angielski dookola swiata(1)

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Agnieszka Gadomska
Redakcja techniczna
Copyright © by Beata Turska, Warszawa 2012
Copyright © by Weltbild Sp. z o.o., 2012
Copyright © for the e-book edition by Weltbild Polska Sp. z o.o., Warszawa 2012
Grupa Wydawnicza Weltbild
Warszawa 2012
Weltbild Polska Sp. z o.o.
ul. Hankiewicza 2, 02-103 Warszawa
Niniejszy produkt obj ty jest ochron prawa autorskiego. Uzyskany dost p upowa nia wył cznie
do prywatnego u ytku osob , która wykupiła prawo dost pu. Wydawca informuje, e wszelkie
udost pnianie osobom trzecim, nieokre lonym adresatom lub w jakikolwiek inny sposób
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ISBN 978-83-7799-874-8
Nr 90452194
WST P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
CZ PIERWSZA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Teksty i wiczenia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Odpowiedzi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
Pytania do tekstów i propozycje odpowiedzi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
CZ DRUGA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
Niezb dne s owa i wyra enia dla podró uj cych . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
wiczenia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
Pomys na poradnik Angielski dooko a wiata, przyszed mi do g owy pod-
czas podró y do Sri Lanki. Poznali my tam z moim przyjacielem dwóch
bardzo sympatycznych Polaków, którzy przez ca y rok odk adali ka dy
grosz, eby wyjecha na wymarzone wakacje. Smutno nam by o, e mo-
gli tylko po owicznie spe ni swoje marzenie. Z powodu braku znajomo ci
angielskiego nie potra li cieszy si i korzysta z otaczaj cego ich wiata.
W kraju pe nym s o ca, gdzie mieszkaj rado ni i przyja ni ludzie, cho
wielu z nich straci o dobytek ca ego ycia z powodu tsunami, które spusto-
szy o Sri Lank dwa lata wcze niej, naszych dwóch znajomych ogarn o
przera enie nowym i nieznanym. Czuli si bezpiecznie tylko w hotelu, ca -
kowicie odizolowanym od autentycznego kolorowego zewn trznego wia-
ta. Na spotkanie z nim wychodzili wy cznie w zorganizowanej grupie. Nie
rozmawiali z miejscow ludno ci , nie kosztowali egzotycznych potraw,
nie kupowali pami tek, bo nie potra li si targowa . Czuli ulg , kiedy nikt
nie zwraca na nich uwagi. Wielka szkoda! wiat jest zbyt pi kny, eby na
niego patrze tylko z hotelowej z otej klatki czy z okien autokaru. Napisa-
am poradnik dla moich dwóch podró uj cych znajomych i dla wszystkich
innych polskich turystów, którzy marz o wielkiej, wi kszej i najwi kszej
podró y, i którym, mam ogromn nadziej , dzi ki poradnikowi dodam otu-
chy i pomog zdoby wi ksz pewno siebie.
Ksi ka jest przeznaczona dla dwóch typów odbiorców, pocz tkuj cych
i rednio zaawansowanych. Zawiera kombinacj kilku elementów sk adaj -
cych si na holistyczn nauk j zyka angielskiego.
Pierwsza cz  Teksty i wiczenia  sk ada si z dwudziestu rozdzia ów,
które opowiadaj o wiecie i o podró owaniu.
Ka dy rozdzia podzielony jest na dwie cz ci, dla pocz tkuj cych i rednio
Cz dla pocz tkuj cych zawiera krótki dialog i tekst na ten sam temat,
s owniczki oraz dwa wiczenia ze s ownictwem z rozdzia u i zagadnienie
Cz dla rednio zaawansowanych zawiera rozszerzony tekst na ten sam
temat co dla pocz tkuj cych, s owniczek oraz trzy wiczenia leksykalno-
Pod koniec pierwszej cz ci, po odpowiedziach na wiczenia, czytelnicy
znajd pytania dotycz ce tematów rozdzia ów i moje propozycje odpowie-
dzi, eby mogli po wiczy wypowiedzi ustne.
W drugiej cz ci czytelnicy poznaj b d powtórz wa ne s owa i wyra-
enia z ró nych dziedzin ycia, których znajomo jest niezb dna podczas
podró y.
Na koniec, dla najbardziej wytrwa ych, zosta zamieszczony zbiór wicze
dotycz cy drugiej cz ci.
Do poradnika jest do czona p yta z nagranymi dialogami oraz tekstami
z pierwszej cz ci.
Z braku miejsca nie uda o si zamie ci w poradniku teoretycznego wy-
k adu o gramatyce. Dlatego zach cam do zapoznania si z nim w moim
podr czniku Gramatyka angielska w tekstach.
Beata Turska
Listen to the dialogue. Listen again and read.
A. I m tired.
B. You need a holiday.
A. Where could I go?
B. You could go windsur ng to Hel Peninsula.
A. I don t have a reservation.
B. Why not go to a cruise on the Caribbean Sea?
A. It is too expensive.
B. Go to Mexico then.
A. I m afraid of sharks.
B. If you worry so much, stay at home.
A. But I m so tired!
I m looking unhappily at the papers on my desk and thinking about going
on holiday. I don t know if I should go to Hel Peninsula or to the Caribbean
Sea, to Mexico or maybe to Tanzania? Should I go alone or with a friend?
When should I go? How should I travel? Why should I choose one place
over another? I almost have a headache from too many worries!
Travelling is dangerous and expensive, and I have a huge credit to pay
off. I don t really have to go anywhere. On the other hand, there s so much
to see and so much to learn about the world!
peninsula  pó wysep
cruise  rejs wycieczkowy
expensive  drogi
shark  rekin
to worry  martwi si
to be tired  by zm czonym
to need  potrzebowa
Why not go...?  A mo e by tak pojecha ...?
to be afraid of  ba si
to go alone  pojecha samemu
to choose  wybra
headache  ból g owy
dangerous  niebezpieczny
huge  ogromny
to pay off  sp aci
Practise the vocabulary from the dialogue and text 1.
1. I have a ......................... (ból g owy) every day.
2. He is afraid of ......................... (rekiny).
3. The ticket for the sea cruise is very ......................... (drogi).
4. Travelling can be ......................... (niebezpieczny) sometimes.
5. He is paying off his ......................... (kredyt) for the at.
6. I am tired. I need a ......................... (wakacje).
Fill in the gaps with the correct word.
1. I looked ......................... the papers on my desk.
2. Should I go alone or ......................... a friend?
3. He has a huge credit to pay ..........................
4. There s so much to learn ......................... the world
5. We are thinking about going ......................... holiday.
Have you ever looked at a pile of ironing and thought, I need a holiday!
Have you ever sat at work dreaming about remote places you could go to
on your holiday and thought,  If I could only take the time off, save some
cash, learn a language and get the vaccinations!
For some, holidays are more stressful than seeing a dentist.Worrying
is one of our favorite pastimes, and even taking a short break can be
a problem. If this is the case, then why go at all? Your home is your castle,
where you feel safe and comfortable, where you bother nobody and no one
bothers you.
You are not the only one suffering from travelling stress. Other travellers
also try to nd an excuse not to go and stay at home.
Here is a list of reasons why you might cancel your travel plans.
1. I could go windsur ng to Hel Peninsula, but there s no hope of get-
ting a campsite since I didn t make a reservation six months ago.
2. I might take a cruise on the Caribbean Sea and see the islands and the
coasts of the West Indies, but I am so fed up with how they raise the
price by adding extra fees  for the fuel, port  to add to the adver-
tised fare.
3. I may head for Mexico, but I m not keen on meeting sharks, hur-
ricanes and drug cartels.
4. How about going to Serengeti National Park in Tanzania? Isn t it too
dangerous now?
5. Where should I go? Who should I go with? When? Why? How? There
are too many questions to answer, so I m staying!
Some reasons, like rising gas prices, expensive plane tickets, a credit
to pay off, and a global nancial crisis, aren t bad reasons to think about.
Money is limited, and sometimes we have to make dif cult choices. But
honestly, there is almost always a way to solve nancial problems and go
and see the world. Of course, petrol may be more expensive, and there is
a credit to pay off, but this only means that you ll have to cut back on other
areas if you want to go on your dream trip. So don t think twice and just
hit the road (like Jack from the song by Ray Charles).
a pile of  stos
remote places  dalekie, odleg e miejsca
vaccinations  szczepienia
to worry  martwi si
pastime  rozrywka, hobby
to take a break  wzi wolne
Why go...?  Po co jecha ...?
to bother  zawraca g ow , niepokoi
to suffer from  cierpie na
to cancel  odwo a , uniewa ni
excuse  usprawiedliwienie, wyt umaczenie
this is no excuse  to nie jest adne usprawiedliwienie
there is no excuse for ...  nie ma usprawiedliwienia dla
to make excuses  wymawia si , wykr ca si
to give / have an excuse to do sth  da / mie pretekst do zrobienia czego
reason  powód
to have no hope of sth / doing sth  nie liczy na co / na zrobienie czego
to give up / lose hope  traci nadziej
to be sb s only hope  by czyj jedyn nadziej
last hope  ostatnia szansa, nadzieja
to make a reservation  zrobi rezerwacj
to con rm / cancel a reservation  potwierdzi / wycofa rezerwacj
cruise  rejs wycieczkowy
to be fed up with  mie czego dosy , po dziurki w nosie
to raise  podnosi (r k , cen , wiadomo , temat)
to add  doda
to add to  dodatkowo
fee  op ata
an entrance fee  op ata za wst p (do muzeum)
fuel  paliwo
to advertise  reklamowa , og asza
an advertisement (ad)  reklama (gazeta, plakat, lm), og oszenie
fare  op ata za przejazd, cena biletu
half / full fare  bilet normalny / ulgowy
to head for  kierowa si , zmierza
to head north / south  zmierza na pó noc / na po udnie
to be keen on  pali si do zrobienia czego
shark  rekin
drug cartel  kartel narkotykowy
limited  ograniczony
to make a choice  dokona wyboru
a wide choice  du y, szeroki wybór
to be spoilt for choice  mie trudny, za du y wybór
to leave sb with no choice  nie pozostawia komu adnego wyboru
honestly  szczerze mówi c
to be honest about sth  mówi prawd
let s be honest  b d my szczerzy
to be quite honest with you  je li mam by z tob zupe nie szczery
a way to solve  sposób na rozwi zanie
gas (petrol)  benzyna
to cut back on  ogranicza co (wydatki)
think twice (before)  zastanów si , zanim
don t think twice  nie zastanawiaj si
to hit the road  rusza , wyrusza w drog
Complete the sentences with the words from the glossary. The number of
letters is the same as the number of dashes.
1. The prices for the trip to Kenya are quite - e - - - - - - - -.
(rozs dne)
2. The best travel offers are on the a - - - - - - - - - - - - page in the Saturday
Gazeta Wyborcza.
(strona og oszeniowa)
3. That s the - i - - -! I ve had enough of our tour guide s carelessness.
(To przechodzi wszelkie granice!)
4. He is afraid to go to tropical countries for health - - - s - - -.
(z przyczyn zdrowotnych)
5. May I be e - - - - - - ? I need to go to the loo.
(Czy mog na chwil wyj ?)
6. It s hard to - - - o - - one trip from this very attractive winter offer.
(wybiera spo ród)
Complete this letter from the USA using the words below. Use Present
Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, or Past Continuous.
In 1-10 use: arrive feel (×2) get go know spend wait write (×2)
In 11-20 use: ask complain like go (not) get on hear look (×2) seem start
Dear Bo,
I (1) ..................... this mail in a hotel room in Washington. I nally (2)
.................... here after a long coach journey from New York. I (3) ..................
very tired, so this will be just a short note before I (4) ....................... to
As you (5) ...................., I (6) .................... the last week in New York
with Irenka and Zbyszek. I (7) .................... to them a month ago to tell them
when I would be arriving, and they (8) .................... at the airport for me
when I (9) ......................... there. At the beginning, I (10) ........................
jet-lagged, but very quickly I (11) ..................... sightseeing. I love New
Irenka and Zbyszek (12) .................... New York a lot although Zbyszek
(13) ..................... for a new job now. It (14) ........................ that he (15)
........................... very well with his boss. He constantly (16) ........................
about his work and it (17) ......................... to irritate Zbyszek. They (18)
..................... me to pass on their best wishes to you. Now I (19) .......................
forward to sightseeing Washington. I (20) .................... it s a beautiful place.
Wish you were here!
Complete the following sentences by adding what, which, whom, who.
1. ......................... do you do on Sundays?
2. ......................... is the way to the airport?
3. ......................... of you have visited Urugway before?
4. ......................... is your best friend?
5. ......................... is his name?
6. With ......................... are you going to Egypt?
7. ......................... is the name of the town where you live?
8. ......................... is he like?
Listen to the dialogue. Listen again and read.
A. Why do you like travelling?
B. There are many reasons. It is great to see a new place for the rst time.
A. Do you agree with me that the rst impression is important?
B. Yes, it is. And the world is so inspiring.
A. What do you like about travelling?
B. I learn a lot about new places, people and customs. I am never bored.
A. Lucky you!
B. Do you know what I like best about travelling?
A. What is it?
B. Coming home!
There are many reasons why people travel. Some like to see with their own
eyes the place they ve only read or heard about. Some look for inspiration
to bring back home and to make a change in their lives. Others learn about
new places, people, and their customs. They will never be bored because
they lead interesting lives. Last but not least, thanks to travelling they will
understand and appreciate their own country more.
reasons  powody
the rst impression  pierwsze wra enie
custom  zwyczaj
to be bored  nudzi si
Lucky you!  Masz szcz cie!
to like sth best  lubi co najbardziej
to make a change  zmieni
to lead a life  prowadzi ycie
last but not least  wreszcie, w ko cu (przy wyliczaniu)
to appreciate  doceni
Answer the questions.
1. Do you like travelling?
Yes, I .........................
No, I .........................
2. Is the rst impression important?
Yes, it .........................
No, it .........................
3. Is she bored?
Yes, she .........................
No, she .........................
4. Is it great to see a new place for the rst time?
Yes, it .........................
No, it .........................
5. Do you think people are inspired by travelling?
Yes, they .........................
No, they .........................
Make questions and negative sentences in Present Simple and Present
1. People travel more and more nowadays.
2. He likes to see the place he has read about with his own eyes.
3. You are looking for inspiration to bring back home.
4. We are leading interesting lives.
5. They appreciate their country.
Why do I travel? Do I need a reason or do I already have a million rea-
It s actually less important why I start travelling; discovering the reasons
during the trip is more important. Those beyond my wildest dreams mo-
ments surprise me, give extra meaning, and shape my future travels.
Everytime I step outside, I see something  or everything  for the rst
time. And then, when I see the same thing again, it still looks new because
my rst impression had almost no context.This cycle has been repeating
since I landed in Colombo, the capital of Sri Lanka. Although I am con-
fused, I feel wonderful and inspired. My life is about to change.
Travel is education. Everyday I learn something new through beautiful
and dif cult experiences. Good lessons or bad, travelling has taught me to
value what each day teaches me. I can use these lessons even when I don t
travel. If learning and discovering can become your passion, if you can truly
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