'Building the Pack 3 The Alpha's Only

Tiberius has met the man he wishes for his own,
but Keir isn t willing to be one of many. He plans
to be the Alpha s only.
Tiberius, Alpha of the Black Creek pack, is tired of
being alone. When Keir, a new Beta joins the pack,
Tiber is startled to learn he s found his mate. Keir
isn t interested in becoming one of a couple of
Alpha mates. He plans to be the one and only.
First, however, they need to defeat their enemies
and weed out the ones who are trying to destroy
them from within.
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The Alpha s Only
Copyright © 2013 Amber Kell
ISBN: 978-1-77111-665-7
Cover art by Angela Waters
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Published by eXtasy Books
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The Alpha s Only
Building the Pack 3
Amber Kell
For Stephanie Hecht and RJ Scott
who agreed to write this trilogy with me
Chapter One
iberius examined the footsteps in the soft
earth. Following the trail for a few yards
revealed a progression from bare feet to paw
prints large paw prints.
 These could be Oscar s, they are certainly large
enough, Connor, the new sheriff of Black Creek,
 Could be. The faint, familiar smell of the
black wolf still wafted in the air, but not strongly
enough to indicate the shifter had lingered in the
area. A slight breeze brought the strong smell of
blood from the same direction.
 Why would he return? He has to know we re
hunting him. He might be a bigger wolf, but he
can still be taken down by a pack. Not to mention
you shot him last time.
The sheriff crouched over the marks in the
ground.  He s after something. If we figure out
what, maybe we can determine where he might
have gone and where he ll be later.
Tiber inhaled deeply, trying to pick up the
wolf s scent. He expected to smell Oscar s distinct
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stench of fury and filth. Instead a deeper, richer
fragrance greeted him. Delicious.
 Someone besides Oscar went this way.
As if under a compulsion, Tiber headed after
the scent. He didn t bother following the tracks.
He didn t need them. Instead, he followed the
amazing scent. It called to him stronger than a
siren s call and twice as alluring.
 Wait up, Tiber!
Connor s footsteps followed him, but he didn t
care. His entire focus, his entire world narrowed
to the aroma beckoning him forward.
Focused on the smell instead of the ground, he
tripped on a branch. Tiber stumbled forward a few
steps only to come to a stop at the sight of an
enormous red wolf lying in the shade. Tiber
frowned at the blood on the beast s muzzle and
the wide bloody scratch bisecting the strange
wolf s side.
 Wow, he s huge, Connor whispered behind
 Yeah. Tiber breathed in deeply. The amazing
smell emitted from the wolf.  Why does he smell
so good?
 Good? I don t smell anything. I mean he
smells like a wolf, nothing special.
Connor stepped forward. Tiber growled.  Don t
get close.
 What s wrong with you? Let me go first. He
The Alpha s Only
might attack.
Tiber frowned at the Beta.  I think your shiny
new sheriff badge is going to your head.
 You re too valuable to lose because you re too
stubborn to take precautions. If this were an Alpha
fight I d step aside, but this is police work.
Tiber opened his mouth to argue, but hated that
Connor might be right. Before he could object, the
sheriff stepped forward, cutting in front of Tiber to
examine the wolf first.
The animal s eyes snapped open. It bared his
teeth at Connor, an unfriendly curl of the lip. Tiber
moved Connor out of the way, then dropped to
his knees beside the growling beast.
 Shh, you re scaring him, Tiber scolded.
 Scaring him. He s going to bite your face off
and then I ll have to tell the pack I let you get
killed. That s not a discussion I want to have with
Tiber ignored the ranting sheriff and held out
his hand, palm up toward the injured animal. The
wolf sniffed at Tiber. Its growl turned to a low
whine, all aggression gone.
 Do you think you can change back now? I
need to talk to you as human. He couldn t exactly
interview the wolf over why he had entered
Tiber s territory without following the proper
channels. The human lurking inside the beast
peered out at him.
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The wolf struggled to get closer to Tiber as if it
couldn t handle the separation between them.
Tiber rewarded it with a scratch behind the ears.
 Hey, it s all right. I just need you to shift so I can
talk to you. You want to talk to me, don t you?
Tiber could ve forced the shifter to change, but
with the cut on the wolf s side he couldn t
determine if it would be dangerous for him to turn
human or not.
 I think we should take him to Josh. Your mate
can let us know if it s safe for him to change.
 How do you think we can get him there?
 I ll carry him.
Connor snorted.  He s massive. You sure you
don t want me to help?
The wolf snapped at Connor, its sharp white
teeth aggressively displayed.
 I m pretty sure he won t let you help. Come
on, boy. Tiber hefted the injured wolf up in his
arms and followed Connor slowly. He let out a
sigh of relief when he spotted Connor s extended
cab truck at the end of the trail. Although the wolf
wasn t too heavy for him, he worried about
causing more damage with his awkward carrying.
Tiber hardened his heart against the soft
whimpers. He had to get the wolf to Josh to check
out his wounds.
 Wait a second I ll get the blanket. Connor
dragged a blanket out of the back of the truck and
The Alpha s Only
laid it across the upholstery.
Tiber set the wolf down, careful of the injury.
 Try to stay as still as possible.
After warning the wolf, he slammed the back
door shut, before climbing into the passenger seat.
He tapped his fingers along his thigh, silently
urging Connor to speed up his driving.
 Hey, everything will be fine. The damage
didn t look that severe. We can have Josh patch
him up, then we ll question what he s doing here.
Don t you guys have territory laws or
 Yeah, he should ve let me know he was
coming through my pack lands. A common
courtesy to whatever wolf owns the territory you
are traveling through. He might have been on his
way to see me when he ran into trouble, too. No
point in assigning blame before we talk to him.
Tiber hoped the wolf had come to join them. He
was oddly reluctant to discipline the red wolf. He
didn t know if the shifter s scent had muddled his
thoughts, but he wanted only good things for the
unknown shifter.
 You re right, no point in speculating when he
can tell us soon enough.
Still, Tiber couldn t stop the thoughts going
through his head as he tried to decide what might
have happened.  I wonder if he ran into Oscar.
Any of my wolves would ve come and informed
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me of a strange wolf in my territory, especially if
they had a fight.
 Unless he attacked first.
 No. Everything in Tiber rejected that thought.
 And if he did he obviously didn t kill his
opponent because there wasn t another body.
 What are we going to do if we find Oscar?
 What do you mean?
Connor kept his attention on the road as he
spoke.  I mean how do you handle jailing a
shifter. Won t he kill all the guards?
 Connor, you don t arrest rogue shifters. You
put them down like rabid dogs. You find Oscar,
you kill him. Tiber didn t want the sheriff to
think there might be a chance to save the
murderous shifter.  We can t put him into rehab
or a nice medical facility to get help. He s already
killed several of our men. He needs to be
Connor turned down the road leading to the
vet s clinic.  I know he s dangerous, just I feel as if
I m violating the law I swore to uphold. How can I
hold someone responsible for their crimes while I
commit murder?
 Connor, pack law and the rest of the world
don t operate from the same rulebook. In fact,
made wolves are more likely to go feral and have
to be killed. You and your partner were the
exceptions. Made wolves are tricky. Growing up I
The Alpha s Only
saw a lot of people try to bring non-wolves into
our pack and change them. Only a third of the
people make it safely.
 What happened to the rest of them? Connor
Tiber could tell by the sheriff s sudden stillness
that he d been unaware of his luck. He would ve
assumed Donny would ve told Proctor who in
turn would ve told his old partner, but upon
reflection, Tiber realized the two men didn t spend
a lot of time talking.
There wasn t anyway to sugar coat the issue.
 They either die during transition or turn insane
and have to be hunted down and shot.
 I had no idea. I thought Proctor and I were the
usual. Connor s hands shook as he turned into
the parking lot.  I had thought about talking to
you about changing Josh, too, but not now. Not if
Josh could be killed.
 A person has to be strong enough to accept
their inner animal. Unfortunately there s no way
to tell that until you try and convert them. I ve
seen strong willed people turn mad and people I
would ve considered weaker thrive. It all depends
on what they re truly like inside.
That was the trick with shifting. If a person
could accept their inner self the good, the bad
and the turning furry under a full moon they
could become one with the pack. Too many people
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instead couldn t handle the stress of changing into
another entity. Either physically or emotionally,
they either turned insane and ended their own life,
or were inept and lost it doing something stupid
like taking on a larger wolf. Pack life wasn t
always a friendly and supportive environment like
in Tiber s pack.
The sickly ripe smell of blood pouring across
the dewy morning grass had greeted him more
than once in his younger days, especially after the
Alpha had been drinking. Tiber shook off his
childhood nightmares. They d escaped that
situation as soon as the Alpha had turned his
homophobic eyes toward Donny. Tiber had
refused to let his cousin become another victim.
 I guess I m lucky then. Connor s voice broke
into Tiber s thoughts, pulling him out of his
horrific memories.
 I guess you are. Tiber had made his own luck
in life. He d fought claw and fang to get his pack
established and to keep others from wandering in
and thinking they could take over. Pack members
respected him, but many considered him a cold
bastard. He d take cold and forbidding to dead
and bleeding any day. Donny kept the pack
together. The Omega was their heart. Tiber kept
everyone alive.
For the next few minutes the only sound in the
cab was the crunch of small rocks beneath the
The Alpha s Only
truck s tires and the soft whimpers of the wolf in
the back.
Connor cleared his throat.  I can t thank you
enough for changing me, and Proctor. I know you
might not have wanted two extra wolves in your
pack, but we appreciate not being left to die.
Tiber sighed.  I didn t mean to make you feel
unwelcome. I m happy to invite both you and
your friend into my pack. We re trying to add to
our numbers anyway. In order to survive a pack
has to grow large enough to protect the weaker
members. Right now we need more strong
members to enlarge the pack and keep our few
children safe. Often the first thing an Alpha does
when taking over is kill all the kids in order to
replace them with their own.
 How does that work? Connor asked.
 How does what work?
 Building a pack. I mean you said a new Alpha
replaced the kids with his own, but since you re
gay it s not like you re going to suddenly get a
mate or two and push out tons of kids.
 Right now we re spreading the word to other
wolf packs that we re an all-accepting pack. A lot
of Alphas are older and aren t as welcoming of
same sex pairings. My birth pack certainly
wasn t. Tiber didn t understand growing up why
some members were banished. Not until he grew
to adulthood did he learn of his Alpha s
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homophobia. Stilson didn t dare attack Tiber, but
he d beat up Donny a number of times before
Tiber grabbed his cousin and got the hell out of
town. Memories drifted like a toxic cloud through
his head. He only shook it off when Connor spoke
 Is that why you left your old pack and came to
start your own?
Tiber let out a long breath, pushing away the
bad thoughts. He d become an expert at putting
things behind him.  Yes. Donny s father tried to
kill him when he found out Donny was gay. He
wasn t too fond of him before that. Donny didn t
grow big enough or strong enough to satisfy his
father and, when he began showing signs of being
an Omega, his father finally snapped. I had to get
Donny out of there to save his life.
 You did the right thing. Donny is a great guy
and Proctor adores him.
 Yeah. Tiber swallowed the lump in his throat.
He tried not to let the bitterness grow in his chest
because eventually it would eat him up alive. Still
the question haunted him. Why couldn t he find a
 Do you think more people will come join us?
Tiber nodded.  Eventually. I need to get rid of
Oscar before I encourage more pack mates. I can t
risk families moving here, not when I can t insure
their safety.
The Alpha s Only
 We ll get him. Connor s confidence soothed
some of Tiber s anxiety. It helped to have strong
Betas on his side.
 Don t underestimate him. He won t fight fair.
The newly appointed sheriff still thought like a
human. Eventually he d learn that wolves settled
things by fang and claw, not generally with
bullets. Although in Oscar s case Tiber would be
willing to make an exception.
Tiber s phone rang. He pulled it out of his
pocket and smiled when he read the display. He
pressed the connect button.  Hey, Donny, back in
The Omega had gone to help his mate move his
stuff to Black Creek. Without their Omega the
pack had lost some of its warmth. It would be
good to have Donny back among the pack.
 Yep, we re back at home. For a bachelor,
Proctor has a lot of crap.
Tiber heard Proctor mutter something in the
Donny cleared his throat.  I mean my beloved
brought all his many precious belongings with
him and we re trying to find a place for it all.
Tiber grinned. He d missed Donny and his
quirky sense of humor.
 We re heading over to Josh s, we found an
injured red wolf shifter in the woods and we re
having him checked out.
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 Be careful. He could be a trap. Donny s tone
lost all its good cheer when he warned Tiber.
 I will. Tiber had to admit the thought hadn t
occurred to him. The black wolf shifter did have a
psychopath s cunning and would be more than
willing to sacrifice someone to help carry out his
master plan, whatever that may be. However,
glancing over his shoulder at the injured animal in
the back, Tiber couldn t muster up any suspicion.
The red wolf called to him at a deeper level than
just from one shifter to another. Tiber would
reserve judgment until he met the shifter in his
male form.
After a few more warnings and pointed jokes at
Proctor s expense. Tiber disconnected and slid his
phone back into his shirt pocket.
 Donny s back? Connor asked.
 Yep. You ll have your deputy back to work
any day now.
 Good. With Oscar on the loose we need as
many men on the ground as possible. Connor
scowled.  We have to catch that bastard soon. It s
only been luck that Josh hasn t been bitten yet.
Tiber frowned as he thought that over.  That is
strange. He certainly had the chance a few times.
 Well from what you told me we need to make
sure he doesn t get it again.
 It might not be a bad thing to hire more
deputies. The pack can afford to finance them.
The Alpha s Only
We ve done well with our investments.
 That s a good idea. Connor frowned.  I d be
more comfortable if they could be shifters. At least
then they d know what they were getting into. I d
hate to bring in some unsuspecting humans like
me and Proctor were.
 Agreed. I ll put out feelers and try to find
people to apply. I ll leave the final decision to you,
but I ll make sure they d be good members of the
pack. Tiber knew a few law enforcement people
from his previous pack who might be ready for a
change. He had to be careful. He didn t want to
alert his old Alpha to their location. He wasn t
hiding, not exactly, but dealing with the bastard
wasn t high on his list. Deal with one psycho at a
time was his new motto.
Connor pulled up in front of the vet clinic. Josh,
his mate, rushed out of the building and had the
back cab open before Tiber could warn him. A
loud, vicious snarl had the vet stepping back.
 How did you get him in the truck without
losing an arm? Josh asked
 He likes Tiber, Connor said.
 I ll bring him. Tiber climbed out of the truck
and reached for the wolf. The snarling, growling
beast turned to a whimpering pup when he
spotted Tiber.
 Gotta love the Alpha power, Connor said.
Tiber didn t bother to correct him. He wasn t
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using his Alpha abilities. He simply knew the
shifter wouldn t hurt him.
 Come on, boy, let s get you inside. Josh is
going to check you over and fix your wound. If
the vet sewed up the gash, the shifter could
change into his human form without worrying
about causing further damage. Without stitching
the injury, converting to a bipedal shape could rip
the wound wide open.
The wolf licked Tiber s cheek when he lifted
him up.
 I might need you to stay close while I work on
him, Josh said.  If he ll stay still enough for you, I
can shoot him with the needle for anesthesia.
Tiber nodded. His hands shook a bit when he
followed Josh into the building. He nodded to the
receptionist as he passed.
 Don t worry, boy, he murmured to the wolf.
What they would do with the shifter after that still
remained to be seen.
The Alpha s Only
Chapter Two
eir sniffed at the beautiful man beside him.
The power pouring off the Alpha slid
through Keir. He whimpered. Wiggling, he tried
to get closer. He needed to touch. He needed
Tiber s fingers on him.
 Shh, Josh won t hurt you, Tiber s soothing
voice rolled across his fur. He itched to roll over
and expose his belly, but his side hurt. He snorted
his frustration.
The Alpha stroked Keir s head. It would be all
right now that he d been found. Once he
recovered, he d beg his case to stay. He had to. He
belonged to Tiber.
Fighting the black wolf had injured him, but
he d held his own. The other wolf wouldn t be
able to walk well. Keir had crushed his back leg
with a snap of his teeth. Keir knew he d lost a lot
of blood and the weakness pulled at him to take a
nap. Closing his eyes, he scooted closer to Tiber.
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He breathed in deeply, inhaling the calming scent
of the Alpha.
 That s it. Calm. I ve got you.
 Hold him. I m going to give him a shot. The
vet s voice broke into Keir s focus on the Alpha.
He snarled at the interloper.
 Hey, easy. Josh is here to help. He s going to
sew you up.
Keir growled lightly to show his displeasure.
 Easy, Tiber, don t get too close. He could bite
you, the foolish vet said.
 He s not going to bite me, are you?
The Alpha s sexy confidence made Keir wish he
were in his human form.
A sharp pinch distracted him. The vet s shot.
Warmth flowed through his body. He whimpered
at the weird sensation. Closing his eyes, he let the
vet work while he nuzzled the Alpha s hand. It
was the only bit he could reach.
 He sure likes you, Josh said.
Tiber scratched Keir behind the ears. He closed
his eyes in bliss.
 I wonder why he came here. Tiber s deep
voice rumbled through Keir s drugged mind.
Keir hated not being able to speak. His canine
form couldn t form words and he didn t have a
connection with Tiber. Some Alphas could
communicate telepathically, but only to their
The Alpha s Only
Alphas generally had two to three mates to
increase the pack through their bloodline. Tiber
wouldn t have that. Keir wouldn t allow it. He
would be this Alpha s only even if he had to scare
off all other contenders. He was one of the biggest
wolves around; he knew could take any
With that happy thought spinning around in
his mind, he let the scent of the Alpha and the
drugs take him away.
It took two days before Keir s body healed
enough for him to shift. Tiber had visited several
times while Keir recovered. Each time he d
treasured the contact. He couldn t wait to shift and
introduce himself in his human form. He hadn t
been this excited since Christmas as a young pup.
Josh examined Keir s stitches carefully.  Okay,
I m going to take these out, then you can shift
when you re ready.
A bit of tugging later Josh announced him
healed.  All ready to shift?
He set his head on his paws and waited.
 Oh I see how it is. You want Tiber to be here,
don t you? I can t say I blame you, he is a
handsome man.
Keir growled.
 Oh don t be like that. I have my own mate.
The door to the exam room opened.  Is he
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Oh, the voice. Sexy. Rough. Delicious.
 He s healed enough. I think he was waiting for
you, the vet tattled.
 Hmm. Is that right?
Keir examined the Alpha s expression as he
leaned down to examine him. Tiber had kind eyes.
Keir had expected him to be cold and partly evil
his Alpha certainly had been. Tiber might have a
tough exterior, but he had a soft heart. No man
who saved an unknown injured wolf could be that
 Well, if Josh says you re ready how about
becoming human? I d love to see what you look
like in your other form.
Unable to resist Tiber s entreaty, Keir
His howl changed to a yelp when the newly
healed wound pulled at his skin.
 Hey, you all right? Tiber stroked Keir s
shoulders with his large hands, warming his
chilled flesh and taking away the sting with his
 Oh yeah. If Tiber would continue to touch
him he d be even better. His cock rose in response
to the scent and touch of the Alpha.
 I ll go find him some clothes, Josh said. The
vet rushed out of there like his ass was on fire.
Tiber laughed.  Josh is mated to a newly turned
The Alpha s Only
shifter. He s still not completely comfortable with
our nudity.
Keir resisted the urge to tell the Alpha he could
join him if he wanted. Tiber stepped close enough
for Keir to press his nose against the Alpha s neck.
He clenched his hands to hold back the urge. He
had to take it slowly. Although he didn t smell
other wolf scents muddying up the Alpha it didn t
mean Tiber didn t have someone who claimed is
 Humans are funny that way, Keir said
noncommittally. His erection already indicated his
interest in the Alpha, words were unnecessary.
 I m Tiber, Alpha of the Black Creek pack.
What are you doing in my territory?
Tiber didn t use an aggressive tone, but Keir s
back still snapped straight and he tried to look
worthy of the gorgeous man before him.
He tilted his head to one side, baring his neck to
the Alpha and secretly hoping Tiber would take
the opportunity to mark him. Sure it was a long
shot, but Keir wasn t going to be picky.
 My name is Keir. I was heading to see you
when I was attacked by a black wolf.
 That was probably Oscar. It s a miracle you
weren t killed. Tiber ran a soothing hand along
Keir s bare shoulder.  Why did you want to see
 I heard your pack was friendly to gays. My old
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Alpha had a different opinion.
If Keir hadn t been watching he would ve
missed the quick flicker of Tiber s eyes as his gaze
moved up and down Keir s body.  Your
information is correct. We welcome all kinds.
What happened in the forest?
 Like I said, I ran into a big black wolf. He
attacked me. He didn t give me any warning or
shift and talk to me. One minute I was running
through the woods, hunting a rabbit, the next I
was being mauled.
 Did you hurt him?
Keir nodded, happy to prove his worth.  I
crushed his back leg. I don t know that I caused
any more damage than that.
 Good work. Oscar s a rogue who s been killing
members of my pack. He s insane and determined
to kill us all. He seems to hate all of our kind. The
person who changed him hadn t been aware of his
psychotic tendencies before he converted him.
The idea of someone hunting the Alpha
churned Keir s stomach. He couldn t let anything
happen to this beautiful man his man.
 I ll protect you, Keir promised. No one would
harm the Alpha on Keir s watch.
Tiber raised an eyebrow at him.  I haven t
accepted you into the pack yet.
 But you will. Keir had no doubt. Rejection
wasn t an option. If Tiber turned him down, he d
The Alpha s Only
stick around until the Alpha changed his mind.
 Will I? Luckily Tiber appeared more amused
than upset. His old Alpha would ve backhanded
Keir into the next day.
 Because I belong to you.
There, he d said it. Maybe too early, from the
dumbfounded expression on Tiber s face, but it
needed to be said.
Tiber opened his mouth, then closed it again
without speaking.
 Here you are. Josh breezed into the room,
carrying some clothing.  I think you re about the
same size as Connor, maybe a little bigger, but
these clothes should work until we can get you
something else.
 Thanks. Keir accepted the sweats and t-shirt.
He hopped off the surgical table where Josh had
been examining him. He purposely let his body
brush against Tiber. The quick suck in of breath
made him smile. Yes! Soon he d have the
handsome Alpha for his own.
Josh cleared his throat.  I m going to go check
on some sick animals. I think Tiber can handle
things in here.
Keir didn t look away from Tiber s intense
The Alpha s lush mouth tilted up on one side.
Amber Kell
 Do you think I can handle things in here, Keir?
 Oh, I think you can handle anything you want,
Tiber. He couldn t help flirting a little.  Is there a
significant other I need to worry about?
 Not at this time.
 Good. He d hate to have to kill off the
competition. Red wolves didn t allow others to
claim their mates. Keir had no doubt Tiber
belonged to him, but he might need to give Tiber a
little while to get used to the idea.
 Would you like to come back to the compound
and talk to the rest of the pack? See if you ll fit in?
 Yes. I d like that. He resisted the urge to rub
his naked body all over Tiber. When the Alpha
stepped back, a sigh poured out of Keir, a mixture
of disappointment and relief.
 What do you do for a living? Tiber asked
from the crushingly proper distance of across the
Keir pulled the sweats on. He d prefer if Tiber
got naked also, but he didn t see that happening
right away. Tiber didn t appear the type to take
advantage of a newly healed wolf. Too bad.
 I used to work at a tattoo shop. I did tats on all
the pack members until they learned I was gay.
Sympathy filled Tiber s eyes.  Bastards. How
did you get them to stay? I know some of my
wolves have tried to get tattoos, but the ink fades
after a few shifts.
The Alpha s Only
 I ve got a supplier who mixes a special ink. If
you add a little silver powder in the ink it stays. It
burns when you first apply it, but after a day or
two the hurt fades and you re left with a kick ass
tattoo. See?
Keir turned so Tiber could see the wolf on his
 That s me! Tiber exclaimed.
 Is it? I had a dream three months ago and I
drew this out and had a fellow artist I trust mark
Tiber ran his fingers across Keir s back, tracing
the tattoo and doing nothing to encourage Keir s
cock to deflate.
 It s an exact image of me and a stream that is
one of my favorites to run by. It has some great
fishing in the summer.
 I love to fish. Maybe you can take me some
Tiber breathed against Keir s neck.  I d like
For the first time they were both human and
standing together. Keir probably had three inches
and twenty pounds of muscle on the Alpha, but
he d be more than happy to give in to Tiber s
power. This close, the Alpha s energy tingled
along his spine.
 Do you have any tattoo shops in town?
 No. If you want to set one up I m sure you d
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get plenty of clientele. There are a few empty
storefronts in pack owned buildings, so there is
plenty of space if you decide to stay.
 Thanks. Keir had practiced long and hard
under the tutelage of some amazing artists to
reach his level of skill. When the pack started to
turn on him, he d lost his job and his love of
Tiber turned Keir around to face him.  I hope
you decide you want to stay.
Sexual energy crackled between them even
stronger than Tiber s Alpha magic. Keir wet his
lips. Snatching up the top, he slid it over his body
before he gave into temptation to strip the Alpha
down and ride him like a desperate cowboy.
 I m strong. I can help protect you. I ll be a
good Beta.
He needed Tiber to know he wouldn t be a
drain on pack resources or his mate.
Tiber stroked Keir s head, not unlike he had
when Keir was in wolf form.  Anyone who can
get away from Oscar with only a scratch is tough
enough to be part of any pack. Let s take you back
home with me. I ll give you a room to stay in
while you get on your feet.
 In your house? Keir didn t care what else
happened, but had to stay near Tiber.
Tiber searched his expression for a long
moment.  Yes, I have a spare room.
The Alpha s Only
Keir grinned. It wasn t Tiber s bed, but it was a
good start. It shouldn t be too much effort to
graduate from single room to king bed.  Thanks, I
appreciate the offer.
He hoped he appeared suitably appreciative
instead of desperately horny.
 Come on. Tiber held out his hand. Keir
accepted it eagerly, pleased when the Alpha
continued to hold it as he walked him out of the
vet s office.
He figured Tiber forgot he was holding his
hand as he led him out to a truck. The Alpha
opened the door for him. It took all Keir s resolve
to release Tiber s fingers. He clenched his teeth as
he slipped their hands apart, immediately aching
from the lack of contact. Was this how it would be
from now on? Bereft without his mate?
 Hey, it ll be all right. I promise. Tiber s
reassuring smile didn t do what he probably
thought it would.
Keir barely resisted the urge to beg the Alpha to
fuck him against the truck. In his thirty years of
life he d never craved anyone like he did Tiber.
His mate!
A thrill tingled through him. He d never dared
hope that his plan to leave his pack and go to a
new one would result in him finding his mate.
Tiber climbed into the driver s side, then started
up the truck.
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Keir couldn t keep his eyes off him.  What do
you know about red wolves?
He didn t know if Tiber was aware of the huge
shifter differences between the two species.
Although Keir was only half red wolf and grew up
in a gray wolf pack, he still clung to his mother s
beliefs. Red wolves believed their mates were
chosen by a higher power and they would know
them upon first sight.
Although Keir had never truly believed the
fairy tale his mother wove during his childhood of
his parents instant love, meeting Tiber had
changed all that. He held his breath when Tiber
didn t answer right away.
 Well, I know generally red wolves are smaller
than gray wolves. They live in Florida and
western areas, have a dominant pair and are very
 All that is true, but do you know anything
about red wolf shifters?
 Not really. I mean I haven t met any
personally, until now. Tiber kept his eyes on the
road, but Keir knew he had all his attention.
 There aren t a lot of us around anymore. I m
not surprised you haven t met any. I m only half
red wolf on my mother s side. My father was a
gray wolf. When they first met, my mother knew
he was the one. Red wolves know. The shifters do,
anyway. We see our mate and immediately bond.
The Alpha s Only
Keir smiled as he watched the scenery pass.
Giddiness bubbled through him like foaming
champagne, tingly and bright.
Tiber cleared his throat.  Are you telling me
this because you ve met your mate?
Keir nodded.  Yes.
Tiber spun the truck around the corner in a
tight turn.
Keir clutched the panic bar.
 I have to warn you that Josh and Conner are
already mated.
 That s good for them since neither of them are
the one. Keir moistened his lips with his tongue.
 You re my mate.
Tiber swerved to the side of the road, pulling
the truck to a halt.  What are you talking about?
 You are my mate. Or I m your mate. However
you want to look at it. Keir played with the folds
of his borrowed sweats, unable to meet Tiber s
eyes. Shifters who weren t red wolves didn t
understand the compulsion, the truth of the mate
bond.  I don t know how to convince you, but it s
 Look at me, Keir.
The Alpha s order poured over him, compelling
him to obey. Keir shivered beneath the power of
Tiber s voice. His old Alpha s energy had burned
like a hot knife, glowing at its highest tempering.
Tiber s Alpha magic seeped into his body,
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warming his muscles, and sliding across his skin
like a full body hug.
Gasping, he met his Alpha s eyes.
 We don t have to make any major decisions
right now. Why don t we wait and see how things
work between us? I m not committed to anyone.
You aren t committed to anyone. We have time.
Keir s inner wolf growled at the Alpha s
presumption that he had a choice.  Sure, Alpha.
There s no hurry.
He could barely force the words through his
lips. The syllables and vowels tasted like ash on
his tongue. Although he d give the appearance of
cooperation, he d be damned if he let anyone get a
chance at his man.
Tiber held his gaze for a long time before a slow
smile of pure joy crossed his lips and a low,
chuckle warmed his ears.  I see you re going to be
 I might only be half red wolf, but I have all the
tendencies. You should do a bit of research, Alpha,
because if you ever let me go I won t survive. I
can t be a catch and release. It s all or nothing.
Tiber lost his smile. His eyes narrowed as he
examined Keir from head to toe.  I m not playing
with you, Keir, but we just met.
 We might have just met to you, but for me our
souls were fated to join as soon as we were born.
The Alpha s Only
It s taken me thirty years to find you and I have no
intention of losing you now.
A faint heart never won a kick ass Alpha and
Keir wouldn t give up his man without giving it
every possible effort. On the plus side, the hardest
part was over. Tiber knew of his interest and he
hadn t gone screaming off into the forest yet.
Tiber sighed.  I can see you re going to be a
 As long as you re the one handling me, it will
be just fine.
Laughter filled the cab as Tiber put the truck
back into drive.  At least life won t be boring.
Amber Kell
Chapter Three
iber sighed when the main pack house came
into view. He never tired of coming home,
even if sometimes he longed for someone to be
waiting for him. Now with Keir beside him, he
had someone. Tiber shook his head. One hour of
talking to a man didn t make a mate even if Keir
was ready to disagree with that thought. If Keir
had his way, they would be happily mated and
ready for their life together. Keir was right, Tiber
did need to do some research on red wolves.
Tiber knew he should take any relationship
with the Beta slowly; he just found it difficult to
think when Keir s scent filled the cab and his good
cheer warmed Tiber s chest. Keir intoxicated him.
Even with the faint trace of stitches marring his
torso, Keir hadn t lost his good humor or the
heated fire burning in his eyes each time his gaze
met Tiber s. A look the Beta didn t turn on anyone
else. Tiber had been watching.
Tiber turned off the engine.  We re here. This is
The Alpha s Only
the main pack house. I ve got a spare room and we
can pick up extra clothes to get you settled. Did
you bring anything with you?
 No. I escaped from my pack. Grabbing
anything to take with me would ve made them
 Okay. Tiber bit back the protective growl
simmering in his chest. His inner wolf prodded
him to hunt down Keir s old pack and make his
Alpha pay. Luckily his human half was in charge
and had a calmer temperament.
He purposely didn t let his gaze linger across
the tight fit of the t-shirt stretching across Keir s
chest or check the fit of the sweats to see if a ride
in the truck filled with their mingled scents had
made Keir as hard it did Tiber. Yes, better to not
check, because if he knew Keir s excitement
matched his own they d be making out like
schoolboys in front of the pack house.
 Are we going in? Keir s deep voice strummed
through Tiber, sliding up his spine and forcing a
shiver across Tiber s skin.
 I bet I could come from your voice alone.
Crap, had he said that out loud?
Keir s chuckle implied he had.
 Oh, babe, I ll take that bet. Another time,
though. I d rather make you come by sucking you
off, and preferably in a nice soft bed.
Tiber made a decidedly non-Alpha whimper.
Amber Kell
He cleared his throat before reaching for the truck
Tiber froze. Keir s hand lay across his arm to
halt his actions. Tiber was unwilling to move and
dislodge Keir s touch even if Oscar himself had
slammed against the door.
 What? Tiber s voice came out more a whisper
than the strong question he d hoped it would be.
 Just so you know, I m yours whenever you
want. We re wolves, we don t need the song and
dance like humans. But you re the Alpha&  Keir
let his words trail off.
Tiber s resolve snapped like a dry twig in the
woods and almost as loudly. Reaching across the
cab, he grabbed Keir s shirt and yanked the Beta
across the bench seat.
 That s right. I am the Alpha. Tiber slammed
his lips against Keir s, an aggressive claiming. Keir
froze for a moment before melting beneath Tiber s
mouth. Tiber lightened his kiss, still taking
control, but not so dominating. The best matings
were always a case of give and take. Tiber might
be the Alpha, but he wasn t an asshole. He d teach
Keir later how they would be equal partners in
any relationship they might choose.
Keir s low growl of desire almost pushed
Tiber s needy body over the edge. Panting, he
broke free.  Bed. My room. Now.
The Alpha s Only
 Yes, my mate.
Tiber s cock jerked at the word. Damn, he liked
how Keir said mate as if it were all his hopes and
dreams wrapped in four simple letters and
tattooed across Tiber s heart.
Tiber slid out of the cab. He heard Keir s
passenger door slam shut soon after. Anxiety
thrummed through him, but he refused to show it.
Being an Alpha had guaranteed Tiber rarely
showed any signs of nervousness. He couldn t
lead others if they knew how shit scared he was
most of the time. He d learned in childhood to
hide his fears well enough to keep his scent from
giving it away. He wouldn t stop now just because
a gorgeous wolf had claimed him for his own.
His cousin Donny stepped out of the cabin.  Oh
good, you re back.
Donny s eyes widened when he caught sight of
 This is Keir, he s joining the pack.
Keir approached, but instead of going up to
Donny, he wrapped an arm around Tiber, a silent
marking of his territory.
Donny s wide smile let Tiber know he d be
hearing about that little action soon. For the first
time, his cousin showed a bit of discretion.  I m
Donny, Tiber s cousin. You must be the injured
wolf Tiber has mentioned.
 Yes. Nice to meet you.
Amber Kell
As soon as Donny mentioned he was Tiber s
cousin, Keir had relaxed against him.
 I told you no one here had any claims on me.
 You might not acknowledge them. That
doesn t mean someone isn t scoping you out.
 He has a good point, Donny said, fanning the
flames of Keir s jealousy.  I ve seen Aslan
checking out your ass a time or two.
Keir s low growl raised the hair on the back of
Tiber s neck.
 Easy, boy. Looking isn t claiming.
Keir placed a conciliatory kiss on Tiber s
Donny fidgeted from foot to foot as he talked,
never able to stay in one spot for long, especially
when excited.  We have company.
 Who? Tiber growled. He didn t want
company, he wanted Keir. He needed to drag the
sexy redhead to his bedroom and fuck him
through the floor. If he had to stay and be polite to
someone, he wouldn t be held accountable for his
 There are two women who I think are a couple
and a pair of twin girls, about age five, I think. We
haven t had much time to talk before you got here.
I was about to call you and warn you when you
pulled up.
 What do they want?
The Alpha s Only
Tiber laughed.  Don t we all.
He didn t know how he could offer sanctuary
to women and children when he couldn t even
keep his own pack alive.
Walking past his cousin, he marched into the
house, letting his Alpha power slide through the
air ahead of him to herald his arrival. If he
planned to lead these people, they needed to feel
his ability. Keir groaned behind him, but Tiber
didn t look back.
He paused in the doorway to take in the scene.
The two women stood shoulder to shoulder
protectively. Peeking around their legs was a pair
of identical twin girls with dark pigtails and large
blue eyes.
 I m Tiberius, Alpha of the Black Creek pack.
How can I help you?
One of the women stepped forward after slowly
releasing her hold on the other woman. Her
blonde hair flowed down to the middle of her
back, her face had more of a fox cast than a wolf s,
and she smelled of summer flowers. If Tiber had
been inclined to like females he would ve chosen a
women like this one to be his mate.
 I m Carrie and this is my mate, Dina, and our
girls, Melinda and Maddie. We re very pleased to
meet you, Alpha.
 I m pleased to meet you, too, Carrie.
She reached out her hand to shake while tilting
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her head in submission. Tiber accepted her hand,
then slid his fingers across her bared neck in
acceptance of her acknowledging his power.
Biting her lip, she stared at him with nervous
blue eyes that matched the twins before
continuing.  We ask for sanctuary against the
people in our pack who seek to take our girls
away. In return we offer ourselves as mate
That was when all hell broke loose. Keir, who d
been silent during the entire exchange, let out a
full wolf growl.  He is mine!
Tiber turned to find Keir in partial shift, ready
to take out Carrie s throat.
 Shift back now! Tiber s will crackled the air
with electricity. He pressed his Alpha power
against Keir s body.
The Beta wolf whimpered and shifted back to
full human.
 She can t have you, the Beta insisted
stubbornly. He kept his hateful gaze on Carrie as if
ready to rip out her throat at any moment.
 Why don t you all have something to eat? I
need to have a chat with Keir.
 I m sorry. The larger man appeared to deflate
a little. Desperation flickered in his eyes as he pled
with Tiber.  Please. You can t take them as mates,
please, Tiber.
Frustration deepened Tiber s voice into a lower
The Alpha s Only
growl than usual.  Come with me.
He refused to have this conversation in front of
the others. Tiber grabbed Keir s shirt collar and
dragged him up the stairs behind him. They had
to settle this before Tiber had to discipline Keir in
front of the pack for disobedience, a punishment
he d never exercised and didn t plan to start doing
Keir loped quickly after Tiber, never allowing
tension to pull on the shirt between them.
Tiber reached his bedroom and slammed the
door open. Dragging Keir across the threshold, he
swung the door shut behind him, then shoved
Keir against the wooden surface.
 You re mine, Tiber. Please, Keir begged
The desperation and fear on the Beta s face tore
at Tiber s heart. Keir needed him more than
anyone Tiber had ever met before. His desperation
pulsed at Tiber like a living heartbeat.
Tiber opened his mouth only to have Keir slide
his fingers into Tiber s hair. Before he could object,
Keir kissed him.
Normally he took the initiative in any
lovemaking, but as soon as Keir s mouth touched
his, his inner wolf became placid, more than
willing to accept Keir s gentle mauling.
Tiber moaned against Keir s lips. It took him
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several kisses before he got the willpower to pull
away. They had a few things to settle before they
went all the way.
 Are you an Alpha? Tiber didn t know how to
handle the situation. He couldn t have another
Alpha in his pack. No pack could handle two
leaders the battle for control would tear them
Keir shook his head
 I could be, but I m not. I don t have the drive
to be an Alpha, even if I do have the power. I m
more than happy to hand all control over to you if
that is what you need to accept me. Keir raked
Tiber with a hot gaze, taking in every inch of his
The words barely left Keir s mouth before he
pounced on Tiber. He had the agility of a cat more
than a canine. Tiber opened his mouth to object, to
say he would be in charge of their lovemaking,
but& damn, Keir tasted good. He d be an idiot to
give this up.
Tiber slid his tongue along Keir s, then with a
flex of muscle, flipped them. Keir s back slammed
against the door. Tiber rubbed up against the
redhead, unable to resist wallowing in his scent.
He d never needed anyone so desperately. Biting,
licking, growling, Tiber consumed Keir with a
single-minded intensity. His wolf paced restlessly
beneath the surface, snarling its need and clawing
The Alpha s Only
at Tiber as if trying to get out.
Gasping, Tiber pulled back from Keir.  What
the hell was that?
 The bond.
Keir s ragged breathing boosted Tiber s
confidence. The larger man s swollen lips and
dark eyes filled with want and need distracted
Tiber from his thoughts. What had he been about
to say?
Tiber cleared his throat and shook his head.
Maybe his thought process would improve with
more distance. He took a step back. Twin growls
from Keir and Tiber s inner wolf echoed in his
 Okay, this is officially strange.
Keir stepped forward.  There is nothing strange
about being mates.
 But we don t I don t.
 You don t what? Keir cupped Tiber s face
between his big hands, cradling him as if he were
something precious.
 We don t do that. Gray wolves don t form a
mate bond. I mean, we obviously have
relationships, but it isn t some mystical
Keir kissed Tiber on each cheek, then on the
nose.  I appreciate you have different beliefs, but
that doesn t change the facts. We are mates. You
belong to me.
Amber Kell
Tiber ran a hand through his hair.  Most
Alphas have multiple mates. He d never planned
to, but he couldn t resist poking at the shifter
before him.
His back hit the door when Keir lifted him with
one hand and slammed him against the wood
surface.  You only get one mate now. I ll be your
only. No one else. Please, Tiber.
 Think one mate can keep me satisfied? Tiber
didn t know why he continued to taunt Keir, but
his inner wolf pushed back, eager to discover
what would set the red wolf off.
 Oh, I m sure of it.
Keir cupped Tiber s butt and lifted him up.
Tiber wrapped his legs around Keir s waist to
secure his position. Hard muscles flexed beneath
his thighs and he ground his ass against Keir s
 Hmm, you might be right. Tiber had never
itched to submit to anyone in his life. He
suspected he d change his mind for Keir.
A feral gleam lit up Keir s eyes.  I know I m
right. You belong to me.
They could argue later. Right now the press of
Keir s body, firm, and willing, made it difficult to
speak. Words couldn t be formed with such
scattered thoughts. Tiber had no interest in
arguing when they could be fucking.
 I want to fuck you. Tiber growled out the
The Alpha s Only
sentence, eager to move their private party along.
No reason to beat around the bushes. He
wanted Keir to know how things were going to be.
If Keir thought he could come in and claim Tiber
as if he were a weaker wolf, Tiber had a
responsibility to set him straight. In the end, he
might take Keir as his mate, but he wouldn t take
him as his Alpha.
Keir set Tiber on his feet. Stripping off his shirt,
he exposed a thickly muscled chest. The wound
had transformed from a wide gash to a fine line,
barely noticeable. If he didn t know what he was
looking for, Tiber would ve overlooked the mark.
Tiber wanted to hunt Oscar down and rip out his
heart for harming Keir. A low rumbling rolled out
of him.
Keir grinned.  You re feeling it, too, aren t
 Feeling what?
 The bond. I know you say gray wolves don t
bond the same as red wolves, but our wolves feel
the connection.
Tiber s mouth went dry.  I-I don t know what I
 Feel me. Keir stepped forward. He pressed
his strong, naked chest against Tiber, aligning
their bodies together. Keir s larger mass didn t
bother Tiber he knew which of them was in
control. His Alpha wolf had no twinges of distress
Amber Kell
over mating with a bigger man.
Gripping Keir s thick hair, he kissed the shifter.
The slick slide of lips revved Tiber s libido into
high gear. He moaned against Keir s mouth. His
grip tightened until Keir couldn t step away from
him even if he tried.
He lifted his mouth just enough to snarl out,
 Always, Keir s words whispered across his
lips, a soft vow formed of breath and promises.
Tiber growled his agreement.
The rest of their clothes were flung off their
bodies without notice of where they landed. Tiber
didn t care he could pick things up later. Right
now he needed flesh against his Keir s flesh.
 I ve waited my entire life for you. Tiber
couldn t hold back the words. He had to convey
how much this moment meant to him. He might
not understand this instant bond between them
like Keir did, but he knew all about want and need
and the passion between two men.
Keir s kiss, an interesting mix of aggression and
submission, tripped all of Tiber s seductive
switches. Pheromones perfumed the air between
them like an invisible fog of lust.
Keir dropped to his knees. Before Tiber could
say a word, Keir lapped at Tiber s erection,
collecting the drops of precum oozing from the
tip. Tiber s head slammed against the door as he
The Alpha s Only
tried to stay upright.
 You are really good at that.
He didn t want to think about where Keir might
have received his experience. The red wolf
belonged to him now. Sliding his fingers into
Keir s hair, he held him in place while he fed him
his cock. Keir opened wide, allowing Tiber to use
him as he wished.
 Baby, that s so good. Tiber praised Keir with
words and touch, making sure the Beta
understood how much he appreciated Keir s
Keir sucked harder, pushing Tiber over the
edge. He spilled into Keir s mouth, pleased when
the Beta lapped up every drop.
Once Keir finished cleaning him up, Tiber
grabbed the Beta by his hair and dragged him to
his feet.
 You are awfully good at that. His inner wolf
growled a bit over Keir s expertise, but it wasn t as
if Tiber was coming into the relationship a virgin.
 Hmm, I m glad you approve.
Tiber was about to tell him how very much he
approved when someone banged on his bedroom
 Tiber! Donny s panicked voice snapped Tiber
out of his relaxed pleasure.
 Fuck! Leave us alone! Keir shouted. He
wrapped Tiber in a possessive grip as if worried
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Tiber would run off and leave him.
Donny didn t go away.  There s an emergency,
Oscar attacked Beau!
 Crap! I ll be right there.
Tiber quickly dressed, surprised when he
noticed Keir pulling on his clothes.
 What are you doing?
Keir didn t back down.  I m not letting you
confront that psycho alone.
Tiber didn t bother to argue. Keir struck him as
the type where he had to pick his fights.
 Fine. You can come with.
Tiber s inner wolf growled over the idea of Keir
being hurt again. Keir might think he was coming
to protect Tiber, but the Alpha wolf lurking inside
vowed to protect its mate.
The Alpha s Only
Chapter Four
eir grinned when Tiber agreed to let him
come along. The others watched him with
cautious looks, but he didn t care. He got what he
wanted the chance to protect his Alpha and
guard his back. Licking his lips, he savored Tiber s
flavor still coating his mouth, a welcome reminder
of their time together.
Sitting in the back of the extended cab with
another Beta named Aslan, Keir listened as
Connor and Tiber conversed about possible
reasons behind Oscar s attack. He was distracted
when Aslan hissed a question at him.
 You think he ll be yours? Aslan s narrowed
gaze indicated his displeasure at Keir s
 I know he s mine. Keir s wolf sat up to growl,
ready to rip out the contender s throat. It would be
so easy to attack in the back where Aslan wouldn t
be prepared to shift and save himself from Keir s
assault. He easily had thirty plus pounds of
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muscle on the Beta. It would be super easy to snap
the fucker s neck. Only Tiber s possible
disappointment stilled his hand.
 Don t bait Keir, Aslan, Tiber warned from the
front seat.
 I m just getting to know him, Aslan replied, a
sly smile curving his lips.
 You re going to get to know me from the other
side of that window if you don t stop it, Keir
promised with an evil smile of his own. He let his
wolf peek out at Aslan, trickling a bit of power
across the Beta beside him. He might not go Alpha
on Tiber, but he had no compunction on twisting
Aslan into little wolfy knots.
Aslan swallowed audibly.  Got it.
Connor slowed down the vehicle as they
reached the wooded area just outside town.
 Did they say how much damage had been
done? Tiber asked Connor.
 No. They took Beau to the hospital. I was told
he s out of critical condition. They have a shifter
doctor who just came on staff and I was able to
give him the heads up about Beau coming in. I
want to see if we can hunt down Oscar before he
injures an innocent camper.
Keir remembered Donny s disappointment in
not getting to go on their outing. The Omega had
only given in when the twin girls rushed over to
him with adoring eyes and asked for him to tell
The Alpha s Only
them a story. Apparently the Omega had sucker
written on his forehead when it came to children.
Keir smiled at the memory.
 What was Beau doing out here by himself
anyway? Tiber asked.  I told everyone to be
careful when they went out.
Keir knew from his tone that Beau better
bounce back quick because Tiber was going to
kick Beau s ass for disobeying a direct order.
 He said he had to get away. Connor didn t
make excuses for the Beta, he merely stated the
facts. Keir s opinion of the sheriff rose.
Aslan paled.  That was my fault. We had an
argument. I think he went for a run to get away
from me and clear his head.
No wonder the guy was trying to pick a fight
with Keir he needed a distraction from his guilt.
 It s not your fault, Aslan. Beau needs to learn
to control his temper. We ve warned everyone
about going into the woods alone. You can t be
held responsible if he doesn t listen, Tiber said.
Aslan visibly relaxed from the Alpha s words.
Keir thought it was nice of Tiber to take the guilt
off Aslan s shoulders. From the limited bit he d
seen, Tiber made an excellent Alpha, nothing like
the assholes Keir had dealt with in the past.
Connor parked the truck and jumped out of the
cab. Keir rushed to open Tiber s door, needing to
stay close to the sexy Alpha. What if Oscar had
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returned? He couldn t chance his Alpha being
 I don t need a bodyguard, Tiber said, his tone
Keir made a scoffing noise.  Don t be
ridiculous. All Alphas need bodyguards, it s the
new craze. This week it s bodyguards, next week
it s ascots, try to keep up.
Tiber laughed, as Keir had intended. He
scanned the woods, but didn t see anything out of
the norm. He took a deep breath, but again
nothing new.  Was Beau attacked here?
Connor answered.  No, further in. About a five
minute walk from here.
 Okay, I m going to change to my wolf. The
rest of you stay human unless needed. Connor,
keep your gun ready, Tiber ordered.
Keir watched Connor bite his lip. The sheriff
was obviously struggling not to talk back to the
Alpha. Keir thought it spoke volumes that the
sheriff even tried. Connor had his own bossy
tendencies and it probably rubbed him the wrong
way to take orders from anyone.
When Tiber stripped off his shirt, Connor
looked away, but Aslan s stare zeroed in on the
Alpha s every move.
A snarl rolled up Keir s throat.
 Hey, you can t blame a guy for looking,
Aslan said, a sheepish grin crossing his face.
The Alpha s Only
 No, but I can maim a guy for looking.
Aslan rolled his eyes, but obediently kept his
gaze off Tiber.  Have sex with a guy once and you
think he belongs to you.
An unpleasant thought crossed Keir s mind.
 You never had sex with him, did you?
 No. I was kind of hoping we would hook up,
but he didn t show interest and then you arrived.
 Yes. I did. Keir grinned. His world spun
happily on its axis now that he d cleared up that
particular bit of his lover s past.
 Are we done chatting, girls? Connor asked.
 Can we now continue our hunt for a killer?
 Yes, sir. Keir glanced guiltily around. Tiber
had told him to keep his eyes open and minutes
after the order he d already forgotten. He made a
horrible Alpha mate. Keir dipped his head down
and focused on the ground, hoping to find some
tracks or something to redeem himself.
Instead, an enormous wolf with dark fur trotted
into his vision.
 Hey, Tiber, aren t you a handsome wolf.
Tiber scooted out of reach when Keir reached
out to pet him.
 Alphas don t allow for scratches behind the
ear, Aslan said.
 Hmm. I guess I ll save that for his human
form, Keir mused.
Tiber barked. With a disdainful flick of his tail,
Amber Kell
he raced into the woods, leaving the others
 Damn it, Tiber, Keir muttered under his
breath. The Alpha was going to rush into trouble
without Keir to protect his back. Ignoring the
other two men, Keir ran after Tiber. No one was
going to harm the Alpha on his watch.
Keir chased Tiber into a clearing. The Alpha
wolf circled around, barking furiously. Blood
coated one rock and drizzled along the dirt. A
man stood over the blood marks. Keir
immediately blocked the stranger s path to Tiber.
 Hey, Proctor, did you learn anything new?
Connor asked the dark-haired man standing in the
clearing. The man wore a deputy uniform and had
a gun on his utility belt that didn t look strictly
 No. Beau was mauled right here, but there
isn t any sign of Oscar.
Keir spotted a series of paw prints in the soft
earth, but they were piled on top of each other
until he couldn t see which way the victor headed
out of the clearing. Walking into the middle of the
fight scene, Keir inhaled deeply. Tiber barked and
raced off in the direction Keir had scented. It
smelled like the wolf Keir had battled before.
 Oh no you don t. Keir ran after the Alpha. He
heard Aslan s footsteps behind him, but he didn t
bother to wait for him. Aslan would follow or not,
The Alpha s Only
Keir s job was to keep Tiber safe. It might be a self-
imposed job, but it was one he d do or die trying.
Tiber came to a halt at the edge of a river. Oscar
had efficiently erased his scent in the water. Low
growling filled the air.
 Easy, Tiber. We lost him this time. Let s go
check on your Beta.
Tiber flashed a fang, but Keir knew it wasn t
due to him. Frustration poured off the Alpha in
waves. Tiber s emotions swept through Keir as if
he was experiencing them himself.
 Come on, love. Time to go.
Keir turned back only to be slammed to the
ground. A tongue lapped his ear before the heavy
weight jumped off him.
 You think you re a funny wolf, don t you?
Tiber barked.
Keir shook his head and followed the Alpha
back to the clearing. Oscar was probably long
gone. The wolf was smart and deadly, He
wouldn t be foolish enough to attack five
shifters he d wait until they were separated and
cull them one by one. Another reason they needed
to stick together.
When Keir entered the site of the attack, Tiber
had already shifted back and was pulling on his
clothes. Keir swallowed his instinctive protest.
Covering the Alpha s body should be a crime in
any state.
Amber Kell
 I can go back with Proctor if you want to take
the truck, Connor offered to Tiber.  There s not
much point in collecting evidence, since we know
who attacked him.
Tiber nodded.  You two want to go to the
hospital with me?
 Yes. Keir would go wherever Tiber was
headed. He certainly didn t want to return to the
pack house without him.
 Yeah, I want to see how he s doing.
For all that he teased Keir about Tiber, Keir
sensed Aslan was concerned about the other Beta.
 Okay. Let s go stop for lunch, then we ll head
to the hospital. Beau should be on the mend by the
time we get there. Maybe we ll be able to take him
home. Tiber led the way to the truck.
Keir climbed in the passenger seat beside Tiber
before Aslan got the opportunity. He wouldn t
give up his spot by his Alpha s side for anyone.
Tiber smiled, but didn t comment on Keir s
action. On the way to town, they discussed the
best place for Keir s tattoo shop.
 I have to get a license first. Mine expired.
 No problem. We can get you one while we re
searching for the best location.
 You tattoo? Aslan asked.
 Yeah. I have one on my back, remind me to
show you sometime. The best advertisement for a
tattoo artist was the ones he designed himself.
The Alpha s Only
 It looks just like me. I thought it was my wolf
when I first saw it.
 It is you. I saw it in a dream and had to design
it. If it s your wolf when you shift, then it is just
one more sign that I belong to you.
Tiber raised an eyebrow at him.  I guess that
means I have to keep you.
 I guess it does.
 Eventually you can put one of you in your
wolf form on my back.
Keir grinned. Tattooing his own mate was a
dream he didn t dare to hope for.  I d love to do
your tattoo.
Aslan s gagging sounds in the back seat had
Keir reaching back to swat at him.
 I can t help it if you two are choking me with
all that sugar, Aslan argued.
 You can if I slice your throat. Keir refused to
allow anyone to ruin the moment for him. Tiber
was almost ready to agree to be his. If Aslan did
anything to change Tiber s mind, Keir would rip
out the Beta s throat, pack mate or not.
 Shh. Tiber patted Keir on the leg.
 You were growling, Tiber said.
 Oh. He hadn t realized he d been making that
noise. Frustration did that to him. Well, frustration
and the urge to kick someone s ass.
Tiber pulled in front of a diner, sparing Keir the
Amber Kell
embarrassment of prolonging that conversation.
Keir hopped out of the cab and quickly walked
around to open Tiber s door.
 I m not your girlfriend, Tiber snapped.
 No, you re more precious to me than that.
Keir kept close to Tiber s side, scanning the area as
they walked. He wouldn t put it past Oscar to
ambush them. They were down to three shifters,
and a psycho with a rifle could take them out if he
had his heart set on it. On full alert, Keir allowed
Tiber to put a hand on his back and guide him to
the restaurant entrance.
The diner had all the charm of a fifties dive, but
none of the grime. Whoever decorated the place
had channeled their inner Elvis. Old records
decorated the walls, a shiny jukebox glowed in
one corner and the booths were covered in
brightly colored red vinyl.
 They have the best burgers here, Tiber said
The smell of cooking meat perfumed the air like
the finest fragrance.  Damn, those do smell good.
Tiber stepped aside and allowed Keir to slide
into the booth before him. Aslan sat on the
opposite side.  I see how this is going to be, he
 What? Tiber asked as he settled beside Keir,
their thighs touching.
 Me on one side. Lovebirds on the other.
The Alpha s Only
Tiber snorted.  I wouldn t call us lovebirds.
I wonder if he can hear my heart breaking?
Keir bit his lip to hold back his needy words.
 Hey. Tiber cupped Keir s cheek, forcing him
to face him.  I didn t mean it like that. We re
mates, right?
Keir nodded.
 Then ignore Aslan. He s just jealous we found
each other.
The breath whooshed out of Keir s lungs.
 Okay. I don t want to sound like a needy bitch,
but you haven t exactly been enthusiastic about
the whole mating thing.
Tiber kissed Keir s nose.  I m still getting used
to the idea. Don t take my silence as a show of not
caring. I m very interested in being your mate. If
you say we re fated to be together, who am I to
Relief whipped through him and Keir s head
spun.  Oh good. I didn t want to have to turn
Tiber s laughter brightened the room with his
A waitress approached and from her scent, Keir
could tell she was a shifter.
 Afternoon, gentlemen. She subtly tilted her
head at Tiber.
 Afternoon, Nancy, Tiber greeted her.  This is
Keir. He s recently joined us.
Amber Kell
 Nice to meet you, Nancy said. She had the
waitress cheeriness down pat, but Keir could feel
her gaze focused on him as she handed out the
menus and took their drink orders.  The special is
chili with beef or prime rib.
 Thanks. Tiber dismissed her with a nod of his
Tiber took Keir s menu and set it on the edge of
the table.  Trust me when I say a burger is the
way to go.
 Okay. Keir didn t care what he ate as long as
he ate it beside his Alpha.
 I agree. Aslan set his menu down also.  Their
other stuff is good, but the burgers are excellent.
The chef gets local grass-fed beef.
 There s an empty storefront across the street.
Tiber pointed to a small shopping center that
consisted of a Laundromat, a shoe repair place
and a leasing sign in the window between them.
Keir fiddled with the spoon before confessing.
 I need to get a job so I can earn enough to open a
store. I pretty much left my last pack with the fur
on my back.
He d been lucky to leave with even that. They d
wanted to whip him for his perverted ways. Only
Keir s massive size prevented the Alpha from
trying to take him on. Still, if Tiber had forced the
issue, he probably could ve gotten enough pack
members to beat Keir up.
The Alpha s Only
 You don t need to earn money to open a store.
Pack rules states each new pack member will
receive assistance in starting a new business. Now,
if the business does well or not depends on you,
but we give everyone a helping hand. Donny and I
know what it s like to start out with nothing. I
make sure everyone in my pack gets a head start
to help them to success.
 Really? It s not just because you re my mate?
 No, man, he really means it. Beau and I are
going to open a garage as soon as this stuff with
Oscar is over. We ve got the space ready and
everything. We just don t want to leave the pack
house without enough guards, Aslan said.  We
still need to protect the pups.
 Maybe with Keir s help we can spread the
duties around a little more, Tiber suggested.
Keir nodded. He d be happy to help protect the
pack. He d mostly watch over Tiber, but that
could spread to others if needed
 Ready to order? Their perky waitress
returned with their drinks and had her pencil
primed over her pad of paper as if they were
about to divulge where someone had hidden their
stash of diamonds.
 Three burgers with everything, Tiber said.
 Fries or chips, Nancy asked.
Tiber and Aslan ordered fries, Keir ordered
Amber Kell
When Nancy walked back to put in their order,
Keir settled down in his seat and examined the
space across the street. Mentally he designed the
sign that would hang over the store.  Is there a
limit on the amount I m allowed to borrow?
Tiber squeezed Keir s arm companionably.  I ll
negotiate a pack rate for the space if you like it, I
know the building owner. There are a couple other
places if this one isn t quite the one for you.
 Tiber got us a great deal on our garage space,
Aslan said.
Keir s awe at being matched with an Alpha
only increased when he discovered what kind of
person Tiber was inside. Tiber cared about the
success of his pack as individuals, as well as a
 I think you re a good Alpha, Tiber, Keir
blurted out.
Instead of laughing, Tiber examined Keir with a
serious expression in his beautiful eyes as if
weighing his words.  Thank you, he said at last.
 Aww. Aslan made kissy noises at them.  Ow,
you kicked me.
Tiber grinned.  You were asking for it. I
should ve done worse for mocking your Alpha.
 Ah, no. I didn t mean that! Aslan s panicked
tone made Keir smile. Served him right.
 Relax, Aslan, I took no offense, Tiber calmed
the panicked shifter.
The Alpha s Only
 Whew. Aslan smiled.  Good. It will take me a
little time to get used to seeing you with a mate.
 Me, too, Tiber agreed. Since he squeezed
Keir s leg when he said it, Keir didn t take offense.
Tiber did need an adjustment period too bad
Keir couldn t give him one. If a psychotic wolf
were trying to kill off Tiber, he d need Keir as
close as possible. Until they managed to kill Oscar,
Keir was going to stick closer to Tiber than gum
on his shoe.
They chatted about the state of the pack and
Tiber s goal of increasing their numbers. When the
burgers arrived, Keir all but inhaled the first bite.
He hummed happily around each mouthful,
interspersing it with moans and licks of his
 If you keep that up, I m going to pounce,
Aslan announced.
Keir smiled when Tiber growled.
 I d suggest you rethink that idea, Tiber said.
Aslan immediately tilted his head to one side.
 Sorry, Alpha.
Tiber nodded his acceptance of Aslan s
apology.  Think of Keir as an extension of me.
 Yes, Alpha.
They finished their food with peace restored
among them.
The hospital smelled like most places of
Amber Kell
healing, a mixture of staleness and cleaning fluid.
When they entered Beau s room, Keir didn t like
the wide grin the Beta gave to Tiber.
Damn, does everyone want my man?
Aslan growled a bit himself, making Keir
wonder if there was something going on between
the Betas.
Keir wrapped a possessive hand around Tiber s
arm and met Beau s gaze.
 This is Keir, my mate, Tiber introduced him.
Pride had Keir puffing out his chest at the
 Nice to meet you, Beau replied.
Keir could smell the lie in the air. Aslan might
have been kidding about his interest in the Alpha,
but Beau obviously wanted him.
Aslan kept sliding glances over to Beau as if
waiting for acknowledgement.
Tiber moved away from Keir to approach the
Beta.  How badly are you injured?
Beau shrugged his injuries away.  A few deep
scratches and a bite on my right leg. Frankly, I
think he slashed my legs so I couldn t chase him.
He was looking a bit rough, like someone had
mauled him earlier. I think the only reason Oscar
attacked was because I surprised him.
 Where did you surprise him at? Tiber asked.
 East of the river, about ten miles from the pack
The Alpha s Only
Tiber crossed his arms over his chest.  And you
traveled all that way alone after I told everyone to
stick together? There are reasons I give orders,
Beau. If you don t find me an Alpha worthy
enough to follow then, you can find a new pack to
 No! Beau and Aslan said simultaneously.
Tiber raised an eyebrow at Aslan.
 Please, Tiber, he was mad at me.
 That doesn t mean he should ve ignored a
direct order from his Alpha. Tiber s tone didn t
allow for any forgiveness.
 You are right, Tiber. I ll gladly accept any
punishment you wish to give me. Tears tracked
down Beau s face. Aslan rushed to stand next to
him. Whatever reason Beau had for being mad at
Aslan apparently vanished before the disapproval
of his Alpha. He quickly accepted the hand Aslan
offered. Taking a deep breath, Beau got to his feet,
his fingers still entangled with Aslan s. He kept
his head bowed and tilted to one side to bare his
 You have daytime guard duty for the next
three months. I will also delay your garage
opening until I feel you are responsible enough.
 But that would punish Aslan, too! Beau
turned his tear-stricken face up at Tiber.
 Yes, Aslan didn t inform me you d run off.
There are penalties for keeping things from your
Amber Kell
 Yes, sir, Aslan and Beau said.
Tiber nodded, and Keir could see for him the
issue had been resolved. The Betas let out a breath
of relief when Tiber changed the subject.  How are
you feeling?
 I m definitely feeling better. Beau s relief was
No shifters enjoyed staying at a hospital. He
didn t know how the shifter doctor handled it
every day. The smells alone could hamper a
shifter s recovery.
 Then let s go.
 Do I need to wait for my doctor to check me
Tiber shook head.  No, he ll understand.
They grabbed his bloodstained clothes and got
the hell out of there.
The Alpha s Only
Chapter Five
iber ran through the forest, the sounds of the
pack running beside him raising his spirits.
They were becoming larger, stronger and he
hoped better able to protect themselves from all
outside dangers.
The four new pack members were settling in
well. Both women were strong Betas and had
easily slipped into guard duty rotation, while their
daughters mixed quickly with the other kids.
It had been three weeks since anyone had last
spotted Oscar. The lack of sighting the black wolf
had Tiber uneasy. No way would Oscar simply
give up, not after all the killing he d done over the
A happy yip turned his attention toward his
running companion. Keir kept up with him in big,
easy lopes, his wolf expression one of utter joy.
Luckily with most of the people in town being
shifters, they didn t have to hide who they were.
Other members of the pack howled and panted
Amber Kell
behind them. They were in the lead, as was
traditional with the Alpha pair.
In the weeks since Keir had joined them, they
had grown closer. Tiber now believed Keir s
assertion they were mates. They d begun to speak
telepathically as only an Alpha could do with his
bonded one.
A disgusting stench pulled Tiber away from his
inward contemplation of his relationship. Keir
growled low and feral, beside him.
They came to a stop at the sight of a buck torn
apart and left by a tree. Its guts were splayed
across the forest floor, a tempting invitation for
wolves hungry from a run.
Tiber sniffed around the carcass. Oscar s scent
soaked the body along with the sweet smell of
poison mixed with blood. Although Tiber s Alpha
senses were able to pick out the danger, not all of
his pack had as refined an ability to smell as he
Damn Oscar.
Before he could bark out a warning, the pack
stepped closer, some of the younger wolves
sniffing at the meat.
Tiber lunged at the closest pup, growling and
snarling at the little ones to keep them away from
the carcass. When a few of the bolder pups leaned
forward, Tiber lashed out, snapping his teeth and
barking to keep the others away from the deer.
The Alpha s Only
A few of the older adults figured out the
problem and helped Tiber rustle the children back
to their homes. Once he was certain they d all been
guided away, he changed back to his human form.
 He s trying to kill you all, Keir said, his face
pale in the moonlight.
Tiber nodded.  He s trying to demoralize us
first. He knows if I can t protect the kids, I ll prove
to be a poor Alpha and he ll destroy the pack from
within. He didn t get to kill Donny, our Omega, so
now he s trying a different path. I doubt this will
be the last time he tries to end us. This is just his
latest attempt. Tiber ran his fingers through his
hair as he paced.  This could ve ended really
badly. We ve got to hunt him down.
Keir grabbed Tiber s arm, stopping his manic
motion.  We are, mate. We ve been looking. He s
just really good at hiding.
Tiber nodded.  For a man who has a decided
stench, you d think he d be easier to find.
 He s clever. Keir wrapped his arms around
Tiber and pulled him close in a tight hold.
Tiber sighed and allowed the comfort. Even an
Alpha needed a cuddle once in a while. The fact
they were both naked didn t rouse his passion.
Terror over possibly losing his pack to poison had
killed any erection he might have had.
A scream ripped through the forest. Birds took
flight from the sound, adding drama to an already
Amber Kell
worrisome moment.
 Maddie! Carrie s anguished cry cut Tiber to
the quick.
 No, he whispered,  not the little ones.
Pulling free of his mate, Tiber shifted to his
wolf form. Heedless of his own safety, Tiber ran
toward the loud sobs echoing through the woods.
He d dreaded this moment. Oscar had gone the
final step. He d grabbed one of the pups.
Tiber came to a sliding stop when he reached
the pack. The remaining twin sobbed in her
mother s arms. Short, anguished cries, tore out of
her small body as if without her other half she
would fly apart from the sheer sorrow of it all.
He didn t remember the change, but suddenly
Tiber had hands to clench and words to speak.
 What happened?
Carrie spoke first, her eyes puffy from tears.  A
big black wolf came out of nowhere. He grabbed
Maddie by the back of her neck and dragged her
off. We couldn t stop him.
Tiber cursed, filling the air with his fury. The
carcass had only been a diversion. Tiber had no
doubt that Oscar had planned to grab one of the
kids the entire time.
Keir wrapped a warm hand around the back of
Tiber s neck, letting Tiber know his mate was
there for him.  We ll get her back, Tiber.
Tiber bit back his instinctive snarl. He had to
The Alpha s Only
keep an optimistic face for the grieving mothers.
 Since he grabbed her, he probably wants to keep
her for bait. He won t hurt her. It s me he wants.
As he said the words, the truth of them filled
his mouth with a bitter taste. Oscar s goal all along
was to wipe out the Black Creek pack. What easier
way than to tear out its heart? Nothing stabbed a
wolf faster than the loss of their young.
 He ll want to barter, Keir warned.  Trade
your life for the girl s.
Keir s resolve to not let that happen beat at
Tiber s mind. Tiber hated to disappoint his lover,
but this time he couldn t be talked out of his path.
He wouldn t give up Maddie s life to a psychotic
Relax, mate. Tiber sent the message over their
shared link. Keir s fury and nervous energy
jittered Tiber s nerves.
He can t have you! Anger and fear traced Keir s
words with thick brushstrokes of hate.
We need to find his hideout. Tiber didn t have to
tell Keir that they couldn t sit around and wait for
Oscar s plan to come to fruition. Whatever the
black wolf planned couldn t be good for the rest of
them. As far as Tiber could tell, Oscar didn t have
any redeeming qualities.
 Get all the children home, Tiber ordered.  It s
time we did some hunting of our own.
There were murmurs of agreement and muffled
Amber Kell
sobs, but the pack began to move until only Tiber,
Keir, Connor, Proctor, Beau, and Aslan stood in
the clearing. The others had gone to guard the
pack in case Oscar tried again. Tiber waited until
he could no longer hear the other wolves moving
in the underbrush.
 What s the plan, Alpha? Connor asked.
Grief settled his face in lines not there when
they had first began their run. Of all the Betas,
Connor played with the children the most, leading
Tiber to wonder if Connor had any plans to adopt
a child with his mate Josh. Shaking his head, Tiber
turned his attention back to the matter on hand.
 We ve been on the defensive since Oscar
returned to our territory. It s time to do some
hunting of our own. We need to be smart and
figure out where he would hide out. These woods
go on for miles, but Oscar will have dug himself a
den. He s been sleeping somewhere all this time.
We just need to discover where.
 Let s spread out and see if we can track him
Soft footsteps heralded the arrival of another
wolf. Tiber turned without surprise to find Dina
marching toward them.  I want in on the hunt. It s
my daughter he has.
Tiber nodded.  Your help is welcome.
The fight went out of the female wolf and she
turned a puzzled face toward Tiber.  You re not
The Alpha s Only
going to argue with me on this?
 Why? If it were my daughter, I wouldn t trust
anyone else to bring her back. It would be foolish
of me to deny you the chance to hunt. You d just
do it on your own anyway.
Dina cleared her throat a few times before she
spoke.  I appreciate that, Alpha. You re a good
leader. We ve been lucky to have you, despite the
feral wolf in your territory.
Tiber clenched his jaw to hold back the howl of
frustration aching to get out. If he d hunted Oscar
down before instead of worrying about the size of
his pack, maybe a little girl wouldn t be in that
psychopath s clutches.
Keir s grip on Tiber s arm pulled him out of his
cloud of self-pity and regret.
We ll get through this.
Yes, we will.
Tiber quickly assigned directions and groups.
 Everyone rendezvous here in an hour. Keir,
you re with me.
 Of course.
Tiber knew if he hadn t assigned his mate to his
side, Keir would ve come anyway. He d learned
over their short time together that his mate had
selective hearing and was completely deaf when it
came to being ordered to do anything that might
leave Tiber vulnerable. It was like having a
twenty-four hour bodyguard. Tiber wondered
Amber Kell
how Keir would pull that off once he opened his
tattoo shop.
They ran together, searching for some hint of
Oscar passing. Every once in a while they would
pick up a faint trail only to discover it was old or
ended at the river. Tiber had no doubt Oscar was
using the water to hide his scent, an old shifter
trick that proved once again to Tiber that Oscar
might be a psychopath, but he knew what he was
After the designated hour, they returned to
meet the others.
 No luck? Tiber asked.
 He lost us by the river, Connor said. The
others all shook their heads.
 Yeah, us, too, Keir said.
 I ve got a map back at headquarters. Maybe if
we chart out where all of Oscar s attacks have
taken place we can narrow down our search,
Proctor suggested.
 Good idea, Tiber praised the deputy.
 Everyone meet back at the sheriff s office. We ve
got hunting to do. Dina, you can catch a ride with
the sheriff and answer any questions he might
have for you.
 Yes, Alpha. Dina rushed to follow Proctor
and Connor back to their vehicle. Everyone else
had transportation.
Tiber headed back to his car. Keir walked
The Alpha s Only
beside him, their shoulders brushing
companionably as they moved. Without his mate s
support, Tiber knew he d be in much worse
condition. Keir s unwavering belief in Tiber s
ability to save the little girl did wonders for
Tiber s confidence.
 I ll always have your back, Keir said. The
words, spoken out loud, had the weight of a
solemn vow.
 Thanks, mate. Sometimes there weren t
enough vowels and consonants in the world to
convey the depth of his love. In such a short time,
he d become completely enamored of his mate. He
didn t know if they were preordained to meet like
Keir believed, but he did know his life would be
much lonelier without the redheaded wolf at his
Tiber gripped Keir s shoulder before opening
the driver s side and retrieving his clothes.
Keir laughed.  I love you, too, mate.
Tiber turned back to face his mate.  Didn t I say
Keir s wide smile had Tiber blushing.  Shit I
didn t, did I?
 I know you re not a man who says the words.
That doesn t mean I don t feel them through our
Tiber grabbed Keir around the waist and held
him tightly against his body. He kissed Keir,
Amber Kell
hoping to put all his love and devotion into that
one embrace. When he finally lifted his mouth,
Keir s swollen lips and lust-filled eyes made him
 Never doubt the love I have for my mate,
Tiber growled.  I ll not let anyone question the
rightness of our bond, even you.
Keir melted against Tiber s body. Keeping his
head down, he played with the small hairs on
Tiber s chest.  Understood.
 Good. He pressed a kiss on Keir s scalp.  Get
dressed. We need to meet everyone at the sheriff
When they arrived, everyone was already there.
They gave Tiber and Keir a curious glance, but no
one said anything.
 Let s see your map, Tiber said to Proctor.
They moved to a big table so the deputy could
lay out the large aerial survey of the Black Creek
area. Proctor grabbed a black marker and circled
where there had been sightings of Oscar.
 And there, Connor pointed to where Oscar
had kidnapped the girl.
 It looks like he s been traveling, Tiber said.
 Going from one site to the next, probably to stay
under our radar.
 He can t be that hard to find, Keir objected.
 He pumps out hate like it s Pez.
The Alpha s Only
 There are some old caves here. Beau pointed
out a section by the river.  I discovered them a
few years ago while I was fishing. They aren t
very big, but Oscar might be able to wiggle in
there in wolf form.
 That could be why we can t scent him, Tiber
agreed.  If he s hiding that close to the water, it
probably washes away his trail.
There were a series of agreements and they
began to strategize their approach.
 Where s Dina? Tiber looked up and noticed
the absence of Maddie s mother.
 She was just here, Proctor said.
 Damn, I bet she headed out there alone. Why
did he say she could come along? He should ve
kept a better eye on the grieving woman.  Let s
go. There s no time to lose. Dina might get herself
killed before we get there.
 I d keep a watch on her, Connor warned.  It
might just be a mother grieving, but she s acting a
bit off.
 What do you mean?
 I can t pinpoint it, but I ve got a bad feeling
about that woman.
 I d go with Connor s feelings, Proctor joined
in.  They ve saved my ass more than once.
 I ll keep it in mind. How a hinky feeling
about a grieving woman would help, Tiber didn t
know, but he wouldn t dismiss anyone s instincts,
Amber Kell
no matter how bizarre.  Let s go.
They all piled into two of the sheriff s oversized
trucks. They didn t want to waste time for
everyone to get there separately.
 It s not your fault, Keir said. Sitting in the
back with Tiber, his mate gripped Tiber s hand.
 We all thought she d have the sense to wait for
Remembering the grief on Dina s face, Tiber
scowled. What kind of leader didn t know his
people well enough to know when they were
about to snap?  I should ve guessed Dina would
head out on her own.
 How? You aren t psychic. Let it go, Tiber. Dina
is responsible for herself.
 I don t want to have to tell Carrie that I lost
her daughter and her mate. Tiber tried hard to be
a proper Alpha. Sometimes the position sucked.
It took them half an hour to get as close as
possible to where the map indicated caves might
Connor grabbed a rifle out of the locker in the
back of his truck and handed another one to
Proctor.  We re going in as human. The rest of
 We re going in as pack, Tiber confirmed.
 Maybe we can flush him out.
Tiber s sense of justice battled against the need
to rip out Oscar s throat. He pinned Connor with a
The Alpha s Only
stare.  If he kills me, gun him down.
 Understood, Alpha.
Connor s wolf instincts were coming along
quite nicely.
Keir grabbed Tiber s hand and kissed the palm.
 Let s go get our psychopath.
Tiber smiled at his mate. It took several minutes
for everyone to shift. Inhaling deeply, Tiber still
didn t smell anything. Orientating himself, he
glanced around until he located the path he
wanted. He barked to alert the others. A trample
of paws against the earth followed him. Tiber s
delight in a run was tempered by his matching
anger at Maddie s abduction.
He heard the river long before he saw the
rushing water. The recent rain made the current
faster and higher than usual. Tiber hoped the
caves hadn t flooded.
It took several minutes before they found the
position they d spotted on the map. Pinpoint holes
in the small hill turned into larger gaping
openings the closer they ran. A whiff of Oscar s
scent turned Tiber s attention to the farthest one.
Careful. Tiber sent the thought to Keir. The
others were naturally cautious. His impetuous
mate was more likely to blithely run in.
Slowing down, Tiber carefully picked his way
through the loose rocks. Oscar s scent
strengthened as he approached the farthest cave.
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As he reached the cave opening, disappointment
slid through him. He could tell Oscar wasn t there
any longer. The smell had faded enough for Tiber
to tell Oscar hadn t been there in a day or two.
There were no scents of Maddie. Oscar hadn t
brought her here.
Maybe he d left some clues.
Stay back here. I m going to check things out, Tiber
telegraphed to his mate. Watch out for signs of Oscar
Giving Keir the task of watching Tiber s back
would soothe his mate s need to protect Tiber and
keep him out of the way while Tiber investigated.
Tiber entered the cave. It took a couple of
minutes for his eyes to adjust. Luckily his shifter
genes gave him night vision stronger than a
regular wolf s. Pitch black soon turned to semi-
dark and bright enough for him to make out
objects in the dim light.
A rumpled blanket lay tangled against one wall
along with wrappers from various pre-packaged
foods. No furniture filled the space. Either Oscar
didn t need much, or he had another place to stay
Tiber shifted to his human shape in order to
examine the small cave more thoroughly. He
learned nothing more than Oscar s unnatural
affection for energy bars and distaste of bathing,
despite the fresh water only steps from his cave.
The Alpha s Only
The strong scent of Dina hung in the air, so he
knew the female Beta had checked out the cave.
Disheartened, Tiber turned to go. Writing
across the entrance of the cave caught his
In big red letters, the words mocked Tiber.
Damn Oscar. He must have known he d given his
location away. Tiber snarled his frustration. He
took another step and a bit of the floor gave way.
What was that?
Tiber lifted his foot to see a small trigger.
Oh crap!
An explosion rocked the cave.
Tiber stumbled back from the blast, disoriented
and half-deaf from the bomb, Tiber s feet tangled
with the blanket. He shouted as he tumbled to the
ground. An ominous snapping noise following by
breath-stealing pain in his wrist made Tiber
suspect he d broken it.
Grabbing his arm, Tiber lay on the ground in
complete and utter darkness. A black so deep even
his extra sight couldn t save him.
 Tiber! Keir s panicked shout was barely
audible through the wall of stones.
I m fine. Tiber projected back to his mate. For
how long he didn t know. If the pack could clear
away the entrance he d survive, but from the little
bit he could make out, the wall looked sealed
Amber Kell
tight, and oxygen could become an issue.
 Don t worry, we ll get you out! Keir said.
Tiber hoped they could get to him in time.
The Alpha s Only
Chapter Six
eir s hands shook as he reached for the first
stone. He couldn t lose Tiber, not now. He d
just found his mate.
He didn t bother to acknowledge the person
talking. He didn t care what they had to say. He
only had one goal. Free Tiber. Everyone else could
go fuck themselves.
 Keir, we have to think this through.
Connor s voice penetrated Keir s fog of despair.
 I am thinking. If we don t get to Tiber soon he
could run out of air. I can t believe I let him go in
there alone.
Guilt chomped him in its razor sharp teeth,
then spit him back out. He d been so careful to
watch for Oscar he hadn t thought of other
dangers. Who knew Oscar had the presence of
mind to set a trap?
 You let him go in there because he s the Alpha
and he told you to wait. We ll get him out of there.
Amber Kell
Don t worry.
 What do you mean, don t worry! Keir knew
his voice had topped over the edge of hysteria, but
he couldn t help it.  My mate is in there and he
could be dying!
 Did he say he was dying? Connor asked.
Damn the man for trying to insert logic into
Keir s meltdown.  No, but do you think he d
admit it? He d hold back because he didn t want
me to worry. I can tell he s in pain.
Tiber might not tell him in words, but Tiber s
physical discomfort had slithered across their link.
Connor tried again to be the voice of reason.
 We have to be careful. We don t know how far
the cave-in went. If you pull the wrong stone you
could send it crashing down on him.
 No! Keir wailed. His worst nightmare was
coming true to find his mate only to lose him.
 Snap out of it! Beau demanded.  You re an
Alpha s mate. Act like it.
Beau s words doused Keir like cold water,
pulling him out of his panic attack.  Right. You re
right. I need to think logically. How do we get him
out of there without collapsing the entire thing?
 You keep your connection with Tiber active.
I ll climb on top of the hill and see if I can pry the
top rock off and start them tumbling toward you.
You step to the side and let me know if Tiber says
anything about rocks falling at him.
The Alpha s Only
 Okay. He could do that. Tiber s emotions
poured across their connection, calm and
collected. If his Alpha had any worries, he was
keeping them to himself. Typical.
You okay, love? He sent to Tiber.
Yes. Are you digging me out?
Connor is trying to figure out how to get the rocks
away without tumbling them into you.
No point in lying. Tiber would know if he tried
to hide the truth.
 Stand clear! Connor shouted.
They all stepped backward. Beau and Aslan
stood on either side. Proctor had climbed on top to
assist Connor.
 Keep an eye out for any other bombs, Keir
 Thanks, I hadn t thought of that.
Connor s sarcastic tone had Keir blushing. Of
course a cop would think of another explosive
 Sorry! he yelled back.
A low growl filled his head. Tiber didn t like
anyone embarrassing Keir. Connor would be
paying for that comment once Tiber was free.
Connor pried off the top stones, rolling them
out of the cave. Keir rushed to help the others
loosen more, dragging them off. To Keir s
horrified gaze, the rocks began to tumble apart,
half of them moving inside the cave.
Amber Kell
 Tiber! Too panicked to communicate
telepathically, Keir screamed until Tiber shouted
 I m fine. Tiber s voice took the hard edge off
his terror but they didn t completely go away.
Calm, mate. I need you to not panic. Tiber s words
filled Keir s head, sweeping away his terror and
replacing it with confidence they d get his mate
out of there alive.
I don t want you hurt.
No response.
Keir bit his lip. He needed to be strong. He was
an Alpha s mate. Sucking in a long breath, he dug
in to help the others. He d get his mate out of there
or die trying.
After an hour they d dug enough of a hole to
see to the other side. Keir scrambled up the hill of
rocks to peer through the opening. Tiber lay there,
holding his arm.  You re injured, Keir accused.
He knew his mate had been hiding something
from him.
 Just my wrist.
 Hold on we ll get you out of there in a bit.
It could ve been so much worse. The team
continued to work away at the rocks until Tiber
could climb through. When Tiber made it out
entirely, Keir flung himself into his mate s arms
and sobbed out his joy. Fuck it, the others could
get over themselves. He had to feel Tiber in his
The Alpha s Only
arms and hear the thud of his mate s heart beneath
his ear.
 You re safe. He knew he said the words over
and over, but he couldn t seem to stop himself.
 I am, but we still haven t found Maddie.
The sorrow in Tiber s words reminded him
why they were there in the first place.
 Crap. In his concern for his mate, he d all but
forgotten they were still missing a little girl and
her mother.  Where do you think Dina went?
Tiber snapped upright.  That s a good question.
I smelled her inside. If she was there first, how did
she not trigger the bomb?
 How did it go off? Connor asked.
 I stepped on a trip plate buried under some
 Maybe she missed it, Keir said.
 Do you think she found Oscar? Beau asked.
 I hope not, Tiber said.  She s not strong
enough to take him.
Tiber s phone rang. He let out a sigh of relief as
he looked at the readout.
 That s her right now. Tiber pushed the
speaker button on his phone.  Hey, Dina, where
are you?
 She s here with me.
Keir didn t recognize the man s voice, but
Tiber s next words confirmed his suspicions.
Amber Kell
 Let them go, Oscar! Tiber demanded.
Oscar s mocking laughter sent chills up Keir s
spine.  Why would I do that, when I can use them
against you?
 Do you feel tough picking on innocent women
and children? Tiber taunted.
 Innocent? The kid bit me and the woman tried
to rip off my balls. They re a danger to society. I
would be doing you a favor by killing them.
 What do you want?
Tiber s shoulders slumped and he leaned
against the closest tree to stay upright. Keir
stepped forward and wrapped an arm around
Tiber for support.
 What do I want? I want to go back to being
human. However, I ll settle for making you dogs
suffer for turning me into one of you.
Keir stared at the phone, almost surprised to
not see it dripping with venom.
 I didn t change you. That was before my time.
Let the females go.
 Why would I do that? To prove what a good
guy I am? I m not a good guy, and the sooner you
realize that the better. I d rather cut them up and
leave you a trail of body parts, since you are so
good at following my lead. Instead I ll make you a
deal. You come and turn yourself in to me, and I ll
let both of the females go. Why would I need them
if I have the pack Alpha?
The Alpha s Only
Keir screamed in his head. He knew before he
spoke what answer Tiber would give.
 When and where?
Keir swallowed back the bile trying to rise in
his throat. He was seconds from tossing his
cookies all over the sapling beside him. How
could Tiber value his own life so little when he
consisted of Keir s entire world?
 I ll meet you in the field north of your cabins
where I left your deer present. Two o clock. Don t
be late. I m sure I don t need to tell you to come
alone. If I smell anyone else I ll kill them both.
Oscar disconnected.
 You can t go, Tiber, Keir protested.  Your
wrist is damaged and you won t be able to fight if
Oscar attacks you.
A wry smile twisted Tiber s lips.  I m not sure I
could take him even if I wasn t injured.
 All the more reason to not go to this meeting.
It s a trap. Even as he said the words, he knew it
wasn t going to make any difference. No way
would his mate leave a woman and her child to
fend for themselves.
Tiber cupped Keir s face. He stroked Keir s
cheeks with his thumbs in a gesture so tender it
made Keir s chest ache.  Baby, I don t want to
leave you, but I wouldn t be a good leader if I let
my people die because I was too much of a
Amber Kell
coward to face him.
 You re not a coward, Keir refuted loyally.
 You re injured.
 I have to see if I can save them.
 You aren t going alone. Keir wouldn t lose
his mate. He wouldn t.
Tiber s gaze, a mixture of understanding and
resolve, punched Keir in the gut.  You heard him,
Keir. If he smells anyone else, he ll kill them.
 And if you go alone he ll kill you. Keir
gripped Tiber s arms, careful of his injured wrist.
 I like Maddie and Dina, but I love you. I would
sacrifice the world to keep you safe.
Tiber smiled, but through their bond, a deep
sadness swept through Keir.
 I m so glad I found you, Keir. Tiber s hard
kiss did little to reassure Keir, especially when he
pulled away.
Keir clutched Tiber s shirt.  Don t do this to
The Alpha slid his hands across Keir s head.  I
don t wish to leave you, I want you to know that.
The sound of a throat clearing pulled Keir s
attention away from Tiber s dark gaze.
 I hate to ruin your great romantic moment, but
I might have a solution to your problem, Connor
 Really? Tiber examined the sheriff as if
waiting for the punch line.
The Alpha s Only
 I did some research and last week I purchased
a new spray developed for law enforcement. It
disguises our scent so if we re hunting shifters,
they can t smell us.
Keir s mouth dropped open.  That s perfect.
 I haven t tested it yet. Connor raised his
hands in supplication.  I just got it in, but if it
works we can at least surround Oscar in order to
get the hostages. However, I don t know that we ll
be able to get close enough to save Tiber if Oscar
attacks. It blinds out scent, but it doesn t make us
 Let s test it out first, Tiber said.  Then we can
make a decision.
Keir kissed Tiber.  First we ll get you checked
out, then we ll test the spray.
The thought of losing Tiber was inconceivable.
Whether the spray worked or not, he would
follow. If Tiber died, Keir had nothing left to live
A solemn group left the forest and headed back
to the hospital to have Tiber wrist checked out.
Amber Kell
Chapter Seven
iber could tell by the hard line of Keir s jaw
that his mate wasn t going to be reasonable
about the exchange.
 It will be fine, Tiber began.
 Don t. Don t lie to me, Tiber. I can t handle it. I
know you are going to throw yourself away for
two people you barely know. I don t need for you
to try and make me feel better.
 They are part of my pack and one of them is a
little girl.
Keir deflated. The expression of defeat on his
face tore at Tiber.  I know. I do. I understand why
you feel like you need to take their place, but I just
got you. I can t lose you now.
 You aren t going to lose me. Tiber might go
to hell for the lies he was spreading around, but
he d go to it knowing he tried to put his mate at
ease. Secretly he suspected he wouldn t be coming
back from this adventure. He didn t dare
underestimate his opponent. Oscar had proven his
The Alpha s Only
intelligence by the trap he d set in his cave. The
black wolf knew how packs thought and had no
problem killing the others to get his way.
 If I die, promise me you ll band with the
others to kill Oscar.
Keir bit his lip and Tiber tried to ignore the
sheen of tears in his mate s eyes.  I swear it. If he
kills you, I will make it my job to destroy him.
The kiss they shared, hard and passionate,
burned through Tiber like a winter s fire.
 I love you.
There, he d said it. No reason to hold back
when he didn t plan to be alive tomorrow. He
couldn t let Keir know how hard it was to let him
go and meet his fate.
Tiber s hand ached and the cast itched his skin.
He d break it off in another hour. For now he had
to tolerate the annoying weight and clumsy
 How does it feel? Keir traced his fingers
across the bumpy texture of the cast.
 You can t take it off before three. The doctor
meant it when he said you ll heal better if your
arm is temporarily restricted.
 I know. Tiber cringed at the hard edge in his
voice. Keir didn t deserve his anger or his guilt in
leaving his mate behind.  Sorry.
Keir pressed a kiss to Tiber s cheek.  I know.
Amber Kell
Come on, let s get this over with.
Since they had limited amount of spray, it had
been agreed that Proctor and Connor would use
the chemical and all the others besides Tiber
would stay at the base camp. Tiber could tell Keir
hated the arrangement even as he agreed it was
the best choice, but Tiber would rather fully
trained cops confront the psychopath than
unprepared pack members like Keir. Tiber wished
they knew more about Oscar than that he d been
bitten by the crazy bug, but they had to work with
what they knew.
 Are you ready? Tiber asked Proctor and
They both nodded.
 Then let s go. Tiber kissed Keir goodbye.
 Take care, mate. I ll see you in a bit.
Tiber couldn t tell if Keir believed him or not.
He sent reassurance down their private
connection, but he knew it wouldn t be enough.
Keir wouldn t understand his choices unless he
came back alive.
Connor and Proctor sprayed themselves down
and scurried off through the deep underbrush.
Tiber promptly lost track of them. Good. If he
couldn t see them or smell them, things might
actually work out. For the first time a smidgen of
hope wormed its way into his chest. He could do
this. He could be the leader he d always dreamed
The Alpha s Only
of being.
Come back to me alive. Keir s voice inside his
head hardened his resolve. He now had someone
to return to. He had to be as safe as possible.
The woods crowded around him. As much as
he usually enjoyed a good forest run, dread
squatted at the pit of his stomach like an ugly toad
squirming and hopping until he barely held
strong against the urge to hurl his dinner. He
probably shouldn t have eaten something before
he came, but if Oscar got hold of him, he doubted
the black wolf would bother to feed him. He d be
surprised if Oscar didn t slit his throat as soon as
he had Tiber under his control.
 I know you re out there! Oscar shouted.
For a second Tiber froze, unable to take another
step closer. A fine tremble shook his frame. Damn,
how had Oscar scented the others? Had they been
clumsy and shown themselves too soon?
 I know you re out there, Tiber. Get your ass
over here. You re not as sneaky as you think you
Relief warmed Tiber quicker than a blowtorch.
If Oscar considered walking down the path in the
middle of the forest to be sneaky, he didn t have to
worry too much about his Betas being spotted.
Tiber held his hands up in a sign of surrender
as he entered the clearing in front of the cabin.
Oscar stood on the front step, a shotgun in his
Amber Kell
hand. Tiber s odds of escaping unharmed just
sank to arctic lows. He should ve figured a man
who d set a bomb to trap him in a cave wouldn t
draw the line at shooting him from a distance.
 I m here. Where are they? Tiber didn t want
to give Oscar time to think things over. If the man
became suspicious, he might just shoot Tiber right
Oscar pushed a hank of dirty dark hair off his
forehead. A sneer curled his lip as he examined
Tiber with narrowed eyes.  If it isn t the high and
mighty Alpha. Did you come to beg for the life of
your pack? I ve been culling them out for you. The
ones who aren t worthy. The weak. The stupid. I
thought about killing all of your dogs, but I ve
decided instead to try and pick out the ones
worthy of being part of my pack. Too bad you
can t stay. You re too strong to challenge, but
luckily you re not too bright.
 Where are Dina and Maddie? He couldn t let
himself be distracted. He had to get the pair out of
there before all hell broke loose.
Oscar popped the shotgun against one shoulder
and scratched his chin.  Well, I suppose I should
keep my word. I mean, I can always kill you
afterwards, I made no promise to keep you alive.
Tiber swallowed the lump in his throat. He
tightened his psychic connection with Keir until
he could barely feel the link between them. Keir
The Alpha s Only
didn t need to go through this with him. Despite
his determination that Tiber was his one and, only,
surely the beautiful man could find another to
warm his bed and cherish his kindness.
With a heart as big as the sun, Keir would make
any wolf an amazing mate.
Tiber took another step forward.  The females.
 Come out! Oscar ordered in a hard tone. The
front door swung open and Dina and Maddie
shuffled out the front door.
Dina stopped on the top step, a strange smile
curving her lips.
Oscar grabbed Dina when she walked up next
to him. He slid his fingers into her hair and tilted
her head back. Surprisingly, Tiber didn t scent any
fear. A bad premonition joined the toad at the
bottom of his stomach.
 You know how you have the big old Beta for
your mate? Well, a few years ago I decided I
wanted to procreate and I got myself a nice pair of
bitches to breed. If I m gonna be a dog, I might as
well start a kennel of my own. I was just cleaning
out the area of the riffraff to make room for my
family. A cruel smile crossed Oscar s face as he
tightened his grip on Dina. The scent of lust
swamped Tiber. Dina had half-closed her eyes as
Oscar manhandled her. She apparently got off on
his abuse.
 Why are you here, Oscar? Why do you keep
Amber Kell
coming back to Black Creek? If he was going to
die, he should at least get his questions answered.
 Because this is where I was reborn. I might
never have wanted to be a shifter, but this is
where it all happened. This is where I belong and,
once I take over your pack, this is where I will rule
as king of my own domain. Oscar oozed smug
Tiber gritted his teeth. He d been played for a
fool by a pair of women and some cute kids. Keir!
His mate had arrived at the same time as the
others. Was he part of the plot, too?
 What about Keir? He hated himself for
doubting the Beta as soon as the words passed his
Oscar grinned, exposing teeth too sharp for a
human. Maybe he d lost some of his humanity
with all his kills. When a man gave himself over so
much to his inner beast, it wasn t inconceivable
that it began to take over him in all forms.
 Now that could ve been a coincidence or
maybe I set you up with your little boyfriend. I
guess that s something you ll never know.
Oscar pointed his gun at Tiber.  Now would be
the time for you pray to whatever puppy god you
hold dear.
 No! Maddie jumped up and pushed the rifle
up just as Oscar fired.
Tiber, who d already began to move in
The Alpha s Only
anticipation of Oscar shooting, walked straight
into the bullet.
He d heard pain described as searing before,
but this was more of the hot-poker-in-an-open-
wound type of agony. His breath rushed out of
him as he slammed into the earth. Gasping, he
tried to blink the tears out of his eyes to keep
Oscar in his sight.
Oscar roared with rage. He backhanded
Maddie and sent the little girl flying off the steps.
Tiber had to get up. He had to save the little
girl. Her mother just stood there, unconcerned at
the tiny pile Maddie s body created on the
A loud snarl startled him as a red blur surged
out of the forest and slammed into Oscar. The
shotgun tumbled down the steps, but luckily
didn t go off.
Shocked, Tiber watched his beautiful, gentle
mate tear apart Oscar like he was destuffing a
teddy bear. Blood, guts and screams filled the air.
Dina leapt off the porch to save Oscar, but was
intercepted by Connor and Proctor who arrived in
time to stop her attack. A loud crack and her
sudden stillness indicated to Tiber that one of
them had snapped her neck.
He had to get up. He had to help Keir.
The second of doubt he d had over his mate s
Amber Kell
timely appearance in his life vanished. He d been
a fool to have ever doubted his love.
Groaning, Tiber rolled over, but his attempts to
get his knees under him failed as he slipped on the
blood on the grass beneath him. Damn, it was red.
Pools of slick liquid coated the bright green grass.
As he struggled, spots formed in the air before his
 Oh god, oh god. Tiber. Keir s panicked tone
pulled Tiber from his contemplation of what color
red his blood truly fell under.
 I think it s garnet.
 What? Keir rolled Tiber onto his back.
Tiber held up his hand to show the smeared
blood.  I think it s a garnet color or maybe
 Hang in there, love, I think you re going into
shock. I m going to carry you.
 You re always trying to carry me around.
Tiber didn t know if he objected to Keir s habit of
hauling him in his arms. It was kind of nice once
in a while to give up control and let someone else
be in charge for a while. Not that he had a
submissive bone in his body, but sometimes he
just got tired.
Very tired.
Tiber s eyelids began to shut on their own. The
effort to keep them open was too much work.
The Alpha s Only
 Easy, love, go ahead and rest. You ll need to
shore up all your energy because once you feel
better I m going to fuck you until this entire
miserable memory has been washed away.
Tiber liked the sound of that. The soothing
rhythm of Keir s voice rounded the rough edges
off his pain. He breathed in slowly, letting the
darkness claim him, knowing he was safe with his
mate watching over him.
Amber Kell
Chapter Eight
eir brushed his teeth& again. He d never get
the foul flavor of Oscar s dirty flesh off his
tongue. Killing Oscar had been easy. Once his
wolf watched Tiber fall, the only thing in his mind
was destroying the bastard who dared to harm his
Now, Tiber lay in the bed, a bullet hole in one
arm and a newly healed broken wrist on the other.
If this was what it meant to be Alpha, Tiber
needed to retire yesterday.
While he watched over Tiber, Keir paced, cried
and kept a close eye on his mate s every breath,
sometimes all at the same time.
 You need to get some rest, Beau said.
The Beta had come to relieve Keir from his
vigil, but he refused to go. They d moved Tiber
back to his own bed from the hospital because
once they patched him up it was better not to have
Tiber where the human doctors might see his
unnatural healing speed. As it was, the only
The Alpha s Only
shifter doctor had to keep misdirecting the blood
samples. They couldn t have shifter blood going to
a regular lab. Sometimes it sucked to have a secret.
It made simple things much more complicated.
 I can t leave him. What if he wakes up and I m
 Then he ll send you one of those psychic
communications you two do so well and he ll tell
you he woke up. Beau scowled at Keir as if
annoyed he had to point out the obvious.
Keir bit his lip.  Okay. Maybe just for a little
bit. Keir kicked off his shoes and curled up
beside Tiber on his uninjured side.
Beau sighed.  I thought you were going to
leave. The whole point of taking a break was to go
get some fresh air.
 If you think I m leaving him before he wakes
up, you re an idiot. Keir stroked Tiber s chest,
reassured at the strong heartbeat pumping
beneath his fingertips.
Beau growled and stomped out of the room.
 It s okay, mate. I m here and I won t let poor,
stupid Beau talk me into leaving. Keir rested his
head against Tiber s uninjured side and closed his
eyes. In no time, sleep claimed him.
Fingers trailing through his hair pulled Keir
from his slumber. Blinking, he tried to focus on the
face so close to his own.
Amber Kell
 Tiber, Keir whispered.
Tiber s dark eyes were filled with so much love
Keir s heart ached to see it.
 Hey, gorgeous.
 Hey, back. How are you feeling? He kept his
voice low in case Tiber s head hurt. Sometimes
human medications had horrible side effects in
Tiber s slow, relieved smile warmed Keir to his
toes.  Actually pretty good. What happened?
 I don t know how much you remember, but I
killed Oscar and, Connor and Proctor killed Dina.
We came back here to confront Carrie, but when
we told her Dina was dead, she was so happy she
cried for an hour. Apparently they were using the
twins as a way of controlling Carrie. She was a
victim in all this.
 Are you sure?
 Yeah, I let Connor interrogate her. He said she
was telling the truth. It s up to you if you want to
toss her out, though. She did let Dina bring her
here with the knowledge they were going to
infiltrate on Oscar s behalf.
 No. It sounds like she has had enough of a
rough time, and the twins deserve a home. We ll
let her stay, but keep a watch on her. Apparently
she has horrible taste in mates. What about
 She was shaken up, but she s running around
The Alpha s Only
with her sister now. I think she ll be just fine.
 Good. I like those little girls.
 Yeah, me, too. Keir stroked Tiber s cheek.
 You scared the crap out of me. I almost lost you
twice. This mating with the Alpha thing is a lot
more work than I thought it would be.
Tiber wrapped a hand round Keir s fingers.
 But you saved me both times. For an Alpha, I
appear to need a white knight to rescue me on a
fairly regular basis.
The vulnerability in Tiber s eyes, as if he
worried he might be too much trouble, cut at
Keir s heart.  It is my privilege to rescue you.
Keir meant every word. The flash of surprise,
then acceptance in Tiber s expression warmed his
 Thank you.
Keir pressed a soft kiss on Tiber s lips.  You
never have to thank me for doing what I was born
to do.
 Am I allowed to shift?
Tiber s unexpected question threw Keir off.
 Yeah, the doctor said when you woke up you
could change.
 Good. I m going to wolf out and when I shift
back I m going to reclaim my mate.
Keir shivered from the growl in Tiber s voice.  I
can t wait. Let me take the bandage off.
Tiber slipped from the bed. Keir admired the
Amber Kell
tight muscles displayed by his mate. He quickly
removed the large bandage covering the bullet
wound. Damn, even with the red scars Tiber had a
fine body.
 If I slip on your drool you ll have to nurse me
back to health again.
Keir met Tiber s amused expression with a
cheeky grin of his own.  I d be happy to volunteer
for sponge bathing duty.
Tiber laughed.
The laugh changed to a growl with the
snapping and crackling of bones reshaping. Soon
there was a dark wolf panting on the floor. Its sad
eyes stared at Keir in reproof.
 What? I m not the one who tried to hurt you.
Now change back.
Tiber lay on the floor for a moment. Keir could
see the wolf trying to recapture its strength.
 What is he doing out of bed? Donny asked.
He stomped up to the Alpha.  You are supposed
to be resting.
Keir marched over and put himself between the
man and wolf.  Don t yell at him. He wanted to
heal faster. The doctor told me his injuries are
healed enough to shift when he woke up. I would
never allow him to change if I thought he d be
further injured.
Donny deflated beneath Keir s ire.  Sorry. I
know. I m just worried. I ve never seen him so
The Alpha s Only
damaged before.
 He s not damaged. Keir stroked the wolf
head rubbing against his thigh.
Donny watched Tiber rub against Keir for a
long moment.  I guess I never thought I d see
Tiber love someone more than he loves me.
 You weren t&  Keir couldn t get himself to
finish that sentence.
Donny laughed.  No. We might be distant
cousins, but I ve always thought of Tiber as more
of a big brother. I just never thought about how
our relationship would change once he found
someone for himself. He really loves you.
Tiber walked over to Donny. He went onto his
back paws, planting his front paws on Donny s
shoulders. He licked a long line up Donny s cheek.
 Eww, wolf germs. I love you, too, big guy.
Donny pushed Tiber away.  I ll leave you two
alone. Let me know if you need anything.
Keir nodded.  Will do. He wouldn t need
anything. Everything he could ever want was
sitting in this room. As soon as Donny left, Keir
closed, then locked the door. He didn t want
anyone to interrupt.
The wolf sat in the middle of the floor. It tilted
its head in a gesture of curiosity, as if the animal
couldn t figure out what Keir was up to.  I believe
you promised to fuck me.
In a surprisingly short time Tiber changed.
Amber Kell
Keir gasped when Tiber grabbed him with his
newly formed hands and yanked him close.
 I always keep my word.
Keir melted against his mate as Tiber took his
mouth in a hard, punishing kiss. His lip split
beneath the force of Tiber s passion.
 Easy, love, I m not going anywhere. The
desperation in Tiber s moves cut at Keir s heart.
 I thought you were lost to me forever. I almost
died. Tiber s expression begged Keir to
understand how much he needed his mate.
 I know, love. But I m here and I m not going to
let you get away from me now.
Tiber sighed.  Strip and get up on the bed. I
need to claim you.
Keir was all about re-establishing the bond. He
tried to undress, but his fingers became awkward
in his excitement. A pair of strong hands reached
around him and tore open his jeans.
 Thanks, Keir whispered.
Soon he stood naked and fidgety in front of his
mate. Although physically he knew he was bigger
than Tiber, Alpha s presence filled the room. He
couldn t take a breath without inhaling the scent
of his mate but then, why would he want to?
Tiber stepped closer until his back brushed
against the Alpha s warm front.  You can climb
up on the bed or I can fuck you against the wall.
Your choice.
The Alpha s Only
Keir swallowed, trying to get moisture into his
suddenly dry throat.  Keep that up and I ll come
before you even get inside me.
It took a great deal of will power, but with slow
careful motions, he stepped away from Tiber and
climbed up on the bed. Not daring to look back at
his mate, he scooted to the top of the mattress.
When he was at a good distance to allow his mate
to join him, Keir spread his legs wide and lowered
his chest to the mattress. He left his ass in the air.
Glancing over his shoulder, he fluttered his
eyelashes at Tiber.  I m ready when you are.
Between one blink and the next, Tiber moved
from across the room to join him on the bed.
Keir moaned at the first brush of Tiber s
erection sliding between his ass cheeks.  Oh.
Heat poured off Tiber and the warm rod of his
cock pressed against Keir spiked his desire. An
ache to be taken hardened his body until he knew
if Tiber didn t speed things along, he d spill onto
the bed below without a single touch.
 Please. He barely recognized the desperate,
pleading voice as his own.
 Don t worry, love, I ll give you what you
need. Tiber grabbed the bottle of lube from the
side table by his bed.
It took little time for Keir to be prepped. He
shoved back against Tiber s fingers until the
Alpha slapped him on the ass.  Patience. I won t
Amber Kell
hurt you.
 Fuck me. I need you, Keir begged. He wasn t
too proud to beg. As much as Tiber needed to
reassure himself he was still alive, Keir craved his
touch. Only the reality of Tiber pounding into him
would convince him his mate was alive. He
desperately needed Tiber to pound into him.
Keir took a deep breath.  Okay, okay.
Be easy, my mate. Tiber s voice seeped into him,
a calming presence to his stressed soul.
 I thought I d lost you.
 But you found me again.
After prepping Keir carefully, Tiber pushed
inside. Keir gasped at the sensation of Tiber
breaching him. The Alpha paused once he had
fully seated, giving Keir a moment to adjust.
 Now, move, Keir ordered.
Tiber took Keir at his word. After a few
cautious motions, testing Keir s readiness, Tiber
sped up his strokes.
 Yes. Yes. Harder.
Tiber wrapped his fingers around Keir s as he
set a hard rhythm pegging Keir s prostate with
each stroke. Over and over he brought Keir to the
brink only to slow down enough to drive him
Keir whimpered.  Please, Tiber.
Tiber released Keir s right hand long enough to
The Alpha s Only
wrap around Keir s erection.  Come.
Unable and unwilling to resist the command of
his mate, Keir spilled his seed across the sheet
below. A long groan of release poured out of him
along with his cum.
 I thought I d lost this forever, Tiber growled.
 Mark me. Keir tilted his head to one side,
baring his neck in submission.
Tiber froze, his cock still hard inside Keir.
Without warning, he plunged his fangs into Keir.
 Yes, Keir moaned.
Tiber splashed inside him, groaning against
Keir s neck. After a long moment, Tiber lifted his
mouth and licked at the mark he left behind.
Keir gasped when Tiber pulled away, then slid
out of him. Empty. He was so empty.
 Hey. Tiber rolled Keir over and held him
close.  I m right here.
To Keir s horror, tears began to slide down his
cheeks.  I-I thought I d lost you.
 Never. You will never lose me.
The soft vow settled Keir s anxiety. His heart
felt peaceful.  I love you, he whispered as if
confessing a secret.
 I know, mate, I love you, too.
Closing his eyes, he began to fade to sleep.
 Scoot over.
Keir frowned.  Why?
 Because I m in the wet spot.
Amber Kell
Laughing, Keir moved over.  We can t have
 No we can t indeed. Tiber kissed Keir on the
Keir fell asleep, content that everything he
needed was wrapped around him.
About the Author
AMBER KELL lives in Seattle, WA with her
husband, two sons, three cats and one extremely
stupid dog. She loves to hear from her fans at


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