07 10 ASTRAL

Darshan: About Astral Projection

Darshan: About Astral Projection
A sannyasin says: Sometimes when I go to sleep and I lie on my back, I can feel something moving in my body. It's not my body...it feels like energy.
Mm mm, it is energy--so help it to move, and don't stop it. Wherever it goes, you simply follow. Simply become the shadow and let it become the real; it is your real energy. So just help it to move.
You may be scared in the beginning because it can go away from the body, and that is very scaring. Once you become attuned to it, it has a beauty of its own. Nothing can be compared to it--sexual orgasm is nothing. It gives you such a deep orgasm...the whole body thrills with bliss.
If you follow it silently, without resistance, it will move away, and you may be able to see your own body lying on the bed--and you are standing near the door. You may be able to hover over your bed like a cloud. Don't be afraid. Enjoy it...it is perfectly good.
When you come back to the body you will have a thrill. Leaving the body and coming back again, you will have a thrill, and the thrill is deeper than any sexual orgasm.
In fact in sexual orgasm the same thing happens. Because of the female energy, your male energy is attracted so deeply that it leaves your body for a few seconds. It is not only an ejaculation of semen--it is an ejaculation of you. Your whole energy is ejaculated just for a second, and then you are again back in the body. And that is the whole thrill of it.
Once you know how to do it without any partner, without any sex being involved, then sex becomes meaningless because now you know a higher way to attain to a deeper orgasm more easily, and at no risk, no cost.
So allow this...it is very good. For fifteen days cooperate.... tolose13
A sannyasin who is returning to England says: I used to go outside my body and I didn't know anything about it until I heard you talking about it. It used to happen when I was frightened, and I wouldn't have any control over it. I'd go about four feet away from my body.
Yes, allow it--it is beautiful, very beautiful. Simply enjoy it so it happens more and more. By and by it will become more and more smooth and you will be able to go further and further away from the body. One can almost float in the sky.
You are separate from the body. The body is just an abode in which we are staying for a time being. So enjoy it and whenever you have time slip into it. If it is happening naturally, it is beautiful. It is a great meditation and will help tremendous growth in you.
We have a certain attitude about things. For example if you accept the idea that you are separate from the body, when the thing happens you will become aware of it. If you reject the very idea and think that it is foolish, the thing will happen but you will bypass it. You will not recognise it or take note of it, because it will go against your mind.
Then you will lose it. If you understand it and allow it, you know the path and how it happened. It is a knack, and you slip into that knack again and again and again and it happens more and more.
People who have an idea that they have lived only once, are living only once, and that there are not many lives, also slip, sometimes, into their past lives, but they will interpret it in a certain way. They will say, 'This is just dream or fantasy, just nonsense, rubbish!' In that way they will block the door.
There are people who sometimes move into deep meditation but they remain completely oblivious of the fact. If you ask them, they will say, 'Maybe I fell asleep,' or, 'I don't know what was happening!' The mind only selects those things which it accepts. That's why an open mind is needed with no dogma cluttering it. Then whatsoever happens, one is available to take note of it, to enjoy it, and if it is life-enhancing, to move into it. Then more and more things will happen.
It is a chain. If you go one step into it, another step becomes available. If you go two steps, a third step becomes available. And only one step becomes available at one time. If you don't take the first step, the other steps are simply closed for you.
Whenever it happens, push it back a little further. You feel it is four feet, try to make it five or six. If you feel it is in the room, just try to get out of the room. By, and by you will feel that a freedom is coming and you are becoming attuned to the phenomenon. Sometimes try to go out of the town, and then to Poona (laughter). Come from Oxford, mm?...because time and space are not barriers for it. getout24
Religion says: that which is, allow it to happen. All that you can do is, please, don't disturb. Just allow it to happen. Remain alert and passive and then there is no need to come to me; I will come to you. Many times I have already reached you...whenever you were silent. So this is not a theory: many of you even know it by experience, but you interpret this also.
People come to me and they say: This morning, meditating, I suddenly felt you, but I thought it must be a projection of my mind. Or they say: Last night suddenly I felt a presence, I became alert, and then I thought it must have been someone passing by, a wind may have entered the room and fluttered the papers, or just a cat has passed.
So what I am saying, many of you have already felt. That's why I am saying it; otherwise, I would not say it.
Don't interpret. When you feel the presence, allow it to happen. If you allow it to happen, it will materialize more and more. It is possible that I will be there, as real as I am here, sometimes even more so--because it depends on you how much reality you allow to happen. And your questions will be answered.
Be more meditative and then you are nearer to me. Once you are totally meditative, you are me. Then there is no difference. clouds13
This is my experience; many times it has happened.... Somebody who is working deeply with me, growing, is in some dark night of the soul. He needs my help, and I go to him and he trembles, and he becomes afraid. Many times I say to my disciples, "If I come, don't get scared." At that time they laugh, they think I am joking. But when I reach them they tremble and they cannot believe that I have come. They can believe anything, but they cannot believe that I have come, because that is beyond their scope. foll301
You ask: I have been told that you leave your body for several hours each day and that when you return you are very hungry and that you eat sixteen chapattis. Is this true?
Yes, it is true. Whenever one leaves the body one feels very, very hungry on coming back, and after entering the body again food functions as a paperweight and helps the inner space to settle in the body again easily. Some day you will feel it, some day it will happen suddenly in your meditations, that you are standing outside the body and watching your own body lying there. Don't be afraid and don't be afraid about how you will now enter it. With just the idea of entering, you will find yourself in it. No effort is needed, just the very idea that you would like to enter, and you will, the very desire will lead you in. But then you will feel a very unnatural hunger, as if you have not eaten for many days. The body has lost much physical energy while you were out of it. There is a point beyond which you cannot be out of it, otherwise the body will be dead. To a certain limit you can be out of it, but in that time, in that interval, the body is losing energy continuously and very fast because you are not in it to hold the energy. The body is almost dead.
When you enter it you will feel as if you have not eaten for many days. So that's true--but about the exact number of chapattis you will have to ask Vivek. Sixteen or not--that I cannot be the right authority about. treas204
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