SHSpec 261 6304C30 Directive Listing [Part II]

6304C30 SHSpec-261 Directive Listing [Part II]

Finding the pattern of the GPM has been pure slaughter. You have to hunt
and punch around among various banks, stirring everything up. LRH was
horrified in the past to find so many items. He wondered if some were locks.
Now it is all shaken out. It is mysterious that the noun form declines into
"-ity" forms, then the goal as an oppterm. The goal declines through the same
pattern, all the way down through "absolute" and "perfect" into the
"ivities". Then you get to the end of the goal, which doesn't decline,

Body weight and machinery get knocked around sometimes, when doing
directive listing. It is the unrun items which, slamming into the body,
increase the body's mass. This is one of the oldest findings in havingness
processing, like mock-ups being shoved into the body increasing the body's
weight. A partially-run GPM, being in restimulation, impinges on the body
more than it did, so you get more body weight. Mental mass and physical mass
are the same stuff, but mental mass is thinner. GPM mass looks like a steel
shell, or is a sphere covered with a black or grey cloud. The mass on a
half-discharged bank looks like grey cotton-wool. It has finite dimensions.
The mass alternates: black banks and grey banks going back down the track. A black bank, partly discharged, turns greyish and murky-brown while there are still some items. It shakes and shivers and tries to fall apart. The best items are those that turn on a little mass. The first items off take off proportionally more charge than the later ones. However, leaving lower RI's undischarged is dangerous, because the lower items hold it all together, and it will charge up again. The top items are uncomfortable and upsetting, but not that important. The lowest oppterm is the keystone that keeps the bank in its channel, because it is a cross between the failed goal of the next GPM down and the one you are in. That is how the goals stay in sequence. What keeps the bank charged up is the goal. When you reach the goal as an RI, you can't just leave it. You have to list what would oppose it. But don't let the PC start to run what comes up as the item, because it is the next bank, and before going into it, the PC has to come up to PT. Acknowledge it very thoroughly. Don't null the list. Go back to the top of the first bank you ran, and find its goal, find the opposite "oppose", and go on to PT. It is always harder to go the other way, going later, rather than earlier, but that is the way to do it.

The reason is that you are trying to clear the PC by obtaining for the PC
the greatest possible auditing gains per unit of time. It is mechanically
true that the more items you get off, the more banks you run, the more charge
you discharge, the more the PC will cognite. But we are running the PC under
special conditions that you, as a scientologist recognize as special, but that
no one else would see as out of the ordinary. You are running a thetan in a
body. That just about ruins ninety percent of the things you could do. You
are auditing a bank with a frail human body interposed between the bank and
the PC, but you need the PC's body to hold onto the cans. That is what has
given LRH trouble in research. The PC is put into danger, in that you can't
audit a dead body, end if the PC dropped his body half way through a bank, he
would probably be sufficiently restimulated so that he would have trouble
picking up a new body. He would key-out, but he would feel betrayed, because
the hope factor was 'way up. So auditing is monitored by the consideration of
what gains you can achieve in spite of the fact that the PC has a body between
himself and the bank. This is a real problem.

The bank is capable of influencing the body. That is why the E-meter can
be used. The E-meter is not connected up to the auditor, but the auditor can,
accidentally, start looking at or into his own bank to figure out the PC, and
kick in some restimulation. The auditor's bank and the PC's are on different
wavelengths, so they don't collide. MEST has wavelengths, also. Someone
whose wavelength is near to yours is someone you feel very close to [ -- a
soul-mate]. You can influence each other more than average, being both more
pleasing and more irritating. There is also the possibility of having known
the other person before.

So there is a thetan plus a body plus a bank. The bank consists of free
track that hasn't been drawn into the GPM's, all the goals, all the GPM's, all
the locks, secondaries, engrams, and circuits. Then there is the thetan, the
body, and the physical universe, with all its PTP's. So, in a sense, in
auditing the PC, you are auditing the whole Physical universe and everything
in it. It is seldom necessary for the auditor to handle the PC's environment,
except when handling a very neurotic or psychotic PC, or a PC with a psychotic

If you were auditing a thetan with no body, you could run him back to his
earliest bank, knock it out, and then run off the later ones more easily. The
body gets in the way of this, because when the thetan made his earliest bank,
he didn't have a body, and his adventures were more strenuous than a body
could take. So you can make someone quite ill by chasing them down into early
banks and badly handling them. The body is a useful adjunct, though a
nuisance, in some ways. So you should safeguard it by staying with standard
procedures. Whatever you come up with to run, run it well, with a minimum of
stress on the body.

What could you do to overstress the body? You could fail to clear the
bank you are working on and go off into other banks. You could not run banks
closer to PT before going earlier. You could not try, as far as possible, to
run a bank from its extreme top to the bottom. You could keep auditing the PC
over and over, finding nothing and not discharging the bank. You could find
wrong items and run wrong goals. You could fail to follow the pattern, but
assume that your PC is different. Your PC simply won't rocket read well on
some parts of the GPM. It is just charge that prevents the right item from

Just as the PC has many goals and many banks, he has many RI's in one
GPM. Instead of worrying about all the GPM's there are to run, you should be
worrying about cleaning up the RI's you have your hands on. Just as if you
half-ran half of the PC's banks, so if you half-run half the RI's in a bank,
the PC will sooner or later feel queasy. The monitoring consideration is that
you should audit what you have your hands on. Don't "run R3 on a PC". Audit
the PC with R3! That goes for every auditing skill we have. "I never sec
check a PC. I audit the PC with sec checking. I don't find goals on a PC. I
audit a PC with goals finding." If you keep that frame of reference, you will
win all the way.

With Routine 3, it is almost possible to audit the PC with scarcely a
somatic, if you use everything you are doing, at the moment you are doing it,
to clear the PC of what you have your hands on. It will go something like
this: The first RI takes 2 1/2 hours; the next thirty RI's take half an hour
apiece; the next thirty RI's take twenty minutes apiece; the next thirty take
fifteen minutes apiece. The next bank takes you 45 minutes to get your first
Rl, half an hour each for the next half-dozen, fifteen minutes each for the
next thirty, etc., etc. This happens because you are building, on a gradient
scale, the thetan's confidence, and leaving nothing behind you to worry
about. This state of affairs is attainable, if you follow some rules. Say
you have spent two sessions trying to get the top oppterm to fire. You've
still got the whole bottom of the GPM and various points to cut in, where the
PC can get rocket reads. By auditing the lower parts of the GPM, you could
unburden the case and then progress forward. You should be aware that you can
always go down in a bank, no matter how hard you try to list upward. Your
first interest is to get charge off. If you get charge off, the PC can
confront more. Now he can find that missing top oppterm.

You've got countless locks, which will fire when you first enter a bank.
Any part of the goal, anything will fire, because you are looking at the whole
mass, and it is so cross-charged that anything will fire. That makes the top
oppterm the hardest to find. After you have taken some charge off, all these
weird combinations don't fire. The more bank, the more things will fire, and
the more restimulated the PC will be in life.

[Details on directive listing procedure.]

Some PCs will have to be taught the language, if they don't understand
the words in the pattern. Eventually they will get the words.


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