function ldap next attribute

ldap_next_attributePHP ManualPrevNextldap_next_attributeldap_next_attribute -- Get the next attribute in resultDescriptionstring ldap_next_attribute(int link_identifier, int result_entry_identifier, int ber_identifier); Returns the next attribute in an entry on success and false on error. ldap_next_attribute() is called to retrieve the attributes in an entry. The internal state of the pointer is maintained by the ber_identifier. It is passed by reference to the function. The first call to ldap_next_attribute() is made with the result_entry_identifier returned from ldap_first_attribute(). see also ldap_get_attributes()PrevHomeNextldap_modifyUpldap_next_entry

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function ldap next attribute
function ldap next attribute
function ldap next entry
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function ldap next entry
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