lecture slides 0105 EndoConcepts 2013 copyright

Introductory Human Physiology ©copyright Emma Jakoi
Emma Jakoi, Ph. D.
·ð Define hormone, target cell, and receptor.
·ð Contrast the terms endocrine, paracrine, autocrine, and neuroendocrine based on the site of
release and the pathway to the target tissue.
·ð Contrast peptide, steroid and amine hormones in terms of receptor location and signal
transduction, solubility in blood and transport in blood.
·ð Explain the effects of hormone binding proteins (carriers) on access of hormones to their sites of
action, degradation, and the regulation of hormone secretion.
·ð Explain the effects of secretion, excretion, degradation, and volume of distribution on the
concentration of a hormone in blood plasma.
·ð Explain how endocrine cells act as signal integrators.
·ð Explain how negative feedback, feed-forward, and positive feedback systems work.
·ð Describe the principles and limitations of RIA and bioassays (stimulation/suppression tests).
·ð Explain the classification of endocrine pathologies.
Homeostatic control mechanisms include reflex loops in which the response decision is made at a
distance from the target cell.
into blood
into blood
target cell
neuron or
target cell
effector cell
There are two general classes: endocrine and neuroendocrine.
Endocrine: hormone reaches its site of action via the blood circulation.
Neuroendocrine: hormone is secreted from neurons into the blood to act at a distance.
The other homeostatic control mechanism is the local response in which the signal and action occurs close
to or at the target cell.
Paracrine: cytokine is secreted into the interstitial fluid to act locally on target cells.
Autocrine: cytokine is secreted into interstitial fluid to act on the cell that produced it.
Introductory Human Physiology ©copyright Emma Jakoi
Endocrine system coordinates and integrates cellular activity within the whole body by chemicals
(hormones) delivered by blood.
Specific missions are to:
·ð Regulate sodium and water balance
·ð Regulate calcium balance
·ð Regulate energy balance
·ð Coordinate processes that cope with stressful environments
·ð Coordinate growth and development.
·ð Coordinate processes associated with reproduction and lactation.
Hormones are secreted into the blood stream and circulate throughout the body at very low concentrations
(pMolar to nMolar). Therefore, their rate of production, delivery, and turnover are important control sites.
·ð Rate of production
A. most regulated aspect
B. mediated by (+) and (-) feedbacks
·ð Rate of delivery
A. dependent on perfusion and blood flow
B. follows mass action laws (carriers)
·ð Rate of degradation and /or excretion
There are three general types of hormone molecules: peptides, steroids, and amines. They differ in their
relative solubility in plasma.
Peptide hormones consist of three or more amino acids and are soluble in blood.
Steroid hormones are derived from cholesterol and are insoluble in blood.
Amine hormones are derivatives of amino acids and some are soluble in blood.
Peptides and proteins: are synthesized, packaged, and transported as other secretory proteins. Most are
synthesized initially as preprohormones which in the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) are cleaved to
remove the signal sequence forming the prohormone (Fig 1). Later in the Golgi, the prohormones are
packaged, trimmed into an active hormone, and stored in vesicles. Peptide hormones are usually secreted
in bursts in response to stimuli.
Introductory Human Physiology ©copyright Emma Jakoi
prohormone hormone
Figure 1. Peptide hormone processing.
Steroid hormones: are derived from cholesterol. They are made only in the adrenal cortex, gonads and in
pregnant women in the placenta. The first and rate limiting step in the synthesis of all steroid hormones is
conversion of cholesterol to pregnenolone. Pregnenolone is formed on the inner membrane of the
mitochondrion, and then shuttled between the mitochondrion and the smooth endoplasmic reticulum for
further enzymatic transformations. Steroid hormones are synthesized on demand. They are not stored.
Steroid hormones can be converted to more active (or less) active hormones within their target tissues.
Amine hormones: are derivatives of amino acids.
·ð Thyroid hormones (T3 and T4) contain  double tyrosines covalently bound to iodine atoms. T4
can be converted to T3 within target tissues.
·ð Catecholamines: Epinephrine (Epi) is a hormone; norepinephrine (NorEpi) functions as a
hormone and as a neurotransmitter.
Peptide hormones are soluble in blood. They are degraded by the liver and then cleared by the kidney with
half-lives of a few minutes.
Steroid hormones and thyroid hormone are not soluble in blood. They circulate bound to protein carriers.
Binding to the transport carrier protein extends the half-life of the hormone in the blood (60-90 minutes
for steroids, several days for thyroid hormone).
The carrier-hormone complexes sequester the hormone from its target cell with most of the hormone in
the bound state. The concentration of free plus bound equals total hormone concentration in the blood but
only free is active.
Hormones are widely distributed throughout the body and have access to all cells but only target cells
respond because they possess a receptor for the hormone. The receptor contains a recognition site that
binds its hormone with high affinity and selectivity. A cell may express thousands to tens of thousands of
receptors for a single hormone.
The lipid solubility of the hormone dictates the cellular location of its receptor. Plasma insoluble
hormones bind to intracellular receptors; plasma soluble hormones bind to cell surface receptors.
Thyroid and steroid hormones bind to intracellular receptors to activate transcription. This results
in synthesis of new proteins and therefore is a slow response (30 minutes or more).
Peptide hormones bind to cell surface receptors which activate a second messenger (Fig 2). This
results in a rapid (seconds) change in function/metabolism. Second messengers are important because
they provide:
·ð Amplification: One hormone molecule can generate thousand of copies of second
messenger (e.g., cAMP) and thereby affect many copies of responsive target molecules
(effectors) in the cell.
Introductory Human Physiology ©copyright Emma Jakoi
·ð Memory: Once activated the second messenger stays on for several seconds to minutes.
·ð Complex regulation: Multiple pathways can be initiated by binding one hormone to a single
receptor type (Fig 2).
Enzyme- Inherent
G protein
linked enzyme
Cytosolic or
Figure 2. Typical signal transduction pathways for hormone receptors.
The duration of a response depends on how long the hormone is available (i.e., its half life) and the time
period of its biological response.
Adaptation or desensitization of receptors: diminishes the cell s response when the level of hormone is
chronically elevated.
Rebound: is increased sensitivity of the target cell to a hormone due to its prolonged absence. In this
instance the target cell increases its receptor numbers in an attempt to  find the hormone and so is
 hyperactive with return of the hormone.
Hormone secretion is governed by one of three types of regulatory stimuli: neural, hormonal, and nutrient
(or ion). These stimuli activate a reflex loop in which the endocrine cell(s) is the effector. These reflex
loops are typically negative feedback loops.
Hormones seldom work alone. Other interactions include:
Feed forward primes a target tissue. For example, the smell of food alone causes gastrin to be secreted
by the stomach (antrum) which stimulates HCl secretion from the corpus/fundic stomach.
Synergy occurs when the net effect of several hormones acting a on a target tissue causes a bigger
response than simple addition of each independent hormonal effect.
Re-enforcement occurs when the actions of a single hormone on multiple tissues converge to regulate a
process such as glucose production (see Fig 3).
Permissiveness (or tropism) occurs when the actions of a tropic hormone sensitize the target tissue to a
second hormone. For example, maturation of the male gonads is dependent on the presence of the sex
hormone, testosterone. However, the fetus will not grow unless thyroid hormone is present. Thyroid
hormone (a tropic hormone) itself can not trigger maturation of the gonads but leads to the expression of
testosterone receptors that govern this differentiation process.
Introductory Human Physiology ©copyright Emma Jakoi
Muscle Amino acids
Cortisol Glucose
Fat Gycerol & free fatty acids
Figure 3. Cortisol acts on muscle and fat to re-enforce the production of glucose from the liver.
Inactivation of the hormone signaling occurs at two levels. Cellular inactivation involves the termination
of the receptor s response. Systemic inactivation involves homeostatic control mechanisms such as
negative feedback (most common) which removes the initial stimulus (see Fig 4).
Integrating Center
(set point)
Effector Efferent pathway
Afferent pathway
Stimulus Response
Figure 4. Negative feedback loops eliminate the initiating stimulus.
For example, the pituitary and adrenal glands are in a negative feed-back loop (Fig 5). The stimulus,
hypoglycemia (low blood glucose level) leads to the secretion of cortisol from the adrenal gland. Cortisol
acts on liver, muscle, and fat to raise blood glucose levels. Over ride of the set points for this loop occurs at
the hypothalamus (brain) in response to inputs such as circadian rhythm and stress. Why is this important?
Figure 5. Negative feedback loops such as the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis have positive
inputs (circadian rhythm) that transiently override the set point to govern blood glucose levels.
Introductory Human Physiology ©copyright Emma Jakoi
Disorders of the endocrine system result from too little or too much hormone or target cell resistance.
·ð Hypo-secretion: results in an insufficiency of hormone.
·ð Hyper-secretion: results in an excess of hormone.
·ð Resistance: is an abnormal target organ response due to receptor and/or second messenger
dysfunction despite adequate active hormone levels.
The hormone and its regulated substance (another hormone or another parameter) do not change
independently. By monitoring both the hormone and its regulated substance, one can readily deduce the
nature of the dysfunction. When the target endocrine gland itself is misbehaving, then it is referred to as a
primary pathology. If the problem occurs in the regulating gland (pituitary), then it is a secondary
pathology, and those due to the more distal regulator (hypothalamus) are tertiary. Shown in the table
below are the findings indicative of pathologies associated with the cortisol axis (diagrammed in Fig 5).
Dysfunction Site: Tertiary Pathology Secondary Pathology Primary Pathology
Hypothalamus High CRH levels Low CRH Low CRH
Anterior pituitary High ACTH High ACTH Low ACTH
Adrenal cortex High cortisol High cortisol High cortisol
Because hormones are present at very low concentrations (nM) in body fluids and many have related
structures, their measurement requires very high sensitivity and high specificity. Two common types of
assays are used:
·ð Radio-immune assay (RIA) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent (ELISA) assay measure the
immuno-reactivity of the hormone in the body fluid.
·ð Bioassay (suppression and stimulation) measures the biological activity to a challenge dose of
hormone or substrate such as glucose (glucose tolerance test).
The results from these two assays can differ. Specifically,
·ð RIA measures total hormone (carrier-bound hormone plus free) but only free is active.
·ð RIA will detect both active and inactive hormones but the cell receptor does not.
·ð The hormone can be modified which alters its bio-activity but not its immuno-reactivity (and
·ð Certain hormones are secreted at regular intervals (pulsatile) so a randomly taken sample may
have assayed either a peak or trough.
" Peptide hormones are soluble in plasma, act via surface receptors, are fast-acting and short-lived.
" Thyroid hormones and steroid hormones are insoluble in plasma, act via intracellular receptors to
change transcription, are slow-acting and are long-lived.
" Thyroid and steroid hormones can be converted to more active (or less active) hormones within
target tissues.
Introductory Human Physiology ©copyright Emma Jakoi
" Transport carriers regulate hormone availability, physiologic function, and half lives.
" Hormone release can be governed by neuronal input, other hormones, nutrients and ions.
" Regulation of hormone signaling occurs most often by negative feedback to control plasma
concentration of the hormone and at the target cell where hormone actions are integrated.
" Pathology in endocrinology occurs when there is either too little or too much hormone or
resistance to the hormone due to receptor dysfunction.
" Interpretation of hormone levels requires consideration of either the tropic hormone(s) or of the
ion/nutrient controlled by the hormone.
Chemical Response time Effect time Carrier Response function example
peptides fast-acting short-lived No 2o messenger homeostatic glucagon &
(sec-min) cascades insulin
steroids Slow (hours) long-lived Yes transcription & development Estrogen
translation homeostatic Cortisol
amines fast short-lived No 2o messenger homeostatic EPI
slow long-lived Yes transcription development T4 & T3
A 25 year old male comes in to your office for evaluation. The following results were found.
Plasma cortisol at 4PM: 25 µg/dL (normal 3-15 µg/dL)
To suppress the HPA axis, you administer dexamethasone at 11PM. Sixty minutes later, the results are:
Plasma cortisol levels are 35 µg/dL (normal <5 µg/dl).
Plasma ACTH: 7pg/mL (normal, >20 mg/mL)
1. These results are consistent with an overproduction of:
A. CRH from the hypothalamus
B. ACTH from a pituitary
C. Cortisol from the adrenal
2. You would classify this state as:
A. primary endocrine pathology
B. secondary endocrine pathology
C. tertiary endocrine pathology
1. C
2. A


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