readme en

1. Common information
2. Install
3. Update
4. Additional information about config file


This mod have many features, like:
* Customizable vehicle markers
* Disable Postmortem Panel
* Vehicle Icons Mirroring Controlling
* Players Panel Controlling (width, transparency, content)
* Clock at battle loading screen
* Player, clan icon
* Different vehicle icon sets as for the team, well as for ears, battle loading screen, etc.
* Players statistics
* Capture bar additional information
* Customizable minimap
* Display extended statistics in the company and user info windows
* Show info about tank in squad window
* Enemy spotted status at right side panel
* Crew autoloading mod
* Displaying ping before login to the server or battle

Project site:

User configs:
ÐÄ„onfig editor:


1. Unzip archive to game folder:
Right click to archive -> "Extract all..." -> select game folder -> "Extract"

2. You do not need to setup anything by default.

If you want special settings, you need to rename boot config file:
\res_mods\xvm\configs\xvm.xc.sample to xvm.xc
Instructions for setting it up are inside.

All possible config options you can see in
Or use online editor:

Note: If you want to change the config manually, use Notepad, DO NOT use MS Word,
WordPad and such editors.

3. If XVM incorrectly detects the language of the game client,
then in the configuration file (by default \res_mods\xvm\configs\@default\@xvm.xc)
change the value of the variable "language" from "auto" to the language code.
The language code must match the name of the file in the \res_mods\xvm\l10n\ (for example, "en").

4. There is possibility to install nightly builds of XVM.
You can download nightly builds on


1. Unzip archive to game folder:
Right click to archive -> "Extract all..." -> select game folder -> "Extract"

2. Do NOT do anything else.


Mod config files:
You can select ready config file from \res_mods\xvm\configs\user configs\ directory
You can create new config or edit existing using online editor:

All possible config options you can see in this file:

Supported HTML tags:

Macros available:
In players panel, battle loading screen and statistic form:
{{nick}} - player nickname with clan name
{{name}} - player nickname without clan name
{{clan}} - clan name with brackets (empty if no clan)
{{clannb}} - clan name without brackets
{{vehicle}} - vehicle name
{{vehiclename}} - internal vehicle name (usa-M24_Chaffee)
{{vtype}} - vehicle type
{{c:vtype}} - color depending on vehicle type
+ statistics macros (see below)

In tank markers:
{{nick}} - player nickname with clan name
{{name}} - player nickname without clan name
{{clan}} - clan name with brackets (empty if no clan)
{{clannb}} - clan name without brackets
{{squad}} - value '1' for own squad, empty for others
{{vehicle}} - vehicle name
{{vehiclename}} - internal vehicle name (usa-M24_Chaffee)
{{vtype}} - vehicle type
{{level}} - vehicle level (Arabic numerals)
{{rlevel}} - vehicle level (Roman numerals)
{{turret}} - stock turret marker:
"*" symbol - stock turret, cannot mount top gun
"'" symbol - stock turret, top gun is possible
empty - top turret
{{hp}} - current health points
{{hp-ratio}} - current health ratio (without '%' sign)
{{hp-max}} - maximum health points
{{dmg}} - damage health points
{{dmg-ratio}} - damage health ratio (without '%' sign)
{{dmg-kind}} - damage kind (attack, fire, ramming, ...)
{{c:hp}} - color depending on current health points (only in vehicle markers)
{{c:hp-ratio}} - color depending on current health ratio (only in vehicle markers)
{{c:dmg}} - color depending on damage source
{{c:dmg-kind}} - color depending on damage kind
{{c:vtype}} - color depending on vehicle type
{{c:system}} - system color (disable override color)
{{a:hp}} - transparency depending on current health points (only in vehicle markers)
{{a:hp-ratio}} - transparency depending on current health ratio (only in vehicle markers)
{{l10n:blownUp}} - localizated text "Blown-up!", only in "blowupMessage"
+ statistics macros (see below)

In Hits Log:
{{n}} - total number of hits
{{n-player}} - number of hits for each player
{{dmg}} - last hit value
{{dmg-total}} - total sum of hits
{{dmg-avg}} - average damage during the battle
{{dmg-player}} - sum of hits for each player
{{dead}} - tank's death marker
{{nick}} - player nickname with clan name
{{name}} - player nickname without clan name
{{clan}} - clan name with brackets (empty if no clan)
{{clannb}} - clan name without brackets
{{vehicle}} - vehicle name
{{vehiclename}} - internal vehicle name (usa-M24_Chaffee)
{{vtype}} - vehicle type
{{level}} - vehicle level (Arabic numerals)
{{rlevel}} - vehicle level (Roman numerals)
{{dmg-kind}} - damage kind (attack, fire, ramming, ...)
{{c:dmg-kind}} - color depending on damage kind
{{c:vtype}} - color depending on vehicle type
{{l10n:Hits}} - localizated text "Hits"
{{l10n:Total}} - localizated text "Total"
{{l10n:Last}} - localizated text "Last"

In HP Left:
{{nick}} - player nickname with clan name
{{name}} - player nickname without clan name
{{clan}} - clan name with brackets (empty if no clan)
{{clannb}} - clan name without brackets
{{vehicle}} - vehicle name
{{vehiclename}} - internal vehicle name (usa-M24_Chaffee)
{{vtype}} - vehicle type
{{level}} - vehicle level (Arabic numerals)
{{rlevel}} - vehicle level (Roman numerals)
{{hp}} - current health points
{{hp-ratio}} - current health ratio (without '%' sign)
{{hp-max}} - maximum health points
{{c:vtype}} - color depending on vehicle type
{{c:hp}} - color depending on current health points
{{c:hp-ratio}} - color depending on current health ratio
{{l10n:hpLeftTitle}} - localizated text "Hitpoints left:", only in "header"

In Capture bar:
{{points}} - points already captured
{{extra}} - extra text section; is shows only when timeleft and number of capturers was calculated successfully
{{tanks}} - number of capturers; cant define if more than 3; can be placed only inside extra section
{{time}} - time left to full capture; minutes and seconds; can be placed only inside extra section
{{time-sec}} - time left to full capture; seconds only; can be placed only inside extra section
{{speed}} - capture speed in points per second; can be placed only inside extra section
{{l10n:enemyBaseCapture}} - localizated text "Base capture by allies!"
{{l10n:enemyBaseCaptured}} - localizated text "Base captured by allies!"
{{l10n:allyBaseCapture}} - localizated text "Base capture by enemies!"
{{l10n:allyBaseCaptured}} - localizated text "Base captured by enemies!"
{{l10n:Timeleft}} - localizated text "Timeleft"
{{l10n:Capturers}} - localizated text "Capturers"

In Minimap:
{{level}} - subject level
{{short-nick}} - subject shortened nickname
{{vehicle}} - subject full vehicle type
{{vehicle-type}} - subject full vehicle type
{{vehicle-class}} - places special symbol depending on subject vehicle class
{{cellsize}} - minimap cell side size
{{vehicle-name}} - returns vehicle system name - usa-M24_Chaffee
{{vehiclename}} - returns vehicle system name - usa-M24_Chaffee
{{vehicle-short}} - shortened vehicle name

In Squad:
{{level}} - vehicle level (Arabic numerals)
{{rlevel}} - vehicle level (Roman numerals)
{{vtype}} - vehicle class (text substitution from config)
{{vtype-l}} - vehicle class (text substitution from locale)
{{battletier-min}} - minimal vehicle battle tier
{{battletier-max}} - maximal vehicle battle tier

Statistics macros ('rating/showPlayersStatistics' must be enabled):
{{avglvl}} - average level (tier) of tanks
{{eff}} - player efficiency:
{{eff:4}} - player efficiency aligned from left to 4 chars
{{teff}}, {{e}} - player per-vehicle efficiency:
{{wn6}} - WN6 rating:
{{wn8}} - WN8 rating:
{{xeff}} - XVM Scale for efficiency (values 00-99, XX for Tops)
{{xwn6}} - XVM Scale for WN6 (values 00-99, XX for Tops)
{{xwn8}} - XVM Scale for WN8 (values 00-99, XX for Tops)
{{rating}} - GWR (Global Win Ratio)
{{rating:3}} - GWR aligned from left to 3 chars
{{battles}} - total battles count
{{wins}} - total wins count
{{kb}} - number of kilo-battles (total battles count divided by 1000)
{{kb:3}} - number of kilo-battles aligned from left to 3 chars
{{t-rating}} - vehicle win ratio
{{t-rating:3}} - vehicle win ratio aligned from left to 3 chars
{{t-battles}} - total battles count for current vehicle
{{t-battles:4}} - number of battles for current vehicle aligned from left to 4 chars
{{t-wins}} - total wins count for current vehicle
{{t-kb}} - number of kilo-battles for current vehicle
{{t-kb-0}} - number of kilo-battles for current vehicle with leading zero
{{t-kb:4}} - number of kilo-battles for current vehicle aligned from left to 4 chars
{{t-hb}} - number of hecto-battles for current vehicle (hecto = 100)
{{t-hb:3}} - number of hecto-battles for current vehicle aligned from left to 3 chars
{{tdb}}, {{tdb:4}} - average damage for current tank - damage/battles
{{tdv}} - average damage efficiency for tank - damage/(battles*maxHP)
{{tfb}} - average frags per battle for current tank
{{tsb}} - average number of spotted enemies per battle for current tank
{{c:tdb}}, {{c:tdv}}, {{c:tfb}}, {{c:tsb}} - dynamic colors for this macros
{{c:eff}} - color depending on player efficiency
{{c:e}} - color depending on player per-vehicle efficiency
{{c:wn6}} - color depending on WN6 rating
{{c:wn8}} - color depending on WN8 rating
{{c:xeff}} - color depending on XVM Scale for efficiency
{{c:xwn6}} - color depending on XVM Scale for WN6
{{c:xwn8}} - color depending on XVM Scale for WN8
{{c:rating}} - color depending on GWR
{{c:kb}} - color depending on kilo-battles
{{c:avglvl}} - color depending on average level of tanks
{{c:t-rating}} - color depending on current vehicle win ratio
{{c:t-battles}} - color depending on current vehicle battles
Any color macro you can change to transparency macro (e.g. {{a:tdb}}).

Localization macros usage - {{l10n:localizationKey}}
Macros are just links to translations in file res_mods/xvm/l10n/XX.xc file (XX means language code).
If the translation is not found, "localizationKey" is displayed.

Capture bar example
"enemyBaseCaptured": "Base captured by allies!"
"captureDoneFormat": "{{l10n:enemyBaseCaptured}}"

formated: "Base captured by allies!"

More about localization at wiki:

"format" field examples:
1. Show number of kilo-battles, efficiency and GWR without changing a color:
"{{kb}} {{xwn8}} {{rating}}"
2. The same, but with each number colored by its value:
"{{kb}} {{xwn8}} {{rating}}"
3. Same as 2, but with aligned columns:
"{{kb:3}} {{xwn8}} {{rating:3}}"
4. Show GWR colored by xwn:

Dynamic color and transparency usage examples:
"color": "{{c:xwn8}}" - color depending on xwn
"alpha": "{{a:hp}}" - transparency depending on current health

Clan and players icons.
Config parameter battle/clanIconsFolder set path to clan icons root folder.

All icons are loading automatically from game region subfolder (RU/EU/US/...).

To add your clan or player icon, just copy icon file to:
\res_mods\xvm\res\clanicons\[REGION]\clan\ (for clan)
\res_mods\xvm\res\clanicons\[REGION]\nick\ (for single player)
Also you can create default clan and player icons:
\res_mods\xvm\res\clanicons\[REGION]\clan\default.png (for default clan)
\res_mods\xvm\res\clanicons\[REGION]\nick\default.png (for default player)
Search order is:
nick/.png -> clan/.png -> clan/default.png -> nick/default.png
TOP 150 clans are added to mod archive by default.
Full archive with all clans can be downloaded separately:
Files: (RU), (EU), (NA), (ASIA), (KR), (VN)

6-th sense image.
To change sixth sense indicator place alternative PNG image to

Hit Log.
Negative x, y values allow to bind the text to the right and bottom edges for
the same behavior with different screen resolutions.

Clock in battle and in battle loading screen.
Format: PHP Date:
For example:
"clockFormat": "H:i" => 01:23
"clockFormat": "Y.m.d H:i:s" => 2013.05.20 01:23:45

Efficiency ranges for {{teff}}, {{e}}.
0..299 1 - very bad player
300..499 2 - bad player
500..699 3 - poor
700..899 4 - below average
900..1099 5 - average
1100..1299 6 - above average
1300..1549 7 - good
1550..1799 8 - great
1800..1999 9 - master
2000+ E - Expert (top-100 players on this vehicle)


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