Berengaria Brown Rowena's Ghostly Menage (pdf)

Rowena s Ghostly Ménage
Berengaria Brown
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Copyright © 2010 by Berengaria Brown
E-book ISBN: 079-7-7348013-8-5
First E-book Publication: June 2010
Edited by Rie McGaha
Cover design by Reese Dante
All cover art and logo copyright © 2010 by Silver Publishing
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be
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All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance
to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.
Silver Publishing
Rowena s Ghostly Ménage by Berengaria Brown
Chapter One
Rowena s heels clicked on the hard concrete floor
of the warehouse as she followed the security guard past
row after row of shelves shelves that seemed to extend
for miles.
 Here we go, miss, row one sixty-five.  W will be
right down the end. K, N, P, T& ahh there you are, W
Winton. Would you like me to lift the boxes down for
 Yes, please.
 Right. Winton box one of three. Box two. Box
three. There you go. Got your cell phone with you?
 Yes, why?
 Here s my card. It s got my direct number on it.
You may not want to walk all the way back to the door to
buzz me. If you have any questions phone me, it ll be
 Will you be all right here? You said you d be here
a long time.
 Yes, I have to find a paper for my boss. He needs
the information by first thing tomorrow, so I ll be here for
as long as it takes. But Nathanael should be here soon to
help me.
Rowena s Ghostly Ménage by Berengaria Brown
 How about I go get you a trolley and you can
wheel the crates down to the study tables at the end of aisle
two hundred? That way you can sit and read in peace.
 Thank you. That would be great. You ve been very
The security guard bustled off and suddenly it
seemed very silent, cold and dark in the warehouse, despite
the controlled, mild temperature to preserve the old
documents, and the overhead fluorescent lighting.
Shivering, Rowena looked at the first crate.  May as
well start looking, I guess. Bet it s in the last box though. If
it s here at all, she sighed.
Squatting down, Rowena unbuckled the clasps
holding the lid on the large tub, slid it to one side, and lifted
up the first folder of papers.
 Shit! This really is going to take all night, she
groaned, staring down at the faded ink and spidery writing.
 Brittney, you d better be telling the truth that old Jabez
Winton kept an inventory of all his possessions or I ll
wring your neck tomorrow!
 Oh yes, she told you truth, but the list isn t in that
crate, said the ghost.  It s in the last crate as you so
cynically predicted, about half way down, on the right-hand
Rowena s Ghostly Ménage by Berengaria Brown
Jabez Winton, white haired, and with bright,
twinkling blue eyes, stood in row one sixty-five leaning
against a crate labeled  Thomas, B.J., box four of seven .
Since he d died in nineteen twenty though, no one could
see his ghostly form, and he couldn t make himself heard
unless there was a lot of electrical energy around. He d
scared a couple of people by appearing and speaking during
a lightning storm once, but that was several years ago.
Rowena intrigued him. He longed to know what was
happening with Yvonne s granddaughter, Brittney. Hmm,
guess that makes her my great-great-great grandniece or
 Well, when this Nathanael comes, I daresay I ll
find out what s going on here, he said, wafting up to the
top shelf and settling comfortably on  Untermeyer, box one
of one .
 Hey, Ro, I ve got the trolley, came a cheery voice
followed by the whistled theme song for a football team.
Rowena shook her head, but stood and smiled as
she walked to the end of the row to welcome Nathanael.
Over six feet tall, built like a linebacker, with dark-
brown hair and rich, dark chocolate eyes, he really was a
totally yummy sight. She still had trouble believing such a
strong, handsome man could possibly be interested in
ordinary, slightly overweight, and decidedly nerdy her.
Rowena s Ghostly Ménage by Berengaria Brown
Nate grabbed her in a bear hug then picked her up
and swung her around, her long, black skirt flying out
behind her.
 Hey, honey, we re here all alone. Now what can
we do to entertain ourselves? He kissed her heartily as he
set her on her feet.
 Look through all these crates and find Jabez
Winton s inventory, she replied sternly, although the
laughter in her gray eyes hinted she d be happy to do other
things as well.
 Whatever you say, honey, but I wouldn t mind
fucking you up against these shelves. I ve always wanted to
do something like that.
 Oh God, me too. Cream dripped from her cunt
onto her panties at the very thought of sex here with the
yummy Nate. He didn t even have to touch her to set every
nerve ending on fire with lust. Then logic and work
reasserted itself.  Well, maybe later. First, let s get these
crates to the study tables at aisle two hundred and go
through them. Maybe we ll get lucky and find it in the very
first box.
Nate easily loaded the heavy crates onto the trolley
and wheeled them to the long table against the wall at the
end of aisle two hundred. But instead of lifting the first one
up onto the table, he wrapped his big, strong hands around
Rowena s waist and placed her there.
Rowena s Ghostly Ménage by Berengaria Brown
 Before we start work, I need a little taste of my
honey. He pushed her legs apart with his hips and pulled
her hard against his body.
 Mmm. She lifted her face into his kiss, snuggling
against his hard chest. It was like a wall against her soft
breasts. Erotically she rubbed her breasts back and forward
across his pecs as he licked the seam of her mouth and slid
his tongue inside.
One hand moved around to her ass, pushing her
tightly against him so she could feel his cock, huge and
hard, against her belly. The other tilted her head to just the
right angle so he could deepen the kiss. He thrust his
tongue inside her mouth, tangling with hers, then running
his behind her teeth and along the inside of her cheeks,
before sucking her tongue into his mouth.
 Gotta have you. Can t wait, he murmured,
pushing her shirt up and freeing her breasts from her bra.
His mouth descended onto a breast, sucking the nipple deep
inside the warm cavern, rolling it on the roof of his mouth,
then scraping his teeth across it.
 Yes. More. She gripped his arms and rested her
head on one broad shoulder.
He lifted his head from her long enough to pull off
her shirt and bra, dropping them on the table. Once again
he drew the breast deep inside his mouth, sucking hard. The
Rowena s Ghostly Ménage by Berengaria Brown
pull went straight from her nipple to her pussy, lighting a
fire in her belly.
Of their own volition, her hands moved to his belt,
unbuckling it and lowering the zipper of his jeans. Then she
pulled his cock free and lightly ran her thumb over the
head, finding a drop of pre-cum already filling the slit.
Nate pushed her long skirt up her legs, bunching it
on one side and slid his hand up the inside of her thighs to
her cunt. He dipped one finger into her hot clenching core.
 Shit, you re hot and wet.
 I want you. I always want you, Nate.
 God, I want you too, so much. He pushed her
thong to the side and slid his cock deep into her heat in one
long, smooth stroke.  You feel so very, very good. Hot,
wet, tight. I love you, Ro.
Rowena wrapped her legs around his waist, digging
the heels, of her office pumps into the small of his back.
 You re so big, so hard. You fill me up. Stretch me to the
limits. You feel wonderful inside me.
When Nate wrapped his arms around her, Ro
reveled in the feel of his fingers sinking into the flesh of her
ass, as he pumped in, then slowly withdrew, only to slam
hard into her again. She moved with him, building up the
rhythm as he gradually increased his pace. Her nails dug
into his shoulders and her heels into his back as she pushed
Rowena s Ghostly Ménage by Berengaria Brown
her hips into him, matching his strokes, the coil of need
tightening harder and harder in her belly as she came closer
and closer to an orgasm.
He lowered his head and sucked her earlobe into his
mouth, biting on it gently so that he felt her shiver with
 God that s hot, she whispered, rolling her hips in
time with his thrusts.
 You re hot. Just seeing you turns me on.
His cock seemed thicker and harder than ever so she
knew he was close to coming. Rowena squeezed her
internal muscles tight, then relaxed them. Then squeezed
Nate pushed one hand between their bodies to her
clit, and massaged the hardened nub with one long finger.
The coil of tension inside her curled tighter and tighter. She
was close. So very close. He pulled back a bit from her then
pinched her clit as he pumped deep and hard inside her. An
orgasm exploded through Rowena firing all her nerve
endings, stretching her muscles and making her shake from
head to toe.
Nate groaned deeply and cum spurted hard and hot
from his cock deep inside her, filling her with stream after
stream of his seed. He held her tightly as they shook
together for the longest time.
Rowena s Ghostly Ménage by Berengaria Brown
 I love you, Ro. You re the best thing that ever
happened to me.
 I love you too, Nate. I really do. She kissed him
Rowena s Ghostly Ménage by Berengaria Brown
Chapter Two
Three hours later, they were tired, dusty and had
finished looking through the first box.
 We need a break. I ll go down to the soda machine
on the ground floor and bring us up some drinks, then we ll
take a bit of time out. Nate loped off on his errand as
Rowena sighed and replaced the papers neatly in the first
Lying on his stomach on the top of row one hundred
ninety-nine, his chin resting on his hands, Jabez shook his
head.  Box two isn t going to help you at all, Rowena. Why
not try box three and save yourself some trouble?
Rowena s head jerked up and she looked all around.
 Nate? Are you playing games? Did you speak?
Total silence surrounded her.  I m going nuts all
ready and we ve only done the first box. I m hearing
things. But I could ve sworn someone spoke.
 Box three, Rowena. Look at box three.
Rowena jumped out of her chair and peered down
the nearest row. No one was there. She paced to the next
row and the next. No one there either. She stood still and
listened. Total silence.  I m definitely going nuts. I really
need a caffeine and sugar hit.
Rowena s Ghostly Ménage by Berengaria Brown
Jabez watched her curiously.  She can t hear what I
am saying, but I truly believe she has an awareness of me
being here. I wonder if she has some latent psychic powers,
or if it s the sex. Electrical storms give me energy, so
maybe sex gives me energy, too. I certainly feel stronger
than before. Maybe I can convince them to fuck again and
then tell her where to look.
Jabez sat up and scanned his body carefully.  I do
seem more corporeal than usual. Damn. It must be the sex.
They were pretty hot and heavy there for a while. Now how
can I convince them to it again?
Nate returned with four bottles of soda clutched in
one hand and a couple of candy bars in the other. He
handed her a drink and a candy bar, took a huge gulp of his
own soda, unwrapped his candy bar and asked,  Explain it
to me properly, Ro. Why, exactly, are we searching all
night for this precious inventory?
 Jabez Winton, whose papers we re searching, died
in nineteen twenty at the ripe old age of eighty. He left
everything to his great nephew, Jabez Winton Jr., who died
during the Second World War aged thirty, leaving his
widow, Elaine and baby girl, Yvonne. Yvonne just died and
her granddaughter, Brittney is trying to track down the
property from old Jabez because she thinks the neighbors
Rowena s Ghostly Ménage by Berengaria Brown
have been stealing paintings, jewelry and other stuff from
Yvonne s house. Family tradition has it that old Jabez had a
detailed inventory that he was a very meticulous and anal
old dude with lists and descriptions about absolutely
 Brittney can also personally recall specific items
that have definitely disappeared in the last three years. She
thinks it s unlikely Yvonne sold them as she had no need
for extra money and she loved her possessions. But, she
was getting a little hard of hearing and wouldn t have
noticed people sneaking in and taking stuff.
 My boss has an appointment tomorrow to ask for a
court order to search the neighbor s house and bank
statements for evidence of Yvonne s property. Brittney has
listed several missing paintings and some jewelry she
knows has gone missing quite recently, and they should be
very easy to trace. But the case would be much stronger if
she actually had Jabez s inventory. So here we are.
 You really think this is going to work?
 I m not the attorney. I don t know. But my boss
and Brittney are pretty confident they can pull it off. In one
of Yvonne s rooms you can see quite clearly where a
painting used to hang on the wall the paint is faded
around that spot. So maybe.
Nate pulled Rowena onto his knee.  Don t worry,
honey. We ll find it. He nuzzled his head into her neck,
Rowena s Ghostly Ménage by Berengaria Brown
then swiped his tongue behind her ear.  Hmm, you smell
and taste so good.
Rowena shivered, lust running through her like fire.
 God, Nate, you turn me on so fast. She turned in his
arms, pressing her breasts against his chest and kissed him
gently on the mouth.  You taste pretty good yourself.
Nate fumbled with the waistband of her skirt,
unzipped it and slid his hand down her back, and over her
ass.  So hot, he whispered, his long fingers pushing under
her ass and through the soft curls covering her mound.
 Ahh. Two fingers slid deep into her cunt twisting
and curling inside her.  So good.
Rowena was on fire with need. She rode his fingers
hard, encouraging him to push deep inside her, and pulled
his head down so she could kiss him properly.
 More, she breathed, thrusting her tongue deep
into his mouth, and pressing her diamond-hard nipples into
his chest.
Nate squeezed a third finger into her cunt, twisting
and turning them to scrape her walls and press her G-spot.
His tongue played with hers as he kissed her back with
everything in him.
 Yes! Rowena came all over his fingers, her cunt
pulsing around him and her cream flooding from her pussy.
Nate pressed her firmly into his body with his free hand,
Rowena s Ghostly Ménage by Berengaria Brown
while he used his fingers to milk the last of her orgasm
from her.
Finally, he slid his fingers out of her and put them
up to his mouth.  Delicious, he said slowly licking her
nectar off them, one by one.  But I must have you, and
with no underwear in the way this time.
He lifted her off his lap, and pulled her skirt and
thong to the floor. Obediently, she stepped out of them as
he unbuckled his pants and dropped them.
 Against the shelves. I ve always had a fantasy
about fucking you against shelves.
Rowena folded her arms on the shelf, widened her
stance and leaned against the boxes as Nate gripped her ass,
sliding deep into her hot, swollen cunt from behind.
 Heavenly. Not going to last long. You re just too
hot and tight. Nate gripped her hips tightly with both
hands and powered into her, his cock thrusting up high and
hard inside her, filling her, stretching her, hitting her nerve
endings and making her shiver with the desire to come
Nate let go of her hips and held her body in place
with one strong arm wrapped around her belly, so he could
pinch and twist a nipple with the other hand. He pumped
frantically into her, teasing her nipple in time with every
Rowena s Ghostly Ménage by Berengaria Brown
 Can t hold back much longer. He slid the hand
on her belly lower, slipping his fingers into the top of her
slit and pressed her clit.
 Oh, yes. Yes. Yes!
 Come now. Come for me, he ordered, pinching
her clit.
And she did, exploding around him, gripping his
cock, as he released his iron control and let himself erupt
into her with streams of hot cum spurting deep and hard,
filling her channel.
 Well done indeed, Nate! Jabez said, looking at
himself with pleasure. His skin was no longer wrinkled and
his body was almost visible, sitting on top of row one
ninety-nine. Although he couldn t see it, his white hair had
started to return to its original golden shade.  I m sure
Rowena will be able to hear me speak now. And maybe,
just maybe, your orgasms will be able to give me enough
energy to pass through the door and into the light. I
wonder& I d better wait until they are dressed, though,
before I speak to them.
 The inventory you need is in box three. About
halfway down on the right-hand side, Jabez said,
 Bloody hell! said Nate.
Rowena s Ghostly Ménage by Berengaria Brown
 Holy shit! Rowena pressed herself back into
Nate s hard body, as she watched a wavering, shimmering
figure drift from the end of row one hundred and ninety-
nine to the table where they were standing.
 Hold it right there, buddy. I don t know who or
what you are, but you keep away from us. Nate wrapped
an arm protectively around Rowena. As she leaned back
into him, the ethereal figure strengthened and became
 I m Jabez Winton. The inventory you need is in
box three, about halfway down on the right-hand side.
 You re dead!
 Yes, that s correct. I ve been dead for ninety years.
You may have noticed, I m a ghost.
 Well yeah, but 
 Do you want the inventory or not?
Nathanael pushed Rowena behind him before he
lifted box three onto the counter and unbuckled the lid.
Rowena stepped forward and carefully began taking out the
papers on the right-hand side.
Jabez drifted over and plucked the correct one out
of the pile.  There you are. My inventory completed in
nineteen eighteen just before the war started. You should
find it quite comprehensive.
Rowena s Ghostly Ménage by Berengaria Brown
 Why are you here? What s going on? Why are you
helping us? Rowena sank into a chair and ran a dusty hand
through her brown hair.
 I was too slow getting away and missed being
called into the light. Gradually my form has gotten weaker
and for many years now I haven t even seen the doorway,
much less been able to go through it. Lightning storms give
me energy, but they are few and far between, and have
never coincided with the door opening.
 Just tonight I ve learned that sexual energy gives
me strength and that s why I m able to talk to you.
 You watched us fuck? Oh God, I m going to die of
 Well, you kept your clothes on mostly, or had your
back to me, so I didn t see much, but I was very grateful to
you, as it has enabled me to help you. I was going to ask
you to make love again so I could try to pass over, but I
really want to know what will happen to Brittney and my
 I We  Rowena drew a deep breath.  Would
you mind giving us some privacy for a moment, please?
Jabez nodded and left.
 The hearing is first thing tomorrow morning. Well,
I guess it s this morning now. It s after midnight already.
There should be some definite news before tomorrow
night that is, tonight.
Rowena s Ghostly Ménage by Berengaria Brown
 Yeah, we could come back tonight, no problem.
 And I ll bring a change of underwear this time.
Rowena grinned at him.
Rowena s Ghostly Ménage by Berengaria Brown
Chapter Three
Rowena and Nathanael hurried down the long
warehouse to row one sixty-five.  Jabez?
 Right here.
 You don t look eighty not even fifty. Your hair is
blond and your eyes are bright blue. Why don t you look
your age?
 Your energy is making me younger and stronger.
You re both vibrating with energy tonight. I take it that
means Brittney got her way?
 And how!
 Those neighbors were total idiots. Most of the stuff
was stacked up in their garage. Not only hadn t they tried to
sell it, they hadn t even hidden it. Basically, the police
marched in with a copy of the inventory and just ticked the
items off one by one.
As they walked down to the study tables Rowena
gave Jabez a detailed account of the day s happenings and
Brittney s plans for the future.
 I m so pleased. Brittney deserves the best. She
sounds like a clever little thing. I never knew Yvonne. She
was just a baby when I died. But young Jabez was smart as
a whip and it looks like they both inherited his genes.
Rowena s Ghostly Ménage by Berengaria Brown
 A fair bit of you in them, too. I reckon you were
pretty sharp in your day, replied Nate.
The three stood together at the big table.  How do
we do this? asked Rowena.  I mean, how do you call up
the door to the light. Should we hold your hand or
 That might help. I feel much stronger since you
two have come into my life. If we hold hands and
concentrate on the door opening, perhaps& 
Nate and Rowena each took one of Jabez s hands,
then held onto each other. Rowena closed her eyes and
pictured a door opening into the next dimension. They
stood quite still focusing, but nothing happened.
 Guess we ll have to fuck. You thought that s what
gave you the energy to materialize last night. Nate grinned
at Rowena.
 Thank you for this. I ve wanted to move on for
many years, but I m glad I stayed now, since I could help
you get the family possessions back for Brittney. I m ready
to go now. I ll leave you alone to get started. Jabez shook
Nate s hand and gently brushed a kiss across Rowena s
cheek before wafting over the aisle and disappearing
toward the far end of the warehouse.
 This seems really weird, having sex like this, but I
do hope it works and sets Jabez free.
Rowena s Ghostly Ménage by Berengaria Brown
 Honey, I m ready to fuck you at any time of the
day or night. You re so hot and fuckable. But yeah, Jabez
helped us, so the least we can do is release him to move
on. Nate pulled Ro into his arms and kissed her eyelids,
her nose, her earlobes, and her mouth. Gently at first, then
more possessively, licking along her lips before sliding his
tongue inside to dance with hers.
Rowena leaned into him, holding onto his arms, and
kissed him back passionately, pressing her breasts into his
chest.  You light my fire so easily. One touch and I m
yours, she whispered.
 One touch here? He held her head and kissed her
deeply.  Or here? He ran his hands across her breasts,
pressing against her nipples.  Or maybe here? He slid one
hand inside the waistband of her skirt, across her belly, and
into her the soft curls around her pussy.
Nate undid his pants, freed his cock, which was
already dark red, engorged and throbbing, then pulled her
panties down. He sat on a chair and Rowena stepped over
him, sliding onto his cock. She gasped as he filled her and
stretched her in the most delicious way possible.
 So good. So hot and tight. You re perfect, Ro.
Nate thrust inside her and Rowena cuddled into his
chest, then sat up straighter, slowly raising and lowering
herself on his shaft.
Rowena s Ghostly Ménage by Berengaria Brown
 God, that feels good. She rotated her hips a little,
then grabbed his shoulders and seductively gyrated in
figure eights, so his cock rubbed her G-spot, making her
gasp.  Oh yes.
Nate ran his hands over her hips, then around to
grasp her butt cheeks.
 Yes, yes, more.
Nate thrust high and hard inside her, and Rowena
exploded, shaking with release, then flopped against Nate s
body like a limp noodle.
He leaned forward and kissed her gently, his cock
still hard and unfulfilled inside her.
 Why didn t you let go and come, too? I can feel
how hard and tight your balls are and how huge your cock
 Look. Nate pointed up to row two hundred and
there was Jabez, still sitting cross-legged on top of the
shelf. His eyes were fixed on the far corner of the
warehouse. His body so clear, he appeared almost
corporeal. But he was still there.
 Shit! Not enough energy to send him. Damn. Now
what do we do?
 Do you think it d work if we asked him to join
 What? You mean hold our hands like we did
Rowena s Ghostly Ménage by Berengaria Brown
 No. Um. Really joined us. Like a ménage. Could
you do that?
 That s weird. Not icky but weird. I guess He s
physically manifested enough to hold hands, and I felt his
hand in mine. It wasn t cold or anything and I felt his kiss,
so he is real enough. It certainly wasn t unpleasant or
anything. But 
 Not if you don t want to. You re more important to
me than anyone else.
 It s not repulsive in any way. It s just not anything
I d ever thought of. He deserves his future. He deserves to
pass over into the light. So yes, we can do it.
 Jabez, come down and join us. If you re with us
maybe that will work.
 I can see the door but my body isn t moving.
Maybe it still isn t my time, he said sadly.
 Put one hand on my shoulder and one on Nate s.
Let me suck your cock while Nate fucks me. That should
provide heaps of energy for you.
 You d let me participate? You ll suck my cock?
No one has sucked me for a hundred years! You d really do
that for me?
 You helped us, so we ll help you. We want you to
be happy. Besides, the scientists say swallowing semen
helps keep you young, Rowena said, pulling Jabez close to
Rowena s Ghostly Ménage by Berengaria Brown
In moments Jabez s breeches were unbuttoned and
his cock, already growing larger, was poised at Rowena s
mouth. She sucked him inside, running her tongue up his
shaft and under the head, tickling the sensitive ridge. She
felt him gain girth as she played with him. He didn t taste
strange, or old, or different. Just like a normal cock of soft
skin over hard muscle, although when she ran the tip of her
tongue into the eye of his cock there was no pre-cum.
Probably no semen either. After all he s dead, she
Soon the three of them developed a rhythm as Nate
thrust up inside Rowena, one hand holding her hip firmly,
the other resting on Jabez s shoulder. Jabez had a hand
around Nate s waist and the other on Rowena s shoulder as
he used his hips to control the thrust of his cock into her
mouth. Rowena s hands gripped each man s arm as she
raised and lowered herself on Nate s huge cock and sucked
on Jabez causing his cock to grow steadily under her
Rowena could feel how desperately Nate needed to
come, how much iron will he was exerting to hold on until
she and Jabez were ready. She doubled her efforts, teasing,
licking, stroking, and sucking the ghost s cock, relaxing the
back of her throat to draw him in as deep as she could, and
scraping her teeth over his sensitive head.
Rowena s Ghostly Ménage by Berengaria Brown
Meanwhile, Nate powered up and down inside her,
his talented cock scraping her walls, stretching her to the
limit, as a coiling spiral of need to come was building in
her core.
Finally, the wave of release broke over Rowena.
She shook as her orgasm washed over her, causing her cunt
muscles to spasm, and milk Nate. He thrust into her as a
blast of hot cum surged from his cock deep into her,
encouraging her pussy walls to continue the rolling climax.
 Oh, thank you. Jabez shimmered and floated
quickly across the huge warehouse.
Nate and Ro saw golden light shining from the roof,
then Jabez waved to them and disappeared.
 He s gone! He made it.
 Thanks to you, honey. You made it possible.
 We made it possible. The three of us together.
 And tomorrow we must buy you an engagement
ring. I need you in my bed every night from now on. I want
us to spend the rest of our lives and all eternity together
~ The End ~


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Brown Frederic Mąż opatrznościowy
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