2002 07 Networking Dns Configuration for Both the Client and Server

Linux networking guide: Part 3
In this, the third
An overview of DNS
The examples in the first two articles in this series Internet domains are organised into a top-down tree-
installment of our
used IP addresses exclusively to identify networks, structure. At the very top is the root domain. Beneath
simple guide to
subnets and hosts. But while an IP address is all a that are the Top Level Domains, the generic TLDs like
computer needs, humans work better with names. .com, .net etc and the geographical TLDs like .uk, .nz
configuring Linux
Every so often, on a newsgroup or mailing list, and so on. Each of those domains is further
networks from the
some newcomer to Internet technologies will subdivided and so on. Domains further down the tree
suggest that the system of IP addresses should be are considered subdomains of the upper domains, so
command line, Bruce
entirely replaced by one based on names. This is not the debian.org domain is within the .org domain and
Richardson shows us
practical: an IP address only requires four bytes to the uk.debian.org domain is within both the
store it (IPv4 addresses, anyway), whereas a text debian.org and .org domains and they are all
how to configure
string requires at least one byte for each character. subdomains of the root domain.
DNS on both client
Since each IP packet contains the address of both its
source and its destination, this would add quite an Names
and server
overhead to TCP/IP networks. A Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) is constructed
What is needed, then, is a mechanism that by taking the name of a host or domain and adding
allows humans to assign meaningful names to to it the names of all the containing domains, using
hosts on the network and enables computers to  . as a separator. So ftp.uk.debian.org is the FQDN
translate  to resolve  these names into IP of the host named ftp that resides within the
addresses. That is the subject of this article. This uk.debian.org domain. ftp is the unqaulified name,
article will show you how the Domain Name System referred to in this article as the short name.
is used to organise TCP/IP networks, how to An important point to remember is that the root
configure a computer running Linux to use DNS domain is itself represented by  . . So the FQDN for
and how to configure a DNS server on Linux. the ftp host is actually ftp.uk.debian.org.. Almost all
applications will add the final  . for themselves as
long as the rightmost domain matches the name of a
TLD. This is not the case with name servers, however.
Table 1: DNS Record Types
When configuring a name server it is important
always to include the final  . or the daemon will
Type Description
attempt to fully qualify the name by appending the
SOA Start Of Authority record. If a name server has an SOA record for a
FQDN of the local domain.
domain then it is an authoratitive server for that domain.
A Address record. Associates a name with an address. An address may
Name servers
have multiple A records, each associating it with a different name.
For each domain there must be a name server (a
CNAME Alias record. Gives an alternate name for a host that already has an
minimum of two, for Internet domains) which can
A record. NS, MX and PTR records may not point to CNAME
give authorative answers to queries about names
records and some people avoid all use of CNAMES, saying they
within the domain. A name server may be
make a mess of DNS.
authorative for an entire domain including all its
NS Identifies a host as a name server for a domain.
subdomains or it may delegate responsibility for a
MX Identifies a host as a mail server that will accept mail for the domain.
subdomain to another name server.
PTR Pointer records are used to map addresses to names, the inverse of
The area within a domain that the name server
A records. Their use is explained further on in this section. The
does not delegate is called a zone. Name servers can
name in a PTR record must have an associated A record, not a
be authoritative for multiple domains and so have
CNAME record.
many zones.
LINUX MAGAZINE Issue 22 " 2002
Name servers maintain databases of information Technicalities
about their domains. Each record in the database The standard port number for DNS queries is 53.
holds information of a specific type (see Table 1). Queries are normally carried out over UDP, though
TCP may be used if the data involved is too big to fit
Masters and slaves into a UDP datagram.
Configuring multiple name servers for a domain
provides redundancy and eases the load on each Mapping addresses to names
server. To ease the burden of administration, name Sometimes you want to find out what name is
servers can be configured as slave servers, getting associated with an address. For this a special domain
their data from a master server in a regular process was created, the in-addr.arpa domain. Address-to-
called a zone update. name queries are solved by looking within that
domain for PTR records which list the name matching
Root name servers an address. PTR records are constructed by reversing
The root name servers are authoritative for the root the IP address and appending ip-addr.arpa, so to find
domain (and in most cases for the generic Top Level the name associated with the address
Domains as well). Each chain of delegation starts with you would do a DNS query for
them and so they are the ultimate source of the The inversion of the
answers to all DNS queries. address is done because DNS places the most
significant information to the right. This allows the
Query resolution query to go first to the namserver authorative for in-
DNS name servers accept two kinds of queries: recursive addr.arpa, then to the nameserver for 195.in-
and iterative. In a recursive query, the name server addr.arpa and so on.
searches the DNS heirarchy until it finds an answer. In an
iterative query the name server simply gives the best An example network
answer it knows. This is best illustrated by example. The rest of this article will use as the basis of its
A host in the example.org domain wants to know examples the internal network of an imaginary
the address of www.linux.org.uk. It sends a recursive company. It is a small organisation whose public
query to the local name server, ns0.example.org. ns0 domain is managed by its ISP. All of its hosts are on a
sends an iterative query to one of the root servers, private, internal network behind a NAT-ed firewall
which refers it to ns.uu.net, a name server and are not visible to the Internet, so the local
authoritative for the uk domain. ns0 then sends an domain is called  internal . This allows a simpler
iterative query to ns.uu.net. ns.uu.net refers ns0 to example (only one name server, no slaves).
ns1.nic.uk, which is authoritative for org.uk.
ns1.org.uk refers ns0 to tallyho.bc.nu and since Configuring the resolver
tallyho is one of the name servers that is authoritative Unix systems come with a library that is used to
for the linux.org.uk domain, it is able to give the resolve host names, called the resolver. (Some
address of www.linux.org.uk. ns0 returns the answer applications, e.g. Netscape Navigator, use their own
to the host that made the original query. resolvers. The Netscape one is particularly brain-
dead.) The Linux resolver library is called Resolv+ and
In the example above, ns0 doesn t throw away the
Table 2: The Internal Domain
answer to the query. Instead, it keeps it in a cache for
a period of time. If it is asked the same query within
Hostname Address Description
that period it can give the answer without having to
gateway Gateway to the Internet, runs firewall and NAT.
refer onwards.
Alpha File server.
Servers answering iterative answers may also use
Oddjob Used for a variety of tasks including backups
their cache, so ns.uu.net will also be able to give the
and printing
address of www.linux.org.uk for a while. Caching
mailbox The internal IMAP mailstore.
thus eases the burden on the DNS system in general
Squid N/A This used to be a separate box acting as HTTP
and top level name servers in particular.
proxy for the workstations. That application has
If the actual details for www.linux.org.uk change,
now been moved onto gateway. Making squid
those name servers which have the old details in their
an alias for gateway allowed this to happen
caches will be serving up incorrect answers. For this
without reconfiguring any other applications or
reason, the SOA record of each name server includes
settings which indicate how long other name servers
ns Nameserver. Also runs DHCP.
should cache its replies. Even so, the downside to
All the other computers on the network are assigned addresses by the DHCP
caching is that changes to your DNS set-up will take
server on ns.
a while to propagate throughout the Internet.
Issue 22 " 2002 LINUX MAGAZINE
is an enhanced version of the library from BIND, the localhost
Berkely DNS server application. To set up gateway.internal gateway squid
a Linux box to make proper use of DNS, you edit the alpha.internal alpha
resolver s config files. oddjob.internal oddjob mailbox.internal mailbox
Naming your computer ns.internal ns
This isn t, in fact, directly associated with the resolver,
but many of the networkworking applications on a
Linux system need to associate a primary name with Adding entries to /etc/hosts allows the resolver to
the computer they run on. To do this dynamically, use resolve names without consulting a DNS server.
the hostname command: Copying the above example to all the hosts on the
network would eliminate the need for a local name
hostname oddjob
server. The administrator of this network, though,
prefers the centralisation advantages of DNS, so alpha s
This won t survive a reboot, so we also want to hosts file is simpler:
record it in a config file for the initscripts to find find localhost
and configure. With some distributions (e.g. Debian), alpha.internal alpha
the name is simply written to /etc/hostname. On Red
Hat you need to edit the HOSTNAME line in
/etc/sysconfig/networks. The file /etc/resolv.conf can can hold various entries that
define the behaviour of the resolver, of which the most
The resolver config files commonly used are:
Back in the early days of the Arpanet, before there
was such a thing as DNS, each computer on the nameserver  Add a nameserver entry for each DNS
network kept a local copy of a file called hosts.txt, server that you want the computer to consult. Only
which they downloaded via ftp from the Network one server is needed but adding extra ones gives the
Information Centre at regular intervals. This system computer options if the first one is busy.
broke down as the network grew but the /etc/hosts domain  Names the local domain. If given a short
file is a relic from that time. name (e.g  beta ), the resolver will attempt to
Each entry in the hosts file lists an IP address, resolve it within this domain (that is, it will combine
the name associated with it and any aliases, as in the shortname with the domain name to make a
this example: FQDN and then try to resolve that).
search  Defines a list of domains against which the
computer should attempt to resolve short names,
Main BIND config file
overriding the default which is just to search the
# /etc/named.conf
local domain.
options {
directory  /var/cache/bind ;
Here is alpha s resolv.conf file:
# /etc/resolv.conf
zone  . {
domain internal
type hint  /etc/bind/db.root ;
file  /etc/bind/db.root ;
If this file is not present then the resolver looks for a
zone  internal { nameserver on, deduces the local domain
type master;
from the hostname and its matching line in /etc/hosts
file  db.internal ;
and has a search list consisting of the local domain only.
The file /etc/host.conf can take options which
define the general behaviour of the resolver, as
zone  0.0.127.in-addr.arpa {
opposed to the more specific options in resolv.conf. If
type master
it is absent, sensible defaults are used. Here is a
file  db.root
typical configuration:
# /etc/host.conf
zone  10.168.192.in-addr.arpa {
order hosts,bind
type master;
multi on
file  db.10.168.192 ;
The first entry tells the resolver to consult /etc/hosts
LINUX MAGAZINE Issue 22 " 2002
before trying any nameservers. The second tells the
resolver that if it finds multiple addresses for a given
BIND db file for internal domain
name it should return them all, rather than just the first.
internal. IN SOA ns.internal. postmaster.example.org.uk. (
1 ; Serial
So far, so good
10800 ; Refresh after 3 hours (10800 seconds)
If you have followed all this, you now know how to 3600 ; Retry after 1 hour
604800 ; Expire after 1 week
configure a typical Linux box to resolve names properly.
86400) ; Minimum TTL is 1 day
Obviously, if you are setting up DNS for the first time
then you should configure the DNS server before
internal. IN NS ns.internal.
referencing it from any other machines.
; Addresses
The Berkely Internet
localhost.internal. IN A
Name Daemon
gateway.internal. IN A
BIND is the most commonly used DNS server in the
alpha.internal. IN A
world and so the one I have chosen for this example.
oddjob.internal. IN A
Specifically, I use BIND 8. BIND 9 is a recent major
mailbox.internal. IN A
rewrite which is still turning up significant bugs and has ns.internal. IN A
not yet supplanted 8.x as the most popular version.
; Aliases
You can get the source code from the Internet
squid.internal. IN CNAME gateway.internal.
Software Consortium s Web site or FTP site (see the Info
boxout). I recommend installing the BIND package that
comes with your distribution, though.
The data files
The main config file Next we must create the data files for each zone.
BIND expects to find its main configuration file in The file for the main internal domain is shown in the
/etc/named.conf, though you can put it somewhere BIND db file for internal domain boxout. Please note
else and pass an appropriate command line option. The that all FQDNS end with  .  do not forget this.
format for named.conf is extremely simple, as can be First we have the SOA record (the IN SOA
seen in the config file for ns.internal, listed in the Main identifies it as an Internet Start Of Authority
BIND config file boxout. The basic pattern is of a series record). It begins with the name of the domain,
of blocks, bounded by braces.  internal. . Then comes the name of the primary
The first block contains the global options. In this name server, followed by the email address of the
example there is just one option, which sets the default main email contact (with the  @ replaced by  . ).
directory to be /var/cache/named. Any file that doesn t Finally there is a block of settings. These mostly
have an explicitly set location will be looked for there. relate to slave servers, which we shall skip. The TTL
The second block tells BIND that the root hints file is setting has a broader import, though, as it is
in /etc/bind/db.root. returned with each query response. It tells the
This file contains a list of all the root name servers and querying host how long it can reasonably cache
their addresses and should be kept up to date for BIND the response before checking back. A TTL of one
to function properly. A simple way to do this is to query day is very common.
a reliable name server, like this: Next comes an NS record identifying ns as a
nameserver for the domain, followed by A records
dig @reliable.name.server . ns > root.hints
for each named host on the network. Finally there
is a CNAME record making squid.internal an alias
Then copy that to wherever you keep your hints file for gateway.internal.
and restart the daemon.
Each block after that simply names a zone for which Starting and maintenance
this name server is authoritative, states that this is a Now all you need to do is start the daemon. The
master (rather than slave) server for that zone and daemon itself is called named. If you have moved
names the file containing the zone s details. Since no the config file you will need to pass it an option to
path is given for the files, they should be placed in tell it where:
ISC Web site
/usr/sbin/named  b /etc/bind/named.conf
At this point, if you looked carefully at the zones
BIND FTP download
listed, you might ask  Why a reverse-mapping zone for
the loopback interface? . The simple answer is that And that s it: not the intimidating process you may
your name server will ocassionally be asked to perform have heard it was. Just be sure to keep your root
djbdns Web site
a reverse look-up on the loopback address, so this hints file up to date. Each time you update the data
covers it. files, restart the daemon or send it a SIGHUP signal.
Issue 22 " 2002 LINUX MAGAZINE


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