Adductor Hallucis anatomy

Functional Anatomy Strona 1 z 1
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SLR test Functional Anatomy Testing Tape Specification KT Method Confirmation Testing
Functional Anatomy
Adductor Hallucis
Oblique head:
Base of the 2nd through 4th metatarsals
and tendon sheath of the fibularis
(peroneus) longus
Transverse head:
plantar metatarsophalangeal ligaments of
the 3rd, 4th, 5th digits and deep
transverse metatarsal ligament
Lateral surface of base of proximal
phalanx of the big toe
Adducts and assists in flexing the
metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint of the big
toe; contracture results in adduction
deformity of great toe (hallux valgus)
Lateral plantar (tibial) nerve
0092-TO-XX Adductor Hallucis Go
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