Hero System Regency Hero

Regency Hero
Run mad as often as you chuse, but do not faint.
I have a confession to make. the hero and heroine actually talked to one
If confronted, I will haughtily (and another instead of beating around the bush, the
perhaps a little defensively) admit to story would be over in ten pages.
enjoying Regency England in history
I like the genre to the
and literature. point that I m running a
It is true that I have read campaign set in 1793  something
and reread the novels of Jane of a cross between the Scarlet
Austen and played my DVDs of the
Pimpernel, Horatio Hornblower,
adaptations so frequently that my and Jane Austen. I can admit to
husband speculates about the you here that I even sometimes
possibility of wearing them out. throw in some elements of a
And later I became
Regency novel, but please keep
fascinated with the period in which this intelligence to yourselves.
she lived, worked, and published My game is strictly
and, history student that I am, I historical, but it would be a very
studied up on it. On my husband s
simple matter to introduce magic
recommendation (not A&E s), I read
or psionics into a Regency
the Horatio Hornblower novels, campaign (though I shudder at
which led to an interest in the life of the thought of telepathy in the
Admiral Lord Cochrane (whose
ballroom). And who knows how
autobiography reads like a novel); an
the Peninsular War could have
interest in Cochrane led to a general gone if Wellington had
interest in the Royal Navy during commanded super soldiers? Or,
the Age of Sail& .and so on.
for that matter, if Napoleon had
But that is not all: my secret
marched into Russia with
is even darker than that, ladies and otherworldly men who required
gentlemen. I so love this era that I neither food nor warmth to
even succumb to that most thrive?
embarrassing of situations: I read
But those are questions
Regency romances. for a different forum, and I
Yes, those silly little haven t been brave enough to
romances  without any sex, and sometimes no venture to alt.history.alternative in a long time.
kissing until the very end!  which are usually
Without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, I
comedies of manners and mistaken identities, give you Regency Hero.
the plots of which are often so flimsy that if
Shelley update: Not much new to report. I take the LSAT June 11th and am looking for work. Matthew
and I are playing in a Deadlands game and a JI game, and of course I m running the 1793 game. I ve
spent the past few months writing and traveling with Matthew. A few months ago, while we were in the
southern part of the state, our Malinois escaped from the vet. We rushed back home and  thank God 
found him very quickly, not too far from where he d escaped. In April we spent a week in San Francisco
at the Argent Hotel, where we had the good fortune to see Clint Eastwood when the hotel hosted a party
for the SF Film Festival.
Shelley Chrystal Mactyre | RG: Regency Hero
Regency History
It is a truth universally acknowledged that a summary of a historical period must be in want
of a date.
The Regency generally refers to 1811-1820, though the country had already faced other crises
during which George III was too ill to govern (The Madness of King George). But the last stretched on
until the monarch s death in 1820, and his son, the Prince of Wales, ruled the country. The Regent
was a corpulent, decadent, half-mad wastrel (he believed he was present at Waterloo and would
describe it to audiences  in front of the Duke of Wellington), but somehow he (and Parliament)
managed to see the country through the end of the French wars. And in any case, at least he puts
Charles into perspective.
Regency England was characterized by the end of a long, bloody war, a decadent high society,
the assassination of a Prime Minister, riots over the Corn Laws, riots over the political situation, the
Luddite Rebellion, thousands of maimed veterans who, lacking employment, were forced to beg in
the streets (or turn to crime). Fortunately for us, this decade also produced Jane Austen, Sir Walter
Scott, Mary and Percy Shelley, and Lord Byron.
Timeline (Courtesy of Britannia.com)
1808-14 - Peninsular War to drive the French out of Spain
1809-10 - Commercial boom in Britain
1810 - Final illness of George III begins
1811 - Depression caused by Orders of Council. There are Luddite disturbances in
Nottinghamshire and Yorkshire. The King's illness leads to his son, the Prince of
Wales, becoming Regent
1812 - Prime Minister Spencer Perceval is assassinated in the House of Commons by
a disgruntled bankrupt
1813 - Jane Austen's 'Pride and Prejudice' is published. The monopolies of the East
India Company are abolished
1815 - The defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte at Waterloo marks the end of the
Napoleonic Wars. Peace is established in Europe at the Congress of Vienna. The
Corn Laws are passed by Parliament to protect British agriculture from cheap
1815-17 - Commercial boom in Britain
1817- Economic slump in Britain leads to the 'Blanketeers' March' and other
1818 - Death of the King's wife, Queen Caroline. Mary Shelley publishes her
1819 - Troops intervene at a mass political reform meeting in Manchester, killing
and wounding four hundred people at the 'Peterloo Massacre'
1820 - Death of the blind and deranged King George III. He is succeeded by his son,
the Prince Regent, who becomes King George IV. A radical plot to murder the
Cabinet, known as the Cato Street Conspiracy, fails. Trial of Queen Caroline, in
which George IV attempts to divorce her for adultery
Shelley Chrystal Mactyre | RG: Regency Hero
As we watch Austen adaptations, Matthew often points out how remarkable it is that no one
works  and this is true for nearly everyone from the lower gentry to the nobility. Though some
characters do have employment  the only honorable
professions open to gentlemen who needed to earn a
living were the military, the church and the law  most
spent very little time working. When they do, it s
often only in supervising their estates or working on
their books. A man who needed to work for a living
who engaged in trade was considered horribly gauche,
and simply having such a person in one s family was
enough to cast a pall over an entire clan s
Most gentlewomen were taught to dance, sing, play the pianoforte, sketch and to administer a
household staff. Intellectual women were dismissively deemed  Bluestockings and were not
considered gentle by most; the one exception was in writing, where there were a number of women
producing everything from novels to etiquette manuals (I have one by  A Lady of Distinction ) to
social treatises. Mary Shelley published Frankenstein in 1818; her mother, Mary Wollstonecraft,
published A Vindication of the Rights of Woman in 1792.
The season determined where the fashionable lived. The Parliamentary season was spent in
London, but during the hot summer months most of society would vanish to their country estates or
to Brighton or Bath. Extended house and hunting parties were common, and often a way for
impoverished gentry to avoid having to pay for their own upkeep for a time. But the most exciting
time of the year was the spring. During  the Season, there were plays, operas, balls, musicales,
routs, balloon ascents and numerous other diversions to keep society entertained. The primary object
of young women, of course, was to get married.
Character Types
Though by no means exhaustive, these are some of the most common types of characters who
show up in Regencies of varying literary value.
Recommendations: Very high COM, Member
Diamond of the First Water
This expression of Lower Nobility, Perfect Pitch, PS: Dancing,
referred to the most beautiful Singing, Pianoforte; LS: French, KS: Fashion
of a year s debutantes in
London. Young noblewomen,
to come  out, are presented Many impoverished nobles looked to
at court and then allowed to heiresses as a way to improve their family
attend parties and balls in fortunes  without having to dirty their own
society  though with strict hands. Wealthy tradesmen would often give
supervision. It s important to their daughters large dowries so that they
note that most heroines are could move up into the realm of landed and
not Diamonds of the First titled society. You can see this at work in the
Water; as a character type film The Clandestine Marriage and in numerous
they re used mostly as Regencies. Heiresses had much the same
villainous characters or foils education as other young ladies  just not the
for the heroine. good family name.
Shelley Chrystal Mactyre | RG: Regency Hero
Recommendations: Reputation: Family in for a stiff fee. Wellington refused, hence his
Trade; PS: Dancing, Singing; High Society, LS:  Publish and be damned!
French. The life of a demi-rep could be quite
lucrative, if the woman chose her protector
well. An entire subset of London society
Poor but Witty Young Lady
This is a genre staple. In all Jane centered around this world  demi-reps had
Austen stories (and nearly all Regency their own balls, societies and gatherings which
romances) the heroine needs to get married. mimicked that of high society.
Sometimes it s simply because it s expected, Generally Courtesans are not heroines
sometimes to improve the family fortune, in romance novels, but they do occasionally
sometimes because she s been compromised. crop up in either a friendly or adversarial to
But the object of all Poor but Witty Young the heroine.
Ladies is to GET MARRIED.
Recommendations: High COM, Conversation,
Recommendations: Above average COM and High Society, Persuasion, Seduction; PS:
INT; Conversation, High Society; PS: Dancing, Courtesan, Dancing; LS: French, Italian; KS:
Singing, Drawing; LS: French, Italian, KS: Current Fashion
It s telling that Beau Brummel is still a
Jane Austen led a conventional life as recognized name  and a copied character
the spinster daughter of a type, though Percy Blakeney will always be my
clergyman, but many of favorite Dandy.
her literary sisters did not. This is a man
Mary Shelley and Lady who recognizes a
Caroline Lamb exposed well-tied cravat
themselves to public when he sees one
ridicule on many occasion and will spend
(as did Percy Shelley and hours at his
Lord Byron). A growing toilette to make
trend in Regency novel sure that when he
appears in public,
heroines is the
(anonymous, of course) authoress of social and he will not be in
political satires who ends up lampooning the the height of
hero or defending him. fashion  he will
be setting new
Recommendations: High INT, Conversation, trends.
High Society; PS: Dancing, Writing; LS: Latin, Everything about
French; KS: Literature, Politics; Contact: him is
Publisher outrageous. He
places bets on his
clubs for the most
In an era when being alone with a man ridiculous situations (i.e.,  Lord X and the
(without anything else occurring) was enough Duke of Y bet 500 guineas that Lord Z will
to damage a girl s reputation and every man offer for a certain young lady by Tuesday
was expected to keep a mistress, there a lot of next. ) His clothes always match, his horses
fallen women. The most infamous was always match, and he never dances with an
Harriette Wilson, who held court in her opera unattractive woman. Unless, of course, he
box and entertained many, including the Duke needs the money, or it s part of another bet& .
of Wellington. Sir Walter Scott did not find her
beautiful, but believed men prized her wit (!) Recommendations: High COM, Member of
Later in her life she published her memoirs, Lower Nobility, Gambling (not necessary well),
offering to leave out former lovers in exchange
Shelley Chrystal Mactyre | RG: Regency Hero
High Society, Riding; TF: Carriages; PS: operation; WF: Pistol, Knife; TF: Carriages;
Dancing; KS: Fashion Martial Arts: Fencing
Rakehell Naval Hero
He gambles, drinks to excess, drives You don t need to look to fiction to
his equipage like a madman and consorts with find great examples of naval characters 
opera dancers. He ll even compromise gently
history is full of the larger than life captains
bred girls if given the chance. He is the who inspired Hornblower, Aubrey and
rakehell (rake for short) and he is the scourge Ramage. Admiral Lord Cochrane  a fiery
of doting Mamas everywhere.  Rake haired Scotsman, heir to an earldom but
reforming is a common plot in romance
penniless (his family was bankrupted by his
novels, since the assumption is made that father s scientific endeavors)  was such a one.
these poor rakes are only acting out because Though so successful at capturing prizes that
they lack the love of a good woman; when he never needed to impress sailors, Cochrane
they find her, they will suddenly give up their had a well-developed sense of justice that
evil ways. (Personally I find it tedious and brought him into conflict with the Admiralty
difficult to accept, but who am I to quibble numerous times. He was convicted (some say
with the industry?) framed) of involvement in a Stock Exchange
scandal and was sentenced to the pillory. He
Recommendations: High COM, Member of escaped from prison and made his way to
Lower Nobility, Wealth; Gambling, Persuasion, South America, where he led fleets of several
Riding, Seduction; PS: Dancing; AK: London rebelling colonies against Spain. He later
Underworld; Martial Arts: Boxing, TF: directed the Greek navy against Turkey, and
Carriages; Reputation: Rake; Psych: ultimately returned to England and was
Compulsive Carouser/Gambler pardoned for his crime. When you add in his
elopement with his beautiful (but poor and
socially disadvantaged) wife Kitty, the novels
Whether his motivation was to provide pale!
for himself or for the poor, the Highwayman
cuts a romantic figure in the era. He could be Recommendations: Bureaucratics, Navigation,
a nobleman fallen on bad times, a soldier back Oratory, Tactics; PS: Naval Officer,
from the war with only a meager pension to Seamanship, KS: Fighting
sustain him or someone seeking a particular Vessels; TF: Water Vessels;
revenge. Whatever his motive, the WF: Early Firearms,
Highwayman should be handsome, follow his Cannons; LS: French,
own code of honor and should always be Spanish, Signal Code; AK:
gracious to the ladies. English Channel,
Mediterranean, Indian
Recommendations: High COM, High Society, Ocean, North Atlantic,
Riding, Merchant, Seduction, Stealth, Caribbean; Martial Arts:
Streetwise; PS: Highwayman; AK: County of Fencing; Psych: Keeps his word
More on Jane Austen
You can find the novels of Jane Austen at the Project Gutenberg website or Austen.com.
The 1990s adaptations are all fairly good. Pride and Prejudice (BBC, 1995) is the one I watch the
most. Persuasion gets off to a slow start, but the ending is magnificent, and it s worth watching if only
for the naval costuming. Mansfield Park is not a faithful adaptation, but it is entertaining and the
heroine is transformed (through her writing  Austen s own juvenilia) into Austen herself at times.
I would avoid the Gwyneth Paltrow Emma  it s horribly overacted. The Kate Beckinsale/BBC
Emma, which came out very shortly after, is much better and is truer to the novel. Sense and Sensibility
is also fun, though not without problems. As for modern retellings, I prefer Clueless (an updated
Emma) to Bridget Jones s Diary (borrowed liberally from P&P and Persuasion). [I am quite likely the
Shelley Chrystal Mactyre | RG: Regency Hero
only person on the planet who did NOT like BJD, but there it is. I appreciated the in-jokes, I liked
Renee Zellweger (though for all the hype about the weight she gained, she was NOT fat), Colin Firth
and other Austen-adaptation alums who appeared, but I found the film painful. Perhaps one has to
be a thirty-something singleton to get it; I ve been married since 19.] A good book for analyzing the
films is Jane Austen in Hollywood.
References: Books
Blanch, Lesley: The Game of Hearts: Harriette Wilson s Memoirs.
Burnett, T.A.J.: The Rise and Fall of a Regency Dandy: The Life and Times of Scrope Berdmore Davies.
Cochrane, Admiral Lord: The Autobiography of a Seaman.
Dallas, Gregor: The Final Act: the Roads to Waterloo.
Erickson, Carolly: Our Tempestuous Day.
Foreman, Amanda: Georgiana: Duchess of Devonshire.
Harvey, Robert: Cochrane: The Life and Exploits of a Fighting Captain.
Hoffman, Captain Frederick: A Sailor of King George.
Johnson, Paul: The Birth of the Modern: World Society 1815-1830.
King, Hattendorf and Estes: A Sea of Words: A Lexicon and Companion for Patrick O Brian s Seafaring
King and Hattendorf: Every Man Will Do His Duty: An Anthology of Firsthand Accounts from the
Age of Nelson, 1793-1815
Lady of Distinction, A: The Mirror of Graces.
Low, Donald A: The Regency Underworld.
Melville, Lewis: Regency Ladies.
Miller, Nathan: Broadsides: The Age of Fighting Sail.
Murray, Venetia: An Elegant Madness: High Society in Regency England.
Pope, Dudley: Life in Nelson s Navy.
Priestly, J.B.: The Prince of Pleasure and his Regency.
Roosevelt, Theodore: The War of 1812.
Tillyard, Stella: Aristocrats: Caroline, Emily, Louisa, and Sarah Lennox 1740-1832.
Tillyard, Stella: Citizen Lord: The Life of Edward Fitzgerald, Irish Revolutionary.
Vickery, Amanda: The Gentleman s Daughter: Women s Lives in Georgian England.
I would not recommend What Jane Austen Ate and Charles Dickens Knew for the Regency; it s a
better resource for Victorian England. Additionally, while I enjoy the Horatio Hornblower books, I
never warmed to the character of Jack Aubrey from Patrick O Brian s novels. And if you re brave
enough to try the romances  well. Georgette Heyer is the standard, but I like Elizabeth Mansfield
and Barbara Metzger. If you feel more literary, there s not only Austen but Scott, Thackeray, Trollope,
and Eliot. Who knows, since I ve been on a George Eliot kick of late, maybe next it ll be
 Middlemarch Hero.
References: websites
Jane Austen Online: Austen.com
Correct Forms of Address in Regency England: http://laura.chinet.com//html/titles12.html
English Peerage (1790): http://www.genuki.org.uk/big/eng/History/Barons/
Regency Timeline: http://members.theglobe.com/algis/1811_1820.html
Republic of Pemberley: Pemberley.com
Sailing Ships of the Royal Navy: http://www.cronab.demon.co.uk/INTRO.HTM
This is a very small sample of the sites out there. I list more at my game site for my 1793 game:
mactyre.net/shelley/1793/ or http://groups.yahoo.com/group/1793.
Shelley Chrystal Mactyre | RG: Regency Hero


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