World of Darkness Cthulhu

Based on Materials
Written by:
H.P. Lovecraft
Sandy Petersen
Justin Achilli
Editing, & Design:
James D.
Thanks To:
Mister Gone
World of Cthulhu
Lovecraftian Roleplay in the World of Darkness
Draft Version 0.02
World of Cthulhu is an unofficial supplement designed to be used with
White Wolf Incorporated s World of Darkness core rule book. Call of Darkness is
an homage to the supernatural horror of Howard Phillips Lovecraft and, as such,
draws heavily upon public domain works written by that author. Finally, World of
Cthulhu was also inspired by the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game published by
Chaosium Incorporated. Please, for the love of all things holy, don t sue me for
making World of Cthulhu available to the public!
Characters in the World of Cthulhu are normal, everyday people - just like
you and me. While some of these people may possess combat training (such as
soldiers) or the legal right to arrest other people (such as FBI agents or local police
officers), at the end of the day they re still human beings. They don t possess
supernatural powers, they don t have some higher calling to fight evil, and they
don t routinely kick supernatural evil in the face, either. In the World of Cthulhu,
it s not the character who is unusual, but the circumstances that life or some more
sinister force (such as the Storyteller) thrusts upon them.
The World of Cthulhu rules add three new skills to the standard skill list
New Skills
utilized in the World of Darkness core rule book - Cthulhu Mythos, Diving, and
Etiquette - all of which are explained directly below:
Cthulhu Mythos
 Beyond the stars lie boundless portals - the dark, the darkness, compensates in
closed spaces - but I have gazed into those portals and I have seen the horrible
things gazing back.
The fiction of Howard Lovecraft treats non-mythos related magic much as
it does non-mythos related religions - such things are superficial constructs of
humanity that serve no purpose other than to comfort people as they live out a
meager existence in an uncaring universe. In the World of Cthulhu, only the magic
and methods of the Cthulhu Mythos have any true power. You can slap down a ten
dollar bill at the local bookstore and buy a book of so-called Pagan  magic , but
the damnable sorcery of the Cthulhu Mythos comes at a much higher price. As
such, the knowledge of these things is represented by this new skill.
Possessed by: Misguided individuals who don t know any better such
as crazed cultists, sorcerers, savages, unfortunate investigators
Specialties: Alien Artifacts, Cosmology, Cult Practices, Sacred Tomes,
Sorcerous Rituals
Roll Results:
Dramatic Failure: Your character has seriously misjudged some aspect
of the Mythos, be it a ritual component or the intentions of a particular cult. Note
that such a mistake may not become apparent immediately, but either way, the
ultimate consequence of such a mistake will be very bad.
Failure: Your character simply makes no headway in his efforts to
decipher a Mythos tome, call upon the power of a sorcerous ritual, deduce the
origin of an alien artifact, or otherwise practically apply their knowledge of the
Cthulhu Mythos.
Success: Your character successfully calls upon their knowledge of the
New Skills
Cthulhu Mythos to enact a ritual, identify the calling card of a particular cult,
decipher a passage from the Al Azif, or discern the intended use of an alien artifact
from beyond space and time.
Exceptional Success: Not only does your character s attempt to apply
their knowledge of the Cthulhu Mythos succeed, but they also recall some niggling
(and potentially very important) detail about the cult, spell, tome, artifact, or other
abominable thing that they are explaining, investigating, or invoking.
 When I saw that horrible face hiding amongst the seaweed, I forgot all of
my training, dropped my weights and sped toward the distant surface of the bay,
bends be damned!
Characters who posses the Diving skill are versed, not only in the basic
principles of diving, but in their practical application as well. Such a character
knows how to control their breathing, how to move with precision underwater, and
how to avoid unnecessary risks while beneath the surface of the sea. Given the
nautical nature of many Lovecraft short stories, the inclusion of a skill that expressly
allowed for undersea exploration seemed prudent.
Possessed by: Marine biologists, pearl divers, pipeline welders, sailors,
weekend warriors
Specialties: SCUBA diving, skin diving, spear fishing, underwater safety
Roll Results:
Dramatic Failure: Your character s effort not only fails, but they injure
themself in the process - and, obviously, diving accidents can have the potential
to be lethal (see the rules for Holding Breath on Page 49 of the WoD core rule
Failure: Your character fails to achieve what they were attempting to do.
They decide that exploring an underwater cave before going up for another air
tank is a good idea, they clumsily bump into the rotten hull of a sunken vessel,
triggering its collapse, etc.
Success: Your character accomplishes the action as planned. They
surface to exchange air canisters before exploring the underwater cave, they deftly
maneuver past the rotten hull of the sunken ship, etc.
Exceptional Success: Your character accomplishes the action with
more efficiency or speed than expected. For instance, your character manages to
spear an attacking sharp through the roof of it s mouth, rendering it harmless.
 She was called Victoria because she had beaten us in battle seven hundred
years before, and she was called Gloriana because she was glorious, and she was
called the Queen because the human mouth was not shaped to say her true name.
Eccentric socialites and high society often play a role in Lovecraft s short
stories, thus, a specific skill to deal with such elements has been implemented here.
The Etiquette skill is essentially the inverse of the Streetwise skill - that is, a character
who possesses the Etiquette skill knows the ins and outs of high society and are
New Skills
adept at surviving by its often cutthroat rules. Characters who understand Etiquette
can bend the ears of important socialites, broker items at exclusive auction houses,
and otherwise make use of the unique resources available to the social elite. Like
the Streetwise skill, Etiquette also comes in handy for avoiding the law and staying
on the right side of wrong people, albeit in a different social circle.
Possessed by: Aristocrats, business magnates, celebrities, politicians
Specialties: Fraternal Orders, Gossip, Publicity, Pulling Strings
Roll Results:
Dramatic Failure: Your character completely misjudges a situation,
making a blunder that could have fatal or, at least, financially devastating
consequences. He might try to steal money from a powerful businessman,
accidentally insult the head of a prominent fraternal order, or drop the name of an
individual who doesn t wish to be associated with the character.
Failure: Your character has no luck rendezvousing with his high society
chums, or convincing the local social elite that he is worth their time.
Success: Your character manages to arrange a rendezvous with a high
roller who can provide him with what he seeks.
Dramatic Success: Not only does your character manage to arrange
a rendezvous with an important socialite, but they also manage to put themselves
in that socialite s good graces, perhaps allowing for easier future interactions.
At the moment, only one skill has been renamed (don t worry - it still works
Old Skills With
in exactly the same manner) - Brawling, In the World of Cthulhu, investigators are
New Names
generally gentlemen and/or ladies, and such folk simply don t brawl - instead they
engage in Fisticuffs.
New Advantage
Traits: (Wits + Composure) - Cthulhu Mythos
Madness and sanity are vital staples of Lovecraft s fiction and, as such, it
only seemed appropriate that characters possess a special advantage to represent
mental fortitude in the World of Cthulhu, thus the Sanity advantage. A character
with a high Sanity rating is firmly grounded on our own level of reality, dismissing
such things as alien artifacts, lost cities, and eldritch gods as flights of fancy - things
that exist only in the realm of fiction. Characters with a low Sanity rating, on the
other hand, have begun to confuse our own level of reality with another where
human/fish hybrids haunt New England fishing villages, Antarctica houses an alien
city, and the Great Old Ones wait for the stars to become right so that they can rise
from their hidden prisons to reclaim the Earth as their own once more.
Sanity is rated on a scale from 1 to 10 and has both an initial rating and
a current rating. A character s initial Sanity rating is filled in on the dots under
 Sanity on your character sheet. A character s current Sanity rating is tracked in the
corresponding boxes. As a character s Sanity deteriorates and they begin to lose
points of Sanity, just check off a box. When dots and checked boxes are equal,
your character is no longer able to distinguish between different levels of reality,
confusing one for another and, as a result, is dismissed by those individuals with
high Sanity as a simple madman. That said, you might be wondering how this works
Madness Ratings:
New Advantage
Every potentially mind-twisting horror, every hidden truth that man was not
meant to know, has a Madness rating that delineates the potential of that hideous
thing to unhinge the human mind. Suggested Madness ratings follow:
" 10 Encounter with Outer God (Roll 2 Dice)
" 9 Encounter with Great Old One (Roll 2 Dice)
" 8 Reading from the real Necronomicon (Roll 2 Dice)
" 7 Encounter with a Greater Servitor/Independent Race (Roll 3 Dice)
" 6 Enacting a sorcerous Mythos ritual (Roll 3 Dice)
" 5 Reading from copy of the real Necronomicon (Roll 3 Dice)
" 4 Encounter with a Lesser Servitor/Independent Race (Roll 4 Dice)
" 3 Reading from another greater Mythos tome (Roll 4 Dice)
" 2 Reading from a lesser Mythos tome (Roll 5 Dice)
" 1 Reading from a phony Mythos tome (Roll 6 Dice)
Whenever a character comes face to face with a horrible truth (or unholy
creature), the player of that character makes a Sanity roll, as outlined below.
The Sanity Roll:
When a player finds themself faced with horrible truth that man was not
meant to know, a creature born beyond the realm of reason, or other such sanity
draining thing, the player of that character rolls a number of dice as indicated by
the Madness Rating of the force or situation being encountered. If this roll
succeeds, the character s ability to distinguish between the different levels of reality
remains unaffected, and their Sanity rating does not change. If the sanity roll fails,
on the other hand, the character s ability to parse the different levels of reality
suffers and they lose a point of their Sanity rating.
Derangements (Option):
As a character s ability to differentiate between levels of reality becomes
impaired, they become noticeably deranged, perhaps to the point that they require
psychiatric treatment. When a Sanity point is lost due to the discovery of a horrible
truth or confrontation with forces that mankind was not meant to know, roll your
character s new Sanity rating as a dice pool. If this roll succeeds, your character
manages to come to terms with their new understanding of the world. If this roll
fails, however, a derangement manifests in your character.
Derangements in World of Cthulhu games work exactly as described on
pages 96-100 of the World of Darkness core rule book. Do note, however, that
in the World of Cthulhu, derangements are solely a product of insanity, not moral
decay - so ignore all of those rules concerning derangements as the result of moral
decay that appear in the World of Darkness core rule book. Derangements in the
World of Cthulhu reflect the fact that a character is nuts, not morally corrupt (it is,
after all, possible for a mentally disturbed person to be moral).
Final Note On Sanity:
Do note that sanity is not the same thing as willpower - it is entirely
possible for a raving lunatic to possess a force of iron will and, conversely, it is
possible for a perfectly sane person to be a spineless weakling. Very simply put, a
character s force of will has nothing to do with their mental wellness.
In the World of Cthulhu, as in Lovecraft s short fiction, morality isn t
typically depicted in shades of grey, but rather in simple black and white. Evil is evil,
good is good, and in the end, neither is very relevant when compared to the
unfathomable alien might of the Great Old Ones. As such, by default, games set
in the World of Cthulhu don t make use of the Morality rules that appear in the
World of Darkness core rule book. That said, if you want to implement these rules
in your own World of Cthulhu game, feel free to do so (but be warned - when used
in conjunction with the Sanity rules found here, it doubles the bookkeeping duties
of the Storyteller).
Sorcery is a staple of many (but not all) of Lovecraft s short stories - from
the damned cultists in thrall to their sleeping gods to the hapless detective that
peruses a cursed text - anybody can delve (or stumble unknowingly) into the
forbidden lore of sorcery. Sorcery isn t magic - magic is the art of using smoke and
mirrors, slight of hand, and parlor tricks to impress for vanity s sake. Sorcery is the
art of channeling damnable energy and invoking monstrous horrors to draw power
to oneself. Magic is harmless. Sorcery, on the other hand, is unspeakably evil.
Casting spells in the World of Cthulhu has very little to do with skill. Any
blasphemous cultist (or curious college professor) with access to the right tomes of
forbidden lore can invoke a sorcerous spell merely by chanting words written upon
a given page. That said, the cost of reading such works and invoking the power
contained therein is paid for with one s sanity - but if you re willing to pay that price,
sorcery has a lot to offer.
As a rule, enacting sorcerous rituals requires very specific components, be
these components the chanting of certain unholy words in a long forgotten tongue,
the use of specific eldritch symbols, the sacrifice of live animals, or even the
alignment of certain planets and stars. Should any of the components be omitted,
the ritual may not function at all - or it may have horrible unforeseen results of
disastrous proportions (such is the risk that a sorcerer assumes).
Given the nature of sorcery as it is portrayed in the source material, casting
a spell requires a player to make a Cthulhu Mythos skill roll on their character s
behalf when enacting a ritual, determining whether or not they know how to intone
the required unholy names, etch the eldritch symbols properly, ritually slaughter the
animal sacrifice, and tell if the stars are right. If this roll is successful, the character
manages to perform the ritual as prescribed in the vile text from which they are
Final Note On Sorcery:
Finally, note that the effects of sorcery in the World of Cthulhu aren t of the
 fireball and  lightening bolt variety - they re of the  summoning hellish alien
creatures to do your bidding and  invoking otherworldly horrors to gain knowledge
from variety. Or theoretically, that s how sorcerous spells are supposed to work in
the World of Cthulhu - as it turns out, hellish alien gods and otherworldly horrors
don t like insignificant humans making demands on their time.
Bestiary On the following pages are some common examples of Cthulhu Mythos
creatures presented specifically for use with the Storytelling system and the World
of Cthulhu. In the near future, I hope to append this document with some proper
conversion rules that will allow you to use material from other games in your World
of Cthulhu chronicles, but until then - this is what you get.
Byakhee (Lesser Servitor Race)
Description: The Byakhee are a hideous race of winged humanoids in
thrall to Hastur, the Unnameable. Possessing the cosmetic qualities of a large,
decomposing crow with arms and legs, the Byakhee is a horrible sight to behold.
Often summoned by human sorcerers to serve as sentries or perform murderous
deed, Byakhee are defining creatures of the Cthulhu Mythos.
Attributes: Intelligence: 2, Wits: 2, Resolve: 3, Strength: 2, Dexterity:4, Stamina:
1, Presence: 3, Manipulation: 0, Composure: 2
Skills: Athletics (Flight): 3, Brawl: 1, Stealth: 2, Intimidation: 3
Willpower: 5
Initiative: 6
Defense: 2
Speed: 14
Size: 4
Type Damage Dice Pool
Bite 2L 3
Claw 3L 3
Health: 5
Chthonian (Greater Independent Race)
Description: Chthonians are immense, worm-like, creatures with mouths
not unlike a lamprey s, but surrounded by masses of writhing tentacles. That said,
the Chthonian s appearance is deceiving - for they are highly intelligent, possessing
psychic abilities that allow them to probe the minds of humans in their immediate
Attributes: Intelligence: 4, Wits: 2, Resolve: 3, Strength: 4, Dexterity: 1, Stamina:
4, Presence: 4, Manipulation: 2, Composure: 3
Skills: Athletics (Burrow): 3, Brawl: 2, Cthulhu Mythos: 2, Intimidation: 3
Willpower: 7
Initiative: 4
Defense: 1
Speed: 7
Size: 9
Type Damage Dice Pool
Crush 4L 6
Dream Attack Special* 6
Health: 13
* The Chthonian s dream attack is an invasive and direct attack upon the psyche
of an individual, in which the Chthonian plagues the dreams of a target with visions
of things that man was not meant to know. When a character finds themself the
target of a Chthonian s dream attacks, they make sanity rolls as appropriate (with
the Madness Rating of the roll based upon what images the Chthonian reveals to
them in the dreams). And in case you were wondering - yes, it is quite possible that
these dream attacks will drive a character mad.
Deep One (Lesser Servitor Race)
Description: Deep Ones are amphibious hybrids birthed of an unholy
union between human women and Father Dagon. Deep Ones begin their life as
fairly normal looking people save for a few unsettling features such as bulging eyes
and thin lips, but as the years roll by, their unnatural lineage asserts itself more
prominently. Eventually, these foul disciples of Father Dagon and Great Cthulhu
pass from amongst humanity s ranks and rejoin their father in the sea.
Attributes: Intelligence: 2, Wits: 2, Resolve: 3, Strength: 3, Dexterity: 2, Stamina:
3, Presence: 2, Manipulation: 2, Composure: 3
Skills: Athletics: 3, Brawl: 2, Cthulhu Mythos: 1, Firearms: 2, Melee: 2
Willpower: 6
Initiative: 5
Defense: 2
Speed: 10
Size: 5
Type Damage Dice Pool
Club/Bat 2B 5
Small Revolver 2L 4
Health: 8
Note that Deep Ones often (but not always) find themselves engaged in
a profession that has strong ties to the sea (fisherman, sailor, etc). As such, you
may want to consider adding skills such as Diving and Drive (Sailing Vessel) to the
suggested list of skills presented above.
Shoggoth (Lesser Servitor Race)
Description: The shoggoth are quite possibly the most feared lesser servitor
race in the World of Cthulhu. A shapeless, ever shifting, mass of muscle tissue, the
shoggoth is an insatiable, many-mouthed, amorphous eating machine. Apparently
engineered by the Old Ones, the shoggoth rebelled against their creators and now
lie hidden in the darkest corners of the Earth, waiting for unfortunate individuals to
discover them.
Attributes: Intelligence: 1, Wits: 1, Resolve: 4, Strength: 4, Dexterity: 4, Stamina:
3, Presence: 4, Manipulation: 0, Composure: 4
Skills: Brawl: 4
Willpower: 8
Initiative: 8
Defense: 1
Speed: 18
Size: 10+ (up to 20)
Weapons Attacks:
Type Damage Dice Pool
Tendril Whip 2L 8
Tendril Crush 3L 8
Envelop Special* 8
Health: 13+ (adjusted by Size)
* Treat as suffocation. See page 49 of the WoD rule book for details.
World of Cthulhu is by no means a beginner s guide to roleplaying in the
Final Notes
worlds of Howard Lovecraft nor does it, by any means, convey a comprehensive
overview of those dread realms. If you re new to the Cthulhu Mythos, I suggest that
you pick up the following books and begin reading:
Anything by Lovecraft*
Cold Print by Ramsey Campbell
Shadows Over Baker Street (Compilation)
Note that there are also a good number of Cthulhu Mythos movies that
one can find at the local video store. Avoid them. Most (if not all) of them stray
from the source material in unforgivable ways, while others simply try to pass off
men in rubber suits as unspeakable horrors.
*When purchasing a book of Lovecraft stories, be certain that you examine the
contents before you shell out your hard-earned cash. Several publishers have
released books that ostensibly contain never-before-published original works
by Lovecraft, but upon close examination it is revealed that said stories are, in
fact, authored by modern writers working from some of Lovecraft s notes. That
is, they aren t actually Lovecraft stories. Not even remotely.
Finally, the World of Cthulhu rules are not (and never will be) a standalone
game - you ll need to pick up a copy of the World of Darkness core rule book to
make use of them. That said, the new World of Darkness core rule book is both
aesthetically and mechanically pleasing. If you aren t sure that it ll be worth your
money, put those doubts aside - it is well worth every penny of the purchase price
and then some. So go buy a copy already!
h.p. Lovecraft
World of Cthulhu is Copyright ©
Born 1890
2005 by James D. Hargrove.
Absconded 1937
Permission is Granted to
Reproduce World of Cthulhu for
Personal, Non-Profit, Use.


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