Maximum CPC

Before you scroll down and read anything in this blueprint, you need to be made fully aware of
the following things...
Income Disclaimer: This document contains business strategies, marketing methods and other
business advice that, regardless of my own results and experience, may not produce the same
results (or any results) for you. I make absolutely no guarantee, expressed or implied, that by
following the advice below you will make any money or improve current profits, as there are
several factors and variables that come into play regarding any given business.
Primarily, results will depend on the nature of the product or business model, the conditions of
the marketplace, the experience of the individual, and situations and elements that are beyond
your control.
As with any business endeavour, you assume all risk related to investment and money based on
your own discretion and at your own potential expense.
Liability Disclaimer: By reading this document, you assume all risks associated with using the
advice given below, with a full understanding that you, solely, are responsible for anything that
may occur as a result of putting this information into action in any way, and regardless of your
interpretation of the advice.
You further agree that I or my company cannot be held responsible in any way for the success
or failure of your business as a result of the information presented below. It is your responsibility
to conduct your own due diligence regarding the safe and successful operation of your business
if you intend to apply any of our information in any way to your
business operations.
In summary, you understand that we make absolutely no guarantees regarding income as a
result of applying this information, as well as the fact that you are solely responsible for the
results of any action taken on your part as a result of this information.
Maximum CPC Your Guide To Higher Paying Adsense Clicks
I'm pretty sure you didn't purchase this eBook to learn about me, so I will save
that for the end, for those curious to know a little more about me. I realize that
many of you are successful business men and women so I won't waste anymore of
your time with fluff. Time is money, so let's get down to the meat of this eBook.
The way I increase the amount of money I receive per click is by effectively
utilizing the Competitive AdFilter Block List. For some experienced adsense
marketers, this might not be anything new, and before you go rush to press
refund, I urge you to wait. You can benefit from what I'm about to divulge and
this product is unique because it's my very own list. I have over 500 websites
deployed online that cover a large variety of niches and I constantly check them so
I can filter out low paying ads. What I've come up with is a master list of web
properties which after implementation will lead to an increase per click in as little
as 1 hour after adding my list. Everyone who bought this course will receive a
FREE update to their email next month. We can only block so many websites,
and URLS often become obsolete, from blackhat advertisers who just set up
adwords accounts with vouchers to game the system one month, then fade out the
There are also no forced continuity programs, if you feel that my service doesn't
provide you with an increase in the amount of money you receive per click,
simply don't buy it. All I will do is send you a friendly reminder once per month
that it is available, and it will be up to you to decide if it was worth it for you and
to click purchase.
What is Google Adsense Competitive AdFilter?
For those of you that don't, I will explain.
In a nutshell, it is a tool inside your Google Adsense account that gives you the
functionality to block specific ads from appearing on your web pages. So while
although Google ad bots come to your page, and are suppose to deliver ads that
are highly relevant to the content of your page, there are people that try and game
the system. When they do this, they not only game Google, but they cheat you
out of your hard earned money.
Unfortunately, there are plenty of advertisers who knowingly and unknowingly
game the system. As a result it can lead to a) Lower paying clicks b) Not so
relevant ads or C) Both
One way this is done is by the advertiser using keywords that aren't related to their
ads so they can get their ad placed on your site. To a robot this looks fine, but for
a human, the ads are clearly not relevant. When ads are relevant you'll naturally
get more clicks. So there is no surprise when your users aren't clicking and your
adsense revenue is down.
Another sneaky tactic some of the more sophisticated Blackhat advertisers are
using is cloaking their pages. They are showing Google bots on page, but there
website is about something completely different. Due to the fact that Google
thinks their website is relevant to your page, they reward the advertiser with lower
Costs Per Click on their end, which in turn leads to a lower amount per click for
you. Some of these people are paying 1 to 10 cents for clicks they should be
paying multiple dollars for.
Most people who use the Google Competitive Ad Filter do so to block links to
competitor sites, but you should be more concerned with smart pricing techniques
from arbitrage sites. Those sites bid as low as $0.01 for clicks, reducing
drastically your earning potential. My list will allow you to block these people and
get the higher paying ads showing on your website.
If you need a video guide to learn more about Allowing/Blocking ADS you can
see the one done by Google.
Even Google warns you that blocking the wrong Urls could lead to a decrease in
your revenue, but they don't tell you which ones, don't worry I will. It's what
you've paid for.
From tried and true testing, I've come up with a list of notorious low-paying urls
to block that once implemented will lead to Higher ad clicks for whoever
implements them into their account. I am always fine tuning my strategy and
adding/subtracting URLS. As these Blackhats get smarter, so must we.
The negativity experienced by your visitor clicking on a spam ad is very likely to
be associated with your website. The odds are good that not only will the visitor
not hit the back button to your website, they may actually avoid your website in
the future. Your website may now equal junk in your visitor s mind because of the
spam adsense ad they just clicked on. It is your duty to block these spammers,
and reclaim your fair share of your Adsense proceeds.
Even in niches were people get pennies per click, I've been able to increase my
revenues tremendously.
Let's get down to the setup. It's very simple to do. Even the most non technical
person will be able to follow these steps. I know because, I practiced on my
grandmother before releasing this product. However, if anyone is still having
problems, feel free to email me at the address listed at the bottom of this email,
and I will do my best to assist you further.
Step 1:
Log Into Your Adsense Account
Step 2:
Click on Allow & Block Ads
I've provided a visual graphic so you can see exactly what you should see after
doing the first two steps.
Step 3:
Click on Advertiser URLs (It's located on your left hand side of the screen)
Step 4:
Open the Adblocklist.txt file that was included in your download
Step 5:
Inside the text editor click on Edit, then scroll down to Select ALL
Step 6:
Now Click On Edit once more, then scroll down to Copy
Refer back to the visual picture if needed. What you are going to do now, is click
back on your browser where your adsense account is opened, and paste the URLs
we just copied, into the open box.
Step 7:
Click Inside the box.
Step 8:
Press and Hold the CTRL + V keys (This will paste the URLS we copied into
this box. Alternatively you can click on the EDIT button on your browser
and scroll down to the word PASTE. Either of the two, will get the job
Step 9:
Once the URLs have been pasted into the box, click on the BLOCK URLS
button right below the text field. Refer back to picture if needed. I show
with arrows what you must press.
Step 10:
That's it!! You are done. The blocked URLs will show in the box listed
below. The only thing left to do is wait until you get your first adsense clicks
in and notice how much more you will get for that click compared to the
Keep watch of your email, as I will most likely be sending out a free update with
URLS with notorious URLS you MUST BLOCK to further increase your
earnings per click.
Although you can make more money in any niche, if you really want to maximize
your earnings, you can get my list of Must Have Keywords with High CPCS that
will guarantee you make $1+ per click. You can get this FREE Bonus by leaving
your HONEST, opinion about my product in the thread. Take notice of the word
I bolded. Even if you hate the product, just leave your HONEST opinion of what
you think in the thread then email me, and I will send you out the bonus. That's
right, even if you say, THIS WSO SUCKS! I will send you out my bonuses.
That's How Confident I am in this system. In the rare case you don't see an
increase in revenues, you may request a refund. I only ask that you try it out for
at least a full 48hrs so you can see real data. However keep in mind you may
request a refund at anytime for up to 30 days after your purchase and I will
honor it.
Thank you for purchasing my WSO and I can't wait for the day you message me,
and say thanks, you've made me a lot of additional income :)
Jason Giorgini


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