actions commandline

// Modified by Dean Wood 05.10.01
// Changed hard-coded 7s to cursorXOffset

// ***** process (int) *****
// IN: 1 integer representing the keycode of a key pressed
// DO: process the key by calling other functions
// NOTE:
// process is a global variable name. it can be assigned with another function name.
// that means process is a pointer variable to other functions.
// ie, the following line, when the key capturing event calls process(keycode),
// it will call the router_startup_processStartUp() function.

var process = router_startup_processStartUp;
var processName = new String("router_startup_processStartUp"); // a global variable storing which function is currently pointed by process.

var doneIsWaiting = false;

// ***** commandline_changeProcess (str) *****
//IN: p = string, name of a function (next process to run)
//DO: assign this function to the process 'p'
function commandline_changeProcess(p) {
if (doneIsWaiting)
doneIsWaiting = false;
p = "";
_root.active_router.hostname = ""
msgNotice("\nCongratulations !!!!!\nYou have Successfully Completed the Lab-Drill Excercise\n")
processName = p;

//the current process is set to the 'p' process
eval("_root.r" + _root.active_router + ".processCurrent") = p;
process = eval(p);

// ***** commandline_processCommandLine(int) *****
//IN: keycode = int, represents the keycode of a key pressed
// NOTE: This is the most common process function because the user is at
// the command line most of the time.
//DO: process a key entered at the command line
function commandline_processCommandLine(keycode) {

//special keycodes temporarily defined
var KEY_CTRL = -10;
var KEY_TAB = -11;

//this.controlCharPressed = 0;
//this.lineIndexCounter = 0;

// use this as a pointer to the visible router object
var rptr = eval("_root.r" + _root.VISIBLE_ROUTER);

// use this as a pointer to the active router object
var rptr2 = eval("_root.r" + _root.active_router);

//resets the more function scroll; tells the more function to count
//the number of lines printed starting from the line when this
//function is called
rptr.scrollStartLine = rptr.lastDLine - 23;


if (rptr.controlCharPressed == 0) {

if (keycode == KEY_CTRL) {

// key is pressed

//set the rptr.controlCharPressed switch so that the
//next key to be pressed, becomes part of a
//-something sequence
rptr.controlCharPressed = 1;

} else {

//the key pressed was anything but , so
//interpret the keypress like normal

if (keycode == 8) {

//BACKSPACE detected: delete 1 character if
//the input is longer than 0.

if (rptr.lineIndexCounter > 0) {
//we only need to delete a character if there are
//characters to delete. if lineIndexCounter is <= 0,
//then there are no characters on the command line

if (rptr.INPUT.length == rptr.lineIndexCounter) {
//the cursor is at the end of the commandline
//input. no need to do anything special to
//remove it

//erase last character position and adjust rptr.lineIndexCounter
rptr.INPUT = rptr.INPUT.substring(0,rptr.INPUT.length-1);

//Move the rptr.lineIndexCounter one postion to the left to
//account for removed character
rptr.lineIndexCounter -=1;

//actually erase one character from the line
//buffer as well, and reprint the commandline

} else {
//cursor is not at the end of the command line input,
//we need to delete from some other part of it.

//decrement the cursor pointer
rptr.lineIndexCounter -=1;

//remove the character denoted by 'rptr.lineIndexCounter'
//from the command line input string
rptr.INPUT = rptr.INPUT.substr(0,rptr.lineIndexCounter)+rptr.INPUT.substr(rptr.lineIndexCounter+1,rptr.INPUT.length+1-rptr.lineIndexCounter);

//remove the correct character from the output buffer
//and reprint the output buffer to the Hyperterminal window
var grab = rptr.lineIndexCounter + rptr.PROMPT.length;
rptr.line[rptr.lastLine] = rptr.line[rptr.lastLine].substr(0,grab) + rptr.line[rptr.lastLine].substr(grab+1,rptr.line[rptr.lastLine].length+1-grab);

//move the cursor over one character to the left
//to account for the deleted character
rptr.cursorX = rptr2.PROMPT.length + rptr.lineIndexCounter;
_root.HyperTerminal.cursor._x = + rptr.cursorXOffset * rptr.cursorX;

} //end if(rptr.lineIndexCounter > 0)

} else if (keycode == 13) {

//ENTER detected--the command entry is finished. now,
//the entire current command line string is to be parsed...
//...reset the cursor pointer, as well.

rptr.lineIndexCounter = 0;
} else if (keycode == -1) {

//we are returning from a popup box display, so no
//newline needed when the next prompt is
//printed (0 is the flag value)
rptr.lineIndexCounter = 0;
rptr.HELPING = false;

} else if (keycode == KEY_TAB) {

// detected

//prevent the Flash projector
//from "stealing" the tab

//try to match the current command line
//input to existing commands..
commands_tabCompleteCommand(eval(rptr2.MODE+"C"), rptr.INPUT);

} else {

//all other keys
//begin for the configuration mode of the routers -- suresh
//if the user is in the erase command then what ever character the user presses
//it is checked and action is performed
if ( eval("config" + _root.active_router) == "erase"){
eval("config" + _root.active_router) = "normal"; //resetting the mode back to normal
rptr.lineIndexCounter = 0;
//checking if the user presses y or Y
if (keycode == 121 || keycode == 89)
COMMAND[0] = "y";
COMMAND[0] = "n";
rptr.INPUT = "";
//end for the configuration mode of the routers -- suresh
if (keycode == 63)
if (!isComputer() && !isNameOnly())
//'?' detected

//print the key that was pressed out to the console

//the user pressed "?", then turn on HELPING.
rptr2.HELPING = true;
else if(isComputer())
// When the user is on a computer, please make them know there are no ? help
errorNotice("On workstations, there are no '?' help commands. Supported commands: ping, tracert, telnet");
else if(isNameOnly())

} else if (rptr.INPUT.length == rptr.lineIndexCounter) {
//the cursor is at the end of the commandline,
//so just append this new incoming character to
//the end of the commandline input

//print the key that was pressed out to the console

//add the character pressed to the router's
//input buffer
rptr.INPUT += chr(keycode);

//update the cursor pointer
rptr.lineIndexCounter += 1;

} else {

//the cursor is somewhere in the middle of the
//current command line input (at location 'rptr.indexLineCounter').
//this new key that was pressed must be inserted into the
//commandline input at the specified location.

//add the character to the middle of the
//command line input buffer
rptr.INPUT = rptr.INPUT.substr(0,rptr.lineIndexCounter) + chr(keycode) + rptr.INPUT.substr(rptr.lineIndexCounter,rptr.INPUT.length+1-rptr.lineIndexCounter);

//add the character to the middle of the
//output buffer
var grab = rptr.lineIndexCounter + rptr.PROMPT.length;
rptr.line[rptr.lastLine] = rptr.line[rptr.lastLine].substr(0,grab) + chr(keycode) + rptr.line[rptr.lastLine].substr(grab,rptr.line[rptr.lastLine].length+1-grab);

//update the display with the new character
//inserted somewhere in the middle...
//trace("LINE INDEX COUNTER = " + rptr.lineIndexCounter);
//reposition the cursor to accomodate for the added character
rptr.cursorX = rptr.PROMPT.length + rptr.lineIndexCounter + 1;
_root.HyperTerminal.cursor._x = + rptr.cursorXOffset * rptr.cursorX;

//increment the cursor pointer
rptr.lineIndexCounter +=1;

} //end if (keycode == 63)

} //end keycode if-else-if chain

} //end if (keycode == 17) else..

} else { //if (rptr.controlCharPressed == 0)

//this part of the if-else block executes if the key
//has been pressed--the next character matched will complete
//a control key sequence to be interpreted as a command
//currently supported control sequences:
// = move cursor one character to the left
// = move cursor one character to the right
// = move cursor to beginning of command line input
// = move cursor to end of command line input
// = shortcut for "end" (exits config modes)
// = move to prev line in the command history
// = move to next line in the command history
// = [currently not implemented]

//reset the control character switch
rptr.controlCharPressed = 0;

//the following if-else-if.. block interprets the second half
//of the control key sequence:
if ((keycode == 98) || (keycode == 66)) {

// or detected

//move cursor one character left

} else if ((keycode == 102) || (keycode == 70)) {

// or detected

//move cursor one character right

} else if ((keycode == 97) || (keycode == 65)) {

// or detected
//move to beginning of input line

//set cursor pointer to the beginning of the
//current command line input string
rptr.lineIndexCounter = 0;

//move the cursor to the beginning of the
//command line input string
rptr.cursorX = rptr.PROMPT.length;
_root.HyperTerminal.cursor._x = + rptr.cursorXOffset * rptr.cursorX;

} else if ((keycode == 101) || (keycode == 69)) {

//begin commented for template
// or detected
//move to end of input line

//set cursor pointer to the length of the
//current command line input string (the end
//of the command line input string)
rptr.lineIndexCounter = rptr.INPUT.length;

//move the cursor to the end of the
//command line input string
rptr.cursorX = rptr.PROMPT.length + rptr.INPUT.length;
_root.HyperTerminal.cursor._x = + rptr.cursorXOffset * rptr.cursorX;
//end commented for template

} else if ((keycode == 122) || (keycode == 90)) {

// or detected

//exits configuration mode, or any of
//the configuration submodes
//begin commented for template
/*if (!((rptr2.MODE == "user") || (rptr2.MODE == "enable"))) {

//this if-statement only executes if the user
//is in configuration mode, or in one of the
//configuration submodes (i.e. not in user or
//enable mode)

//substitute the "end" command into the input line
rptr.INPUT = "end";

//do commandline parse and execution--the 0 flag
//denotes that this "end" command wont be stored
//in the command history
//end commented for template

} else if ((keycode == 112) || (keycode == 80)) {

// or detected

//move to previous line in command history (same
//routine as pressing up arrow

} else if ((keycode == 110) || (keycode == 78)) {

// or detected

//move to next line in command history (same
//routine as pressing down arrow)

} else if ((keycode == 99) || (keycode == 67)) {

// or detected

//'break'--this will put user in common mode
//if issues right after reload command.

//not implemented yet..

} else {}

} //if (rptr.controlCharPressed == 0)


//*** commandline_arrowLeft()
//DO: moves the cursor one character to the left
function commandline_arrowLeft() {

//move cursor one character left

var rptr = eval("_root.r" + _root.VISIBLE_ROUTER);

if (rptr.lineIndexCounter > 0) {

//if characters exist to back up to (>0),
//then back up the pointer one character.
rptr.lineIndexCounter -= 1;

//move the cursor one character
//backward on the screen
rptr.cursorX -= 1;
_root.HyperTerminal.cursor._x = + rptr.cursorXOffset * rptr.cursorX;


//*** commandline_arrowRight()
//DO: moves the cursor one character to the right
function commandline_arrowRight() {

//move cursor one character to the right
var rptr = eval("_root.r" + _root.VISIBLE_ROUTER);

if (rptr.lineIndexCounter < rptr.INPUT.length) {

//if the cursor isn't all the way to the
//end of the commandline text, then
//move it one position to the right
rptr.lineIndexCounter +=1;

//move the cursor one character
//forward on the screen
rptr.cursorX += 1;
_root.HyperTerminal.cursor._x = + rptr.cursorXOffset * rptr.cursorX;

// ***** commandline_parseCommandLine(int flag_prNewline, int flag_storeInHist)
//IN: flag_prNewline = int, flag whether or not to print a newline
// before the current command is parsed/interpreted
// (1 prints the newline, 0 does not).
// 2 = perfect config hack
// flag_storeInHist = int, flag that determines whether or not to
// add this command to the command history
// (1 adds to history, 0 does not).
// rptr.INPUT = the command line input string
//DO: split up the command line input into an array with multiple elements.
// each element is a word separated by one or more spaces at the command line.
// The commands_useCommand function to interpret the input...
function commandline_parseCommandLine(flag_prNewline, flag_storeInHist) {

// use this as a pointer to the visible router object
var rptr = eval("_root.r" + _root.VISIBLE_ROUTER);

// use this as a pointer to the active router object
var actrptr = eval("_root.r" + _root.active_router);

//separate the command line input (rptr.INPUT) into different words,
//using the space " " as a delimiter. COMMAND is an array of strings,
//the individual words
COMMAND = rptr.INPUT.split(" ");
for (var i = 0; i < COMMAND.length; i++) {

//removes the empty "" elements from
//the COMMAND array
if (COMMAND[i] == "") {

if (flag_prNewline == 1) {
//if 'flag_prNewline' is 1, print a newline.

//if the input command is not empty or "?" is pressed
if ((COMMAND.length != 0) || (actrptr.HELPING == true)) {

//if "?" WASN'T pressed, store this input command
//line to the history buffer
if (actrptr.HELPING == false) {

//if 'flag_storeInHist' is 1,
//store this command in
//the history buffer
if (flag_storeInHist == 1) {

//begin for the configuration mode of the routers -- suresh
//checking if the user is in any of the commands like "config", "erase",
//"start", "run" or "telnet"
// reason is :- if the user types any of the above command then the corresponding
//question has to be asked. since for every key pressed it comes to this function
//we are checking for these commands when the user enters something after these commands
//were shown.
//we can acheive the same functionality by changing the process. But then we need to
//check for every key pressed in all of the process.

if ( eval("config" + _root.active_router) == "normal"){
//"use" this command (interpret the commandline input)
var returnvalue = commands_useCommand(eval(actrptr.MODE+"C"), 0);
//calling the processStep function of the lab-drill -- suresh
else if ( eval("config" + _root.active_router) == "config"){
eval("config" + _root.active_router) = "normal";
else if ( eval("config" + _root.active_router) == "erase"){
eval("config" + _root.active_router) = "normal";
else if ( eval("config" + _root.active_router) == "start"){
eval("config" + _root.active_router) = "normal";
else if ( eval("config" + _root.active_router) == "run"){
eval("config" + _root.active_router) = "normal";
else if ( eval("config" + _root.active_router) == "telnethost"){
eval("config" + _root.active_router) = "normal";
//end for the configuration mode of the routers -- suresh
else if ( eval("config" + _root.active_router) == "config") {
//begin for the configuration mode of the router -- suresh
eval("config" + _root.active_router) = "normal";
else if ( eval("config" + _root.active_router) == "erase") {
//begin for the configuration mode of the router -- suresh
eval("config" + _root.active_router) = "normal";
else if ( eval("config" + _root.active_router) == "start") {
//begin for the configuration mode of the router -- suresh
eval("config" + _root.active_router) = "normal";
else if ( eval("config" + _root.active_router) == "run") {
//begin for the configuration mode of the router -- suresh
eval("config" + _root.active_router) = "normal";
else if ( eval("config" + _root.active_router) == "telnethost"){
eval("config" + _root.active_router) = "normal";
//end for the configuration mode of the router -- suresh

//if the process is "commandline_processCommandLine",
//then print the command line.
if (processName == "commandline_processCommandLine")

// ***** commandline_commandLine() *****
//IN: rptr.PROMPT, the command line prompt
// rptr.INPUT, the command line input
//DO: echo the command line prompt to the console
//OUT: the command line prompt is printed to the screen
function commandline_commandLine() {

// use this as a pointer to the active router object
var rptr = eval("_root.r" + _root.active_router);

var rptr2 = eval("_root.r" + _root.VISIBLE_ROUTER);

//print out the current prompt

if (rptr.HELPING == true) {

//HELPING is on (==true), that means "?" has been pressed. the
//command line will show the input of the last input before "?".
// else, clear the input
rptr.HELPING = false;
} else {

//the command line prompt has been printed, and is ready for the
//next command from the user--clear the input buffer to prepare
//for the next command to be typed.
rptr2.INPUT = "";

//reset the COMMAND array, which will be used to hold the next
//command line input that is parsed
COMMAND = new Array();

// commandline_setMode(arg1, arg2)
//IN: arg1 = string, the new mode to change the router to
// arg2 = string, router name in which to change the mode
//DO: Changes the current mode to the new mode
//OUT: the current mode is changed to 'newMode' on the 'rtrName' router,
// and the command prompt will change to the reflect the new mode
function commandline_setMode(arg1, arg2) {

var rptr = eval("_root.r" + arg2); //pointer to router that will
//get its mode changed

// *********** for loading command arrays *******
//trace("stepnum " + _root.stepnum);
var stepDevice = _root.routerInfoArray[_root.routerUsedForThisStep[_root.stepnum]].deviceType;
//trace("device for this step: " + stepDevice);
if (eval("_root.loadedCommands." + arg1) != stepDevice)
eval("_root.loadedCommands." + arg1) = stepDevice;
//trace("loading " + stepDevice + "/" + arg1 + ".swf");

eval("_root." + arg1 + "C") = new Array();

loadMovie(_level0.EngineDir + stepDevice + "/" + arg1 + ".swf", _root.CommandLoad);

// ***********************************************

//holds the string that is the new prompt
var p = "";

if (arg1 == "user") {

if (deviceUsed != "Switch 4006 Sup 2")
p = ">";
p = "> ";

} else if (arg1 == "enable") {

if (deviceUsed != "Switch 4006 Sup 2")
p = "#";
p = "> (enable) ";

} else if (arg1 == "global") {

p = "(config)#";


else if (arg1.substr(0, 3) == "int") {
p = "(config-if)#";

else if (arg1.substr(0, 3) == "sub") {
p = "(config-subif)#";

else if (arg1.substr(0, 4) == "line") {
p = "(config-line)#";

else if (arg1.substr(0, 6) == "router") {
p = "(config-router)#";

else if (arg1.indexOf("controller") == 0) {
p = "(config-controller)#";

else if (arg1 == "extNacl") {
p = "(config-ext-nacl)#";

else if (arg1 == "mapClass") {
p = "(config-map-class)#";

else if (arg1 == "timeRange") {
p = "(config-time-range)#";

else if (arg1 == "dhcp") {
p = "(dhcp-config)#";

else if (arg1 == "routeMap") {
p = "(config-route-map)#";

else if (arg1 == "classMap") {
p = "(config-cmap)#";

else if (arg1 == "policyMap") {
p = "(config-pmap)#";

else if (arg1 == "policyMapClass") {
p = "(config-pmap-c)#";

else if (arg1 == "vlanDB") {
p = "(vlan)#";
else if (arg1 == "ATMPVC") {
p = "(config-if-atm-vc)#";
else if (arg1 == "DOS")
p = " C:\\>";
else if (arg1 == "NameOnly")
p = "";

//set the new prompt and mode on the router in question
rptr.PROMPT = + p;
rptr.MODE = arg1;

// ***** commandline_matchKey(int, char) *****
//IN: keycode = int, representing the keycode of the key pressed
// letter = char, 1 character
//DO: determines if given 'keycode' represents the character 'letter'
//OUT: true = if character represented by 'keycode' matches 'letter'
// false = no match
function commandline_matchKey(keycode, letter) {

return (chr(keycode).toUpperCase() == letter.toUpperCase());

//begin for the configuration mode of the routers -- suresh

// ***** processConfig(commandArray) *****
//IN: commandArray = array, representing all the options under the configure mode
//DO: determines if the parameter given for the configure mode is one of its valid option

function processConfig(commandArray)
var rptr = eval("_root.r" + _root.active_router);
var arrayptr = eval(rptr.MODE + "C")["configure"];

//if the user did not type any option then by default the terminal option is chosen
if (COMMAND.length == 0)
COMMAND[0] = "terminal";

for (var i=0; i if (COMMAND[0].toLowerCase() == commandArray[i].substring(0,COMMAND[0].length).toLowerCase()) {

//if for the option there is a .enter function then execute it
if (typeof(arrayptr[commandArray[i]].enter) == "function") {
else {
rptr.PROMPT = + "#";

output_write("?Must be 'terminal', 'memory' or 'network'");
rptr.PROMPT = + "#";


//end for the configuration mode of the routers -- suresh

//begin for the configuration mode of the routers -- suresh

// ***** processrase() *****
//DO: Erases the startup configuration of the active router

function processErase()
//if the user did not type any option then by default the terminal option is chosen

if (COMMAND.length == 0)
COMMAND[0] = "y";

if (COMMAND[0].toLowerCase() == "y") {
eval("_root.r" + _root.active_router + ".eraseFlag") = false;
if(_root.active_router == "RouterA") {

//re-set the values
rptr = eval("_root.rRouterA.startup_file");
rptr.e0.exist = true;
rptr.e1.exist = true;
rptr.s0.exist = true;
rptr.hostname = "Router";
rptr.secret = "";
rptr.password = "";
} else if(_root.active_router == "RouterB"){

//re-set the values
rptr = eval("_root.rRouterB.startup_file");
rptr.e0.exist = true;
rptr.s0.exist = true;
rptr.s1.exist = true;
rptr.hostname = "Router";
rptr.secret = "";
rptr.password = "";

} else if(_root.active_router == "RouterC"){

//re-set the values
rptr = eval("_root.rRouterC.startup_file");
rptr.e0.exist = true;
rptr.s0.exist = true;
rptr.s1.exist = true;
rptr.hostname = "Router";
rptr.secret = "";
rptr.password = "";

} else if(_root.active_router == "RouterD"){

//re-set the values
rptr = eval("_root.rRouterD.startup_file");
rptr.e0.exist = true;
rptr.s1.exist = true;
rptr.hostname = "Router";
rptr.secret = "";
rptr.password = "";
} else if(_root.active_router == "RouterE"){

//re-set the values
rptr = eval("_root.rRouterE.startup_file");
rptr.e0.exist = true;
rptr.hostname = new String("Router");
rptr.secret = new String("");
rptr.password = new String("");
output_write("Erase of nvram: complete");
var temprptr = eval("_root.r" + _root.active_router);
temprptr.PROMPT = + "#"; //re-set the prompt


//end for the configuration mode of the routers -- suresh

//begin modified by suresh as in router 2500 OS 12.0
// ***** copyRunToStartup() *****
//DO: copies the running configuration to the startup configuration of the active router
function copyRunToStartup()
var rptr = eval("_root.r" + _root.active_router);
//if the user did not type any option then by default the startup-config option is chosen
if (COMMAND.length == 0)
COMMAND[0] = new String("startup-config");
if (COMMAND[0] == "startup-config") {

with(eval("_root.r" + _root.active_router))
output_write("Building configuration...\n", "PAUSE\n");
eraseFlag = true;
startup_file.line.con_login = run.line.con_login; // console login
startup_file.line.con_password = run.line.con_password; //console password
startup_file.line.aux_login = run.line.aux_login; // aux login
startup_file.line.aux_password = run.line.aux_password; //aux password
startup_file.line.vty_login = run.line.vty_login; //virtual terminal login
startup_file.line.vty_password = run.line.vty_password; //virtualterminal password

//global configuration

// RIP =; = new Array();
for (var i=0; i[i] =[i];

// IGRP =; = new Array();
for (var i=0; i {[i] = new Array();
for (var j=0; j[i][j] =[i][j];

//ip host table = new Array(); = new Array();
for (var i=0; i[i] =[i];
for (var i=0; i {[i] = new Array();
for (var j=0; j[i][j] =[i][j];

//interface ethernet 0 configuration

startup_file.e0.exist = run.e0.exist; // determine if interface is there or not
startup_file.e0.description = run.e0.description; // interface description
startup_file.e0.ip = run.e0.ip; //ip address of interface
startup_file.e0.subnet = run.e0.subnet; // subnet mask
startup_file.e0.shutdown = run.e0.shutdown; // shutdown ?
startup_file.e0.clockrate = run.e0.clockrate; // used only by serial 0

//interface ethernet 1 configuration

startup_file.e1.exist = run.e1.exist; // determine if interface is there or not
startup_file.e1.description = run.e1.description; // interface description
startup_file.e1.ip = run.e1.ip; //ip address of interface
startup_file.e1.subnet = run.e1.subnet; // subnet mask
startup_file.e1.shutdown = run.e1.shutdown; // shutdown ?
startup_file.e1.clockrate = run.e1.clockrate; // used only by serial 0

//interface serial 0 configuration

startup_file.s0.exist = run.s0.exist; // determine if interface is there or not
startup_file.s0.description = run.s0.description; // interface description
startup_file.s0.ip = run.s0.ip; //ip address of interface
startup_file.s0.subnet = run.s0.subnet; // subnet mask
startup_file.s0.shutdown = run.s0.shutdown; // shutdown ?
startup_file.s0.clockrate = run.s0.clockrate; // used only by serial 0

//interface serial 1 configuration

startup_file.s1.exist = run.s1.exist; // determine if interface is there or not
startup_file.s1.description = run.s1.description; // interface description
startup_file.s1.ip = run.s1.ip; //ip address of interface
startup_file.s1.subnet = run.s1.subnet; // subnet mask
startup_file.s1.shutdown = run.s1.shutdown; // shutdown ?
startup_file.s1.clockrate = run.s1.clockrate; // used only by serial 0

startup_file.hostname = run.hostname; //Router hostname
startup_file.secret = run.secret; // secret password (enable secret)
startup_file.password = run.password;// enable password =;


else {
commandline_showErrorMsg("File Name has to be startup-config");
rptr.PROMPT = + "#";


// ***** copyStartupToRun() *****
//DO: copies the startup configuration to the running configuration of the active router
function copyStartupToRun()
var rptr = eval("_root.r" + _root.active_router);
//if the user did not type any option then by default the running-config option is chosen
if (COMMAND.length == 0)
COMMAND[0] = "running-config";
if (COMMAND[0] == "running-config") {

with(eval("_root.r" + _root.active_router))
run.line.con_login = startup_file.line.con_login; // console login
run.line.con_password = startup_file.line.con_password; //console password
run.line.aux_login = startup_file.line.aux_login; // aux login
run.line.aux_password = startup_file.line.aux_password; //aux password
run.line.vty_login = startup_file.line.vty_login; //virtual terminal login
run.line.vty_password = startup_file.line.vty_password; //virtualterminal password

//global configuration

// RIP =; = new Array();
for (var i=0; i[i] =[i];

// IGRP =; = new Array();
for (var i=0; i {[i] = new Array();
for (var j=0; j[i][j] =[i][j];

//ip host table = new Array(); = new Array();
for (var i=0; i[i] =[i];
for (var i=0; i {[i] = new Array();
for (var j=0; j[i][j] =[i][j];

//interface ethernet 0 configuration

run.e0.exist = startup_file.e0.exist; // determine if interface is there or not
run.e0.description = startup_file.e0.description; // interface description
run.e0.ip = startup_file.e0.ip; //ip address of interface
run.e0.subnet = startup_file.e0.subnet; // subnet mask
run.e0.shutdown = startup_file.e0.shutdown; // shutdown ?
run.e0.clockrate = startup_file.e0.clockrate; // used only by serial 0

//interface ethernet 1 configuration

run.e1.exist = startup_file.e1.exist; // determine if interface is there or not
run.e1.description = startup_file.e1.description; // interface description
run.e1.ip = startup_file.e1.ip; //ip address of interface
run.e1.subnet = startup_file.e1.subnet; // subnet mask
run.e1.shutdown = startup_file.e1.shutdown; // shutdown ?
run.e1.clockrate = startup_file.e1.clockrate; // used only by serial 0

//interface serial 0 configuration

run.s0.exist = startup_file.s0.exist; // determine if interface is there or not
run.s0.description = startup_file.s0.description; // interface description
run.s0.ip = startup_file.s0.ip; //ip address of interface
run.s0.subnet = startup_file.s0.subnet; // subnet mask
run.s0.shutdown = startup_file.s0.shutdown; // shutdown ?
run.s0.clockrate = startup_file.s0.clockrate; // used only by serial 0

//interface serial 1 configuration

run.s1.exist = startup_file.s1.exist; // determine if interface is there or not
run.s1.description = startup_file.s1.description; // interface description
run.s1.ip = startup_file.s1.ip; //ip address of interface
run.s1.subnet = startup_file.s1.subnet; // subnet mask
run.s1.shutdown = startup_file.s1.shutdown; // shutdown ?
run.s1.clockrate = startup_file.s1.clockrate; // used only by serial 0

run.hostname = startup_file.hostname; //Router hostname
run.secret = startup_file.secret; // secret password (enable secret)
run.password = starupt_file.password; // enable password =;

output_write("979 bytes copied in 4.940 secs (244 bytes/sec)\n");

commandline_setMode("enable", _root.active_router);

// updating the routing table
else {
commandline_showErrorMsg("File Name has to be running-config");

rptr.PROMPT = + "#";

// ***** commandline_showErrorMsg(errMessage)*****
//IN: errMessage = denotes the message that needs to be displayed in the error message dialog
//DO: gets the error message and displays the message in the error message dialog.

function commandline_showErrorMsg(errMessage)
_root.HyperTerminal.errorWindow.msg = errMessage;
_root.HyperTerminal.errorWindow._visible = true;

if (_root.VISIBLE_ROUTER != "RouterA") {
_root.Menu.disabledRouterA._visible = true;
_root.Menu.mRouterA._visible = false;
if (_root.VISIBLE_ROUTER != "RouterB") {
_root.Menu.disabledRouterB._visible = true;
_root.Menu.mRouterB._visible = false;
if (_root.VISIBLE_ROUTER != "RouterC") {
_root.Menu.disabledRouterC._visible = true;
_root.Menu.mRouterC._visible = false;
if (_root.VISIBLE_ROUTER != "RouterD") {
_root.Menu.disabledRouterD._visible = true;
_root.Menu.mRouterD._visible = false;
if (_root.VISIBLE_ROUTER != "RouterE") {
_root.Menu.disabledRouterE._visible = true;
_root.Menu.mRouterE._visible = false;
//end modified by suresh as in router 2500 OS 12.0

//begin suresh for telnet
//if the user types telnet without giving the ip address then this function will be called
// ***** doTelnet() *****
//DO: get the ip address and call the checkhost function
function doTelnet()
var rptr = eval("_root.r" + _root.active_router);
if ( COMMAND.length == 1) {
else {
commands_invalidInput(this, COMMAND[0]);
commandline_setMode(rptr.MODE, _root.VISIBLE_ROUTER);

//end suresh for telnet


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