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No Longer a Dream



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No Longer a Dream
Carole Mortimer




"I haven't changed my mind about you, little Cat."

"Neither have I." Cat's eyes flashed.

Caleb nodded appreciatively. "Bringing you round to
wanting what I want could prove an interesting battle."

"One you would be predestined to lose," she assured him.

"Ah, yes," he said knowingly. "Any man would find it
difficult to fight the ghost of a previous lover!"

Cat stiffened. "Harry was my life!" she bit out.

"And would he have wanted you to waste what's left of it?"

She breathed raggedly. "I told you. I enjoy my life as it

"Do you know how long Its been since I allowed thoughts of
any woman to disturb my nights? Years," he murmured self-derisively.
"I'm sorry the man you loved died, Cat. But I'm very much alive, and
wanting you is killing me!"

CAROLE MORTIMER, one of our most popular—and
prolific—English authors, began writing for the Harlequin
Presents series in 1979. She now has more than forty top-selling
romances to her credit and shows no signs whatsoever of running out of
plot ideas. She writes strong traditional romances with a distinctly
modern appeal, and her winning way with characters and romantic plot
twists has earned her an enthusiastic audience worldwide.

Books by Carole Mortimer














For John
Matthew and Joshua

Harlequin Presents first edition August 1986
ISBN 0-373-10909-1

Original hardcover edition published in 1986
by Mills & Boon Limited

Copyright © 1986 by Carole Mortimer.


'You have a delicious body, one of the most perfect I've
ever seen, but I'm not in the mood for you right now, so could you get
out of bed and get some clothes on?'

The velvet roughness of that American-accented voice, and
the things it was saying, were enough to wake Cat from her heavy sleep,
but it was the sharp slap on the tender flesh of her bottom that caused
her lids to fly open.

For a moment she just lay there, the feel of the
chocolate-brown silk sheet beneath her, sensuous against her nakedness.
Nakedness! She looked down sharply, sure she blushed from head to toe
as she saw she was indeed completely naked. She looked away quickly,
falling on to her back, only to see herself again in the smoky brown
glass of the mirrors directly above her. The whole ceiling was covered
in mirrors!

Where was she? And who had that silky rough voice belonged

She was alone in the room now, so she could only put the
questions to herself. And a couple of dozen more like them! Who's
bedroom was this? What was she doing here? Who had undressed her? And why?

The last seemed the easiest to answer. Her first time in
bed with a man and she didn't even remember it, didn't even remember the man! She covered her eyes with a
groan, feeling sick.

'It must have been some party.' The velvety voice spoke
with harsh amusement. 'Would you like me to get you a hair-of-the-dog?'

She lowered her arm, didn't actually need to turn in the
man's direction, could see his reflection in the mirrored ceiling. He
was as naked as she was!

'Have you gone back to sleep?' he prompted hardly.

She wished she could sink through a hole in the floor and
disappear, at the very least go back to sleep and forget this had ever
happened. But she doubted she would ever sleep peacefully again, would
always be frightened this nightmare was going to be repeated. For it
had to be a dream; she didn't wake up in the bedrooms of men she didn't
even recognise, let alone remember!

'I can see that you haven't.' He moved to stand over her,
looking down at her. 'I realise that you probably have a terrible
hangover, but you've only yourself to blame.'

His voice definitely lacked sympathy, and Cat blinked hard
as she looked up at him, unaware of just how much like her name she
looked at that moment, her tumble of long blonde curls wilder than
usual after a night in bed, her green eyes still sleepy.

'Do you know where the bedclothes are?' Her voice was a
pained rasp, her throat feeling totally devoid of moisture, her tongue
swollen and dry.

Dark brows rose over cold black eyes. 'On the floor where
you kicked them last night.' He was totally
indifferent to the fact that neither of them was wearing a stitch of
clothing. 'You're a restless sleeper.'

She wasn't usually—but then she had never shared
a bed with anyone for the night before! She took advantage of his
turned back, as he looked through the wardrobe that took up the whole
of one wall, to pull the sheet from the floor over her body and up to
her chin, sitting up to watch the man over its softness.

He had thick black hair, lightly sprinkled with grey, a
finer, softer looking hair covering the whole of his body, and it was
the rest of that body that made Cat gulp. This man was lean and
powerful rather than muscular, his shoulders wide, his back taut with
strength, his waist slender, his buttocks a muscular curve to his body,
his legs long and fleshless. He was completely at ease, and yet the
latent power was there.

Had she experienced that power? She didn't feel
any different, but then that was no guarantee; maybe you weren't
supposed to feel different! She had spent the last twenty-four years
'saving herself and now she didn't even know what she had saved herself

The man turned impatiently. 'Are you going to stay in
there all day?'

The fact that she had never seen a man's body this
intimately before was nothing to the shock she received when her
embarrassed gaze finally reached his face. Caleb Steele! She couldn't
believe it, but she would know that harshly attractive face anywhere.
Even when he was standing across the room from her stark naked!

Black hair that was usually meticulously brushed back from
his face fell forward in a damp swathe, eyebrows the same jet-black
jutting out over cold black eyes, his nose an arrogant slash between
high cheekbones, his sculptured mouth a hard, forbidding line. At
almost forty he looked older, a cynical twist to his mouth, the same
emotion reflected in those chilling eyes. He was also considered one of
the most powerful—and dangerous—men in Hollywood!

He shrugged at her lack of reply, turning back to the
wardrobe, taking a brown silk shirt from a hanger to shrug his
shoulders into it. 'Breakfast is out in the dining room. If you want
any I would advise you to get up and get dressed,'
he rasped. 'I don't sit down to eat with women who are only

Caleb Steele, owner of the Steele film studios, an
exclusive hotel and casino in Lake Tahoe, and with tremendous influence
in some quarters of the media. He was also the man she had come to the
party last night to meet. Well she had met him; God, how she had met

She cleared her throat painfully. 'Mr Steele—'

He turned around, tucking the dark brown shirt into the
waist of black trousers, before sliding the zip up with a firm
movement, his hands dropping down to his hips. 'Caleb,' he bit out in
that Atlantic drawl. 'Mr Steele is a little formal in the
circumstances. That is my bed you're lying in,' he pointed out

She squeezed her eyes shut, but he was still there when
she opened them again. She had guessed it had to be this man's room,
from the sinfully mirrored ceiling, to the wide double bed, and erotic
silk sheets. He gave the impression of a man who liked to be
comfortable when he took his pleasure with a woman.

'You also seem to have me at a disadvantage.' He quirked
those rugged dark brown brows enquiringly.

Oh my God, he didn't even know her name! 'I'm Cat,' she
told him flatly. 'Catherine Howard. And I've heard all the Henry the
Eighth jokes I need, thank you.' This occasion neither warranted nor
necessitated one of the endless jokes she had been subjected to
concerning her name over the years.

The firmly moulded lips didn't move by a fraction of an
inch, and yet something, she thought it was the expression in his eyes,
told Cat that he was amused. She agreed, this was hardly the time for
outright laughter, about anything!

'Was she one of the ones that lost her head?' he derided,
dealing with his unruly hair now as he stood in front of the mirror
gracing the big oak dressing-table, looking more like the photographs
Cat had seen of him: the film mogul that made even the most
temperamental director or actor quake in their shoes.

She had attended the party given by this man's son with
such high hopes after Luke Steele told her his father was going to
'show up' some time during the evening, knowing that Caleb Steele was
probably the only man who could get her an interview with his father,
Lucien Steele, the writer. Maybe if she had satisfied him in bed he
still could, she thought bitterly.

'Yes,' she snapped, knowing that history claimed Henry the
Eighth's fifth wife had even been guilty of the adultery he had accused
her of, unlike a couple of the others, who had just outlived their
attraction. 'Was I—satisfactory?' she
asked with much more bravado than she felt. They said that your
subconscious would only let you do what you really wanted to do; had
she wanted to go to bed with this man that caused a shiver of
apprehension down her spine even though he had only been casually

He slowly replaced the brush on the dressing-table before
turning to look at her, arching one dark brow, the black eyes
unfathomable. 'Don't you know?' he asked softly, that black gaze
looking at her with new interest, playing over the tumble of
honey-blonde hair, deep green eyes shadowed with embarrassment now, the
small classical nose, and wide kissable mouth, only her shoulders bared
to his view now as she clutched the sheet tightly to her, although the
warmth of his gaze as it moved to meet hers seemed to say he approved
of what he could see.

Cat moistened her mouth nervously.
'I—er—I think someone must have put something in
one of my drinks.' Her throat was getting easier now, although she knew
the reason for its dryness only too well. 'I only drink orange juice,
you see.' She became flushed at his sceptical snort. It's true,' she
insisted indignantly. 'I'm allergic to alcohol!'

'What happens when you drink it?' His eyes were narrowed

She grimaced. 'I pass out.'

He gave a derisive inclination of his head. 'That
would seem to be what you did.'

Before or after? She swallowed down her growing feelings
of panic. 'I tell you my drinks must have been tampered with,' she
defended, her cheeks still red. 'I haven't drunk alcohol since I found
out it puts me flat on my back.' She drew in an
angry breath at his knowing look. 'I meant it makes me lose
consciousness! After it happened to me the first couple of times I went
to a doctor and he told me my body just won't accept alcohol.'

'I would say that's a pretty shrewd analysis,' Caleb
Steele mocked arrogantly.

She glared at him. 'You needn't sound so damned
disapproving,' she snapped. 'You were the one that took an unconscious
woman to bed!' She gasped once she had made the accusation, although
Caleb Steele didn't move a muscle.

'You responded OK when I touched you,' he drawled

Her cry of horror was preceded only by the return of the
heated colour to her cheeks. She had gone to bed
with this man, made love with him. Oh God!

Caleb Steele showed little concern for her disturbed
state. 'What did you do the last couple of times it happened?' he asked
drily, leaning one hip against the dressing-table, completely relaxed,
his arms crossed in front of his powerful chest.

Cat's gaze dropped from the bored interest she could read
in his eyes as he waited for her

answer. 'I was with friends—'

'And this time you weren't.' He straightened, the casual
movement causing Cat to press back against the pillows, the sudden
gleam in those fathomless black eyes mocking her nervousness. 'This
time the little cat was left amongst the wolves!' he scorned

Wolf! She would lay odds on this man being the only wolf
at the party last night, for all that it had turned out to be a little
wild; and now that he had had her he was spitting her out again!

His eyes narrowed, on her flushed face. 'You aren't one of
Luke's college friends, are you?' He sounded as if that thought didn't
please him at all.

'No, I—' She broke off, the real reason she had gone to
the party the previous evening, the remembered wish to make a good
impression on this man, still paramount. She couldn't blurt it all out
now, not when she had just spent the night with him. I'm just an
acquaintance, really,' she amended.

He gave a slow nod. 'And do you usually look this good in
the mornings?'

She gazed back at him in alarm. Surely he hadn't changed
his mind and was now in the mood to repeat what had happened between
them last night? She clutched the sheet even tighter to her.

'Relax, Cat,' he drawled, the amusement back in his eyes,
even if his mouth only showed a cynical twist. 'I was referring to the
fact that most women I know can't wait to run to the mascara bottle in
the mornings.'

Most women he knew! She would bet that amounted to several
hundred. Caleb Steele was known for the short and not always sweet
affairs he had had since his divorce from his wife fifteen years ago.
Any of those women showing the least sign of wanting permanence in his
life was out like an old pair of shoes. Any women that tried to take on
this man, even temporarily, was a braver one than she!

'You have naturally black lashes, hmm?' he mused as she
made no answer.

'No,' she denied abruptly. 'I have them dyed.'

'You do?' He didn't even bother to try to hide his

She nodded, all the time conscious of that reflected image
above her, hating the mirrors, feeling as if she had no place to hide.
'At the hairdressers,' she supplied. 'It's done all the time,' she
claimed at his cynical expression.

'I know that,' he derided, shaking his head in disgust. 'I
just didn't think you—there soon won't be many parts of a
woman's body that are completely natural!' he rasped.

His scorn irritated her. 'The rest of me is real!'

she snapped. 'Although what you said earlier

isn't true; my body is far from perfect. My legs

are too long for one thing—'

'I wouldn't know,' he mocked. 'I'm a breast

man myself. And yours are a pair of the finest

I've ever seen. Not too big, but not too small

either, ,with a dusky rose nip—'

'Please!' she groaned her dismay at his familiarity with
her body.

'Oh I did,' He moved forward with a feline grace, sitting
down on the bed, one arm resting on the bed across her, the other
beside her. 'Do you have any idea of the pleasure a man can get from
the taste of your breasts, the soft little moans you give in your
throat as your nipples are kissed and caressed to—'

'Please!' He was making her feel giddy, his proximity
alarming, what he was saying even more so, a mental picture of them the
way he was describing burning in her brain, able to imagine his dark
head bent over her as he sipped from those life-giving peaks, as she
cradled him to her and—.

'Yes, Cat.' His black gaze held hers as he gently released
the sheet from her suddenly relaxed fingers, as he softly pulled the
sheet down to throw it back on the floor, leaving Cat's naked body
exposed to him in all its silken glory. 'It was just like that,' he
murmured huskily as his head slowly lowered and that hard mouth claimed
one taut nipple with surprising softness and warmth, the rough rasp of
his tongue sending aching pleasure down between her thighs.

Her head fell back, and as it did so she could see him in
the mirror above exactly as she had imagined him, her skin creamy white
in contrast to his black hair, her hand moving up even now so that her
fingers could entwine in his hair as she held him against her, groaning
anew as he moved to claim the other dusky nipple, drinking his fill of
that one, too, Cat unable to look away from the beauty of their
reflections above.

'Dad, I—bloody hell!'

The shocked English-accented voice of this man's son as he
burst into the room unannounced was what brought her back to her
senses, gasping her dismay at what had happened, and at the identity of
the intruder to their pleasure. Caleb Steele's son.
Oh God, she groaned for what must have been the dozenth time since
waking up to find herself in this man's bed.

Caleb slowly eased himself back, holding her horrified
gaze with steady intensity. 'Get out of here, Luke,' he instructed
coldly, not even turning to look at his son.

'But, Dad—'

'I said get out!' He didn't raise his voice, and he still
didn't turn towards the door as his body partly shielded Cat's, but the
icy anger was obvious in the tersely spoken order, every muscle in his
body tensed in challenge of his authority. 'We'll talk about this
later.' There was a threat rather than apology in his voice.

'OK,' Luke Steele sighed, the soft click of the door
telling them he had obeyed the first instruction, too.

Cat's eyes were squeezed tightly shut as she denied the
reflection of her nakedness, not in the mirrors this time, but in
coal-black depths. Caleb Steele's eyes. She didn't know what had
possessed her, what had possessed him; she wasn't
exactly his usual type. She was too young to be one of his women; he
had publicly stated on more than one occasion that any woman under
thirty didn't have the experience or maturity he liked. Surely at
twenty-four she was too young!

What was she doing lying here assuring herself she was too
young for him? She had just spent the night with him, had been lost in
his arms again seconds ago when his son burst in.

She felt the bed ease beside her as he stood up, the
gentle caress of the silk sheet as it was placed over her. But still
her eyes remained squeezed shut.

'It's all right, Cat.' That silky
rough voice spoke softly. 'He's gone now.'

She moistened her lips, lying rigidly still, feeling his
presence as he stood beside the bed looking down at her, even though
she couldn't see him!

'But I haven't, hmm?' Caleb read her mind. 'Isn't it a
little late to feel embarrassment in front of me?' he derided.

It was that amusement in his voice that made her lids fly
open, and she turned to glare at him. 'I'm sure that you're used to
waking up in bed next to a different woman every day of the week,' she
snapped. 'But I'm not used to this at all!'

He wasn't in the least moved by her show of temper. 'Every
day of the week sounds a little excessive,' he drawled mockingly. 'Even
I like to rest on Sundays.'

God, why was she even bothering to talk to this man when
all she wanted to do was to get dressed and get out of
here—or did she mean crawl out of here? She had arrived with
such plans the night before, had hoped to get the information she
needed; now she knew she would have to start all over again. She
doubted Caleb Steele would appreciate her request when she had
literally fallen into bed with him, it smacked too much like payment
for the night! She might write what most people would consider
'lightweight' stuff but she took her job
seriously, and trying in any way to influence a person to give her
information was not the way she worked. She realised that after last
night she would have to work doubly hard to convince Caleb Steele of

She sat up, holding the sheet to her. 'Then as this is a
Sunday I'm sure you would like to begin doing that,' she encouraged

Black brows arched. 'Would you be ordering me out of my
own bedroom?'

'I would be—asking you to think about it,' she

The stern mouth actually quirked this time, although he
didn't show his teeth in a smile. Perhaps he never did actually smile
or laugh; any photographs she had seen of him had always shown him
grim-faced. She had assumed that to be because he considered the
photographer to be infringing on his privacy. Now she wasn't so sure.

'I've thought about it,' he derided. 'I'm quite happy
where I am for the moment.'

'I—your breakfast,' she reminded a little
desperately, not at all happy with 'where he was'.

He gave an inclination of his head. 'I've changed my mind
about that. I think I'll order us something in here while you take a

Cat swallowed hard, judging the distance between the bed
and the bathroom door. It was too far! Wide green eyes turned back to
him, and she was sure they were panic-stricken.

He looked a little impatient with this display of modesty.
'Take the sheet with you,' he advised wearily.

'Take the—oh. Yes.' Her expression cleared.

But wrapping a sheet around herself that was both way too
big and extremely slippery proved much more difficult than she had
anticipated. It always seemed to be so elegantly done in films and on
television, but after several minutes she still hadn't managed to get
the sheet about her with any degree of safety.

'Here.' Caleb Steele finally took pity on her struggles,
draping the loose sheet over her free arm while securing the end of it
between her breasts. 'Relax,' he instructed drily without looking up
from his task as she flinched at the intimacy. 'Don't you know that
this sort of modesty is a thing of the past? It's very well done,
though,' he drawled, stepping back to look at her with dispassionate
eyes. 'Maybe I could find a part for you. Did you have anything in

'In mind?' She was standing now, aware that she barely
reached this man's shoulder in her bare feet, also aware that the
two-inch heels on her shoes wouldn't make that much difference either.

He pulled a face. 'The casting-couch may be long dead, but
the bed isn't.' He gave the latter a derisive look, its tumbled look
showing evidence of their presence there together.

Cat swallowed hard. 'You think—that is—

you believe—'

He once again crossed his arms in front of his powerful
chest. 'Did the director prove difficult?' he mocked. 'If it was Maurice Goodson I'm not surprised.'
His mouth twisted. 'He's a happily married man and never touches other

'I'm glad to hear it,' she bit out tautly. 'Maybe

some of his scruples will rub off on you—'

'I'm not married,' he told her coldly. 'And not intending
to be.' He studied her between narrowed lids.
'So if that's the role you're after, kid, forget it.'

She didn't know whether she was more angry at being called
'kid' or at the way he assumed she had gone to bed with him because she
had in mind being the next Mrs Caleb Steele. She decided the latter
more urgently needed rebuttal. 'You flatter yourself if you think I
would even consider marrying someone as cold and arrogant as you,' she
dismissed hardly. 'And contrary to what you think there's more to life,
my life, than using people for gain. The real
world isn't like that!'

'The real world is exactly like that,' he derided

'Not my world,' she insisted. 'I don't want

anything from you, Mr Steele. Whatever

happened between us last night was not planned.

I don't want payment, in any way, shape, or form

for it. You—'

'You know,' he remarked softly, almost conversationally,
'it's as well we didn't get to do too much talking last night; I can't
stand women that nag.'


'Go take your shower, Cat,' he dismissed in a bored voice.
'And take this with you.'

'This' was the shimmering green dress she had worn the
evening before and which he had just picked up from the bedroom floor,
reminding her more forcefully than anything else could have done that
she had casually spent the night with this man. She felt as if she
didn't know herself any more, so why should Caleb Steele!

She snatched the dress from his hand, looking around for
the lace panties that were all she had worn beneath the clinging
material, her cheeks colouring anew as she saw Caleb Steele was holding
those out to her, too. They were really just the minutest scrap of pale
green lace, and she crushed it within her hand.

'We'll talk as soon as you've had your shower,' he told
her confidently, picking up the telephone at the end of the statement,
talking crisply into the receiver as he ordered a full breakfast for
both of them.

Cat hastily shut the bathroom door before his talk of
grilled food made her physically ill. How could this have happened to
her? She had come to the party last night in all innocence. Admittedly
it was a little wilder than she had anticipated, the majority of the
guests appearing to be around the nineteen or twenty mark as their
young host was. She hadn't particularly liked that cynical young man
from the beginning, and she had a fair idea that he had been the one
who had doctored her drinks, seeming to dislike her as much as she
disliked him. When his father had appeared on the scene she didn't
know, but he obviously had, and with the alcohol in her system she had
gone to bed with him. Which was very strange, because usually she just
passed out!

She didn't believe she had made love with Caleb Steele, no
matter what he said to the contrary!

She turned straight round and marched back into the
bedroom, no longer caring that she wore only the draped sheet. 'You're
a lying, rotten, lousy—' She broke off as she realised Caleb Steele was no longer alone, that an older man had joined
him, a well-dressed pleasant-faced man who appeared to be taking
instructions when she entered the room. And from the cursory glance he
gave in her direction, the blue eyes completely devoid of emotion, he
found nothing unusual in seeing a sheet-wrapped woman walking about his
employer's bedroom suite!

Black eyes met her stormy green ones with icy disdain. And
then Caleb Steele turned away and resumed his business discussion with
the man at his side.

Cat couldn't believe it, had never beam

dismissed in such a way before! It was just as if

she were of no importance at all. She drew in an

angry breath. 'I said—'

'I heard you.' His head snapped up. 'It may have escaped
your notice,' he drawled with heavy sarcasm, 'but I'm busy right now.'

Busy! He was busy. She was trying to
regain her self-respect and he was busy! It may be clichéd, but who the
hell did he think he was! The answer to that was all too obvious, but
who he was and the amount of money he was worth, didn't much matter to
her at this moment. Who she was, and the amount of money she wasn't
worth didn't mean Caleb Steele could dismiss her like an old shirt! If
he treated all of his women in this way it was no wonder his affairs
didn't last.

'You may be busy, Mr Steele—' her chin rose challengingly
when his associate at last showed surprise—at her formality
with the man who's bedroom she stood almost naked in. It was the
erroneous impression her appearance gave that made her carry on in
spite of the cold anger emitting from Caleb Steele. 'But I want to talk
to you. Now,' she added firmly as she guessed he was about to dismiss
her a second time. 'Unless you would care to discuss what happened in
that bed last night in front of an audience?'

The man at his side gave a choked sound, somewhere between
a cough and a laugh, beginning to cough in earnest as that coal-black
gaze was suddenly riveted on him.

'You sound bad, Norm,' his employer
grated with icy insincerity. 'Why don't you go and get yourself a cup
of coffee and we'll continue with this later. When you're feeling
better.' The last was added threateningly, 'Sure.' The other man spoke for the first time,

American like his employer. 'I—er—nice to have

met you, Miss—er—'

'Cat,' Caleb Steele put in icily before she could make any
reply. 'And believe me,' he drawled suggestively, 'she more than lives
up to her name!' He flexed his shoulders as if something there pained

Like claw marks, from a cat! And she
knew damn well that except for that fine covering of dark hair his back
was smooth and unmarked.

A speculative light entered the man Norm's eyes. 'Perhaps
we'll meet again. Cat,' he murmured in a somewhat puzzled voice, as if
for once he were surprised at his employer's choice of a bed-partner.

'I doubt that,' she answered him but looked at Caleb
Steele. 'I wound to kill!'

'Yes. Well,' the older man looked flustered now, 'I'll
talk to you later, Caleb.' He made a hasty exit before he was caught in
the verbal war that seemed to be taking place in the bedroom.

Caleb Steele looked at her with expressionless black eyes.
'And just how do you intend to wound me, Catherine Howard?' he
challenged in a softly threatening voice.

Her eyes flashed. 'If I had any sense I'd stab you in the
back the way my namesake should have done Henry the Eighth! You're as
lying and deceitful as he ever was!' She tossed
back her mane of golden hair.

'I am?'

Steel encased in velvet. There was no other way to
describe that softly spoken threat. But she wasn't about to be
intimidated by him; he had lied to her and he was going to admit it. 'I
didn't make love with you in that bed,' she pointed to it angrily. 'Or
anywhere else last night!'

Dark brows rose. 'You didn't?' he drawled.

'You know I didn't.' Her eyes flashed. 'I

always pass out. I don't—don't—'

'Leap into bed with men you don't know,' he finished
coldly. 'Then how did you wake up in my bed this morning?'

Delicate colour darkened her cheeks. 'I don't

believe you slept in it. I also don't remember you

being at the party last night. I can't remember

seeing you there, and—'

'I arrived late,' he bit out, as if he were tired of the
whole conversation. 'And I did sleep in that bed last night. Next to

She swallowed hard, knowing by the flat uninterested tone
of his voice that he didn't lie. But she always
passed out!

Her distress must have shown in her face,

because something like compassion flickered in

his eyes. 'Cat—'

'I'm sorry,' she bit out jerkily, swinging away,

needing to escape back to the sanctuary of the

bathroom. 'I was rude to you just now in front of

an employee.' She couldn't think straight, needed

to be alone away from the tumbled intimacy of

this bedroom so that she could try to piece

together the events of last night, try to make

some sense of it in her own mind. 'I—I'll

apologise later if you would like me to. I—I'll go

and take my shower now—'


Again she ignored the steely command in his voice, running
into the bathroom, locking the door behind her this time before
collapsing back against it.

If only she could remember, if only she knew what had
happened last night to make her want to make love to Caleb Steele. She
couldn't believe she had wanted to make love with
him; she didn't even like the man.

What had Vikki said to her before she left for the party
last night, 'Be good'? And then they had both
come back with the rejoinder about 'being careful'
before Cat had laughingly taken her leave. She had no idea whether she
had been 'good', but careful she certainly hadn't been.

How could she have taken Caleb Steele as her lover when
she belonged heart and soul to Harry?


had been so buoyed up the evening before as she got ready for the
party, overjoyed at the prospect of finally meeting Caleb Steele after
weeks of writing for an interview to his London office and home when
her publisher had told her he was the only way she would ever be able
to speak to his father, the reclusive author Lucien Steele.

The series of articles she had done the year before on
Hollywood marriages had proved to be a tremendous success, a publishing
company approaching her about doing a book on the subject, with the
condition that she covered four marriages of their choice, the rest
being left to her discretion. Unfortunately, one of the marriages the
publishing company had chosen had been that of Lucien Steele and the
late Sonia Harrison. Of course. Cat could have gone ahead and written
the chapter on this golden couple of the Hollywood of the forties
without talking to Lucien Steele, but she hadn't wanted to do that. But
to actually arrange an interview with him had proved more difficult
than she had imagined, the now elderly man having disappeared from the
Hollywood scene thirty years ago after the tragic death of his wife in
a fire that had destroyed their mansion house, and absenting himself
from London society a few years ago, too, to all intents and purposes
disappearing off the face of the earth. Except that his son and
grandson had to know of his whereabouts.

She had been warned of Caleb Steele's aversion to meeting
the press whenever possible but she hadn't realised he could be so
elusive, almost as bad as his father. Polite letters to his office had
been ignored; telephone requests to have a meeting with Caleb Steele
had been politely evaded by his secretary; a visit to his London home
two days ago had introduced her to Luke Steele, his notorious son.
Where the grandfather and father seemed to avoid publicity the grandson
seemed to court it! He was always in trouble of one kind or another,
always being asked to leave hotels and restaurants because of his
outrageous behaviour, and had been thrown out of two universities at
the last count.

But he had been very friendly towards her yesterday
afternoon, and if she had been a little wary of his over-bright eyes
and unkempt appearance she forgave him the minute he invited her to his
party, assuring her that his father was going to be there.

She had even ignored the over-familiarity and the
provocative remarks he kept making when she got to the party, and the
way it seemed impossible to escape his company—or not to
notice the amount of alcohol he was consuming.

She could remember all that, the noise, the loud laughter
of too many people having drunk too much, could remember deciding
shortly before eleven that Caleb Steele wasn't going to come to his
son's party after all, remembered telling Luke Steele she was leaving,
and then— nothing. The next thing she had been aware of was
that slap to her bottom!

Promiscuity hadn't been something she consciously
avoided, but something she ignored. That sort of relationship was for
other people, not her. She had her friends, a lot of them, male and
female alike, admittedly more of the latter than the former, but that
was probably because a lot of men didn't believe there could be just
friendship between a man and a woman. She believed the opposite, that
friendship should come before the love. She and Harry had been friends
from the moment they walked through the gate on their first day at
school, when Harry had given a painful tug on the single braid that lay
down her spine, and she had turned around and punched him straight on
the nose! They had both been too proud to cry and so they had laughed
instead. After that they had be come inseparable, their friendship
surprising them both—if not other people—by turning
to love when they were both fifteen.

And she had betrayed that love last night with a man like
Caleb Steele!

She didn't even need to guess what Harry would think of
the other man; she knew the two men would have disliked each other
intensely, Harry so open and boyishly handsome, Caleb Steele hiding any
emotions he might have behind that harsh face and cold black eyes. They
were as different as night and day, one devil, one angel, and
she—she had lain with the devil!

A brisk knock on the bathroom door made her jump
nervously. 'Breakfast is here, Cat,' Caleb Steele informed her
abruptly. 'Either run the water and have a shower or come out and eat,'
he advised irritably. 'You can't stay in there all day.'

She wished she could! Maybe other women could handle this
situation confidently, but she couldn't. And she certainly couldn't sit
down to breakfast in an evening dress!

'Cat?' his voice had sharpened. 'Have you fallen asleep in

Asleep? She didn't think she was ever going to fall asleep
again—too afraid of what she would find when she woke up!

'Answer me, Cat,' he advised in a steely voice. 'Or would
you rather suffer the embarrassment of my having someone break the door

She swallowed hard, barely breathing, trembling like a
leaf about to fall from a tree. 'I don't want any breakfast,' she told
him a quivery voice, on the verge of tears.


That velvet rasp sounded directly through the wood behind
her head, and she moved hastily away, turning to stare at the door with
wide eyes.

'Cat, are you crying?' He sounded incredulous at the idea.

Was she crying? Yes, she could taste the tears on her top
lip, although she hadn't been aware of them falling. Why shouldn't she
cry when her heart was breaking into little pieces!

'Cat, open the door,' he encouraged now, persuasively.
'There's no need for this, Cat,' he cajoled softly. 'Would it help if I
told, you nothing happened between us last night? That I didn't even
touch you until this morning?'

Hope flared in her over-bright green eyes, and then it
faded, leaving her looking more miserable than ever. 'Not when it isn't
the truth,' she said dully.

'But it is,' he insisted firmly. 'I was damned angry this
morning when I let you think we had made love. Open the door, Cat, and
we'll talk.'

Why on earth was he so obsessed with her unlocking the
door? What did he—no, he couldn't think that!
God, if she were the type to commit suicide she would have done it
years ago, and over a much more worthwhile man than Caleb Steele.

She straightened, her head back proudly. 'I'll be out as
soon as I've showered. Would you please order me a taxi so that I can
leave immediately?'

For a moment that was silence on the other side of the
door. 'Very well,' he bit out coldly, no longer so close to the door.
'The hysterics are over, I take it? he derided.

She stiffened. 'You can rest assured that I don't intend
using your razor to cut my wrists!'

'That might be a little difficult,' he drawled. 'I use an
electric shaver!'

Cat bristled indignantly at his mockery. 'I could always
used it as a saw!'

A soft throaty chuckle answered her anger. Your name does
fit, Cat,' he murmured admiringly. 'You spit and claw right back,
don't you?'

'I thought you already knew that,' she reminded bitterly.

'I told you,' he said softly. 'I didn't make love to you
last night.'

Was he telling the truth? She didn't know. But she
desperately needed to believe that he was, slowly
unlocking and opening the door, looking up at him anxiously, coal-black
eyes staring straight back at her. And she could read nothing from
them, years of deliberately shielding his emotions making that
impossible. Cat continued to stare back at him.

'You were already in my bed when I got home,'
Caleb Steele told her briskly. 'And by that time I was too damned tired
to care who I shared my bed with!'

Cat's face drained of colour, leaving two deep green pools
of bewildered hurt.

'How the hell old are you that it shocks you out of your
mind to even think of sharing a bed with a man?'
He scowled at the accusation in her expression.

'Old enough,' she muttered.

'For what?' He turned away disgustedly, his hands thrust
into the pockets of his trousers, pulling the material taut across his

'For whatever,' she returned sharply.

'Eighteen isn't old enough for whatever!' he rasped,
scowling heavily. 'Is there anyone that's going to be worried by your
non-appearance last night?' he suddenly frowned.

She thought of Vikki, and then as quickly dismissed her
friend and flatmate. Vikki would probably be gleefully lying in wait
for her when she got home, demanding to know all the details, had been
urging her for years to take a lover.

'You mean like a father or brother?' She arched
honey-blonde brows at him.

His mouth was tight. 'Or a husband?'

Her laugh was brittle. 'God, yes, I could be married,
couldn't I?' she said hardly.

'Are you?' Black eyes were narrowed, as if he didn't like
the idea of sharing a bed with a married woman, under any circumstances.

'No,' she assured him flatly. 'Nor engaged, nor seeing
anyone seriously. I don't have a brother and my parents live in
Cornwall, so you needn't worry about Daddy coming after you with a

'Is that a possibility?' Caleb Steele asked slowly.

'Not if it's true that we didn't make love.' There was a
question in the statement.

'And if it isn't true?' he grated.

She shrugged. 'Then my father is old-fashioned enough to
want his grandchild to have a father. But you were telling the truth
when you said we didn't make love, weren't you?' Anxiety darkened her
eyes, although her expression remained bland.

He considered her for long, timeless minutes

before nodding abruptly. 'I'd been in a meeting

for over forty-eight hours; I have union trouble.'

There was a resigned twist to his mouth. 'But

yesterday was Luke's birthday—'

'It was?' Cat gasped; it hadn't been like any other
birthday party she had ever gone to!

'It was,' he nodded, giving an impatient sigh as he
watched her continually hitch the sheet over her breasts in an effort
to keep it in place, turning with leashed energy to push open one of
the mirrored doors to his wall-length wardrobe, searching inside.

'Do you have a mirror fetish?' Cat burst out impetuously,
fascinated by the way there were mirrors everywhere, even on two walls
in the adjoining bathroom; it had come as something of a shock to see
the tousled reflection of herself across the width of the luxurious
room, the sunken Jacuzzi meaning she had an unhindered full-length view
of herself!

He turned briefly to give her a dismissive glance. 'If
you're expecting me to say they were already in the house when I moved
in you're going to be disappointed,' he drawled, taking out a dark
brown robe. 'Here, put this on.' He held it out to her.

She gratefully took the robe, then looked down awkwardly
at the sheet, wondering how she was going to go from one to the other
and still maintain her modesty.

'Let's not go through that again,' Caleb Steele whipped
the sheet from around her body, holding out the robe for her to put her
arms into. 'You were naked when I climbed into bed next to you last
night, and you didn't even have the sheet on you when I woke up this
morning!' he dismissed impatiently.

'That isn't the point,' a red-faced Cat snapped, quickly
turning to put her arms into the robe.

'Because you're awake now?' he mocked. 'There,' he
murmured softly. 'That's why I like mirrors.'

She froze, slowly turning her head to look at him, but he
was staring up at the ceiling, and with the heated colour darkening her
cheeks she reluctantly followed his gaze.

She had her arms thrust into the sleeves of the robe but
he hadn't yet put the material in place about her shoulders, her back
arched, her breasts thrust out invitingly. The reflection reminded her
all too forcibly that earlier she had issued a similar
invitation—and that he had accepted!

She pulled the robe about her in hurried movements, her
cheeks burning as she tied the belt about her slender waist, the
thigh-length robe reaching down past her knees, the sleeves falling
down over her hands as she straightened her arms.

'Let me.' Caleb Steele moved to turn up the sleeves,
treating her with all the resigned patience of an adult dealing with a
recalcitrant child. 'I could snap you in half and not even know I'd
done it,' he murmured as if to himself.

'I'd know you had done it,' she told
him with feeling.

The coal-black eyes became even darker, the cynical light
going out of them to be replaced by a surprising warmth, before that
stern mouth actually curved into a grin, deep grooves etched into his
cheeks, his teeth very white against his tanned flesh.

Cat's eyes widened like a surprised feline. 'Why do you
hide all that dental work?' she once again spoke without thinking
first. 'I mean, you rarely smile,' she tried to amend, grimacing her
embarrassment as she knew she had failed.

This time he laughed outright, a rich deep sound,
roughness once again cloaked in velvet. 'Like everyone else I laugh
when something amuses me.' He still smiled. 'And I'll have you know
that these teeth are all my own, and they're the genuine uncapped

She stared at him in fascination, amazed at the difference
his smile made. He looked almost handsome! And years younger, not quite
so much as if every minute of his thirty-nine years had been spent
amassing the power and money that made him the dangerous man he was.


She suddenly realised he was no longer smiling, but eyeing
her watchfully as she openly stared at him. 'I can see that now,' she
rushed into speech. 'One of the front ones is a little crooked.'

He nodded. 'If you were a guest at my son's party last
night why didn't you know it was his nineteenth birthday?' he asked

This man would have been lethal as a courtroom lawyer,
would have held the judge and jury mesmerised by the way he never
missed even the slightest irregularity!

'He didn't tell me,' she answered truthfully.

'If you're a friend—'

'I told you, I'm only an acquaintance.' She bit her lip.
'I—I went to the party last night because I wanted to meet
you,' she revealed, knowing honesty had to
prevail now.

His eyes glazed over, his nostrils flaring, his mouth a
thin angry line. 'So it was all an act,' he said
disgustedly. 'The surprise, the dismay, the shock,
he added impatiently. 'When I didn't show at the party you decided to
wait for me, in my bed!' He began to pace the room, shaking his head as
he looked at her. 'You ought to get an Oscar for the act you just put
on in the bathroom,' he grated. 'I actually did feel a first-class heel
for lying to you!'

'Because you are!' Her eyes flashed. It was

cruel to make me believe we had—we had been

lovers. Everything I told you was the truth, my

drinks were doctored, and I have no idea how I

came to be in your bed—'

'For God's sake don't start crying again!' he rasped as the
tears began to fall. 'We'll get to the bottom of this once and for
all,' he bit out, picking up the receiver to dial. 'Luke?'
he barked in the mouthpiece. 'Get in here,' he
ordered as coldly as he had earlier told his son to leave. 'And make
sure your story is a good one!' he advised threateningly before
slamming down the receiver to once again pace the room.

For all the notice he took of Cat as they waited for the
arrival of his son she might as well not have been here.

'Do you always talk to him that way?' she finally asked

His head snapped back, his hands thrust into his trouser
pockets again. 'What way?'

She shrugged. 'Like one of the hired help,' she frowned.

His mouth twisted. 'If I spoke to Norm in that way he
would leave.'

'Your son doesn't have the same prerogative,' she drawled.

'But he does,' Caleb Steele corrected in a hard voice.
'He's his own man.'

Man sounded a little hopeful for the immature boy she had
witnessed at the party last night, his youth obvious in the way he
drank too much, laughed too loud, and was too familiar with a woman
five years his senior. She doubted Caleb Steele had ever been that
young, had been married and on his way to becoming a father at the same

'Let me put that another way,' he drawled, seeming to
guess her thoughts. 'Luke is independently wealthy from money given to
him by his mother, and at nineteen he's over the age of consent.'
He shrugged broad shoulders. 'If he doesn't like the way I talk to him
he's free to set up on his own.'

The underlying friction of the father towards his son was
unmistakable. But considering the amount of newsworthy trouble Luke
Steele had been in over the last couple of years perhaps that was
understandable. She had found the younger man to be totally brash and
rude. And, secretly, she couldn't forgive his witnessing those moments
of intimacy she had shared with his father earlier!

'Don't look so worried, little cat,' Caleb murmured
throatily. 'We won't come to blows over you.'

If they did she had no doubt who would be the victor. And
she had a feeling Caleb Steele didn't either, despite the fact that he
was twice his son's age. She also knew he didn't give a damn how she
felt, that he once again believed the worst of her.

'Do you get a lot of women throwing themselves at you?'
she frowned.

Black eyes narrowed to steely slits. 'I've never actually
had a woman I don't know waiting for me in my own bed before,' he bit


'Come in, Luke,' he called out to his son as a knock
sounded on the door.

Physically father and son were very alike, although Luke's
eyes were a deep blue. They both possessed that rugged attraction
rather than handsomeness, but maturity had given Caleb that cynical
light in his eyes where Luke displayed only recklessness. And in
contrast to .Caleb's tailored shirt and trousers Luke looked the height
of casualness in faded denims and a loose sweater. The bravado in his
stance was directed at both his father and Cat.

He nodded in recognition of her, his insolence barely
contained. 'Miss Howard,' he drawled. 'So nice of you to have stayed
the night.' In contrast to his father's American drawl his English
accent sounded very precise—and insulting.

Cat knew that after the break-up of his father's marriage
the boy had gone to live with his grandfather before being sent to
school in England. The fact that the two even spoke with a different
accent made them even less like father and son.

'Did I have any choice?' she returned tartly.

He gave a careless shrug. 'You didn't look as if you
wanted one earlier.'

Colour heightened her cheeks. 'You—'

'Luke, what the hell is going on?' His father's voice
cracked between them like a whip. 'Do you know anything about Cat being
in my bed?'

Luke shrugged again. 'Only what I saw this


'You know a lot more than—'

'Cat, I'm trying to find out what happened,' Caleb cut in

'Well you won't do that from your son,' she snapped,
glaring at the younger man.

'Luke will tell me the truth.' His
voice brooked no argument—or deception.

'I wish I had your faith,' she muttered. 'So far, in our
very short acquaintance, your son has shown
himself to be anything but truthful!' she challenged.

Luke Steele didn't even blink an eyelid, 'I would doubt
you have been completely honest with my father either,' he sounded
confident. 'Otherwise there would be no need for this conversation.'

Cat shot him a resentful glare. 'I have told your father
everything I know about last night. Unfortunately, he doesn't believe
me,' she added disgustedly.

'Maybe you would like to tell me what you know, Luke.' It
was phrased as an invitation, but there was no doubt in anyone's mind
that it was an order.

'I think there's only one thing about Miss Howard that you
will really be interested in.' Luke spoke again in that confident
voice, as if, despite everything., he was sure he had the upper hand.

Cat tensed warily, sensing danger.

'Oh?' his father prompted guardedly.

'Cat is a reporter,' Luke announced in a bored voice. 'The
one that's been asking to be introduced to Grandpop the last three

If Cat had thought Caleb Steele's eyes were chilly before
then she learnt a new meaning to the word at that moment, the black
orbs as hard as pebbles and cold as ice! Luke was right, knowing she
was a reporter did seem to be the only thing his father was interested
in now.

'You're that C. Howard?' he bit out
with icy accusation.

He made her sound—and feel—like some
sort of low life that had accidentally wandered into his pampered
world, as if just being in the same room with her contaminated him!

He turned furious eyes on his son. 'If you knew who she
was, what was she doing at your party?'

Luke looked taken aback by the attack, as if he

had expected that little fact to be overlooked

by his father's anger at finding her here at all.

'I—well—she's been making a pest of herself, and

so I thought—'

'I haven't been making a pest of myself,' she disclaimed
indignantly. 'All of my letters to this family have been polite, the
telephone calls, too.'

'All twenty-one of them,' Caleb Steele acknowledged in a
hard voice. 'Oh yes,' he confirmed softly at her startled look. 'I'm
well aware of the amount of times you've called, and the reason for


'And you must be aware that they could be called
harassment,' he added coldly.

'Nothing of the sort,' she dismissed impatiently. 'I
always took no for an answer, and it was the only way I could contact
you when you refused to even acknowledge my letters.'

'The mere fact that I didn't acknowledge them should have
been answer enough!'

She had known that, of course; she would have had to have
been patently insensitive not to have done! But she wasn't the type of
reporter that liked to write because of someone else's unhappiness or
misfortune. She had discovered that long ago, and she never sent
anything to print without first talking to the people involved, and
also getting their OK on what she had written before sending it in.
There was already too much misery in the world without having it
constantly emblazoned across the front page of newspapers.
Faint-hearted, some of her colleagues had called her in the early days,
but she had felt comforted by the fact that she did at least have a
heart of some sort! And that was the reason she couldn't in all
conscience do the chapter in her book on Lucien Steele and his wife
without talking to him first.

'I only wanted to meet your father, talk to him

for a while,' she pleaded her case. 'I told you, I'm

writing a book—'

'My mother has been dead nearly thirty years,' Caleb
Steele scorned. 'Most people today haven't even heard of her, let alone
that she was married to Lucien Steele!'

'You know that isn't true,' she protested at that blatant
lie about Sonia Harrison, one of the screen-goddesses of the forties
and fifties. 'They had a season of her films on only last summer!'

He sighed, his gaze steely. 'She's still old news,' he

'My publisher doesn't happen to
think so.' She shook her head.

'So write your book,' he invited harshly. 'You don't need
my permission to do that. But make sure you only write the facts,
because as soon as the book is published I intend to have my lawyers go
over what you've written about my parents with a fine toothcomb!'

She had already guessed that. If only she could

make him understand that she had no intention of

writing anything defamatory about either of his

parents. 'Look, I know that because of the fact

that your father is into his seventies now there

was a rumour a couple of years ago that he no

longer writes his own books, but—'

A harsh laugh interrupted her. 'My father is more lucid at
seventy-four than a lot of men are at half his age!' Caleb Steele
scorned. 'The whole idea was ridiculous from the first.'

She was sure it was. But even if it weren't it was none of
her business; she was only interested in the time the now elderly man
had been married to Sonia Harrison. 'I wish you would see—'

'Oh, I do, Miss Howard,' he assured her coldly, turning
that icy gaze on his son once more. 'I have yet to hear a reasonable
explanation from you,' he prompted hardly.

A flush darkened the young boy's cheeks, the expression in
his eyes more reckless than ever. 'I thought you should meet Cat,' he
shrugged. 'Talk to her. And then maybe she would get lost.'

'She was waiting in my bed for me!' his father snapped

Cat paled. 'I wasn't waiting for you!' She turned
glittering eyes on Luke Steele. 'How did I get into your father's bed?'
she demanded to know., too angry to mince her words.

'How should I—'

'Don't lie,' she warned with controlled fury, 'The last
thing I remember about last night was telling you I was leaving.'

He returned her gaze unblinkingly. 'And the last time I
saw you you were on your way out.'

'That's a lie—'

'I don't lie, Cat,' he dismissed in a bored voice.

He was lying now, and she had a fair idea why; his
father's anger was formidable, even to this self-confident young man.
'Luke, can't you see you're just making matters worse?' she
encouraged. 'You know very well I didn't get as far as leaving the
party last night.'

'I know it now,' he nodded.

She gave a frustrated sigh. 'If you're worried about your
father's anger then surely you realise he's going to be twice as
furious if you don't tell him the truth now?'

Luke gave a harsh laugh, glancing slyly at his father.
'I'm not in the least concerned about Dad's anger,' he scorned. 'What
can he do, stop my allowance, throw me out?' He gave a derisive snort.

Caleb looked unmoved by his son's disgraceful behaviour.
'So you aren't telling the truth?' he pounced.

'I didn't say that,' his son drawled dismissively. 'I just
don't want Miss Howard to get the impression I'm frightened of you.'

'Aren't you?' his father threatened softly.

Luke blinked, disconcerted for a moment, and then the
defiance was hack in those restless eyes. 'If that's all?' he derided,
'I'm meeting some friends this morning.'

'Go,' his father dismissed wearily.

With a malicious smile in Cat's direction he did so. Cat
disliked him even more than she had yesterday, and with more reason!
And yet something about his behaviour struck a chord in her memory.

'They say it's tough being the child of a well-known
father,' Caleb Steele mused hardly. 'No one mentions how difficult it
is being the father of that child!' He gave a ragged sigh,
straightening his shoulders with fresh determination. 'And don't quote
me on that,' he rasped warningly.

'I'm not the type—'

'To "kiss and tell"?' he finished scornfully. 'All women
are that type, reporters especially so,' he bit out harshly. 'It's a
pity you haven't actually experienced my lovemaking so that you can
give me a rating as a lover; publicity like that could be very
beneficial to my social life!'

From what she had heard his social life didn't need any
boosting, women falling over themselves to go out with him! And he
obviously held every one of them in contempt for finding him attractive.

'I think you should concentrate on straightening out your
son rather than worrying about your social life,'
she told him tartly.

He became suddenly still. 'What did you say?'

Steel cloaked in velvet again. She was coming to know some
of the facets of this man's personality, and right now he was furiously
angry at her for daring to interfere between him and his son. But she
had finally realised what it was about Luke that was so familiar,
recognised it and feared it. 'At the moment your son could go either
way,' she spoke with quiet intensity, 'He's teetering on the edge of
falling down into that abyss of depravity that will totally destroy
him, or coming to his senses and carrying on with his life.'

Caleb Steele scowled. 'What the hell are you talking
about?' he demanded impatiently.

She gave a ragged sigh, desperate to make him

understand how near his son was to losing all

reason. 'Luke is going through a trauma of some

kind,' she explained, 'and the only way he knows

how to deal with it is by going from one deed of

recklessness to another. Last night—'

'Let's forget last night,' he rasped. 'There appear to be
two schools of thought concerning that.'

She nodded. 'And you naturally choose to believe your
son,' she said without rancour.

'Naturally,' he drawled harshly, watching her with
narrowed eyes.

Cat shrugged acceptance of his loyalty. 'One of these days
your son is going to do something that's going to hurt someone else
very badly, and then it's going to be too late to help him.'

'You speak as if from experience,' he probed slowly.

She knew the nightmare of waking up every morning with
only feelings of despair, of knowing the day would only get worse not
better, of feeling that way and knowing there was nothing she could do
to stop it. Luke Steele showed signs of that inner trapped feeling she
had carried about with her for over a year, she had seen it there in
his eyes when he momentarily let down his guard. She didn't like him,
or the things he was doing, but she understood him. Which was surely
more than his father did!

'Believe me, Mr Steele,' she ignored the

question in his tone, 'if you don't soon stop Luke

it could be too late. He's very angry at the world

right now and—'

His mouth twisted. 'I thought you didn't know

my son very well,' he taunted.

'I don't,' Cat shook her head. 'And I don't want to know
him any better either,' she added with feeling. 'But even I can
recognise a wounded animal's cry for help.'

Colour darkened his cheeks. 'And I can't, hm?'

'Maybe you're too close to him,' she sighed.

'Or not close enough?' he mocked hardly.

'Maybe,' she acknowledged reluctantly.

His mouth thinned. 'I've never professed to be the perfect
father,' he grated. 'Luke and I have lived apart too much for that. But
I don't need some damned amateur coming along offering advice,' he
glared at her.

'I'm only trying to help—'

'Then don't!'

'No,' she accepted heavily. 'He's your son, you probably
know him better than I do.' Although she hadn't been wrong about the
utter despair she had briefly glimpsed in Luke Steele's eyes!

'I wonder why that smacks of condescension?' Caleb derided

A blush darkened her cheeks. 'I'm sorry. I didn't mean '

'You meant exactly what you said, and how you said it.' He
glanced impatiently at his slender wrist-watch. 'Could you hurry up and
get dressed?' he urged. 'I'll drop you off at your home on my way out.'

'That won't be necessary,' she refused abruptly.

'It's very necessary.' He gave a humourless quirk of his
mouth. 'This time I intend to see you personally escorted off the
premises. Just so that there are no mistakes, you understand?' he
taunted. 'And I'm afraid that now you won't have time for breakfast
before you leave.'

Cat fled to the bathroom, the mention of food once again
making her feel ill.

She felt as conspicuous as she thought she would as she
travelled to her home in the green evening dress, grateful it was a
Sunday and still early enough for there not to be too many people about
as Caleb Steele halted the black Porsche outside the Victorian house
she shared with Vikki.

Black eyes narrowed on the old but well-maintained house.
'You live alone?'

She shook her head. 'With Vikki, an old school-friend. It
was her parents' house before they died,' she explained, not wanting
him to get the wrong idea about how two young women managed to pay the
rent on such a house in London, too! He had altogether too bad an
opinion of her already, without assuming she was a 'kept woman'! Or

'No father nearby, no brother,' he murmured thoughtfully.
'And no live-in lover.'

'That doesn't make me unusual, Mr Steele,' she snapped.

'I'm well aware of that,' he drawled pointedly.

Colour darkened her cheeks. 'Then why the surprise?'

Black eyes turned on her sharply, pinning her to the spot,
'I'm not surprised, Cat,' he bit out. 'I'm just wondering who the hell
Harry is!'


was Harry? It was a very long time since anyone had asked her that,
since anyone had needed to ask. Harry had been a
fixture in her life for so long that to see one without the other had
been cause for speculation. Had been. Harry was gone now.

'Who told you about Harry?' She frowned at Caleb Steele.

He pulled a face. 'Sufficient to say I know about him. So
who is he?'

Cat wasn't satisfied with his answer. How did he know
about Harry? This man hadn't even realised who she
was until his son had told him, so how did he just know
about Harry? 'You just said you knew about him,' she returned

His mouth thinned. 'The only thing I know is that you
cuddled into me last night and called me Harry!' he rasped.

Cat stared at him with wide, disbelieving eyes, her face
crumpling in despair as she saw by his steady, unblinking gaze that he
told the truth. 'I'm sorry,' she buried her face in her hands. 'How
awful for you… I'm so sorry,' she choked again.

'Hey,' a gentle voice finally cajoled, lean fingers gently
caressing her damp cheek. 'I've been called worse,' he mocked.

Somehow that didn't help, the tears falling all the
harder. That she had shared a bed with this man was bad enough, that
she had mistaken him for her beloved Harry when she did so was

'Who is he. Cat?' Caleb Steele prompted in a voice that
brooked no further delay.

'Was,' she corrected forcefully, her lashes spiky and damp
as she looked at him with pained eyes. 'He's dead,' she explained
abruptly at his raised brows.

Black eyes narrowed now. 'How long ago?'

'Five years.' She swallowed down the tears.

'He was—killed, the day—the day of our

wedding,' she revealed haltingly, knowing this

man would persist until he knew it all. And

didn't he have that right when she had called him

the other man's name! 'It was a beautiful

summer's day, the most wonderful day of my life,

I thought. But when I arrived at the church my

mother told the driver to keep circling, that

Harry hadn't arrived yet. I knew there had been a

mistake, that Harry wouldn't let me down. I—he

was already dead, both he and his best man.

Their car went straight under a lorry. They said

he was killed outright‘'

'Cat, if the police said he was killed instantly then that
was what happened,' he cut in firmly.

'They said he felt no pain.' Heir eyes were dark and
tortured. 'How can they know that?' Her voice was shrill. 'I have
nightmares about it, that he was lying there in that twisted hulk of
metal that was all that was left of his car, knowing his life's blood
was seeping out of him.' Her gaze flew to the harsh face of the man
next to her. 'Do

you think that he did? Do you think—'

'Cat,' Caleb spoke with cold calm. 'Would it make you feel
better to know that he died screaming in agony?'

She gasped at the deliberate cruelty in his voice, and
then a tortured breath left her body. 'Thank you,' she squeezed her
eyes shut and then opened them again. 'No one has ever spoken
that—frankly, before,' she admitted shakily.

'Probably because you've never confided your fears to
anyone before.' His dark gaze searched her face. 'Have you?' he

'No.' It had been easier to talk to
a stranger, to

someone who wouldn't just offer words of

comfort that didn't really mean much because

they were only said to make her feel better and

not because they were true. 'I don't know why I

called you Harry last night—'

'I do,' he bit out harshly. 'You're
still in love with him.'

Her head went back as she sensed criticisms her unruly
hair long down her spine. 'I'm not ashamed of that,' she defended.
'I've always loved him.'

'But he's—'

'Dead,' she finished harshly. 'Yes,
I know. Gods how I know,' she added bitterly. 'But death doesn't bring
an end to love, not the sort of love I had for

'It shouldn't stop your life either,' he told her softly.

'My life hasn't ended,' she told him as one weary of
hearing the same advice too many times.

'I work, I have a social life, friends. I even enjoy my
life again.' She frowned as she made this admission, knowing that that
was exactly what it was, that for over a year after Harry's death she
had lived in a state of shock, that when she had finally accepted his
death she had had what amounted to a minor nervous breakdown. Then had
come the rebuilding of her life so that she could go on. It had been
painful and difficult, but she had done it.

And now she was revealing her inner feelings to a man who
had believed she would do anything to get a story, including ambushing
a man in his own bed! It was the sort of situation she and Harry would
have found very amusing in a situation comedy, but when it happened in
real life, and to her, it was no longer funny.

'Please talk to your son again,' she requested earnestly.
'I don't care what he said, he isn't telling you the truth about last

Caleb Steele stiffened, the gentle companion of a short
time ago completely gone. 'My son doesn't lie to me, Miss Howard,' he

'Neither do I!' she defended instantly.

His mouth twisted. 'It's
unimportant who lied,' he dismissed in a bored voice.

'Not to me it isn't,' she frowned. 'I still want to talk
to you about meeting your father.'

He stiffened. 'I don't give interviews. And neither does
my father!'

'I don't exactly want to do an interview as


'Just probe into his marriage to my mother,' he bit out.
'Look in the books written about that time, Miss Howard, it's all in

'It couldn't hurt just to talk to him—'

'Doesn't the fact that she died thirty years ago and my
father has never remarried tell you that he still loves her?' he
snapped. 'That the memory of her, talking about her, still hurts? You,
of all people, should understand that,' he accused.

Cat paled. 'I'm sorry.' She gave a confused shake of her
head. 'I never thought…' God, thirty years and Lucien Steele
still hungered for the love he had lost! Would she still feel the
desolation of Harry's loss in thirty years? God, it was like a black
shadow shrouding her life!

'A reporter's natural instinct,' Caleb Steele derided.
'They never think of the harm or pain they cause, only of the effect
the story will have!'

'I'm not like that—'

'Of course you aren't.' His contemptuous expression belied
his words.

It was useless arguing with a man who had such a biased
opinion of her. If she left it a few days and then contacted him again
maybe he would be more receptive. Although she doubted it!

'Thank you for driving me home, Mr Steele,' she said with
a politeness that was inborn in her. 'Even though I realise you had the
ulterior motive of seeing me out of your home,' politeness couldn't
prevent her adding mockingly. 'Perhaps I could call you
and—no,' she grimaced at the look he gave her beneath
frowning brows.

'We've said it all,' he agreed drily.

Cat got out of the car, standing on the pavement to watch
as he drove away before realising how conspicuous she must look
standing here in broad daylight wearing an evening dress at ten o'clock
in the morning!

'I won't ask,' Vikki's eyes widened as a harassed-looking
Cat hurried into the house. 'I'll get us some coffee—and then
I'll ask,' she announced cheerfully. 'There's some hot water if you
want a bath first,' she added brightly, the fact that they were always
in short supply of hot water of constant annoyance to them both.

Cat knew her gaze was evasive, 'I've already had a
shower,' she muttered.

Her friend's eyes widened even more, and she seemed about
to launch into those questions now, before clamping her lips together
with tremendous effort. 'A change of clothes
then,' she amended. 'And I'll get the coffee.'

She needed more than a change of clothes to calm her
shattered nerves, sitting down on her bed in the bedroom next to
Vikki's. The house had four bedrooms in all, but the two women
preferred it to be just the two of them.

She and Harry hadn't looked at anyone else from the time
they were fifteen and realised they were in love. Always and totally
together, Harry had given her a ring when she was seventeen, and they
had spent the next two years saving and planning for the life they were
going to have together.

Harry had been so handsome, golden-haired, blue-eyed, with
a wicked sense of humour that had matched her own. They had been like
two parts of a whole, gently teasing each other about the colour eyes
their children would have when Cat's were so deep a green and Harry's
were so startling a blue; they had no doubt they would be beautiful
golden-haired babies when they were both so fair.

Both being only nineteen when they decided to get married
a lot of people had still considered them to be only babies themselves.
But there had been no doubts in either of their minds that marriage was
right for them, both of their families supporting their decision

Harry was always a passionate and eager lover, but with a
control that had often frustrated her he had refused to make love to
her completely, had claimed that he wanted their wedding night to be
something they would both remember. Much as it pained her to do so, her
reaction to Harry's caresses always instantaneous, she had accepted
that decision, although just a few days before the wedding they had
almost forgotten that resolve in a blaze of pre-wedding passion.

God, how many times had she wished that she and Harry had
made love that night, that she had at least belonged to him completely
just once!

The thought that it might have been Caleb Steele that she
gave that night to, filled her with distress and shame, burying her
face in her hands as she wished she could remember what had happened
between them last night. But it was all a blank. And she didn't know if
she could accept Caleb Steele's casual dismissal of intimacy; men just
didn't get into bed and sleep next to a woman who was a complete
stranger to them! Not in her world they didn't. But Caleb said her
world wasn't real. She didn't know what was real and what wasn't any

'Hey.' A concerned Vikki came down on her knees in front
of her. 'It can't be that bad.'

'Worse,' she choked, shaking her head.

Vikki smiled gently, a beautiful red-head, with snapping
blue eyes, a sprinkling of freckles across her nose, and a delightful
way of being able to laugh at any and everything. She had been Cat's
salvation after Harry's death, the two of them sharing this house since
that time, more like sisters than just close friends.

'It's no crime to like a man, to find him attractive, to
go home with him,' Vikki chided.

'I didn't,' Cat swallowed hard.

Her friend frowned. 'Then where ?'

'I meant I didn't go home with him,' she explained
abruptly. 'I was already there,' she added heavily.

'Already there? But—' Vikki looked even more confused.
'Luke Steele?' she sounded

disbelieving. 'I've seen photographs of him; he's

very good-looking. But—'

'Totally selfish and egotistical,' Cat shook her

head. 'And too young. No, it wasn't him. Oh,

Vikki, I don't know what I'm going to do!' she

wailed. 'I woke up in bed next to the man and—'

'Next to who?'
Vikki gasped her frustration.

'Mr Steele,' she dismissed. 'And —'

Steele?' Vikki repeated doubtfully.

'Caleb Steele,' she explained impatiently. 'And


'And you still call him Mr?' Vikki frowned her disbelief.

'If you'll listen I'll tell you!' she snapped. 'His

son put alcohol in my orange juice—'

'Uh-oh,' her friend grimaced.

'Yes,' she sighed. 'He says he didn't but—
Vikki, what usually happens when I pass out?'

'I'm not sure I understand what you mean?' Vikki looked
more confused than ever.

'What I mean is, do I do anything, before or
after—or during?' she grimaced as she got to what she was
really trying to say.

Her friend's brow cleared. 'Unconscious women do not make
love with strange men,' she told her confidently.

'But that's just it, Vikki,' she groaned. 'Do I

stay unconscious or do I ?'

'Get up on tables and dance naked?' her friend taunted.


'Well surely he knows whether or not
you made love. He wasn't drunk, too, was he?'

'Doubtful,' she said drily, sure Caleb Steele never lost
hours out of his life because of drink. 'And he says we didn't make
love,' she frowned.

Vikki gave her strained face a considering look. 'But you
don't believe him,' she realised.

'It isn't that,' she groaned. 'I—something
happened, and—well, it gave me a sense of deja vu.'
Colour darkened her cheeks as she recalled watching Caleb in the
mirrors above them as he made love to her. At that moment his
lovemaking had seemed so—so familiar, as if she really had
made love with him before. 'Vikki, I'm just not sure what happened,'
she choked.

'I doubt he's the sort of man who would disclaim making
love if you really had,' Vikki derided.

'He isn't the sort of man who needs another notch in his
bedpost, if that's what you mean.'

A strange expression flickered in Vikki's eyes. 'You liked
him,' she stated incredulously.

'No, I—' She frowned. 'I don't like him. But I'm confused by him. What happened—'

'Hasn't happened since Harry,' her friend finished gently.

The sexual torment she had known in Caleb Steele's arms
was nothing like the joy she had always known in Harry's arms. But it
had been so intense, and for those few brief minutes she had felt more
alive than she had for a very long time. It unnerved her.

She shook off her feelings of confusion, determined to put
the incident behind her. 'He's refused to introduce me to his father.'
She stood up to strip off her gown and pull on fitted denims and a
black jumper, releasing her hair from inside the high collar.

Vikki stood up too, realising that any more personal
confidences about Caleb Steele weren't going to be forthcoming. 'Do you
really need his help?' she shrugged.

'I don't know where his father is,' Cat grimaced. 'And I
wouldn't feel right writing the chapter without talking to him.'

'Then you'll have to speak to Caleb Steele again.' Vikki
knew better than to argue with Cat's principle of always talking to
people before writing about them.

That realisation had been slowly coming to her. She would
just have to leave it long enough for Caleb to have got over last night.

The dream came to her for the first time that night.

Her arms were laden down with books, and it was all she
could do to reach the doorbell, ringing it once before quickly moving
her hand to stop the pile of books sliding to the floor.

She had spent most of the day at the library, had finally
decided she might as well check the books out and continue working at
home. Not a single bus had arrived at her stop in the twenty minutes
she had waited, it was pouring down with rain, and she was very much
afraid the top book was waterlogged. She just hoped it wasn't one of
the really expensive ones.

Vikki opened the door just as Cat thought the books were
going to tumble to the floor anyway.

'Thank goodness.' She breathed a sigh of relief as she
hastily moved inside to put the books down on the telephone table in
the hallway.

'My sentiments exactly!' Vikki groaned behind her. 'You're
home at last!'

She turned with a frown on her face, rubbing her wet hands
together to try and ward off the cold. 'What is it? The boiler didn't
go again, did it?' She grimaced, the image of the hot bath she had been
thinking of relaxing in, all the way home suddenly disappearing as she
envisaged contacting the heating maintenance again about the boiler
breaking down and leaving them with no heating and no hot water.

'It isn't the boiler,' a ruffled Vikki dismissed as she
closed the door. 'I only wish it were,' she added with feeling. 'Where
have you been all this time? You said you would be bade about five.'

She was well aware of the fact that it was now

after seven, but Vikki didn't usually get herself in

such a flap if she should happen to be late. 'You

didn't get dinner ready, did you?' she sighed at

the thought of the ruined meal. 'You should have

said this morning, and then I—'

'I didn't get dinner ready,' Vikki interrupted
impatiently. 'I just wish you had got home when you said you were going
to.' She roughly helped Cat off with her wet

It wasn't like her friend to get this agitated

about anything. And something else occurred to

Cat at the same time. 'Why are we whispering?'

she whispered, having automatically lowered her

voice after Vikki's initial hushed exclamation.

'Have you got a sore throat?' she asked with

concern. 'You should have said—'

'I haven't got a sore throat, the
boiler hasn't

broken down, and dinner isn't in ruins!' Vikki

was really agitated now. 'But you do have a

visitor. And he's—'

'He?' she frowned warily.

'Yes, he!'
her friend hissed. 'He's been sitting

in our lounge making polite conversion for over

an hour. Since I informed him you were bound to

be home soon so he may as well wait! And, Cat,'

she groaned her consternation. 'I actually opened

the door to him in my rollers! I'd just washed my

hair, and I thought it was you, and—'

'Vikki, who is my visitor?' she asked in a controlled
voice, having a terrible feeling she already knew his identity. Vikki
wasn't the type to get flustered for no reason, and so her visitor must
be someone she didn't feel comfortable with. What was he
doing here?

'Caleb Steele.' Her friend confirmed her thoughts. 'Oh,
Cat, I've been boring him out of his mind.' She winced at the memory.
'Talking about everything and nothing. And all the time he's been
replying "yes" and "no", with this cold little smile playing about his

She sighed, knowing exactly how inadequate Vikki was
feeling, also knowing her friend was probably right about Caleb being
bored out of his mind, remembering only too well what he had once told
her about women that talked too much!

What was he doing here? she asked herself again. Two weeks
had gone by since the morning he had brought her home in her evening
dress. She had decided to give him another week and then contact him
about another meeting. She couldn't imagine what had prompted him to
come here to her.

'Did he say what he wants?' she frowned.

Vikki shrugged. 'Just to see you. He hasn't said
much at all,' she explained shakily. 'Just sat there looking at me
while I chattered on and on!' she added with mortification. 'I never
thought there was such a thing as black-coloured eyes until just now!'

Those eyes were almost as unnerving as the man, Cat knew
that. She squeezed Vikki's arm reassuringly. 'Don't worry, I'll take
over now,' she said, with more confidence than she felt.

'I'm going out,' Vikki grabbed her coat from the hook,
hastily pulling it on. 'I told Sarah I might go round tonight; I've
just decided it's an excellent idea!'

It was Caleb's fault Vikki had been driven out of her own
home, the visit to her friend something she had just thought of, Cat
was sure of it. Well, he could be as rude to her as he liked, but he
wasn't going to treat her friends in the same way.

She picked up the pile of books and marched through to the
lounge, almost faltering as her gaze clashed with a black one, her
dreams suddenly a vivid reality. She had never had dreams like them
before, would wake up shaking with fulfilment, knowing it was this
man's lips and hands that had given her that ecstasy. They were so
real, so vivid, that as she gazed at him across the room she felt as if
she had known every intimacy there was with this man.

She had had those same dreams every night for the last two
weeks, would deny them even to herself, only to have them return, when
sleep came to her. She daren't talk about them, daren't acknowledge
them, had thrown herself into a frenzy of work, hoping to be too tired
to dream when she finally fell asleep. It never worked.

'Cat.' Caleb stood up in one fluid movement, the green
shirt tailored to him, as were the close-fitting black trousers. 'Let
me take those.' He plucked the books out of her arms as if they weighed
nothing at all, discarding them on to the side table. 'How have you

How had she been? The last thing the two of them had
between them was politeness!

'You look terrible,' she told him with brutal honesty,
lines of tiredness beside those dark eyes, deep grooves beside his grim
mouth, 'Is it Luke? she asked with premonition.

He gave a ragged sigh of confirmation. 'He was

involved in an accident—'

'No!' Compassion darkened her eyes.

Caleb's mouth twisted. 'Don't worry, he isn't dead,' he
derided, his mouth suddenly tightening. 'Although he thought he was
going to be.'

'What happened?' she prompted quietly.

'He decided to see if he could fly his car off the top of
a bridge!'

She swallowed hard. 'Drugs?'

'Who knows?' his father grated. 'I didn't come here to
talk about that, only to tell you that when he thought he was on his
death bed he decided to confess his sins!'


'Is that all?' His eyes widened. 'My son tells me he got
several of his female guests to undress you and put you in my bed after
you passed out from drinking vodka and orange juice and all you can say
is "oh"!'

She shrugged, turning away, grateful at least that it
wasn't Luke himself who had undressed her and put her in his father's
bed. 'I already told you that had to be what happened,' she dismissed.

'And I didn't believe you,' Caleb snapped. 'Once Luke is
walking again—he broke a leg,' he explained at her
questioning look. 'Once he's back on his feet I'm going to knock him
off them again! Do you realise the gravity of what he did to you that

'Do you?' she returned softly.

His mouth was tight. 'When I climbed into that bed all I
knew was that there was a warm and inviting woman there. You were lucky
I was too tired to do anything about it!'

It didn't matter that he hadn't made love to her

that night, he made love to her every other night,

in her dreams! 'You really didn't have to come


'Of course I did,' he scowled. 'I owe you an apology.'

And how difficult he was finding it to make it! Regret and
remorse didn't sit well on his shoulders at all. 'Take it as said,' she
dismissed. 'Now if you wouldn't mind I'd like to take a bath and get
warm?' She was aware that her hair was drying in wild disorder.

He frowned. 'What are you doing with all these books?'

Her mouth twisted. 'Research. "Looking up the history of
the time, it's all in there",' she derided.

His eyes were cold. 'Afraid of hard work, Miss Howard?'

'Not at all, Mr Steele,' she returned as formally. 'But it
would be so much easier if I could just talk to your father.'

'I realise that,' he nodded. 'But as I've told you before,
my father doesn't see anyone.'

'Why?' she frowned.

'He has his reasons,' Caleb dismissed harshly.

Cat sighed. 'I'm sure he does. But not being able to talk
to him is making it very difficult for me to write about him.' The
preliminary work she had done on the chapter had come out very stiff
and documented, rather than the interesting flow she was aiming for.

'I'm sorry.'

The lack of sincerity in his voice made her stiffen.
'You've made your apology…' she said pointedly.

'No, I haven't,' he derided. 'Have dinner with me?'

'Why?' she returned suspiciously.

He shrugged. 'As part of my apology for misjudging you.'

'No, thank you,' she refused primly. 'I have to take a
bath, and then I have some work to do. And I'm sure you would like to
go and visit your son.'

'I've just been with him.' Black eyes compelled her to
look at him. 'I want to have dinner with you,
little cat.'

She swallowed hard. 'Why?' she asked again.

Caleb looked exasperated with her suspicion. 'Because I
haven't eaten, your friend said you haven't eaten, and it would be nice
if we could eat together.'

No time spent with this man could ever be

described as nice. Exciting, electric, even nerve-

racking, but never nice! 'I usually just grab a


'I can see that.' His dark gaze swept over her

Cat looked down at herself self-consciously. She was a
little on the slender side, as the clinging black jumper and black
cords clearly showed, but it wasn't an unhealthy thin. 'I
thought I was perfect?' she reminded him mockingly.

'You are,' he nodded abruptly.
'You're also pale and hollow-cheeked. You could use a little healthy
food inside you.'

'Mr Steele—'

'I thought we settled that,' he
drawled. 'You can't possibly be that formal with a man you've slept
with,' he derided. 'And I do mean slept.'

She blushed. 'I don't want to go
out to dinner with you,' she told him firmly. 'Whatever your name is!'

His lips curved into that rare smile. 'You know what my
name is, little cat,' he drawled. 'And if you don't feel like going out
we could always stay here and eat. Although I'd want something more
substantial than a sandwich,' he added mockingly.

'You are not having any sort of dinner here.' She spoke
precisely, so that there should be no mistake as to her meaning.

'You aren't thinking this out, Cat,' he drawled
confidently. 'Just think, you could spend the entire evening trying to
get information out of me about my parents' marriage.'

She knew as well as he did that she wouldn't get any
information out of him that he didn't want to tell her! 'If you would
like to give me a formal interview,' she bit out, 'I'd be happy to fit
in with your other appointments. But I'm not having dinner with you on
the off-chance that you may make the occasional remark about your
parents that you can instantly refute as soon as I try to print it!'

He scowled with annoyance. 'I want
you to have dinner with me,' he rasped.

She knew that, felt as if she knew this man very well from
her dreams. 'And I've refused,' she pointed out dismissively.

'Several times,' he acknowledged impatiently. 'You've been
trying to see me for months, and now that I'm giving you the
opportunity you turn me

What she being foolish to do so? The night she had spent
in his bed hadn't been his fault, and he couldn't be held responsible
for the vividness of her wanton dreams about him either! And there was
always the possibility that he might decide to talk about his parents.

'Can you wait while I bath and dress?' she asked awkwardly.

Triumph glittered in the dark eyes, although it was
quickly masked, his mouth twisted mockingly. 'I
can wait,' he murmured.

Cat gave him a sharp look, but could read nothing from his
expression. And yet for a moment, a very brief moment, she had sensed
something else in his words. She shook her head dismissively, sure she
must have imagined it. And yet what did he get
out of the evening if not her!

'Caleb,' she spoke slowly. 'What do you

'Want?' he repeated cautiously.


'I'm not sure I—'

'Why do you, who have avoided me for months, suddenly want
to take me to dinner?' She watched him frowningly.

'I want you.'

She gasped, unable to hide her surprise. 'Me?' she
repeated faintly, stunned at his blunt honesty.

'Yes,' he confirmed grimly. 'Even before Luke told me the
truth about that night I knew I had to see you again. But first Luke
had his accident, and then another union row broke out, and I couldn't
seem to get away. But all that time I've been seeing you, naked, in my
arms. I want you, Cat.'


'I realise I have to evict the ghost from your bed before
I can even hope to join you there myself,' he rasped. 'But I can be a
patient man when I want something badly enough.'

She shook her head, wordlessly denying him and the things
he was saying.

'He's dead, Cat,' Caleb told her with deliberate cruelty.
'And you're young and beautiful and alive.'

'I love him,' she choked. 'I'll always love him.'

His mouth thinned. 'He's never coming back,' he told her

She was breathing raggedly. 'That's no reason for me to
let you into my life,' she said angrily. 'I don't even like you!'

'You like me to make love to you,' he taunted.

All the colour drained from her face. 'I—
you—what do you mean?' He couldn't know about those dreams,
no one could!

'That morning in my bed…' He stepped closer,
the heat of his body touching her. 'If Luke hadn't walked in when he
did we would have made love completely. Well?' he prompted as she made
no answer.

'Yes,' she acknowledged dully. We would. But you only want
me now because I'm a challenge, a novelty, a woman who's still in love
with a dead man!'

Black eyes searched the quiet stillness of her face. 'You
believe that?' he said heavily.


He sighed. 'Forget dinner,' he turned on his heel. 'I've
suddenly lost my appetite.'

That night Cat dreamt that Caleb came to her again.

'For goodness' sake,' Vikki chided as Cat chewed worriedly
on her bottom lip. 'It's what you wanted, isn't it?'

Cat read the letter in front of her for what must have
been the dozenth time since its arrival that morning. Caleb had agreed
to see her for a few minutes the following afternoon. Why?

It was over a week since the night he had left her home so
abruptly, and she had heard nothing from him since that time, hadn't
expected to hear from him again. He wasn't a man who was usually told

This letter from his office, granting her an interview,
had come completely out of the blue, and she couldn't help but feel
suspicious about his motives. But the chapter on his parents still
wasn't going well.

'Cat?' Vikki prompted.

'Yes,' she sighed, 'it's what I wanted.'


She hadn't told her friend everything about the evening
Caleb had come here, omitting the latter part of their conversation,
still too unnerved by it herself.

'Why now?' she frowned.

'Why not?' Vikki shrugged. 'He's met you, realised you
aren't going to exploit what you're told; I'm not at all surprised he's
agreed to talk to you.'

She was; knew that when Caleb had left that night he had
no intention of seeing her again. What had changed his mind? If he had,
the letter only said he had agreed to see her, it didn't say what it
was about.

'His photograph was in the paper today, did you see it?'
Vikki prompted.

Yes, she had seen it. Luke had been leaving hospital, his
leg still in plaster, his father driving the car, Luke in the back with
a clinging redhead. But it had been Caleb that held her attention,
grim-faced and remote. The last thing she had expected was this letter
from his office.

'Luke looked well,' she dismissed.

'He looked an idiot,' Vikki scorned. 'The newspaper report
said he drove over the side of a bridge,' she said disbelievingly.

'Yes,' she frowned, wondering if he had done it
deliberately, because of the emotional unhappiness he was going
through. She had been there too long herself not to know the despair he
was feeling.

'They also implied his car wasn't the only thing that was
as high as a kite.' Vikki looked at her enquiringly.

'I wouldn't know,' she dismissed. 'Do you really think I
should go to this meeting?' She abruptly changed
the subject, not willing to discuss Luke's emotional trauma even with

'Of course you should go.' Her
friend sounded scandalised she should even think of refusing. 'Why
shouldn't you?' she frowned.

Because the dreams hadn't stopped; because she went to bed
every night with feelings of trepidation and anticipation. Caleb was
always there, never Harry.

'You're right,' she decided firmly. 'Why
shouldn't I?'

There seemed any number of reasons why she shouldn't as
she dressed the next day, but she refused to listen to any of them. She
had a job to do, and it seemed Caleb was now willing to help her do it.
She wouldn't look beyond that.

The previous evening she and Vikki had picked out the
clothes she should wear, the black woollen suit feminine but formal.
She decided at the last moment that she looked more efficient with her
hair up, although several silky tendrils insisted on curling about her
cheeks and nape.

She checked her appearance in the full-length mirror
before leaving, her sparkling green eyes adorned only by the thick dark
lashes, her complexion creamy, her lip-gloss a vivid plum colour. She
looked elegantly slender in the woollen top and skirt, her legs long,
made to look even more so in the high-heeled sandals. She looked smart
enough for a business meeting. And she was determined that that was all
this would be.

The Steele office suite was all that she had thought it
would be, very luxurious, very efficiently run, and very much Caleb
Steele's domain. He ran the English section of his businesses from
here, several assistants also in residence to deal with those business
holdings. The woman that identified herself as his personal secretary
was beautiful enough to have been a film star herself, and Cat
instantly recognised her as the woman who had politely but firmly
rejected all her previous telephone requests to meet Caleb. If the
other woman was aware of those reflections now she gave no sign of it,
her manner one of polite friendliness.

Cat wished she possessed some of the other woman's cool
confidence as she sat in the reception area waiting for the time Caleb
would ring through to say she could go in.

He seemed to be taking his time about it. Was it
deliberate? She didn't think he was the sort of man who would stoop to
playing games like that just to unnerve a woman who had already made
such a nuisance of herself. But the waiting only increased her tension,
so that by the time the buzzer sounded on his secretary's desk she was
nervous enough to physically jump up from her chair.

The secretary looked up to smile at her. 'Mr Steele will
see you now.'

She gave a tight answering smile before moving to the wide
wooden doors that were the entrance to Caleb's office. She had woken
this morning with the feel of his hands on her body, the touch of his
lips on her flesh, and facing him now was the last thing she wanted to
do when those memories were still so vivid.

She gave a firm knock on the door before entering.

This office was like something off a film set: opulent
armchairs in cream leather placed in front of the flaming log fire, a
deep pile carpet that her shoes instantly sank into, a large oak desk
in front of a book-lined wall. The man seated behind the desk looked at
her coldly as her gaze finally turned on him.

Cat let her breath out in a ragged sigh, grateful for the
fact that Caleb looked like a stranger in the dark grey business suit,
his expression hard and forbidding, his eyes icy, and nothing like the
Caleb of her dreams who seduced her with his body.

'I'm sorry if you were kept waiting.' He spoke
dismissively. 'I was on the telephone when you arrived.'

'I didn't mind.' Her own voice was husky from the intimate
thoughts she had just had.

'Please, sit down.' He indicated the straight-backed chair
facing him across his desk.

She did so, her thoughts racing. How could they act like
strangers when they were far from that!

'Are you still having the dreams?'

Her panicked gaze flew to his face, all colour draining
from her cheeks. 'Dreams?' she repeated in a strangulated voice.

'About Harry's accident,' he nodded. 'You look like a
decent night's sleep wouldn't do you any harm.'

'You don't look too good yourself,' she was stung into
replying, deeply relieved that he hadn't been talking about her dreams
of him. He couldn't know that not even the
nightmares of Harry came to her any more.

'I'd lay odds on my sleepless nights being due to an
entirely different reason to yours,' he derided hardly.

And he would be wrong! 'I didn't come here to talk about
the way I look, Mr Steel?,' she snapped. 'You seemed to think we had
something to discuss?'

'Yes.' His mouth compressed, the
black eyes glittering. 'I have some good news for you. And some bad
news,' he added drily.

'This sounds like a very bad joke,' she scorned.

'Not mine, I assure you,' Caleb rasped. 'Luke has been up
to mischief again.'

Cat felt herself stiffen warily, remembering all too
vividly where that young man's 'mischief had left her last time. 'Yes?'
she prompted with obvious reluctance.

Caleb sighed. 'He told his grandfather about your requests
to meet him.'


'Which brings us to the good news,' he dismissed mockingly.

Her eyes widened eagerly. 'He's agreed to see me?' she

'Yes,' Caleb ground out, as if he weren't at all pleased
at the idea.

Her pleasure at that glowed in her eyes, only to be dulled
again as she realised she hadn't yet heard the 'bad news'. It meant
there had to be some sort of condition attached to the meeting.

'He's agreeable to talking about his marriage to your
mother?' she prompted for this much at least.

'Subject to reading and approving what you write, yes,'
Caleb rasped.

'What else?' she frowned, sure that wasn't the 'bad news';
she had already assured Caleb she would do that anyway. She had no
intention of upsetting or hurting anyone.

He leaned back in his chair, watching her with narrowed
eyes. 'You know that my father has chosen to shut himself away from the
world in recent years?'

'Of course,' she nodded slowly, wary of what was to come.

'Well, he isn't in London.'

'I see.'

'Do you?' Caleb scorned. 'I very much doubt that you do.'

'Then why don't you get on with it and tell me instead of
playing this guessing game with me!' she snapped in her tension, colour
entering her cheeks as she realised what she had done. 'I'm sorry,' she
said abruptly. 'I—it's just that this means a lot to me,' she
excused lamely.

His mouth was tight, his eyes cold. 'My father has asked
me to issue you with an invitation for you to stay with him this

'Why, that's wonder—'

'Cat,' he flatly cut in on her enthusiasm. 'All you will
know about your destination is that you won't leave Britain!'


frowned. 'And just what does that mean?'

'Isn't it obvious?' he returned snappingly. 'If you want
to meet my father you will get yourself to the airport at six-thirty
tomorrow evening.'

Airport? 'I thought you said he was in Britain?'

'He is,' Caleb sighed. 'But Britain
is a big place, and' a flight will be quicker and less tiring. And
don't try and work out where he could be if you have to fly there,' he
derided, as she could be seen doing just that. 'We could just fly you
around in circles for a couple of hours and land nearby.'

She pulled a face. 'Isn't all this a little dramatic?'

He shrugged broad shoulders. 'How long is it since my
father spoke to a reporter?'

Ten years. Lucien Steele had hidden himself away
completely for the last two years of that time, but he had refused to
be interviewed a long time before that. His books, huge blockbusters
about Hollywood and the people that existed in that glittery world,
were always bestsellers, the .fact that the author had lived in that
world and now refused to talk about it making them avid reading. But
rumours of ghost-writers had abounded the last few years simply because
he locked himself away and wouldn't see anyone.

Cat knew she was very privileged to be allowed to meet
him. If only the meeting weren't made to seem so mysterious.

'I need hardly add,' Caleb rasped, 'that I'm completely
against the idea.'

That had been obvious from the first. Whatever attraction
he had professed to feel for her last week was now superseded by his
harsh disapproval of this proposed visit to his father. And for that
she was extremely grateful. Maybe now the dreams would stop.

'I'll go,' she decided firmly.

Black eyes narrowed. 'Just like that?' he bit out. 'You'll
fly off to God knows where for the weekend and yet you refused to even
have dinner with me!'

Her mouth twisted. 'I think a weekend with your father
would be less dangerous than dinner with you,' she taunted.

That rare warmth darkened his eyes., the anger going from
his face as he began to smile. 'You're probably right,' he drawled. 'I
haven't changed my mind about you, little cat,' he added softly.

So much for that supposition! 'Neither have I,' Her eyes

He gave an appreciative inclination of his head for her
show of temper. 'Bringing you round to wanting what I want could prove
an interesting battle.'

'One you would be predestined to lose,' she assured him

'Ah yes,' he pursed his lips. 'Any man would find it
difficult to fight the ghost of a previous lover!'

Cat stiffened at the derision in his tone. 'Harry was my
life, she bit out.

'And would he have wanted you to waste what was left of it?'

She breathed raggedly. 'I told you, I enjoy my life as it

Caleb stood up, and she involuntarily took a step
backwards, her nervousness increasing at the predatory look that
entered his eyes at her movement. He came round the desk now to stand
in front of her, his hands reaching for her.


'I don't like women flinching away
from me, little cat,' he murmured throatily. 'Especially when I can so
easily stroke you and make you purr.'

Panic widened her eyes, and she took another step
backwards, only to feel her calf press up against something soft before
she felt herself overbalance and fall down into one of the leather

Caleb stood over her looking down, blocking her exit. 'Do
you know how long it is since I allowed thoughts of a woman, any woman,
to disturb my nights?' he rasped. 'Since I reached out for a certain
woman's body only to find she wasn't there?'

Cat swallowed hard, apprehension in her eyes.

If he should touch her—

'Years, little cat,' he murmured self-derisively. 'I'm
sorry the man you loved died, Cat,' he added huskily, 'but I'm very
much alive, and warning you is killing me!'

She gasped as he came down in the chair beside her, the
length of his body pressed against her.

'Cat.' He gently cupped her chin and turned her to face
him, his expression gentle. 'I didn't plan for this to happen,' he
groaned. 'I thought I could see you again, put my father's proposition
to you, and then forget about you. But I can't, Cat. I can't!'

Cat watched in fascination as his head bent towards hers,
seeing that his eyes weren't really black after all but a deep, deep
blue. And they were coming closer and closer and closer…

His lips parted hers, and as they did so Cat realised this
was the first time his mouth had touched hers; that first morning he
had caressed only her breasts. His mouth on hers wasn't at all as she
had imagined it would be; it was warm and inviting, moving with
infinite gentleness against hers. Her eyes closed, and it was just like
her dreams; the scent of him, the feel of him, his shoulders firm
beneath her hands as she clung to him.

His mouth moved moistly across her cheek and down her
throat, his hair smelling of lemons as it brushed against her, his
teeth nibbling the sensitive hollows of her throat, the caressing
motion of his hand faltering beneath the curve of her breast, his thumb
stroking against the hardening nub.

She cradled him into her as she felt the warmth from the
fire touch her bared skin, only to know a burning sensation through to
her thighs as one taut nipple was suckled into his eager mouth, his
tongue caressing her in circular movements.

Her breathing was ragged as she arched against him,
needing more, wanting more, receiving more as his
hand cupped her other breast. She was lost, on fire, reality and dreams
becoming one, and she couldn't stop either one of them.

A loud cracking noise wrenched Caleb's head up in a
startled movement, his eyes black with passion, his lips moist with the
taste of her.

'Damn,' he muttered impatiently, bending down to pick up
the hot splinter of wood that had been thrown from the fire, tossing it
back amongst the flames before turning back to Cat.

'I—I thought it was an artificial one,' she
croaked inadequately.

'No,' he replied with surprising intensity. 'It's very

Bewildered green eyes gazed up into black ones, and she
quickly turned away from whatever he was trying to say to her in those
expressive depths, grateful to him as she felt the softness of her
jumper pulled down over her aching breasts, tears flooding her eyes as
he stood up.

'I dislike anything false, Cat,' he spoke raspingly. 'And
you're so very real.'

She straightened in the chair, not able to face him yet,
not able to face herself yet! 'Except the dyed
eyelashes,' she reminded him sharply.

His mouth twisted. 'Everyone is allowed at least one
artifice,' he drawled. 'Everything else about you is very real.'

Including her response to him! No
matter how she tried to deny it she couldn't refuse this man anything
he asked of her.

'Including my love for Harry,' she said in a hard voice,
hoping he would forgive her for using him as a shield in this shameless

Caleb's mouth tightened. 'You can only beat me with that
stick so many times, Cat, before it ceases to have any effect,' he
warned gratingly.

Her chin went up in challenge. 'Did it work this time?'


'Then I have no reason to suppose it will be put to the
test again,' she told him coldly. 'I doubt the two of us will meet

He smiled without humour. 'You think I'm going to back

'I don't think you have too much choice about it,' she

'No?' he queried softly.

She felt a flutter of apprehension in her stomach. She had
known she shouldn't come here today. Next time she would listen to her
own reasoning! 'I have to leave now.' She stood up, self-consciously
straightening her clothing. 'Will someone meet me at the airport
tomorrow evening?' she asked, with much more calm than she felt.

Caleb frowned. 'You'll still go?'

'Of course,' she nodded distantly.

'Good,' he said admiringly. 'I wondered if my persistence
might have put you off.'

'This—has nothing to do with my meeting your
father,' she bit out tautly.

'I couldn't agree more.' He moved to sit back behind his
desk. 'Yes, someone will meet you at the airport. And pack warm
clothing,' he advised. 'The forecast is snow. Everywhere,' he taunted,
as she tried to remember where they had forecast snow on the radio this

He was right, it had been everywhere; this was one of the
worst Februarys England had had in years. 'Will the plane be able to
take off in such extreme weather?' she frowned.

Caleb shrugged. 'The snow forecast was for the weekend.'


'I'll let you know if the plans change,' he derided. 'After
all, I know where you live.'

Why did everything this man said sound like a threat?
'Very well,' she accepted coolly. 'I—er— thank
you,' she added awkwardly, because she didn't know what else to say.

Amusement glittered in his eyes. 'You're
very welcome,' he drawled.

'I meant for arranging for me to see your father,' she
snapped irritably.

He raised innocent brows. 'Of course.'

Damn the man. What did he think she meant!

'It isn't funny,' she chided Vikki indignantly as her
friend couldn't seem to stop laughing.

'Of course it is,' Vikki chuckled. 'He actually made love
to you there, in his office? And you said thank you!'

Her cheeks blushed fiery red. 'I wish I'd never told you
about it now,' she said irritably. But she had had to talk to someone
about what had happened, and Vikki was her closest friend.

'I'm not laughing at you, Cat,' her friend soothed. 'I
just can't imagine the man I met acting that way. He seemed
so—-controlled,' she explained.

'He is,' she sighed. 'He's just decided I'm to be his next

'He doesn't sound like a rapist or a murderer, to me,'
Vikki laughed.

'You know what I meant,' she said impatiently.

'Yes,' her friend still smiled. 'And if you're so anxious
to avoid seeing him again why are you going ahead with this meeting
with his father?'

'Because Caleb isn't going to be there!'

'Did he say he wasn't?'

'No. But—'

'You should try reading the gossip columns for a change,
Cat,' Vikki teased. 'Apparently he flies himself
all over the world. You did say you were flying to this meeting, didn't
you?' She raised questioning eyebrows.

'But he wouldn't—' she broke off,

Caleb hadn't said he would be present during her meeting
with his father, but then again he hadn't said he wouldn't be either!
She sighed her frustration. 'I'm going to telephone him right now and
ask,' she decided determinedly.

Vikki frowned. 'Do you really think he would tell you if
he wants you that badly?'

Remembering his aversion to any form of artifice she
nodded, sure Caleb wouldn't lie even if it might mean she changed her
mind about the weekend.

Caleb was no longer in his office, and his secretary
wasn't expecting him back until late next week.

Cat was satisfied with that, safe in the knowledge that
Caleb was back in America.

Although, in some ways, she wished he were at her side the
next evening when she arrived at the airport. She had no idea who was
meeting her, where they were going? or how Lucien Steele would receive
her when they did arrive.

'Miss Howard,' greeted a familiar voice.

She turned, colour heightening her cheeks as she looked at
the man she knew only as Norm, remembering that on the last occasion
she had met him she had been at a distinct disadvantage. Obviously he
remembered it too!'

Sympathy for her predicament gleamed in his eyes. 'I'm
sure that, whatever did happen that night, Caleb met his match,' he
said, taking her luggage easily into his hand.

'Yes.' A smile curved her lips as
she relaxed a little.

'Is this all you have with you?' He indicated the single
small suitcase of hers that he held.

'What more could I need for a weekend— wherever?'
she dismissed.

'True.' He grinned at her effort at appearing nonchalant
in the face of flying off into the blue with a complete stranger.


His smile faded. 'I have instructions not to, Cat,' he
interrupted regretfully.

She nodded. 'And you always do what Caleb tells you to do.'

Amusement gleamed in his eyes once again. 'Within reason,'
he drawled.

She liked this man, Cat decided. He must feel as awkward
about this situation as she did, and yet he could still maintain his
sense of humour.

'I'm sorry,' she smiled. 'That was unfair of me.'

'A little.' Blue eyes twinkled. 'But
it was worth a try, hm?'

'Yes,' she laughed. 'I'm glad you're the one to meet me; I
was feeling a little nervous.'

'I would never have guessed that,' he teased.

She ruefully acknowledged the truth of his mockery, knew
her eyes were too deep a green, her movements too jerky, her usual good
humour replaced by sharp suspicion. It just served to confirm what she
had always known: she would have made a lousy investigative reporter!
But the mystery surrounding this meeting with Lucien Steele certainly
had her adrenalin pumping—and her nerves jumping. Which Norm
had lightly acknowledged with his mockery. . 'Maybe we should introduce
ourselves properly?' he suggested gently. 'Our last meeting wasn't
exactly conducive to polite introductions,' he recognised ruefully.
'I'm Norman Bruce, Norm to my friends, which I hope you will be. I'm
also Caleb's personal assistant.'

'And I'm Catherine Howard—Caleb's thorn in his

He chuckled softly. 'I had noticed
he's been going around like a wounded lion the last few weeks.'

Colour darkened her cheeks as she remembered that Caleb
had said she had been constantly on his mind since that morning in his
bedroom. 'I don't have the figure to be Daniel!' she returned sharply.

'I don't think you're that sort of thorn,' Norm mocked.

She doubted that Caleb Was the sort of man to discuss
personal problems with anyone, but it was obvious he had been in enough
of an uncharacteristic mood for Norman Bruce to have realised something
was bothering him, that the other man had also been astute enough to
realise she was the problem. Caleb really was
serious about wanting her!

'Hey, this is really none of my business,' Norm
encouraged, seeing her frowning countenance.

Cat followed him across the tarmac to the waiting plane.
'I just don't want you to think I'm—'

'I know exactly what you are, Cat,' he cut in firmly.
'You're the writer that wants to meet Lucien—if you were
anything else Caleb wouldn't be growling so loudly,' he teased.

Cat had almost stumbled up the plane's steps before she
realised what she was doing. This sleek silver machine wasn't the
commercial jet running a domestic flight that she had been expecting,
and the Steele Film Studio logo was vividly emblazoned on the tail.

She clutched at Norm's arm. 'Caleb's plane?' It was
difficult to make herself heard in this noisy part of the airport,
planes constantly coming and going, the silver jet ready for take-off,
just waiting for its passenger—her!

'Of course.' Norm seemed surprised that she should need to
question that.

She made no effort to climb up the stairway to the
interior. 'Who's flying it?'

A frown darkened his brow. 'The pilot,' he derided drily.

Cat looked up at the cockpit, but she couldn't

make out any faces, only movement. 'Caleb—'

'Is not flying the plane,' Norm assured her mockingly.

'He isn't on board?' Somehow she trusted this man to tell
her the truth.

'He isn't even in the country,' he drawled.

She smiled her relief, hurriedly preceding him on to the
plane, glad she had dressed warmly now; the wind was icy.

The interior of the plane had obviously been fitted out to
Caleb's personal needs, the eight luxurious seats arranged in such a
way that they were positioned about two tables, probably so that people
could work during the flight. Another larger area had been made into a
small lounge. They were certainly going to travel in comfort!

Cat had never flown before, the honeymoon she and Harry
had intended taking in Greece the closest she had ever come to an air
trip. She had felt no interest in travel since that time. She found
that she liked it, could feel the excitement building within her,
meeting Norm's indulgent look with gleaming eyes.

'Your first flight,' he guessed wryly.

'But not my last,' she assured him enthusiastically.
'This is wonderful!' She had had a wonderful view of the capital's
lights as they took off, and they were even now cruising above the
clouds as she and Norm sipped the drinks the attendant had brought
them, the sky blue-black up here. Strangely, it reminded Cat of Caleb's

'Short flights are fine,' Norm
nodded. 'It's the ones to the States that are killers.'

Her expression became dreamy. 'I'd love to see America!'

'Who knows?' He watched her closely. 'Maybe you will one

'No, I—no,' she said again more forcefully as
she realized what he meant. 'I have no wish to go anywhere with your

He stood up to stretch his long legs. 'I get the
impression there are a lot of things he would like to show you,' he

Cat turned away, staring fixedly out of the window,
looking straight at the sky that reminded her of blue-black eyes.

He hadn't come to her last night.

She had lain in bed re-living those moments in his office,
fighting the sleep that wanted to claim her, not wanting his arms about
her again, his kisses as he brought her to fulfilment. But she hadn't
been able to push back the realms of sleep.

And nothing had happened.

She had begun to search for him in the dark corners of her
mind, could even now recall her nightgown-clad body running frantically
about in the darkness, a pale ethereal figure with despair etched into
her face. She had woken sobbing.

And Caleb hadn't come to her.

What was he doing to her! For nights she had wished him
gone from her dreams, had felt ashamed of her wanton thoughts about
him. And this morning she had cried because he had gone!

'Cat? Are you all right?' Norm's concerned voice cut in on
her tortuous thoughts.

She opened her eyes, blinking, realising as she did so
that her lashes were damp with fresh tears. 'I'm fine,' she dismissed
abruptly. 'Are we nearly there?'

'About another twenty minutes,' he replied vaguely,
frowning at her. 'Are you feeling airsick?'

If only it were as simple as that! She didn't know what
was wrong with her, had been in one state of turmoil or another since
the moment she had met Caleb Steele. And it wasn't getting any better!

'Not at all,' she dismissed briskly. 'Will Mr Steele have
any other guests this weekend?' she asked interestedly.

'Mr Steele never has guests,' Norm informed her bluntly.
'I have a feeling that the only reason he agreed to see you was because
of what Luke told him.'

She frowned. 'I know that he told his grandfather I wanted
to meet him, but I can't see anything odd in that,' she said warily.

He shrugged. I'm not speaking out of line when I say Luke
has a penchant for making mischief…'

'No,' she acknowledged, already very familiar with that
side of that young man.

'And you can bet on it that, whatever did happen the night
of his birthday party, he's embellished it enough to make his
grandfather interested in meeting the lady involved.'

'Oh no!' All the colour drained from her cheeks,
humiliation washing over her at the thought of the famous author
knowing of the embarrassing events of that night. 'If I were a man I'd
punch Luke Steele on the mouth,' she snapped with feeling.

'If you were a man the situation wouldn't have arisen,'
Norm derided.

If she had been a man in his bed that night Caleb Steele
would have done the punching—and it wouldn't have been his
son at the receiving end of it!

But he must have been aware of what Luke had told his
grandfather. How could he have put her in this embarrassing position!
Quite easily, a little voice mocked, he had some debts of his own to

'I thought Lucien Steele just wanted to meet me because he
approved of what I want to write.' She groaned at her naiveté.

'Maybe he does,' Norm shrugged. 'But forewarned is
forearmed, as the saying goes.'

She wanted to tell him to instruct the pilot to turn the
plane around and take her back home, but she was damned if she would
give Luke or Caleb Steele that satisfaction.

'What does it matter why he's agreed to see me?' she
grated. 'As long as he does.'

Admiration gleamed in pale blue eyes, and Norm smiled his
approval, glancing up as a light flashed on at the front of the plane.
'Fasten your seatbelt, Cat, we'll be landing very shortly.'

That sounded very final, giving her no choice. She would
meet Lucien Steele no matter what Luke had told him! And she would get
her interview. Damn Caleb for doing this to her!

'Landings aren't much worse than taking off,' Norm squeezed her hand reassuringly, mistaking the reason
for her tension.

No sooner had the plane touched down than the door was
opened, she was ushered down the steps by a now brisk Norman Bruce, the
chauffeur opening the door for her to climb into the back of the
waiting limousine while Norm supervised their luggage being put into
the boot.

They weren't running any risk of her finding out which
airport this was. She actually wouldn't put it past Caleb to have done
what he said and had her flown around in circles!

But it soon became obvious that they were nowhere near
London, hardly any time passing at all before they were out of the
built-up area and out into open road, the skyline hilly and becoming
mountainous. She turned excitedly to Norm, silenced by the rueful rise
of his brows. He was right, it wasn't fair to press him for their

The inside of the car was lovely and warm, which was more
than could be said for outside. Heavy snow already lay on the ground,
and it was just starting to fall again softly. Scotland or Wales was
Cat's guess. She didn't really care which anyway; had no interest in
exposing Lucien Steele's hideaway even if she should discover where it

They were driving up a tree-lined driveway now, heavy snow
reflected in the headlights, Cat gasping as she saw what lay at the end
of that driveway. It looked like a medieval castle!

She stood and gazed at it in silent awe while Norm and the
chauffeur organised the luggage.

Thick, greystone walls, feet thick, she would guess,
lights burning in several of the small diamond-shaped windows,
illuminating the beauty of the long sprawling building. It was

'Welcome to my home, Cat,' a softly
familiar voice greeted.

She wrenched her gaze around in the direction of that
voice. Caleb!


barely gave herself time to register how darkly satanic he looked as he
stood in the doorway, dressed in a thick black
jumper and black trousers, before turning her accusing gaze on Norm.

He sighed as he knew the reason for that accusation. 'He
isn't a guest, Cat; this is Caleb's house.'

And he hadn't lied when he said Caleb was out of the
country either; both Wales and Scotland counted as countries in their
own right as far as the inhabitants were concerned.

'Come inside out of the snow, Cat,' Caleb prompted. 'You
can berate Norm later for any erroneous impressions he may have given
you.' He gave the other man an amused look.

Cat didn't move. 'I think I would like to be taken back to
London,' she bit out tautly.

The amusement instantly faded from black eyes. 'Why?'

'It's obvious you had me brought here under

false pretences, and I—'

'Excuse us, Norm, Hector,' Caleb grated at the same time
as he moved to grasp Cat's arm, pulling her inside the house, across
the wide reception area and into a warmly comfortable lounge, the log
fire burning in the huge grate mainly responsible for that. The room
was big and airy, scatter rugs on the wooden floor, the old and
comfortable furniture fitting in exactly with the starkness of
stone-grey walls and the huge wooden chandelier hanging from the high

Cat pulled out of his grasp.


'I don't need to trick a woman into spending the weekend
with me, Catherine Howard,' Caleb told her forcefully. 'They're all too
damned willing!'

She blinked in the face of his vicious anger.
'You—you mean your father really is here?'

'Yes,' he rasped.


'It's my house but my father has made it his home,' he cut
in coldly. 'You haven't been brought here to amuse me for the weekend!'

Colour darkened her cheeks. 'There's no need

to mock—'

'If I don't I'm likely to take your pretty neck between my
hands and squeeze the life out of you instead!' Black eyes glittered

She could see that she really had infuriated him, frowning
her confusion. 'You did make sure that both your office and Norm gave
me the impression you had gone to America,' she accused. 'And you
deliberately omitted to tell me you intended being here.' She looked at
him challengingly.

'I'm here at my father's request,'
he snapped. 'He's out of the practice of entertaining guests,
especially young ladies.'

Her mouth tightened. 'You do realise that he thinks
we're—that we're—'

'Lovers,' he gave a mocking inclination of his head. 'Five
minutes in your company and he'll know that isn't true!'
he derided.

She bristled indignantly at his dismissive tone. 'What do
you mean?'

Caleb's mouth twisted. 'Lovers don't act the way we do,'
he rasped.

She swallowed hard. 'And how—how do we act?' she

'I act as if I want you.' His eyes
were narrowed. 'And you act as if you hate that
want. My father is an astute man, he'll soon
realise Luke was lying in his insinuations.'

But would he? If Lucien Steele were that astute would he
see the memory of her dreams in her eyes? No, of course he wouldn't;
people couldn't see dreams in your eyes!

She shook her head. 'I can't stay here now.'

'Why the hell not?' he demanded impatiently.

She flinched at his anger. 'This whole thing

was ridiculous from the first—'

'And yet you agreed to it,' he reminded curtly.

'I thought I would spend a pleasant weekend talking to
your father, get my information, and go home.' She sighed at her
naiveté. She should have known Caleb would do something like this.

'You can still do that,' he bit Out.

'No,' she shook her head. 'I want to return to London.'

'Not tonight,' he told her with finality.

'Why not?' she asked suspiciously.

'Because it's nine-thirty at night,' he answered with
barely restrained impatience.

'I don't—'

'And my plane flew straight back to London,' he finished

Her eyes widened. 'Oh.'

Caleb sighed. 'You were right that night when you said
you're something of a novelty, Cat,' he drawled. 'No other woman I know
has wanted to escape my company as desperately as you do.'

Desperation seemed to imply fear. Did he realise how
nervous it made her just to be in the same room as him? A whole weekend
in his company was unthinkable!

'I'm not desperate, Mr Steele,' she dismissed coldly. 'I
just don't like being taken for a fool!'

He looked as if he were about to say, 'Then

don't act like one!', and then thought better of it.

'I've waited dinner for you—'

'Oh, I'm not dressed to meet your father.'
She looked down at the fitted denims and the sheepskin coat she still
wore over her dark green jumper.

'My father ate his meal in his room over an hour ago,' he
revealed drily. 'So it's only me you have to impress,' he added.

Her eyes flashed. 'Perhaps I could just go up to my room
and freshen up…?'

'Of course.' His eyes mocked her. 'I'll take you


'Oh, but—'

'Relax, little cat,' he mocked. 'I make it a rule never to
seduce young innocents before I've eaten,' he drawled. 'I have to put
my appetites in order of priority.'

Cat hated being the object of his scorn, following him up
the wide stone stairway to the second floor, and along a narrow
corridor to a room at the far end of it.

'How many rooms does this house have?'
She peered curiously through the door he had just opened into the room,
gasping as she saw the four-poster bed that dominated the room, with
its brocade curtains the same as the ones at the long windows, the
heavy furniture matching the bed. 'Is this real?' She stroked the
polished wood of one of the four posts with an awed hand.

'Or something manufactured for an uncouth American with
more money than taste?' he drawled. 'It's real,' he bit out tersely.
'As is the rest of the furniture in the house; it was all bought at
auction. As for how many rooms there are,' he shrugged. 'Who knows?'
He turned to leave.

'Caleb.' She reached out a hand and touched his arm. 'I
wasn't implying you had had the bed made, I—I've just never
seen an original.'.

His eyes darkened as he looked at her, his expression
softening. 'Neither had I,' he murmured.

Cat once again had the impression he was saying more than
the words implied. And then she dismissed the idea as being fanciful.
It had been a very strange evening.


'I think I can find my own way back to the lounge,' she
assured him dismissively, her hand dropping back to her side. 'If you
could give me five minutes?'

He nodded distantly, whatever he had been about to say
held in check.

Five minutes or five hours, she trembled once Caleb had
returned downstairs, wouldn't dispel the tingling sensation she had
felt in her hand just from touching his arm! She was going mad! Where
were her memories of Harry tonight, the warm glow she felt whenever she
thought of him? He couldn't desert her now!

But she knew that he had. She loved him, knew that she
always would, but Caleb wasn't only forcing her to feel again, he was
forcing her to live again. And she was afraid, so
very afraid.

She was also using up her five minutes—fast! She
quickly brushed her hair, the snow having dampened its wildness
slightly, deciding the denims and jumper would be fine to wear to
dinner tonight. After all, she had only just arrived, and Caleb wasn't
dressed in the least formally.

She had, as she had said, a good sense of direction, but
even so she knew it would be easy to get lost in the house, it was so
big. But there had been no garishly modern changes to the house that
she could see; even the central heating was unobtrusive, the water
boiling hot a second ago when she had rinsed heir face. The house was
filled with atmosphere; she could almost imagine entering the lounge to
find long tables laid out with food, dogs on the floor to snap up the
scraps and bones that were carelessly discarded, lusty men downing wine
as they fondled the women on their knee, with a jaundiced Caleb silting
at the head of those tables as he dispassionately tried to decide which
of those women he would have in his bed that night. He would fit in
very well with those wild, unprincipled times.

'I'd love to know what's brought the flush to your cheeks
and that sparkle to your eyes!'

She stiffened, the spell broken as she stared down at
Caleb as he stood at the bottom of the stairs, his clothes of black
sweater and trousers showing her it was indeed modern times, although
his expression matched the cynicism of that other Caleb. She continued
her descent of the stairs. 'You have a beautiful home,' she told him
with a politeness that revealed none of her previous turmoil.

He straightened as she reached his side. 'And that put the
flush in your cheeks and the sparkle in your eyes?' he derided.

Her mouth firmed. 'I always look this way when I'm
hungry,' she snapped.

'For what?' he murmured throatily, his hand on her arm as
he led the way to the dining room.

Cat came to an abrupt halt as she turned to look at him.
'If this is your idea of entertainment, Caleb, then I'd rather you
didn't bother!'

He gave one of those rare grins. 'You do absolutely
nothing for my ego!'

She turned away to continue walking in the direction of
the double doors that seemed to lead to the dining room.

'Nothing to say?' he taunted softly.

'Nothing repeatable,' she bit out.

'You are hungry, aren't you?' he

She glared at him, looking for the double

meaning, the deliberate innocence in his widened

eyes telling her there had been one. 'Caleb—'

'Let's not keep Mrs McDonald waiting any longer,' he
drawled as he pushed open the doors and preceded her into what was a
much smaller room than the one she had been expecting, the oval table
laid with two places that faced each other across its width, the fire
and the five-candled candelabra at one end of the table the only
illumination in the room. Caleb glanced ruefully at Cat's face. 'I
think Mrs McDonald must have got the wrong impression when I told her
there would be a young lady for dinner,' he said drily, reaching for
the main light switch that would turn on the wooden chandelier above
the table.

'No!' Cat stopped him more harshly than she had meant to,
colour darkening her cheeks as she turned away from his speculative
gaze. 'I—it's nicer this way,' she mumbled awkwardly.

'I think so.' He gave an inclination of his head, moving
to pull out her chair for her to sit down before pressing the button
next to the fireplace in signal for their meal to be brought through.

She frowned at him across the table as he sat

down. 'Norm—'

'Is in his room,' he answered with satisfaction.

'Why?' she frowned suspiciously.

Caleb sighed. 'Not through anything I've said

or done I can assure you,' he rasped. 'He only got

in from the States a few hours ago, and—'

'Today?' she gasped, remembering what the other man had
said about how tiring he found those flights to be. .

'Yes—today,' Caleb drawled.

'He must be exhausted!'

'He is,' Caleb nodded. 'And before you start berating me
for working him too hard let me explain that the trip home was a
personal one. It

was his twentieth wedding anniversary—'

'He's married?' she gasped.

Caleb looked at her with narrowed eyes. 'Did he say or do
anything on the way here that gave you the impression he wasn't a
married man?'

The colour left her cheeks to come back in a blush as she
realised what he was asking. 'Just because you have the morals—' She
broke off abruptly as he held up a silencing hand. A small,
well-rounded woman bustled into the room, smiling warmly at Cat as she
placed two steaming bowls on the table in front of them. Cat smiled
back at her, liking the other woman immediately. 'It isn't true what
they say about the "dour Scots",' she murmured, once the other woman
had returned to her kitchen.

Caleb laughed, a full-bodied laugh of enjoyment, his eyes
warm, an enticing dimple appearing in his left cheek. 'What gave it
away?' he mused. 'The mountains, Hector, Mrs McDonald, or the broth?'

She looked down at the creamy-grey soup in her bowl. 'Is
this broth?' Her eyes glowed.

'Try it,' he encouraged.

She was careful not to burn her mouth, finding the meat
soup didn't have as much taste as the manufactured varieties of soups
but liking it anyway. It was hot and filling, and she really was very
hungry. 'It's good,' she nodded after several mouthfuls.

'You didn't answer my question about Norm?' he prompted

Her eyes flashed. 'He was very friendly and nice,' she
defended. 'He's obviously another man that takes his marriage vows
seriously.' She reminded him of the accusation he had made at their
first meeting about one of his directors.

'Don't pin the break-up of my marriage on me, Cat,' he
rasped. 'Deanna decided she didn't like being a wife or mother and
walked out on Luke and me.'

'I'm sorry,' she grimaced. 'Everything always seems to
become so personal between us.'

'Eat your broth,' he instructed gruffly.

She was relieved to do so; everything did
become too personal between them.

She took a deep breath. 'I've decided I might as well stay
on and meet your father,' she spoke at last, the companionable silence
as they ate giving a false air of intimacy, her nerves getting tauter
by the minute.

His mouth twisted. 'What changed your mind?'

She shrugged. 'I'm here now; it would be silly to return
to London without meeting him.'

'I think so,' he nodded.

She gave him an impatient glare. 'When will I be able to
see him?'

'Breakfast tomorrow,' he revealed abruptly, refusing the
dessert Mrs McDonald offered, Cat accepting a large chunk of the apple
pie so that the poor woman shouldn't be upset. 'But he works during the
morning,' Caleb added once the cook had gone. 'So you won't get to talk
to him until tomorrow afternoon at the earliest.'

She frowned. 'It seems to me that I could have arrived

'Then who would I have shared this meal with?' he derided.


'Can you ski?' he smoothly
interrupted as she seemed set to reprimand him once again.

Her eyes widened. 'I've never tried,' she told him

'You will tomorrow,' he told her.


'The Cairngorms.'

'Are we near Aviemore?' she asked

Caleb shrugged. 'I can't see any point in lying to you
about it now. I knew once you got up here it would no longer be a
secret.' He frowned. 'But I wanted you here

Cat reached across the table and placed her hand on the
back of his, finding his flesh warm and firm to the touch. 'I'm really
not going to tell anyone where your father is,' she promised intently.

Black eyes stared into green, seeming to reach into her
very soul and see the truth of her words. His hand turned over and he
clasped her fingers in his own. 'Shall we go into the other room?' he
suggested huskily.

She couldn't look away, didn't even try as they walked
through to the lounge, the overhead lighting firmly switched off before
they both sat down on the sofa in front of the fire.

They just sat there in companionable silence for some
time, Caleb still holding her hand as they both stared at the pattern
of the flames.


She turned obediently at the quiet comment in his voice,
lost in the dark sensuality of his gaze.

'I know you're frightened,' he smoothed the hair bade from
her cheek, 'and I want you to know that however far this goes,' he
gently kissed one creamy cheek, 'I won't take you.' He kissed her other
cheek before claiming her mouth, groaning low in his throat as her lips
parted for him.

It had been inevitable, she had known that from the moment
she had allowed their meal to remain a romantic one. But she could no
longer fight her need for this man's kisses, his hands on her body.

'I fantasise about kissing you
here.' Caleb deftly removed her jumper, gently easing down the straps
on the silky white camisole she wore instead of a bra, her breasts bare
and inviting. 'I love doing this.' He took one tip into his mouth,
pulling on it in painful ecstasy. 'Don't stop me yet, little cat,' he
groaned, before moving to the other breast.

She stared down at his head against her creamy skin, his
eyes closed in his enjoyment, dark lashes fanned out across his hard
cheeks, not needing any reflection to watch him as he loved her,
feeling a wealth of emotion for this man as he suckled like a child.

Her own feelings were far from maternal as he increased
the pressure of his mouth, her lips parted moistly for him when he
raised his head to claim them.

He followed her down on the length of the sofa as she
moved on to her back, unbuttoning his shirt to pull the material aside,
his hair-roughened chest arousing new sensations as her breasts nestled
in the dark hair there.

'Dear God!' Caleb wrenched his mouth from hers. 'Kiss me,
Cat. Love me!'

Her lips were tentative against the hardness of his chest,
feeling the hard brown nub beneath her tongue, aware of the shudder
that ran through his body as she kissed him in the way he had just
kissed her. She knew her power over this man at that moment, even as
she acknowledged his power over her, caressing each other now as their
mouths met, the warm rasp of his tongue moving silkily into her mouth.

It was just as if he had possessed her, the thrusts of his
marauding tongue matched by the rhythm of his thighs moving against
hers. He was keeping his promise not to make love to her, but she could
feel the heated ache in her body building to a point of release, knew
that if she didn't stop this now she was going to reach fulfilment just
from the caress of his mouth and body. She bit down very gently on his

'What? No, Cat!' he groaned at the regret he read in her
eyes. 'No, no, no!' He buried his face in the
side of her throat, rigid with desire as he fought for control. 'Yes.'
He finally shuddered acceptance of the end to their lovemaking. 'Yes,'
he sighed again, lying heavily against her.

Cat lay beneath him not saying a word, too shaken herself
to do more than just lie there.

Finally he raised his head to look at her with eyes still
dark with passion. 'I very nearly broke my promise to you as soon as I
made it,' he acknowledged gruffly.

'No, it was me,' she admitted shakily. 'I

going to—was about to—'

'God, I wish you had. Cat,' he groaned. 'I
would have liked to give you pleasure.'

She swallowed hard, avoiding his eyes. 'I—I
would like to get up now.'

Caleb gently cupped her chin and made her look up at him.
'It isn't wrong to feel desire and pleasure, Cat,' he encouraged softly.

'I know that,' she frowned.

'But you're sorry it happened.' He swung away from her,
sitting up to button his shirt. 'I'm not going to be as hypocritical,'
he rasped. 'I'm not at all sorry!'

Cat took advantage of his averted gaze to pull on her own
clothing. Was she being hypocritical, pretending not to want his
lovemaking? She was too confused to know any more, each resolve she
made not to let him touch her broken at his slightest show of desire.
She didn't recognise herself as the woman who reacted so wantonly in
his arms.


'Go to bed, little cat,' he instructed gently. 'Dream of

Dream of him. She had done little else since she had met
him. Except last night.

And that night, too.

She lay awake for a long time in the huge four-poster bed,
that and the imaginings she had had of him as a feudal lord earlier in
the evening making her sure that Caleb would come to her in her dreams
again that night. Instead she was once again the distraught woman in
the white nightgown looking in the darkness for her lover. And again he
hadn't come to her.

She awoke feeling irritable and frustrated. Not unlike the
way she had gone to bed! Her body seemed to have demands of its own,
was paying her back for denying it satisfaction the previous night.

Her mood hadn't improved by the time she had showered and
dressed in a black woollen skirt and pale green lambswool sweater. She
wasn't going to risk making a bad impression on Lucien Steele at the
outset by appearing in trousers, conscious of the fact that he might
not approve of women wearing trousers.

She was frowning as she walked down the stairs, the frown
turning to a scowl as she saw Caleb in conversation with Norm in the
reception area. Caleb stiffened, and then turned to look at her, as if
he had sensed her presence part-way down the stairs. He didn't take his
eyes off her as he said something dismissive to the other man, Norm
walking away after giving Cat a brief smile of greeting, a smile she
half-heartedly returned.

Why couldn't Caleb have looked at her and dismissed her
as he had all those mornings ago!

He had walked to the bottom of the stairs now, his arm
resting on the bannister as he watched her descent, his eyes warm, a
smile of welcome playing about his lips.

'Caleb- '

'Cat,' he cut in with firm indulgence. 'You look

He gently pulled her down on to the last step, his arms
about her waist as he held her gently into him. 'Let's say good morning
properly,' he groaned, before his mouth came down on hers.

All her irritation evaporated beneath the warmth of his
kiss, and with a soft moan of surrender her body curved willingly into
his, her arms going about his neck as she returned the caress.

'That's better.' He looked at her
with warm dark eyes. 'Good mornings sweetheart,' he said huskily.

'Good morning,' she returned, knowing her cheeks were
flushed, her eyes over-bright.

Caleb seemed satisfied with the turmoil he had caused
within her, smiling indulgently. 'Feel up to meeting my father now?' he

She didn't feel up to meeting anyone. Her legs felt weak,
and she just wanted Caleb to pick her up in his arms and carry her back
up the stairs, to his bedroom this time.

'Yes,' she answered huskily.

Caleb laughed softly. 'Don't look so nervous or he'll eat
you alive!'

Oh God, not another awe-inspiring Steele! After the way
she had just melted into Caleb's arms she didn't think she could cope
with it.

'Come on,' he teased, his arm about her shoulders. 'I'll
look after you.'

Who was going to protect her from him?

There was only one person in the dining room, a man seated
at the long table, the thick hair completely silver as his son's would
no doubt be one day. In profile Lucien Steele was as formidable as
Caleb, still retaining the handsome good looks of his youth that had so
captivated the beautiful Sonia Harrison. He looked as if he were still
a physically powerful man, and as he turned to look at them Cat saw
that his eyes were almost as black as his son's. And she saw something
else as she gazed into those dark depths. They were the eyes of a dying


didn't know what had made such a thought enter her head, those eyes
crinkling at the corners now as he smiled in greeting. Cat frowned,
searching the lined face for the emotion she had just seen, finding
only warm curiosity as he stood up, his brows raised as he saw his
son's arm about her shoulders.

How could she have even thought this man was dying!

He was as lean and lithely built as Caleb, his trousers
snug-fitting, as was the brown sweater he wore. But for a moment, just
a brief moment, she had thought she had seen—no, she must
have been mistaken. Lucien Steele's body looked as agile and healthy as
Caleb claimed his mind still was.

'Miss Howard.' His accent was as English as his
grandson's. 'It is Miss Howard, isn't it?' he added mockingly. 'Or are
you a friend of my son's?' He quirked those silver brows again.

Colour darkened her cheeks before she hastily moved from
within the circle of Caleb's arm. The last thing she needed was for
Lucien Steele to make any more assumptions about Caleb and herself I
After what Luke had already told him that would be all too easy!

'No. I mean, yes,' she amended at Caleb's

sceptical expression. 'Er—that is—'

'I know what you're trying to say, Miss Howard,' Lucien
Steele chuckled softly, looking past her to his son. 'Whatever Luke's
other faults you have to admit he showed good taste,' he derided.

Caleb's mouth twisted mockingly. 'Unfortunately, good
taste didn't come into it; Cat could have looked like a female wrestler
and Luke would still have played his cruel little trick!' he rasped.

His father's eyes narrowed. 'Cruel?' he prompted softly.

'Cruel,' Caleb nodded grimly. 'Cat doesn't need any more
pain in her life.'

Lucien Steele turned to her with widely curious eyes, and
Cat squirmed a little under that close scrutiny. Just when she thought
she couldn't stand it any more he turned back to his son. 'I'll see Miss
Howard at four-thirty for tea,' he instructed curtly. 'Enjoy your day,
Miss Howard,' he drawled before leaving.

Cat didn't move for several seconds, her breath seeming to
be stuck in her throat. Then she gave a ragged sigh as it was released,
turning to look at Caleb. 'Thank you.' She gave a weary smile. 'I have
a feeling your father would have "eaten me alive"
if you hadn't been here!'

Caleb grimaced. 'His bark's always been worse than his
bite.' He held out a chair at the table for Cat to sit down.

She did so, shuddering slightly. 'I didn't think there
could be another man as arrogantly outspoken as you,' she admitted

Caleb laughed softly. 'You've just met my tutor!'

She had already guessed that, Lucien Steeled hauteur all
the more effective because it was hidden behind warm smiles Caleb
didn't even try to affect. The author had completely unnerved her.

'Here,' Caleb poured her cup of coffee, adding the milk
and spoonful of sugar she usually took.

Cat frowned at the act of intimacy, and yet she knew if
she had been the one to pour his coffee that she would have known he
took it black and unsweetened. She tried to remember how Harry took his
coffee—and couldn't.

'I can serve myself, thank you,' she snapped, as Caleb
would have put bacon and eggs down in front of her from the serving
dishes on the side-table.

He gave her a narrow-eyed look. 'I've done it now,' he
grated at her rebellious expression.

Green eyes warred with black. 'I don't like bacon or
eggs,' she lied.

Irritation darkened his brow as he put the plate down at
his own place. 'Then just tell me what you do like for breakfast and
I'll get it for you!' he rasped.

Cat stared down at the white tablecloth in front of her.
What she liked! She liked this man's arms around
her, the feel of his lips against hers, the warm way he was starting to
look at her. What she didn't like was liking
those things!

'I'm not hungry.' This time she didn't lie; her appetite
had completely deserted her. Only last night as she climbed into bed
she had tried to remember the exact shade of blue of Harry's eyes, only
to have them superseded by unfathomable black orbs. She was starting
to forget Harry, and it was all this man's fault!

'I think I'd like to work this morning if


'We're going skiing,' he told her flatly, the food in
front of him remaining untouched.

'I told you, I can't ski—'

'And I told you you can learn,' he bit out.

'I don't want to,' she snapped.

Cruelly thinned lips twisted with displeasure. 'I
would advise you to remember that you're a guest here,' he threatened

'And if I don't behave myself you'll ask me to leave!' her
eyes flashed.


'I think yes!' She stood up. 'I
don't give out bedroom favours to keep my informant sweet!' she told
him with distaste.

'Be quiet, you little fool!' Caleb stood up, too, his
expression fierce. 'You don't know what you're talking about!'

'I know,' she assured him heatedly.

'Damn you, Cat,' he grated harshly. 'You—' He
broke off as the door was suddenly opened.

'Oops!' An embarrassed looking Norm had become the object
of Caleb's glitteringly angry gaze the instant he showed himself to be
the intruder. 'I was going to join you for breakfast,' he told them
awkwardly, the tension between Cat and Caleb so thick it could almost
be touched. 'But I can always come back later.' Once you've left, he
mentally seemed to add.

'No.' Cat stopped him as he turned to leave,

deeply regretting that he should have had to walk

in on yet another argument between herself and

Caleb. 'I'll go—'

'No, I will,' Caleb rasped coldly. 'I have some things to
do before we go out.'

Cat knew that the last was a warning that the two of them
were still going skiing today, and she sat down shakily as the door was
slammed behind him. What was happening to her?
She didn't even particularly like Caleb, and yet he was slowly pushing
all the memories she had of Harry from her mind. Except one. She still
remembered the way she had loved him and he had loved her. And those
feelings had no resemblance to the way she and Caleb felt about each

She felt a little better as she raised her head to smile
at Norm. 'Come and sit down,' she invited smoothly. 'Caleb and I were
just having our daily dispute.' She tried to make light of the heated
argument he had interrupted.

'Who won?' he derided, sitting down beside the bacon and
eggs Caleb hadn't touched.

She gave a rueful smile. 'Guess!'

He laughed softly. 'What did you make of Lucien?' he asked

'Like son, like father,' she misquoted drily.

Norm nodded. 'They're alike all right,' he grinned.

'And you like both of them immensely.'

'Immensely,' he teasingly mimicked her English accent.
'And so do you.'

'Has any woman ever liked Caleb?'
she ridiculed the lukewarm emotion in connection with that arrogant man.

'You could be right,' Norm acknowledged slowly. 'But you
feel something for him.'

Did she? He was a torment and a tease, but yes, she felt
something for him. The question was, what was it?

She watched him surreptitiously as he drove the Range
Rover towards Aviemore and the Cairngorm mountains. He was still
furiously angry with her for the way she had acted at breakfast. She
had known that from the moment he brought Norm's ski-suit to her at her
bedroom and instructed her to put it on; had been even more convinced
of it as they made the drive in total silence, his mouth a thin line,
his eyes harshly narrowed.

Finally she had had enough. 'If I apologise will you stop
sulking?' she cajoled.

Black eyes flashed her an angry glare. 'I do not sulk!'

At that moment he was doing exactly that, reminding Cat of
a disgruntled little boy who couldn't get his own way. She had
difficulty holding back her smile. 'Caleb, I am sorry.'

'For what?' he bit out. 'I only poured you a cup of
coffee, and put you some breakfast on a plate!'

Her humour faded as her eyes took on a

haunted look. 'Maybe if I could explain—'

'I wish someone would,' he rasped tightly. 'One minute we
were sharing a joke about the similarity between my father and me and
the next you were snapping my head off for God knows what!'

She closed her eyes, knowing he had a right to be angry
and confused. 'It was the coffee.' She kept her eyes closed, although
she sensed his startled look. 'I suddenly realised—' She swallowed
hard, knowing she owed him this explanation, even though it was painful
to make. 'You take your coffee black and unsweetened?' she said with a

'Yes,' he confirmed impatiently, as if he didn't
understand what they had to do with anything.

'And you know I take a little milk
and one

spoonful of sugar,' she said sadly. 'It made me

realise I no longer remembered how Harry took

his coffee. I know it must seem silly, but—'

'No.' His hand covered both of hers as they moved
restlessly on her lap. 'It isn't silly,' he assured her huskily. 'And I
understand now.'

She looked at him with shadowed eyes. 'You do?' she

'Yes.' He turned to give her a gentle smile. 'Thank you
for explaining to me.'

He didn't say any more, and neither did she, the silence
between them companionable now.

Cat's eyes began to sparkle in anticipation as the
mountains that could be seen in the distance from the Steele home took
on their proper proportions once they had driven through the pretty
little town of Aviemore, the snow heavier the nearer they got to the
mountains, the road that went up to the skiing area packed at the sides
with cleared snow.

Dozens of cars were parked in the area before the
ski-lodge, laughing happy people dressed similarly to Cat and Caleb
getting out of their vehicles to unstrap their skis from roof-racks,
boot-racks, inside cars and trucks, from any place they had managed to
secure them. With their ski-boots on and their skis thrown over their
shoulders they looked very professional.

'Caleb, I don't think I—'

'You'll love it,' he predicted, before climbing out of the
Range Rover, his own navy blue ski-suit showing the lithe perfection of
his body.

Cat climbed out more reluctantly, following him round to
the back of the vehicle. 'I'll make a fool of myself,' she grimaced.

'And what's wrong with making a fool of yourself now and
then?' He pulled the skis and poles easily out on to the packed snow
beneath their feet.

'That's easy for you to say,' she snapped crossly. 'You've
never done it!'

He looked round at her in stunned surprise, frowning
slightly before he began to chuckle. 'You know, I think you're right.
Except maybe once,' he sobered. 'When I mistook the motives of the
honey-blonde cat curled up in my bed!'

'That wasn't your fault,' she exonerated him of all blame.

'No, it wasn't,' he acknowledged hardly. 'But I seem to
have made an idiot of myself several more times over the same cat the
last few weeks. So one more time isn't going to make much difference,'
he said mockingly, before moving determinedly towards her.


'What?' His eyes were dark with desire as he took her in
his arms.

'We're in a public car park!' As if to prove her panicked
protest a car whooshed past them looking for a parking space further up.

'So?' he murmured close to her lips.

'So I don't go in for displays!'

Caleb laughed softly. 'Neither do I—usually.'
His mouth claimed hers in a kiss that wouldn't be denied, running his
tongue moistly along the edge of her lower lip, but not entering the
warm cavern beneath.

Cat forgot where they were, no longer heard the laughing
voices of the people around them as her arms shyly moved up around his
neck and she returned the kiss.

Caleb was the one to finally end the fiery caress. 'I
think we had better go skiing,' he said ruefully as he put her away
from him.

'Don't you mean falling?' A disgruntled Cat followed in
his wake, happy to let him carry both pairs of skis while she clumsily
tried to keep her balance in Norm's cumbersome ski-boots.

He turned to give her a grin. 'Do you know what I like
about you the most?'

Colour darkened her cheeks. 'Caleb!' She looked about them
self-consciously to see if anyone had heard his remark.

He gave a throaty chuckle. 'Catherine Howard,' he reproved
with amusement, 'I was referring to the fact that you have the ability
to make me laugh.'

'Oh good,' she said with sarcasm, holding on to the wall
of the building as they walked up the steps beside the lodge towards
the ski-lifts, wondering how Caleb managed to make the task look so
damned easy. Everyone else made it look easy!

Caleb stopped to wait for her, amusement still lurking in
the dark eyes as she panted up the steps. 'It's a wonderful gift. Cat,'
he chided. 'People enjoy just being around you.'

She refused to meet his gaze in case he should see the
unexpected tears of sentiment appear in her eyes. 'In that case you're
really going to enjoy the next couple of hours!' she deliberately
misunderstood him.

'Would you prefer to have a professional teacher?' He took
pity on her awkwardness.

She had no doubt that this man ski'd well enough to have
been a professional; he seemed to do everything well. 'Why let a
complete stranger have the benefit of all that amusement?' she derided.


'Caleb, I really don't mind.' She let him see the laughter
in her eyes. 'If you don't.'

'I'll enjoy teaching you to ski,' he assured her.

And in the next hour or so Cat learnt why he enjoyed it!
'Teaching her to ski', gave Caleb ample opportunity to touch her and
caress her as he demonstrated the movements she should make with her
body, and then helped her up as she fell flat on her bottom. After the
embarrassment of the first few falls Cat found the whole thing
hilarious, falling laughingly into Caleb's waiting arms.

They had taken the chair-lift half-way up the mountain,
carrying their skis with them, for which Cat was very grateful; all the
ski-lifts she had seen on television always had the skiers getting on
and off with their skis firmly fixed to their boots. The view when they
got off was wonderful the crisp air exhilarating, and if she didn't
make too much of a success of her first day's skiing she didn't
particularly care.

'That's enough for today,' Caleb decided after almost two
hours. 'You're getting cold and tired.'

She hadn't thought he had noticed, and she hadn't liked to
say when they were having such a good time. She should have known Caleb
would know exactly how she was feeling!

'Why don't you go back up and have a nice long run down
from the top?' she suggested once he had brought her down on the
chair-lift. 'It can't have been much fun just teaching me. I know you
enjoyed it,' she mocked as he went to protest, 'but I'm sure you could
give most of the people here a lesson on how it should be done!' He
moved about on his skies as if he were born to them and not as if they
were a mortal enemy that kept sliding away from him as hers did.

'You're cold—'

'If you give me the keys I can let myself into the Range

He was tempted, it was there in the wistful expression of
his eyes.

'Please,' she encouraged.

'If you're sure…?'

'I wouldn't have suggested it if I weren't,' she teased.

'OK.' He got the Range Rover's keys out of his pocket. 'I
won't be long,' he promised, kissing her swiftly on the mouth before
getting back on the chair-lift.

Cat had no intention of returning to the Range Rover
without him, moving to the shelter of the lodge to watch Caleb descend.
He moved easily and gracefully, barely using the poles he carried,
making the sport look easy, when Cat knew very well that it wasn't. She
wasn't the only one admiring him, several other people turning to watch
him. And why not? He looked as if he ought to have been a professional.

Several people congratulated him as he ski'd down the
small slope to the lodge, his eyes widening as he saw Cat waiting for

'I just wanted to see how it should be done,' she teased

'If I'd known you were watching I would have done a couple
of fancy turns.' He took off his skis to walk along beside her.

No, he wouldn't, because he wasn't the exhibitionist type,
and they both knew it. He wasn't showy or self-inflated, he was just
confident in what he did.

'Lunch, I think,' he suggested on the drive back down to

Cat thought lunch sounded a good idea as she suddenly
realized how hungry she was. .

Caleb parked the Range Rover in Aviemore station, leaving
Cat to pull on her walking boots while he went to get the display
ticket. Aviemore wasn't a big place, but it had several nice shops, and
Cat entered a toy shop to buy one of the space toys that were such a
hit with children at the moment.

'A secret hobby?' Caleb mocked once they emerged on to the
street again.

'Hardly,' she returned drily. 'My
nephew is fascinated by them at the moment.'

'Nephew?' he echoed sharply. 'You
said you didn't have a brother.'

'I don't,' she derided.

'But a nephew '

'Means that I have a sibling,' she mocked. 'Really, Caleb,
I didn't think you were a chauvinist,' she taunted. 'Vikki is like a
sister to me, but—which reminds me.' Her eyes were wide.
'Could I telephone her later to let her know I'm all right? She was
sure you were going to be here this weekend; I'm sure she would like to
know she was right,' she grimaced.

'By all means call your friend,' he nodded.

'Vikki is like a sister to you, but ?' he prompted.

She smiled. 'I have the bona fide kind. Susan is ten years
older than me, and my nephew Josh is eight.'

Caleb didn't return her smile, as she had thought he
would, but frowned darkly. 'I know very little about you really, do I?'
he muttered, as if the realisation deeply displeased him.

There's no reason why you should '

'There's every reason,' he grated. 'Over lunch you can
tell me your life story, from the moment the doctor slapped your

'In the first place you'll be bored,' she warned him. 'And
in the second,' she grimaced, the doctor didn't need to slap my bottom;
I was so indignant at being born that I promptly disgraced myself all
down the front of his nice green robe. So my mother tells me,'
she added ruefully.

Caleb was so busy laughing at her childhood and adolescent
antics that neither of them showed too much interest in the hamburgers
they had ordered for lunch. He was also far from bored, Cat noted with

'Now it's your turn,' she invited as she ate her banana
split for dessert.

He sobered instantly, and Cat regretted wiping the
laughter from his eyes. 'It was nothing like the fun you had growing
up,' he bit out, a faraway look in his eyes.

'It must have been fascinating though,' she prompted.
'Meeting all those film stars.'

'There's really nothing fascinating about a lot of
insecure people trying to lose themselves behind images other people
create for them,' he rasped. 'At least when my mother was alive there
was some degree of normality to our lives, but after she died I
practically grew up on the sets of the films my father had written, in
the middle of false images and false values. I still lived in that
world of make-believe when I met Deanna; I didn't realise that what she
really wanted was my father to write parts for her in his films so that
she could be what she had always wanted to be, a "star"!' Bitterness
iced his eyes. 'I didn't want a wife that wanted to be away from Luke
and me more than she was with us, so I gave her an ultimatum. She left,
because by that time she had the stardom she wanted. It was then that I decided Luke wasn't going to grow up in that fantasy world
the way I had.'

'That was why he went to live with his grandfather,' Cat

'Yes,' he grated.

'But you let that fantasy world continue to run your own
life,' she frowned.

'No,' he scorned. 'I now run that
fantasy world.' His mouth twisted. 'I prefer it that way. And Luke was
happy living with his grandfather.'

But Caleb had lost out on so much, had lost that closeness
with his son that was so important.

'Before you talk to my father this afternoon there's
something I think you should know,' he bit out.

Oh God! She hadn't been right about what she had seen in
his eyes this morning, had she?

Caleb drew in a ragged breath. 'When I once told you
Lucien is more lucid than a lot of men half his age I spoke the truth,'
he said slowly. 'Most of the time he is,' he added softly. 'But
sometimes—not very often,' he swiftly assured her, 'he
wanders. And what he says during those times doesn't make much sense.'
He looked at her intently, trying to gauge her reaction to what he had
just told her.

Cat frowned. 'Is that why you didn't want me to meet him?'

'Yes,' he sighed.

Her hand lightly touched his across the table. 'A lot of
elderly people wander off into their past, Caleb,' she reassured him.
'It doesn't detract from their intelligence. And your father is
obviously still a very talented man.'

He nodded abruptly. 'But some of
the things he says when he wanders aren't believable—or

She gave him an understanding smile. I'm not here to write
about your father as he is now, Caleb; I'm sure his work does that for
him. I only want to know about his marriage to your mother.'

He gave another deep sigh. 'Well, you can't say I didn't
warn you.'

Cat went out of her way to make him laugh again on the
drive back to the house, knew it had taken a lot of courage for him to
talk about his father the way he had. But Vikki's grandmother had
always been one to live in the past, the stories of her youth
fascinating. She was sure she could cope with Lucien Steele's lapses.

The two of them were laughing companionably together over
her efforts at skiing as they entered the Steele house.

'Well, well, well,' mocked a contemptuous voice. 'And here
was I thinking you were sure to be at each others' throats by now.'

All of the humour left Cat's flushed face as she turned to
face their tormentor as he supported himself on short arm crutches, his
broken leg still in plaster. Luke Steele!


looked at them both with coldly derisive eyes, that insolent gaze
boldly sweeping over Cat's wind-tousled appearance before moving to the
narrow-eyed man at her side, his own mouth tightening as he recognised
that his father's indulgent humour of a few moments ago had been
completely wiped out as he looked at him.

'What the hell are you doing here?' Caleb demanded

Luke didn't blink an eyelid in the face of his father's
displeasure, his expression remaining insolent. 'I live here,' he bit
out, his gaze sliding once again to Cat. 'Or has that changed in the
last two days?' he challenged.

Cat felt rather than saw Caleb's tension increase, and she
wished there were something she could do to help the situation between
this angry man and his defiant son. But she knew she couldn't, that it
was none of her business. Luke was only using her as a stick to beat
his father with, and when Caleb no longer rose to the bait, he would
move on to something else that put his father on the defensive.

'You know damn well it hasn't,'
Caleb rasped. 'But it's been so long since you came here
that— how did you get here?' he frowned.

'I instructed your pilot and he brought me,' Luke derided.

His father's mouth thinned. 'I'm sure your grandfather was
surprised to see you.'

'Not particularly,' Luke dismissed carelessly. 'I rang him
last night and told him I was thinking of coming up; he thought it was
a good idea.'

No emotion showed in Caleb's eyes at this last disclosure,
and yet Cat knew he was hurt that Luke had chosen to talk to his
grandfather and not to him. They had lost so much, this father and son!

'And talking of grandfather,' Luke drawled, cold blue eyes
once more turning on Cat, 'I'm afraid my arrival has tired him out, so
he doesn't feel up to your little chat this afternoon now. You'll just
have to be satisfied with my father until tomorrow morning.' He gave a
scornful look that seemed to encompass them both. 'Although that
doesn't seem to have bothered you so far.'

Caleb's hands clenched into fists at his sides, his eyes
glacial. 'You will re-phrase that last statement,' he ordered through
gritted teeth.

'About it bothering her?' Luke taunted. 'But I

can't see anything—'

'No, damn it!' his father bit out
furiously. 'I realise this may be a little difficult for you to do,' he
rasped, 'but you'll treat Cat with respect!'

Cat swallowed hard at again becoming the

focus of contention between these two men.

'Caleb, it doesn't mat—'

'Apologise for your insinuation,' Caleb coldly instructed
Luke, ignoring Cat's dismissal.

'Why?' his son challenged.

'Haven't you done her enough harm already?' Caleb accused

Luke's eyes widened. 'My God,' he taunted. 'I'm not going
to be presented with a stepmother at this stage in my life, am I?'

All colour drained from Cat's cheeks, leaving her deathly
white, putting out a hand to stop him as Caleb would have swung a punch
at his son. 'That isn't going to help, Caleb,' she pleaded.

'You mean it's true?' Luke scorned. 'Good God, I thought
you had more sense than to let yourself be caught by a woman I
put in your bed!'

'Caleb, remember his leg!' she shouted as this time it
seemed he would go ahead with striking his son.

He stopped himself with effort, standing only inches from
Luke now, the taller by a couple of inches. 'You are going to apologise
to Cat,' he told the younger man with deadly calm.

The blue eyes widened only fractionally as Luke assessed
his father's mood, long timeless seconds passing before he gave a
barely perceptible shrug of his shoulders. 'What am I apologising for?'
he sighed. 'The fact that she's now your mistress, or the fact that I
know about it?'

'Caleb, no!' She managed to stop him
as once again he would have hit his son, looking at Luke with pitying
eyes. 'You know, by the time you grow up there could be no one around
to impress!'

His cheeks reddened. 'I don't have to take that

from my father's—'

'Friend,' she calmly substituted for the crude word she
was sure he had been going to use, sure that if he had it would have
pushed Caleb too far, and that this time she wouldn't be able to stop
him. 'Now I don't know why you're so angry at your father, Luke, that's
between the two of you, but I won't be brought into it. Do you
understand?' she prompted hardly.

'I don't—'

'Luke, the condition you're in at the moment even I
could knock you to the ground,' she warned. 'I'd probably enjoy it,
too, but you would look a little foolish.'

He drew in an angry breath. 'All right, I apologise,' he
said flatly—and without the least shred of sincerity.

'That isn't—'

'It's really all right, Caleb.' She turned to give him a
tight smile. 'I think if you don't mind I'll go and make my telephone
call now.'


She turned at the foot of the stairs, pain in her eyes as
she looked at Caleb.

Ignoring his son completely he walked over to her, gently
touching her cheek. 'You'll come down to dinner?' he prompted.

She knew he must have guessed that she had intended
staying in her room. She had no doubt Lucien Steele would once again
not be present for the meal, not if he didn't feel up to seeing her
now, and as Norm didn't seem to be much help during these encounters
she didn't relish the thought of finding herself caught in the middle
of these two men again.

'Don't worry, Miss Howard,' Luke drawled at her
hesitation. 'I'm always in a more pleasant mood once I've eaten.'

Her eyes flashed as she glared at him. 'You must have a
very inflated ego if you think your mood is of the least interest to
me,' she told him dismissively. 'I was merely
regretting the fact that your father and I wouldn't be alone tonight as
we were yesterday.' She watched the angry flush darken his cheeks
before turning to Caleb with triumphant warmth. 'I wouldn't dream of
not joining you for dinner,' she assured him.

He smiled at her. 'I'll look forward to it—'

'If this is going to run like a scene from Romeo
and Juliet I think I'll go out into the garden and throw
up!' Luke stormed awkwardly out the front door.

The humour instantly left Caleb's eyes to be replaced by a
pained frown. 'I'm sorry you had to be caught in the middle of that,'
he rasped darkly. 'I can assure you it wasn't personal.'

'I know that.' She squeezed his arm understandingly. 'Is
he always so—angry?'

'Most of the time,' Caleb nodded sadly.

'Have you ever tried talking to him about your reasons for
sending him to his grandfather fifteen years ago?' she prompted gently.

His mouth tightened, 'If you think that's the reason he's
like he is then let me assure you it isn't.' He shook his head. 'Until
a few years ago we were quite close.'

'What happened?' she frowned.

'Are you asking as my "friend" or as a reporter?' he

'I've told you more times than I care to think about, I am
not that type of reporter!'

'Then, who knows?' His gaze was suddenly evasive as he
shrugged dismissively. 'I love my son, Cat, but I can't protect him
from everything.'

'Then something is troubling him?'

His expression darkened and he was suddenly very remote.
'Only the usual pains of growing up,' he bit out abruptly, stepping
back. 'He'll get over it, we all do.'

His voice lacked sincerity, his gaze still evasive, and
Cat wisely decided it was really none of her business as she ran
lightly up the stairs.

A glance out of the bedroom window showed Luke wasn't
'throwing up' in the garden at all but clumping around it on his
crutches, oblivious to the falling snow. He looked lonely and alone,
and more than a little lost with his guard down.

Cat turned away, knowing he wouldn't welcome her intrusive
curiosity if he should glance up and see her watching him. It wasn't
just the painful process of growing up that was bothering him, she was
sure of it.

'How are you? Where are you?' Vikki

excitedly a few minutes later as soon as Cat had

identified herself on the phone. 'Is Caleb there?

What's Lucien Steele like? Do you—'

'Will you slow down?' Cat laughed teasingly. 'You aren't
giving me time to answer you!'

'Oh. Oh no,' Vikki conceded ruefully. 'Well?' she prompted

'I'm fine.. Caleb is here. Mr Steele seems very nice,' she
answered drily.

'And you aren't going to say where you are,' Vikki guessed
as she omitted to answer that question.

'No, I—' She broke off as there was a strange noise on the
line. 'Vikki? Are you still there?'

'I was just wondering the same about you,' her friend
returned dearly, 'It sounded as if we were cut
off,' she added in a puzzled voice.

Or someone had put down an extension! God, didn't Caleb
know her well enough, trust her enough by now, to realise she wouldn't
betray that confidence? The line seems to be all right now,' she bit
out tautly.

'Yes,' Vikki still sounded puzzled, and then she seemed to
dismiss the faulty line. 'Have you done your interview yet?'

Tomorrow,' she said abruptly, still angry at having her
call listened in on. Because there could be no other explanation for
what she had heard.

'And has Caleb succeeded in seducing you yet?' Vikki

'Isn't that presuming that he's trying to?' she returned

'I know he's trying to,' Vikki

Had he succeeded? Until he had shut her out concerning his
son, and that strange clicking sound on the phone just now, she would
have said she was definitely falling under the magnetism of his charm
and seduction. But it had been a fragile emotion at best, and his
distrust of her had destroyed it.

'Maybe,' she avoided.

'But it isn't working.' Vikki sounded disappointed.

'Anyone would think you were trying to get rid of me,' she

'Then anyone would be wrong,' Vikki instantly denied. 'I'm
just waiting to hear your opinion on lust before trying it myself!'

They both laughed at that. Vikki's long-term relationship
with Sam was platonic to say the least.

Cat didn't hesitate, after ringing off a short time later,
in going downstairs to look for Caleb, finding him in what she had been
informed by the maid was 'the master's study', he and Norm pouring over
some papers on his desk.

Norm took one look at her stormy face and straightened. 'I
think this is where I came in,' he drawled derisively.

Caleb frowned across at her, his eyes narrowing. 'Except
nothing happened in either Cat's or my bed last night,' he rasped

'I'll come back later,' Norm said quickly, closing the door
behind him.

'How could you?' Cat instantly accused. 'How

dare you?' she blazed. 'What
did you think I was

doing, telephoning a newspaper and telling them

where your father is?' she added disgustedly. 'I

thought you trusted me—'

'I do,' he cut in quietly, standing up to pull out a chair
for her in front of his desk. 'Sit down and tell me what's wrong.'

'You know what's wrong,' she spluttered

indignantly, ignoring the chair, having no

intention of putting herself at such a disadvantage

by sitting when he was standing. 'I asked you if I

could call Vikki. You had only to say if you


'But I didn't. And I don't.' He frowned at her vehemence.

'Only because you know I haven't
told Vikki where we are,' she snapped.


'If listening to other people's conversations is part of
"your world" then I'm glad I don't belong to it!'

'Someone listened in on your
conversation to Vikki?' he realised slowly.

She gave him a scathing look. 'Don't try to

pretend it wasn't you—'

'But it wasn't,' he cut in coldly. 'And if we're making
accusations about trusting people…' he added icily.

She looked at him searchingly, the chill of his eyes, the
firm anger of his mouth. 'It wasn't you,' she sighed regretfully. 'But
if not you, who— Luke?' she questioned dazedly, remembering
that the younger man had been coming towards the house before she made
her telephone call. 'Do you think it was him?' she grimaced.

'Perhaps.' He gave a cold inclination of his head. 'Unless
you imagined it?'

The laughing companion of the day had gone, and in his
place the arrogant stranger of that first morning. Cat felt regret for
that; she had liked that other Caleb. 'I didn't
imagine it,' she said flatly. 'And I'm sorry if I was mistaken about
the identity of the person that did it.'

She wasn't easily forgiven, Caleb's expression not
softening in the slightest. 'I'll talk to Luke about it,' he rasped.
'Although I wouldn't expect an apology from him,' he added. 'He very
rarely apologises for his behaviour.'


'If that's all, Cat.' He cut across her pleading tone. 'I
have some work to do.'

She shouldn't have just assumed the eavesdropper was him,
she knew that now. He may have seemed the obvious choice at the time,
but the more she thought about it the more she realised she should have
known it wouldn't be him; he hadn't needed to have her brought here in
the first place, could have ignored his father's invitation to her or
just told his father she had refused, but he had obviously trusted her
enough not to do either of those things.

She put both her hands on his arm. 'I really am

sorry.' Green eyes pleaded with remote black

ones. 'I was just so angry—'

'With perfect right.' Some of the tension left his body.
'As I made it clear at the onset that I didn't approve of your visit
here perhaps you felt it could be no one else but me. But surely you
must have realised I've changed my mind about you since you arrived?'
He allowed her briefly to see the pain in his eyes.

She had hurt him, really hurt him, with her

accusation, and with good reason! 'Caleb, please

don't be angry with me—'

'Angry with you?' he repeated harshy. 'I've opened up to
you more than any other woman for a very long time only to be met with
suspicion and rejection; why the hell should I be angry?'

She winced at the truth of his words, knew that today the
coldly remote Caleb Steele had been absent, and in his place had been
an indulgent lover. And she had liked that other Caleb. Too much? Was
she deliberately trying to push him away before he got too close?
Wasn't it already too late for that, hadn't she come to care for him in
spite of herself?


She focused on him with an effort, realising her hands
were still on his arm, stepping back selfconsciously, her
expression apprehensive.

His eyes narrowed. 'Another
rejection,' he rasped, drawing in a ragged breath. 'Hell,
why not? They're more effective than a cold shower!'

She had hurt him again, she, who didn't want to hurt
anyone. She had just wanted to live her life quietly, enjoy her
friends; how had she got into this mess? Why did Caleb keep forcing his
feelings on her when he knew how she felt about them!

'I—I think I'll go and have a soak in the bath,'
she told him woodenly. 'My legs are starting to stiffen up,' she added,
lightly, although there was no answering softening to his features.

'Skiing will do that to you every time,' he bit out

She frowned her confusion with his aggression.

'One day, Cat,' he ground out fiercely, 'and you may
consider it as far away as hell freezing over!—I'm going to
make your body ache from making love with me!'

She gasped her indignation at the claim. 'You were right,
Caleb, it is as far away as hell freezing over!'
she told him forcefully before spinning on her heel and running from
the room.

She didn't stop running until she reached her bedroom,
although she knew Caleb hadn't come in pursuit of her. It wasn't him
she was running from, but her own imaginings! Although they weren't all
dreams and imaginings now, her breasts had ached and throbbed from
Caleb's ministrations after she left him last night. Would her whole
body know that pleasurable ache if he made love to her completely? She
daren't even allow herself to think about it!

Keeping thoughts of Caleb firmly at bay she ran herself a
bath, liberally adding some of the perfumed bubble-bath that she found
in the cabinet over the sink, taking a book with her as she gratefully
sank down into the water, intending to have a long soak while the heat
of the water eased her aches and pains.

It didn't seem as if she had been in the bath any time at
all before the door was swung wide open with a loud crash, Luke Steele
standing in the doorway supported on his crutches.

Cat instinctively dropped the book she was reading down on
to her breasts, grateful for the bubbles left floating on the water to
hide the rest of her body. 'How dare you?' she gasped. 'What do you
think you're doing bursting in here?'

'Looking at you,' he drawled. 'Don't worry,

I've done it before. Of course, that time dear old

Daddy was almost lying on top of you, but—'

'What do you want, Luke?' she demanded furiously, colour
heightening her cheeks. How dare he just walk in here uninvited!

He shrugged, unconcerned with her obvious outrage. 'Dad
says you didn't like having your phone call listened in on.' He
admitted he had been the eavesdropper without a shred of guilt attached
to it. 'He seemed to think I owe you an apology.'

Well now you owe me two!' Her eyes
flashed angrily as she kept the book pressed against her breasts.

He arched mocking brows. 'For walking in on you when you're
having a bath?' he scorned. 'Good God, woman, I can't do much about
your nakedness in my condition.' He looked down pointedly at the
plaster on his leg. 'You're acting like some damned—my God,'
he breathed slowly as the thought occurred to him, looking at her
flushed cheeks with narrowed eyes. 'I don't believe it,' he finally
derided. 'You can't be!'

Cat glared at him resentfully. 'Would you get out of here!'

'A virgin,' he looked at her wonderingly. 'Dad has the
hots for a virgin!' he mocked. 'Even my mother couldn't claim to be
that when he married her!'

'From all accounts she was a lot of other

things, though,' Cat snapped—and instantly

regretted her bitchiness. She was angry and

upset, but that was no reason to be disparaging

about a woman she didn't even know. 'I'm sorry,'

she said abruptly. 'I shouldn't have said that.

Please don't think it was anything your father


'Don't apologise, Miss Howard,' Luke drawled. 'Even though
my mother is on her fifth husband my father never tells people of the
bitch she was and is, so please don't think that I believe my father
was your informant. My mother is a famous actress, everything she does
is news—and she makes sure that it is,' he added derisively.
'I just can't believe Dad would get himself involved with such an
innocent as you.' He shook his head wonderingly.

'Your father isn't involved with me,' she told him firmly.
'And might I remind you that neither of us had any choice about the
night I spent in his bed!'

Luke looked at her consideringly, from the

flyaway blonde hair secured in a single braid at

the moment, the face without make-up, over

creamy shoulders, down to the spot where the top

of her breasts met the water. 'You don't look like

a virgin—'

'We don't come with a label attached!' she snapped

'There's nothing—odd about you, is there?' he
asked curiously.

Her eyes flashed. 'Nothing that punching you in the mouth
wouldn't cure!'

'Then why haven't you ever had a lover?' He frowned his

'Is it compulsory?' she challenged heatedly.

'When a woman is as beautiful as you are, yes.'

She blushed at the statement, knowing it had been too
bluntly made not to be sincere. 'Well, I haven't,' she dismissed. 'And
as my bath water is getting cold…' she added pointedly.

'Don't mind me,' he drawled.

'Luke!' she warned. 'You've had your fun,' she bit out,
'but don't push me too far or I might start asking a few personal
questions of my own.'

The amusement faded from his eyes as his expression became
guarded. 'What do you mean?'

She sighed. 'It doesn't matter,' she shook her head

'I want to know what you meant,' he said forcefully.

'Luke, please,' she sighed again. 'I spoke out of turn,
please forget it.'

For a moment longer be looked rebellious, and then he gave
an abrupt nod of his head. 'I take it the fact that I listened to your
phone call will also be forgotten?' he challenged.

'As soon as you tell me why you felt the need to bother,'
she gave a tight smile.

He shrugged. 'I was interested in who you were
telephoning, wondered if you had a lover. As soon as I realised it was
another woman you were talking to I rang off.'

'Are you a voyeur?'

'I listened. Cat, I didn't look,' he rasped. 'I just
wondered what Dad would say to you having another man in your life.'

'Nothing,' she said abruptly. 'I wish you would get it
through your head that there is nothing between your father and myself.'

'I witnessed the Romeo and Juliet scene, remember,' he
said disgustedly.

'I believe your father is a little old for Romeo,' she

Luke smiled. 'So you do have a sense of humour after all.'

'When something is genuinely funny and not just cruel,'
she told him pointedly.

'A lot of women would have envied you that night,' he
dismissed. 'Besides, you got your interview in the end, didn't you?'

Yes, she had got her interview, although it was taking
until the last day of her stay here to get it.

She wondered if what she was going through with Caleb and
Luke was worth it!

Lucien Steele was once again absent from the dinner table
that evening, while Norm opted to have his dinner on a tray in his room
while he did some work, and Cat sat between Luke and Caleb as if
waiting for a time-bomb to go off. The final tick could be heard as she
poured them all coffee in the lounge after their meal.

'Did the book dry out OK?'

Cat looked up to find Luke was talking to her. 'Book?' she
repeated in a puzzled voice, suddenly wary of his jovial politeness
after he had virtually ignored her throughout the meal.

'The one you were reading in the bath when we talked
earlier,' he explained, with all the innocence of a child discussing
the flavours of ice-cream!

It took all of her courage to turn and look at Caleb, and
once she had she wished she hadn't. He had gone rigidly still, his
mouth a thin angry line, his cold gaze raking over Cat and Luke, before
it finally came to rest on—Cat! She swallowed hard, knowing
Luke's deliberate attempt to cause trouble had once again succeeded.

'You invited my son in for a chat
while you were taking your bath?' he demanded furiously.

'No, I—'

He stood up forcefully. 'If I'd known your taste still ran
for boys I wouldn't have bothered you,' he rasped coldly.

'Caleb, you—'

'He isn't Harry, Cat,' he told her
cruelly. 'And closing your eyes and wishing he were will never make it
sol' He stormed from the room.

'Who is Harry?'

Cat turned furiously to Luke Steele, striding across the
room to slap him powerfully across the cheek.


glared down at Luke as he put a hand up to the cheek she had just
struck, red welts already beginning to show against his pale skin, 'Who
was Harry?' she repeated furiously. 'He's a man whose boots you aren't
even fit to lick!'

'A saint, is he?' Luke drawled. 'What a bore.'

Cat was breathing heavily, sick of this young man's acts
of cruelty and destruction, sick of the self-pity that he thought gave
him the right to commit those acts, of the belief he seemed to have
that he was the only one to have ever received an unfair kick from
life. Most of all, she was sick of him.

'For all I know he could be exactly that,' she bit out

'A bore or a saint?' Luke derided.

'A saint!' Her eyes flashed a warning he was too
self-centred to see. 'He was good and kind, hated to have to hurt

'You should have married such a paragon,' Luke scorned.

'I would have done,' she assured him with dislike.

'But he found you too much of a bore,
hmm?' Luke taunted.

'He loved me as much as I loved him!'

'Obviously not enough to make it legal,' he

drawled. 'Now I—' He broke off, looking sharply at Cat, at the paleness
of her face and the

fire in her eyes. 'You keep talking about him in

the past tense…' he realised. 'Cat, is he…?

'Dead?' she finished harshly. 'Yes, Harry died. On our
wedding day.' She watched dispassionately as Luke flinched, his face
even paler. 'He was nineteen years old, a wonderful loving man, and I
loved him. Now I don't know what makes you think you have some
God-given right to the monopoly on misery and despair, but let me tell
you it isn't yours; I have more than my fair share!' she told him

His eyes were dark bottomless pools in his white face.
'How did you survive all that?' he asked in a numbed voice.

'I had no choice,' she rasped. 'I wasn't in the car with
Harry when he crashed.'

'I—oh God,' Luke stumbled to his feet with the
help of his crutches. 'Excuse me.' He couldn't look at her.
'I—I have to go. I need——' He hurried as
best he could from the room.

Cat dropped down weakly on to a chair. She had never
before lost her temper in that way over Harry's death. She had felt
despair, impatience, bleakness, and finally acceptance. But just now
she had been so angry.

She hadn't meant to say those cruel things to Luke, to
hurt him any more than he was already hurting, she just hadn't been
able to stop herself. Shame washed over her for inflicting such a
rebuke on him. His pain was now, not five years
old, and whatever it was it was tearing him apart as much as losing
Harry had her«

She had to find Luke, explain—

'Have Mr Caleb and Master Luke finished their coffee?' A
puzzled Mrs McDonald looked down at the three untouched cups of coffee
that sat on the tray.

'Er—Luke didn't feel too well, and—and
Caleb helped him up to his room,' she invented lamely. 'Could you tell
me which bedroom is Luke's?' she enquired
innocently. 'I just want to check that he's all right now.'

'Of course you do.' The friendly woman saw no harm in her
request. 'You'll find his bedroom at the top of the stairs, turn right,
and it's the third door along. Mr Caleb's is the one opposite.'

Cat wasn't sure why the other woman added this last piece
of information, and she didn't bother to find out either, hurrying from
the room.

A knock on the door of Luke's bedroom received no
response, and so she knocked again, softly calling his name this time,
encouraging him to open the door.

The thing that she had dreaded most happened, the door
opposite Luke's flying open, a furious-faced Caleb standing there.

Colour instantly flamed into her cheeks. 'I was

looking for Luke—'

'He isn't there,' Caleb rasped coldly, his eyes narrowed.

She drew in a ragged breath. 'I upset him


'God, you didn't reject him too, did you?' he rasped

'No, of course—'

'Of course not,' he finished icily. 'He's nineteen and
available. Does he look like Harry, too?' he derided.

Cat flinched. 'You know he looks like you—'

'But you don't need a substitute for me,' he bit out. 'I'm
all too available to you!' he said with self-disgust.

'Caleb., you don't understand,' she pleaded.

'I understand that you entertained my son

while you were in the bath—'

'As he said at the time,' she snapped, 'when I demanded an
apology from him for walking in uninvited,' she
emphasised, 'in his condition he couldn't do much about it.'

'You're an innocent if you don't realise there
are—ways,' Caleb bit out.

Cat looked up at him unflinchingly. 'Yes, I am,' she
challenged. 'I'm really not that experienced.'

He continued to glare at her, until finally some of the
rigidity left his body, and there was pain in his eyes. 'I could have
killed you both with my bare hands when I thought you had invited him
into your room,' he admitted in a strangulated voice.

'Don't you realise that you—' She broke off with a gasp,
her eyes wide.

'I?' Caleb prompted huskily.

She swallowed hard, shaking her head dismissively. 'Caleb,
I said some very cruel things to Luke downstairs just now; I have to
find him and apologise.'

'He's with his grandfather,' he supplied softly.

'Oh,' she frowned.

'I?' he prompted again, closer now, so close that Cat
found herself at eye-level with the dark hair on his chest, his dinner
jacket and tie discarded, his shirt partly unbuttoned. 'I, Cat?' he
encouraged throatily.

She put her head back to look at him with defiant eyes,
'It was nothing,' she dismissed. 'I'll talk to Luke in the morning.'

'And you'll talk to me now,' Caleb
held on to

her upper arms to prevent her leaving. 'There

have been more misunderstandings in this

relationship than—'

'We don't have a relationship,' she instantly denied.

'We have a relationship,' he told her gently. 'And it's
time for it to progress. Maybe then the misunderstandings will stop.
Although I wouldn't count on it,' he said drily.

'Caleb, no,' she protested as he led her inside his
bedroom and closed the door.

'Caleb, yes,' he insisted harshly, pulling the combs from
her hair so that it cascaded down past her shoulders. 'God! Caleb, yes!'
He tilted her chin, his thumbtips gently parting her lips for his kiss.
'Just for once admit what you feel for me, Cat,' he encouraged against
her mouth. 'Admit it and take me!'

She wanted him, God, how she wanted him. And not just in
her dreams, those ethereal dreams that would no longer come to her. She
wanted the flesh and blood man, the man who made her forget everything
but him.

She moved the small distance between his mouth and hers,
her arms going up about his neck as she kissed him with all the pent-up
longing inside her.

'That's it, my darling,' he encouraged throatily. 'Take

He meant it too, giving her no help at all as she
undressed him with shaking hands.

'Let me.' He finally took pity on
her efforts to unfasten his trousers, his chest already bare, his shirt
thrown to the floor. 'You act as if you've never done this before,' he
teased, as Cat kept her head bent as she stripped the last of his
clothes from him, looking up at him questioningly as he became suddenly
still. 'Cat?' He put out a hand and pulled her to her feet, his gaze
searching. 'My God—Cat?' He frowned at the innocence he read
in her eyes.

'Does it—matter?' Her voice was husky.

'Does it ? My God, Cat, do you have any idea how it makes
me feel to know I'll be the first?'

And the last, she silently added. Only this man made her
feel this way, and when he no longer wanted her she would be alone
again. And she would stay alone.

'Will you give me what you never gave Harry?' he asked in
a humbled voice.

Her gaze became troubled. 'Only because he

wouldn't take it,' she admitted. 'Caleb, I—I

would have—'

'But you didn't,' he smiled. 'You didn't!' he repeated
exultantly. 'God, Cat, this is the most beautiful night of my life!'

Tears glistened in her eyes, 'I thought you

knew, that you realised—'

'No,' he echoed. 'Otherwise I wouldn't have— I
didn't frighten you, did I, those other times I tried to make love to you?' He frowned at the thought.

'I'm a virgin, Caleb, not a simpleton,' she gently mocked.

'And I'm stark naked,' he realised awkwardly, picking his
robe up from the chair to pull it on and belt it about his waist.
'Would you like to take a bath? A shower? Or something?' He still

'I bathed just before dinner, if you remember' she
refused. 'Caleb,' she added softly, 'I'm supposed
to be the shy and innocent one,' she chided. 'You're the man of

He swallowed hard. 'Never this experience,' he admitted

'Luke knew.' She grimaced, as his face darkened ominously.
'He accused me of acting like an outraged virgin when he burst into the

Caleb's scowl deepened. 'That young man needs a lesson in
manners around a lady.'

'But not now,' she encouraged throatily.

'No,' he groaned, 'not now.'

Clothes fell to the floor by her hand and Caleb's, she
wasn't always sure which, Caleb's lips gentle on her body as she lay
naked on the bed beneath him. His kisses on her heated flesh were a
torment and a heady delight at the same time, until she cried out at
the agony and the ecstasy.

'Patience, my love. Patience,' he softly chided. 'I have
no intention of hurting you, no matter how you plead.' He laughed
huskily at her groan of outrage, soon making her gasp anew as his lips
sought that secret place no other man had known.

Waves of pleasure crashed into themselves as she writhed
on the bed, her arms held gently at her sides as she would have pushed
Caleb away, the pleasure almost beyond bearing. Almost. Caleb knew
exactly how far to take her before stopping the torment, his mouth
returning to hers as he languidly caressed her breasts.

'Can I—touch you now?' she asked tentatively,
aching to explore the golden beauty of his body.

Pleasure flared in his eyes at her request. 'If you're

He lay completely still as she made her first tentative
caresses, but as she became bolder in her exploration he couldn't hold
back the shuddering response of his body to the touch of her hands and
lips. Cat felt exultant at his uninhibited response, some inner
instinct telling her when it was time to stop.

Caleb lifted her above him, accepting the hard rosebud of
her nipple into his mouth as he drank from her. 'You're beautiful,
Gat,' he groaned as he rolled over so that she was the one beneath him.
'So very beautiful.' Light butterfly kisses were feathered on her
cheeks and brow. 'Do you have any idea how much you please me?' he
breathed raggedly, his thighs moving languidly against her in their

'As much as you need me, I hope,'
she said shyly.

His eyes were liquid fire. 'Now, Cat?' he groaned his need.

'Please,' she urged, her gaze locked with his as he moved
above her, gently probing the moistness of her, his eyes darkened with
pain at her sharply indrawn breath as he surged completely into her,
not moving, just watching as her own pain faded, her eyes becoming wide
with the wonder of his possession.

They were no longer two people, but one, joined together
where their pleasure was the greatest, giving and taking, and as
Caleb's thrusts became harder and quicker Cat knew that she had to
give, that she needed to give, that she did give,
feeling Caleb's body tense before he flowed into her, the two of them
still moving gently together even when the crescendo had abated,
neither wanting the pleasure to end.

'Oh, Cat,' Caleb groaned as he kissed her languidly. 'Oh
God!' He shook uncontrollably.

She held him to her, enjoying the weight of his body,
softly caressing his back. 'It was the same for me,' she confided
huskily, wonder for the joy they had shared still in her over-bright
eyes. 'I never knew there was such—giving.'

He looked down at her with tender eyes. 'Most women would
have said pleasure.'

She shook her head. 'It was so much more than that.' Her
eyes glowed.

'It was,' he added. 'It still is.'

'Hell just froze over,' she conceded. 'Does it always make
you feel this sleepy?' she chattered on, knowing the togetherness he
still felt wasn't just the joining of their bodies. She could feel what
was happening between them, too, and she needed time to accept what she
already thought she felt for this man. With Harry she had never needed to
question the tightness of their love; with Caleb there was so much to
question, whether it was love being one of the
things she needed to know.

He laughed indulgently, taking her with him as he rolled
on to his side, their bodies still joined. 'No,' he chuckled as she
blinked like a sleepy feline. 'But I can see that tonight I'll have to
allow you to go to sleep.'

Her eyes widened. 'You mean you aren't tired?'

The returning hardness of his body was answer enough, and
he laughed softly as she blushed. 'Only a little,' he drawled.

'Not even a little,' she gasped at the involuntary

movements of his body inside her, wide awake

again herself now. 'Caleb, can we—are you ?'

'God, yes,' he groaned. 'I could go on making love to you
all night!'

And he did, in every way there was, whether he be
tormenting her with slow caresses that made her beg, or fiercely taking
her with hard thrusts of his body. There was no question of a giver or
a taker in their heated lovemaking, they both gave, until, for now,
they were too exhausted to give any more.

Caleb's arms reached out for her instinctively as she slid
from his side the next morning, but she managed to reassure his sleepy
movements with a lingering kiss on the mouth, leaving the bedroom as
quietly as she could, breathing a sigh of relief when she reached her
own bedroom without running into any of the Steele staff.

Although perhaps that wasn't so surprising; it was only
six-thirty in the morning!

She loved Caleb Steele. This morning there was no doubt in
her mind about how she felt. She couldn't have given herself the way
that she had, have Caleb give himself to her in the same way, if she
hadn't already been in love with him.

What happened now?

What did she want to happen?

She wanted Caleb to love her as she loved him!

Why was that so important? She surely wasn't expecting him
to marry her?

She was right to scorn that possibility. Caleb had been a
single man since he was her age, had enjoyed his bachelor status to the
full, had no reason to settle on one woman and marry her.

But she wanted to marry him! Once again she knew the
feeling of loving a man completely, of wanting to be with him, during
good times and bad, of wanting to give him children. Any child that
Caleb fathered would have to have those dark blue or black eyes of the
Steele family, but if they inherited her blonde colouring they would be
beautiful children.

But last night Caleb had only wanted to evict the ghost
from her life, and while she knew her love for Harry would always be a
part of her she knew it was no longer her whole life, that last night
Caleb had become the centre of all her hopes and dreams for the future,
the future she had believed died with Harry. Would Caleb want that? She
didn't think so.

She returned sadly to her original question; what happened

It was a question to which she had found no answer by the
time she joined Lucien Steele for breakfast in his suite, at his
request, not having seen Caleb since she kissed him good morning two
hours ago.

Black eyes studied her intently, and Cat felt herself
blush self-consciously. Lucien no longer even needed to try and read
her dreams in her eyes, the vividness of her time in Caleb's arms last
night was glowing in them!

'Miss Howard,' he drawled, standing up with a politeness
that was belied by the searching intensity of his gaze. 'Or may I call
you Cat?' he added softly.

'Now that you're my son's lover,' Cat felt as if he had
said. 'Please,' she invited distantly, 'This is a beautiful suite,' she
added, to fill the awkwardness, genuinely liking the warm comfort of
the rooms Lucien Steele had made into his home the last two years.

'Thank you,' he accepted drily. 'You're a very beautiful
young woman.'

She blushed anew at his bluntness. 'I—thank
you,' she accepted uncomfortably.

He smiled. 'I'm not the first member of my family to tell
you so,' he mocked.

'Mr Steele—'

'Lucien,' he put in softly. 'Which of them told you you're
beautiful, Caleb or Luke?' he mused as if
greatly enjoying himself…

'Both of them—I think,' she frowned. 'I—'

'Really?' he chuckled softly. 'I trust you ignored my

'Concerning that, yes,' she nodded. 'Otherwise he's a
little difficult to ignore.'

Lucien sobered. 'You made quite an impression on him, too!'

She felt a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. 'If
it's about last night——'

'Which part of it?' he prompted in amusement.

'Mr Steele—'

'Caleb told me you have an annoying habit of becoming
formal when you're embarrassed or angry,' he spoke conversationally.
'Which one are you now?'

'Both!' she snapped.

'I can see that you are,' he sympathised regretfully. 'It
was wrong of me to tease you in that way. Let's sit down and have
breakfast, and I'll tell you all about my marriage to Sonia.'

For a moment she continued to glare at him suspiciously,
feeling a little like a fish must feel when it's being wound in on the
line, unsure whether it would become the next meal or be put back in
the water. But if he wanted to play word-games, let him. She didn't
have anything to be ashamed of.

'I would prefer it if you didn't sit and take notes while
we eat.' Lucien accepted the coffee she poured for him. 'Anything you
don't remember we can go over again another time.'

She listened in fascination as he began to talk of that
life in Hollywood during the forties that had never been reproduced:
the parties, the cars, the scandals, and interwoven through it all his
ten years of marriage to Sonia Harrison.

'She was truly a "star" in the fullest sense of the word.'
His eyes glowed as he remembered his wife's beauty. 'I was happy just
to live in her shadow.'

'Oh, but—'

'I was a famous man in my own right,' he softly finished
for her. 'Not like Sonia. She was the star of the
time. I was called Mr Harrison by hotel porters, in restaurants, by
fans we met in the street, even by some of the actors themselves.'

'Didn't you mind?' Cat frowned, able to imagine how
awkward that must have been for him.

'God, no,' he dismissed without rancour. 'I would have become
Mr Harrison just to remain at her side as her husband.'

Cat had never seen so much love and pride shown in
anyone's face as she saw in Lucien Steele's at that moment. It was
obvious that he had adored his wife. That he still did.

Suddenly he frowned at Cat. Have you ever seen any of her

She nodded. 'She was very beautiful.'

'Mesmerising,' he breathed softly. 'Everyone

loved her. And she loved—only me. And our

child. She loved Caleb from the moment he was

born. I began to hope that night that she—'

'Yes?' she prompted as he broke off.

His eyes were dark now, the love fading from them. 'A star
has many facets, Cat,' he told her slowly. 'Each as
bright—and unyielding, as the last.'

Cat sat tensely in her chair, waiting for him to continue
as he seemed to have lapsed off into some memory she had no right to.
He drew himself back from the hell he had receded to with effort,
looking at her with pain-glazed eyes.

'Jealousy is the most destructive emotion there is,' he
stated flatly.

She could understand how he could feel the emotion when
his wife was constantly with handsome movie stars, men who often felt
they had to make a conquest, whether the woman was married or not. It
couldn't have been easy being the husband of a screen goddess.

Lucien's mouth twisted as he studied her; 'I can see what
you're thinking,' he drawled. 'And you're completely wrong in your
conclusions,' he sighed. 'I wasn't the one that was jealous.'

She frowned her confusion. 'Your wife…?' She
suddenly realised what he meant, dumbfounded by the claim when this
man had obviously adored the woman.

'Yes.' His sigh was heavier this time. 'Of course there
was no reason for the jealousy,' he stated unnecessarily. 'I worshipped
the ground Sonia glided across. But jealousy can't be reasoned with.
And it can't be ignored either.'

Cat sat stiffly as she waited for him to go on, sure that
in a moment she was going to hear something she would rather not
know—and completely unable to stop it from happening!

'There were arguments, fights,' he revealed harshly.
'Savage fights,' he added in a sickened voice. 'When Sonia seemed to
lose all reason, would throw things, anything she could get her hands

Cat didn't want to hear any more of this, it was too personal, too
intimate. 'Mr Steele —'

His eyes blazed with anger at her interruption. 'You came
here to hear about my marriage to Sonia, Cat, so stop being embarrassed
and listen!' he grated. 'Sit down,' he ordered
as she stood up.

'Just because this isn't the pretty fairy story you wanted
is no reason for you to run away from it.'

'I'm not running away!'

'Then sit down!'

She sat. 'Please, go on,' she invited shakily, feeling as
if she were an eavesdropper on intimacies that were no one's concern
but this man's. And yet she knew that wasn't strictly true, knew that
the picture of Sonia Harrison that her husband was describing in no way
matched the press releases of the time where she was known for her
beauty and sweet-temperedness.

'I intended to,' he bit out coldly. 'Sonia was a human
being, with all the frailties that go along with that; she wasn't the
plaster screen goddess they tried to make of her. Maybe if they hadn't
tried to mould her in that way she wouldn't have hit out with those
angry scenes,' he shrugged. 'The only thing that recompensed for them
was the tempestuous making up afterwards,' he sighed. 'Except one night
we didn't get as far as making up, the night she threw one thing too
many.' He flinched at the memory. 'An oil lamp,' he revealed flatly, as
Cat looked puzzled.

She gasped, frowning her disbelief of what he was
implying, the steadiness of his gaze showing her that every word he
spoke was the truth. 'The night of the fire…?' she realised.

He closed his eyes to shut out the pain of that memory.
'Yes,' he breathed. 'The place went up like a tinder-box. Caleb managed
to climb out of a window in his bedroom, but I couldn't find Sonia
after the first flames went up.'

This was the 'wandering' Caleb had warned her about and
feared his father doing, the 'unpleasant things he said that didn't
make sense'. But they did make sense, shockingly so. All the news
reports at the time had said the fire had started accidentally, but it
hadn't; Sonia Harrison had started that fire, if not deliberately, then
in a burst of uncontrollable anger, anger none of the public believed
her to be capable of.

She moistened her lips. 'Why are you telling me all this?'
she encouraged softly.

'Because I'm tired,' he told her heavily, 'And for another
reason I think you guessed the first time you looked at me.'

He was dying.


he smiled sadly as he saw the realisation in her eyes. 'At least Sonia
didn't know she was going to die that night. She wouldn't have thrown
the lamp if she had,' he said wryly. 'Sonia loved to be alive.'

'Can't anything be done? For you, I mean,' Cat frowned.

'No, my dear,' He gave her an encouraging smile. 'And I'm
not sure I would have wanted it if it could,' he admitted gruffly.

'Oh but—'

'Cat,' he cut in firmly. 'I'm not afraid to die; I've
lived for seventy-four years, too many of them without Sonia.'

Seventy-four wasn't old, not in this day and age. 'Surely

'He's called in all the specialists,' Lucien assured her
softly. 'To no avail. But it doesn't really matter, because I'll be
glad it's all going to end at last. I wanted to die when Sonia did, but
it wasn't to be, and I had the responsibility of our son to think of.
What's your excuse?' he asked suddenly.

Cat blinked. 'I beg your pardon?'

'I know you loved your young man,' he sympathised gently.
'But it wasn't enough to join him.'

She swallowed hard. 'What do you mean?'

'When Luke asked you last night how you had survived after
your fiancé was killed on your wedding day you said you had no choice,
that you hadn't been in the car with him.'
Lucien watched her with narrowed eyes.

'He told you—all that?' she gasped.

'Caleb treats you as he has no other woman; I had to know
the reason for that.'

'And you think it's because I lost Harry in that way?' she
demanded to know.

'No,' he denied drily. 'Although it does explain a few
things. Cat, don't you realise you did have a choice the day your young
man died; you had the choice whether to go on without him or to join

'Suicide?' she choked. 'How can you say that

when you—when you—'

'I told you, I had our child to think about. I couldn't
deny him both of his parents. Who did you have?' he prompted.

'Myself,' she burst out without thinking. 'I didn't want
to die. I didn't want to die…' She was dying as she realised
what she was saying, her face buried in her hands.

'Of course you didn't, my dear.' Lucien's hand squeezed
her arm understandingly. 'Who would my Caleb have loved if you had?' he
gently rebuked. She shook her head. 'Caleb doesn't love me.'

'Doesn't he?' his father mused. 'Well, we shall see. I'm
sorry I was so cruel just now, Cat—I'm sure Caleb wouldn't
have allowed it if he had known; he doesn't like anyone to be cruel to
his little cat,' he said drily. 'I only wanted to show you that
although you loved your young man you chose to live after he had gone,
and now you have to be strong enough to move on, to make the life for
yourself that's open to you, and not to live with the memories that are
really no life at all.'

'You have,' she accused.

'Tell me, Cat, how would you feel if Caleb were to die

All the colour drained from her face, her eyes deep green
pools of pain.

'How, Cat?' Lucien prompted roughly.

Her lips moved stiffly, almost of their own volition. 'I
don't know.' Her voice came out in a
strangulated rasp. But she did know, she did! And
it was a betrayal.

'You didn't love Harry any less than you love Caleb,'
Lucien assured her at her tragic look. 'Just in a different way. If he
had lived, your love for him would have grown deeper, more intense, the
way that you now love Caleb.'

'I'm not even sure I do love Caleb.' Again she spoke with
less than honesty, and she knew that she wasn't fooling Lucien Steele

'You're sure, Cat,' he chided. 'You just aren't willing to
admit it yet. Why do you think I told you about Sonia and myself if not
to show you the futility of wasting your life in regrets.'

Cat frowned. 'But you've never remarried.'

'Because Sonia was that deeper more intense love as well
as my youthful love,' he explained gently. 'I realise you need time to
take in all that I've said, but I think you already know and understand
what I've been trying to say to you.'

She did, of course she did. She had more or less grown up
with Harry, and their falling in love had happened so naturally they
had had no doubts about their future together, confident they would
grow and continue to love together. And they would have done if Harry
hadn't died. But he had been taken from her, and
she had continued to grow on her own. So that she could fall in love
with Caleb.

Lucien squeezed her arm again. 'And now I'd like to thank
you for helping Luke the way you have,' he said briskly.

'Helping him?' she repeated dazedly.

'He's been a hell-raiser since they diagnosed my weakened
heart two years ago, but last night you helped him to accept my death.
He suddenly realised, after hearing of the death of a nineteen-year-old
man who had everything to live for, what I've tried to tell him so many
times, that I'm seventy-four years old. You made him realise that isn't
such a bad age to die, not when you've had as much out of life as I

That reckless light she had seen in Luke's eyes, that
affinity she had briefly felt with him. She hadn't guessed it was
because of anything like this!

'Luke has been blaming the whole world for my illness, I'm
afraid,' Lucien sighed sadly. 'Including Caleb.'

It explained so much: Luke's disrespect for his father,
his bouts of temper, his viciousness, his outright cruelty on occasion.
She had seen all that in Luke's face that day, just as yesterday she
had seen death in this man's face, she just hadn't put the two facts

'I had no idea…' she groaned. 'I tried to find

him last night to apologise—'

'Any apologies that need to be made should come from him,'
his grandfather rasped. 'He's acted disgracefully where you're

'I didn't understand.' She shook
her head.

'There's no excuse for what he did to you,' Lucien
insisted sternly. 'It could have turned out so much worse than it has.'

'Even so—'

'Even so nothing, my dear,' he cut in firmly. 'I told him
exactly what I thought of his actions when he came to see me last
night. Hopefully he's come to his senses now.'

She certainly hoped so, no matter how it had been
achieved. The self-destructive course Luke had been on could only have
ended one way if he wasn't stopped, as it almost had when he had driven
off the bridge and only succeeded in breaking his leg.

'As to what you do about the things I've told you about
Sonia and I, I leave that entirely up to you,' Lucien dismissed.

'You want me to print it? About the fire, everything?' Her
eyes were wide.

His gaze was steady. 'I. want you to do what you think


'Whatever you think best, Cat,' he repeated firmly.

She swallowed hard, knowing she couldn't possibly make
public his confidences, that it was too personal and private to this
man and his family. 'Lucien, I—what is it?' She suddenly
realised he had become very pale, almost grey. 'Mr Steele?' she said
sharply, moving across the short distance that separated them, clasping
his hands as they lay limply against his leg, shocked at how cold they
were considering the warmth in the room.

to—see this,' he choked.

'Oh dear God…!' She looked about her
frantically as she realised what was happening, knowing she had to get
help for him but frightened of leaving him alone like this.

'Get—Caleb,' he managed to gasp between stiff
lips, 'He knows—what to do.'

'But you—'

'Get him, Cat,' he choked. 'And
please try to include Luke—in your—love for my son.
They're going to—need you.'

'Lucien, no—'

'Please—get—Caleb,' he gasped again.

She ran from the suite and down the corridor to Caleb's
room. He had just finished dressing, his eyes darkening warmly as she
burst into the room.

'Good morning, sweetheart.' His voice was

huskily indulgent. 'You should have woken


'Caleb, it's your father,' she cut in forcefully, his lazy
expression turning to one of watchful intensity. 'We were talking when
suddenly he— Caleb, you have to go to him!' Her panic
increased. 'He just collapsed.'

He pushed past her out of the room, running down the
corridor to rush through the door that Cat had left open in her rush to
find assistance.

Cat followed, watching as he examined his father as he
still sat in the chair, his cheeks appearing hollow now, his eyes
seeming to have sunk into his head as he looked at his son.

Cat had never felt so helpless in her life, standing
numbly just inside the doorway, looking dully at Norm as he appeared
behind her.

'I heard shouting,' he explained, quickly taking

in the scene across the room. 'Caleb—'

His employer turned to him with fierce eyes as he tried to
make his father more comfortable. 'Get her out of here,' he bit out


'Just get her out, Norm,' he instructed savagely. 'And
then call the doctor and find Luke. At this time of morning the latter
shouldn't be too difficult!' he rasped.

Cat looked at him searchingly, before she was led away by
Norm. She wasn't looking for love, certainly not that warm desire of a
short time ago, but surely there should have been some sort of
understanding pass between them, a searching and giving of the
compassion she so longed to give him. Caleb had just coldly turned away.

She leant into Norm's side as he led her back to her
bedroom, wanting to be with Caleb during this anxious time, but knowing
he had rejected any feeling of closeness they might have had when he
had ordered Norm to take her away from him. Lucien had been wrong,
Caleb didn't love her, he couldn't if he wouldn't let her be at his
side now, when he needed someone so badly.

The doctor arrived a short time later. Cat heard his car
in the driveway and went to the window to watch him enter the house.
She had little else to do but watch the comings and goings to the house
during the morning, no one feeling the need to come and tell her what
was happening, or how Lucien was.

She refused Mrs McDonald's offer of lunch, the older woman
telling her that the doctor was coming back later to see Lucien, that
Caleb and Luke were sitting with him.

Norman Bruce came to her room shortly after the other
woman had left.

He looked strained, older somehow, although Cat couldn't
quite have said in what way. 'Do you have your case packed?' he
enquired briskly.

Her eyes widened. 'Why, yes. But—how's Lucien?'
she frowned.

'Holding his own,' he bit out tersely. 'The car is waiting
for us outside, if you're ready to go.'

The arrangement had been for her to leave after lunch on
Sunday, and she had packed her case before dinner last night with that
in mind, but after Lucien's collapse she hadn't given it another
thought. 'You can't mean me to leave now?' she protested.

'Why not?'

'Lucien!' she reminded him in an exasperated voice.

'Cat,' Norm spoke gently now. 'It's Caleb's orders that
you go. Now.'

She felt as if he had struck her in the chest, physically
knocked all the breath from her body, leaving her weak and aching with
a pain that wasn't in the least physical. 'Why?' she choked.

Norm shrugged. 'He just told me to take you back to
London. I'm not paid to ask why, Cat.'

He sighed at the distress she couldn't hide. 'Honey, it's
best that you leave,' he encouraged gently.

It wasn't best for her, so it had to be best for Caleb. He
didn't want her in his home or his life. 'I'm ready.' She stood up

Norm gave her a searching look, seeming to wish there were
something he could say to comfort her, and finding there was nothing he
could say.

They both maintained their own troubled silence as they
left the house, during the drive to the airport, and on the flight back
to London, Cat having no interest this time in the brightly lit city in
dusk's early glow.

'Thank you.' She stopped inside the airport, looking up at
Norm with pained eyes.

'Caleb told me to take you all the way home,' he told her

'I don't give a damn—' She broke off, her eyes flashing
deeply green, the fire fading from their depths as she saw the
unshakable determination in his face. 'I can easily get a taxi from
here,' she informed him dully.

'There's a car waiting for us outside.' He kept a firm
hold of her case as he strode purposefully towards the exit.

Cat almost had to run to keep up with him, keeping her
face averted once they were in the car so that he shouldn't see just
how upset she was, having difficulty holding back the tears now.

'Cat.' Norm finally touched her hand, holding on to it as
she would have flinched away.

'Have you done this sort of thing before?'

She turned on him angrily, pulling her hand away.

He frowned. 'What sort of thing?'

She swallowed down her shame at the accusation she had
been about to make. Of course he didn't usually escort the women from
Caleb's life, there had been extenuating circumstances. And she doubted
if normally she would have been put out of Caleb's life quite this
abruptly; he just had no use for her during his father's illness.

'It doesn't matter.' She shook her head. 'Please convey
how sorry I am about Lucien to—to the family,' she amended

'I'll do that.' He squeezed her hand. 'And I'm sure Caleb
will be in touch as soon as he can.'

'Did he say that?' she pounced eagerly.

'Well—no. But—'

The hope faded from her eyes, and she turned away to see
the car was stopping outside the house she and Vikki shared. 'Thanks
for bringing me home,' she told Norm brightly. 'I suppose you'll be
returning to Scotland now?'

'Yes,' he acknowledged softly.

'I'm sorry you were given this task,' she sighed. 'I'm
sure the last thing you wanted to do was leave there now to bring me

'I'll let you know when—what happens.,' he
amended huskily.

'I'd like it if you could,' she nodded, getting out of the

She didn't wait outside to watch the car leave, walking
into the house as if in a dream, barely aware of the voices in the
lounge, although she assumed it was Vikki and Sam. Dropping her
suitcase down on her bed she sat down beside it, burying her face in
her hands as she wept. She wept for Lucien, although she knew he spoke
the truth when he said he would be relieved when he was finally granted
release to join Sonia. And she cried for Caleb, the man whom she loved
more than anything and anyone in the world. She even cried for Luke,
and she hoped that he and Caleb would finally find each other in their
shared worry over Lucien.

'I thought I heard—hey,' Vikki's pleasure turned
to concern as she saw how upset Cat was. 'What's happened?' She came
down on her haunches beside the bed.

Cat couldn't hold back any more, everything tumbling out,
the whole traumatic weekend.

'He's just worried about his father,' Vikki soothed when
she heard of the way Caleb had ordered her departure.

She shook her head. 'I tried to
tell myself that,' she choked. 'But it was more than that, he just
didn't want me there.'

'I'm sure you're wrong—'

'Then why am I here and he's there coping with this
alone?' she demanded shakily.

Vikki chewed on her bottom lip. 'Look.' She

straightened. 'I don't know all the details of last

night—and I don't want to,' she added hastily as

Cat blushed. 'But I do think you're over-reacting

because you're tired and upset. I'm going to get

you a nice cup of tea, and after you've drunk it

you're going to have a nap—'

'I couldn't sleep,' she gasped.

'A cup of tea and then some rest,' Vikki insisted firmly.
'I'll listen out for the telephone, just in case this Norm calls,' she
added gently.

Cat obediently drank the tea Vikki brought her, sure she
wouldn't be able to sleep as she lay down on the bed. But her exhausted
body had other ideas about that, and it was the ringing of the
telephone that finally woke her. She woke with a start at the first
ring, hearing Vikki pick up the receiver downstairs before she rang
through to the extension in the bedroom.

'For you, Cat,' she told her gently before putting the call

Cat moistened suddenly dry lips. 'Norm?' 'Luke,' his
youthful voice instantly corrected.

She swallowed hard; he was the last person she

had been expecting. 'Is—has—?'

'He's gone, Cat,' he said gruffly. 'Quite

peacefully in the end. I—I thought you would

like to know. Norm said you had asked him to

call, and I—well, I'm not very good at

apologising, but—'

'Please,' she cut in shakily. 'It isn't necessary,' she
dismissed. 'I—I'm so sorry about your grandfather.' She may
have only known him a short time but she had grown fond of the elderly

'Yes,' he acknowledged sadly.

The shock of Luke being the one to telephone her, after
waking so suddenly, had thrown her completely off-guard, and she had
trouble thinking straight. 'I'm sure it's too soon for you to know when
it will be, but I—I'd like to come to the funeral. If no one
would mind,' she added hesitantly.

'The funeral is tentatively arranged for Friday. It's
going to be up here because Grandpop loved the place so much.'
He paused. 'And, I'm afraid—it's for family only.'

He really sounded as if he genuinely hated to rebuff her,
and Cat didn't need to ask who had made that decision. 'I understand,'
she accepted abruptly. 'And I really am sorry about your grandfather.'


'Thank you for letting me know, I'm sure there are a lot
of other things you have to do.'

'None quite as important,' he told her with sincerity.

'If there's anything I can do—of course there
isn't,' she dismissed awkwardly.

'Cat, for what it's worth I think Dad is wrong to shut you
out like this,' he rasped. 'I tried to reason with him, but he's

'It's all right,' she assured him firmly, the pain in her
chest ten times worse than it had been earlier. 'I'll send some flowers
instead. If that's all right?' she asked anxiously. Surely Caleb
couldn't object to that?

'Of course,' Luke assured her softly. 'He liked pansies.
He always said they reminded him of grandmother's eyes,' he recalled
emotionally. 'Look, I'd better go now, Cat.' He fought to retain
control until the call had finished. 'I just
wanted to be the one to let you know.'

She thanked him once again before ringing off.

Caleb. She had taken him, as he had asked her to do, and
he had rejected her and the love that could have shared his pain at the
loss of his father.


saying 'life goes on' appeared to be a true one; life did indeed go on,
but for Cat it had never been so grey. The day of the funeral arrived
and she sent her flowers, the pansies Luke had suggested, and her heart
cried out to be with Caleb at a time when he needed those that loved
him by his side.

She had heard nothing from him, hadn't really expected to,
knew that he had to be very busy after his father's sudden death,
knowing he had probably forgotten her existence in the trauma of the
last few days. From the many reports on television and in the
newspapers about the family, they had known no peace.

Maybe it was selfish to dwell on her own unhappiness in
the circumstances, but she knew Lucien had wanted her to be with Caleb,
and she missed and loved Caleb more than she had ever thought she could
care for a man again, hadn't been able to stop the love she felt for
him from blossoming and growing until it filled her whole life. Losing
Harry had been horrific, but at least she had had the comfort of
knowing he loved her as she loved him; what she felt for Caleb was
soul-destroying in its futility.

For years she had been afraid to love again in case she
lost that second love as she had the first, but she was finding that to
love Caleb and not have that love returned was worse than losing Harry
the way that she had. If Lucien were here to ask her again, 'how would
you feel if Caleb died tomorrow?' she wouldn't
hesitate to answer him truthfully this time; Caleb may not be dead, but
he was as far removed from her as if he were, and she felt like dying

The news report of the funeral that evening did nothing to
dispel those feelings of despair, Deanna Trent clinging daintily to
Caleb's arm at the graveside, the beauty of her face half-revealed by
the black lace veil of her hat. She looked delicate and tragic, and she
was obviously still considered very much a part of the 'family only'
Luke had mentioned.

Caleb looked grim, older by ten years as he held the
grief-stricken Luke to his side, his arm about his son's shoulders.

Cat felt as if she intruded upon a very private moment,
getting up to switch off the television set, restlessly pacing the room.

'I've got to get out,' she finally decided, 'I've got to
go and see Susan some time this weekend, so I might as well go over
now. And then tomorrow I could arrange to go down to my parents for the

Vikki frowned as Cat pulled on her jacket. 'I'm sure the
fact that his ex-wife was at the funeral didn't mean a thing,' she
consoled gently. 'She hasn't been married to number five all that long!'

'Deanna Trent has nothing to do with my wanting to go
out,' she defended.

'Doesn't she?' Vikki sighed as Cat's expression remained
stubborn. 'Love, the man's had a frantic week,
I'm sure he'll come and see you once everything has settled down a

'No, he won't,' she denied dully. 'People are usually
drawn together by tragedy, not pulled apart. It's over,' she added
briskly. 'And now I have to pick up the pieces and get on with my life.'


She looked sharply at her friend. 'What do you mean?'

'Cat, you may not be able to do it a second time. Losing
Harry almost killed you; I'm afraid for you this time,' Vikki admitted
with blunt honesty.

'There's no need,' she shook her head. 'I'll survive.'

'Will you?'

'Yes!' She would survive because she had to, because she
had no choice. Life didn't just end because it was willed to do so. And
she knew that before her pain was over she would will it many times, as
Lucien had because of Sonia.

Once she got out of the house she knew she didn't feel up
to going to her sister's, to putting a brave face on everything, to
being part of that happy family unit that belonged to Sue, Daniel and
Josh. And so she walked, everywhere and nowhere it seemed, oblivious to
the biting wind ripping into her.

Where was Caleb now? Was his ex-wife with him? Were Luke
and his parents sharing a quiet family dinner together somewhere?

Oh God, the torment of not knowing was like nothing else
she had ever known! She was jealous just at the thought of Caleb being
with another woman when she so desperately wanted to be with him
herself. It must have been obvious the night she had spent in his arms
that she was falling in love with him, and she had thought, had hoped,
that he felt the same way.

'Where have you been?' Vikki demanded as soon as she
entered the house.


'And don't tell me you've been to Susan's because I called
there,' Vikki accused, impatiently helping Cat off with her coat before
hanging it up.

'I went for a walk instead.' She frowned at Vikki's
unwarranted aggression.

'I've been going frantic!'

'I'm sorry,' she said dazedly. 'I didn't mean to worry

'Well, you did that,' her friend snapped.

'It's about ten degrees bellow out there, you didn't go to
your sister's as you said you were going to and you ask why I was
worried about you!' Vikki glared.

'I didn't notice the cold, and I didn't feel like going to
Sue's once I got out,' she explained patiently. 'And now I think I'll
go to bed—'

'You can't do that!' Vikki protested, pulling at her arm.
'His smile isn't as cold tonight, his expression isn't quite as remote,
but I've still bored him out of his mind trying to make polite
conversation!' She told Cat forcefully.

All the colour drained from her face. 'Caleb…'
she managed to gulp. 'He's here?'

Vikki nodded quickly. 'In the
lounge. And, Cat, he looks awful,' she groaned. 'Much worse than on the
television earlier.'

Caleb was here. Not somewhere private with Deanna, but
here in her home, waiting for her. Nothing else
was important. 'I'll go to him.' A glow began in
her eyes, although she was aware that his visit here tonight could mean
nothing. But it could also mean everything, and that was what she was
hoping for!

'Cat,' Vikki touched her arm. 'Good luck.'

'Thank you,' she smiled tremulously.

'No matter when he leaves—if he leaves,'
Vikki amended ruefully, 'I want you to come and tell me what happened!'

She nodded, taking a deep controlling breath before
entering the lounge. Vikki was right, Caleb did look awful, those
beautiful dark eyes full of shadows, deep lines etched into his face.
He looked thinner, too, and so utterly weary.

He stood up as she closed the door behind her to lean back
against it, the dark suit he had worn earlier in the day replaced by an
open-necked blue shirt and tailored blue trousers.

She had had only her memories of him since her time with
him in Scotland, not even her dreams returning, and she drank in the
sight of him, wishing she could lay in his arms now and banish the
unhappiness from his face and heart.

But she didn't move, couldn't move.

'How have you been?' he asked gruffly.

She moistened her suddenly stiff lips. 'Fine,'
she nodded abruptly. 'Er—how's Luke?'

'Very well. He sent his regards.'

'Really?' she frowned. 'That was nice of him.'

Caleb's mouth twisted. 'Wasn't it?' he drawled.

'I—er—I was sorry about your father,'
she told him awkwardly.

He nodded abruptly. 'Your flowers arrived today. Thank

How could two people who had made love together act like
stilted strangers? It didn't make sense, and yet Cat knew she was as
guilty of it as Caleb was.

'How's Norm?' she asked politely.

'Coping,' he derided.

'And—and your wife?' She kept her expression
deliberately bland.

His eyes narrowed. 'You saw her?'

'On the television earlier,' Cat nodded.

He gave a deep sigh. 'Deanna is the same as she always
was, beautifully made up for the cameras! She liked my father no more
than he liked her, but for Luke's sake I couldn't make a scene about
her being there today.'

'I see,' Cat nodded.

Caleb frowned. 'Her being there had nothing to do with
me,' he rasped.

'It's really none of my concern even if it did,' she
pointed out gently. 'I—I was just a little surprised to see
her there, that's all,' she dismissed lightly.

'So was I,' he admitted ruefully. 'But I didn't come here
to talk about Deanna or Luke, and certainly not my father's funeral,'
he frowned. 'I stayed away as long as I could, Cat, but I need you so

'Need—me?' she repeated dazedly. 'How can you
say that when—' She broke off, chewing on her bottom lip, knowing Caleb
had gone through enough this last week without her hurling
recriminations at him.

'When?' he prompted softly.

'It doesn't matter,' she shook her head, avoiding his gaze.

'Yes,' he insisted huskily, 'Yes, I have a feeling it
matters very much.' He took her in his arms, moulding the length of her
body to his. 'Cat, you have to realise how much I need you,' he
insisted urgently.

She looked at him with pained eyes. 'How can you say that
when you pushed me away like you did?' she said, voicing the reason for
that pain.

'When?' he encouraged softly.

'When your father—God, I'm so sorry he died.'
Her mouth trembled emotionally. 'I liked him.'

'He liked you, too. And he approved of you as the woman I

'You don't love me,' she denied. 'You can't.'

'Only a fool would say that, Cat,' he gently chided. 'And
you're far from being that.'

'Thank you!'

He smiled. 'God, I've missed you and the way you can make
me laugh,' he groaned. 'The last week has been—bleak,' he

Her expression softened at the weary look to his face.
'Caleb, I love you.'

'I know,' he told her gently.

Indignation flared in her eyes. 'I only knew it myself the
night we made love.'

'Did you?' he mused. 'That was the night I realised it,

'How?' she demanded.

His smile was gentle now. 'Because of the way you were
with me. Cat, no woman had ever given herself to me the way you did
that night. I realise I shouldn't mention those other women now, but
it's because of them that I knew how different it was with you. I
wanted you physically from the starts but I also want to protect you,
watch you grow round with my children, to love those children, grow old
with you.'

Cat drew away from him. 'All that is sharing,' she said

He frowned at her withdrawal. 'Yes.'

'Just the good things, Caleb?' she rasped.

'I don't understand,' he shook his head.

Perhaps not, but she suddenly did, had realised what he
had done as soon as he said he wanted to protect her. 'What about the
painful things in life, Caleb? Or is that what you intend protecting me
from?' she prompted softly.

'If I can,' he acknowledged harshly.

'That was why you sent me away on Sunday, wasn't it?' she
sighed. 'Caleb?' she prompted again.

He swung away from her. 'You've already been through
enough,' he rasped. 'I couldn't ask you to go through my father's death
with me. I wouldn't have taken you anywhere near him if I'd thought it
could have happened while you were there.' His eyes were pained. 'Not
after Harry.'

'Caleb.' Cat moved to stand against him, her arms about
his waist as her head rested on his rapidly rising and falling chest.
'Darling, I love you, and your pain is my pain, even the pain of losing
someone you loved.' She looked up at him. 'I so much wanted to be with
you then.'

'My father said you would feel that way—yes, he
was able to talk a little before he died,' Caleb said softly at her
surprised look. 'He told me you were strong enough to be at my side.'

'Then you also know that I know—'

'About my mother?' He nodded.

'Do you know why he told me about that?' She looked at him

He nodded. 'Do you?'

'Because of Harry,' she acknowledged. 'Because after what
Luke had told him about Harry he wanted me to realise that I had chosen
to live after Harry died, that I had fallen in love with you and now
had a responsibility to that love.'

'Did it work?'

'You know it did.' She smiled at him tremulously.
'Although I was already half-way to acknowledging that fact without any
prompting from anyone.'

'Dad just wanted to make sure you got the final push in
the right direction,' Caleb said drily.

'By telling me about your mother,' she sighed. 'I can't
ever write about that, you know,' she groaned. 'It's too personal.'

'Dad knew that,' he smiled.

'He did?' Her eyes were wide.

'Of course,' he drawled. 'He knew you were in love with
me, and he knew I was in love with you. He took a risk on the newest
member of the Steele family not wanting to betray his secret.'

'But I—Steele family?' she repeated gruffly.

'I'm trying to ask you to marry me, Cat,' he

grimaced. 'But I'm not doing a very good job of

it,' he acknowledged drily. 'I don't have my

father's gift with words, or Luke's brashness in

going after what he wants, and I seem to have

made a complete hash of protecting the only

woman I've ever loved—'

'When she didn't need protecting,' Cat told him sternly,
love shining in her eyes.

'When she didn't need protecting,' he conceded huskily.
'But I do love you, so much, and I would very much like you to be my


He grinned. 'I told you I don't have a way with words.
But, I might add, you aren't too forthcoming yourself.'

'Sorry?' she frowned.

'With words. One little one to be precise,', he encouraged
softly. 'And please make it a yes!' he groaned his need of her.

Her expression was one of extreme tenderness. 'You know
it's yes. I love you, I want to grow round with your children, to love
those children, to grow old with you. But most of all I want to share
everything with you, the sadness as well as the happiness. Maybe when I
met you I was avoiding all emotional involvement,' she conceded.
'Believed that if I didn't get involved again I couldn't be hurt. But
falling in love with you changed all that, made me feel alive in a way
I never want to end.'

'I should have known you would feel like this,' he
groaned, holding her in his arms. 'You're too real yourself to accept
anything but reality, even if it is a painful one. I'm sorry if I
misjudged the situation with my father. I needed you so damned much

She gently touched his cheek. 'I love you even more for
trying to shield me from that,' she assured him. 'But I won't break.'

'I know that now.' He spoke into her hair as he held her
to him. 'When will you marry me?'

'As soon as it can be arranged,' she said without
hesitation. 'But how do you think Luke will react to us wanting to get
married?' She frowned her uncertainty. 'I seem to remember he wasn't
too happy at the idea of having a stepmother at his age, and I don't
want to be the cause of any more friction between you.'

'Luke and I have talked out a lot of things the last week.
It's going to take him a while to get over his grandfather's death, but
he will get over it. He knows how I feel about you, and I'm sure he
won't cause any friction. He—' Caleb broke off, frowning down at Cat as
she began to chuckle. 'What's so funny?' he asked quizzically.

'Luke's face when I begin to "grow round" with your baby,'
she giggled. 'It should be a sight worth seeing. If he thinks he's too
old for a stepmother wait until we present him with a baby brother or

Caleb's eyes gleamed his own amusement. 'Catherine Howard,
soon-to-be-Steele, I think you've developed a vindictive sense of

'Wicked, isn't it?' she grinned.

Caleb sobered, his eyes devouring her. 'God, I'm glad Luke
put you in my bed that night,' he said intensely. 'I don't think I
could live without you.'

She knew she had only begun to live again when she fell in
love with him. And her dreams were no longer just that: all of them
were very real.

'You have a delicious body, one of the most perfect I've
ever seen—and I'm in the mood for you right now!'

The sharp slap on the flesh of Cat's bottom

caused her lids to fly open, and she turned

instinctively towards her husband, returning the

passion of his good morning kiss before languidly

kissing the warmth of his naked shoulder. As she

did so her gaze was caught by the clock on the

bedside table, her expression panicked as she

pulled away from Caleb. 'Lucy shouldn't have

slept this long,' she told him frantically. 'Something must be

'Nothing is wrong.' He pulled her back down to his side.
'I got up and gave her a bottle over two hours ago.' His lips caressed
the creamy length of her throat.

'You should have woken me,' she chided, although the
worried tension left her body as she relaxed against him.

'There was no need to now that you're no longer feeding
her yourself.' His mouth closed possessively over one turgid nipple.

Cat knew that he had missed this intimacy during the four
months she had been able to feed their daughter herself, that he had
indulged himself shamelessly since Lucy had been weaned on to a bottle.

Their eighteen months of marriage had agreed with them
both, their beautiful daughter born five months ago, contrarily with
Cat's green eyes and Caleb's dark colouring. Already she was charming
all those about her, and Cat knew that the closeness Caleb had with
both his children was doubly precious to him after the way he had
almost lost Luke, the two men closer than they had ever been.

'Where is Lucy now?' she managed to gasp before she fell
completely under her husband's sensual spell.

'Luke and Vikki took her for a walk,' Caleb murmured in a
preoccupied voice. 'To give us old-timers a rest, he said,' he recalled
in amusement. 'But he soon took that back when Vikki pointed out that
you and she are the same age.'

Vikki and Luke had met at their wedding, and since that
time a casual relationship had developed between them, deliberately
kept that way by Vikki, her friend had confided to Cat. Luke had
matured a lot the last eighteen months but, after the end of her casual
relationship with Sam, Vikki wanted to be sure of him before committing
herself to anything permanent between them. Cat was sure it was too
late for that, the two of them obviously in love despite the five years
difference in their ages, had started to tease Vikki about being her

Cat smiled up at Caleb. 'So we're all alone in the house,'
she said invitingly, their nakedness reflected above.

'Except for a housekeeper, a couple of maids, four cats,
and a dog,' he nodded mockingly. 'I know,' he acknowledged indulgently.
'You want our daughter to grow up in a happy domestic atmosphere. I
just think keeping all of Sunny's kittens was a bit extreme.'

'She wouldn't have been happy if we had given them away,'
Cat protested.

'Don't you think that right now we should be concentrating
on making Mr and Mrs Steele happy?' he said throatily.

'What a lovely idea.' She moved into his arms, knowing
that her reality with Caleb was better than any dreams could be: also
knowing that if Harry could see the happiness she had known the last
eighteen months as Caleb's wife that he would be happy for her, that he
had helped make her the vibrantly beautiful woman she was today, the
woman that was Caleb's love as he was hers.


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