Dunn, Schweitzer The influence of Emotion on the Trust

Emotion and Trust 1
Feeling and Believing: The Influence of Emotion on Trust
Jennifer R. Dunn and Maurice E. Schweitzer
University of Pennsylvania
Keywords: Emotion, Trust, Anger, Happiness, Familiarity
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We report results from five experiments that describe the influence of emotional states on
trust. We find that incidental emotions significantly influence trust in unrelated settings.
Happiness and gratitude, emotions with positive valence, increase trust, and anger, an emotion
with negative valence, decreases trust. Specifically, we find that emotions characterized by
other-person control (anger and gratitude) and weak control appraisals (happiness) influence
trust significantly more than emotions characterized by personal control (pride and guilt) or
situational control (sadness). These findings suggest that emotions may be more likely to be
misattributed when the appraisals of the emotion are consistent with the judgment task than when
the appraisals of the emotion are inconsistent with the judgment task. Salience of the emotion s
cause and target familiarity moderate the relationship between incidental emotions and trust.
Emotions do not influence trust when individuals are aware of the source of their emotions or
when individuals are very familiar with the trustee.
Emotion and Trust 3
Feeling and Believing: The Influence of Emotion on Trust
Trust is essential for effective management, effective government, and effective social
systems (Bazerman, 1994; Donaldson 2001). Yet despite its importance, fundamental questions
remain about how trust actually operates. While theoretical work has identified a number of
factors likely to influence trust (Lewicki & Wiethoff, 2000; Mayer, Davis, & Schoorman, 1995),
recent experimental work has begun to challenge commonly held assumptions about trust
(Glaeser et al., 2000; Pillutla, Malhotra, & Murnighan, 2003; Schweitzer, Hershey, & Bradlow,
In this paper, we explore the influence of emotions on trust. This work addresses an
important gap in the trust literature. Prior theoretical (see Jones & George, 1998, for an
exception) and experimental work has largely ignored the role of emotional states in trust. This
omission is striking, because many important trust decisions are made in affect rich contexts.
This is true for contexts in which the decision itself is affect rich (e.g., the decision of which
nursing home to trust with the care of your parent) as well as contexts in which incidental
emotions (e.g., frustration stemming from a prior conference call) influence an otherwise
unrelated decision.
Interpersonal Trust
Defining Trust
Trust has been studied across several disciplines, including economics (Williamson,
1993), sociology (Gambetta, 1988), and psychology (Rotter, 1971). Across these disciplines,
different definitions of trust have been developed, and in this paper we define trust by adapting a
definition developed by Rousseau, Sitkin, Burt and Camerer (1998) that integrates a multi-
disciplinary approach to trust:
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Trust is the willingness to accept vulnerability based upon positive expectations about another s
In general, trust can exist between individuals, groups, and institutions, and can represent
either a global belief in humanity or a situation-specific and/or trustee-specific attitude (Butler,
1991). In this paper, we focus on dyadic-level interpersonal trust.
Expectations of Trustworthiness
Prior work has conceptualized trust as a product of two factors: an individual s
propensity to trust and an individual s expectations about a trustee s future behavior (Mayer et
al., 1995). An individual s propensity to trust is one s general willingness to rely upon others in
situations where opportunism is possible. Individual characteristics, such as personality and
developmental history, influence an individual s propensity to trust (Rotter, 1971; Mayer et al.,
In this paper, we focus on an individual s expectations about a trustee s future behavior.
Prior work suggests that expectations of trustworthiness are influenced by trustee attributes, such
as ability, integrity, and benevolence (e.g., Butler, 1991; Mayer et al., 1995). These attributes are
typically inferred from past experience with the trustee or from information a truster has about
the trustee s reputation and intentions (Cook & Wall, 1980; Lewicki & Wiethoff, 2000). What is
important to note is that trusters must rely on their perceptions of trustee characteristics to gauge
trustworthiness. In this paper, we describe how trusters incidental emotions emotions
unrelated to the trustee influence these perceptions of trustworthiness.
Previous research has identified significant links between affective states (moods and
emotions) and normatively unrelated judgments (see Forgas & George, 2001; Isen & Baron,
Emotion and Trust 5
1991 for reviews). The specific relationship between affective states and judgment depends upon
a number of important factors, such as the nature of information processing (Forgas, 1995; Hirt
et al., 1997) and the criteria used for an evaluation (Martin et al., 1997). While prior research has
primarily examined positive and negative moods, researchers have also found that specific
emotional states influence unrelated judgments. This work has found that valence alone (i.e.,
positive/negative feelings) cannot explain the relationship between affective states and unrelated
judgments (e.g., Desteno et al., 2000; Keltner, Ellsworth & Edwards, 1993; Tiedens & Linton,
Mood Effects on Judgments: Affect as Information and Affect Infusion Models
A number of mood models have been advanced. For example, Bower (1981) suggests
that moods influence judgment through biased retrieval of mood-congruent information from
memory; Martin, Ward, Achee, and Wyer (1993) suggest that the relationship between mood and
judgment depends upon an individual s interpretation of their own mood; and mood maintenance
models suggest that people engage in specific actions because they are motivated to maintain or
repair a current mood state (e.g., Isen, Nygren & Ashby, 1988; Manucia, Bauman & Cialdini,
In this paper, we develop our theoretical framework with respect to the affect-as-
information model (Schwarz & Clore, 1988) and the affect infusion model (Forgas, 1995). These
two mood models have received substantial empirical support (see Schwarz & Clore, 2003;
Forgas, 2001). The affect-as-information model suggests that people often misattribute their
mood to the judgment at hand. Specifically, Schwarz and Clore argue that when people make
evaluative judgments, they unconsciously ask themselves  how do I feel about (the judgment)?
In responding to this question, a person may use the valence of their unrelated feelings to inform
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their judgment. This misattribution process is more likely to occur when the original cause of the
mood is not salient. For example, when Schwarz and Clore (1983) asked people to rate their life
satisfaction, they found that people provided higher ratings of life satisfaction on sunny days
than they did on rainy days. When the authors prompted people to attribute their mood to the
weather before making their judgment, however, they found no significant difference in ratings
between people who provided ratings on sunny and rainy days. Schwarz (1990) postulates that
the affect-as-information heuristic is most likely to influence judgments that are complex or
affective in nature (Schwarz, 1990). Notably, in many cases, trust judgments are both complex
and affective in nature (Johnson-George & Swap, 1982; McAllister, 1995).
The affect infusion model (Forgas, 1995) identifies the type of cognitive processing
required for a judgment task as a key moderator of the relationship between mood and judgment.
According to this model, affect will not influence judgment when people engage in either direct
access processing (in which they retrieve pre-formed judgments) or motivated thinking. Affect,
however, may influence judgment when people use open ended processing strategies, such as
heuristic processing or substantive processing. When people engage in heuristic processing, they
are likely to make judgments consistent with the affect-as-information model. When people
engage in substantive processing, their feelings are likely to influence the way in which they
process information (e.g., the type of informa tion people retrieve from memory and the type of
new information to which people attend).
The affect infusion model suggests that different types of judgments will be differentially
influenced by moods. In this work, we consider how different types of trust judgments might be
differentially influenced by incidental emotions. One factor likely to moderate the relationship
between emotions and trust is the familiarity of the trustee. When the truster has little history
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with the trustee (e.g., an acquaintance), the truster will use heuristic information processing to
form a trust judgment; as a result, trust judgments of unfamiliar trustees will be frequently
influenced by the affect-as-information heuristic. When the trustee is well known to the truster,
trust judgments are likely to involve either direct access or substantive information processing. A
truster may automatically associate a close friend with high levels of trust without thinking of
specific evidence that supports or refutes the judgment (direct access processing). In this case,
incidental emotions are likely to exert little influence on trust judgments. There may also be
cases where trust judgments are formed for familiar people who have acted inconsistently in the
past. In such cases, the truster will engage in substantive processing and incidental emotions
may influence the information recalled and attended to in forming the judgment. In this paper,
we examine the influence of emotion on trust judgments of unfamiliar acquaintances and highly
familiar friends. We expect incidental emotions to influence trust judgments of acquaintances
more than trust judgments of close friends.
Emotions and Judgments
Most of the affect-cognition literature has explored how moods (positive or negative
feelings) influence subsequent judgments. Relatively little research has considered how specific
emotions (e.g., guilt) influence subsequent judgments. Unlike moods, emotional states are
typically shorter in duration, more intense, and characterized by a number of different cognitive
appraisals (Schwarz, 1990; Smith & Ellsworth, 1985). A cognitive appraisal is an assessment
that a person makes regarding the current situation he or she faces. For example, an individual
assesses the appraisal of valence by determining whether their current situation is positive or
negative. Most mood research has contrasted the effects of positive and negative moods.
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Emotions are more complex than moods (Smith & Ellsworth, 1985). Emotions can be
characterized not only by the primary appraisal of valence, but also by a number of secondary
appraisals including perceptions of certainty (e.g., how certain am I about the situation?),
required attention and effort (e.g., how much attention do I need to devote to this situation?), and
control over the outcome (e.g., to what extent am I, another person, or exogenous factors
responsible for this situation?). Although all of these secondary appraisals are important for
understanding emotions, prior work has identified the secondary appraisal of control as
particularly important in distinguishing emotional states (Ellsworth & Smith, 1988; Frijda, 1993;
Izard, 1992; Lazarus, 1991; Smith & Ellsworth, 1985; Weiner, 1993). In this work, we consider
distinctions among emotions according to the secondary appraisal of control. For example, the
emotions of anger, sadness and guilt are all negative in valence, but differ with respect to the
appraisal of control. Anger is characterized by high other-person control, sadness by high
situational control, and guilt by high personal control. That is, when assessing a negative
situation, people typically feel angry if they perceive another person to be responsible, sad if they
perceive non-human factors (e.g., illness or natural disaster) to be responsible, and guilty if they
perceive themselves to be responsible.
Prior work has found that emotions with the same valence, but different control
appraisals, have different effects on judgment (Bodenhausen, Sheppard & Kramer, 1994;
Desteno et al., 2000; Keltner, Ellsworth & Edwards, 1993; Lerner & Keltner, 2001). For
example, Lerner and Keltner (2001) found that fear and anger, two emotions with negative
valence, had significantly different effects on risk assessments. They found that people feeling
angry had more optimistic risk assessments than did people feeling fear, and that different
appraisals of control mediated this relationship.
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Some scholars have postulated that moods are more likely to influence judgments than
are emotions (Schwarz, 1990; Forgas & George, 2001). These scholars have argued that
emotions are more likely to be properly attributed to their original cause than are moods. Other
work, however, has demonstrated that emotions that have a known, but not salient, cause exert
significant influence over unrelated judgments. For example, Gasper and Clore (1998) found that
state anxiety from a known cause (upcoming final exams) influenced judgment when the cause
of the anxiety was not salient, but did not influence judgment when the cause of the anxiety was
highlighted. In many cases, individuals may correctly attribute their emotional state initially, but
misattribute it later, when the cause of their emotional feelings is less salient. For example, a
manager may become angry during a difficult meeting with a client. Upon leaving the meeting,
the manager may still feel angry, but the cause of the anger may no longer be salient. In this
example, the manger may misattribute her feelings when judging a subordinate in an unrelated
Overview of Present Research
In this paper, we explored the influence of discrete emotions on unrelated trust
judgments. We focused on dyadic-level trust judgments, judgments that reflect feelings and
beliefs about another person, and we considered both the valence and the control appraisals of
several different emotions: anger, happiness, sadness, gratitude, pride, and guilt.
Consistent with the affect-as-information model (Schwarz & Clore, 1988), we expected
misattributed emotions to influence trust in the direction of the emotion s valence. In particular,
we expected gratitude and happiness to increase trust and anger to decrease trust. We also
expected the salience of the emotion to moderate this relationship. By making the cause of
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emotion salient, we expected individuals to attribute their emotional state correctly and not to be
influenced by their emotional state.
We also expected the type of information processing required for the trust judgment to
moderate the relationship between incidental emotions and trust. Consistent with Forgas (1995)
affect infusion model, we expected familiarity with a trustee to moderate the influence of
emotional states on trust. When judging trust in acquaintances, we expect people to use a
heuristic information processing strategy and to be influenced by the valence of their emotional
state. When judging familiar trustees, however, we expected people to use a direct-access
processing strategy, and not to be influenced by the valence of their emotional state.
Trust judgments are made about another person, and in this work we considered the role
of control appraisals in moderating the influence of the valence of an emotion on unrelated trust
judgments. Emotions are multidimensional constructs, and we expected the secondary appraisals
to convey information and to influence the extent to which emotions are misattributed. Schwarz
and Clore (1988) postulate that when people make complex, affective judgments they ask
themselves,  How do I feel about (the judgment)? In their experiments, Schwarz and Clore
(1988) considered moods, characterized by valence, and they suggest that the mood s valence
(positive or negative) influences the response (e.g.,  I feel good. ). When experiencing an
emotion, the answer to the question,  How do I feel about (the judgment)? may be more
complicated. In particular, when individuals answer this question their response may be
influenced by both the valence and the secondary appraisals of the emotion. For example, when
judging a subordinate a manager s incidental anger (e.g., anger with a client in an unrelated
setting) may prompt the manager to develop a response characterized by both the valence and the
other-control appraisal of the emotion (e.g.,  I have bad feelings about somebody other than
Emotion and Trust 11
myself. ). If the source of the emotion (the client) is not salient, the manager may consider this
negative other-person feeling to be informative in judging the subordinate. Conversely, a
manager who feels guilty about something she has done may answer the same question with  I
have bad feelings about myself, and consider her feelings to be less relevant for an other-person
judgment. That is, we expected individuals to be more likely to misattribute the valence of an
emotion to an unrelated judgment when the dominant secondary appraisal of the emotion is
consistent with the judgment task. In our case, we expected incidental emotions with other-
person control appraisals (e.g., anger and gratitude) to be more frequently misattributed for
judgments about other people than emotions with personal or situational control appraisals (e.g.,
guilt and sadness, respectively). Our predictions contrast those of a valence-centric model,
which would predict that all negative-valence emotions would decrease trust and that all
positive-valence emotions would increase trust. We also expected emotions without strong
control appraisals (e.g., happiness) to be misattributed, because these emotions lack constraining
secondary appraisals of control (e.g., happy feelings may be caused by oneself, another person or
a situation).
We conducted five studies to explore the relationship between incidental emotions and
trust. In each study, we induced incidental emotions and subsequently measured trust in a
specific trustee. In the first study, we considered happiness, sadness and anger - three common
emotions that vary in cognitive appraisals of control. In the second study, we ruled-out priming
as an explanation for our results. In our third study, we considered four emotions that vary along
valence (positive/negative) and control (personal/other) appraisals, and tested whether appraisals
of control mediate the relationship between emotion and trust. In the fourth study, we tested
whether highlighting the emotion s cause eliminates the influence of the emotion. Finally, in the
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fifth study, we examined the moderating role of familiarity in influencing emotion. In this study,
we compared gratitude and anger to a neutral condition for trustees who are either familiar or
Study 1
In this study, we consider the influence of happiness, sadness, and anger on trust in an
unfamiliar co-worker. These three emotions have different valences, different appraisals of
control, and are often used to study the effects of positive and negative moods (e.g., Forgas,
1998; Park & Banaji, 2000). Happiness is an emotion with positive valence, and both sadness
and anger are emotions with negative valence. According to Smith and Ellsworth s (1985)
analysis, happiness lacks strong appraisals of control, sadness has a strong appraisal of
situational control, and anger has a strong appraisal of other-person control.
We expected incidental happiness to increase trust, because happiness is a positive
valence emotion with a weak appraisal of control. In particular, because happiness has a weak
appraisal of control, we expected the positive valence of happiness to be misattributed to
judgment targets. In contrast, we expect incidental sadness to have little influence on trust,
because sadness is an emotion with a strong appraisal of situational control. As a result, we did
not expect the negative valence of sadness to be misattributed to judgments of another person.
We expected anger to reduce trust, because anger is a negative valence emotion with a strong
appraisal of other-person control. Because of the strong appraisal of other-person control, we
expected the negative valence of anger to be frequently misattributed to judgments about other
Emotion and Trust 13
Participants. We recruited participants from a large Northeastern train station to
complete one of six versions of a survey in exchange for a candy bar. A total of 120 participants,
evenly divided across the six conditions, completed the survey. An additional 24 participants
started the survey, but were unable to complete it (e.g., they ran out of time and had to catch a
train). The average respondent s age was 36.4 (SD = 17), and respondents were evenly split
between genders (51% male). Most respondents were single (57%), most were employed (79%)
and almost two-thirds (64%) had completed at least a four-year college degree.
Design. Participants were randomly assigned to one of six versions of the survey from a
2x3 design. We used three different emotion conditions (anger, happiness, sadness) and two
order conditions. We manipulated whether or not participants selected a trustee (1) before
beginning the emotion induction exercise or (2) after completing the emotion induction exercise.
This manipulation enabled us to disentangle the influence emotion might have on the selection of
a trustee from the influence emotion had on trust.
Materials. Each survey contained two sections that included an emotion induction exercise
and a trust inventory. The cover page indicated that the survey included two separate and unrelated
studies. The format and font of the two studies also differed to enhance the appearance of
independence of the two studies. On the final page of the survey, we collected demographic data
regarding age, gender, work experience and education.
Procedure. In the emotion induction, participants completed a directed writing task designed
to manipulate emotion. This elicitation procedure was developed by Strack, Schwarz, and
Gschneidinger (1985) and validated in several studies (see Keltner et al., 1993, Lerner & Keltner,
2001, and Tiedens & Linton, 2001). Our design included three between-subject emotion conditions
designed to elicit anger, happiness, or sadness. The emotion induction exercise asked participants to
Emotion and Trust 14
first  briefly describe three to five things that make you most [angry/sad/happy]. The following
page asked participants to  describe in detail the one situation that has made you the most
[angry/sad/happy] you have been in your life, and describe it such that a person reading the
description would become [angry/sad/happy] just from hearing about the situation. We used this
exercise to induce incidental emotions. These emotions were state emotions unrelated to the
subsequent trust judgment task.
For the order manipulation, participants in the before condition started the survey by listing
the names of three co-workers (or acquaintances if they did not have co-workers) on the cover page
of the survey. Next, these participants completed the emotion induction; they were then told to
consider the person whom they listed second (of the three people) as the trustee. Participants in the
after condition started the survey by completing the emotion induction. Next, these participants
named a co-worker (or acquaintance) and were then told to consider that person as the trustee.
Participants trust was measured by completing a trust inventory for the named trustee. The
trust inventory measured expectations of trustworthiness and intentions to trust another person. The
attitudinal trust measures we used were adapted from Johnson-George and Swap s (1982) Specific
Interpersonal Trust Scale. In this scale participants evaluated the trustworthiness of a specific trustee.
This person was the co-worker or acquaintance that participants identified in a prior section of the
survey. The trust inventory we used included 10 items, each with a seven-point scale (1: Not at all
likely, 7: Very likely). These items included questions such as the likelihood that a particular co-
worker would follow through on a promise to copy a presentation and repay a $40 loan. Other items
in the scale measured intentions to trust the trustee. For example, respondents rated the likelihood
that they would give the target an important letter to mail. The trust inventory questions were closely
Emotion and Trust 15
related, alpha = 0.86, and we use a composite measure (an average) of the ten questions for our
primary analysis. We listed the items we used in the appendix.
Emotion manipulation check. We did not include an emotion manipulation check in the main
study, because we were concerned that the manipulation check would reduce the effects of our
emotion induction (Keltner, Locke & Audrain, 1993) and arouse suspicion about the experiment s
purpose. Instead, we ran a manipulation check on a separate sample of participants from the same
train station. We recruited 34 individuals to complete one of three versions of the study (anger,
happiness, or sadness induction) in exchange for a candy bar. The pilot study included the same
emotion induction writing task we used in the main study. Instead of completing the trust measure,
however, participants completed an emotion manipulation check after the induction (similar
procedures were used by Lerner & Keltner, 2001 and Williams & Voon, 1999). In the manipulation
check, we asked participants to rate the degree to which they were currently experiencing each of 12
different emotions along a 9-point scale (0: not at all, 8: more strongly than ever). The list of
emotions included three items to represent anger (angry, mad, irritated), three items to represent
happiness (joyful, happy, elated), and three items to represent sadness (gloomy, sad, upset). The
scale reliabilities (alpha) for anger, happiness and sadness were 0.78, 0.87, and 0.79, respectively.
We found that anger was higher in the angry condition (M = 4.69, SD = 1.79) than in the happy
condition (M = 0.92, SD = 0.46, t (21) = 7.10, p <.001) and the sad condition (M = 2.21, SD = 0.81, t
(20) = 4.20, p <.01); happiness was higher in the happy condition (M = 5.06, SD = 1.97) than in the
sad condition (M = 2.30, SD = 1.18, t (21) = 4.00, p <.01) and the angry condition (M = 2.82, SD =
2.01, t (21) = 2.69, p <.05); and sadness was higher in the sad condition (M = 5.03, SD = 1.47) than
in the angry condition (M = 2.36, SD = 0.62, t (20) = 5.54, p <.001) and the happy condition (M =
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0.81, SD = 0.26, t (21) = 9.80, p <.001). Overall, we found that the writing task successfully
manipulated participants emotional states.
We examined the potential influence of demographic variables on our composite trust
measure, and found no significant effects for age, gender, education, or work experience. In
addition, we did not find any significant interactions between emotion condition and any
demographic variables. For our subsequent analysis, we combined data across demographic
In general, participants wrote long and detailed accounts of emotional events in the
induction. Representative topics included the birth of a child (happiness), the untimely death of a
loved one (sadness), and destructive behavior by a neighbor (anger). Most of the accounts were
outside of a work setting (92%) and none of the accounts clearly involved the trustee that the
participant subsequently evaluated.1
We conducted an ANOVA modeling trust as a function of the emotion condition, the
order condition, and an interaction between the two. Supporting our thesis, we found a
significant effect of emotion condition on trust, F (2, 114) = 40.8, p <.001. We found no
significant effect for order, F (1, 114) = 1.73, n.s., and no significant effect for the interaction
between emotion condition and order, F (2, 114) = 0.974, n.s. These latter, non-significant
results suggest that trust in a particular trustee was not influenced by whether the trustee
selection was made before or after the emotion induction.
In paired comparisons, we found that trust levels were significantly different across each
of the three emotion conditions. Participants in the happy condition were significantly more
trusting than were participants in the angry condition, 5.78 (SD = 0.83) versus 4.05 (SD = 0.93), t
Emotion and Trust 17
(78) = 8.97, p <0.001 and significantly more trusting than participants in the sad condition (M =
5.06, SD = 0.82, t (78) = 3.73, p <.01). Further, participants in the sad condition were
significantly more trusting than were participants in the angry condition, t (78) = 5.23, p <.001.
Results from this study demonstrate that incidental emotional states significantly
influence trust. Happy participants were significantly more trusting than were sad participants;
sad participants were significantly more trusting than were angry participants.
Importantly, we found a significant difference in the effect of emotions on trust for two
negative valence emotions. Participants in the angry condition were significantly less trusting
than were participants in the sad condition. These results suggest that control appraisals may
moderate the influence of emotion valence on trust.
Study 2
In the second study, we compared the effects of our emotion induction to a priming
manipulation. In this study, we recruited a non-overlapping set of 64 participants from the same
train station as Study 1 to complete one of four versions of a survey in exchange for a candy bar.
The four versions result from a 2(emotion) x 2(manipulation) design. The two emotion
conditions were anger and gratitude, emotions with high other-person control appraisals. The
manipulation conditions varied whether the respondent completed the emotion induction (the
writing task we used in Study 1) or a priming task. In the priming task, we asked participants to
think of a time that they had felt an emotion (either very angry at someone or very grateful
towards someone). Instead of describing the event we simply asked whether or not the event had
immediately come to mind for them. That is, the priming task cued memories of similar events as
the emotion induction, but did not require an elaboration of the event that would induce an
Emotion and Trust 18
emotional state. After the manipulation, participants completed the same trust inventory that we
used in Study 1. As in Study 1, we presented the emotion manipulation and the trust rating task
as separate studies. After participants had completed the survey, we asked them what they
thought the purpose of the two studies was.
Results and Discussion
Results from the second study identified a significant effect for the emotion
manipulation, but not for the priming manipulation. In a two-way ANOVA, we find a significant
interaction between the emotion and manipulation conditions (F (1, 57) = 6.13, p < .05). The
difference between anger and gratitude was significant in the emotion induction conditions (t
(28) = 2.73, p < 0.05), but not in the priming conditions (t (29)= 0.15 , n.s.). We depict these
results in Figure 1. These results suggest that changes in emotional states, rather than mere
priming or demand effects, influenced trust judgments. In addition, none of the participants in
this study thought the two sections of the study, the manipulation and the trust inventory, were
Study 3
In Study 3, we extended our investigation of the relationship between emotion and trust.
In this study, we considered four emotions that differ along both valence and control dimensions
(Smith & Ellsworth, 1985): anger (negative valence, other-control), guilt (negative valence,
personal control), gratitude (positive valence, other-control), and pride (positive valence,
personal control). This approach enabled us to test the moderating role of other-person control
more directly than we did in Study 1. In addition, we measured both valence and control
appraisals for these four emotion conditions.
Emotion and Trust 19
Participants. We recruited participants from a large Northeastern train station to
complete one of eight versions of a survey. A total of 161 participants completed the survey.
Participants were roughly evenly distributed across the conditions. (The number of participants
in each condition ranged from 19 to 22.). An additional nine respondents started the survey, but
were unable to complete it. The demographic background of participants in this study was
similar to that in Study 1. On average participants were 35.1 (SD=16) years old, and 46% were
Design. We used a 4x2 design that included four emotion conditions (anger, guilt,
gratitude, and pride) and two order conditions (as in Study 1, we balanced whether or not
participants identified the trustee before or after the emotion induction).
Materials. Each survey included a directed writing task for the emotion induction, the
identification of a co-worker or an acquaintance (counterbalanced before and after the emotion
induction), and a trust inventory (that refers to the acquaintance they identified earlier in the
Procedure. The emotion induction involved the same directed writing task we used in
Study 2. The trust inventory was identical to the one in earlier studies and again we found high
scale reliability (alpha = 0.85).
At the end of the survey, we measured valence and control appraisals for the emotion-
eliciting event. After participants completed both the emotion induction and the trust inventory
for the trustee, we asked them to answer six questions about the situation they described in detail
in the writing task. Two of the six questions were designed to assess valence (pleasantness and
unpleasantness of the event), and the remaining four questions were designed to assess appraisals
of control. For example, we asked participants,  To what extent did you feel someone other than
Emotion and Trust 20
yourself could influence what was happening in the situation? (1: Not at All, 7: Completely).
We collected demographic information after the appraisal measures. Of the 161 participants, 157
completed this section of the survey.
Emotion manipulation check. As in Study 1, we conducted a pilot study to assess the
effectiveness of our emotion induction. In the pilot study, we recruited 44 individuals from the
train station (who did not participate in the main study) to complete one of four versions of a
manipulation check in exchange for a candy bar. The format of this pilot study was very similar
to the pilot study we conducted in Study 1; in this study, however, we included a different set of
emotions: anger, gratitude, pride and guilt. The list of emotions included three items to represent
anger (angry, mad, irritated; alpha = 0.89), two items to represent pride (proud, self-fulfilled;
alpha = 0.81), three items to represent guilt (guilty, remorseful, sorry; alpha = 0.83), and three
items to represent gratitude (appreciative, grateful, thankful; alpha = 0.85). We report results
from this manipulation check in Table 1. We found that the emotion induction task significantly
influenced the target emotion in each of the four emotion conditions.
Appraisal measures. We examined responses to our appraisal questions to test the
consistency between our emotion inductions and Smith and Ellsworth s (1985) characterization
of anger (negative valence, other-person control), guilt (negative valence, personal control),
pride (positive valence, personal control), and gratitude (positive valence, other-person control).
We reverse scored the negative questions and examined answers to the valence and control
appraisals separately. For each scale, high scores represent positive valence or high other-person
control, and low scores represent negative valence or high personal control. The scale
reliabilities for the two valence items (alpha = 0.91) and the four control items (alpha = 0.78)
were high.
Emotion and Trust 21
In ANOVA tests, we find that the valence (F (3, 153)=34.1, p <.001) and control (F (3,
153)=24.4, p <.001) ratings were significantly different across emotions consistent with Smith
and Ellsworth s (1985) conceptualization: anger and gratitude had high other-person control
(while pride and guilt had high personal control) and pride and gratitude had positive valence
(while anger and guilt had negative valence). We report mean ratings of valence and other-
person control for each emotion in Table 2.
We find no significant effects for demographic variables or order. As a result, we
collapse our data across demographic and order groups, and we report analysis for the four
emotion conditions.
We conducted an ANOVA using trust as the dependent variable and emotion condition as
the independent variable. Consistent with our findings in Study 1, incidental emotions influenced
trust. We found significant differences in trust across the four emotion conditions (F (3, 157) =
12.53, p <.001). We hypothesized that gratitude and anger (other-person control emotions) would
influence trust more than would pride and guilt (personal control emotions). Our results support
these hypotheses. In paired comparisons, we found significant differences in trust ratings
between participants in the gratitude and anger conditions, M = 5.74 (SD = 0.79) and M = 4.47
(SD = 1.28) respectively, t (81) = 6.12, p <.001. In contrast, we found no significant differences
between ratings in the pride and guilt conditions (M = 5.12, SD = 0.87 and M = 5.07, SD = 0.70
respectively, t (76) = 0.24, n.s.). In addition, we found that grateful respondents provided
significantly higher trust ratings than did proud and guilty respondents (t (79) = 2.94, p <.05 and
t (77) = 3.14, p <.05, respectively) and that angry respondents provided significantly lower trust
Emotion and Trust 22
ratings than proud and guilty respondents (t (81) = 3.13, p <.05 and t (78) = 2.84, p <.05,
We next considered whether other-person control appraisals mediate the influence of
emotion on trust (Baron & Kenny, 1986). Because anger and gratitude have opposite effects on
trust, the effect of other-person control appraisals would cancel out across the two emotions. To
address this concern, we tested mediation of other-person control separately for emotions with
the same valence, i.e., we compared gratitude to pride and anger to guilt. A valence-centric
approach would predict that gratitude and pride (anger and guilt) would have similar effects on
trust; in this analysis, we intended to show that the difference between the effects of gratitude
and pride (anger and guilt) on trust can be explained by differences in control appraisals, where
stronger appraisals of other-person control led to stronger effects on trust. In our context, full
mediation implies that the positive influence of gratitude on trust (compared to pride) is
explained by stronger appraisals of other-person control, and that the negative influence of anger
on trust (compared to guilt) is explained by stronger appraisals of other-person control.
First, we conducted mediation analysis for the positive valence emotions (gratitude and
pride). In our first regression, we used emotion as the independent variable (1 = gratitude, 0 =
pride) and the composite trust score as the dependent variable, controlling for valence appraisals.
As expected, this relationship was significant (b = 0.38, p <.01). In the second regression, we
tested the relationship between emotion and appraisals of other-person control (measured by
other-person control appraisals and reversed-scored personal control appraisals), again
controlling for valence. This relationship was also significant and positive (b = 0.49, p <.001),
indicating that those in the grateful condition had higher appraisals of other-person control than
those in the pride condition. In the final step, we included emotion, valence and other-person
Emotion and Trust 23
control as independent variables and trust as the dependent variable. Supporting our mediation
prediction (Sobel test, Z = 2.28, p <.05), we found that the path between gratitude and trust was
no longer significant (b = 0.17, n.s.) when the direct influence of other-person control was
included in the regression (b = 0.37, p <.05). We conducted an identical set of analysis for the
negative valence emotions (anger and guilt). Results from this analysis also identified full
mediation (Z = 2.14, p <.05). We depict the mediation results in Figure 2 and Figure 3.
As in Studies 1 and 2, we identified a significant relationship between incidental
emotional states and trust. We found that participants in the grateful condition were significantly
more trusting than were participants in other conditions, and participants in the anger condition
were significantly less trusting than participants in other conditions.
Our results also demonstrate that the other-person control appraisal mediates the
relationship between incidental emotions and trust. In this study, we found significant differences
in trust between participants in the gratitude and anger conditions (conditions that involve
emotions with appraisals of other-person control), but virtually no differences in trust between
participants in the pride and guilt conditions (conditions that involve emotions with appraisals of
personal control). In the mediation analysis, we found that the influence of positive valence
emotions (gratitude and pride) and negative valence emotions (anger and guilt) were both fully
mediated by appraisals of other-person control.
Study 4
In Study 4, we extended our investigation of the mechanism linking emotional states with
trust judgments. In this study, we explored the moderating influence of emotion salience.
Consistent with the affect-as-information model (Schwarz & Clore, 1988), we predicted that
Emotion and Trust 24
salient emotions will not impact unrelated judgments. In this study, we also used methods that
are very different from those we used in earlier studies. First, we conducted this study in a
laboratory setting. Second, every participant in this study evaluated the same trustee. Third, we
induced emotions using movie clips rather than a writing task. While the use of film clips limited
the types of emotions we could induce, it afforded greater experimental control over the emotion
Participants. A total of 112 undergraduate students completed the study in exchange for
course credit. On average, participants were 19 years old (SD = 1.07) and about half (48%) were
male. From participants responses, we identified three participants who recognized the
interviewee and two who suspected a link between the first and third film clips. We removed all
five of these participants from our analysis, and we report results based upon the remaining 107.
Design. We randomly assigned participants to one of four treatment conditions from a
2(emotion) x 2(salience) design. We manipulated emotions by showing participants one of two
film clips to induce either happiness or anger. Participants viewed these film clips in isolation via
Participants in the happy condition viewed a film clip from a comedy act by Robin
Williams (Gross & Levenson, 1995). In this film clip, a comedian discusses drug use and
reckless driving (topics unlikely to prime feelings of trust in an unrelated person). Participants in
the angry condition viewed a film clip from the movie  Witness, in which teenagers harass an
Amish man (Jones & Fox, 1992). In our pilot studies, we found that the anger film clip alone
evoked only moderate anger. As a result, we had participants read a short story after viewing the
film clip that described real events in which Amish people were harassed and physically
Emotion and Trust 25
attacked. This story was displayed for a fixed period of time (60 seconds) on the computer
screen. (In a pilot study, we determined that 60 seconds was sufficient to read the entire story.)
After this period, participants were allowed to progress when they were ready. The average total
viewing time for the anger film clip and story (2 min 27 sec) was very similar to the viewing
time for the happy film clip (2 min 32 sec).
In the emotion salience conditions, we manipulated whether or not a message appeared
after the emotion induction. In the salient condition, a message on the computer screen read,
 Prior research has shown that even short film clips like the ones you ve seen can influence
people s emotions. This message appeared on the screen for 10 seconds. In the non-salient
condition, participants viewed a blank screen for 10 seconds.
Materials. Participants sat in isolated cubicles, wore headphones, and completed the
entire experiment via personal computer. The computer displayed the following sequence of
screens: instructions, three film clips, salience message (in the salience conditions, a bla nk screen
otherwise), trust inventory, emotion manipulation check, and post-experiment questions
(including demographic measures and thoughts about the experiments purpose).
Procedure. Small groups of participants (n = 2 to 8) arrived at the behavioral laboratory
at scheduled intervals and were seated at isolated cubicles. Within a group, participants were
assigned to the same emotion condition, but different salience conditions. All participants in a
group started the experiment at the same time, and all participants were dismissed from their
cubicles at the same time (after the last participant completed the study).
At the start of the experiment, participants were told that they would view three film clips
and that after viewing the three film clips they would be asked to answer questions about one of
Emotion and Trust 26
the clips. Each film clip ran for a set amount of time, and participants were not able to repeat a
film clip or answer questions out of sequence.
The first two film clips were common to all participants. The first film clip (2 minutes
and 21 seconds long) was an interview with a 20 year old male student. In this film clip, a
member of the university s television station (who was off screen) asked 32 questions that the
male student answered. The questions had low affective content and low relevance to trust. For
example, the interviewer asked,  how often do you go to the grocery store? Responses were
between one word and one sentence long.
The second film clip (56 seconds long) involved a car chase scene from  Bullitt . We
included this film clip to obfuscate the link between our first film clip (the interview) and our
third film clip (the emotion induction). Martin et al. (1993) and subsequent studies (Halberstadt
& Niedenthal, 1997; Hirt et al., 1997) have shown that the  Bullitt film clip maintains
participants attention, but does not create positive or negative feelings in most participants.
We used the third film clip to induce an emotion. Half of the participants viewed the
happy film clip (from Robin Williams Live), and half of the participants viewed the angry film
clip (Witness, followed by a short story).
Following the third film clip, half of the participants received the salience message and
half viewed a blank screen for 10 seconds. We then asked participants to evaluate the
interviewee from the first film clip using the same trust scale we used in studies 1 and 2 (alpha =
0.82). We then asked participants whether or not they recognized the interviewee from the first
film clip.
Next, participants completed an emotion manipulation check by rating the extent to
which they felt each of 12 common emotions (0: not at all, 8: more than ever; similar to Gross &
Emotion and Trust 27
Levenson, 1995). We used four of the 12 emotions to measure anger (angry, mad, furious, and
irritated), and three of the 12 emotions to measure happiness (amusement, joy, happiness). Both
the anger and happiness scales were reliable, alpha = 0.94 and alpha = 0.92, respectively.
We then asked participants what they thought the purpose of the study was. At the
conclusion of the experiment we asked demographic questions, debriefed the experiment, and
dismissed our participants.
Manipulation check. We find that the emotion manipulation significantly influenced
anger (F (1, 104) = 97.19, p <.001) and happiness (F (1, 104) = 89.65, p <.001). Participants
were significantly more angry in both the salient (M = 4.32, SD = 2.67) and non-salient (M =
4.62, SD = 2.86) anger conditions than were participants in the salient (M = 0.61, SD = 1.12) and
non-salient (M = 0.47, SD = 0.66) happiness conditions. Participants were significantly more
happy in the salient (M = 5.45, SD = 1.76) and non-salient (M = 4.86, SD = 2.13) happiness
conditions than were participants in the salient (M = 1.44, SD = 1.81) and non-salient (M = 1.83,
SD = 1.89) anger conditions. The salience manipulation did not significantly influence anger (F
(1, 104) = 0.32, n.s.) or happiness (F (1, 104) = 0.68, n.s.).
Analysis of variance. We next used analysis of variance to model trust ratings as a
function of the emotion and salience manipulations. We find a significant effect for emotion (F
(1, 104) = 5.07, p <.05) and a significant interaction between emotion and salience (F (1, 104) =
4.53, p <.05). We depict this interaction in Figure 4. In the non-salient condition, happy
participants (M = 5.44, SD = 0.71) were significantly more trusting than were angry participants
(M = 4.87, SD = 0.83, t (53) = 2.65, p < 0.05). In the salient condition, however, happy
Emotion and Trust 28
participants (M = 5.39, SD = 0.72) were not significantly more trusting than were angry
participants (M = 5.33, SD = 0.63, t (52) = 0.299, n.s.).
Results from this study extend our understanding of the link between emotional states
and trust. We manipulated emotion salience, and find a significant interaction between emotion
valence and emotion salience on trust judgments. Consistent with the affect-as-information
model, we find that angry participants provided significantly lower trust ratings than happy
participants in the non-salient condition, but that angry participants did not provide lower ratings
than happy participants in the salient condition.
Our fourth study employed very different methods than those we used in Studies 1 and 3.
In our fourth study, we exerted greater experimental control over the experimental setting, the
emotion induction, and the trust target. We conducted our fourth study in a behavioral
laboratory; we isolated participants from each other, we had them wear headphones, and we had
them view film clips on a computer.
Study 5
In Study 5, we extended our investigation of the relationship between emotion and trust
in two important ways. First, we considered the role of familiarity in moderating the relationship
between emotion and trust. Unlike the first four studies in which we focused on unfamiliar
trustees, such as acquaintances or unfamiliar coworkers, in this study we considered both
unfamiliar and familiar trustees. Second, we compared the effects of anger and gratitude to a
neutral emotion condition. Our prior studies identify significant differences between emotions,
but did not compare the effects of our emotion inductions to a control condition. Like Study 4,
this study was conducted in a controlled laboratory setting using undergraduate students.
Emotion and Trust 29
Participants. We recruited 181 undergraduate students from a large Northeastern
university to participate in our study for course credit. A total of 175 participants completed the
survey in a laboratory setting. Between 2 and 20 participants completed surveys at one time, and
participants were spread out in a room with 80 seats. Participants were roughly evenly
distributed across twelve conditions (the number of participants in each condition ranged from
14 to 17). Six additional participants started to complete the survey, but failed to complete both
the directed writing task and the trust inventory. On average, participants were 19 (SD=1.10)
years old, and 38% were male.
Design. Participants were randomly assigned to one of twelve conditions. These
conditions derive from a 2(familiarity) x 2(order) x 3(emotion) design. Across familiarity
conditions, participants rated someone who attended their university who they either knew well
or who they did not know well. We restricted trustees to fellow university students that were
currently on campus, so that we could use measures of familiarity that could be applied
homogenously across the sample. The order conditions counterbalanced the selection of the
trustee with the emotion induction, as we did in Studies 1 and 3. The emotion conditions
included anger, gratitude and a neutral emotion condition.
Materials. As in Study 3, each survey contained a directed writing task, identification of
a trustee and a trust inventory for the trustee. On the last page of the survey we collected
demographic information including age, gender, and details about the relationship between the
participant and the trustee.
Procedure. Our emotion induction procedure was similar to the one we used in Study 2.
For the anger and gratitude conditions, we used the same procedures. For the neutral emotion
Emotion and Trust 30
condition we asked participants to describe the last classroom they had been in so that someone
else could picture it perfectly. We used this approach to keep the timing and nature of the task
uniform across conditions. We used the same trust inventory as we used in Study 1, except that
job-related items were adapted to class contexts; again we found high scale reliability (alpha =
We also collected information about participants relationships with their trustee. With
respect to the person they identified, we asked participants questions such as how much time
they spent with the individual outside of class, how often they communicated, how much they
knew about their interests, and about their common friends. In addition, we asked participants to
rate their liking of the trustee and whether they had any romantic interest or involvement with the
We first examined the influence of the order condition and demographic variables on
trust. We found no significant effects. As a result, we collapsed our data across order conditions
for our subsequent analyses. We controlled for liking in the analysis. Only three participants
indicated any romantic interest or involvement and our results were not affected by their
In an ANOVA, using trust as the dependent variable and emotion and familiarity
conditions as independent variables, we found main effects for emotion (F (2, 163)= 10.54, p
<.001) and familiarity (F (1, 163) = 99.60, p <.001), as well as an interaction between emotion
and familiarity (F (2, 163) = 10.19, p <.001). Because the interaction between emotion and
familiarity is significant, we parsed the data into the two familiarity conditions and tested for the
influence of emotion on each familiarity condition separately. Supporting our hypothesis, we
Emotion and Trust 31
found that the emotion condition had a significant effect on trust in the unfamiliar relationship
condition (F (2, 82) = 18.45, p <.001), but that the emotion condition was not significant in the
familiar relationship condition (F (2, 87) = 0.37, n.s.). We depict mean responses across
conditions in Figure 5. While the high average trust scores for familiar trustees may indicate a
ceiling effect, the distributions for angry and grateful responses are nearly identical. A Wilcoxon
rank sum test also showed no significant difference between the emotion conditions (W* = 0.59,
For the unfamiliar relationship condition, we found that trust for participants in the anger
condition was significantly lower than trust in the gratitude (M s of 4.45 and 5.77, t (55) = 6.03, p
<.001) and neutral (M s of 4.45 and 5.06, t (54) = 2.77, p <.01) conditions. Furthermore, we
found that trust for participants in the gratitude condition was significantly higher than trust in
the neutral condition (t (55) = 3.27, p <.01).
In this study, we identified an important boundary condition for the influence of
emotional states on trust. When the trustee was unfamiliar, incidental anger decreased trust and
incidental gratitude increased trust. When the trustee was familiar, however, incidental emotions
did not influence trust. These findings support our conceptualization of emotional states as
information for trust relationships. When relevant information is limited, as it is for
acquaintances, judgments of trustworthiness may be informed by an individual s emotional state.
When relevant information is not limited, however, as it is for very familiar trustees in
commonplace settings, judgments of trustworthiness are not likely to be informed by an
individual s emotional state; instead, an individual may retrieve a pre-formed trust judgment.
Although we found no effects for emotions on judgments of familiar trustees in this study, quite
Emotion and Trust 32
possibly, emotions could influence judgments of familiar trustees in novel situations or
judgments of familiar trustees with whom the truster has a mix of positive and negative
General Discussion
This paper describes the relationship between incidental emotional states and trust.
Across five studies, we found a substantial and robust relationship between normatively
irrelevant, incidental emotions and trust. In Study 1, we found that happy participants were more
trusting than sad participants, and that sad participants were more trusting than angry
participants. In Study 2, we demonstrated that the effects of incidental emotions on trust were not
simply caused by priming. In Study 3, we compared the influence of four emotions on trust. The
four emotions were characterized by either positive or negative valence and either appraisals of
other-person control (anger and gratitude) or appraisals of personal control (pride and guilt).
Supporting our hypotheses, emotions with appraisals of other-person control influenced trust in a
manner consistent with the emotion s valence; anger decreased trust and gratitude increased
trust. Emotions with personal control influenced trust significantly less than did emotions with
other-person control; participants in the gratitude condition were more trusting than were
participants in the pride condition, and participants in the anger condition were less trusting than
were participants in the guilt condition.
In Studies 4 and 5, we used controlled laboratory settings and identified important
moderators of the relationship between incidental emotions and trust. In Study 4, we manipulated
the salience of the emotion manipulation. Consistent with the affect-as-information model
(Schwarz & Clore, 1988), we found that identifying the source of the incidental emotion
eliminated the influence of emotions on trust. In Study 5, we examined the moderating role of
Emotion and Trust 33
familiarity with the trustee. Consistent with the affect infusion model (Forgas, 1995), which
suggests that people engage in different types of processing for different types of judgments, we
found that incidental emotions influenced trust significantly more for unfamiliar trustees (e.g.,
acquaintances) than they did for familiar trustees.
Our work integrates both mood (Forgas, 1995; Schwarz & Clore, 1988) and emotion
(Smith & Ellsworth, 1985) models, and our results offer important insight into the relationship
between emotion and judgment. Specifically, our findings suggest that emotions are more likely
to be misattributed when the appraisals of an emotion are consistent with the nature of the
judgment task. Judgments can be characterized along several dimensions, including the object of
the judgment (e.g., ourselves, another person, an event) and the metric of the judgment (e.g.,
favorableness, certainty, amount, causal attribution). In many cases, characteristics of the
judgment task will correspond to the cognitive appraisal dimensions of emotions. For example,
in judging an employee s performance, the object of the judgment (another person) corresponds
to the appraisal dimension of other-person control, and the metric of the judgment (is the
performance good or bad) corresponds to the appraisal dimension of valence. We conceptualize
the object of the judgment as a constraining dimension. This characteristic of the judgment task
determines which emotions might influence the judgment. We conceptualize the metric of the
judgment task as the evaluative dimension. This dimension determines the direction in which an
emotion might influence the judgment.
We expect emotions to be misattributed to judgments when the constraining dimension
of the judgment task matches the emotion s corresponding cognitive appraisal. For example,
emotions with other-person control appraisals, such as anger, are likely to influence other-person
judgments, such as trust. We expect judgments to be influenced in the direction of the emotion s
Emotion and Trust 34
appraisal along the evaluative dimension. For example, positive-valence emotions are likely to
lead to positive judgments and negative-valence emotions are likely to lead to negative
judgments. This framework applies to judgments of personal and situational attributes as well.
For example, we expect judgments about an individual s own future success to be more strongly
affected by pride and guilt (personal-control emotions) than by anger or sadness (other-person
and situational control emotions), and we expect pride to lead to more optimistic judgments than
guilt. Similarly, we expect risk assessments of natural disasters to be influenced by sadness and
hope (situational control emotions) more than by pride or anger, and we expect hope to lead to
more optimistic assessments than sadness. Consistent with prior work (Forgas, 1995; Schwarz,
1990), we expect incidental emotions to be most likely to influence complex and affective
Importantly, the constraining and evaluative dimensions can match emotion appraisals
other than the control and valence appraisals. This broader conceptualization is consistent with
Keltner et al. s (1993) work investigating judgments of attributions for an event. Keltner et al.
(1993) found that when an event was negative, angry participants were more likely to blame
other people for the event than were sad participants. When the event was positive, Keltner et al.
(1993) found no difference in attributions across angry and sad participants. We can apply our
framework to these results. In this case, control appraisals represent the evaluative dimension
(judgments range from low to high other-person control and from low to high situational control)
and valence represents the constraining dimension (negative emotions only influenced attribution
judgments for negative events).
In addition to offering a new framework for modeling the relationship between incidental
emotions and judgment, our work also contributes to the affective-cognition literature by
Emotion and Trust 35
applying Forgas s (1995) affect infusion model to relationship-dependent processing styles. In
particular, we identify target familiarity as an important moderator of the relationship between
affect and judgment. We find that incidental emotions influence judgments of others with whom
people are already familiar but not too familiar. Prior interpersonal judgment research has
often focused on relationships with fictional characters (Forgas, Bower & Moylan, 1990,
Keltner, Ellsworth & Edwards, 1993) and confederates (Forgas, 1998). Our findings suggest that
the generalizability of research in interpersonal judgments may be limited by the nature of the
relationships that are studied.
Given the importance of trust in economic and social exchanges, as well as the ease with
which incidental emotions can be invoked (e.g., by quarrelling with a spouse), results from this
work inform a number of practical prescriptions. First, decision makers should avoid making
quick trust decisions, and instead, take precautions to make trust judgments over time, based on
interactions across multiple contexts.
Second, individuals should recognize that incidental emotions could change the way
others judge their trustworthiness. Individuals should recognize the importance of socializing
with co-workers to develop familiarity (e.g., Schweitzer & Kerr, 2000) and adapt their behavior
to the emotions of the people with whom they interact. For example, people hoping to engender
trust may be better served by starting off a meeting by asking a co-worker about her weekend
fishing trip than about the status of her divorce proceedings. Similarly, if a business associate
arrives late to a meeting, angry about a traffic accident, it may be worthwhile to postpone
discussions about a new joint-venture. Not only is an angry business associate likely to be less
trusting, but recent work has found that people who negotiate with an angry counterpart make
Emotion and Trust 36
more concessions than people who negotiate with a happy counterpart (van Kleef, De Dreu, &
Manstead, 2004).
Third, individuals should take steps to curtail the influence of incidental emotions on
their judgment. Results from our work demonstrate that the salience of an emotion s source
mitigates the effects of incidental emotions on trust. Prescriptively, individuals should heighten
their awareness of the source of their emotions. In some cases, individuals should also work to
raise the awareness of the source of others emotions. This prescriptive advice, however, merits
an important caveat. A large number of biases influence our social perceptions (Hinton, 1993),
and prior work demonstrates that it is difficult to recognize and adjust for these effects (Wegener
& Petty, 1995).
Results from this work also identify a number of important directions for future research.
First, in our studies, we guided emotional accounts to fit the typical control appraisals of the
emotion. For example, we specifically asked participants to recall a situation in which they felt
the most proud of themselves or the angriest at another person. Future research should explore
the influence of emotions with atypical appraisals, such as anger with oneself. Prior work has
found that emotions are not strictly bound by their defining cognitive appraisals (Tiedens and
Linton, 2001), and we predict that emotions will influence judgments consistent with their actual
appraisals (e.g., anger with oneself will influence self-related judgments), rather than the typical
appraisals of the emotion.
Prior research suggests that the effects of mood on judgment are likely to be more
pervasive than the effects of emotion on judgment (Schwarz, 1990; Forgas & George, 2001). We
postulate that this is true because moods have weaker control appraisals than emotions, and
moods are therefore more likely to be misattributed to a variety of targets (e.g., another person,
Emotion and Trust 37
oneself, or an event) than emotions. Similarly, we expect emotions that lack strong control
appraisals (such as frustration and anxiety) to influence a wide variety of judgments. Future
research is needed to test these predictions.
In this work, familiar trustees were friends. We expect that trust in familiar trustees who
are not close friends may be influenced by emotion through the effect of emotion on substantive
processing. For example, an angry person may have lower trust in a trustee than a guilty person.
The angry person may bias recall and attention towards negative events caused by the trustee
while the guilty person recalls negative events caused by him or herself. Future work is needed
to further understand how the truster-trustee relationship moderates the effect of emotion on
Future work should also extend results from this work to related investigations. For
example, recent work has begun to explore the influence of deception on trust and trust recovery
(Schweitzer, Hershey, & Bradlow, 2004). We postulate that emotions, such as anger, play an
important moderating role in these processes. Deception may harm trust because it makes people
angry with the trustee. Quite possibly, actions that mitigate this anger, even actions that are
normatively irrelevant to trust, may help the trustee regain trust.
In other work, Allred, Mallozzi, Matsui, and Raia (1997) demonstrated that anger and
compassion directed towards negotiating partners influenced the amount of joint gains
negotiators earned and the willingness of negotiators to work with one s partner in the future.
While trust was not directly measured in this work, we conjecture that these outcomes are
partially due to changes in trust in one s counterpart. More broadly, we believe that in addition to
studying the influence of incidental emotions on trust and other judgments, future work should
consider the influence of emotions that are directed towards the trustee.
Emotion and Trust 38
Taken together, our results offer insight into the mechanics of trust, and identify
incidental emotions as a robust and important determinant of trust. In many cases, emotions may
play an important role in trust judgments precisely because people are unaware of the significant
influence their emotional state has on their judgment.
Emotion and Trust 39
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Emotion and Trust 46
Trust inventory (items adapted from Johnson-George & Swap, 1982).
I would give ______________ an important letter to mail after s/he mentions that s/he is stopping by
the post office today.
If ___________________ promised to copy a presentation for me, s/he would follow through.
If ___________________ and I decided to meet for coffee, I would be certain s/he would be there.
I would expect _______________ to tell me the truth if I asked for him/her for feedback on an idea
related to my job.
If ___________________ was late to a meeting, I would guess there was a good reason for the
___________________ would never intentionally misrepresent my point of view to others.
I would expect ___________________ to pay me back if I loaned him/her $40.
If ___________________ laughed unexpectedly at something I did or said, I would know s/he was
not was being unkind.
If _______________ gave me a compliment on my haircut I would believe s/he meant what was
If ___________________ borrowed something of value and returned it broken, s/he would offer to
pay for the repairs.
Emotion and Trust 47
1 For studies 1, 3, and 5, two research assistants, blind to our hypotheses, coded
the essays in the emotion induction for occurrence at a work setting and trustee
involvement. There was high inter-rater agreement for both measures; for work setting,
kappa values were 0.75, 0.73 and 0.86 for studies 1, 3 and 5 respectively. For trustee
involvement, kappa values were 0.81, 0.83 and 0.77 for studies 1, 3 and 5. Disagreements
were resolved through discussion with the authors. For a small percentage of essays, the
raters could not determine whether the setting was at work or not (5%) or whether the
trustee was involved or not (4%). Excluding these cases did not impact our results.
Emotion and Trust 48
Author s Note
Jennifer R. Dunn and Maurice E. Schweitzer, Department of Operations and Information
Management, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
This research was sponsored by a grant from the Zicklin Center for Business Ethics
Research. We thank Sigal Barsade, Rachel Croson, Jack Hershey, Howard Kunreuther, Robert
Meyer, Nancy Rothbard, Deborah Small, seminar participants at UCLA, Cornell and the
University of Pennsylvania, the editor and four anonymous reviewers for he lpful comments. We
thank Bryan Chao, Catherine Marks, Samantha Rudolph, Lauren Sokolowski, and Liya Wang for
assistance in collecting the data.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Jennifer Dunn, Operations
and Information Management Department, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania,
Jon M. Huntsman Hall, Suite 500, 3730 Walnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19104. Email:
Emotion and Trust 49
Table 1
Emotion manipulation check (Study 3)
Emotion Condition Self-Reported Emotion
Angry Guilty Proud Grateful
Anger (n=11)
M 4.98a 2.15b 3.15b 2.80b
SD 1.45 2.13 2.00 1.85
Guilt (n=10)
M 2.20b 4.70a 3.20b 3.05b
SD 1.64 1.73 1.60 1.68
Pride (n=11)
M 1.50b 1.09b 5.68a 3.91b
SD 1.21 2.03 0.89 1.19
Gratitude (n=10)
M 2.28b 3.15b 3.85b 6.40s
SD 1.69 1.58 1.23 1.84
Higher numbers indicate stronger emotion. Subscripts should only be interpreted within rows.
Planned contrasts identify significantly higher scores for the expected emotions (indicated by
subscripts a) than the other emotions (indicated by subscripts b) at p <.05.
Emotion and Trust 50
Table 2
Appraisals of Valence and Other-person Control (Study 3)
Valence Other-Person Control
Anger 2.54a 1.71 5.18a 1.27
Guilt 2.07a 1.30 3.63b 1.37
Pride 5.54b 1.60 3.77b 1.15
Gratitude 4.57b 2.33 5.24a 1.29
Subscripts should only be interpreted within columns. Means with the same subscript are not
significantly different from each other. Means with different subscripts are significantly different
at p <.001.
Emotion and Trust 51
Figure Captions
Figure 1. Emotional States versus Priming Effects on Trust (Study 2)
Figure 2. Mediation Analysis of Other-person Control: Gratitude vs. Pride (Study 3)
Figure 3. Mediation Analysis of Other-person Control: Anger vs. Guilt (Study 3)
Figure 4. Emotional States and Trust by Salience of Emotional State (Study 4)
Figure 5. Emotion, Familiarity and Trust (Study 5)
Emotion and Trust 52
Priming (Recall only) Emotion Induction
Manipulation task
Trust scale ratings range from 1 (least trusting) to 7 (most trusting)
Mean trust score
Emotion and Trust 53
Emotion Other-person
b= 0.49*** b= 0.37**
(1 = gratitude,
0 = pride)
b= 0.17
b= 0.38**
*** p <.001, ** p <.01, * p <.05
Emotion and Trust 54
Emotion Other-person
b= 0.59**
b= -0.31*
(1 = anger,
0 = guilt)
b= -0.11
b= -0.28*
*** p <.001, ** p <.01, * p <.05
Emotion and Trust 55
Emotion cause Emotion cause not
salient salient
Salience manipulation
Trust scale ratings range from 1 (least trusting) to 7 (most trusting)
Mean trust score
Emotion and Trust 56
6.20 6.21
Anger (n=28, 30)
Neutral (n=28, 31)
Gratitude (n=29, 29)
Unfamiliar Trustee Familiar Trustee
Trust scale ratings range from 1 (least trusting) to 7 (most trusting)
Mean trust score


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