exams materials fcemstr tb12

Society 12
D a attempted murder
Introduction p149
b being arrested for attempted murder
c lawywe
1 Possible answers
E a assaulting a teacher
1 This photo shows a police officer arresting a
b being sent to an alternative school rather
young adult male. This illustrates crime,
than jail
which is a negative aspect of society that
c Olympic long jumper
young people are sometimes attracted to.
2 This photo shows a person who has done a lot
Multiple matching
of shopping. Some people think it illustrates a
3 Key
positive aspect of society: that some people
have enough money to send on luxuries. 1,2 C/D 10 E
However, it also illustrates that we live in a 3 B 11,12 B/D
consumerist society where many people have 4,5 A/C 13 C
lots of money to spend while others have little 6,7 D/E 14 A
or none. 8,9 B/C
3 This photo shows a person collecting money
in a tin for charity. This illustrates a positive
Crime vocabulary
aspect of society: that people make efforts to
4 Key
raise money and people are prepared to make
donations. a vandalism d shoplifting
4 This photo shows a middle-aged man looking b drink-driving e hooligans
at a board in a job centre, which is where c mugger f burglary
people go to look for work. This photo
5 Key
illustrates a negative aspect of society:
unemployment. This is a growing problem
a has been robbed; was stolen
especially for older people who may suffer
b being stolen
c  ve been robbed
d stealing
e stole
f were stolen
Reading p150
Think ahead
Grammar and practice p152
2 Key
A a robbery, drink driving, burglary
Probability and possibility
b having a gun pointed at his head
1 Key
c actor
B a vandalism
a might b can t c must
b his probation officer
2 Key
c US senator
C a assault
a must b can t c must
b teachers and counsellors
c criminal defence lawyer
60 UNIT 12 SOCIETY Oxford University Press

3 Key
Officer How s the Miller case going, detective?
a past c future
b present d present Inspector Well, Sir & I ve just finished interviewing
our three main suspects. That s Simon
Prince, Margaret McKenzie and Timothy
4 Key
Calyle. There was no forced entry to the
a have + past participle
house, no broken windows or doors, so we
b be + -ing
concluded that the murderer and the
c infinitive without to
victim must have known each other.
d infinitive without to
Officer Tell me about Prince. He found the body,
Other structures with similar meanings:
didn t he?
must: probably, bound to
Inspector That s right. He contacted us. He heard a
can t: probably not
shot. He s Miller s neighbour and has
might: maybe, perhaps, possibly
known him for years.
Officer Have we any possible motive?
5 Key
Inspector We think the motive might have been
a must/might, can t have been/might not have
money given that the safe had been blown
and was empty. Apparently, Miller always
b can t have said
kept a large sum of money in it.
c can t have heard
Officer What s Prince s financial situation?
d must be, could/might be
Inspector He was a financial director until two years
e can t have left
ago. He lost his job and things have gone
f must have got
very wrong for him since. He s got a lot of
g might have been wearing
h mist have left
Officer So, we have a motive  money. What else
i can t have forgotten, must have happened,
do we know about him?
could/might have broken down
Inspector He s got a few bad habits. He s a heavy
j must have taken
drinker. He has a gambling problem. His
wife divorced him last year. He s in quite a
6 Key
state  unshaven, unwashed, scruffy
a in his own home
b on Friday evening
Officer Right & What bout Margaret McKenzie?
c He was shot once in the head.
Inspector She s the housekeeper. She s worked for
d money
Miller for about three years. I got the
e three
impression she didn t like him much. I
don t think her wages were very high and
7 Key
she s got some credit card debts.
Simon Prince
Officer Husband?
Relationship to Miller neighbour
Inspector In prison  for robbery. He was involved in
Marital status divorced
that robbery at the Central Bank four
Possible motive money
years ago. He blew the safe.
Bad habits drinking, gambling
Officer Interesting & Miller s safe was blown,
wasn t it?
Margaret McKenzie
Relationship to Miller housekeeper
Inspector That s right.
Marital status married (husband in
Officer OK. Anything else?
Inspector Just that she smokes, which may be
Possible motive disliked employer,
Officer Timothy Carlyle?
Bad habits smoking
Inspector He was Miller s best friend. They d known
Timothy Carlyle
each other for years. He s got a reasonable
Relationship to Miller best friend
job in the bank, but I don t think he earns
Marital status single
a lot, so perhaps money could have been a
Possible motive money, jealousy motive &
Bad habits drinking
Officer & or jealousy & of a successful friend?
Inspector Maybe.
Oxford University Press SOCIETY UNIT 12 61

Officer Married or single? Officer So you arrested Margaret McKenzie.
Inspector Single and very presentable looking  Inspector Yes, we did. But & there s something else
always very smart, shirt and tie, hat and &
Officer The whiskey glasses &
Officer Does he have a girlfriend?
Inspector & and the hat. There was a man s hat on
Inspector Not that he d admit to, although I get the the table.
feeling that he was lying when I asked
Officer Simon Prince s?
him that question.
Inspector No & I decided it can t have been his & it
Officer Interesting & Why would he lie about
was too smart.
that? Anything else of importance?
Officer Timothy Carlyle?
Inspector He drinks a bit, I think. Nothing serious.
Inspector That s right. He and McKenzie were in it
together & for the money. We still don t
Possible answers
know which of them was responsible for
Somebody must have been drinking whiskey
actually pulling the trigger. We ve got
because there are two glasses on the table and an forensics looking at it &
open bottle.
The murderer must have been a smoker because
there is an unfinished cigarette in the ashtray.
The murderer must have known where the safe
Listening p154
was because the picture has been removed.
The murderer might have been a man because
Lead in
there is a man s hat left on the table, or the
2 Possible answer
murderer could have been a woman because a
woman s scarf has been left on the armchair.
People are encouraged through advertising to
want more and more items such as fast cars, big
houses, clothes and expensive holidays. Banks
Officer Congratulations, Inspector. I hear you ve
often give credit too easily. These factors can
made an arrest.
cause people to get into debt or even to commit
Inspector That s right.
crimes. Worry about money can also cause stress
Officer Perhaps you could fill me in?
which can lead to problems within families.
Inspector Of course. We made a detailed study of
the crime scene. There were two glasses
Multiple matching
on the coffee table and a half empty of
bottle of whiskey. This suggested that the 3 Key
victim must have known his murderer.
Speaker 1 C Speaker 4 D
Officer And that the murderer likes a drink.
Speaker 2 F Speaker 5 B
Inspector That s right. This ruled out McKenzie and
Speaker 3 A
pointed to either Prince or Carlyle who
Extra letter: E
both drink. There was, however, a half-
finished cigarette in the ashtray. We found
no cigarettes belonging to Miller in the
Speaker 1 For some people it s a harmless enough
house, so we assume he was a non-
activity. They can have the odd bet, buy
smoker. The only smoker amongst our
the occasional lottery ticket and it
suspects is McKenzie. We also found a
doesn t do them any harm. But for me it
lady s scarf on one of the chairs, again
was much more than that. It was like an
pointing to the housekeeper. Also the
obsession; it ended up controlling me
Hoover was still in the room and it was
rather than the other way round. Of
plugged in! That told me she must have
course, you always think you re going
been in the house at the time of the
to win; you never think you re going to
murder, otherwise it would have been put
lose. Fortunately, I was one of the lucky
ones; I got help and my family were very
Officer Then of course there was the fact that
supportive. And I don t have a problem
explosives were used &
with it any more & I don t think it s
considered a problem by society in the
Inspector & and McKenzie s husband is in prison for
same way that alcoholism is, for example,
using explosives. It seems he d taught her
but I think it should be. It can be just as
how to blow a safe.
serious a problem as being an alcoholic.
62 UNIT 12 SOCIETY Oxford University Press

Speaker 2 Some people say that drugs are largely to
Speaking p155
blame and that if they legalised hard
drugs it would make a huge difference to
the figures, but not everyone who breaks
Lead in
the law is a drug addict. That wasn t what
1 Possible answers
drove me to it. It was simply a case of
a The speaker considers the person in question
getting more money. All the activities I ve
been involved in are basically ways of is wearing something ridiculous or has done
making a living. OK, they re easy ways of
something ridiculous to their appearance.
making a living, and I suppose most
b The speaker thinks the person in question
people would say that they were illegal,
needs to be admonished for their bad
but unless I get caught, I ve got no
behaviour or laziness.
intention of doing an ordinary job.
c The speaker is directing this comment at
There s just not enough money in it.
somebody who is behaving in an immature
Speaker 3 When I was at university, I took out a
loan to help me pay my way and by the
d The speaker is directing this comment at
time I graduated I owed Ł4,000. To be
somebody who is behaving in an immature
honest, I wasn t really bothered at first as I
expected to get a good job straight away
e The speaker thinks the person in question is
and be able to pay it back quite quickly.
wearing clothes that are too young for her.
However, I still haven t got a proper job
and now I owe Ł3,000 on my credit cards
2 Possible answers
on top of the bank loan, and I ve got
absolutely no idea what I m going to do. I
People may make disapproving comments like
think most people my age owe money,
this because they dislike people who are different
though maybe not as much as me. It s
to them or because they feel threatened.
partly my fault, but I think credit card
companies and banks are responsible as
3 Possible answers
well. It s just too easy to get credit
1 Many people distrust homeless people, often
making the assumption that they are drug
Speaker 4 Money was always a problem. When I met
addicts or violent in some way.
John he had a good job but he lost it
2 Although many people admire rich people
shortly after we got married. However, I
and would like to be rich, rich people are also
had a job and we thought we could make
disliked by some people.
ends meet. Then I got pregnant and had to
3 The photo shows a positive image of a
give up work to look after the baby. John
still couldn t find a job and by this time disabled person taking part in sport. Although
there was another one on the way. We
there is more acceptance of disabled people in
couldn t afford to buy nice things for the
today s society, they are not always treated
kids or go out or do anything. That s when
equally. They sometimes have difficulties with
we started arguing and from then on
access in public places.
things just got worse. In the end there
4 This photo shows an elderly person taking part
was nothing there and we split up. We
in a race. Some people consider elderly
got divorced last year. I think if we
people have nothing left to contribute to
hadn t had money problems, we might still
society. They are often given poor pensions
be together.
and had housing and are treated in a
Speaker 5 If you owe money you worry about how
patronising way by the media and younger
on earth you are going to pay it back. If
you can t afford to buy your kids presents
for Christmas you get stressed and upset.
Even when you ve got enough money, you
Long turn
think you need more. You get caught up
4 Possible answers
in the rat race, end up working too hard,
and if you don t do something about it
Photo 1 shows someone who is homeless,
you can find yourself having a heart
possibly asking for money from people walking
attack when you re still in your forties,
by but being ignored. Photo 2 shows someone
just like I did. Now I realise there are far
who is obviously rich from her clothes and the
more important things in life than money.
way she looks, with someone paying her lots of
Money, whether we have it or we don t,
attention. Being rich doesn t necessarily make
just causes problems.
Oxford University Press SOCIETY UNIT 12 63

you happy, but it may solve a lot of problems.
4 Key
Nevertheless, many people believe they could be
1 D 6 B 11 A
happy if they were rich.
2 C 7 D 12 D
Photos 3 and 4 both show people taking part in
3 A 8 C 13 A
sporting events. The competitions are different,
4 C 9 A 14 B
however. The person in Photo 3 is much
5 B 10 B 15 D
younger, but is handicapped  this person is
taking part in a wheelchair race. The person in
Photo 4 is quite old but seems to be healthy. I
admire both people but possibly the wheelchair
Writing p158
athlete more because they have overcome a
greater physical difficulty.
Lead in
1 Possible answers
Ways of raising money: the lottery; sponsored
Grammar and practice p156
events; holding an international concert;
collecting money; asking for donations; holding
fętes or fairs; charity shops; fundraising events on
Lead in
1 Possible answers
a The lottery is likely to raise the most money
a If you add the first two figures of your age
on a regular basis, although a concert or an
multiple by the second then divide by the first
evening of fundraising by celebrities on TV
& it won t change a thing you ll be a year
would raise the most in one go.
b Collecting money in the street would
b You know you re getting on when someone
probably be the easiest to organise.
gives you a cake & and you can t see it for the
c The secret of staying young is the careful use
of make-up & just make up an age and stick 2 Key
to it.
a formal
The cards show that people often make jokes b suggestions on how to raise money to buy the
about getting older and that older people are new equipment
teased about their appearance and their memory. c yes
3 Key
a two  organise a sponsored race, charge an
2 Key
entrance fee for the next end-of-year concert
1 a7 a13 an
2  8 an 14 a 4 Key
3  9  15 the
Since all the proceeds would go the hospital I
4 the 10 The 16 the
am certain our parents would be happy to
5 the 11 the 17 
6  12 a
5 Possible answers
a You could collect money in the town centre
on a Saturday, which is the busiest time.
Vocabulary p157
b We collected a lot of money so that the
hospital was able to buy the equipment it
Multiple-choice cloze
c They were able to buy a kidney dialysis
3 Key
machine in addition to some toys.
a every two years
d Despite the weather being very bad, people
b Ł220 million
still collected a lot of money.
c comedians and ordinary people
e As the concert was a huge success, we re going
to organise another one next year.
64 UNIT 12 SOCIETY Oxford University Press

f Children donated both toys they don t play 3 to let his mother hit
with any more and books they don t read any 4 was interested in helping
more. 5 must have heard
g Not only was the sponsored ride very 6 might not have wanted
enjoyable, but it also raised a lot of money. 7 that the elderly keep/for the elderly to keep
h As well as offering a prize of a dinner for two, 8 was such a successful concert
a local restaurant also have a donation to the
2 Key
i Although the school raised Ł500, it wasn t
enough to buy the equipment.
1 The 1 
j the head teacher thanked all the students who
2  2 
had helped to make the event a success.
3 a 3 a
4  4 the
5  5 a
6 A/The 6 the
7 the 7 The
Overview p159
8 a 8 the
9 the
1 Key
10 the
1 was arrested for vandalising
2 he owed his success to
Oxford University Press SOCIETY UNIT 12 65
