Article 05 10 Talk and Listen Quiz 565

Talk and Listen Quiz
Patricia Morgan © 2005
Conversation is relationships context or home, just as water is to fish and the sky is to birds. Is your
talk overpowering and polluted or clear and nourishing? Is your listening focused and present or
preoccupied and short lived?
Give a score to the following points:
1= almost never 2= seldom 3= sometimes 4= most of the time 5= almost always
How I Talk:
1. I easily introduce myself.
2. I feel at ease introducing people to one another.
3. I engage in and appreciate small talk.
4. The message I send is usually understood by my listeners.
5. My words are congruent with my body language.
6. I unreservedly say  no and  yes.
7. When I want a focused discussion, I check to see if it is a mutually convenient time.
8. I share my intention for focused discussions,  I want to talk to you about . . .
9. When appropriate, I freely express my thinking, beliefs and feelings.
10. When appropriate, I tell others how I disagree.
11. I avoid criticizing others and seek ways to support them.
12. When conversing with a person who has pessimistic tendencies, I hold my own with an
optimistic viewpoint.
13. I share my funny, painful, happy, failure and success stories with others.
14. I freely give appreciation, compliments and acknowledgements.
How I Listen:
1. I let others know if and when I have time to really listen.
2. If it is not a convenient time for me, I set a mutually agreed upon time.
3. I imagine walking or running in the speaker s shoes.
4. I seek first to understand what someone is saying before I jump in with my point of view.
5. Even when I disagree with the talker, I wait and seek to understand.
6. I check now and then if I am receiving the message that was sent. I say,  Do I understand
that . . . 
7. When I don t understand a question or a statement, I say,  I don t understand.
8. I notice others body language and use it to receive significant information.
9. I notice my own feelings when others talk.
10. I am aware of what is emotionally difficult for me to hear.
11. I effectively ask open ended questions to hear more using what, when, where, how and who.
12. When possible I listen with full attention, compassion and soft eye contact.
13. I thank people for sharing with me.  Thank you for telling me.
14. After I receive appreciation, a compliment or acknowledgement, I breathe it in, smile and say
 Thank you.
Talk and Listen Quiz
How did you do? If you want to improve your communication skills consider putting into action
some of the above points, read articles under Conscious Connecting at and get hold of one or two of the following books:
1. How to Talk So People Listen: The real Key to Job Success by Sonya Hamlin
2. Secrets of Face to Face Communication by Peter Urs Bender and Robert Tracz
3. Messages: The Communication Skills Book by Matthew McKay, Martha Davis and Patrick
4. Communicating Effectively for Dummies by Marty Brownstein
Patricia Morgan is a certified counsellor, speaker and author of
Love Her As She Is, She Said: A Tapestry of Women s Quotes and four booklets
She can be reached at 403-242-7796 or
Talk and Listen Quiz


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