
Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul - The Externalization of the Hierarchy - II - The
Great Invocation - Stanza II

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The Externalization of the Hierarchy - Section II - The General World

It is therefore the free will and the will-to-good of humanity
which must actively end the present conflict. One of these, the first, concerns man's
responsibility to man; the other, rightly understood, concerns the right relationship of
man to divine purpose, his right orientation to the divine goodwill, and his correct
participation in its expression. Where these conditions exist, there can be drawn forth an
act of divine intervention.Natural law is today producing great changes in nature [254]
through the effects of aerial and physical combat, through the results of the fluid
movement of whole sections of the world population and through the effects of vast
economic changes and processes. Conditions have been set in motion which must now work out
to their predestined end, and it is the task of those who guide humanity spiritually to
see that out of the surface evil and material activity good may eventuate, and that out of
the wicked, materialistic intent lying behind the present aggressive activity of certain
groups ultimate good may be engineered and the evil activity ended. But this possible good
will be the result of the spiritual activity of those who know the law and who understand
the purpose of the will of God; it will be wrought out in spite of, and not because of,
the brute force and the selfish goals of the world aggressors; these embody and ensile the
materialistic forces of the planet in a manner utterly new in expression.
will involves a basic understanding of the lines of world cleavage; it concerns right
choice and consequent correct action for the group and is determined every time by that
which is right for the whole and not so much by that which is right for the part. Humanity
is only now reaching the point where free will can be of significant importance. There has
been little free will to date. This is definitely the needed demonstration at this moment.
It is the lack of true free will which is today holding up the final activity. This is a
statement of importance and it is here that the great and free neutrals can give a right
lead to human affairs. Aggression, fear, terror, foreboding and the numbness that comes
from undue and ceaseless mental and physical pain are stultifying and negating free will
in many sections of the world at this time. There is no free will in many parts of Europe
Prejudice, the misinterpretation of presented facts, false and over-emphasized idealism,
racial and nationalistic thought-forms and the withdrawing fear of responsibility are
hindering the expression of free will in the less damaged parts of the world. Moral
unpreparedness and the [255] refusal to relinquish the many and differing
misinterpretations of truth or of Christ's teaching are hindering many people today.
Release for humanity will come when the so-called good people of the world give up their
pet theories and their beloved ideals and grasp the essential fact that entry into the
Kingdom of Heaven and into the new age will take place when mankind is truly loved and
selflessly served, and when the true, divine purpose is seen and humanity is found to be
one indivisible whole. Then petty nationalisms, religious differences and selfish
idealisms (for that is what they often are as most people are idealists because they seek
to save their own souls) are subordinated to human need, human good and the future
happiness of the whole. The simplification of the attitude of men is the crying need at
this time. Ideologies must go; old ideals must be relinquished; petty political, religious
and social schemes must be discarded, and the one driving purpose and the one outstanding
determination must be the release of humanity from the imposition of fear, from enforced
slavery and the reinstatement of men in freedom and with due opportunity to express
themselves through right human relations. This is not as yet possible and it is the
appalling situation of terror, of slavery and of imposed and penalizing rule which is
breaking the heart of humanity and causing deep distress and questioning in those whose
hearts are not yet so broken.
As to Karma,
what man has made he can unmake. This is oft forgotten. Karma is not a hard and fast rule.
It is changeable, according to man's attitude and desire. It is the presenting of the
opportunity to change; this grows out of past activities, and these rightly met and
correctly handled lay the foundation for future happiness and progress. The present
situation is the fault of all peoples in all countries (particularly the more intelligent)
and includes also the great neutrals if the Law of Rebirth and of joint responsibility
means anything at all. Karma is not all that is bad and evil. Men make it so through their
stupidities. There are today great forces of evil seeking expression in the world; [256]
these emerge out of the past and seek to determine and bring about a very evil future
wherein selfishness, material objectives, and the good and well-being of one race out of
the many must be imposed upon the world - a world which innately revolts against such an
imposition and distortion of reality. The force of evil example is shown in the fact that
two other races seek abjectly to copy or aid the forces of aggression, focused at this
time through the aggressor race.

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