090417 witn pakistan pdf 2

BBC Learning English
Words in the News
17th April 2009
Japan pledges $1bn in aid to Pakistan
Japan has said it will pledge up to a billion dollars in aid to Pakistan. The announcement
came ahead of a meeting of donor countries in Tokyo which is expected to raise between four
and six billion dollars. From Tokyo our correspondent Roland Buerk reports:
Prime Minister Taro Aso made the announcement that Japan would pledge up to a billion
dollars of aid after talks with Pakistan's President Asif Ali Zardari. The two men met ahead of
international meetings in Tokyo on Friday that will include the United States, China and the
European Union, as well as other donors. Pakistan is looking for billions of dollars more
from them.
In return it is expected to give assurances it is committed to economic reform and to
fighting a rising Islamist insurgency. Militant groups are increasingly threatening the writ
of the state in Pakistan, carrying out suicide bombings and other attacks. Taliban fighters
based in Pakistan's lawless north west are also undermining stability in neighbouring
Afghanistan. There's concern an economic meltdown could fuel support for extremism.
Pakistan's economy is being propped up by a 7.6 billion dollar loan from the International
Monetary Fund. A key issue at the talks will be what conditions are attached to the aid.
Japan meanwhile is hoping hosting the conference will help increase its international clout.
The world's second biggest economy has long punched beneath its weight because its post-
war pacifist constitution makes it reluctant to send troops abroad.
Roland Buerk, BBC News, Tokyo
Words in the News © British Broadcasting Corporation 2009
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Vocabulary and definitions
pledge formally promise to do something, here, to give money to
donors people or countries who give money or goods to a needy
assurances it is committed to promises that it is willing to change the country's way of
economic reform organising its trade, industry and financial situation
insurgency when people are fighting against the government
threatening the writ of the looking likely to cause problems for the authorities
undermining stability making the current situation weaker and more dangerous
economic meltdown financial failure
propped up supported
international clout power and influence around the world
has long punched beneath its for a long time has not contributed to international affairs
weight as much as it has been able to
More on this story: http://newsvote.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/8001336.stm
Read and listen to the story and the vocabulary online:
Words in the news © British Broadcasting Corporation 2009
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