Rifts d20 Psionics

By Hida Jiremi
With additional material from
The Mind s Eye (http://www.wizards.com/dnd)
Psionics is the art of tapping the mind s potential to effect change in the world. A psionic
character is blessed with a form of innate ability that enables him to use mental power to achieve
goals or perform tasks that nonpsionic characters can only accomplish through the use of gross
physical skills or intense application of intellect if capable of doing those tasks at all.
A psionic character s mind is an infinite metaphorical plane, on which all things are possible,
limited only by the character s fortitude of body and will, and by his ability to envision his desired
results. It may be that all living creatures have the potential for harnessing the power of the mind,
but only a few succeed in tapping that power and opening the mental pathways necessary to
become psionic. A psionic being knows how to navigate the mental paths that lead to amazing
edifices of thought and energy. Knowing that path, they walk it.
Psionic characters tap the power of the mind and the body, psionic powers having their roots in
living flesh. Unliving creatures or creatures that do not possess all the attributes of a living body
are unable to create the reservoir of inner strength necessary to energize many psionic powers.
Thus, the field of psionics is associated with life and health, to some degree.
The use of psionic powers is covered in great detail in the Psionics Handbook. Material from
that supplement is reprinted here (without permission) only to illustrate changes from standard
D20 to the variant Rifts D20 rules. A few sections are covered in detail in order to help players
understand mechanical considerations for a post-apocalyptic campaign as well.
Psionic powers are grouped according to six categories called Disciplines. Disciplines
represent six broad themes of psionic powers, much like the Talents of arcane and divine magic.
Every known psionic power is aligned with one of the six Disciplines. A mind melter must choose
one primary Discipline at character creation, typically the Discipline in which they have the
greatest strength (though not always), and this Discipline may not be changed later. Mind
melters also have the ability to overextend, pushing themselves past their normal limits of ability
and strength. Psions do not select a primary Discipline and do not gain the benefits associated
with a primary Discipline.
Mind melters can choose powers from any Discipline by their level limits, while psions have a
specific list of powers available to them. Mind melters gain powers from their primary Discipline
more quickly than other Disciplines, and possess the ability to replace lower level powers from
within their primary Discipline once they learn better versions of those powers. This ability,
referred to as  chaining, gives mind melters greater versatility within their primary Discipline as
Depending on the primary Discipline chosen at character creation, mind melters receive
different nicknames or  subclasses. These subclasses have different class skills and access to
divergent powers based on their particular talents.
The Six Disciplines
Psychometabolism: Mind melters specializing in this Discipline are referred to as  egoists.
This Discipline is based around altering the character s own metabolism through psionic
biofeedback. Strength is the key ability score for all psychometabolic powers and is the ability
score egoists use to determine bonus power points. Egoists tend to be, as the name indicates,
egotistical and proud of their physical prowess. Egoists are often disdainful of intellectual
pursuits, preferring to heighten their muscle mass and tone and through that increasing control
over their primary and secondary muscle reactions, including breathing and heartbeat.
Psychoportation: Powers that propel objects or people through space and time fall into the
psychoportive Discipline. Those focusing on such powers tend to be obsessed with speed and
movement, leading to their dubbing as  nomads. The key ability score for all psychoportive
powers is Dexterity, and the ability score that nomads use to determine bonus power points.
Nomads themselves enjoy moving, often to the point of seeming twitchy or nervous. A nomad is
rarely worried about being caught off-guard, though; their powers allow them to escape pretty
much any situation they please.
Psychokinesis: Probably the most rigorous of the Disciplines, psychokinetics (called
 savants ) manipulate and transform physical properties, often at great cost to their own bodies.
A Discipline for those with great physical endurance, though not necessarily musculature,
psychokinesis uses Constitution as its key ability score and the ability score savants use to
determine bonus power points. Savants are rarely exceptionally strong, channeling their will to
gain a physical advantage they would otherwise lack. Savants who focus on one type of energy
over another often gain other nicknames based on their preferred energy, such as  burster,
 zapper,  cryo, and so on.
Metacreativity: Called  shapers, metacreatives have to be the most imaginative and quick-
witted of the Disciplines. Without a keen intellect shapers cannot work their will, as metacreativity
literally forges matter from nothing, creating solid and semisolid items and constructs. The key
ability score for metacreative powers is Intelligence, and the ability score shapers use to
determine bonus power points. Shapers tend to be thoughtful and urbane, leaning towards an
artistic nature. They see themselves as creators of a higher order, and occasionally develop god
Clairsentience: Powers that reveal information are grouped into clairsentience, and those that
follow this path are called  seers. Such mind melters are the most quiet and contemplative of
their ilk, preferring patience and moderation to quick decisions or rash thought. Wisdom is the
key ability score for clairsentient powers, and the ability score seers use to determine bonus
power points. Seers rarely seek personal power, instead acting as counselors and guides to
others. With the ability to see truth and view the future, seers are usually cryptic and mysterious,
if usually right in retrospect.
Telepathy: With the ability to peer into the minds of others, and eventually even to dominate
their thoughts and actions, telepaths are rightfully the most feared of mind melters. Mental
communication and direct mind-to-mind combat are the forte of this Discipline, with greater
control of others perceptions and attitudes gained as the telepath grows in power. Charisma is
the key ability score for all telepathic powers, and the ability score telepaths use to determine
bonus power points. Telepaths are charming and forceful, even without the use of their powers.
Many are skilled manipulators, orators, and performers in addition to their significant mental
talents. With their silent ability to gain control of influential individuals, confuse the minds of
crowds, or even permanently enslave people at a distance, telepaths are a source of paranoia
and hate for nonpsionic individuals.
Manifesting Powers
Psionic characters and creatures manifest psionic powers, much as magical characters and
creatures cast spells. Whether they cost power points, as is the case for psionic characters, or
are freely manifested, as many psionic creatures are capable of, the effects remain the same.
Manifesting a power can be a straightforward process or it can be complicated. Either way, the
manifestation of a psionic power is akin to casting a spell, and the descriptions below are very
similar to the discussion of magic in the Spells and Magic chapter, but there are important
Choosing a Power
A mind melter or psion who intends to manifest a power can select any power he knows, provided
the character is capable of manifesting powers of that level or higher. To manifest a power you
must pay power points, which count against your daily total, but you can manifest the same
power any number of times if you have points left to pay for it. The class tables for mind melters
and psions show how many power points a character has access to each day, depending on
A power s cost is determined by its level, as shown below. Every power s cost is noted in its
description for ease of reference.
Power Level 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Point cost 0/1 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17
Manifestation Time
You can manifest a power with a manifestation time of 1 action as a standard action, just like
making an attack or casting a spell. A power that takes 1 full round to manifest is a full-round
action. It comes into effect just before the beginning of your turn in the round after you began
manifesting the power. You then act normally after the power is completed. A power that takes 1
minute to manifest comes into effect just before your turn 1 minute later (and for each of those 10
rounds you are manifesting a power as a full-round action).
A power s range determines how far from you it can reach, as defined on the Range line of the
power description. A power s range is the maximum distance from you that the power s effect
can occur, as well as the maximum distance at which you can designate the power s point of
origin. If any portion of the power s area of effect would extend beyond the range, that area is
wasted. Standard ranges include:
Personal: The power affects only you.
Touch: You must touch a creature or object to affect it.
Close: The power reaches up to 25 feet away from you. The maximum range increases by 5
feet for every two full manifester levels.
Medium: The power reaches up to 100 feet + 10 feet per manifester level.
Long: The power reaches up to 400 feet + 40 feet per manifester level.
Unlimited: The spell reaches anywhere on the same plane of existence.
Range Expressed in Feet: Some power have no standard range category, just a range
expressed in feet.
Aiming a Power
You must make some choices about whom the power is to affect or where the effect is to
originate, depending on the type of power.
Target or Targets: Some powers have a target or targets. You manifest these powers directly
on creatures or objects, as defined by the power itself. You must be able to see or touch the
target, and you must specifically choose the target. However, you do not have to select your
target until you finish manifesting the power. If you manifest a power on the wrong sort of target,
the power has no effect. If the target of a power is yourself, you do not receive a saving throw
and neither power resistance nor spell resistance applies.
Effect: Some powers create or summon things rather than affecting things that are already
present. You must designate the location where these things are to appear, either by seeing it or
defining it. Range determines how far away an effect can appear, but if the effect is mobile it can
move regardless of the power s range. Many effects fall into the ray or spread categories and are
treated exactly as spells that fall into those categories.
Area: Some powers affect an area. You select where the power originates, but otherwise you
don t control which creatures or objects the power affects. Sometimes a power describes a
specially defined area, but usually an area falls into one of the following categories: burst, cone,
creatures, cylinder, emanation, objects, spread, and other. These areas are described in the
Spells and Magic chapter under the Aiming a Spell section.
All powers are grouped according to their Discipline. Each of the six Disciplines is associated
with a key ability score. The key ability score is important when manifesting a power because it
modifies the DC of your opponent s saving throw to resist a power. To manifest a power at all, a
character must have a key ability score of at least 10 + the power s level. The power s name line
gives both the Discipline the power belongs to and the appropriate key ability score.
Saving Throw
Most harmful powers allow an affected creature to make a saving throw to avoid some or all of
the effect. The Saving Throw line in a power description defines which type of saving throw the
power allows and describes how saving throws against the power work.
Negates: This term means that the power has no effect on an affected creature that makes a
successful saving throw.
Partial: The power causes an effect on a subject. A successful saving throw means that some
lesser effect occurs.
Half: The power deals damage, and a successful saving throw halves the damage taken
(round down).
None: No saving throw is allowed.
(Object): The power can be manifest on objects, which receive saving throws only if they are
magical or psionic, or if they are attended (held, worn, grasped, etc.) by a creature resisting the
power, in which case the object gets the creature s saving throw bonus unless its own bonus is
greater. This notation does not mean that a power can only be manifest on objects. Some
powers of this sort can be manifest on creatures or objects. A psionic item s saving throw
bonuses are each equal to 2 + one-half its manifester level.
(Harmless): This power is usually beneficial, not harmful, but a targeted creature can attempt a
saving throw if it wishes.
Saving Throw Difficulty Class: A saving throw against a power has a DC of 10 + the level of
the power + your ability score modifier for the key ability.
Succeeding at a Saving Throw: A creature that successfully saves against a power without
obvious physical effects feels a hostile force or a tingle, but cannot deduce the exact nature of the
attack. When a creature s saving throw succeeds against a targeted power, you sense that the
power has failed.
Voluntarily Giving Up a Saving Throw: A creature can voluntarily forego a saving throw and
willingly accept a power s result. Even a character with a special resistance to magic can
suppress this if he wants to.
Power Resistance
Power resistance is a special defensive ability. If your power is being resisted by a creature with
power resistance, you must make a manifester level check (1d20 + manifester level) at least
equal to the creature s power resistance rating for the power to affect that creature. The Power
Resistance line and descriptive text of a power tell you if power resistance protects creatures
from it. In many cases, PR applies only when a resistant creature is targeted by a power, not
when a resistant creature encounters a power that is already in place.
The terms  Object and  Harmless mean the same thing as for saving throws. A creature with
power resistance must voluntarily drop the resistance to receive the effects of a power noted as
Harmless without the manifester level check described above.
Certain creatures are able to resist psionic powers, but have no specific listed spell resistance.
A creature with power resistance (PR) is assumed to have spell resistance as well. A psionically
resistance creature s SR is equal to its power resistance minus 10. Thus, a creature with PR 23
would have SR 13 as well.
Once you ve determined who is affected and how, you need to know for how long. A power s
Duration line tells you how long the magical energy of the power lasts. Possible durations include
the following categories: timed duration; instantaneous; permanent; concentration; subjects,
effects, and areas; touch powers and holding the charge; discharge; and dismissible (D). Each of
these duration types is described in the Spells and Magic chapter under Duration.
When psionic powers are manifested, secondary displays usually accompany the primary effect.
The psionic display may be auditory, material, mental, olfactory, or visual. No power s secondary
display is significant enough to create consequences for the psionic creatures, allies, or
opponents during combat. The secondary effects for a power only occur if the power s
description indicates it. Secondary displays occur when the power is manifested, but fade after
one round if the power has a duration longer than instantaneous, except where noted.
If multiple powers with similar displays are brought into effect simultaneously, the displays do
not necessarily become more intense. Instead, the general display remains much the same, with
minute spikes in intensity. A Psicraft check (DC 10 + 1 per additional power in use) reveals the
exact number of simultaneous powers in play. Certain psionic feats allow the manifester to hide
secondary displays, making it almost impossible to determine the origin or nature of the power
being used.
Auditory (Au): From the manifester s vicinity or in the vicinity of the power s subject, a bass-
pitched hum issues, eerily similar to many deep-pitched voices. If an instantaneous power, the
sound grows in a heartbeat from barely noticeable to loud as a shout, which can be heard within
100 feet. Some powers may describe unique auditory displays.
Material (Ma): The subject or the area is briefly slicked with ephemeral translucent goo
(ectoplasm). Regardless of the power s duration, the goo evaporates after 1 round. This material
is utterly inert.
Mental (Me): A ringing, like tiny bells, tingles within the minds of all living creatures within 30
feet of the manifester or the subject, unless a unique mental display is described.
Olfactory (Ol): An odd but familiar odor brings to mind a brief mental flash of a memory long
buried. The scent is difficult to pin down, and no two individuals ever describe it the same way.
The odor originates from the manifester and spreads to a distance of 20 feet.
Visual (Vi): The manifester s eyes burn like points of silver fire and a rainbow flash of light
sweeps away from the manifester to a distance of 5 feet, unless a unique secondary display is
noted. The character s eyes continue to glow softly for the duration of the power.
Customizing Displays: The previous displays are standard, but serve mainly as examples. The
GM may substitute a given display effect for another specific effect appropriate to his or her
campaign, or even to an individual psionic character. Once a given display is customized,
though, its effects should not vary for that campaign or character.
Psionics-Magic Transparency
The default rule for magic and psionics is simple: psionic powers and magic spells do not interact
unless specifically designed to do so. This is known as transparency. There are some notable
exceptions, which are noted below.
Enchantment Resistance: Certain creatures and classes grant resistance to the Enchantment
Talent of magic. This translates into the same bonus to resist all psionic powers with the
compulsion descriptor.
Stacking Effects: As usual, effects that grant a bonus do not stack if they grant the same type
of bonus. The bonuses or penalties from two different powers, or a power and a spell, do stack if
they give different types of bonuses, however.
Multiple Mental Control Effects: Sometimes psionic or magical effects that establish mental
control render one another irrelevant, such as a holding compulsion on an already charmed
target. Mental controls that don t remove the recipient s ability to act usually do not interfere with
one another, though one may modify another. If the controlled creature receives conflicting
orders simultaneously, the competing controllers must make opposed Charisma checks to
determine which one the controller obeys.
Weapon Enhancements: Whether a weapon enhancement bonus is psionic or magical in
origin doesn t matter. Enhancement bonuses remain the same between magic and psionic
weapons and either will fulfill requirements (like piercing damage reduction) equally well.
Metapsionic Feats
Metapsionic feats allow a psionic character to enhance the manifestation of a regular power.
Using a metapsionic feat doesn t take any longer but does increase the total power point cost to
manifest the power. A psionic character can use multiple metapsionic feats on a power, and the
extra power point cost is cumulative, but a power altered by metapsionic feats can never cost
more power points than the manifester s level minus one (minimum one).
The limit to the number and level of powers a psionic character may manifest in one day is not
absolute. Any psionic character with the overextending ability may attempt to make a power
stronger without spending points or manifest weak powers with no power points remaining.
Unlike spellcasters, psionic characters cannot reach beyond their level capabilities through
To overextend, make a Concentration check. The DC depends on what you are attempting to
do. If you succeed in the check, the overextended power goes off as intended. If you fail, the
power does not work or is not modified, and you must make a Fortitude saving throw.
Concentration Overextending Fortitude
Check Attempt Save DC
15 Manifest a 0-level power with no points left 15
20 Manifest a 1st-level power with no points left 25
25 Manifest a 2nd-level power with no points left 35
30 Manifest a 3rd-level power with no points left 45
20 Increase the points spent on a power by +3 15 + power level
25 Increase the points spent on a power by +5 25 + power level
30 Increase the points spent on a power by +7 35 + power level
If you succeed at the Fortitude save, you are unharmed by your attempt to overextend. If you fail,
the result depends on how badly you failed the roll. Subtract your saving throw result from the
DC and consult the table below.
DC missed by Result
1-5 Headache and fatigue.  1 to all skill and ability checks, saving throws,
and attack rolls. This penalty ends after six hours of rest.
6-10 Severe headache and overwhelming fatigue.  2 penalty on all skill and
ability checks, saving throws, and attack rolls. Also takes 1d6 points of
damage and cannot overextend. All penalties fade after six hours of
11-15  3 on all previously listed rolls, which fades after six hours of rest. Takes
2d6 damage and cannot manifest powers at all for 24 hours.
16-20  4 on all previously listed rolls, which fades after six hours of rest. Takes
3d6 damage and cannot manifest powers at all for 48 hours.
21-25  5 on all previously listed rolls, which fades after six hours of rest. Takes
4d6 damage and cannot manifest powers at all for two weeks.
25+  6 on all previously listed rolls, which fades after six hours of rest. Takes
5d6 damage. The psionic is burnt out completely unable to manifest
powers for the rest of his life.
Overextending is difficult and risky, to novices and masters alike. It requires a Concentration
check, and failure may result in injury, incapacitation, and even death. Most psionic characters
only overextend in extreme circumstances, and even then with reluctance. Psions especially
have a difficult time at overextending, as their focus is rarely devoted to their mental abilities with
enough conviction to make overextending safe.
By overextending, you may manifest a power as though you had spent a greater amount of
points on that power. This is useful mostly for metapsionic abilities and allows a manifester to
increase his power without wasting his reserves. You may also overextend to manifest a 0, 1st,
2nd, or 3rd-level power when you have insufficient power points remaining.
You may only overextend to manifest low-level powers if you do not have sufficient remaining
power points to manifest those powers. You may overextend to increase the strength of a power
at any time. Failing the Concentration check to increase the points spent on a power does not
cause the power to fail unless the subsequent Fortitude save also fails. The metapsionic cap still
applies to powers enhanced through overextending.
Power Chains
Power chains are a series of similar and related powers that build upon one another from level to
level. Psionic characters possessing a primary Discipline (mind melters and mystics, among the
base classes) have the ability to  trade in lower level powers from their primary Discipline when
they gain a higher link on a power chain. In order to gain this trade, the chain must be unbroken
(that is, the psionic character must have all of the powers from the chain it is possible to have at
his level) and the power must be traded for another power from the same Discipline. The old
power is not lost and can still be manifested.
As an example, the astral construct series is the best-known power chain. A shaper
(metacreative) who takes astral construct I has begun the power chain. At 4th level and above,
the shaper is capable of taking astral construct II. If he does so at any point, he may immediately
gain another 1st-level metacreative power of his choice. When he takes astral construct III, he
gains an additional 2nd-level metacreative power, and so on.
If the character skips a step, the chain is broken until the missing power is taken. For example,
a shaper who has astral construct I, astral construct II, and astral construct III does not take astral
construct IV when he reaches the appropriate level. At a later level, he takes astral construct V.
When this power is gained, he does not gain an additional 3rd-level power in place of astral
construct III the chain was broken. If he takes astral construct IV at any point, he may
immediately gain a new 3rd-level metacreative power for completing the chain. However,
because he delayed the chain, he does not trade in astral construct IV (for having astral construct
V) until he gains a new manifester level. Should that level gain him the next link on the chain,
that link is not resolved until yet another manifester level is gained, and so on.
A small number of power chains have multiple power of the same level on the chain. For
purposes of chaining, these chains must be resolved in the order they are presented. Regardless
of the reasons, only one link per chain may be resolved at each experience level.
All powers in this section are taken directly from the Psionics Handbook and are unchanged
from that source. New powers and abilities will be presented in future materials, but this list is
intended to be the basic list of psionic powers for mind melters and psions in a Rifts D20 game.
Attack Modes
Ego Whip
Id Insinuation
Mind Blast
Mind Thrust
Psychic Crush
Defense Modes
Empty Mind
Intellect Fortress
Mental Barrier
Though Shield
Tower of Iron Will
Detect Psionics
Know Direction
Combat Precognition
Destiny Dissonance
Expanded Vision
Know Location
Object Reading
Steadfast Gaze
Combat Prescience
Recall Pain
See Invisibility
Sensitivity to Psychic Impressions
Danger Sense
Invisibility Purge
Poison Sense
Remote Viewing
Ubiquitous Vision
Undead Sense
Anchored Navigation
Aura Sight
Detect Remote Viewing
Fate of One
Power Resistance
Recall Agony
Sense Psionics
True Seeing
Remote View Trap
Shield of Prudence
Emulate Power
Improved Anchored Navigation
Recall Death
Greater Emulation
Finger of Fire
Astral Construct I
Lesser Metaphysical Weapon
Minor Creation
Astral Construct II
Burning Ray
Ectoplasmic Cocoon
Ecto Puppet
Sudden Minor Creation
Astral Construct III
Create Food and Water
Metaphysical Weapon
Astral Construct IV
Dismiss Ectoplasm
Wall of Ectoplasm
Astral Construct V
Ectoplasmic Armor
Ectoplasmic Shambler
Major Creation
Astral Construct VI
Flaming Shroud
Improved Fabricate
Astral Construct VII
Mass Cocoon
Astral Construct VIII
Mind Store
True Creation
Astral Construct IX
Control Shadow
Far Hand
Far Punch
My Light
Control Light
Control Object
Create Sound
Lesser Concussion
Matter Agitation
Control Air
Control Body
Control Flames
Sever the Tie
Cone of Sound
Control Sound
Greater Concussion
Negate Psionics
Amplified Invisibility
Inertial Barrier
Mass Concussion
Brilliant Blast
Matter Rearrangement
Psychic Vampire
Greater Biocurrent
Null Psionics Field
Divert Teleport
Improved Telekinesis
Power Turning
True Concussion
Improved Clairtangency
Matter Manipulation
Telekinetic Sphere
True Telekinesis
Lesser Natural Armor
Bite of the Wolf
Empathic Transfer
Feel Light
Feel Sound
Hear Light
Lesser Body Adjustment
See Sound
Animal Affinity
Body Adjustment
Body Equilibrium
Claws of the Bear
Painful Touch
Bite of the Tiger
Claws of the Vampire
Duodimensional Hand
Ectoplasmic Form
Improved Biofeedback
Dissolving Touch
Polymorph Self
Natural Armor
Adapt Body
Energy Barrier
Graft Weapon
Breath of the Dragon
Improved Vigor
Suspend Life
Energy Conversion
Oak Body
Iron Body
Shadow Body
Affinity Field
True Metabolism
Call Weaponry
Dissipating Touch
Feather Fall
Spider Climb
Psionic Lock
Sense Psychoportation
Astral Steed
Dimension Slide
Time Hop
Dimensional Anchor
Dimension Door
Freedom of Movement
Baleful Teleport
Teleport Trigger
Ethereal Jaunt
Improved Fly
Trace Teleport
Divert Teleport
Phase Door
Plane Shift
Teleport Without Error
Dream Travel
Improved Etherealness
Teleportation Circle
Temporal Acceleration
Astral Projection
Probability Travel
Temporal Velocity
Time Regression
Telempathic Projection
Charm Person
Conceal Thoughts
Lesser Mindlink
Sense Link
Brain Lock
Detect Thoughts
Inflict Pain
Intrusive Sense Link
Charm Monster
Crisis of Breath
False Sensory Input
Fate Link
Lesser Domination
Fatal Attraction
Forced Mindlink
Tailor Memory
Greater Domination
Mind Probe
Aura Alteration
Mass Suggestion
Mind Switch
Mass Domination
Mind Blank
Mind Seed
True Domination
Monster Domination
Psychic Chirurgery
Control Shadow
Detect Psionics
Far Hand
Far Punch
Know Direction
Bite of the Wolf
Call Weaponry
Combat Precognition
Expanded Vision
Feel Light
Feel Sound
Hear Light
Lesser Metaphysical Weapon
Minor Creation
See Sound
Animal Affinity
Body Equilibrium
Claws of the Bear
Combat Prescience
Control Flames
Painful Touch
Sudden Minor Creation
Bite of the Tiger
Claws of the Vampire
Danger Sense
Improved Biofeedback
Metaphysical Weapon
Ubiquitous Vision
Dimension Door
Dissolving Touch
Inertial Barrier
Polymorph Self
Steadfast Perception
Adamant Grasp
Adapt Body
Ectoplasmic Armor
Energy Barrier
Graft Weapon
Psychic Vampire
Breath of the Dragon
Call Cohort
Ethereal Jaunt
Improved Vigor
Shield of Prudence
Suspend Life
Anchored Navigation
Improved Anchored Navigation
Combat Precognition
Combat Prescience
Shield of Prudence
Expanded Vision
Ubiquitous Vision
Emulate Power
Greater Emulation
Finger of Fire
Burning Ray
Flaming Shroud
Lesser Metaphysical Weapon
Metaphysical Weapon
Ectoplasmic Cocoon
Mass Cocoon
Minor Creation
Sudden Minor Creation
Major Creation
Improved Fabricate
True Creation
Astral Construct I
Astral Construct II
Astral Construct III
Astral Construct IV
Astral Construct V
Astral Construct VI
Astral Construct VII
Astral Construct VIII
Astral Construct IX
Greater Biocurrent
Create Sound
Control Sound
Far Hand
Control Object
Control Body
Improved Telekinesis
Improved Clairtangency
Telekinetic Sphere
True Telekinesis
Amplified Invisibility
Lesser Concussion
Greater Concussion
Mass Concussion
True Concussion
Matter Agitation
Matter Rearrangement
Matter Manipulation
My Light
Control Light
Improved Biofeedback
Greater Biofeedback
Bite of the Wolf
Claws of the Bear
Bite of the Tiger
Claws of the Vampire
Painful Touch
Dissolving Touch
Energy Barrier
Energy Conversion
Lesser Natural Armor
Natural Armor
Oak Body
Iron Body
Polymorph Self
Improved Vigor
Baleful Teleport
Divert Teleport
Dimension Slide
Dimension Door
Teleport Trigger
Teleport Without Error
Teleportation Circle
Ethereal Jaunt
Improved Etherealness
Improved Fly
Plane Shift
Dream Travel
Astral Projection
Probability Travel
Time Hop
Temporal Acceleration
Temporal Velocity
Time Regression
Charm Person
Charm Monster
Lesser Domination
Greater Domination
Mass Suggestion
True Domination
Monster Domination
Lesser Mindlink
Forced Mindlink
Telempathic Projection
Detect Thoughts
Mind Probe
Sense Link
Intrusive Sense Link
False Sensory Input
Tailor Memory
Mind Seed


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