all text from cards

As soon as you focus on the sound of my voice, you'll instantly feel a sense of comfort
wash over your body. So when I ask you to shut your eyes, you can shut your eyes and
instantly so into hypnosis. And I don't know how you will experience trance today,
because when you go into hypnosis instantly you'll go deeper than ever before.
Allow yourself to relax fully so that you begin to feel a warm wave of comfort fully
spreading through your body. Now if you focus on your breathing, you might find yourself
fully experiencing that comfort as you completely go into hypnosis Now! Before you go
into trance completely, I want you to fully enjoy that warm wave of relaxation going
deeper and deeper.
Now you can imagine yourself drifting on a beautiful calm lake. Just allow yourself to
drift on that lake now because you can relax easily when you picture a calming scene.
Now you'll find yourself getting more and more calm. And I don't know where that
relaxation will begin now. Perhaps it will be in your chest as your breathing becomes
deep and even NOW.
What's it like when find yourself rapidly drifting inside as you remember pleasant
memories from the past rapidly forming inside your mind. Now, I don't know when you'll
realize that hypnosis is forming rapidly, because you may notice yourself quickly
relaxing and drooping into hypnosis so rapidly that you don't need to keep track of
anything that is happening quickly NOW!
_____AT ONCE
I want you to know that you can, Jane go into hypnosis all at once, by drifting in
relaxation until you suddenly realize you're in trance. At once you will know that your
(you're) unconscious has taken you into hypnosis. And what a good thing to know that
your (you're) unconscious can take you into a deep trance and make you feel good at
People can you know, Jane suddenly go into a trance without knowing how they did it. If
you were to suddenly relax deeply , that might be an indication you are going into
hypnosis. Because people don't, you know how they, Jane suddenly relax deeply into
hypnosis until you're ready which means that your (you're) unconscious can surprise
you by making you feel good suddenly NOW!
Now I want you to relax immediately by focusing your attention inside. And I don't know
if you can, Mary sense yourself relaxing immediately, or if your body will know it before
you do. Because your (you're) unconscious mind can make changes immediately
without your conscious mind becoming aware of the transformation (trance
formation). NOW find yourself in hypnosis immediately!
Notice how you are gradually relaxing. You may notice that relaxation beginning in your
chest and gradually spreading through the rest of your body. And what a good thing to
know that the trance is developing gradually so that bit by bit you re going into a deep
and comfortable trance. And I don't know how gradually you ll go into a deep trance
suddenly right NOW!
Will you go into hypnosis slowly, or will you start to relax slowly and comfortably
instead. Because as you slowly begin to focus inside, your (you re) unconscious mind will
show you mental images of tremendous importance to you... slowly at first, but then
with increasing insistence. And you don't have to know what they mean, consciously yet.
That understanding will come to you slowly.
Sooner or later you will eventually go into a trance. Now I don't know if you'll go into a
trance comfortably straight away... eventually you'll find yourself relaxed and deeply at
peace. So eventually you'll find yourself wondering (wandering) about your (you're)
unconscious mind's capacity to make positive changes, which means that you'll
eventually go into a deep trance NOW!
NOT YET_____
I know you want to go into a trance, but not yet. First you'll have to allow your eyes to
get heavy. Then you can close your eyes, but not yet! You see, you are not yet ready to
go deeply into hypnosis. So you can feel your eyelids getting heavier, and you can desire
to go into hypnosis, but not yet... NOW!
ln a moment I want you to, Jim close your eyes. And as soon as you close your eyes in a
moment, you'll find yourself going into a deep trance, but not yet! Because your (you're)
unconscious mind is preparing everything on the inside for you to experience a deep and
pleasant trance in a moment s time. So close your eyes and go into trance NOW!
You might want to begin to experience a sense of comfort inside. Now I don't know if
you'll begin to notice that comfort growing all by itself, or if you'll discover that you're
beginning to go into hypnosis, faintly at first and then you start going deeper and
deeper all the time. So allow yourself to notice that trance beginning to develop NOW!
Soon you will go into trance. Because you came here to experience hypnosis, so you will
enjoy a deeply comfortable hypnotic state soon. Now you don't have to go into hypnosis
too soon, because you've yet to allow your eyes to close automatically. And when you
find yourself wanting to close your eves shortly, you ll soon discover the great pleasure
of being in trance.
You can begin to wonder how much you're learning already (all ready). Because you
can relax and you can focus your mind inside, so that you can begin to access trance in
a way that you haven't experienced before. And you can begin to deepen that trance bit
by bit at the rate and pace that feels most comfortable to you.
And I would like you to go right on marveling at all the leanings you are making
unconsciously and you can continue right on discovering the many ways in which you
can use language patterns to help someone to go into trance. You can relax and you can
continue right on relaxing whilst your (you re) unconscious mind takes you deeper.
Consciously you can wonder (wander) about hypnosis, whilst unconsciously you can have the
experience of trance. Consciously you can be unsure about your (you're) skills as a hypnotist,
whilst unconsciously your mind can be constructing patterns and integrating the leanings.
Consciously you can be distracted, whilst unconsciously the real work gets done!
So whilst you feel comfortable consciously, your (you re) unconscious...
WILL YOU_______ NOW, OR________ LATER?
Will you begin to relax immediately, or will your body take its time to find inner peace
settling (settle in) in? Will you go into a deep trance now and learn, or will your mind
slip into multiple mini trances during the course of the days to come to do that? Will
you enjoy that trance now, or feel deep comfort later?
And how will you know when you are a great hypnotist? How will you be standing?
How will you be breathing and how will you be talking? And how will you know that
you are going into a trance yourself? How will your internal awareness changes? And
how will that trance experience help you become a great hypnotist naturally?
I wonder if you realize that you are a great hypnotist already? I wonder if you have
realized already that the best hypnotists are also the best hypnotic subjects? I wonder
if you have noticed that you can go in an out of trances pretty quickly and easily
already? I wonder if you realize that this means you are a great hypnotist now?
Sooner or later you will go into a trance, just like sooner or later you will begin to feel
the comfort of relaxation, which means that sooner or later you will sink deeply into a
relaxed state in which your (you're) unconscious mind takes you on a wonderful iourney
inside. Sooner or later you'll get to appreciate and enjoy that now!
Focus your awareness on your right shoulder, and notice that as you do so, it begins to
relax. Now, focus your awareness on the quality of relaxation that you experience
there and realize that when you focus your awareness your comfort and relaxation
begin to deepen. So focus your awareness on the deepening comfort more and more
completely and enjoy the experience thoroughly!
Have you ever read a story and become so engaged that you lose yourself in those
pages? Have you ever fallen asleep and did you ever notice that you then drift into a
sleep-like state as you go inside? Have you ever wondered what it would be like to go
into that state at will? And have you ever felt as comfortable as you do right now?
Notice that you're breathing at a certain rate and you may notice that your mind can
begin to relax and space out a little. You may notice that you're breathing in and out
and how with each breath you can notice yourself getting calmer, stiller, more
peaceful... you may have noticed that calm... going deeper and deeper inside and you
feel good.
You might find yourself thinking about trance and the feelings of comfort that it brings.
Then you could find yourself experiencing a sense of relaxation and peace beginning to
settle over yourself. Find yourself do that now so that your inner mind begins to take
you on a journey inside your mind, so that you find yourself going (go in) deeper and
deeper into hypnosis...
I know you're wondering how you'll experience hypnosis today. lf I told you that
hypnosis is natural, I know you would wonder how you'd begin going into trance. Now
it is a good thing to wonder. I know you're wondering why your breathing has
changed. Perhaps you're even wondering why hypnosis deepens with your (you're)
breathing... naturally... takes you deeper.
Can you remember a time you were deeply relaxed? Do you remember that feeling
continuing deeper and spread as your mind went inside. Remember how good that
feels. Now, can you remember a time you were in a trance. Remember the first
sensation of hypnosis beginning and in time you'll remember the trance deepening
automatically. Eventually you'll remember all the good trance feelings.
You realize that your body relaxes automatically in all kinds ol unusual ways. You may in fact
realize that as you think about that, your breathing shifts into a more comfortable rhythm. Of
course, you might realize that you are going into a very pleasant trance whenever you're
breathing comfortably.
You might also realize that this trance is a particularly educational one.
What's it like when you go into hypnosis. When you think about what it is like when
you are relaxing, your body starts to have the experience. And what is it like when you
are deeply in trance? What does your body feel like in trance? What's it like inside your
mind when you go into a trance?
Just pretend that you are great hypnotic subject. Act as if you are going into hypnosis
and soon your mind forgets to pretend. Why not make believe you are going deeper
and deeper into trance. As Erickson used to say "You can pretend anything and master
it!" What, then, if you were to just pretend that you are deeply in trance NOW!
Can you imagine going into trance? Imagine yourself drifting on a calm and beautiful
river. Picture your muscles becoming lose and limp See yourself feeling completely
relaxed. Then imagine enjoying the most exquisite trance experience. lf you don't want
to imagine that, you could always picture it, visualize it, envisage it or see it in your
mind's eye!
Suppose that your (you're) unconscious mind could do almost anything you can
imagine. Now suppose that you were going into trance. Just suppose that trance begins
to deepen more and more. Then suppose you could simply let go of all the things that
might be holding you back. I suppose that you would drift into a pleasant trance
IT'S AS IF_____
Your mind can make all kinds of connections. It s as if your mind takes you on a journey
inside. lt's as if you are floating gently on a cloud. Can you feel a sense of comfort
growing? It's as if you enter the most peaceful scene. And that is just like when you go
into a trance and let your unconscious do the learning for a change.
What would it be like if you began to relax deeply? What would it be like if your mind
could go into a trance state quite naturally and give you any experience you wanted or
needed. Now what would it be like if you relax deeply into hypnosis. And if you could
experience a deeper and more pleasant state of hypnosis, what would that be like??
And you can experience reading this as if you were floating on a cloud. Of course you
can make sense of these words. In fact you can experience these words as if they are
little bubbles of relaxation, popping into your mind, soothing your thoughts. Can you
experience your thoughts changing as if you were a baby being rocked to sleep in your
mother's arms?
Would you prefer going (go in) into a deep trance now, or simply to relax comfortably in
a few moments time? So would you like to experience hypnosis as if you were going on
holiday to the most amazing and relaxing place. And it's a good things you're relaxing,
would you like to let that relaxation go deeper and deeper as you breathe in and out?
Simply allow yourself to relax now. Because when you allow your body to relax, you can
find yourself drifting deeper and deeper into a wonderful state of internalized attention.
Now every time you allow your attention to focus on your breathing, you will allow that
relaxation go right on getting deeper and deeper as you thoroughly enjoy this
Perhaps you can begin to experience yourself relaxing in a way that you're not used to.
Perhaps you'll find that as your body relaxes, your arm floats up. Perhaps the left arm
will lift as the right arm relaxes deeply, or perhaps your right arm will move as your left
arm feels
more comfort. But then again, perhaps you'll go into trance completely differently.
Perhaps you could imagine yourself lying on a beautiful beach and maybe you could
begin to feel a sense of relaxation beginning. Now, you should remember that you could
let your mind drift at any time and you could remember the most deeply relaxed
sensations you have had. And you could enjoy your internal imagery as well as you
could go deeper into hypnosis.
I'M NOT SURE______
I'm not sure how you will go into a trance now. Because I am not sure if one of your
arms will lift the more you focus your attention your breathing. And I m not sure how
you will know that the hypnosis is deepening. Perhaps you may notice that hand
twitching as you breathe in, and I am not sure how you'll experience that now.
You might like to notice that your breathing is getting deeper. And as your breathing
deepens, you might be wondering what the next sign will be that you're going into
hypnosis. Now, you might want to just pretend for a moment that your trance is
deepening. And you might really enjoy discovering for yourself that you are deep in
Maybe you will go into an instant trance now, or maybe you will drift a while first.
Maybe your (you're) unconscious mind will remind you of pleasant memories from the
past, or maybe you'll just sit there and feel comfortable without really know why. And
you really should know that maybe you will experience hypnosis in a totally different
way today.
AS SOON AS_____, YOU LL_____
As soon as you notice your breathing, you'll realize that your (you re) unconscious has
been breathing for you all along. As soon as you make that realization, you will begin to
go into a very comfortable trance... As you go into a trance, you may begin to notice the
way in which your mind can drift through inner experiences without having to think of
anything in particular.
AS YOU_____, SO YOU_____
As you listen to mv voice, you can start to focus your attention inside. As your attention
focuses inward, so your (you re) unconscious mind begins to take you into trance. As
you breathe in and out, you will notice an ever deepening comfort starting to develop.
As you do that, you ll find yourself in deeper and deeper levels of hypnosis!
You are reading this and you can breathe in and out comfortably and your (you're)
unconscious mind can absorb all kinds of information and when will the trance process
begin? You can notice the sensation in your left foot and realize that you are feeling a
little more comfortable and that such associations are quite natural for you to make!
It is a good thing you've decided to go into hypnosis. You have studied and learned
many things in the past... and it's a good thing you have learned things in the past, and
it's a good thing you're learning things right now. And what a good thing to know
that you can learn to go into a deep and pleasant trance Right NOW!
______AS WELL AS______
You can take a deep breath as well as going inside, and you can feel your breathing growing
deeper as well as feel the comfort inside your body beginning to expand. You might simply want
to listen carefully as well as go into a trance all in your own time. So let yourself enjoy this
process as well as go deeper and deeper all the time.
WHEN YOU______, YOU______
Whenever you blink, you'll be very aware of an unconscious activity. When you become this
sensitive to unconscious phenomena, your (you re) unconscious can start the transition into an
altered state. When you realize that this is occurring, you'll notice yourself going (go in) on a
journey inside your mind. So that whenever you breathe deeper, you will go deeper and deeper
into hypnosis!
EVERY TIME YOU_____ , YOU______
Every time you breathe in, you'll find yourself getting more and more comfortable, and every
time you feel comfortable, you begin to go into trance. Its easy to experience hypnosis as long as
you breathe deeply every time you go deeper and deeper. So every time you feel yourself
going (go in) deeper, your (you re) unconscious will make you feel a deep sense of comfort and
You should discover for yourself that relaxation brings feelinss of peace and
tranquillity. You should have discovered for yourself, by now, that you can go into a calming,
relaxing place inside your mind, by thinking on a peaceful scene. So you really should discover
for yourself that you can drift into hypnosis naturally without a care in the world.
I need to tell you that going into trance is the most wonderful experience. And I need to tell
you that you can go into trance wherever and whenever you need to. I also need to tell you that
you really should discover the pleasures of going into trance by yourself. And I absolutely need
to tell you to enjoy the experience thoroughly.
YOU MUST______
You must take your time to go into trance fully, and you must remember to enjoy the process.
You must allow yourself to drift down deeper and deeper, which means that you must simply
get out of your way long enough to surprise yourself with how it really is easy. Above all, you
must simply make plenty of time to practice going into hypnosis until it all becomes easy!
I want you to experience trance comfortably. Now, the first thing I want you to do is to take a
deep breath, and as you breathe out. I want you to relax both deeply and comfortably. I really
want you to enjoy that sensation, because in a moment I want you to go ahead and deepen the
experience of hypnosis even more.
I know you want to learn how to go into hypnosis. I know you want to experience the comfort
of going inside your mind and feel the peaceful tranquility that is there. And I know you want to
begin to relax into trance comfortably, which is why I know you want to enjoy hypnosis NOW!
So go ahead and do what you want to do anyway.
You should remember to relax comfortably when you need to. You should remember that
relaxation will make you feel safe and calm, which means you really should remember that
you can relax deeply into hypnosis by simply allowing this process to occur naturally. And you
should remember to thoroughly enjoy the process of learning to go into hypnosis!
You really should take your time to relax. You should begin by relaxing your mind. Your body
can relax too and you really should relax. Now you don't have to feel good whilst you are doing
this, but you really should allow your unconscious to make it happen anyway. And you should
really enjoy the feelings of peace and tranquility thoroughly NOW!
You could hear these words whilst experiencing a pleasant sensation, couldn't
you? And you could take that experience and deepen it some more, could you not? Now you
could allow your mind to drift, couldn't you? So you might find yourself going into hypnosis
automatically, might you not? Because you could let your (you're) unconscious mind guide you
effortlessly into that state.
I don't know if you can remember the last time you were in a deep and pleasant trance. And I
don't know if you can take a deep breath in and re-experience it again as you breathe out. I
don't know if you can continue to deepen the feelings of relaxation, because I really don't
know if you can experience that trance deepening all by itself.
You really shouldn't go into a trance all that quickly. Feel free to take your time. And you really
shouldn't think too much about how peaceful and relaxing it can be in trance. You really
shouldn't remember that there is no negation in primary experience, so if I say "you really
shouldn't think of a red cat", what do you start to think of first?!?
You don't have to relax deeply in order to go into a trance. You don t have to feel comfortable
in order for your (you re) unconscious to learn right now. You really don't have to do anything
at all... it is after all your (you're) unconscious that does it all ! Oh and by the way, you don t
have to think of a red cat again... or do you?
There's no need for you to go into a trance until your eyes close naturally.
And there's no need for those eyes to close until you have taken a deep breath in and let it all
go. Now there's no need for you to let go completely until you realize that its safe for you to do
so right now!
It is not necessary for you to go into a deep trance to learn. In fact, it's not necessary that you
notice any sign that you are in trance at all. It really is not necessary for you to begin to feel
more relaxed and at ease, because it's not necessary that you sense your (you're) unconscious
doing the work for you.
You don't need to be aware of a growing sense of comfort developing inside. You don't need
to be aware of that comfort spreading a peaceful feeling inside you. You really don't need to
be aware of that comfort growing deeper and deeper. Just like you don't need to be aware of a
little red cat popping up inside your imagination NOW!
IF YOU______, THEN_____
lf you think about how you learned to speak as a child, then you'll realize that, by now, your
language is hard wired into you. If language is hardwired into you now, then you already know
how to flow with it elegantly. So, if you allow yourself to relax, then you will notice that your
language will flow with ease and elegance!
A person can, you know, John learn hypnosis quickly and easily. lt is interesting to note that
when you mention a person by name, a person will, you know, John respond unconsciously
more fully. So, though it seems that you are talking about others, a person can, you know, John
absorb the message at the unconscious level!
_____ WHICH MEANS_____
You have been studying these language patterns for some time now, which means that you are
learning something of tremendous value. The fact that you are reading this right now means
that you are learning at the unconscious level, and that means you are absorbing hypnotic
patterns at a vastly accelerated rate... which means that you're becoming a great hypnotist
THE MORE______, THE MORE______
The more you listen to my voice the more you go into hypnosis. And the more you focus inside,
the more comfortable you begin to feel. The more you steadily enter hypnosis, the more your
(you re) unconscious mind is free to express itself fully in ways beneficial to your complete
personality. So the more you let go NOW, the greater the rewards will be!
Allow your attention to focus to the point where you drift into a calm, peaceful state of mind.
Then let that state develop to the point where you go into a trance. The more you go with the
flow of that experience, the more you learn about yourself to the point where your (you're)
unconscious mind reminds you of memories and experiences you haven't thought about in
BECAUSE______, SO______
Because you are interested in hypnotic language patterns, your mind can learn them more
quickly. Because you are learning more quickly, you ll find yourself using hypnotic language in
everyday situations. Because of this, you'll discover how simple it really is to flow with hypnotic
language. And because you have an unconscious mind, so you ll find yourself even dreaming
about these patterns.
[FACT1],[FACT2],[FACT3] AND _______
You are a human being [1], all human beings have a past [2], that past is available to you in the
form of memories [3] and you can recall a pleasant, peaceful memory now. As you do that [1],
you can continue to listen to me [2], you can continue to breathe [3] and you can drift deeper
inside your inner world of memories!


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