finesse (1d8+3/ 18-20/x2, AP 5)
DR: -
Full Attack: Kukri +7 melee finesse (1d8+3/ 19-20/x2,
Attack: Kukri Dagger +12 melee finesse (1d8+3/ 19-20/
AP 4): or Scimitar +6 melee finesse (1d8+3/ 18-20/x2,
x2, AP 4) or Scimitar melee +11/+6 (1d8+3/18-20/x2,
AP 5)
Space/Reach: 5 ft. (1)/ 5ft. (1)
Full Attack: Kukri Dagger +12/+7 melee finesse
Special Attacks: Sneak Attack style (Kukri/Scimitar)
(1d8+3/ 19-20/x2, AP 4) or Scimitar melee +11/+6
+3d8 damage, +1 hit; +3d6
(1d8+3/ 18-20/x2, AP5)
Special Qualities: +1 racial Will saves bonus negated by
Hypnotism, Trapfinding, Eyes of the Cat, Trap Sense +1,
Light Footed.
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +3*
The Dark Altar
Abilities: Str 16, Dex 18, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha
Skills: Balance +12, Bluff +1, Climb +9, Diplomacy
+5, Disguise +7, Escape Artist +10, Hide +13, Jump
+11, Knowledge (Nobility) +6 Knowledge (History) +3,
Listen +7, Move Silently +13, Sense Motive +5, Spot +7,
Tumble +12
Feats: Improved Initiative, Stealthy
Possessions: Black Silk Assassins garb, Kukri Dagger
(Akbitanan Quality), +1 Scimitar, Khitain throwing stars
(8), Vial of Cobra Venom (1), Wire Garrotte, coin pouch
(350 sp), Bronze symbol of Katar.
Description: Kosalan male, 25 years old, shaved head,
dark skinned, 5 11 height, 176 lbs., tattoo of Katar on
shaved head, green eyes.
Katari Assassin
Medium Humanoid (1st level Vendhyan Thief)
Hit Dice: 1d8 (5 hp)
Initiative: +5 (+3 Dex, +2 Reflex)
Speed: 30 ft.
DV: (Dodge): 13 (+3 Dex)
DV: (Parry vs. Melee): 11 (+1 Str)
DR: 4
Attack: Kukri Dagger +3 melee finesse (1d8+1/ 19-20/
x2, AP 2)
Full Attack: Kukri Dagger +3 melee finesse (1d8+1/ 19-
20/x2, AP 2)
Space/Reach: 5ft. (1)/ 5ft. (1)
Special Attacks: Sneak Attack style (Kukri) +1d8
damage, +1 hit; +1d6 with any other weapon Katari
Assassin Sneak Attacks with.
Special Qualities: +1 racial Will saves, negated by
Hypnotism, Trapfinding
Saves: Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +1*
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 17, Con 11, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha
Skills: Balance +6, Bluff +0, Climb +4, Diplomacy
+3, Disguise +3, Escape Artist +6, Hide +8 Jump +4
Knowledge (Nobility) +6, Knowledge (History) +3,
Listen +4, Move Silently +8, Sense Motive +4, Spot +4,
Tumble +6
Feats: Stealthy
Possessions: Kukri Dagger, Assassins black clothing,
grappling hook and rope, coin pouch, leather weapons
The Dark Altar
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Game Content means the game mechanic 13. Termination: This License will terminate
5.Representation of Authority to Contribute:
and includes the methods, procedures, automatically if You fail to comply with all
If You are contributing original material as
processes and routines to the extent such terms herein and fail to cure such breach within
Open Game Content, You represent that Your
content does not embody the Product 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All
Contributions are Your original creation and/
Identity and is an enhancement over the sublicenses shall survive the termination of this
or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights
prior art and any additional content clearly License.
conveyed by this License.
identified as Open Game Content by the
14. Reformation: If any provision of this
Contributor, and means any work covered
6.Notice of License Copyright: You must
License is held to be unenforceable, such
by this License, including translations
update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion
provision shall be reformed only to the extent
and derivative works under copyright law,
of this License to include the exact text of
necessary to make it enforceable.
but specifically excludes Product Identity.
the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open
(e)  Product Identity means product and
Game Content You are copying, modifying
product line names, logos and identifying
or distributing, and You must add the title,
marks including trade dress; artifacts;
the copyright date, and the copyright holder s
Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000,
creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots,
name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any
Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
thematic elements, dialogue, incidents,
original Open Game Content you Distribute.
language, artwork, symbols, designs,
Modern System Reference Document
depictions, likenesses, formats, poses,
7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use
Copyright 2002, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.;
concepts, themes and graphic, photographic
any Product Identity, including as an indication
Authors Bill Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb, Rich
and other visual or audio representations;
as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed
Redman, Charles Ryan, based on material by
names and descriptions of characters,
in another, independent Agreement with the
Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams,
spells, enchantments, personalities, teams,
owner of each element of that Product Identity.
Richard Baker, Peter Adkison, Bruce R.
personas, likenesses and special abilities;
You agree not to indicate compatibility
Cordell, John Tynes, Andy Collins, and JD
places, locations, environments, creatures,
or co-adaptability with any Trademark or
equipment, magical or supernatural abilities
Registered Trademark in conjunction with a
or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs;
System Reference Document Copyright 2000-
work containing Open Game Content except
and any other trademark or registered
2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors
as expressly licensed in another, independent
trademark clearly identified as Product Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams,
Agreement with the owner of such Trademark
Rich baker, Andy Collins, David noonan,
identity by the owner of the Product Identity,
or Registered Trademark. The use of any Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, based on
and which specifically excludes the Open
original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave
Product Identity in Open Game Content does
Game Content; (f)  Trademark means the
not constitute a challenge to the ownership
logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that
Conan the Roleplaying Game is (C) Conan
of that Product Identity. The owner of any
are used by a Contributor to identify itself
Properties International LLC.
Product Identity used in Open Game Content
or its products or the associated products
The Dark Altar of Katar is (C) 2004 Conan
shall retain all rights, title and interest in and to
contributed to the Open Game License
Properties International LLC. CONAN(R),
that Product Identity.
by the Contributor (g)  Use ,  Used
or  Using means to use, Distribute,
logos, character, names, and distinctive
8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game
copy, edit, format, modify, translate
likenesses thereof are trademarks of Conan
Content You must clearly indicate which
and otherwise create Derivative
Properties International LLC unless otherwise
portions of the work that you are distributing
Material of Open Game
noted. All Rights Reserved. Mongoose
are Open Game Content.
Content. (h)  You or  Your
Publishing Ltd Authorized User.
means the licensee
9. Updating the License: Wizards or its
in terms of this
designated Agents may publish updated
versions of this License. You may use any
authorised version of this License to copy,


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