Ivashchuk Infinite dimensional Grassmann Banach Algebras (2000) [sharethefiles com]

Infinite-dimensional Grassmann-Banach algebras
V.D. Ivashchuk1,
Center for Gravitation and Fundamental Metrology, VNIIMS, 3/1 M.
Ulyanovoy Str., Moscow 117313, Russia and
Institute of Gravitation and Cosmology, PFUR, Mikhlukho-Maklaya Str. 6,
Moscow 117198, Russia
A short review on infinite-dimensional Grassmann-Banach alge-
bras (IDGBA) is presented. Starting with the simplest IDGBA over
K = R with l1-norm (suggested by A. Rogers), we define a more gen-
eral IDGBA over complete normed field K with l1-norm and set of
generators of arbitrary power. Any l1-type IDGBA may be obtained
by action of Grassmann-Banach functor of projective type on certain
l1-space. In non-Archimedean case there exists another possibility
for constructing of IDGBA using the Grassmann-Banach functor of
injective type.
Infinite-dimensional Grassmann-Banach algebras (IDGBA) and their mod-
ifications are key objects for infinite-dimensional versions of superanalysis
(see [1]-[5] and references therein). They are generalizations of finite-dimensional
Grassmann algebras to infinite-dimensional Banach case (for infinite-dimensional
topological Grassmann algebras see also [6]).
Any IDGBA is an associative Banach algebra with unit over some com-
plete normed field K [7], whose linear space G is a Banach space with the
norm ||.|| satisfying ||a · b|| d" ||a||||b|| for all a, b " G and ||e|| = 1, where
e is the unit. (For applications in superanalysis K should be non-discrete,
i.e. 0 < |v| < 1 for some v " K, where |.| is the norm in K.) It contains an
infinite subset of generators {eÄ…, Ä… " M} ‚" G, satisfying
eÄ… · e² + e² · eÄ… = 0, e2 = 0, (1)
Ä…, ² " M, where M is some infinite set. (The second relation in (2) follows
from the first one if charK = 2, i.e. 1K + 1K = 0K.)

arXiv:math-ph/0009006 v1 6 Sep 2000
The simplest IDGBA over K = R with l1-norm was considered by A.
Rogers in [2]. In this case M = N and any element of a " G can be
represented in the form

a = a0e + aÄ… ...Ä…keÄ… · . . . · eÄ… , (2)
1 k
where all a0, aÄ… ...Ä…k " K and

||a|| = |a0| + |aÄ… ...Ä…k| < +". (3)
All series in (2) are absolutely convergent w.r.t. the norm (3).
In [8] a family of l1-type IDGBA over a complete normed field K was
suggested. This family extends IDGBA from [2] to arbitrary K and arbitrary
infinite number of generators {eÄ…, Ä… " M}. For linearly ordered set M the
relations (2) and (3) survive, each sum in (2) and (3) contains not more than
countable number of non-zero terms (AC) ( here and below (AC) means that
the axiom of choice [10] is used).
Here we outline an explicit construction of IDGBA żfrom [8] for arbi-
trary (not obviously linearly ordered) index set M. Any element of this
family G(M, K, . ) is defined by infinite set M and an ordering mapping
. : P0(M) \ {"} S0(M), where P0(M) is the set of all finite subsets of
M and S0(M) the set of all ordered (non-empty) sets (s1, . . . , sk) of elements
from M (k " N). The ordering function . obeys the relations
{Ä…1, . . . , Ä…k} = (Ä…Ã(1), . . . , Ä…Ã(k)), (4)
where à " Sk is some permutation of {1, . . . , k}, k " N. The mapping
. does exist (AC). For linearly ordered M the canonical ordering function
. = . 0 is defined by (4) with the inequalities Ä…Ã(1) < . . . < Ä…Ã(k) added.
The vector space of G(M, K, . ) is the Banach space G = l1(P0(M), K) of
absolutely summable functions a : P0(M) K with the norm

||a|| = |a(I)| < +". (5)
The operation of multiplication in G is defined as follows

(a · b)(I) = µ(I1, I2)a(I1)b(I2), (6)
a, b " G, I " P0(M), where µ : P0(M) × P0(M) K is µ-symbol:
µ(I1, I2) = 0K, if I1 )" I2 = ", (7)

1K, if I1 = ", or I2 = ",
µÃ, otherwise,
where µÃ = Ä…1K is the parity of the permutation Ã: ( I1 , I2 ) I1 *" I2 .

For any a " G we get a = a(I)eI, where (eI, I " P0(M)) is the
Shauder basis in G defined by the relations: eI(J) = ´I for I, J " P0(M).
The unit is e = e" and generators are eÄ… = e{Ä…}, Ä… " M. Decomposition (2) is
valid for general ordering function . if a0 = a("), aÄ… ...Ä…k = a({Ä…1, . . . , Ä…k})
and relations Ä…1 < . . . < Ä…k are understood as (Ä…1, . . . , Ä…k) " P0(M)
( P0(M) is the image of P0(M) under the mapping . ).
Banach algebra (BA) G(M, K, . ) depends essentially only upon the car-
dinal number [M] of the set M, i.e. G(M1, K, . 1) and G(M2, K, . 2) are
isomorphic (in the category of BA) if and only if [M1] = [M2] (AC) [8]. The
Banach space of G(M, K, . ) may be decomposed into a sum of two closed
G = G0 •" G1, (8)
where Gi = {a " G|a(I) = 0K, I " P0(M), |I| a" i + 1(mod 2)}, i = 0, 1.
(The subspace G0 (G1) consists of sums of even (odd) monoms in (2)). BA
G(M, K, . ) with the decomposition (8) is a supercommutative (Banach)
a · b = (-1K)ijb · a, a " Gi, b " Gj, (9)
Gi · Gj ‚" Gi+j(mod 2), (10)
i, j = 0, 1. The odd subspace G1 has trivial (right) annihilator [8]
Ann(G1) a" {a " G|G1 · a = {0}} = {0}. (11)
This relation is an important one for applications in superanalysis, since it
provides the definitions of all superderivatives as elements of G. Note that
any non-trivial (non-zero) associative supercommutative superalgebra over
K, charK = 2, is infinite-dimensional [8] (for K = R, C see also [5]).

Another important (e.g. for applications in superanalysis) proposition is
the following one [2, 9]: in G(M, K, . ) the element a is invertible if and only
if a0 = a(") = 0K. (In [9] an explicit expression for inverse element a-1 was

IDGBA with l1-norm forms a special subclass of more general family of
IDGBA over K [12], namely,
G(M, K, . ) (l1(M, K)), (12)
where  = K is the Grassmann-Banach functor of projective type [12]. Here
(E) = T (E)/I, (13)
where T (E) is a tensor BA of projective type corresponding to infinite-
dimensional projectively proper Banach space E over K and I is a closed ideal
generated by the subset {a2, a " E}. Banach space E over K is called projec-
tively proper if all projective seminorms pk : E"k = E ". . ."E (k-times)
R, k e" 2, are norms [12]. For K = R, C any E is projectively proper [11].
Tensor Banach functor T = TK was defined in [12] (for tensor BA with-
out unit over K = C see [13]). The Banach space of T (E) is a l1-sum of
projective tensor powers of E

T (E) = •" Ti(E), (14)
where T0(E) = K, T1(E) = E and Tk(E) = E" . . . "E (k-times) are pro-
jective tensor products, k e" 2. The norm of a = (a0, a1, . . .) " T (E) is
||a|| = ||a0||0 + ||a1||1 + . . ., where ai " Ti(E) and ||.||i is projective norm in
Ti(E), i = 0, 1, . . ..
For non-Archimedean field K satisfying: |x + y| d" max(|x|, |y|), x, y "
K, there exists another possibility for constructing of IDGBA [14]. The
Grassmann-Banach functor of injective type ć = ćK is defined for certain
subclass of injectively proper non-Archimedean Banach spaces over K. Ba-
nach space E over K is called injectively proper if the injective seminorms
wk : E"k R, k e" 2, are norms [14]. In this case (13) is modified as follows
ć(E) = T (E)/I, (15)
where T (E) is tensor BA of injective type corresponding to E and I is a
closed ideal generated by the subset {a2, a " E}. The Banach space of T (E)
is a l"-sum of injective tensor powers of E

T (E) = •" Ti(E), (16)
where T0(E) = K, T1(E) = E and Tk(E) = E" . . . "E (k-times) are in-
jective tensor products, k e" 2. The norm of a = (a0, a1, . . .) " T (E) is
||a|| = sup(||a0||0, ||a1||1, . . .), where ai " Ti(E) and ||.||i is injective norm in
Ti(E), i = 0, 1, . . .. For l"-spaces we have an isomorphism of BA
G"(M, K, . ) ć(l"(M, K)), (17)
where G"(M, K, . ) is the Grassmann-Banach algebra with the Banach
space l"(P0(M), K) and the multiplication defined in (6). Here l"(P0(M), K)
is the Banach space of bounded functions a : P0(M) K with the norm
||a||" = sup(|a(I)|, I " P0(M)). (18)
For applications in superanalysis the following supercommutative Banach
superalgebras may be also used : B"G. Here B is an associative commutative
BA with unit over K, and G is IDGBA. For G = G(M, K, . ) we have an
isomorphism of BA : B"G(M, K, . ) G(M, B, . ), where G(M, B, . ) is
obtained from G(M, K, . ) by the replacement K B (for M = N see also
For non-Archimedean B, G and K another Banach superalgebra may be
also considered : B"G. In this case B"G"(M, K, . ) G"(M, B, . ),
where G"(M, B, . ) is obtained from G"(M, K, . ) by the replacement
K B.
[1] B.S. De Witt, Supermanifolds, Cambridge, 1984.
[2] A. Rogers, J. Math. Phys., A Global Theory of Supermanifolds, 22, No
5, (1981) 939-945; J. Math. Phys., Super Lie Groups: Global Topology
and Local Structure, 21, No 6 (1980) 724-731; J. Math. Phys., Consis-
tent Superspace Integration, 26, No 3, (1985) 385-392.
[3] I.V. Volovich, ›-supermanifolds and bundles, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR,
269, No 3 (1983) 524-528 [in Russian].
[4] V.S. Vladimirov and I.V. Volovich, Superanalysis I. Differential calculus.
Teor. Mat. Fiz., 59, No 1 (1984) 3-27; Superanalysis II. Integral calculus.
Teor. Mat. Fiz., 60, No 2 (1984) 169-198 [in Russian].
[5] A.Yu. Khrennikov, Functional superanalysis, Uspekhi Matem. Nauk,
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[6] F.A. Berezin, Method of Second Quantization, Nauka, Moscow (1965)
[in Russian].
[7] Z.I. Borevich and I.R. Shafarevich, Number Theory, Nauka, Moscow
(1972) [in Russian].
[8] V.D. Ivashchuk, On Annihilators in Infinite-dimensional Grassmann-
Banach Algebras, Teor. Mat. Fiz. 79, No 1, (1989) 30-40 [in Russian].
[9] V.D. Ivashchuk, Invertibility of Elements in Infinite-dimensional
Grassmann-Banach Algebras, Teor. Mat. Fiz., 84, No 1, (1990) 13-22
[in Russian].
[10] N. Bourbaki, Set Theory [Russian translation], Mir, Moscow (1965).
[11] A.Ya. Khelemskii, Banach and Polynormed Algebras: General Theory,
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[12] V.D. Ivashchuk, Tensor Banach Algebras of Projective Type I. Teor.
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[13] N.V. Yakovlev. Examples of Banach Algebras with Radical, Non-
Complemented as Banach spaces, Uspekhi Matemat. Nauk, 44, 5 (269)
(1989) 185 [in Russian].
[14] V.D. Ivashchuk, Tensor Banach Algebras of Projective Type II. l1 - case,
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[15] A.Yu. Khrennikov, Generalized Functions on Non-Archimedean Super-
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