
Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul - Education in the New Age - II - The Nature of

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Education in the New Age - Chapter II - The Nature of Esotericism

The esotericist in training has, therefore:
To become aware of the nature of the forces which constitute his personality equipment
and which he himself magnetically brought into expression in the three worlds. They form a
combination of active forces; he must learn to differentiate between strictly physical
energy, which is automatic in its response to other and inner energies, and those which
come from emotional and mental levels of consciousness, focusing through the etheric body
which, in turn, motivates and galvanizes his physical vehicle into certain activities.
To become sensitive to the impelling energies of the soul, emanating from the higher
mental levels. These seek to control the forces of the threefold man when a certain
definite point in evolution is reached.
To recognize the conditioning energies in his [62] environment, seeing them not as
events or circumstances but as energy in action; by this means he learns to find
his way behind the scene of outer happenings into the world of energies, seeking contact
and qualifying for the bringing about of certain activities. He thus acquires entrance
into the world of meaning. Events, circumstances, happenings and physical phenomena of
every kind are simply symbols of what is occurring in the inner worlds, and it is into
these worlds that the esotericist must enter as far as his perception permits; he will
sequentially discover worlds which will call for his scientific penetration.
For the majority of aspirants, the Hierarchy itself remains an esoteric realm which
demands discovery and which will accept penetration. I am choosing my words with care in
an effort to evoke your esoteric response.Beyond this point of humanity's destined goal
I seek not to go; to initiates and disciples who have not yet taken the Initiation of
Transfiguration, the higher realms of awareness and the "secret Place of the Most
High" (the Council Chamber of Sanat Kumara) remain deeply esoteric. It is a higher
realm of energies - planetary, extra-planetary and interplanetary; with them educators
have no concern and with their consideration the teaching staff of an esoteric school is
not called upon to deal. The task is to train students in the recognition of energy and
force; to discriminate between the various types of energy, both in relation to themselves
and to world affairs, and to begin to relate that which is seen and experienced to that
which is unseen, conditioning and determining. This is the esoteric task.

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