SHSpec 291 6308C06 Auditing Comm Cycles Definition of an Auditor

6308C06 SHSpec-291 Auditing Comm Cycles -- Definition of an Auditor

"That mixture which is not shaken, stagnates." For that reason, we have
checksheet changes. People who ask for changes in organizational structure
overlook the fact that the character of this planet and its population makes
it practically impossible to do anything with this planet. It takes
incredible stress and planning to get anything done. On the backtrack, one ia
used to operating with ease and swiftness. This planet is different.

This planet was part of a Federation, and passed out of its control due
to war, etc. This federation has been called the Markab Confederacy. This
sounds space-opera-ish, but if it is true, is should be stated, whether it is
acceptable or not. The planets of the confederacy united, out of fragments of
earlier civilizations, over the past 200,000 years, but it is not native to
this galaxy. In the past 200,000 years, mental implanting has been taking
place that is not native to earlier track. The Markabians have the basic
problem of how to kill a thetan. The best way to hide your overts is to give
someone amnesia and tell them that something else happened. That's what is going on here. Their ideal is the conformist. What they are conforming to is pretty scummy and low-toned. Their standard choice citizen is the contented wage slave. This leaves the artist, the brilliant engineer, the manager, the criminal, and the pervert all persona non grata. They are afraid of all these types, so they condemn them to perpetual amnesia, calling it being "dead forever". Then they ship them here. So on this planet, we have a minimal number of workers and a maximal number of artists, geniuses, managers, criminals, and perverts. How do you make an organization out of these dudes? They are all non-conformists. Therefore the difficulty you get in organizations with these people is alter-is.

This has led to a civilization on this planet that is totally different
from the civilization that planted it here, until recently, when current
western civilization started to look like the Markab Confederacy. The fact
that current western civilization has the same image as the Markab Confederacy
makes this civilization restimulative; it makes it look dangerous. One of the
highest crimes in the Markab civilization is error in income tax. That makes
matters relating to income tax very restimulative, here.

The material of the between-lives area is contained in What to Audit [A
History of Man, pp. 65-66]. The Markabians have not launched a big reaction
to the fact that their secrets are out, probably because they fear that a
landing in force would restore everyone's memory and blow the amnesia. People
get mad at governments and organizations on this planet because they are
really mad at the Markabian government. Almost unbelievable force was used by
the Markabians to create the amnesia. You can easily restimulate people's
amnesia by giving them some data about the Markabians. It seems very unreal
to them.

As an auditor, therefore, you are handling the roughest case in the
universe. To rehabilitate the individual, you have to rehabilitate his
knowingness. Charge on the case represents lost knowingness. As the case
moves up the line, you get an odd phenomenon: the case remembers more. One
kind of memory that is restored is picture memory. At an advanced state, the
PC can tell the difference between a false and a genuine picture. He
graduates up to simply knowing, without depending on pictures, up to a point
of knowing who and where he has been, independent of cross-proof. Knowingness
is slow to increase, but it does rise. Over the top of that
identity-knowingness, which is still rather general, comes detailed
knowingness, e.g. knowing how you got here, why you are here, and other
details of the past, without pictures. That is the restoration of the
beingness of the individual. It returns gradually, bit by bit, along this

What does it take to bring about such a total amnesia? A total explosion
of a spaceship in his face, twice, was enough to be a little confusing to
LRH. It takes far more force than that to destroy someone's memory to the
point where he would have a case. The force also has to be combined with
trickery: scrambling dates, giving balanced items, etc., to keep the thetan's
memories scrambled.

The amount of force it took is what the auditor has to get off the case.
It's easier for the auditor and the PC to confront things like unknownness
than to confront force. But the force must be confronted. E.g., in running
O/W, getting off critical thoughts does nothing for the case. There's
something done behind it, which contains energy and must be gotten off. It is the energy contained in a done that makes it hard to confront -- harder to confront than some random think.

The mission of an auditor is the restoration of a person's awareness,
which includes a restoration of his memory, his identity. What holds it down
is force, used with trickery. Thus an individual gets an ARC break with
force, and then becomes the effect of force. So you are handling someone who
has lots of ARC breaks with beings, matter energy, space, time, location, and
form. That is a PC. An auditor has to be somebody who can release this force
from the PC. TA movement registers relief of force in the reactive mind.
Force is being removed from the case as long as the TA is in motion. When
force is aberrated by trickery, the TA hangs up until the trickery, e.g. wrong
dates, is handled.

You don't always have to run a process to get the TA moving, i.e. a
particular curative process. If the TA is moving, the PC will eventually go
OT. Auditing in the absence of TA motion will never produce an OT. If you
run the right significance off the case and get TA action, you will make an OT
quicker. But running the right significances without TA won't do it, while
getting TA alone, on anything, right or not, will eventually give you an OT.
If might take thousands of hours, if you audited a person randomly. IA motion
indicates the blowing off of encysted force, as it leaves the case. When you
run the right significances, it speeds up the case, because you are running
the force off early track, and you get extra charge blowing which doesn't all
show up on the meter. Sometimes you will see a repetitive blowdown as a
remote force area blows up.

The most fundamental method of making a TA move is not running a
process. It is the basic definition of an auditor: a listener. It is up to
the auditor to permit the PC to blow the mass that has been restimulated by
the process, which he does by listening. His basic job is to listen, not to
restimulate. We can get away with restimulating charge because we can talk to
each other. The only way to get rid of reactive charge is by a communication
line. That is the only method [Cf. Axiom 51]. The auditor only gets hit by
the charge if he stops it from flowing across the comm line. All therapies
from time immemorial have consisted of listening. But what makes auditing
different is the TA action which the auditor produces by restimulating charge
and letting the PC blow the restimulated charge.

The auditor gives the command. It crosses the distance and hits the bank
square in a confrontable aberrated area. The bank now causes an effect on the
PC. The PC now becomes cause as he tells the auditor about it, answering the
question. The PC gains some knowingness, when he observes what happens when
the command reaches him.

Additionally, life is always giving commands to the PC and restimulating
all sorts of charge. As the PC tells you about his between-sessions
activities, with or without since-mid-ruds, TA occurs as he gets that
restimulation communicated to you.

This shows that the line from the PC to the auditor is a little senior to
and more important than the auditor's line to the PC. In the former line, you
will find all auditing failures, providing any process at all has been run.
If the case was loused up by auditing, we inspect the TA in judging a
particular process. If there was TA on the process, the process was OK, as
far as getting the cause-distance effect of the PC to the auditor goes.

When that line goes out, the restimulation flows back to hit the PC. Where
else can it go? You see the first symptom of that line going out in the PC's
dirty needle. The auditor isn't listening. He is doing something to shut the
PC up. The line with the PC at cause may take many times as long as the one
from auditor to PC, as the PC examines something, undoes identification, gets
force off, and gains knowingness. The more TA action you get, the more
positive the PC sounds, even in just one auditing cycle. A TA blowdown
accompanies returning knowingness on the part of the PC.

The names of these main lines in the auditing cycle are the what's-it
line (from auditor to PC) and the itsa line (from PC to auditor). The tone
arm follows a pattern: it goes up on a what's-it (possibly the reverse
happens on a low-TA case), and it comes down on an itsa. A high TA shows you
restimulated but unresolved charge. When charge flows across the comm line,
it as-ises and the TA moves down.

Knowing scientology, if you were in the Galactic Confederation now, you
would be enthroned. You could fix up all the messed-up OT's, as long as you
could listen. In the confederation, your PCs Wouldn't have all the enforced
amnesia you have to get rid of with an earth PC. It would be like the
difference between auditing an earth case and an ant.

The progression of events that occur when an itsa line goes out and is
not restored is the following:

1. Dirty needle.

2. Stuck TA.

3. ARC break.

The itsa line is the most fruitful source of BPC: charge restimulated and not
allowed to flow out. There are no ARC breaky PCs. There are only auditors
who don't listen.

The only crime you can commit by letting the PC talk is to do it without
getting TA action. What about the PC who is just talking motivators? Well,
they don't get TA from it. Besides, someone who is just motivating is already
in an ARC break. So you should find the BPC so that the itsa line, which is
the the same as just talk, can get in again. So let the PC talk, as long as
you are getting TA action and no longer. Don't acknowledge; just look
intelligent and nod if the PC looks brighter at you. This is case Level 2
[See p. 414, above, for a description of this level.] auditing, by the way, if
the PC is telling you all about the track. Lower down the case levels, you
have to direct the PC's attention more.


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