SHSpec 132 6204C17 Auditing

6204C17 SHSpec-132 Auditing

The best frame of mind for an auditor to have is one of calm competence
and an intention to go on and do his job. This gives the PC certainty that
the auditor will go on and be effective; this gives the auditor altitude.

The processes we are counting on today are CCH's and 3DXX. They take a
case all the way south, and auditors can apply these processes well. The
first test of a process is, "Can an auditor other than Ron do it?" An auditor
can do any process that does not require of him more adjudication than can be
given him by an E-meter. If you ask him for further judgment, some will be
able to do it but the majority will not.

Auditing the CCH's requires that an auditor be able to observe constancy
or change. Instructors must make sure that students learn how to do this. An
auditor can be taught to list and to read a meter against a list. What
requires is instruction of a precise nature. There is only one right way to
do CCH's, to list, and to null. Given a high level of competence in these
spheres, dissemination will proceed by leaps and bounds. You can do these
drills in the absence of a complete understanding of them, though it is better
to have understanding to avoid introducing unnecessary ritual. Fortunately,
we know why these processes work.

You've also got to be able to prepcheck so you can audit an ARC breaky PC
who is madly withholding from you. The least common denominator of ruds is
withholds and the least common denominator of withholds is missed. Sometimes
you have to find them to get things moving again, to get TA action, etc.

All of Freud's work and all of the work of faculty psychology is wrapped
up in prepchecking. With prepchecking, you can find and eradicate childhood
traumas. We have also wrapped up the work of Freud's squirrels: Jung, Adler,

Pavlov wrote a four hundred page manuscript for Stalin on how his data on
animals could be applied to humans. This has never been brought to light
abroad. Communism used it to fixate attention on the third dynamic to the
exclusion of all others.

CAPITALISM: Capitalism lets you have what you've got if they
can't get it away from you.

SOCIALISM: Socialism lets you have half of what you already

COMMUNISM: Communism doesn't let you have anything that
you own. This is a total games condition between the
individual and the state.

Early faculty psychology tried to relieve people of things. From Pavlov
on, psychology has tried to do things to people. Therefore, Pavlovian
conditioning would have to be undone with CCH's, since it is an effort to do
things to people, rather than to alleviate things in people.

[Details on difficulties with prepchecking. LRH states that he is
taking it out of the lineup.]

On a sane case on CCH's, if you ever have any trouble getting them to do
the actions, their ruds are very probably out. Prepchecking missed withholds
will get them in. You could approach it by doing a white farm and getting off
the withholds that all She reading terminals have missed.


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