valley of the dolls cd2 1967 dvdrip xvid finale

{21}{85}- Psychiatrist.|- Psychiatrist?
{89}{186}Oh, yeah, the studio wants her|to find out why she's so exhausted.
{190}{278}They say they think|it must be emotional conflicts.
{290}{411}Conflicts, my foot.|There aren't enough hours in the day.
{418}{550}The headshrinker says she's insecure.|That she needs mass love.
{554}{614}Maybe I'm lucky|I don't have any talent.
{618}{654}Hi, Jen.
{658}{724}- Mel, get me some skim milk, will you?|- Want something?
{728}{773}I'll have a Coke.
{915}{1008}Jen, I don't know what I'm gonna|do about Mel. He's changed so.
{1012}{1065}He just can't seem to get with it.
{1069}{1151}What do you mean, Neely?|He's gotten you lots of good publicity.
{1156}{1241}That was the studio.|They told him to butt out.
{1245}{1342}They don't even want him on the set.|They say he makes me self-conscious.
{1369}{1433}Ted Casablanca says|he's the joke of the town.
{1438}{1522}I wouldn't pay any attention to that.|You know how bitchy fags can be.
{1527}{1588}He's not even 30|and he's made over a million bucks.
{1592}{1675}- Here we go.|- Mel, hand me my bag, will you?
{1679}{1720}Thank you.
{1741}{1829}Well, I've lost 5 pounds already.|These pills are really great, Jen.
{1833}{1871}They kill your appetite.
{1875}{1958}Only trouble is,|they pep me up so much I can't sleep.
{1992}{2080}Well, what nice, fattening thing|did you tell Arlene to make tonight?
{2084}{2112}Arlene quit this morning.
{2116}{2222}She said you yelled at her. That's|three cooks in three months, Neely.
{2226}{2264}She was a louse anyway.
{2268}{2343}You said yourself she was|taking home all the booze.
{2351}{2409}Other people have loyal help,|why can't we?
{2413}{2469}You don't know how to talk to them.
{2490}{2574}That's your job. You better start|running this house properly.
{2579}{2656}I'm not the butler, Neely.
{2662}{2745}You're not the breadwinner either.
{2771}{2837}I'm afraid I better be running along.
{2863}{2934}- See you soon.|- Bye, Jen.
{2967}{3027}That was a rotten thing|to say in front of Jenny.
{3085}{3124}She knows the facts of life.
{3128}{3217}You two sit around on your rumps|all day while Tony and I slave.
{3228}{3290}I can get off my rump|and go back to New York.
{3294}{3374}- I can always get my old job back.|- Suit yourself.
{3378}{3419}I'm too tired to argue.
{3423}{3481}I've got to take a shower|and get back to Ted's.
{3485}{3592}You know you're spending a lot more|time than necessary with that fag.
{3627}{3711}Ted Casablanca is not a fag.
{3744}{3811}And I'm the dame who can prove it.
{3906}{3975}Thanks for making up my mind.|I should've left long ago...
{3979}{4065}...but I kept remembering the old Neely.|She was quite a girl.
{4069}{4175}Now you're just like all the rest of them.|Success is too big for you.
{4205}{4293}If you ask me, my success|is too big for you.
{4297}{4338}Yeah, sure.
{4342}{4392}Sure it is.
{4414}{4542}I'll just take this. It's the only thing|around here that belongs to me.
{5436}{5525}I wrote about the things I knew.|My own experiences.
{5529}{5599}But I guess I only had one book in me.
{5603}{5723}- Was I really that naive?|- Naive and wonderful.
{5733}{5780}I missed you, Anne.
{5801}{5881}Oh, I went back to the agency business.|And I like it.
{5885}{5987}- Incidentally, Neely's one of my clients.|- Really?
{6018}{6102}I don't know. England's changed.
{6106}{6153}Or I've changed.
{6170}{6253}The nightingale somehow|just sounded off-key.
{6278}{6360}I used to pretend you'd|gone bald and fat.
{6379}{6494}LYON: I pictured you at a sink full of|dishes. And a baby tugging at your skirt.
{6583}{6644}Are you really going to marry Kevin?
{6682}{6757}I was, but now I realize|it's impossible.
{6770}{6813}I'm glad.
{6938}{7031}You know, every girl|I met always washed out.
{7045}{7109}Just couldn't stand up to your image.
{7509}{7577}I am not taking you to a bistro.|I'm taking you home to bed.
{7581}{7633}- As in sleep, which you need.|- Miss O'Hara?
{7637}{7689}NEELY: Yes?|- Would you autograph my program?
{7693}{7733}NEELY:|Of course.
{7749}{7789}There's Neely with Casablanca.
{7793}{7848}- Where?|- Over there.
{7871}{7919}Let's try and catch up to them.
{7930}{7968}- Thank you.|- Darling, let's leave.
{7972}{8066}Here comes Tony Polar.|He's gonna put the bite on me for a job.
{8259}{8296}I could've sworn Neely saw us.
{8300}{8412}Well, she's near-sighted, darling.|She can't see 10 feet in front of her.
{8534}{8602}Tony! Are you okay?
{8611}{8654}I don't know.
{8662}{8718}My legs just seemed to give way.
{8754}{8887}- Happened the other day on the set.|- I think you ought to see a doctor.
{8891}{8983}No, I'm all right. Come on.
{9081}{9193}- Jen.|- Tony! Tony.
{9343}{9445}- He'll sleep for a while.|JENNIFER: He didn't know me.
{9449}{9582}- He didn't know where he was.|- Go out. The doctor will explain it to you.
{9586}{9701}It's called Huntington's chorea.|It's relatively rare.
{9705}{9785}Unfortunately, there is no cure.
{9789}{9930}The symptoms of physical and mental|degeneration first appear about age 30.
{9934}{10092}There's a loss of muscular control.|Chances for inheritance are very high.
{10096}{10180}Tony's father had it.|I kept hoping it wouldn't hit Tony.
{10199}{10298}Now you can see|why I was against his marrying.
{10323}{10461}- Will he be able to walk again?|- As soon as the sedation wears off.
{10465}{10537}But the motor disturbances|will occur again.
{10541}{10632}And there will be periods|of blankness and hallucination.
{10644}{10775}It may take a year before he reaches|the point of complete incapacity.
{10779}{10883}- Are there any further questions?|- No.
{10901}{10969}Good night, Mrs. Polar.
{11108}{11184}If he becomes unmanageable,|we'll keep him sedated.
{11188}{11291}He probably won't remember|any of this tomorrow. Good night.
{11295}{11352}MIRIAM:|Good night.
{11583}{11666}Maybe you'll understand now why|I've been the way I've been.
{11670}{11829}Money, for instance. I've put away|every cent I could get my hands on.
{11833}{11963}We'll keep him at home|as long as we can.
{12023}{12113}- What about you?|- Tony and I had different fathers.
{12302}{12441}I know how you love him.|I'm not blind. I thank you.
{12499}{12610}Miriam, I'm pregnant.
{12746}{12821}REPORTER 1: This way, Miss O'Hara.|REPORTER 2: This way.
{12825}{12870}REPORTER 1: Another.|REPORTER 2: This way.
{12874}{12968}REPORTER 1: What about Casablanca?|- Miss O'Hara has nothing to say.
{12972}{13050}REPORTER 1: Are you gonna marry?|REPORTER 2: Any comment?
{13085}{13160}- What about Ted Casablanca?|- You heard me. No comment.
{13164}{13271}REPORTER 3: Have any marriage plans?|REPORTER 4: What's your next film?
{13787}{13838}JENNIFER:|Tony didn 't realize where he was.
{13875}{14033}The next day Miriam arranged a meeting|with a quirky European movie producer.
{14126}{14183}[SPEAKS IN FRENCH]
{14191}{14251}Mr. Chardot, this is my sister-in-law.
{14255}{14349}Mr. Chardot is from Paris.|He's out here looking for talent.
{14353}{14397}[SPEAKS IN FRENCH]
{14419}{14486}Mademoiselle Polar has shown me|your photographie.
{14490}{14607}I am interested|in a young lady with your...
{14611}{14681}- How you say?|- Measurements.
{14685}{14791}In general, the French girl|is inclined to be flat in the bosom.
{14796}{14878}JENNIFER: I see. Just what kind|of pictures do you make?
{14882}{14986}CHARDOT: I make art films.|- I've seen a few. They're pretty raw.
{14990}{15075}French subtitles over a bare bottom|doesn't make it art.
{15079}{15151}Evil is only in the eye|of the beholder.
{15159}{15277}- My films are shown in your country.|- Jennifer...
{15299}{15426}'ve posed undraped on the stage.|- That was before I married Tony.
{15430}{15507}It's up to you.|Tony wouldn't know the difference.
{15519}{15589}Well, I would.
{15593}{15706}JENNIFER: I realized I had to give in|and take the job.
{15711}{15763}The sanitarium was very expensive.
{15767}{15858}NEELY: All right, sheriff, you win.|You ran my father out of town...
{15863}{15987} you're trying to run me out.|The Durneys don't give up that easy.
{16004}{16059}- It's too hot!|- Cut.
{16063}{16134}MAN: Stand by.|- Well, it's too damn hot.
{16138}{16237}- The cameraman's frying me.|DIRECTOR: Neely?
{16241}{16290}- Shut up!|- She's full of sauce.
{16294}{16401}It's not booze, it's pills.|Send for her husband. Look, Neely...
{16405}{16551}...we've got to finish this take.|- Get lost. I'm through for the day.
{16626}{16719}Get off the floor.|You're making a spectacle of yourself.
{16723}{16783}- Zip up your dress.|NEELY: I can't.
{16787}{16876}- It's bloat from those pills and booze.|NEELY: I haven't had a drink all day.
{16880}{16933}TED: You're going out there|and doing the scene.
{16938}{17033}How long do you think|you can get away with these antics?
{17038}{17088}Come on.
{17132}{17224}Give this to the hairdresser.|Miss O'Hara will be ready in a moment.
{17235}{17292}[DOORBELL BUZZES]
{17382}{17489}NEELY: I wanna see Mr. Burke.|- He's not in, Miss O'Hara.
{17493}{17604}"He's not in." That's all I've heard|at his office for three days.
{17608}{17720}He's ducking me. He's giving me|the treatment, just like all the others.
{17724}{17817}- Where's Miss Welles?|ANNE: He is in San Francisco, Neely.
{17821}{17911}Tell me something.|How come the boss of a big agency...
{17915}{18027}...spends three days in San Francisco|with a lousy nightclub singer?
{18031}{18126}He's working overtime.|Why doesn't he look after my interests?
{18130}{18224}- I'm the one who pays his rent.|- You're being obnoxious.
{18228}{18298}Oh, I'm sorry.
{18302}{18395}I want Lyon to talk to that director.|He's crucifying me.
{18399}{18479}- When's he due back?|- I'm not sure.
{18483}{18571}When a man says he won't do a scene,|that's called integrity.
{18575}{18653}When a woman says it,|she's temperamental.
{18657}{18743}They say I'm difficult.|They say I'm drunk even when I'm not.
{18747}{18801}Sure, I take dolls, I gotta sleep.
{18805}{18905}I gotta get up at 5 in the morning|and sparkle.
{18909}{19039}- It's bad to take liquor with those pills.|- They work faster.
{19072}{19196}Here. With that guy of yours in|San Francisco you could use a few dolls.
{19200}{19266}No, thanks.
{19279}{19307}Suit yourself.
{19360}{19399}You should make him marry you.
{19403}{19510}- Have you heard from Jennifer?|- Yeah.
{19514}{19605}She called me about six months ago.
{19625}{19704}You know what she asked me?
{19708}{19810}She wanted to know|where she could get an abortion.
{19814}{19879}An abortion. How do you like that?
{19897}{20016}She was the one who wanted kiddies|and the vine-covered cottage.
{20020}{20148}Then I heard she went to Paris|to make art films.
{20152}{20308}Art films.|Nudies, that's all they are. Nudies.
{20323}{20439}That's her problem. She doesn't care|about me, so why care about her?
{20444}{20511}- Nobody cares about me.|- That's not so!
{20516}{20641}Nobody cares if I live or die,|just so long as I write the checks.
{20645}{20772}Stop feeling sorry for yourself.|You're a big star. You have everything.
{20787}{20854}Oh, yeah.
{20858}{20943}Yeah, yeah, I'm a big star.
{21011}{21096}I'm a big star.
{21110}{21252}I tell myself that, Annie,|but I don't feel it.
{21256}{21334}I don't feel anything anymore.
{21338}{21411}I haven't slept with Ted in weeks.
{21435}{21555}And that psychiatrist? Dr. Mitchell?
{21575}{21712}Dr. Mitchell says|that I am self-destructive.
{21716}{21789}So what?
{21813}{21878}What do I do about it?
{21965}{22055}The hell with them. The hell|with all of them. Who needs them?
{22059}{22177}Let them talk. Even the bad publicity|helps when you're as big as I am.
{22182}{22295}- And, boy, am I getting the bad publicity.|- You've had enough of those.
{22299}{22390}- Now, try to calm down.|- Leave me alone!
{22394}{22531}I can't even remember when somebody|wasn't nagging or pressuring me.
{22535}{22618}You're upset.|Why don't you lie down for a while?
{22746}{22806}...not alone...
{22824}{22890}...not anymore.
{22919}{23010}I need a man to hold me.
{23038}{23106}I need Mel.
{23161}{23226}I mean Ted.
{23287}{23401}I'm going home, Annie.|I'm going home to Ted right now.
{23405}{23508}Thanks for listening.|I really got a lot off my chest.
{24623}{24742}Ted? Honey, it's me.
{25553}{25614}TED:|It's not cold, huh?
{25629}{25745}WOMAN: Do you think she can hear us?|- Relax. She's so full of pills and booze...
{25749}{25842}...the San Francisco Earthquake|couldn't rouse her.
{25847}{25897}[WOMAN LAUGHING]
{26065}{26137}Having fun, kiddies?
{26142}{26250}Don't mind me, go right ahead.|I'll watch.
{26275}{26399}You'd better run, you little tramp.|How dare you contaminate my pool?!
{26403}{26509}Here, maybe this will disinfect it.
{26553}{26648}All right, faggot, start explaining.
{26652}{26736}You need glasses, Neely.|She's hardly built like a boy.
{26742}{26835}- I could take that better.|- I'm sure you could.
{26847}{26945}- You almost made me feel I was queer.|- You're crazy.
{26953}{26989}- Am I?|- Yes, you are.
{26993}{27073}You want me to fight your studio battles,|take you to openings...
{27078}{27191}As a man, you're always too tired|and too full of those damn dolls.
{27199}{27290}You've got guts. I catch you|red-handed with a naked broad...
{27294}{27400}...and you sermonize me!|- Not a sermon, just a few cold facts.
{27404}{27495}When I come home, I'm exhausted.|How can I think of sex?
{27499}{27593}Then why'd you sign the new contract?|You don't have to work. I make enough.
{27597}{27672}You've got your new deal|and I have my sanity back.
{27677}{27745}With that little whore?
{27767}{27881}That little whore|makes me feel 9 feet tall.
{27885}{28004}- Please don't. I need you.|- You're damn right you do...
{28008}{28094}...but not as a man.
{28118}{28184}You can go to hell.
{28209}{28304}Go to hell, you bastard!
{28624}{28711}WOMAN: I tried to wake her, Mr. Burke,|but she wouldn't budge.
{28719}{28784}All right, thank you.
{28882}{28980}Neely. Neely.
{29013}{29145}Neely, wake up.|Come on, wake up.
{29297}{29363}You were due on the set|three hours ago.
{29399}{29494}- What set?|- Why didn't you show up?
{29548}{29648}I couldn't, Lyon. I had a rotten night.
{29779}{29847}- I want to tell you something.|- Stop yelling.
{29851}{29928}- They're replacing you.|- They can't do that.
{29932}{30051}- It so happens they can.|- My last picture grossed a fortune.
{30055}{30120}It cost more than it grossed,|because of you.
{30124}{30260}And now you've been out six days|because of pills and you walked out.
{30264}{30359}And you've been boozing and eating|all through the picture.
{30363}{30493}- I'm the biggest box-office draw there is.|- Come on, get some sense in your head.
{30497}{30599}Stockholders are only interested|in one thing: Profits.
{30617}{30687}They're gonna replace you|with a younger girl.
{30691}{30802}- Younger? Lyon, I'm 26.|- And you look 36.
{30806}{30910}Look at that face. It's all puffy.|Your eyes are bloodshot.
{30914}{30989}NEELY:|Thank you very much.
{30993}{31153}I'm sorry, but I can't stand by and watch|a talent like yours go down the drain.
{31157}{31237}You're my agent.|You're supposed to take care of me.
{31241}{31332}I'm trying to,|but you've gotta cooperate with me.
{31368}{31442}What do you want me to do?
{31446}{31556}I want you to go|to a sanitarium and dry out.
{31589}{31724}- A sanitarium?|- I'm sorry. It's the only solution.
{31736}{31850}Look, you just have to beat this thing.|You just have to beat it.
{31973}{32008}All right.
{32117}{32227}- All right. If you want me to go, I'll go.|- Good.
{32247}{32354}Anne and I will come by|and pick you up at about 3:00.
{33347}{33417}United Airlines?
{33421}{33502}What time is your next flight|to San Francisco?
{33526}{33623}Yes, one. O'Hara.
{33643}{33693}[MEN CHATTING]
{34138}{34205}["GIVE A LITTLE MORE" PLAYS]
{34551}{34666}- What do you say, baby?|- What do you mean, "baby"?
{34670}{34788}I'm Neely O'Hara, pal.|That's me singing on that jukebox.
{34832}{34994}What are you, kidding? That dame's|great. You sound like a frog.
{35035}{35104}Like a frog...
{35129}{35194}- Take it easy. She's stoned!|- Get out of here!
{35198}{35316}Who's stoned?|I'm merely traveling incognito.
{35320}{35440}Well, get out of here, will you?|Go on, get out of here.
{36511}{36597}Jennifer, shame on you.
{36628}{36718}Still got that mole on your keister?
{36751}{36853}Nope. They covered it up with makeup.
{37057}{37125}[JAZZ MUSIC PLAYS]
{37225}{37350}Boobies, boobies, boobies.|Nothing but boobies.
{37359}{37475}Who needs them?|I did great without them.
{38209}{38286}NEELY:|Who the hell are you?
{38331}{38398}Who are you?!
{39288}{39386}- How do you feel, honey?|- Fine.
{39473}{39545}It's a hospital.
{39549}{39656}- What am I doing in the hospital?|- You took an overdose of pills.
{39660}{39714}Oh, God...
{39754}{39865}- Did it get in the papers?|- Lyon told them it was accidental.
{39897}{40009}- Well, it was. It was. Honest.|- I know.
{40013}{40084}But the next time|you might not be so lucky.
{40112}{40167}What am I gonna do?
{40188}{40273}We want you to go|to a sanitarium in Los Angeles.
{40277}{40342}- A nuthouse?|ANNE: No.
{40346}{40480}- It's the same place Tony is in.|- I'm not nutty. I'm just hooked on dolls.
{40488}{40586}- It's not a nuthouse.|- Getting off them is worse than dope.
{40590}{40690}I'm scared. I've forgotten|how to sleep without dolls.
{40694}{40766}I can't get through a day|without a doll.
{40770}{40858}Please, Lyon, don't send me there.
{40862}{40924}I need a doll.
{40928}{41089}Lyon, don't leave me here!|Get me a doll. Just one.
{41176}{41259}[MAN SPEAKS IN FRENCH]
{42783}{42894}[SPEAKING IN FRENCH]
{43942}{44021}[MAN SPEAKS IN FRENCH]
{44716}{44793}[SPEAKING IN FRENCH]
{44889}{44988}Well, this is by far the best|we've made.
{44992}{45124}Fox would like to release the film|in the United States.
{45150}{45248}They have also offered|to buy your contract.
{45252}{45372}- Does that mean I can go home?|- I'm not sure I wish to sell.
{45405}{45564}- Look, Claude, you'll make lots of money.|- True, but you will get half.
{45588}{45678}- I just want to go back and see Tony.|- What use is a man...
{45682}{45816}...who is no longer a man? A vegetable.|- Claude, please, stop it.
{45820}{45925}I've hated this.|Go find yourself another girl.
{45951}{46067}Yes, I can. Younger. A real actress.
{46083}{46188}- For what will you settle?|- Settle? I want my half.
{46192}{46263}Then I will not sell.
{46318}{46454}All right, I'll settle for a third.|Anything. Just let me go home.
{46459}{46601}Anything? Well, perhaps|we can make some arrangement.
{46605}{46673}We'll talk about it later...
{46677}{46748} the apartment.
{47002}{47110}I cursed you out at first,|but then I realized you did the right thing.
{47114}{47222}LYON: It was the only thing.|- I couldn't sleep that night.
{47226}{47301}You should have taken a doll.
{47305}{47431}No. I'm really very grateful.|Nobody else gave a damn.
{47435}{47534}That's not true. There was a flood|of letters and telegrams from all over.
{47538}{47595}We saved them for you.
{47692}{47804}At first it was awful,|like living in a zoo.
{47809}{47932}The stuck me in this little room|with a big nurse with orthopedic shoes...
{47936}{48030}...who never left my side.|I asked for a cigarette.
{48035}{48114}- Give me a cigarette.|- Two a day during social hour.
{48145}{48244}I told her I had no intention|of socializing with kooks.
{48262}{48345}I couldn't sleep. I needed a pill.
{48349}{48459}I started screaming. I figured|they'd give me something to calm me.
{48463}{48537}They sure did.
{48563}{48646}Get off me, you...|Let go of me!
{48650}{48719}Let go!
{48780}{48899}They ordered me to take off my gown.|I told them to drop dead.
{48903}{48933}They took it off for me.
{49036}{49139}Then they stuck me in this big tub|and hooked a canvas around me.
{49143}{49223}This young nurse sat there and|wrote down everything I said.
{49227}{49295}I used words that sure aren 't|in medical books.
{49300}{49428}You stupid-ass nurse!|What are you looking at?
{49442}{49557}Actually, the water felt great.|It kept coming in and going out.
{49561}{49685}I wanted to lie back and relax.|But that was what they wanted.
{49707}{49837}I spotted this small hole in the canvas.|I started working at it with my toe.
{49841}{49947}I got half my foot through it,|then I yanked my knee up to my chest.
{49957}{50039}Ow! Ow! Oh, God, it hurts.
{50043}{50068}[ALARM RINGS]
{50072}{50108}The nurse sounded the alarm.
{50134}{50213}In the afternoon|we had recreation hour.
{50230}{50300}You never saw such a bunch|of well-bred kooks.
{50304}{50383}They all acted as normal as apple pie.
{50387}{50472}I started playing checkers|with this cute little girl.
{50476}{50552}All of a sudden she gets me|in a half nelson...
{50556}{50672}...and accuses me of telling the rest|of the inmates she's a latent homosexual.
{50802}{50850}You won 't believe what happened next.
{50863}{50959}Once a week, we have a dance.|It's really camp.
{50969}{51045}I knew Tony was here|under an assumed name...
{51049}{51154}...but I'd never seen him,|until one night...
{51158}{51217}- Do you know "Come Live With Me"?|- Yes, I do.
{51221}{51278}- Would you play it, please?|- Surely.
{51401}{51477}[SINGS "COME LIVE WITH ME"]
{52097}{52165}[TONY SINGS]
{54061}{54129}NEELY:|Tony. Tony?
{54364}{54503}When I saw that poor guy being led back|to his cell, I knew I was gonna make it.
{54507}{54611}You have made it, Neely.|And we're proud of you.
{54711}{54860}Now business. How would you like to do|a Broadway musical for David Merrick?
{54956}{55005}- You think I could?|- You know you could.
{55009}{55066}Merrick believes in you.|And so do I.
{55070}{55174}Lyon's checked with the doctors here|and they say you can do it.
{55377}{55441}What about the bad publicity?
{55498}{55614}It'll create sympathy.|People love to forgive.
{55660}{55784}Lyon, I'm really in great shape.|I've changed. I've learned a lot of things.
{55788}{55869}I used to work my heart out,|kill myself.
{55873}{55980}Not anymore.|There are things I want, Lyon.
{55984}{56054}And I'm gonna get them.
{56089}{56198}Know something, Annie? One of the|first things I'd like to have is your fella.
{56210}{56278}You better watch out.
{56924}{57020}- How soon can I see him?|- You should remember him as he was.
{57024}{57115}I want to see him, Miriam.
{57119}{57183}All right.
{57210}{57296}I've booked you into a hotel|near the studio.
{57300}{57374}Why did you write me|for a doctor's appointment?
{57378}{57475}He's already told you|everything he knows.
{57479}{57567}It's not about Tony, it's for me.
{57610}{57677}It must have been a shock|to discover it.
{57681}{57769}Lots of lumps mean nothing.|Some are only cysts, aren't they?
{57773}{57838}Yes, but this one wasn't.
{57842}{57950}The doctor took a biopsy|and it's malignant.
{57972}{58108}- Jen, I'm sorry.|- It's pretty hard to take.
{58112}{58202}Tomorrow they have|to perform a mastectomy.
{58207}{58272}Doctor says it's not|the end of the world.
{58276}{58392}He says lots of women live long|and happy lives after breast surgery.
{58428}{58516}- The point is to catch it in time.|- I'm sure they will.
{58520}{58613}Afterwards you can come to the beach|with us and recuperate.
{58664}{58713}I'd love to.
{58717}{58804}You know, it's funny...
{58835}{58906}...all I've ever had was a body|and now I won't even have that.
{58912}{58992}Jen, stop talking like that.
{59053}{59133}How am I gonna keep Tony|in the sanitarium?
{59181}{59258}When I saw him,|he didn't even know me.
{59272}{59355}Lyon will find you a job.|I know he will.
{59359}{59460}Anne, let's face it, all I know how|to do is take off my clothes.
{59464}{59489}[PHONE RINGS]
{59553}{59672}Hello? Yes, I placed a call|to Milwaukee.
{59676}{59742}Anne, I'm all right, really I am.|Run along.
{59746}{59848}I'll stay with you tomorrow.|And don't you worry.
{59930}{59985}- Bye.|- Bye.
{59998}{60159}Hello, Mother, I had to talk to you.|There's something I have to tell you.
{60243}{60344}I'm sorry Mrs. Gottlieb|was shocked at my pictures.
{60348}{60450}No, I won't be undressing|in public anymore.
{60538}{60613}What did I have to tell you?
{61460}{61608}Hello, Mother. I just got in.|I thought it was too late to call you.
{61622}{61730}But I just sent you $50|last week, Mother.
{61734}{61835}Okay, I'll send you $50 as soon|as I get my paycheck.
{62006}{62082}- Jen.|- Tony!
{62086}{62168}Tony! Tony!
{63076}{63191}[SINGS "COME LIVE WITH ME"]
{63462}{63514}Let's go.
{63590}{63669}[TONY SINGS]
{65006}{65113}- You were the last one to see her alive?|REPORTER: Why would she take her life?
{65117}{65177}- Was she depressed?|- She was in good spirits.
{65181}{65244}REPORTER:|Any reason why she'd take her own life?
{65248}{65298}None. She was excited|about a new contract.
{65302}{65356}- So it was accidental?|- Yes, I'm sure.
{65360}{65469}REPORTER: Her measurements?|- That's enough. That's enough.
{65473}{65555}COP: Break it up.|Come on, break it up. Break it up
{65999}{66094}- A drink, a drink, a drink.|- I made one for you. Here.
{66098}{66155}Thank you.
{66211}{66257}- What's that?|- Neely's.
{66261}{66347}Neely's? Well, get rid of them.
{66465}{66532}Do you have to go|to New York with Neely?
{66537}{66617}Of course. You know I do.|I have to do my best for her.
{66621}{66708}- Couldn't someone else go?|- No, she wants me.
{66712}{66826}- She's scared. She needs someone.|- I know.
{67051}{67162}- Darling, I'm worried.|- Why?
{67166}{67286}- Neely spells trouble. She thrives on it.|- Yes, but she deserves a comeback.
{67290}{67395}- I hate to think of you getting involved.|- Don't worry about that.
{67399}{67450}I can handle her.
{67494}{67555}I'm not so sure.
{67870}{67917}[PHONE RINGING]
{68040}{68128}Annie. Hi, how are you?
{68238}{68377}I'm sorry, he's in the shower.|I'll have him call you back.
{69030}{69073}[MUSIC PLAYS]
{69513}{69623}- Where are you going?|- A press party for Helen Lawson.
{69627}{69719}- Her show's opening on Thursday.|- A party? Without me?
{69723}{69857}Definitely without you. I'm keeping|you under wraps until your opening.
{69861}{69931}- How's my tie?|- Bend down.
{69974}{70050}I hear the Lawson show|laid a big egg in Philadelphia.
{70054}{70168}- I wanna go to the party too.|- You're the cutest and the cruelest.
{70172}{70244}Does anybody else have|a better right to gloat?
{70248}{70342}Baby, you may have a great talent,|but not for ties.
{70481}{70584}Curl up with your favorite news analyst.|I'll be back early.
{70856}{70955}MAN 1: A little closer together, please.|- Have you made many changes?
{70959}{71045}Oh, yes, quite a few.
{71049}{71084}[CROWD CLAPPING]
{71159}{71250}MAN 2: Miss O'Hara. You look lovely.|- Thank you.
{71320}{71372}- Who invited her?|- Nobody.
{71377}{71469}MAN 3: It's great to have you back|in New York. You look marvelous.
{71489}{71542}I thought you were keeping her|out of sight.
{71546}{71591}Should have kept her in a straitjacket.
{71595}{71693}- I'm very sorry, Helen.|- I think I'll sit this one out.
{71714}{71825}REPORTER: What are your plans?|NEELY: That depends on Lyon Burke...
{71889}{71983}I said, that depends on Lyon Burke.|He takes care of my affairs.
{71987}{72061}- And the rumors about you two?|- Marriage plans?
{72065}{72108}Well, we're both available.
{72117}{72184}Good evening, Miss Lawson.|Can I help you?
{72188}{72249}No, thank you.
{72631}{72731}NEELY: Who are you hiding from?|The notices couldn't have been that bad.
{72745}{72853}- The show just needs a little doctoring.|- Don't worry. If it flops...
{72857}{72923} can always understudy|for my grandmother.
{72927}{73044}Thanks. I've already turned down|the part you're playing.
{73048}{73129}Bull. Merrick's not that crazy.
{73133}{73214}You should know.|You just came out of the nuthouse.
{73226}{73351}- It was not a nuthouse!|- They drummed you out of Hollywood...
{73355}{73432} you come crawling|back to Broadway.
{73436}{73533}Well, Broadway doesn't go|for booze and dope.
{73537}{73611}Now, get out of my way,|I've got a man waiting.
{73626}{73743}- That's a switch from the usual fags.|- At least I never married one.
{73755}{73828}- You take that back, you old fag hag.|- Get your hands off of me.
{73832}{73880}[NEELY GASPS]
{73899}{73956}- Oh, my God! It's a wig.|- Give me back my hair.
{73960}{74035}- Her hair's as phony as she is.|- Give me that.
{74039}{74139}Give me that, damn you!|What the hell are you doing in there?
{74143}{74234}Giving it a shampoo.|Goodbye, pussycat.
{74289}{74359}She threw it in the can.|I'll kill her!
{74371}{74484}- It won't even go down the john.|- Give me that wig!
{74514}{74585}Okay, you want it back?
{74589}{74695}Here it comes. Special delivery.
{74779}{74890}So long, granny.|I'll tell your boyfriend not to wait.
{74951}{75004}How do I get out of here?
{75008}{75113}You can go through the kitchen.|It's right next door.
{75132}{75280}Sorry, Miss Lawson. What an awful thing|to do to a great star like you.
{75468}{75572}I'll go out the way I came in.
{75837}{75881}Not a word about quitting.
{75885}{75973}The going gets rough,|they all talk about retirement.
{75977}{76079}Not me. I've had it rough before.|I'm a barracuda.
{76083}{76178}I don't need pills like Neely.
{76182}{76251}Sure, I know you dried her out,|but it won't last.
{76255}{76356}Neely hasn't got that hard core|like me.
{76454}{76521}She never learned|to roll with the punches.
{76526}{76628}And in this business|they come left, right and below the belt.
{76632}{76727}BELLAMY: Neely has no class.|No real down-to-the-gut class.
{76739}{76822}But she's talented, Henry.|She's really got it.
{76826}{76899}I knew that when|I kicked her out of my show.
{76903}{77017}She'd never believe it,|but I'm sorry for her.
{77021}{77106}Nothing can destroy her talent...
{77110}{77172}...but she'll destroy herself.
{77176}{77258}And you, Lyon, you'd better watch it.
{77262}{77319}Sure, everything's rosy now.
{77323}{77391}You skip from one dame to another.
{77402}{77515}But watch it, my friend.|Find yourself a good girl.
{77519}{77575}Have kids.
{77579}{77681}Or one day you'll wind up|alone like me...
{77685}{77785}...and wonder what the hell happened.
{81503}{81646}Allison's gotta go. I will not let her steal|the show. She almost did at rehearsal.
{81650}{81745}- It's too late. It can't be done.|- She hasn't got a contract.
{81750}{81824}She can be fired right now.|I want her out.
{81828}{81958}The old star sickness begins to appear.|No more gratitude, just power.
{81962}{82030}I'm not gonna do it, Neely.
{82034}{82181}You don't fool me, you're scared.|You wanna stay in good with Merrick.
{82185}{82262}I should've known this was|gonna happen. Anne warned me.
{82272}{82337}What the hell does Anne know?
{82341}{82467}I didn't get dough handed to me because|of my good cheekbones, I worked for it.
{82471}{82556}She's gone through life on a pass|because of her damn looks.
{82561}{82648}I wanna tell you something.|Everyone gets payback. Everyone!
{82652}{82784}I'm not everyone. I don't have to live|by stinking rules for ordinary people.
{82789}{82916}I licked pills, booze and the funny farm.|I don't need anybody or anything.
{82933}{83036}That's good, because I'm leaving.
{83040}{83177}Who needs you? I'm sick of you.|You're just an agent.
{83197}{83240}And you're just a Helen Lawson.
{83244}{83349}And not even that,|because she's a professional.
{83395}{83507}They love Helen Lawson,|then they love Neely O'Hara.
{83990}{84042}[MUSIC PLAYS]
{84142}{84224}Come on, you guys. Move it.|Come on. Let's go, girls.
{84228}{84307}- Where's Miss O'Hara?|- She's in her dressing room.
{84311}{84385}STAGE MANAGER:|Come on, move it down.
{84389}{84461}Curtain time, Miss O'Hara.
{84473}{84525}- Miss O'Hara?|- Where is she?
{84529}{84615}- She won't open up the door.|- Neely?
{84619}{84719}Open the door, you're on.|Neely?
{84740}{84833}- Hi.|- That's your costume for the second act.
{84837}{84938}- I'll do the second act first.|- Quick, get the understudy.
{84942}{85016}WOMAN:|I'm ready, Mr. Hamilton.
{85041}{85129}You get lost, sister, I'm fine.|I'm just dandy.
{85133}{85194}Let go of me, you big jerk!
{85341}{85409}MAN 1: It's getting late.|I think we ought to go.
{85413}{85489}MAN 2: The understudy was great.|MAN 1: Thank you.
{85493}{85567}WOMAN 1: What happened to Neely?|MAN 2: Are you kidding?
{85571}{85715}WOMAN 2: They said she had laryngitis.|- Who had laryngitis?
{85732}{85801}MAN 1: That new girl was terrific.|MAN 2: She sure was.
{85806}{85880}WOMAN 1:|It was a lovely evening, nevertheless.
{85884}{85960}My beautiful little dolls.
{85964}{86062}Just one, and one more.
{86136}{86206}We're closing now, Miss O'Hara.
{86210}{86267}All right, Edward. All right.
{86285}{86401}Here. Keep the change.
{86405}{86480}Shall I call you a cab?
{86502}{86572}I don't need it.
{86727}{86798}I don't need anybody.
{86802}{86881}Because I got talent, Edward.
{86885}{86938}Big talent.
{87061}{87115}They love me.
{87584}{87712}Hey! Where is everybody?
{87716}{87823}Hey, everybody, where are you?
{87828}{87900}Where are you?
{88446}{88520}Everybody's gone.
{88540}{88607}The hell with them.
{88611}{88681}Who needs them?
{88699}{88788}The whole world loves me!
{88958}{89036}Where are you?
{89888}{89955}Oh, God...
{90376}{90434}I'm Neely.
{90471}{90544}Neely O'Hara!
{90685}{90754}Oh, Neely.
{90783}{90896}Neely! Neely!
{91484}{91591}For so many years|I prayed for this moment.
{91595}{91686}Now that it's come,|I don't feel a thing.
{91828}{91903}Does that mean you won't marry me?
{91907}{91985}It wouldn't work, Lyon.
{92218}{92279}Isn't there anything I can do|to change your mind?
{92283}{92338}No, Lyon, not now.
{92555}{92630}ANNE: Perhaps someday, Lyon.|I don't know.
{92734}{92834}>> Napisy pobrane z <<|>>>>>>>> nowa wizja napisów <<<<<<<<


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