SHSpec 089 6112C06 Sec Checks Necessary

6112C06 SHSpec-89 Sec Checks Necessary

The more aberrated a person is, the more only-one he is. He moves in
towards clearing from his lonely vigil on Cloud 69, where he has been keeping
watch against all comers, and where he learned never to take any orders. Then
you step up with your E-meter and give him an order. You get no response.
The symptom of extreme aberration is total unwillingness to receive any help.
You can be fooled by the fact that people or countries who are very low-toned
will beg for help. You are fooled if you don't notice what is done with the
help when it is received. It is wasted and/or used to make the helper wrong.
They use help as a trap to show you how ineffectual you are. India is in that
condition now. You will also find this in insane asylums. You will see a
person on post somewhere who has to do everything himself. He is proving that
he must not be helped. When you are auditing a PC who can be helped, things
go pretty smoothly. When you are auditing someone who is being an only-one,
he is out of communication, very suspicious, and possibly unwilling to be
helped. Even if he's OK on help, you still have the communication barrier.
Until that is knocked apart, you won't find your meter reading on the PC. He
will be hard to assess if his communication level is going in and out during
the assessment. The average wog is highly suspicious. He is highly alert.
His ability to be hurt is so enormous that he thinks he has to protect himself
with all sorts of barricades. And amongst these is no help. The more
aberrated a person is, the more "only-one" he is.

Take someone who is not even vaguely in comm. We are going to assess him
to discover something about him. If he feels that anything about him will be
used against him, you will get only a total defense. So your first effort in
clearing anyone is to get that person into communication, not only willing to
talk to you, but when you talk to him, it means a little something, so that
when you talk to him he can receive it.

You could sec check a person whose help factor was 'way down if you got
the exact right questions, but you couldn't assess him. Remember, there's no
charge on assessment. He's not trying to withhold anything from you. He's
not trying to give you anything. He's just meat. The only place a meter has
a hole in it is with ARC breaks, and you can repair that with an ARC break
process. But that isn't good enough for assessment. The person has to be in
good communication with the auditor to get an accurate, rapid, assessment. Or
the auditor has to have fantastic altitude, in which case he'll get reads.

The rudiments can be found to be in for one auditor, yet he'd be unable
to get reads on assessment. That just means the meter isn't registering for
that person. Another auditor could find ruds out and be able to assess the
PC. So the meter is registering for him. This is not spooky. The only-one
PC who is not part of the human race won't let anyone have command value over
him. The first barrier you have to cross with him is getting him into
communication. Speed of assessment depends on degree on willingness to
communicate with the auditor.

Altitude is the command value you have over the PC. An auditor has to
have confidence in his tools and what he is doing. If he lacks it, the PC can
tell and assigns him a lower altitude accordingly. An inexpert auditor who is
not in comm with the E-meter and a hostile PC who is not in comm with the
human race will give you a debacle. It is much more economical to sec check someone for seventy-five hours and put them in communication with the human race than to assess them for seventy-five hours. The assessment will go nowhere, but the sec check will make him feel better.

[Details on goals running and assessments]

Unburdening is the mechanism of the way we are handling the GPM. We're
taking the solutions off the top of it, and it de-intensified as a problem,
because these terminals are as much a problem as they have been solved. The
trick is to solve it without solving it again in a way that pulls it in on the
person. You do it by taking off the solutions, which is how it should have
been solved in the first place.

The other barrier in your road is that the PC, at the outset, is
uncertain that anything can be solved. Find out what, in life, he is having
most trouble with. Find out who had that trouble. Briefly sec check that
terminal. He'll feel different and gain awareness that change is possible.
You can even Q and A with his feeling that nothing works. Find someone else
who felt that way and run O/W on the person. You can always count on whatever
the PC's complaining about being present in another person, keyed in by his
O/W on the person. It's also always on his own goals line, so you are
unburdening him with it. Try to handle something for the PC. It will make
your meter read better.

You can always find something the person will remember that will key
out. That was the procedure in 1950. The only trouble was that it only
worked for 20% - 30% of cases, and people tended to key it right back in
because no O/W was run on the person who had it. You can always run a
terminal for a little while. You could find eventually that you were the pcs
opposition terminal, sitting right there going in the teeth of his worst
aberration. Auditing will nevertheless work over the top of this.

Your job in handling a PC is to get the PC to sit down and have some
confidence and read on a meter. It could take up to seventy-five hours to get
the PC into that state of mind, but it is necessary to do so. Don't be in
such a hurry. He has been crazy for the past 100 trillion years.

As far as auditor training is concerned, it's obviously better for the
auditor to have a degree of confidence and expertness and to know what he has
been doing, because the PC's confidence will go up at once. So you will get
something like a 3D. It all works itself out for us. The PC is being run on
security checks and the auditor is gaining confidence in his metering at the
same time. We trust the auditor won't miss too many sec check questions. If
the auditor isn't too familiar with the meter, have him spend half an hour on
end ruds so he can get, "What sec check question has been missed?" cleaned up
well. This keeps pcs from being upset. Pcs will also be upset by not being
asked for the withhold behind the critical thought. Asking for critical
thoughts is just a trap for the PC to get in on the overt slippily.


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