
















St. Martinłs Griffin

New York



This is a work of
fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this
novel are either products of the authorłs imagination or are used fictitiously.



SHADOWFAE. Copyright
© 2009 by Erica Hayes. All rights reserved.


Printed in the United States of America.


For information,
address St. Martinłs Press,

175 Fifth Avenue, New York,
N.Y. 10010.




Library of Congress
Cataloging-in-Publication Data


/ Erica Hayes.1st ed.



FairiesFiction. 2. IncubiFiction. 3. Melbourne
(Vic.)Fiction. I. Title.






First Edition:
October 2009


10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1







For Sherrill and

the best parents

who believed me

when I said I
could be a writer.














I would like to thank the
following: My agent, Marlene Stringer; Rose Hilliard and everyone at St.
Martinłs Press, for taking a chance on a new author; the magnificent Valerie
Parv, for her mentorship, inspiration, and humor over the past year, and for
wanting so hard for it not to win, that it did; my writing group, the marvelous
and formidable Go-Go Girls, for laughs and hot chocolates and insisting the
story wasnłt dreadful, over and over again, until I suspected they could be
right; and Sean, for helping me chase my dream.



















The dark shape in the bed didnłt stir. I
trailed tingling fingers over silken sheets, carpet soft and luxurious beneath
my feet. I inhaled crisp male cologne and sweat, and it made me drunk with
excitement. The French window lay open, city lights glittering beyond, citrus
summer breeze teasing the pale lace curtains. They drifted over me like a
loverłs sweet touch, and I burned. If I didnłt have this man soon, Iłd spend
the night sick and sorry. And I didnłt even know who he was.

Sometimes I feel
so cheap.

My demon lord,
Kane, calls it rapture. Our victims, if they live long enough, call it
the sexiest thing theyłve ever seen, which of course, is the point. Itłs easier
to suck out someonełs soul if their attention is elsewhere. Only problem is,
itłs the succubus equivalent of a raging hard-on, and frankly, itłs humiliating
to slaver like a sex-starved ghoul over some fat chauvinist gangster or
unwashed backroom drug dealer just because they were foolish enough to cross
Kane and his charming minions, the Valenti crime family.

But itłs my job.
IÅ‚m in thrall to Kane for a thousand years. I was just glad no one could see me
this time.

I crawled toward
him, arousing my scent so it drifted over him like a sweet cloud. The sheet
slid off his massive shoulder, baring his chest, and I bent to sniff his
stubbled throat, my hair brushing his face.

He didnłt stir.

The dark smell
of his skin made me moan, and I slid my tongue along his warm collarbone,
desperate to taste him. My breasts ached as I pressed into him, only my thin
tank top separating us.

He didnłt even

I dragged my
fingers through his lank fair hair, and his head fell sideways, limp, no breath
forcing from his slack mouth.

My racing heart
missed a beat. I fumbled on the bedside table, switching on the dim lamp. His
hard features lay softened in death, his tanned skin already pale.

I stared. I knew
that blond ponytail, that unforgiving mouth, those rigid gym-built muscles. IÅ‚d
danced with him, dined with him on amatriciana and red wine at Valentinołs,
peeled his big hands off my ass more than once. Nino Valenti. Gangster,
extortionist, multiple murderer. Ange Valentiłs right-hand man.

Kane had sent me
to kill one of his own minions. And Nino was already dead. His glazed eyes
shone vacant, colorless, their once-steady blue drained. No blood, no vomit, or
marks on his body. It wasnłt a typical mob murder. He wasnłt drugged, shot,
strangled, fae-poisoned. Someone had sucked out his soul. Theyłd beaten me to

What the hell?

I sat up on my knees,
my chest heaving, frustrated desire radiating off me like sultry summer heat.
Dead. But still fragrant, still warm. Which meant . . .

My back thudded
into the soft mattress, the weight of a hard male body between my legs pressing
me down. Strong hands grasped my wrists, trapping them above my head, strands
of my hair pulling in their grip.

“Wrong place,
wrong time, sweetheart." The voice was low, breathless, a hint of exotic Hindi
accent. I glimpsed dark tangled hair, a flash of golden-brown eyes, fragrant
brown skin. Fresh desire burned over me, my urgent breath searing my throat, my
entire body straining, yearning for sex.

Sweat trickled
on my skin, running into my hair and dampening my hands. I couldnłt believe
this. Of all that could possibly happen to me this evening, IÅ‚d never imagined
IÅ‚d end up panting with lust under Rajahni Seth.

Not that Rajah
wasnłt worthy of some serious panting, along with a scream and an oh, god
or two. He was the kind of incubus who didnłt need the rapture to get his victims
begging for him. IÅ‚d never even spoken to him before. The words out of my
league didnłt even approximate.

The words you
killed Nino Valenti, however, did.

“Get off me!" I
kicked, wriggling, but succeeded only in pressing him tighter between my legs, my
thin skirt rucking up to the tops of my thighs. He wore no shirt, and in the
lamplight, his taut brown skin glistened, sweat running on curving muscles.

He twisted his
dark head back a little so he could see me, wet dark strands falling in his
face. Sexual energy glimmered off him in waves like a heat haze, his eyes
glowing with desire, his ripe lips parted and slick. His magic didnłt affect
me, of course. An incubusłs rapture doesnłt work on succubior vice versa, for
that matter. But I was worked up enough already, and likewise I couldnłt
imagine the smoldering need in his eyes and the deliciously hard bulge pressing
into my crotch had anything to do with me.

“Jade?" His
sinful lips formed my name, caressing it like a kiss. “KaneÅ‚s Jade?"

He recognized me.
My mouth watered. God, I hoped I had underwear on, or IÅ‚d make a mess of his
jeans. Then again, if I wasnłt wearing any, I could unzip him, squeeze myself
onto him, and do something about this wasted rapture that made me ache.

Of its own
accord, my leg wrapped itself around his thighs, straining, pleasure flowering
at the pressure. “Well spotted, genius. You gonna get off me?"

His fingers
tightened on my wrists and he ground against me with a helpless little groan,
but his eyes glinted with amusement as well as lust. “Are you sure you want me
to? I could get off in you, if you like."

Anger boiled my
desire, though the thought of him thrusting into me, exploding deep within me
with his lips on mine, made me faint with longing. No way would he use me for his
twisted little games, even if he was a secret fantasy fuck of mine from way
back. “Give it a rest, Seth. ThatÅ‚s a dead body, in case you hadnÅ‚t noticed."

His lips hovered
over mine for a heart-stopping instant, but before I could slide my tongue out
to taste him, he rolled off me and rose, pacing, scraping tense hands through
his hair.

I sat up, fury
searing away my regret. “What are you playing at, using a Valenti for
sustenance? Kanełll have your ass."

But I couldnłt
help watching as he found his shirt and slipped it on. They sure built them
beautiful in seventeenth-century Lahore,
or wherever the hell he was from. Dark locks tangling on his collar, sensual
mouth quivering, perfect nose, strong chin, upswept cheekbones. Legs long and
muscular in soft black jeans, tight ass begging to be squeezed with both hands
while he fucked me. Broad golden thrall bangles, thicker than mine, glinting
tight on his forearms. He moved with raw grace, his movements swift and tense
as he struggled to contain his rapture-soaked lust.

He retrieved his
etched brass soultrap bottle from the carpet and dangled it in front of my
eyes, wiggling it so I could see from the weight that it was full. “KaneÅ‚s
orders. I donłt ask; I just fuck."

Which explained
the state he was in. He hadnłt consumed Ninołs energy, but trapped it, and hełd
obviously ignored soul-trapping rule number one: Donłt let your victim come
first. Iłd never pictured Rajah as going both ways. Maybe he hadnłt either, but
Kanełs word was law. I sympathized. All the same, my sex ached just thinking
about a threesome.

I scrambled up
from the bed, jerking my damp skirt down over my exposed thighs. “Yeah, IÅ‚ve
heard that about you."

He gave a wicked
smile and hissed like a cat, miming striking claws. “No need to be nasty. I
offered." His smile turned sultry. “Sure youÅ‚re not tempted?"

My heart
pounded. Oh, I was tempted, all right.

I struggled to
keep my mind on the issues. What would Kane want with his own minionłs soul?
Hełd get it soon enough anyway. And why had he sent both of us to do the same

But Rajahłs
dark, spicy scent wrapped me like a sweet mist, my rapture blinding me to
everything but him, his eyes, his wicked black lashes, the pulse throbbing at
his throat, that slutty mouth made for pleasure. . . .

I stepped
closer. He stepped closer. He dropped the soultrap bottle with a soft thud and
ran his fingers into my hair, twisting, sliding in deeper. My breasts brushed
his chest, my nipples so hard, the pleasure hurt. I slid my hands over his hips
to his gorgeous firm ass and pulled him against me. He was hard, pulsing, so
ready, and wetness slid from me, staining my skirt, painting the insides of my
thighs with hot need.

We both groaned,
the air around us shimmering. Already his burning fingers sought my skirt hem,
dragging it upward. He nuzzled my throat, his lips firm and insistent, his
clever tongue making me shiver. “Jade," he breathed, his voice thick with lust,
“I never knew you were so damn beautiful."

Cold humiliation
washed over me, spoiling his glorious caress. Hełd never noticed me before.
What was I thinking? He was Rajahni Seth, the hottest incubus in Melbourne, who had any
woman he wanted with a single sultry glance from those bedroom eyes. And I was

mousy-haired, tongue-tied me. Certainly not beautiful or engaging. It wasnłt
like we could have a relationship, not in our line of work, even if I wasnłt
the worldłs most boring woman and so far below his standards that even a glance
from him was charity. So wełd have sex in a cloud of drunken rapture, itłd be
magnificent, and IÅ‚d be miserable for the next six hundred years, pining for
him. And hełd forget about me, wełd meet in the street or a bar and smile
uneasily and look away, and hełd laugh with his friends about how he was once
so desperate, he had to fuck me.

“This is a bad
idea," I whispered, trying to push him away though my body still ached for him
to give me release, my treacherous hands still wanting to explore him, pleasure
him. “I donÅ‚t even know you."

He stilled, his lips
wet on my throat. “Are you serious? Most girls donÅ‚t want to."

Now I did shove
him away, my hands trembling more with fury than with desire. “Am I supposed to
feel sorry for you? Just get out of here before"

Fists thudded on
the apartment door. “Police, open up!"

Before anyone
finds us here.

Too late.

For a few
pulse-rippling seconds, Rajahłs lips bruised mine, shocking, arousing, our
teeth clashing in a feral kiss. “Some other time, princess," he breathed, and

I stumbled into
the space where hełd been, the spicy taste of cardamom still stinging my mouth.

Jesus. Hełd
disappeared. I couldnłt do that. How did he do that?

I cursed, and
scrabbled on the carpet, but his soultrap bottle was gone. Hełd taken it with
him. Leaving me with the cops and a dead Valenti body in a room that reeked of
sex, and a most unflattering wet patch on my skirt.



On the rooftop, Rajahni Seth leans over,
hooking his elbow into the wrought-iron trimming, and watches the uniforms
bundle Jade into the back of the blue-and-white Holden double-parked in the
street below. Other drivers slow down as they pass, rubbernecking, and a
gleaming silver tram rattles up the middle of the street, wires sparking,
bright lights pouring from square windows advertising broadband Internet.

Warm summer
breeze whispers through Rajahłs dark hair, drenched with the smell of thunder,
tracing teasing fingers over his hot skin. A million city lights from
skyscrapers and neon signs block out the stars, their reflection glowing orange
in scudding storm clouds. The brass bottle burns his hand, the fresh soul
energy within bubbling angrily in its new confinement, and Rajahłs cock
tightens even more as he thinks about what it means. One down, three to go, and
Rajah will be free of Kanełs thrall forever. The legend is true. He knows it.
He can taste it. He senses it in the soulłs mad struggles in his bottle. He
feels it searing through his blood.

It was
sickeningly easy to get. Hełd seen the burning green aura that identified Nino
as his target days ago, and hełd bided his time, contained his excitement,
weighed up his chances. Nino wanted so desperately to be straight, it was
painful, and to have another man get his cock hard made him glow with shame and
sick hatred. Once theyłd made it to the apartment tonight after a few solid
hours of watching Nino drink and eye him off, Rajah made the moves, and Ninołs
face darkened, he pulled his .45, yelled that he wasnłt fucking gay, that Seth
could get the fuck away from him or hełd blow his girly faggot ass to hell.

But a fragrant
shimmer of rapture changed all that, dragging the poor kid kicking and cursing
exactly where he wanted to go. Nino had beautiful, grabbable hair and a
professionally sculpted body, even if he was a self-hating homophobe and
Neanderthal dumb, and Rajah relished the thought of claiming that rock-hard
far-from-virgin ass, working inside into the heat, and stroking Nino into
orgasm that way. But Nino couldnłt wait; hełd started to come before Rajah had
more than a finger inside him and then it was too late.

But it didnłt
matter. Rajah had figured aching balls were a small price to pay for this first
special soul. Perhaps hełd head down to Unseelie Court on King Street and tease a blow job from one
of those willowy blue-haired banshees who were forever giving him the eye, just
to silence his rampant rapture.

And then Jade
showed up. Slender, slate-eyed Jade, with her sexy mouth, gorgeous little
breasts, and narrow, perfect ass. No makeup, short plain nails, simple clothes,
gently brushed dark hair falling in her face like she couldnłt be bothered with

Hełs seen her
before, shełs Ange Valentiłs trophy girl, but shełd always dropped her gaze or
scowled or pretended not to see him. Suspicious of his good looks, wary of his
reputation. A woman of class like that probably thought him a slut and a pickup
artist. Hełd never imagined hełd be lucky enough to have her lithe body
straining beneath him, her wet little cleft hot and tempting against his
bursting cock even through his jeans. Yeah, baby. It made him want to fill her,
stretch her, hear her scream his name.

He watches the
cop car drive away down the tree-lined street toward the river and St. Kilda
Road, still staring long after itłs gone. She
didnłt want him. Not really. It was just the rapture, right? No way shełd ever
want a party boy.

Sure, he gets
his share of women who arenłt business, men too. Most are easy airheads looking
for a good time or a dark taste of danger. Not like her.

I donłt even
know you, she said. Like she might one day want to.

He wonders what
that would be like, and something diamond-cold in his heart softens.

But he canłt let
anything distract him, not now. Hełs waited centuries for this chance, and he
wonłt throw it away because a sexy little waif gets his cock hard. Really hard.
Canłt-walk-properly hard. Maybe hełll find that banshee after all. But first,
to hide this soul away where not even he can get at it, just in case.

Rajah turns away
with a stretch and a sigh, his fingers tightening around the quivering
soultrap. Just the rapture. Just a sweet little succubus, embarrassed by her

Imagine that.











This is bullshit." I glanced at the photographs
again, dragging on my cigarette. Minty smoke burned my throat, and I coughed. I
donłt smoke, not anymore, but something about the St. Kilda Road cop shop makes me nervous.

My reflection in
the one-way glass along one side of the interview room showed me hunched over
on the steel chair, my hair tousled, dark sweat patches staining my tight gray
tank top, my flimsy white skirt smeared. My skin gleamed sickly, my lips dry,
the hand holding the cigarette shaking. The circles under my eyes stood out like
stage makeup, making my eyes look darker blue than they were. IÅ‚d calmed down
an hour ago, but all that unrequited rapture was taking its toll. I needed
energy, and I looked like a junkie denied a fix. Not a class act.

lights glared too bright, and the air-conditioning hummed like a pissed-off
insect, maddening. I shivered. It was too cold in here, and my clammy skin wore
goose bumps, the stink of rapture-suppressant spray stinging my eyes.

“Look at the
damn pictures, Jade." The man sitting opposite me across the aluminum table
drew on his own cigarette, golden links shining amid dark hair on his heavy
wrist. He flicked ash onto the floor, brushing an imaginary fleck off the
sleeve of his expensive gray suit. Detective Sergeant Killian Quinn, Melbourne
Homicidełs paranormal expert. Black shirt, no tie, sweat gleaming in brown
curls, golden chains tangled around his thick throat. Pale brown eyes, blank
and hard like an animalłs. Cunning, handsome, madder than a cut snake.

Hełs also the
crookedest crooked cop in town. Unfortunately, hełs on DiLucałs payroll, not
Valentiłs, and he looks at me with the leering, sexual hatred of a man who
never goes out with the same girl twice. If one thing in particular makes my
nerves seethe about St. Kilda Road,
itłs being alone in a cold white room with Quinn.

“This has
nothing to do with me," I said again, shoving the pictures away, my stomach
turning. I didnłt know why he showed them to me, other than to weird me out. A
dead fire sprite in close-up, gnarled limbs awry on some back-alley floor, his
delicate crimson wings limp and trampled, dirty ice crystals in his flowing
white hair. A banshee, lifeless, her lissome head thrown back, skin drained
pale, blue blood trickling from the corner of her dead mouth. No one I knew . .
. hang on. That pale green hair and sharp nose did look familiar. Maybe IÅ‚d
seen her at Kanełs house parties once or twice, one of those demon groupies who
flirt and flutter their rainbow lashes at him, and learn too late what theyłre
letting themselves in for.

I knew the fire
sprite, too, now that I thought about it. The other night, at the pub across
from Valentinołs. Sylvain, Silver, something like that, one of Angełs couriers.
Hełd slipped golden fairy sparkle into my drink for a sly joke, and Iłd spent
the next few hours giggling and blowing bubbles in my champagne. Harmless
enough. I didnłt know why anyone would want to kill him.

There were more
pictures, but discomfort twinged my pulse, and I didnłt want to look. Detective
Quinn was just poking me to see if IÅ‚d squeal. I finished the cigarette and
tossed the butt away. “YouÅ‚re wasting my time, Quinn. Ask me about Nino
Valenti. Thatłs what you pulled me in for. Not to look at your porn

blue-uniformed constable standing at ease by the doorpresumably to make sure
Quinn didnłt beat the tripe out of me, or maybe to help himhid a grin. Most
other cops think Quinnłs delusional, with his tales of fairy drug dealers and
bloodsucking gangsters and soul-stealing succubi. Lucky for us, they donłt take
him seriously.

Quinn leaned
forward, his elbows on the table, and I smelled tobacco and metallic sweat. He
offered another photo, this one of dead Nino naked on the bed. “LetÅ‚s look at
yours, then. Does that one get you off?" A twang of Irish accent stretched his

Second rule of
soultrapping: Donłt tell the cops anything. If Kane wanted Nino dead, that was
Kanełs business. And embarrassment still burned me when I thought about Rajahni
Seth. No way was I mentioning him. “I told you, he was dead when I got there. I
didnłt see anyone. I didnłt even touch him. What are you going to book me for,
attempted fuckup?"

“No wounds, no
drugs except alcohol. Evidence of intercourse. Eyes drained of color. Ringing
any bells?" Quinn sniffed, dragged on his cigarette, and blew the smoke upward,
tense. His shiny gaze flickered, his tight fingers drumming on the tablełs

He was a
speed-addicted fruitcake, but he wasnłt dumb. He knew how the rapture worked.
“It wasnÅ‚t me. I told you. Jesus, do I look like IÅ‚ve had much hot action
tonight?" I pointed to my wan face and peeling lips.

“DonÅ‚t look like
youłve ever had any to me, you cold skanky whore." He said it with studied
insolence, relishing it.

I didnłt know
why Quinn hated me. Right now, I didnłt care. Hełd hit on me once, months ago,
and IÅ‚d laughed at him. Maybe he just wasnÅ‚t getting enough. “Hear that,
Constable? Detective Quinn just propositioned me. Isnłt that illegal?"

Quinn didnłt
turn around, didnÅ‚t shift his hungry gaze from mine. “Leave us."

The constable
shifted. “Boss, perhaps you should"

“I said piss
off." Quinnłs thick fingers crunched around the cigarette pack, crumpling it.
Longing and disgust swirled together in his eyes. A tiny smear of blood escaped
from his nose. Sweat trickled on his temple, his jaw quivering. The constable
made a hasty exit, and the steel door banged shut.


Was it too much
to hope anyone watched from behind that one-way glass? “Look, Detective, IÅ‚m
sorry I canłt help you. I really donłt know anything"

“Shut up." He
jerked to his feet and moved swiftly behind me. I tried to turn, to follow him,
but he clamped his huge hand on my shoulder and shoved me down in my seat, the
metal edge digging into my back.

“Get your grubby
hand off me." I tried to skid away, my heels slipping on the smooth floor.

He held on,
bruising my collarbone. “YouÅ‚re disgusting. You and your whole weird-ass crew.
How long did he stay hard after you drank him up? Enough for you to get off?"

“YouÅ‚re a
fucking psycho." I wriggled, but he gripped my neck with both hands, pressing
his thumbs hard into my spine. A thin wire of fear pierced cold.

He leaned over
me, his breath hot and damp on my shoulder, his sugary amphet sweat reeking.
“How does it feel to fuck a dead man? I guess you know that already, since
youłre screwing Ange Valenti, too. You doing the whole family now?"

My stomach
churned, and a horrid heat crept up over my skin. Humiliation shook me. I
wanted another cigarette. I wanted away from Quinn, his hot breath, lustful
eyes, and hateful grin. Away from all men who assumed a succubus was no better
than a cheap whore, men who knew nothing of thrall or rapture or the sweet
slither of a demon lordłs command in your blood.

I rammed the
chair leg back into his shin, and he howled and let me go. I sprang up to face
him, anger burning in my heart, brandishing the chair between us to ward him
off. “Yeah," I invented to taunt him. “All of them. I spread my legs on the
kitchen table at Valentinołs and the whole lot of them do me one by one. Two or
three at a time, if they feel like it. I take it everywhere."

“Dirty slut." A
sickly spark kindled in his eyes, and he swallowed, his face twisted in fury.
His fingers writhed, as if he longed to grab me, and a dirty dark green shell
glimmered and brightened around him, translucent like an aura.

I faltered. What
the hell was that?

But I didnłt
have space to worry about it. I plonked the chair down and leaned over it,
daring him. “Hell, IÅ‚ll screw anyonethe deader, the better. But IÅ‚ll never
screw you, Killian. I wonłt sink that low."

Bright blood
trickled onto his upper lip. He sniffed, gritting his teeth, that strange green
aura writhing. He pulled his .38 from beneath his jacket and cocked it, his
thumb sliding lovingly over the hammer. “That so? Maybe you should screw this,
you horny bitch."

My heart
stopped, cold slivers of dread piercing my veins. I imagined what hełd like to
do with that gun, and backed away, my nerves screaming at me to run. IÅ‚m
deathlessmore or lessbut IÅ‚m not indestructible. “Jesus, Quinn, donÅ‚t."

The door snicked
ajar, and before it opened fully, Quinn hid his weapon away.

Relief flooded
me like alcohol, and I detested Quinn more than ever. I turned, shaking. “IÅ‚m
done with him, Constable. He never lasts long"

Red lips, curled
into a vacant smile. Hard black eyes rimmed with golden lashes, crisp choirboy
hair the same metallic color falling around a gentle jaw and soft, rounded
cheekbones. A black suit with a garish blue tie, like hełd stepped in from the

My thrall
bangles tingled, and heat prickled up my arms, sickly sweet. Inside my belly,
my drug-sleepy rapture coiled contentedly, lazy like a deadly snake in the sun.
Thrall always knows its own, no matter how I squirm and evade.

Kane stared at
me, green sparks of amusement dancing in his hair. My heart sank, but at the
same time, an unfamiliar, unwelcome warmth shivered through my blood. For once,
I was pleased to see him.

Quinn backed
off, wiping a red smear from his nose, and the constable bundled in behind Kane
with anxious eyes. “Sorry, boss, I couldnÅ‚t"

“Killian Quinn."
Kanełs soft voice crackled with chill, and behind him a fluorescent tube
shattered, raining glass shards. “I believe IÅ‚ll take this from here."

“Sure." Quinn
swallowed, the strange green aura flaring. “Whatever you say. Just the job, no
hard feelings, okay?"

Kane just looked
at him, fingernails blackening.

Blood erupted
from Quinnłs nose, painting his shirtfront crimson. He choked and stumbled
backwards, cursing in bloody bubbles. Uselessly he bent over, trying to stop
the flood with his hand. A dark puddle spread on the floor, fat drips plinking,
and the warm coppery stink rose, fresh and tasty.

The constable
blanched, darting a glance at Kane. “Jesus. IÅ‚ll get some ice. Umm . . . wait
here." He raced out, glad of the excuse to leave us alone.

satisfaction toasted my heart, and I resisted an impulse to run up and kick
Quinn in the balls while he was down. Sometimes Kanełs justice is cruel, but
itłs always deserved.

Kane strolled up
to the table and riffled through the photos. He paused at the dead fire sprite,
trailing his fingertip over the limp white hair. “I like this one," he
remarked, and held it out to me like a child sharing an ice cream.

I took it, and he
slid his icy hand into mine and walked me out.











If I were a demon lord, IÅ‚d want at
least a palace, if not a castle, with a moat and a slimy rat-infested dungeon
in which I could incarcerate misogynist bastards like Killian Quinn. IÅ‚d have
candlelit banquet halls, ballrooms, dusty libraries full of spell-books and
lost novels by the greats. My bedroom would be festooned with a luxurious four-poster
and a massive claw-foot bath, and IÅ‚d have cooks, cleaners, manicurists and
masseurs, people to furnish my wardrobe from the finest boutiques.

Kane lives in a
town house in Toorak. Alone, with a sixty-inch LCD TV, a microwave, and a
designer futon.

Sure, itłs a
nice town house, and Toorak is one of the ritziest suburbs in Melbourne. But Kane just doesnłt get it.
Maybe hełs bored with immortality and having whatever he wants. Or maybe itłs
just that if therełs ever a point, Kane will miss it.

He didnłt speak
the whole way home, just twisted his rings on his slender fingers and stared
out the darkened car window, the occasional spark zinging from his hair.
Passing headlights glared over his face and glinted in his ink-black eyes.

The driverłs
hulking body blocked the windshield, fat green troll fingers gripping the
wheel. I shifted around, trying to unstick the fragrant leather seat from my
thighs. Exhaustion racked my limbs, but IÅ‚d no hope of sleeping. My head ached
from hunger and the rapture suppressants, and my neck still hurt where Quinn
dug his apelike fingers. It didnłt help that I couldnłt read Kanełs expression,
and I didnłt know if he was filthy with me or not.

The troll pulled
up in front of the wrought-iron gate and held Kanełs door open with a massive
green fist. I scrambled out after Kane, my skirt gluing to my legs. The night
air plastered warm and thick on my skin with the imminent storm. Bats flapped
in the trees out in the street, and eucalyptus stung fresh in my nose, waking
me up and stinging my nerves with trepidation.

My heels
clattered on the slippery slate tiles of the courtyard path, and the heavy
front door swung open at Kanełs approach. I followed him into the sandstone
entry hall, where downlights already shone, the polished mahogany floorboards
glaring in my eyes. He draped himself over the low white couch in his candlelit
lounge, elegant, arranging his suit so it wouldnłt crease. Flames reflected off
the dark TV screen as brightly as they did from his shiny eyes.

“Sit down," he
ordered softly, tiny red flames licking his fingertips.

Cold compulsion
gripped my soul, and I sat opposite him in a rush, my heart constricting. He
was filthy with me, all right. Hełs normally careful with his imperatives. A
careless order can be disastrous when youłre in thrall. We donłt have to obey
his every whim, and can even do stuff on purpose to annoy him if we dare. He
canłt stop us. But a direct order we canłt ignore.

Kane stared at
me, cocking his head to one side and then the other. “Tell me what happened at
the apartment."

“Nino was
already dead when I got there. Someone . . . someone else trapped his soul
before I could. I saw him . . . he grabbed me, we"

“Who was it?
Tell me."

I swallowed.
“Rajah. Rajahni Seth, I mean . . ."

Kanełs eyes narrowed,
a swirl of violet light disappearing into their depths, and it dawned on me.
Kane had no clue what this was about.

My throat stung
with indignation. Rajah lied to me. Kane hadnłt made him trap Ninołs soul. Hełd
done it for his own sneaky purposes and dropped me in it with the cops just for

scorched me for the hundredth time that night as I remembered pressing his body
onto mine, drinking in his spicy scent, enjoying his hard cock grinding between
my legs, wanting it. Bastard.

Kanełs mouth
twisted ruefully, ice crystals glittering on his lashes. “Rajah," he murmured,
thoughtful, before returning his attention to me. “What were you doing in
Ninołs apartment, Jade? You cheating on Angelo behind his back?" He hugged his
knees to his chest and leaned forward, eyes bright and fascinated. Kane loves
infidelity and gossip, so long as hełs not the one being cheated on. He reads New
Idea and Famous from cover to cover every week.

“No, of course
not. I was . . ." Confusion wrinkled my forehead. “What do you mean? You sent
me there."

“Empire Tower
Two, LaTrobe Street?"

“ThatÅ‚s rOh,
shit." My heart sank. The Empire apartments were brand new, boasting identical
twin towers. The cops picked me up in Empire One.

What a
shitfight. IÅ‚d blundered into the wrong apartment. Which made my romantic
evening out with Quinnnot to mention my almost-wild almost-night of sizzling
almost-sex with Rajaheven more irritating. I shouldnłt even have been there.
“IÅ‚m sorry, Kane. IÅ‚ll get it done, I promise"

“No matter.
Forget it. Perhaps youłd like to show me that picture?"

IÅ‚d forgotten I
still held it, and I offered it to him smeared with my sweat. “This? WhatÅ‚s
this all about?"

He studied it,
tracing the fairyÅ‚s soft jawline. “So pretty," he murmured, smoke wisping from
his fingertip. “Naughty, pretty fairy. Dead. Have you noticed a lot of dead
pretties lately, Jade?"

I shrugged, glad
to have the subject changed. Melbourne
cafés and nightclubs were littered with fairies, banshees, spriggans, and other
assorted fae, if you knew where to look. The fae were into pick-me-ups and
psychedelic substances. Fairy drugs were magical, reckless, darkly edgy, an
experience like no other. Their shit was so fine, you could barely give away
chemical drugs anymore. Fairy dealers had practically run the Valenti family
out of the party-drug business, so naturally the Valentis put the hard word on
them and now they worked for us.

Or they had,
until DiLuca started seducing them away, and the whisper in Carlton was that a war was brewing, a clash
of brass and blood to rival anything wełd seen in the nineties. But by nature,
the fae lived on the edge of chaos, and it was to be expected that one or two
would turn up dead every so often. Now Kane mentioned it, I recalled wełd had
to hose quite a few off the street out the back of ValentinoÅ‚s lately. “Not
really. A few."

“Detective Quinn
has. Hełs asking questions. I donłt like Quinnłs questions." The photołs
surface bubbled under Kanełs touch, scarlet flame flickering up to his wrist
and disappearing into his sleeve. “This child worked for Angelo, the fair blue
banshee in Quinnłs picture, too. Someone is poisoning my fae."

I frowned.

“Do you see the
ice in this childłs hair? Ice on a fire sprite, Jade. Not normal."

Disquiet coiled
in my stomach. If he was right, it was bad news. Melbourne belonged to Kane, and the demon
court usually respected territorial boundaries. Which meant the DiLuca
gangsters were using their imagination. Not good. “Maybe itÅ‚s just a bad batch.
Too much fluoride in the water or something."

“I think not."

“You think itÅ‚s

Kane shrugged,

IÅ‚d heard Angelo
curse the DiLuca family often enough, but lately theyłd thrown a whole new
clove of garlic onto Angełs pizza. Salvatore DiLuca, the patriarch, had turned
up drained of blood in a Dumpstera savage business that Ange claimed he had
nothing to do with, though if anyone asked me, I know where IÅ‚d be pointing my
finger. It took vicious strength to suck the life from such ancient stock, and
whatever else Ange was, he had strong and vicious in spades. Anyway, Sal was
dead, and the new guy had come out from the old world supposedly to settle
things down. No one knew much about Dante DiLuca, except that he was young, powerful,
and passionate, which in some peoplełs books were three perfectly good reasons
not to like him already.

I realized what
Kane wanted, and icy discomfort crept up my spine. “No. No way. TheyÅ‚ll find me
out in five seconds"

“Not if you do
it properly." Kanełs black gaze was innocuous, but it bored into mine like a
power drill, ineluctable. “News gets around. You could stage a fight with
Angelo, make Dante think youłre avoiding me. I must know what his game is,
Jade, and you will find out for me."

And there it
was. My heart sank, but already the itching need to obey tingled in my weakened
muscles and churned sickly in my blood. The narrow thrall bangles stung my
wrists, cold and hard. IÅ‚d have no rest until I did as he asked. Men. Always
more men for whom to humiliate myself. It never ended. And my thrall to Kane
had barely begun.

Warm breeze
whistled from nowhere, ruffling Kanełs golden hair, guttering the candles. The
photo slipped forgotten from his fingers onto the floor. “Come here."

I didnłt want to.
I crawled over, my limbs aching with fatigue, and sat next to him, sinking into
the soft white couch, close enough for him to touch me. I just wanted to curl
up and pass out, but sleeping wouldnłt help me. My body cried out for
sustenance, the kind I couldnłt get from food or alcohol or drugs.

“You look
tired." Kane stroked a gentle thumb through my hair, whispering lank strands
over my forehead. His gaze locked on mine. “My poor Jade. So hungry."

Kane isnłt a
subtle man, and my breath quickened, the shattering need for energy making my
pulse race at his touch even as my stomach sank. I recalled the spicy taste of
cardamom, the burning pleasure of Rajahłs kisses, his willing body on top of
mine, and my head swam with regret. If IÅ‚d just swallowed my pride and taken
him, I wouldnłt have to endure this.

But Kanełs
ageless scent of wind and thunder and midnight heat dizzied me. It isnłt thrall
that makes Kane smell good, but sheer power. Emerald fire kindled inside his
irises, and my lips parted of their own accord, my throat dry. “ItÅ‚s been a
long night."

“Let me help
you." He cupped my cheek in his hard palm, pressing my mouth open with his
thumb, leaning into me so agonizingly slowly that I whimpered. He brushed his crimson
lips across mine, not icy but hot, slick and alluring, promising, and IÅ‚m not
sure Iłd have backed off even if I wasnłt enthralled.

He tasted of
charcoal, fire, ash. His mouth demanded my surrender, his smooth tongue
wrapping around mine, but at the same time, he gave himself freely, and his
energy flowed through me at last, alien and unpleasant but also delightful.

Warmth and vigor
surged into my mouth, down my throat, through my veins, penetrating my deepest
insides, feeding my exhaustion, sating it. My skin relaxed and thickened, my
pulse thudding stronger. My hair stretched, springing with new luster, sparks
rippling over my scalp. I felt strong, energetic, alive, my flesh tingling.

satisfaction flooded me, not sexual but invigorating, and I slipped my fingers
into his crisp sparking hair and held him, caressing his hot, willing lips with
mine, taking as much as hełd let me have. Hełs a demon, after all. Itłs not
like I can suck out his soul or anything.

At last he
pulled away, licking a remnant of wetness from my lips. “Jade," he murmured,
and smiled, guileless like a child. “I like it when you kiss me." He licked his
bottom lip, tasting it, and for a moment it trembled, his hard black eyes
softening to clear liquid gray, betraying loneliness he didnłt have the words

pierced my heart, spiking the unease already squirming there. Why shouldnłt I
use him? He used me. I didnłt owe him anything.

But it wasnłt as
if he could date like an ordinary guy. Sooner or later, they all ask what you
do for a living, and I knew what it was like to dread that question.

sympathy warmed me. Kanełs not such a bad guy, really, for a demon lord, and
hełs a talented lover as far as the physical stuff goes. He just has no clue
about the emotional side.

I donłt mean
that hełs cruel, or means to hurt you, though he often does without intending
to because hełs so strong. You just donłt lose yourself in Kane. Therełs no
substance to him, no matter the centuries hełs lived or the countless lives hełs
known. You come quick and hard, gasping, and then a few minutes later once your
legs stop shaking, you wonder why you bothered. And then he asks if he pleased
you, and you truly donłt know what to say.

I couldnłt cope
with Kane tonight. Not after Quinn and Nino and Rajah. I squeezed his hand,
dreading that hełd order me to stay even as I wished he had someone other than
me who ever did.

He brushed a
stray strand of my newly lustrous hair from my shoulder, his fingernails
gleaming a hesitant magenta. “Maybe . . . that is, if youÅ‚d"

“No." I angled
away slightly. Guilt stung me, maddening. I didnÅ‚t owe him this. “I canÅ‚t."

“No." He traced
his knuckles over my jaw, reluctant. “YouÅ‚re right. You can go now. Do you need
a lift home?"

“IÅ‚ll get a
tram." I stood awkwardly, not wanting to seem in a rush, but I just wanted
away, before I could change my mind. In the entranceway, hot breath dampened my
shoulder, and I spun around, startled. But Kane remained sitting on his sofa,
tranquil. I swallowed, shivering. “Kane?"

He quirked one
elegant golden eyebrow, a lick of flame curling around his earlobe.

“Who was I
supposed to trap tonight?"

Kane gave a
wistful little smile. “DoesnÅ‚t matter," he said softly. “I believe itÅ‚s no
longer his lucky night."



Invisible, Rajahni Seth watches Jade
stalk by in the entranceway, inches away. Compelled, he lifts his hand to touch
her shining hair, making her jump. Shełs even more beautiful now shełs fed, her
skin glowing, her eyes alive like a stormy ocean. Watching Kane kiss her, the
demonłs eager sensual tongue stroking her lips, sent spasms of fury through
him, but it was worth it to see her like this. Glorious.

The rampant itch
attacking his skin has subsided now hełs answered Kanełs silent summons, but he
waits, and only when the door clicks shut and Jade is gone does Rajah shed his
cloak and reappear.

Burning fingers
squeeze his throat, crashing him into the wall. Sandstone ridges jam into his
spine, pain flaring, and hot demon breath caresses his lips, the ashy taste
searing his mouth dry. “Rajahni Seth," hisses Kane, an inch from RajahÅ‚s face.
Sharp fingernails sink into RajahÅ‚s throat, warm blood trickling. “Give me
Ninołs soul."

Kanełs body is
burning hot, unyielding, his fingers crushing Rajahłs neck, immensely strong.
Rajahłs thrall bangles burn, but to no avail. Rajah canłt swallow, and saliva
spills from his mouth, but dark amusement makes him laugh.

“Give it to me."
Kanełs teeth sharpen, glinting, and he bangs Rajahłs head into the stone for

Rajahłs vision
doubles briefly, dizzy pain sheeting through his skull, but he grins,
satisfaction bubbling black inside. “I canÅ‚t," he chokes.

“What?" Shock
flushes Kanełs face red, and his grip loosens.

“ItÅ‚s in a very
safe place. Safe even from me. Command all you want, it isnłt happening. And
soon IÅ‚ll have the other three."

Kane laughs, and
scarlet flames lick his hair, steam hissing. He shoves Rajah away, watching him
fall. “Do you really think you can escape me?"

Rajah stumbles to
his knees, choking, ashy residue still harsh on his tongue. He touches his warm
bangle, where the engraving still shines clear after nearly four centuries. He
doesnłt need to read it to know the words: odium, primordium, terminus,

Four words, four
souls. Drink them down, the bangles will shatter and hełll be free. Free to go
where he pleases, love as he chooses and not at a demonłs behest. Free to live
a mortal life.

For four hundred
years, hełs searched, and fate has finally brought him here, to the new world
and Melbourne, where the streets and bridges drip with fell magical energy and
dark fae auras glow bright and unfettered under fat southern stars. If freedom
lurks anywhere, itłs here.

He struggles up
from the floor, but KaneÅ‚s hand descends on his shoulder, unyielding. “No. Stay
on your knees. You look good there."

Hatred radiates
off Rajahłs skin like sunburn, and he glares up at Kane, the floorboards hard
beneath his knees. Kane traces a finger along Rajahłs jaw, and Rajah has to
grit his teeth to stop from snapping.

Kane laughs. “Do
you like the word minion, Rajah? IÅ‚ve always preferred slave
myself. Tell me what you are."

Rajah bites his
tongue, blood spurting, but the thrall bangles sear and itch. Compulsion swells
the words to bursting in his larynx and he must speak or suffocate. “I am . . .
your slave."

“Again." KaneÅ‚s
fingertips trace Rajahłs lips, hot, tingling arcs of blue static crackling.

“I am your
slave." Niter stings Rajahłs tongue, and he swallows it along with his
humiliation, thick, black, festering.

“Yes, you are.
Defy me, and every grotesque agony I can dream up will become your best friend.
And I assure you, when it comes to torment, I have a vast imagination."

Rajah swallows
again, licking stinging lips. “You canÅ‚t stop me."

“No." Kane
twists his fingers in Rajahłs dark locks, hungry, and his voice roughens like
sandpaper screeching on glass, smoke hissing between his teeth. “But I can make
sure you spend the next six hundred years invisible so people wonłt run
screaming from how hideous you are. I can make you vomit blood every time you
smell a womanłs juices. I can make your cock sting with the fire of a thousand
scorpions every time you fuck. Thatłs a tough call when you need to fuck to
live. How would you like that?"

Rajah stares up
at him, inches from rubbing his face in Kanełs lap. Kane is breathless and
hard, his cock straining against his pants, his fingers clenched in Rajahłs
hair, forcing him closer. The smell of his arousal is strong and smoky, like a
bushfire, and Rajahłs cock awakens in memory. He can already feel smooth naked
muscle in his hands, the velvety hardness in his mouth, the hot charcoal taste
of pale demon flesh pressing against his palate, the gush of seed that burns
his throat like acid.

But defiance
sears away any inkling of desire. “Say it," he suggests coldly. “Make me suck
you off, if itłll give you a laugh. You can fuck me, too, if you like, since
you didnłt have the guts with Jade. It wonłt stop me leaving you."

Kane screeches
in fury like a vulture, green lightning crackling between his fingertips, and
his palm smacks into Rajahłs cheek like a thunderclap. Blood splashes, and
Rajah tumbles to the polished floor, laughing in salty scarlet bubbles.











I leaned my head against the warm
window, orange streetlights looming and fading as the number eight tram rattled
and thumped along its tracks. Tall brick university buildings blotted out the
stormy sky and cast gloomy shadows on the wet black asphalt.

It was the last
service for the night, and the carriage was almost empty, the lights flickering
on and off as the current spiked. The tart stink of pot stung in the
overconditioned air, and in the corner, a skinny banshee in tight leather pants
and a lacy corset made out with some guy. Smoke drifted from the joint she held
loosely between two fingers, bluish-white hair sliding over her bare shoulders.
She straddled his lap on the vinyl seat, crooning an eerie song deep in her
throat as they kissed, her purple lips plastered to his. Sweat trickled down
his temple from his shaven head, his eyelids flickering to show bloodshot
whites, his grimy gold-ringed hands planted firmly on her ass.

Two in the
morning had come and gone, and the air thickened with the smell of distant
thunder when I got off the tram at the corner of Lygon Street and walked the couple of
blocks to my flat. Warm breeze lifted my hair, sultry and pleasant on my skin
after the chilly tram. Voices and music from a few pubs still drifted, and I
passed a gang of drunken students, a dreadlocked Jamaican who sidled past and
offered me a twist of shiny foil, a teenage girl in thigh-high boots and red
hot pants arguing into her phone.

Against the
wooden fence at the corner of my street crouched a spiky-haired spriggan,
giggling, poking at a hunched figure with her yellow claws, her narrow black
eyes shining with glee.

“Leave him be."
I kicked at her. The vile pest hissed and scuttled away, leathery black skin
gleaming, pointed knees and elbows flailing like a crabłs legs. The homeless
guy groaned and rolled over into the bluestone gutter, his greasy coat flapping
open to waft out his beery stink. Even if he wasnłt paralytic, he probably
couldnłt see through her glamour, and would have thought he was being dissed by
some insolent foul-mouthed teenager.

Most mortals are
easy prey to fae glamour, and never see whatłs right in front of them. Some
arenłt, and they wander the world with a glazed look in their eyes, constantly
slipping over the edge from one reality to another. Not every whacked-out
fidgeter or hollow-eyed nutcase is just a junkie.

I stepped over
the drunk and into my shabby little enclave. Kane probably didnłt know or care
where I lived, but I knew Angelo didnłt like me renting such a tiny beaten-up
place. Itłs only a cheap student flat, just a couple of rooms, a kitchenette
and a shower. But I liked it here. I liked the smell of old floorboards and
furniture polish, the creaking peppercorn tree above the tin roof. I liked that
it was away from the traffic so the stray cats that darted in the street didnłt
get run over. I liked that my neighbors were students, waitresses, musicians,
bad artists, and petty criminals. People who didnłt look down on me.

The hours I
kept, they probably thought I was a prostitute, or some wannabe drug dealerłs
or gangsterłs girlfriend, and it was close enough to the truth that I didnłt
bother to correct them. IÅ‚d tried real jobs, in bars, cafés, secondhand
bookshops, whatever I could get, but they never lasted long. Employers didnłt
like it when you tore off in the middle of a shift because your bangles started
itching, and now Ange wonłt let me work. He says itłs undignified. For him,
maybe. Therełs not much dignity for me in taking his money.

My front door
hid at the end of a concrete path, squeezed under a rickety iron fire escape. I
reached it to find a green fairy swinging by his knees from the heater pipe,
his knotted yellow hair dragging in dust eddies. His wings fluttered lazily,
pearlescent colors glittering, and he sang to himself as he swung back and
forth, beautiful and breathy like a siren.

He heard me
coming and flipped to his feet, wild sunflower tangles springing up like a
birdłs nest. His narrow green face split into a toothy smile, and his ruby eyes
glinted with delight. “Jade-Jade, come see! The riverÅ‚s full of gold!"

I sighed, though
a smile tugged at the corner of my mouth. “Babe, itÅ‚s three in the morning"

“But the riverÅ‚s
golden like the sun. Come see!" He tugged my hand and twirled me around,
fluttering a few inches off the ground, raindrops glittering on his
green-veined skin.

I chuckled,
stumbling, hair falling in my face. Nyx was my best mate, if I had one. IÅ‚d
known him only a few months, but it seemed like more. We hung out in cafés,
caught movies, shared a drink or two. When he didnłt disappear for weeks on
end, flitting after some eldritch fae whim, that isbut thatłs what fairies do,
and you donłt ask or berate.

I hadnłt seen
him since wełd sunk a few too many shots together at a kinky dance party a week
ago, but he had a knack for showing up when I felt out of sorts. Once when I
was working as a coffee girl at Starbucks on Swanston Walk, he ran in, jumped
over the counter, and dragged me out, insisting that the city was on fire and I
should come see. He flew me to the base of the blue neon spire on the arts
center roof, and we watched the scarlet sunset flashing on glass skyscrapers,
cool wind dragging our hair back in glowing blue warmth. I lost that job, too,
but somehow it didnłt matter.

Now, he tickled
my cheek with a knobbly green finger, his glassy claws shining. He wore bright
magenta tights, a red silk sash and a short tank top made of tight green nylon
that left the bottom half of his torso bare, and he looked totally fabulous, as
only a fairy could. “Jade-Jade? Come see? Hurry, hurry or itÅ‚ll be poof! Gone
like the moon."

I tried a proper
smile, and weight eased from my heart. “Just for a bit, okay?"

Nyx grinned and
swung my hand in his as we walked down the lane, his sharp green feet skipping
bare on the gutter stones. His pointed ears twitched. “Just a bit. Bit, bit,
bit. Tequila?" he added, hope shining in his eyes.

I winced, my
stomach curling in rueful memory. “Not this time. No way. Not a chance."



Pale pre-dawn faded the jagged city
horizon, and I swayed on the concrete riverbank, dangling my legs over the
edge. Sultry heat shimmered, a warm watery smell rising from the river. Nyx lay
beside me on his tummy with his feet kicked up, warbling softly and wafting
salty breeze over us with his wings. Behind us, decorative gaslights flared one
by one atop square metal obelisks, heat bursts searing my back, and the brown
river water reflected burning pillars of flame. Golden, like the sun. Just like
he said.

Warm gritty
concrete rasped my thighs through my thin skirt, and I watched with glassy
chemical delight as a little black ant labored over the mountain of my knee.

Nyx laid another
glittering line of banshee blue on my thigh and snorted it, his breath
tickling. He pressed his warm green-veined cheek on my skin, water brightening
his eyes. “Peaches," he stated, and licked soft lime lips.

The ant
disappeared into Nyxłs hair, and I followed it with my finger, laughing.

He poked his
sharp nose into my palm. “Like you smiling, Jade-Jade." He spread the last of
the crystals on the back of his bony hand and held it under my nose.

I cringed
inwardly, though my dry mouth stung and the four margaritas and three salty
shots and who knew what else running around in my head did happy somersaults.
So much for not wrecking myself. I bent and inhaled, the sharp citrus taste of
blue swirling with Nyxłs sweet apple sweat.

Thudding pulse
rushed in my ears. The riverłs surface glared, and I squinted watery eyes. I
felt bright and shiny, like a cool and distant star, and vaguely I recalled I
had something to be unhappy about, but it wouldnłt focus and I let it drift

I laughed,
licking blue dust remnants from his knuckles. He tasted nice, sugary and
comforting, his skin smooth on my tongue. He giggled, wriggling slender
pink-clad legs, and cartwheeled into the river with a splash.

More laughter
bubbled inside me, and I hugged my aching ribs and let it take me. It felt good
to laugh, and when he surfaced with a spray of brown water and a happy whoop, I
laughed still more. Sweet, silly Nyx. He didnłt have to be here, cheering up
the most determinedly miserable woman in Melbourne.
Didnłt have to spend time with me or buy me drinks or share his manic sense of
fun. He just did it, and even safe inside my glittering high, I was damned if I
knew why.

He fluttered
free, rainbow wings shining, and wobbled onto the bank like a drunken butterfly.
He shook himself, doglike, showering me with smelly river water from his flying
yellow hair. I shoved him, laughing, and together we stumbled away, leaning on
each other lest we fall.

The riverbank
was almost deserted, just a few drunks throwing empty cans at each other, and a
lone banshee curled up atop a concrete pillar asleep, her bright blue mane
swaying in the breeze. As we staggered into the dark concrete breezeway beneath
the spire, a wailing brown spriggan wearing nothing but a paper party hat
hurtled by on a skateboard, black toenails digging into the concrete to push
her along. Nyx pointed at her with a shiny claw and laughed like hełd crack his
wings off, water spraying from his hair to saturate me again.

I wiped my face,
only to get wetter as he dropped his slender green arm around my shoulder,
giggling and hoping to stay upright. Instead we staggered against the pebbled
wall, limbs tangling in a sprinkle of water from his wings.

“You fucking
idiot, youłre drenched." Already his rough silky hair was trying to spring back
to its normal wild vertical tangle. I dragged clumsy fists through it, and warm
water tumbled out, spilling down my arms to soak my tank top. I tried the same
with his shirt, and my fingers slipped down his slender green midriff to where
he was bare, his starved fairy muscles tight and wet.

He felt nice,
smooth, safe. I wanted to slide my hand inside his shirt, caress him, soak up
his warmth. Heat kindled inside me as my rapture murmured and stretched,
awakening. . . .

God, what was I
thinking? My face heated, even though the light was dim and he wouldnłt see.
The banshee drug sloshed about in my head, elevating my senses, befuddling me.
Awkwardness twisted my guts, and I pulled my hand away. “Sorry."

But Nyx grabbed
it and pressed it against his chest, his long lime fingers folding over mine.
His breathing pulsed against my palm, slow and definite, and my treacherous
heartbeat quickened. He leaned his damp forearm against the wall above me,
sheltering me in a bower of glowing blue-green wings, and his ruby gaze
shimmied shyly onto mine. “Jade-Jade?"

The catch in his
musical voice tore my heart, so akin to my own lonely ache that it stripped me
bare. His green lips quivered, shining, moving closer to mine, and I tried not
to look at them, not to think of kissing them, of pulling him close and losing
myself in his sweet body. He was my best friend, not just some guy. IÅ‚d never
dared to think of him like this before, but I didnłt want to ruin what we had.
He deserved more than I could give, more than I could ever be.

His hot breath
brushed my lips, teasing my tongue, and need shivered down my neck, dangerous.
Wet desire licked my nerves. I swallowed. This was a rotten idea. “Nyx"

Too late.

He kissed me
delicately, sliding his lips hesitantly on mine like he wasnłt sure I wanted
him, and it felt so right, I choked back a sob. Poor shy fairy. Of course I
wanted him. Who wouldnÅ‚t want him, with his devilish green smile and naïve
imagination and beautiful bleeding heart?

IÅ‚d just never
dreamed someone like him would ever want me.

Tears swelled my
lids, aching, and I opened my mouth and kissed him back.

He tasted of
oranges and cherry brandy, his jagged teeth stinging my tongue. He explored my
hair, curling it around his fingers, sliding a tantalizing claw down behind my
ear to make me quiver. My rapture slithered in my belly, murmuring dark
promises, and I stamped it out firmly. Not this time. Not him.

I slid my hands
around that tempting midriff, his skin so slick and warm, and he cooed into our
kiss in pleasure, fluttering closer so our bodies pressed together, shifting.
Our drenched clothes crushed between us, the friction burning me all over. I
could feel his sex swelling against me, another big twist of hardness laid over
all that tight fairy muscle, and longing prickled my skin, sending a gentle,
welcome ache between my legs. For once, a man with no Kane-baggage attached who
desired me, no rapture or thrall involved, even if we were staggering drunk and
high and so lonely, it hurt.

He pulled back,
wings quivering. His ruby eyes shimmered in the dark, blond lashes jeweled with
shiny blue tears. “More, Jade-Jade. Hold me."

IÅ‚ll hold you
all you want, babe, I wanted to say, but nothing came out. My thrall
bangles tingled, a gentle warning, but I ignored them. I brushed the blue
smears from his cheekbones with my thumb, and he leaned in and kissed me again,
only this time it was urgent, deep, hard, his sharp teeth pricking the insides
of my lips.

Need burned over
me, muddling with drug-addled sadness. My nipples tweaked hard against wet
fabric, longing for his caress. I hopped, impatient. He caught me with both
hands on my ass, pressing our hips together, and lifted us both off the ground
with a strong beat of his wings. We drifted upward, his translucent wing
membranes twitching, and swiftly I wrapped my legs around his slender hips,
inhaling his tempting toffee scent. I wanted to feel his cock hard against my
sex and know he wanted me, not just a fuck but me, Jade-Jade, however many times
he wanted to say it. I wanted to slide him into me and bring him off, make him
feel good so I could pretend everything was okay.

I held on,
clutching my arms around his neck, wrapping my tongue around his, and he let go
for long enough to pull his clothes out of the way. He slid bony green fingers
beneath my skirt to support me, caress me, open me for him.

I wasnłt totally
readyI could feel a sliver of hot wetness inside me, not enoughbut I didnłt
care. He slipped a finger deep into me and out, spreading the smoothness.
Nerves sparked inside, and a lot more moisture seeped. When he did the same
with two fingers, my muscles clenched tight with desire, pressing his claws
into my flesh. I wanted all of him. “Nyx, please, itÅ‚s okay."

He fluttered his
wings, his pleasure scintillating the membranes with color, and a hot violet
breeze wafted over us as we floated in the dark. “Jade-Jade," he whispered with
a breathless laugh, his clever tongue curling over my ear. “Hot like chocolate.
I love chocolate." And he slowly curled his fingers from me and replaced them
with his cock, spreading me so he could push inside.

He was big, and
it hurt. Burning ripped my skin like acid, and before he was halfway in, I
winced, my teeth gritting.

“Oh, not good?
Sorry." Nyx bit his lip, the green veins in his cheeks flushing blue, and he
started to withdraw.

“No, itÅ‚s fine."
I halted him with my hand on his slim green hip, bearing the sting as best I
could. I just wasnłt wet enough, I guess, and he was too big. Wełd be good in a

I reached under
and adjusted with my fingertips, sliding my flesh free. This time when he
pushed he went all the way, and I swallowed a scream, my thighs quivering. God,
he was massive, I could barely cover him, but that was nothing compared to the caustic
agony chewing at my flesh, burning like hełd shoved molten iron up there. And I
was wet, I knew. It wasnłt that. Maybe some weird fairy chemistry.

Shaky, I lifted
myself and settled on him again, harder. Nyxłs wings jerked, and he sucked in a
sharp breath. I squeezed my eyes shut. God, it was worse. I sat up and slid my
fingers over him to make sure there was nothing in the way, but I found only
smooth fairy skin over firm tissue.

Something was
wrong with us.

I tried again,
but the more I moved, the more it hurt, and finally I couldnłt help but cry
out. “Ow. No, I canÅ‚t."

Nyxłs pretty
cheeks dulled with moisture, his gemlike eyes glazed. “Jade-Jade, sweet, I

“IÅ‚m sorry, babe.
I canłt." I pulled him out of me, fluid sticky on my fingers, and the burning
eased a little. He set me gently down, and I staggered, not wanting to move my
thighs until the stinging stopped. Tension clawed me, my nerves alight with

He stared at me,
yellow hair still dripping, his fingers still slick and shiny with my juices.
His wings twitched, awkward. “IÅ‚m so sorry. I didnÅ‚t mean it. I wanted to make
you smile." Indigo tears flooded his eyes, and he bit his wobbling lip and
flitted away into the dark with a whoosh of warm toffee breeze.

I stumbled a few
steps after him, acid agony still fresh inside me. “Nyx, please, it isnÅ‚t . .

It isnłt your
fault. Itłs not you, itłs me.

But he was
already gone.



When I got home, white early-morning sun
pressed against my blinds, heat already leaking in, and the place stank of the
oily takeaway egg linguine IÅ‚d eaten for dinner about a hundred hours ago. I
stole past the dirty dishes lurking in ravenous hordes on the sink and dropped
onto the bed in my river-stained clothes, too exhausted and wasted and tearful
to shower or brush my furry teeth.

I lay there,
restless, long minutes ticking over on my neon alarm clock, my mind too worked
up to sleep. Distant pain still burned inside me, and my flesh felt raw and
ripped. Nausea crawled around in my guts like a mutant snake, and the ache in
my heart wouldnłt ease, no matter how I rolled on the sweaty sheets or tugged
my hair in frustration.

What a fuckup. I
hadnłt merely screwed my best friend and regretted it, a few days of awkward
tension and then wełd laugh it off. Nothing harmless like that. Iłd
spectacularly not screwed him, and chances were Iłd broken his heart and hełd
never speak to me again.

I wriggled, the
air sticky and sick like a soaked blanket on my skin. What was I thinking? Why
did I have to bring sex into everything? Sure, I wanted a lover who cared for
me. But I wanted a friend more, someone who didnłt care about Kane or Angelo or
how I had to spend my time, who liked me for myself and not my glamour. Who
didnłt expect anything from me. Nyx did all that, actually treated me like a
person and not a sex doll, and I had to throw it back in his face by trying to
fuck him.

Maybe what they
all said was true, and Iłm not good for anything else. Or maybe itłs just been
so long since I had a relationship that didnłt involve screwing, that I didnłt
know what else to do.

Something wet
and heavy thumped into my door like a bag of mud, and I groaned. If that cheeky
red spriggan pissed through my letterbox again, IÅ‚d rip his pointy nose off. I
dragged myself up, stomped to the door, and yanked it open. “Bugger off, you
manky little shit"

The dead bolt
snapped from my fingers, and my breath caught. It wasnłt the red spriggan. It
was Nyx, insensible, sprawled twitching on my doorstep in a wet blue puddle.

“Babe?" I
scrambled to my knees to cradle his fine-boned head. His moist cheek slid on my
fingers, cool blue tears spilling over my hands. Moths flickered and crawled in
his hair, their brown dust smeared on his green-veined cheek. His beautiful
wings lay crushed beneath him, limp and wet. Their color bled, iridescent
streaks of viridian and cobalt puddling like diluted water-colors onto the
cracked concrete step.

My heart
constricted, QuinnÅ‚s dead fairy photos flashing in my memory. “Nyx, wake up."

He murmured
something unintelligible, his lips pale and slick with blue phlegm. I slung his
limp arm over my shoulder and half dragged, half carried him inside. Hue leeched from his wings
to soak my clothes and streak the lino with wet rainbows.

I helped him
into my bedroom and laid him on his side on the crumpled bed, bright moisture
soaking the creamy sheets blue and green. I popped the lamp on and peeled his
sticky clothes off, arranging his damaged wings behind him. Yellow light
glistened on his paling skin, glowing veins pulsing dimly in his slender
apple-green throat. A faint sour smell rose, like something turned slowly
rotten, and his breath stained my pillow where his soft lime lips pressed into

I swallowed. IÅ‚d
wondered what hełd look like in my bed, but this wasnłt what Iłd had in mind.
Swiftly I examined him where hełd touched me, fingers, mouth, groin. Nothing
was burned or torn. It wasnłt me.

He stirred,
groaning, and I stroked his hair back gently. Instead of tangling in wild
yellow springs above his head, it hung limp and slick, soft gray moths darting.
His clammy skin shocked me, cold. He should have been warm. I didnłt know what
was wrong with him. IÅ‚d never seen a drug like this before. “Nyx? What
happened? Did you take something?"

His eyes
flickered open, shimmering red, his curly blond lashes clotted. He coughed,
thick. “Jade-Jade?"

“IÅ‚m here, babe.
Take it easy." I clasped his damp hand, his glassy claws flexing weakly. I
dragged the feather quilt up to cover him, heedless of the dripping mess. I
knew Nyx was some kind of air sprite. Maybe he was just starving. I visualized
the contents of my refrigerator: milk, yogurt, sliced sandwich bread, bananas,
Tim Tams . . . What did I have with bubbles? “IÅ‚ll get you some mineral water
or something"

“No . . . not
hungry . . ." His beautiful voice scratched like he had a rotten case of
bronchitis. He swallowed, sickly blue liquid spilling from his lips, his fine
pointed ears twitching wet as he tried to smile. “Just sick . . . IÅ‚ll be okay.
Nowhere else to go. Thanks . . ."

I nodded,
stroking his hair, heat swelling in my throat. “Sure. No worries, babe. You
just rest now." But we both knew fairies didnłt get sick.

I tucked the
quilt under his pointed chin, and my hand came away stained green. “Kane said
there was poison. Did someone attack you? Was it the DiLucas?"

Nyx laughed, and
choked, coughing sea-blue ichor, his broken wings jerking feebly. “Stay away
from him, Jade-Jade. Promise me." His eyelids slipped shut, only his quivering
wing membranes and the breath wheezing sticky on the pillow betraying any life.

Tears burned my
eyes even as my thrall bangles itched and hummed. That was one thing I couldnłt
promise, and frustration and sorrow squeezed my heart.

I leaned over to
flip the old bar heater on, oil gurgling in the painted pipe lining the wall,
and climbed into bed. I heaped the quilt up over us, pulling the edges in
around him, and clasped his poor shivering body to mine. Sour, cold moisture soaked
through my skirt and tank top, plastering the fabric to my skin. I tucked the
top of his head under my chin and held him to me, rocking gently, his wings
pulsing feebly, ever weaker. Despair soaked into my heart, burning. If I could
feed him, give up my energy to help him, I would. But I couldnłt. All I could
do was kill.

I didnłt mean to
sleep, but I must have dropped off, my arms still wrapped around him, his
dripping head on my breast.

When I woke,
hełd melted.

Just a mass of
watery blue gel, cold and sticky on my skin, the mattress beneath me drenched
with indigo liquid like blood and the sour stink of decay.

Gone. Precious,
giddy, lonesome Nyx, who laughed and chased butterflies through the air in Carlton Gardens, who cartwheeled into the river
for fun and did handstands in the street at midnight when it rained. Who had no
one better to come to when he knew he was dying than me.

I hadnłt said I
loved him, like a best friend should, or that I was sorry it never worked out
between us. I hadnłt said thank you. I couldnłt even stay awake while he died.

I lay alone
soaked in sticky blue mess and cried, bright heat bleeding between the dusty











Valentinołs is your typical Lygon Street
Italian restaurant. Red leather seats, soft white tablecloths, a tiny vase of
flowers and a fat white candle in a shining glass bowl on each table, painted
walls draped with curtains, tassels, silent movie stills, and sepia photographs
of olive orchards in old Sicily.
Vito, the maître dÅ‚, wears a black suit and drapes a napkin over his arm. And
the smell is glorious, like something out of heavenłs kitchen, roasting lamb,
simmering meat sauce dripping with oregano, onions frying in butter and
tomatoes, always tomatoes, grilled, sautéed, fried, stewed, any form you can
imagine. The scent wafts out onto the street like a warm mouthwatering cloud,
mingling with the same from a dozen places on that block.

I got there
about nine, having spent the afternoon washing sheets and scrubbing up the
mess. Blue fragments of Nyx still stained my fingernails, though IÅ‚d scratched
at them with the brush until my cuticles ripped and bled, and the decaying
stink still soaked my nostrils, sour like guilt. The burning inside me was
gone, not even an itch remaining, but injustice seared worse than any chemical
scald. Whatever it was, he hadnłt deserved it.

The last breath
of sunset faded from the sky, stars peeping through, and restaurant signs
buzzed in red and green neon, flashing over the crowded black pavement where
café tables spilled out to the street. The ValentinoÅ‚s blackboard leaned
against the wooden rail by the gutter, specials tonight braised lamb shanks and
fettuccini pescatore. Customers chattered, white plates and dark wine bottles

I checked my
reflection in the window before I went in, wiping my nose one last time with a
wilting tissue. I looked awful, despite my fresh terra-cotta shift dress and
strappy heels. IÅ‚d left my hair down for some semblance of dignity, but you
could still see my puffy cheeks, and despite me larding on mascara and dark
gray shadow like some trashy emo chick, my eyes still glowed swollen and red.

I didnłt care.
Let Ange think I was upset about Nino. Hell, he probably wouldnłt even notice.

discomfort whispered up my arms, raising the hairs, my thrall bangles stinging,
and tension coiled in my intestines. Kanełs words echoed in my heart, a
persistent, baleful imperative I couldnłt ignore: You will find out for me.
You will . . . you will . . .

“Yeah, yeah," I
muttered, stuffing the crumpled tissue back in my black satin handbag.

The restaurant
was busy tonight, only a few small tables at the back unfilled, and Vito made
me a little bow as he hurried past, turning sideways to fit between the chairs.
As usual, Ange and whichever corrupt judge or greedy politician he entertained
that evening took the round table by the side window. I excused myself around
tables and chair backs to approach him, an oily feather of unease sliding in
the back of my throat.

Angelo Valenti
looks like some of what he is, a hard-ass gangster with loads of cash and no
regrets. His eyes are gray and hard, his broad forehead uncreased, his blunt
fingernails always clean. In his pockets therełll be the keys to his Monaro, a
thick roll of fifties, a Ziploc bag of white crystal powder, and a
silver-flashed .38. Tonight he wore a dark red shirt under a black leather
jacket, black curls cropped short at the base of his neck, a golden crucifix on
a chain falling over his collar.

He doesnłt look
all that smart. He also doesnłt look 350 years old, so go figure.

His companions
wore dark suits, no ties, guns lumpy under their jackets. A fat plate of
marinara sat half-eaten in the middle of the table, split shellfish still
steaming in mounds of pink-sauce-smothered spaghetti. I walked toward them,
pasting on a smile, but it froze when I saw who sat there, and I halted, my
guts warm and tight.

Fabian and
Santino Valenti, two hulks with the trademark heavy Valenti build, hard men
whom Ange drags out from under the stairs when therełs killing to be done.
Worse, Tony LaFaro, Angełs fae-born cousin from the old country, sadistic and
half-mad from his fairy blood, his yellow eyes double-lidded like a reptilełs.
No wives. No girlfriends. This was a war council, and if the five empty merlot
bottles on the table were any guide, it was already well under way.

I clasped my bag
in my lap, suddenly wishing I hadnłt come, no matter the itching thrall. Just
because Ange doesnłt need to eat regular food doesnłt mean he isnłt a bastard
when hełs drinking.

He saw me and
smiled, genial, beckoning to me with one thick hand and signaling to the wine
waiter with the other. “Another one, Paolo. Jade, darlinÅ‚, have a seat."

I didnÅ‚t. “Just
saying hello, Ange. Hi, Tony, Sonny, Fabe. I heard about Nino. IÅ‚m sorry."

Tony flickered
his forked tongue at me, grinning. The Valenti boys nodded, but didnłt get up.
They were old-school Sicilian, and I wasnłt anyonełs wife.

Ange dipped his
head, solemn. “May he rest in peace. Listen, love, can I have a word? Just a
minute, boys." He glided up from his seat, swift and elegant for such a bulky
body, and ushered me out into the little corridor where the toilets are, wooden
walls lit by a single white bulb.

I swallowed, my
nerves jumping. This might be difficult.

Ange leaned
against the wall, trapping me in his broad shadow. “Where you been? You look
like hell, girl." His accent is Italian-Australian, comical. No one ever

“Nowhere. I

The hard heel of
his palm smacked into my temple, and colored sparks danced in my vision for the
half second it takes the signal to reach your brain.

Jesus. I never
see it coming.

Pain lanced
through my skull, my skin burning, and my vision wobbled dimly as I staggered.
Maybe convincing him I was leaving would be easier than I thought. “You

“You were with
Nino, Jade. Kane told me. What happened?"

“Nothing. I
donłt know, okay? Itłs nothing to do with me." A fierce ache throbbed in my
head, threatening to blind me, and I blinked, a tear or two soaking onto my
painted lashes. Already I could feel a lump growing.

Ange sighed,
like IÅ‚d offended him and he was genuinely sorry to hear it. “You screwed him.
Say it."

Was that all he
cared about? “Not that itÅ‚s any of your goddamn business, Ange, but I didnÅ‚t,
okay?" I tried to push past him, wobbling.

He grabbed my
shoulder to stop me, anger showing in his tense mouth, the way his teeth
pressed against his lip, straining. “You little whore. You screwed my cousin to
death, and now you lie about it?"

Like that was
the worst sin of all. Angełs corrupted morals always stung sourly in my mouth,
and disgust seared my throat like rising bile. Hełs callous, violent, a lousy
shag. I would have left him months ago, if the whole thing hadnłt been on
Kanełs orders.

I shook him off,
trembling, my head still throbbing. “DonÅ‚t you ever hit me again. Get your
filthy hands off me."

“The Lord have
mercy on your soul. You gotta repent, or youłll go to hell." He clamped his
fingers around my wrist, gray irises spiraling blue.

I backed away,
hot shame stinging my face at the fear that speared into my heart. Sick
loathing writhed inside me. “DonÅ‚t, Ange, not tonight. Please."

But the wooden
wall thudded into my back and I had nowhere to go. He pulled my straining
forearm toward him. I struggled, yanking back, my biceps bulging, but he was
strong, effortlessly strong, and horror crunched icy teeth into my bones as he
bent and fastened his lips onto the soft skin inside my elbow. My skin crawled
in horrible anticipation, and I couldnłt help but cry out.

I have no clue
where romantics get the idea that being bitten by a vampire is sexy.

It fucking
hurts. The horrible metallic slide of his teeth under my skin, the vile pop as
the vein broke, the burning agony of my blood forcing out, faster than the hole
wanted to let it because he was sucking, drinking, tearing the hole bigger.
Pain skewered my arm, my fingers clawing. Sick heat spreading in my abdomen,
and I gritted my teeth so hard, my jaw ached. I wanted to vomit, or piss

I scrabbled in
his hair, trying to drag him off, stiff black curls scratching my fingers, but
he didnłt let go until he was finished.

He straightened,
sucking crimson remnants from his lips, catching his breath. A healthy flush
warmed his skin, like heÅ‚d exercised or spent time in the sun. “YouÅ‚re filthy
with sin, Jade. Get to confession, be absolved."

“Go to hell." I
clutched the crease of my elbow, bending my arm up, blood already dripping. He
hadnłt taken that much. I didnłt feel faint or anything. I just wanted to kick
his head in for pushing me around.

“I will. Why you
think I wanna live forever?" He licked his pointed teeth clean and wiped his
mouth with the back of his heavy hand. Not a drop stained his clothes. “Get out
of my place, whore. Donłt come back till youłre clean."

I laughed,
incredulous. “Are you listening to yourself? Ever hear of throw the first
stone, and all that?"

“Jesus was a
nice man. IÅ‚m not. Get the fuck out." His lips tightened, mean and hard, and
the pulse in his jaw quickened.

For Ange to
curse in front of a woman, even one he despised like me, he must be dead
furious. Time to burn my bridges. I raised my voice so the whole restaurant
would hear. It wasnÅ‚t like they werenÅ‚t all straining their ears already. “You
know what? Fuck you, Ange. IÅ‚m sorry I had to kill Nino. He was a better screw
than you. At least I could feel it when he stuck his cock in me."

And I walked
out, shoving awkwardly past customers with my hand still clamped on my bleeding
elbow, my heels clicking on the tiles. The Valenti boys studiously kept their
gazes down, but Tonyłs graveyard chuckle followed me, and as I reached the
street, I heard the crack of smashing timber.



Across the street, Kane sits on the
sidewalk in a shimmer of overwarm air, tapping listless black nails on the
white plastic café table. Streetlights burn golden haloes onto the pavement,
traffic cruises by in whiffs of carbon and warm metal, bats flicker and flap on
fragrant currents dark with kinetic mystery.

A glorious
summer night, brief and frantic like a chemical mood, ripe for mischief and
power games. But Kane shifts, discontent itching his skin. He sighs, restless,
and a car swerves, the driver spooked by some cosmic fluctuation.

The waitress
approaches, a blond child with bony hips and tendons standing out in her
swanlike neck. She places a tall frothing drink before him on a saucer. “One
lime soda. Thatłs five fifty."

Kane dips the straw
in, mixing the scoop of ice cream into the creamy green fizz. “YouÅ‚re not too

She blinks,
froglike. “Excuse me?"

“To be a dancer.
The directors donłt ignore you because youłre too fat. Youłre just not good
enough." He digs a banknote from his pocket and hands it to her, a yellow
fifty. “Keep the change."

She gulps, and
snatches it.

But Kanełs lost
interest. His nails gouge the tablełs edge, his knuckles popping sparks.
Because therełs his pretty Jade across the street, walking out of Valentinołs
in her lovely red dress, black makeup chalked like tears on her cheeks.
Bleeding, that hot steely smell he loves, but beneath it her real smell,
delicate and fresh like flowers. He inhales deeper, compelled, and his nails
glimmer blue with longing.

He forces
himself to relax, and swallows a lime-flavored mouthful, his throat aching. All
he need do is whisper her name, and shełll come to him, talk to him, maybe even
smile for him. That seems important. Kane isnłt sure why. Such a brittle thing,
a smile. Such a lie.

He smiles
himself, just to prove it, and green froth bubbles over his hand, the sour
smell of turned milk stinging his nose. At the next table, a woman wrinkles her
nose and puts down her latte, licking at the inside of her mouth in distaste.

His blood-splashed
Jade stalks between restaurant tables and scuttling waiters, her jaw clamped so
tight that little wrinkles line her pretty chin. Kane stares, golden flames
darting between his fingers, and his clotted heart warms, demon blood flowing.
So fragile. So broken. Only he can fix her. No one understands her like he
does. She should come to him.

Her name burns
on the tip of his tongue like an ember, flickering. But an idea shocks frost
into his hair, and on the table his soured green drink crackles and freezes
solid, the straw crushing upright. What if . . .

He frowns, his
lashes crusted with ice. What if instead, he went to her? Surprise, Jade,
donłt cry. Maybe then shełd smile, and hełd feel better.

He hops up, but
pauses, a splash of nervous magenta bleeding into his nails. What if she
doesnłt see him? Sometimes hełs invisible to her. He isnłt sure why, but
sometimes she doesnłt notice the things he says to her. Usually itłs when he
feels like this, itchy and uncomfortable and pink, and he stammers out
something crazy and gentle and she goes quiet and stops seeing him for a while.

He watches her
walk around the corner, out of sight, and slowly he sits, snow melting to trail
icy water on his scalp. He doesnłt want to be invisible. Better if he leaves her

“You cold,

Kane blinks, his
mouth tingling with ashen sorrow. The curdled latte woman is gone, and a
slender white fae girl smiles at him, scarlet flame licking in spirals through
her long pale hair. A sultry, grasping smile. Not like Jadełs. His claws
spring, flushing an angry sea green. “Not that kind of cold, child."

The fire sprite
twists her spine, her flimsy dress slipping up on her thighs, glassy wings
fluttering as she squirms her chair closer. Sparks jump from her lips, fresh and fragrant
with carbon. Her body heat twinkles the air, inviting, but sour desperation
taints her zeal. “You got somewhere to go? I can warm you up."

Ice flakes from
his lashes like snow, and his skin twitches, tempted. But they never really
want it, not when heÅ‚s in this kind of mood. They just think they do. “You
wouldnłt like me warm."

“Think I would.
Think I really, really would. Taste?" She stretches a golden-veined white arm,
flames ribboning, and reaches out with her index finger to touch her claw to
his frozen drink. It melts, hissing off a puff of green steam.

The fairy winces
and snatches her hand back, yellow eyes brightening with pain. “Bee, bee! Nasty
green bee."

Kane sniffs the
steam, curious. Nothing, just rotten cream and water. “Did that hurt?"

She stuffs her
wounded finger in her mouth, sparks gushing, and her nail cracks off like
glass, splinters sticking to her lips. Fear glazes her eyes. “Nope. Nope, nope.
Gotta go." She scrambles from her chair and weaves out, wings jerking.

Kane carefully
pushes the ruined drink away with one finger. Hełd thought she smelled ill. But
sick fairies only remind him of Jade, and Jadełs gone, off to work her own
poison on Dante DiLuca. Cruel envy writhes in his blood, uncomfortable.

The skinny
dancing waitress sidles up to him again. “You done with that?"

He glances up at
her hard, tired eyes and her tight mouth, and despite his discontent, the
animal scent of soul prey sparks demonic hunger in his heart. He gives her his
human smile and flicks his lashes at her with a gentle waft of hellish
compulsion. “Yes, child. Sorry about the mess."

She scoops up
the sloppy saucer and hesitates, her gaze slipping. “Did you really mean . . .
shit. Never mind. Forget it."

Kane grabs her
wrist to keep her, and inhales to taste her name. “I havenÅ‚t forgotten, Claire.
I wonłt forget you. Ever." A lie. But so is her effort, her desperation. So is
her life.

She gasps, her
pulse bubbling warm against his palm. The dirty glass slides on the saucer, and
milky green froth splashes her black apron. “How did you know?"

“I know. Do you
want to be better?"

“I train and
train. Six hours a day. But"

He digs his
fingers in, growing them until his claws cut her soft skin, and lets his voice
deepen to a growl. “Do you want to be better?"

The girl gulps,
her eyes wide, the shiny sweat of fear coating her face. She sees. She knows.
But she canłt stop. Her body quivers with longing, and her whisper floats out
on warm soul-drenched breath. “Yes. Oh, yes. Please."

Kane lets go,
satisfied, the ashen taste of hellfire already crisp and arousing in his mouth.
“WhenÅ‚s your next audition, child?"

She licks her
lips, greedy now. “Sunday. At the Palladium."

“I believe
youłll get the job." He beckons, and when she leans over, he whispers a date,
flames from his lips licking her ear.

flushes her, and she backs away, her eyes wide and wet. “No. IÅ‚ll only be . . .
Thatłs not long enough. Please."

Kane smiles,
faint. “Enjoy it while it lasts. IÅ‚ll see you soon."



I stalked out onto the footpath,
clutching my aching elbow, and the diners sitting under the canvas canopy
politely looked away as I passed, or quickly found something particularly
interesting to talk about with their partners. A girl coming out of Valentinołs
covered in blood isnłt something you want to stare at. You never know who might
come out behind her.

Stupid tears
stung my eyes, and I walked blindly away under strings of yellow and white
lights, my temple still aching where Ange had hit me. He wasnłt following. He
was too busy with his brutish war to bother with me for now, beyond breaking a
bit of furniture and getting filthy drunk. But my skin burned with shame,
hotter than the blood already growing sticky on my arm, and I seethed inside
with rage and disgust. At Ange for treating me like shit, at Kane for making me
put up with Angełs crap, but most of all at myself.

I turned the
cornerany corner, to put Valentinołs out of sightand threw myself against the
whitewashed wall. I wiped my face, heedless of smeared mascara, and clotting
blood squelched as my elbow unfolded. “Fuck," I muttered, and scrabbled in my
bag for more tissues.

When had I
turned into such a pushover? Thrall didnłt mean I shouldnłt stand up for
myself. Sure, I had to hang around Ange, doll myself up, look pretty on his
arm. In his bed, too, or wherever else he wanted it. Sex is always a given with
Kanełs little assignments, and since I started needing sex to live, Iłm not so
much a princess that I canłt close my eyes and bear it when I have to. Angełs
energy is cold and bristly with rage and gives me the creeps, but itłs food.

That didnłt mean
I had to let him beat me up and drink my fucking blood in public.

Red streaks
smeared on the inside of my arm as I tried to clean it up, fragments of bloody
tissue sticking. The hole was ragged, the soft skin torn between two fat
puncture marks. Already a scab formed, and by morning itłd be healed. A
swift-healing vampire bite, the original and best domestic violence. Itłs gone
before you have to say you walked into a door.

I tossed the
sodden tissues into the gutter and gingerly fingered the egg-shaped lump on my
forehead. This one wouldnłt fade so soon. Okay, so physically he was stronger
than me. Hełs a vampire; I canłt help that. Maybe I was being a bit hard on

Or maybe IÅ‚d
heard whore and slut and useless bitch so often, IÅ‚d
started to believe it.

A lump swelled
in my throat, too, and I swallowed, sniffing, my eyes stinging again. At least
I didnłt have to endure Ange anymore. But therełd be another one, and another.
All the same. All violent, angry, mean. Nice guys donłt do deals with Kane. And
if one finally beat me to death, or killed me during their nasty little sex
gameseven if I jumped in front of a train or swallowed a bottle of pillstherełd
be Kane, breathing my life back, making me go on. And on. Nothing could make it

I let my hair
fall to hide my burning cheeks. I didnÅ‚t want to go to a café, where
well-meaning people would lean back and widen their eyes and ask if I was okay.
I wanted to go home, stand under the shower alone in the dark and scald off the
stink, but the place still smelled of Nyx, bitter and sad.

Poor Nyx would
have tried to cheer me up. Hełd sing to me in that beautiful breathy voice,
bring me a birdłs nest or a sea-shell, roll in fresh-cut grass in the park so
he could shake it over me from his crazy yellow hair. Sweet, clueless fairy.

I smacked my
palms against the wall, the rough concrete stinging my skin the way anger stung
my heart. My eyes filled with burning mist, and this time I let the tears come.


I wiped my face
uselessly, trying to swallow a sob, my throat aching.

“Jade." A gentle
hand on my bare shoulder, warm, hesitant. Not a Valenti.

I forced my eyes
open, wiping them again until I could see, and my stomach tightened even

Dark concern
shadowed gold-flecked chocolate eyes, the streetlight gleaming softly on brown
skin and shedding an elusive autumn shimmer into midnight hair. He wore a black
T-shirt over faded jeans, casual but elegant. With a body like that, hełd be
elegant wearing a garbage bag. Even in my state, I couldnłt help checking him
out. Damn. He looked just as hot without the rapture.

No doubt he knew
it, too. Nice guys donłt get in thrall to Kane either. I pushed his hand away.
“Go away, Rajah."

“Funny. Not
until you stop crying, or bleeding. Both would be nice."

“I donÅ‚t need
your help, okay?"

“Okay. How about
my sympathy, then? You can have that for nothing." Hurt glimmered on his tone.
He licked his lush bottom lip, and for the first time I noticed it swelled a
little out of shape, bruised.

I wiped my nose,
contrition chewing at me. “What happened to your face?"

“Kane. It
doesnłt matter. What happened to yours?"

Maybe Rajah knew
a bit more about my kind of thrall than IÅ‚d thought. Kane has never hit me in
the 140 years IÅ‚ve known him. Then again, IÅ‚ve never soultrapped one of his
minions just to piss him off. I sniffed and swallowed, my voice indistinct
through my blocked nose. “Angelo. DoesnÅ‚t matter either. What do you want? Were
you looking for me?"

He glanced at
the swelling on my forehead, my red dress, the blood clots streaking my arm.
“No, but youÅ‚re not exactly inconspicuous." He fiddled with the turned edge of
a thrall bangle, indecisive, and then he stuck out his narrow hand to me. “Come
on. I know what you need."

I laughed,
bitter. Sure. So did Ange. So did Kane. So did everyone, and none of them had a
clue. “The worldÅ‚s full of men who know what I need, Rajahni Seth. DonÅ‚t think
you can astonish me."

His eyebrows
lifted, and he stuck his hand back in his pocket, awkward. “I was thinking of
rogan josh and a mango lassi. Is that what they all say?"

I blushed, warm.
Him, awkward. With me. Imagine that.

The thought of
spicy food made my mouth water, and I had to admit the thought of the company
did, too. Absently I rubbed my wrists, where the thrall bangles already itched
and moaned. I should have been thinking about how I was going to fool DiLuca.
“DonÅ‚t you have somewhere to be?"

He shrugged.
“AngeloÅ‚s finding someone for me. It can wait."

I wondered what
he was doing for Ange in return, and decided I didnÅ‚t want to know. “But"

“But they itch?"
He grinned, cheeky, stunning. “Sure. So does a mosquito bite. DoesnÅ‚t mean you
have to scratch it right away."

glimmered in my heart at the prospect of defiance, even for an hour or two. I
mustered a grin in return. “Okay, then. Your shout."











I stretched out on tasseled white floor
cushions, my stomach pleasantly full, the wonderful aroma of Indian food still
drenching my taste buds. Oil wicks burned in copper lamps by the ceiling, the
flames flickering gently in the breeze that fluttered through the open doors,
and our low linen-covered table was littered with empty copper rice bowls and a
ceramic handi smeared with the remnants of our glorious rogan josh. Wełd eaten
with our fingers, scooping up yellow saffron-stained rice mixed with toasted cumin
seeds and chunks of spiced lamb so tender, they melted in my mouth, flavor

It was late. We were the last
ones here, and the place was closed, the rest of the cushions tidied away and
the tables wiped. The fat little owner seemed to know Rajah, who chattered away
with him in Hindi or Urdu or whatever it was and convinced him to let us stay.

Iłd been to the ladiesł and
washed my face, so at least I didnłt have ruined makeup caked to my lashes and
black streaks down my cheeks, even if my face was still puffed up like . . .
well, like my best mate had just died.

I flexed my bare feet, aware of
Rajah watching me, dark and inscrutable, his long legs relaxed as he stretched
out next to me like a big lean cat. He hadnłt tried to hit on me, or touch me.
Wełd had an ordinary, funny, charming conversation about the food, the cricket
season, this never-ending summer, the places wełd lived, and the times wełd

Hełd talked with glittering
animation about Lahore
before the Raj, when the Mughal Empire ruled the world from the gleaming marble
court of Shah Jahan and the demon lords fought spectral battles in warm lamplit
corridors. His dark eyes danced as he described intrigues with poison-fanged
efrits and black-hearted djinn, and he laughed with me as I reminisced about Havana in the fifties,
watching Sinatra in the ballroom at the Hotel Nacional with Meyer Lansky and
Charlie Luciano, back when hellbound gangsters still had manners and knew how
to show a girl a good time.

I hadnłt mentioned Nyx, and Rajah
hadnłt asked, content to let me say what I wanted to say. He didnłt ask why Iłd
been crying. He didnłt even mention last night, but he didnłt seem embarrassed
or avoidant. It was like hełd forgotten about it. But I hadnłt. I still felt
him on me, the delicious heat of his body, his fingers clenched in my hair, his
lips hungry on my throat. And I still saw that brass soultrap bubbling with
angry Valenti energy, and Kanełs clueless expression when I told him about it.

I drained the last of my lassi,
the milky liquid cool and sweet in my throat. “Do you mind if I ask you a
personal question?"

Rajah shrugged, easy, licking icy
kulfi remnants from his spoon. I liked watching his mouth, the way his lips
moved, sensual, deliberate. Even the split and the swelling bruise just made
them more riveting.

I cleared my throat. “What are
you really doing with Ninołs soul?"

He paused for a moment and put
down his bowl, considering, averting his eyes. “If I were to say Ä™odium,
primordium, terminus, animus,Å‚ would it mean anything to you?"

My heart skipped, and I laughed,
nervous. I knew the story, had read the words carved into my bangles a thousand
times. IÅ‚d never let myself think about it too much. “ThatÅ‚s a myth."

“Is it?" He looked up, capturing
my gaze with his, and such longing burned there that rapture awakened moaning
in my soul. My skin flushed and tingled, and surely the air around me
shimmered, but he didnÅ‚t seem to notice or care. “Have you explored this city,
Jade? Youłre so young, I wish you could taste this air like I do. Itłs fresh,
clean, new, therełs power brewing in the sky like a storm. Even the water
stinks of magic. Havenłt you noticed the fae glow brighter here? The bansheesł
song is sweeter? Vampires go longer without blood? And the rapture . . ." He licked
his lips, shifting on his cushions, and laughed, a handsome flush staining his
skin. “The rapture is like it used to be, when I was young. It takes me places
I barely remember. Surely youłve noticed everythingłs different here. Thatłs
the taste of freedom. If itłs anywhere, itłs here."

Sweat burned my forehead, slick,
my pulse swelling. Freedom. To cast off this thrall, to leave Kane and his
never-ending power games and go anywhere in the world I wanted, do what I
wanted, be with whom I wanted. To die in peace, without hellłs coarse whispers
in my soul. Surely the magic words were a myth, and freedom an impossible

I swallowed, my voice hoarse.
“How? How do you do it? Tell me."

He leaned close to me, tempting,
but calculation glinted in his eyes. “Why?" he murmured. “Why should I? Why
should you even want to be free? Youłre glorious, smart, captivating. Why not
live for a thousand years?"

“To end it." The words rushed
out, thoughtless, and I caught my breath, mesmerized by the potential and the
sight of his precious lips, only a few inches away. No matter that IÅ‚d been
wondering exactly the same thing about him. “To be rid of it all. Why else?"

“Why else?" He laughed again,
lost, and took my hand, pressing it to his warm chest where his heart beat, rapid
and strong. Brightness animated his face. “To live, the way I was meant to. A
mortal life, a family. Not to spend ten centuries dead at anotherłs whim, my
heart not my own. IÅ‚m sick of watching people die around me."

“But . . ." I couldnÅ‚t
concentrate, not with my hand there, his flesh hard and tense beneath my
fingers. “But without the thrall, youÅ‚ll die soon enough. Why not just wait it
out, if youłre so desperate for mortality?"

He tightened his grip, sliding deft
fingers between mine. “The year 1615, Kane cast these bangles on. Do you see
any tarnish? Any cracks? What do you think happens after those thousand years?"

I swallowed. “Kane said IÅ‚d be
free to die."

“And you believed him."

Horror twisted my guts. Kane
always seemed so matter-of-fact, too ingenuous to carry off such a big lie.
Truth is, sometimes I forget hełs a demon, and on that one I had believed him.

My hand started shaking, and
Rajah gripped it tighter. “I wonÅ‚t take that chance," he insisted. “IÅ‚ve
nothing to lose by trying. Four words, four souls. It canłt be worse than

Longing swelled my throat. It
sounded so easy, the way he said it. But nothing was that simple. “YouÅ‚d damn
four innocent people to be free?"

He brushed his lips over my knuckles,
leaving a hot, damp trail. “WouldnÅ‚t you?"

I thought of all the people IÅ‚d
already sent to hell. Men and women, old and young. All willing, all seduced by
the rapture, their souls bleeding out in their final deadly ecstasy. Most of
them on Kanełs shit list through every fault of their own. Liars, murderers,
greedy parasites with no care for those they crushed to make their way and no
kind thought for anyone but themselves.

Four more seemed insignificant.

My blood burned, and I pulled my
hand away, letting my head fall forward to hide the hunger surely apparent on
my face. My hair brushed his arm, tangling over the thrall bangle, and I swear
I heard him catch his breath. “Tell me. What must I do? Those words, theyÅ‚re
nonsense to me. How did you know it was Nino you needed?"

“Odium." RajahÅ‚s hot
whisper tingled my scalp alive. “That one was easy."

“Odium," I repeated
softly, closing my eyes. “Hatred. I donÅ‚t understand."

“Neither did I until a few weeks
ago. Itłs the moment, get it? Not just the person. You have to pick the moment
when they truly hate you. IÅ‚ve probably missed a thousand chances in four
hundred years. But in this city, you can see it. It shines around them like"

“Like an aura." I could barely
hear my own words for the thudding pulse in my head. In my mind I saw Killian
Quinn, face twisted, pistol cocked in his thick hand, his body glimmering with
swirling gray light. If anyone truly hated me with every straining fiber of his
body, it was Quinn. Odium. The first key to my freedom, within my reach.

Rapture burst within me, flooding
my nerve endings with hot sensation. I gasped, my muscles rippling, tension
wrenching deep inside, like an imminent orgasm that just wouldnłt break.

“Jade? Are you okay?"

I didnłt dare look at his face,
his swelling lips. My hair touching his arm was bad enough, his spicy scent
thick and delicious on my tongue, every slight movement of his body so close to
me an agony. But it was Quinn I burned for, vile Quinn I longed to subdue,
crush, devour with every seductive wisp of glamour I could muster. I didnłt
care that I loathed the thought of touching Quinn, of letting him touch me. I
wanted his soul, and my mouth watered.

Rajahłs warm fingers brushed my
chin, the briefest of caresses. “IÅ‚m sorry. I didnÅ‚t mean for that to happen.
Come on, IÅ‚ll walk you home."

Sensation shot through me where
he touched me, along the skin of my throat and down to my breasts, a promise of
pleasure and release. I jerked away and scrambled to my feet, my face hot. “I
can find it, thanks. IÅ‚m not lost."

“I know that. But youÅ‚re not
going alone, not after what Angelo did to you. He might be watching for you."

That was kind of sweet. I felt
sorry Iłd snapped at him. But I didnłt want Rajah at my place, not tonight, not
while I shuddered and yearned. Too easy to embarrass myself. I tried to step
around him. “IÅ‚ll be okay."

He blocked my path, stuffing his
hands in his pockets with a disobedient smile. “I can argue until the sun comes
up. If you want any sleep tonight, youłll have to submit." Still I hung back,
and he grimaced. “Believe it or not, I understand what youÅ‚re going through.
Look, no hands. Three feet away at all times. IÅ‚ll walk you to the door and
disappear. I wonłt even kiss you good night. Good enough?"

Like he would have wanted to kiss
me good night, if I let him? I scraped a hand through my hair and sighed. “IÅ‚m
sorry, okay? Itłs just"

“I know. You donÅ‚t have to
explain, remember?" And he stood back and held the door to let me out ahead of

This part of Brunswick Street was closing up this late
on a Sunday night, the restaurateurs and café owners switching their lights out
and locking steel grilles closed over their windows. The pub on the corner was
still open, the smell of beer drifting, the bandłs thudding bass vibrating onto
the footpath. A drunken troll hunkered in the gutter at the traffic lights,
snoring, his horned head lolling on one leather-clad shoulder, his curled black
toes twitching.

Heat haze shimmered the air above
the road, the concrete tram tracks sparking as a tram clunked past toward the
city. I walked along, sweating and silent, my arms crossed, my blood cooling
only slowly. My hair stuck to my neck in strands, itchy, and my fingertips
stung with the need to touch someone, anyone. Another shower for me when I got
home, this time a cold one.

A pair of seagulls pecked
squashed chips and fallen figs off the concrete on the corner of Carlton Gardens. Huge Moreton
Bay trees loomed in the
dimness above sun-browned lawn, fruit bats circling in the streetlightłs halo.
A sunflower-hued water sprite hung from the streetlight, swinging lazily from
one translucent long-fingered hand, dripping sweet-smelling silver droplets
from her rippling wings onto the footpath. Her soft song floated on the still
air like dust, lonely. I thought of Nyx, and my heart ached.

I glanced across at Rajah, who
was keeping his word, walking on the footpathłs outer edge, not looking at me.
I realized I didnłt know where he lived, and I wondered how far he was going
out of his way for me. The least I could do was say something. “How do you do
that, anyway?"

“How do I do what?"


He shrugged, sweat gleaming on
his arms. “Barely. ItÅ‚s a mortal trick I learned from a jaduwala in Kabul. A magician."

“You learned magic?" I was intrigued
in spite of myself, dread tightening my stomach. IÅ‚d dabbled in a bit of
witchcraft once, when I was young and stupid.

“ItÅ‚s what got me into this mess.
I was irresponsible. I lusted for more power than I could handle, and I got
careless. A student of mine . . ." RajahÅ‚s eyes stormed briefly, dark. “He
watched me, I let him get too close. He stole everything I had, my power, my
reason, my dignity. He traded me to Kane in return for some tricks." He shook
his head, damp black hair sticking to his cheek. “I never wanted immortality.
Itłs funny how things work out. How about you?"

Nervousness tingled, and I
pretended I didnÅ‚t know what he meant. “How about me what?"

“You know. Those." He gestured to
my bangles, careful not to touch me.

My cheeks burned as I reflected
on the hellish convent where IÅ‚d grown up. The stink of piss-starched linen,
shutters pulled forever over the windows. Days of prayers, lessons, more
prayers, starvation rations, and a thrashing the penalty for a mistake. Biting
my split lips when the bruises stung under the rough white cloth that hid my
face. Sleepless nights waiting in terror for cold, grasping hands. The night I
finally escaped, I was limping as I crawled out into the stinking dung heap,
squinting through one eye at magnificent, sprawling, shit-streaked London, the other eye
swollen like a pea stuffed in its pod.

Fifteen endless years old, with
neither love nor pity in my heart. I sank into rebellious days of picking
pockets and robbing graves, confidence tricks with my hair stuffed under a
boyłs cap or curled in ringlets like a ladyłs. Nights of mad absinthe-soaked
reveling, ripped satin gowns dyed verdant with arsenic, paste diamonds in my
ears, all the men I wanted and some I didnłt but took anyway because I could. I
got diseases, and I sloughed them away with vinegar or whiskey or some other
poison. I never got pregnant; the nuns and their gnarled beating stick had seen
to that. I cursed the Church like it cursed me, and crawled laughing into the
fringes of a shadow world, where the altars were dark, the crosses upside down,
the rituals blended with blood and orgasm. The Continent, Paris,
Amsterdam, Constantinople,
wherever the black word spread me.

And then Vorenus Luna, the most
beautiful man IÅ‚d ever seen. The face of an angel, the body of a god, and not
the slender weeping god nailed to those crosses but a glorious, virile idol of
the weird who fairly glowed with power. Come with me, Jade, kiss me once
more and IÅ‚ll show you real magic, not just fucking on an altar to spite some
foolish absent lord. Take me the way I want it and IÅ‚ll make you immortal.

Now I had real diamonds, silk
gowns embroidered with golden thread, a carriage with horses, and all the man I
wanted, for I only wanted one. He trained me in his every pleasure, molding me
in his sensual image, and I wallowed in it. We played every game, twisted every
kink, left no vice untried. Our library was hidden in a locked room, ancient
books with human skin for covering, grimoires, poison recipes, the devilłs handwriting
in blood on singed black paper. Lunałs power proved elusive, difficult, always
just beyond my reach.

And one day he tired of me and
left me chained to a wall underground, visiting me every so often to make me
eat and to humiliate me with things I no longer wanted to do, at least not with
him. My silk gown wore thin and greased up with grime, the curls falling from
my hair. I cursed Luna as Iłd cursed god, but a liar doesnłt need belief to
thrive, and Iłd learned no power that could ever hurt him. Hełd made sure of

Two months later he lost me to
Kane in a faro game. End of story.

I hadnłt thought about Luna in a
long time, and I didnłt like talking about it. Iłd wanted immortality once, to
spite that skinny god who insisted I must die as he had. IÅ‚ve changed since

Now I looked across at Rajah,
this oddly animated, disturbingly attractive stranger who longed to escape
Kanełs thrall so he could live, not so he could die, and an empty place deep in
my heart yearned. I wanted him to understand me, and not just because an
incubus was probably the only man who could, but because for some deluded
reason I thought Rajah might actually care. I wanted him to care. I wanted him
to know me for myself, not just as some desperate rapture-drenched screwup or a
scared little princess who gets beaten up by her jealous vampire boyfriend.

I took a deep breath and told him
the whole thing.

He walked in silence for a minute
after I finished, his hands still stuffed into his pockets. “Our stories are
similar," he said at last, and looked up at me with a dark hint of smile. “We
searched in the wrong places. Therełs no shame in that."

We turned the corner into my
street, and I couldnłt help but smile back, his gaze steady and warm on mine,
until after a while his candor made me uncomfortable and I looked away.

He surveyed my door, squashed in
under the stairs like a rabbit hole, and laughed. “YouÅ‚ll go a long way to make
your point, IÅ‚ll give you that. You know Kane would put you in a South Yarra mansion if you asked him to."

“IÅ‚ll never ask him to." I
shifted, awkward, and held out my hand. “Thanks."

After a moment he took it. “No
worries. If Ange bothers you, call me."

I flushed to remember that hełd
walked me home so Ange wouldnłt beat me up again. Not because he actually
wanted to talk to me or anything. “I didnÅ‚t mean that. I meant thanks for
dinner. And . . . and for wasting your night on me, I guess."

“It wasnÅ‚t a waste. I . . . umm .
. . had a good time."

He didnłt drop my hand, and my
skin burned even hotter. He was teasing my wrist with his fingertip, wearing a
tragically innocent look on his face. A shiver whispered up my arm, delicate,
genuine, not a contrived shimmer of rapture but honest desire. I thought of my
flat, humid and dark, sour with that blue-drenched smell. I didnłt want it to
smell of Nyx. I kept Nyx in my heart, where he belonged, not smeared on my
floor like excrement. I wanted it to smell of rogan josh, the sweet smoothness
of lassi and the dark, fresh aroma of Rajahłs sweat.

I swallowed. “Rajah?"

“Yeah." He slid his fingers over
mine, tracing them one by one, watching, transfixed.

I didnÅ‚t pull away. “YouÅ‚re still

“So I am." He brought my hand to
his beautiful lips, and his clever tongue flickered tingles over my fingertip.

I couldnłt help but gasp at the
rush of desire that flooded me, burning, all the way to my hardening nipples,
my trembling thighs, the desperate ache starting between my legs. I wanted to
slip my finger into his hot mouth so he could suck it. “DidnÅ‚t you say something
about disappearing?"

He gave a sultry half smile and
nibbled my fingertip again, this time grazing it with his teeth. Damn, his
wicked mouth turned me on. “Do you want me to disappear?"

God no. I wanted him to undress me,
trail his mouth over me, worship me, plunge his tongue between my legs and
drink me until I screamed. I shifted closer, and I could feel the beginning of
slick wetness down there, where that ache was getting worse, my flesh swelling
for him, blood pounding. “You mentioned kissing me good night, too."

He guided my hand into his satiny
black hair, gentle but insistent. “I think I mentioned not kissing you good
night, actually."

“So howÅ‚s that looking?" I
grabbed a handful, dark locks caressing my wrist, my nails grazing his skin.

“Not good. Keep doing that and
IÅ‚d say hopeless." He tossed his head back, sighing in pleasure.

The action brought me even
closer, and my tight nipples scraped his chest through my rough linen dress.
Pleasure zinged straight to my sex, so immediate that I moaned. He must have
felt it, too, because he crushed me against his hard body, his hand leaving
mine to cup my waist, strong fingers holding me, supporting me.

I dragged his head down to mine,
my fingers clenched in his hair, and his eyes gleamed with anticipation. I was
mesmerized. I inhaled, my lips parting, tasting him in advance, that cardamom
flavor doing wild things to my pulse. He groaned and bent his tempting lips to

The kiss seared my lips,
shocking. Blood throbbed in my clit, and I staggered, faint. Rajah pressed me
close, keeping me upright, his lips caressing mine so beautifully, sliding hot
over my mouth, taking me exactly where I yearned to go. My mouth sparkled,
alive with his energy, not edible and nourishing like Kanełs but pure sex,
spearing through me, filling my womb, making my flesh weep with longing.

He danced his tongue lightly over
mine, playing, teasing me until I whimpered, begging for more of him. Then his
tongue plunged into me, taking me like he might with his cock, long smooth
strokes that had me gasping and locking my arms around his neck, pressing
against him to feel his straining erection.

The taste of him made me drunk
and reckless. God, I wanted him filling me. A man who cared what I thought, who
actually gave a damn what I wanted. And it wasnłt like it could ruin our
friendship. Nothing to ruin. Just because I told him my most humiliating
secret, and he not only sympathized but actually understood, didnłt mean I
cared, right? And it certainly didnłt mean he did.

But I knew from the way we
kissed, the way his body responded, that he craved me, too, wanted to take me
hard, with his cock, his tongue, his deft fingers, everything. My breasts ached
against him, burning for him to suck them, and my swollen clit demanded the
same. I hadnłt wanted like this in an age. My eyelids swelled, treacherous
tears cool on my hot cheeks.

He gentled the kiss, his mouth
leaving mine to brush the tears away, his lips tender and soft on my face.
“Good night, Jade."

Urgency speared through my veins.
He probably didnłt like me, not really. Just liked turning me on, liked my body
and the idea of fucking me, another way he could get one up on Kane. But I
didnłt care. I twisted my fingers in his hair, yearning for him.

“Stay." Hell, that sounded
desperate. I was desperate. For him.

He caught his breath, closing his
eyes for a moment. “DonÅ‚t. Please. YouÅ‚re upset, you donÅ‚t really . . . I
canłt." He sighed, reluctant, and gently but firmly set me away from him.

“IÅ‚m okay. Really. I just . . ."
But I couldnłt stop the tears falling. It was that easy for him to take it or
leave it. He didnłt really care what I wanted. Just some mortal remnant of his
conscience, stopping him from screwing a woman in tears.

He bit his lip and lifted his
hand to my face, but checked it before he touched me. Instead he reached over
to trace his fingertip in the dusty glass on my door. Digits. His phone number.
“Just call me if you need anything, okay?"

And before I could say anything,
hełd vanished, only his delicious scent lingering.











Rajahni Seth stalks down the dark
street, his shadow long and black like a hellish shade. Hełs seething, his
palms burning and lust trembling in his roaring blood. That Jade. Like her.
Want her. Damn her.

So delicate,
almost translucent in her beauty, yet wild and passionate, sighing into him
like she meant it, the acid scent of her wet sexwet for himseeping over her
to drown him. His cock aches to fill her, bring her off, make her scream. His
mouth waters at the thought of tonguing her hard little nipples, her smooth
flat belly, the fragrant creases at the tops of her thighs. Wrapping his lips
around her secret flesh, feeling her blossom and come in his mouth, with no
thought for soultrap or nourishment or thrall, only her pleasure and his, over
and over . . .

He kicks at a
pebble, sending it skipping into the gutter. He wants her, so hot and hard, his
desire almost blots out the torrid shock of her words from a few minutes ago.

But not quite.

Vorenus Luna.
Hearing the name on Jadełs lips nearly floored him. The face floats in his
mind, the memory nearly four hundred years gone but still fresh, bleeding.

Rash hatred
fills him, mixing seductively with his lust. Luna. Trickster, thief, confidence
artist, oozing latent aptitude like he oozed sex appeal. A magnificent
predator. Theyłd been enemies, fierce competitors, reluctant but compelled
colleagues, attracted by some fell magnetism of mischief. Theyłd whispered in
dark ocean grottoes with demons, made love to soul-stealing fae in candlelit
stone halls, dragged ghosts screaming from their rest to demand the answers to
death itself, just for the sheer hell of it all.

Until Luna
decided he wanted the power more than he wanted the fun, and betrayed Rajah to
Kane in return for immortality.

Luna is here. In
Melbourne. The
lost echoes of Rajahłs power call to him, in the whisper of the wind at
midnight and the electric buzz of neon. But he can feel Luna in his blood, too,
in the same cells that sparkle in delight at the sweet potential whetting this
infant cityłs pristine air. Luna will have sensed that also, with whisper-sharp
perception both stolen and innate, and if therełs one thing our Luna will never
miss, itłs a party.

Sweat curls
around the rolled edges of Rajahłs bangles, running over the magic words
inscribed there. Odiumhatredhełs done with. Next comes primordiumthe
originand primordium has Vorenus Luna written all over it. The origin
of his thrall. He just knows that when he finds Lunawhich was what he intended
to see Angelo Valenti about tonight, before he got distracted by a stunning
handful of intoxicating, sexy womanwhen he finds Luna, that aura will leap out
like wicked sunshine.

He wonders how
long before Jade realizes the same thing.

He doesnłt know
what odium means to her. It could be anyone. But from the
heart-wrenching story she told tonight, Luna and primordium are one and
the same.

They canłt both
drink Lunałs soul. And if they donłt drink Lunałs soul, they canłt be free.
Frustration claws at his heart, and he almost wishes hełd left her bleeding on
the footpath by Valentinołs. Why did it have to be her? Why now?

For four hundred
years, Rajah would have sent any soul on earth to hell in order to be free. But
Jade engages him like no other in all those centuries. Never mind that tonight
he couldnłt take his eyes off the smooth inviting shape of her hips, her
kissable breasts, that tiny bud of a mouth he wanted to claim over and over.
Her heartfelt misery calls to him, makes him forget thrall and freedom and
centuries of servitude. He wants to shield her from her sorrow, thrill her,
prove to her with wits and humor and the sheer joy of living that death isnłt
the only answer to thrall.

The hottest
night of wild pounding sex she ever had might help, too.

He grits his
teeth, painful, and in his turmoil he flickers in and out of sight like a
misbegotten shade, the air shimmering and drifting around him. Hełs thinking
with his hard-on, and he knows it. His heart is his own. Not to be owned or
shackled, no matter how enticing the chains. If he has to use all his wiles to
steal Luna away from under Jadełs cute little nose, hełll do it. Let her hate
him forever. Hełll be free. Thatłs all that matters.

But for some
reason his heart aches, and his thoughts seethe so dark and bitter that he
doesnłt notice where hełs going, not until the yellow lightglobes of the
theater glare in his eyes and crowds jostle around him. Tonightłs show of Lloyd
Webber at the Princess is letting out, and chattering music theater fans mill
on the footpath beneath the shining cantilever. He pushes through, fingers
tensing at his sides, and slips down the side street into the dark.

A scrape behind
hima footstep?makes him pause, glancing over his shoulder to listen. Nothing.
A shadow. But even shadows follow, sometimes. He listens for a moment longer,
sniffing the air like a fox, and walks on.

Icy tentacles
wrap around the back of his neck.

He leaps against
the dark brick wall, his heart thudding, syllables of warding stinging on his

Frigid fairy
fingers trace his collarbone, yellow eyes glittering in reflected streetlight.
“A moment, incubus. Please."

He swallows an
angry retort when he sees her face, pale and drawn, ice crystals clogging her
lashes. “Watch who you surprise like that, sweetheart. You donÅ‚t know me."

The fire sprite
smiles, but the skin around her ample mouth cracks, flaking off to shatter on
the ground like glass. Ice forms in the scar, stained with sluggish amber
blood, crystals rapidly multiplying. “IÅ‚d like to know you," she husks, but no
pretty sparks fly on her breath, no flame curls in her crisp white hair or
leaps from her cold broken fingernails as she touches his lips. “YouÅ‚re so
warm. Kiss me."

“You donÅ‚t want
that." But Rajahłs skin burns, his fingers stinging. The body yearning into his
is slender, delicate, girlish, reminding him of Jade. His cock hardens, too
fast, painful. Rapture writhes hot in his blood even as he registers that shełs
sick, disintegrating with unnatural cold, her flame dying. Maybe what hełs
heard about fae poison doing the rounds is true.

She slips one
narrow hand between his legs, sexy despite the chill radiating from deep
beneath her marble skin. Her glassy wings jerk, amber shards splintering over
him like cold petals, and she wraps her spindly leg around him, impossibly
flexible, the joint cracking sickly. Compelled, he slips a hand beneath her,
pressing her tighter. His cock strains against her failing warmth, where there
should be searing heat, and he gasps as rapture increases the pressure to
compensate, hardening him to bursting.

“It hurts," she
gasps, her voice weary and rough with pain. “So cold, so deep inside. They say
you can suck out a girlłs soul. Do a girl a favor?"

Ice crackles on
his lips from her breath, and he licks them, anger and misplaced Jade-lust
heating his skin. Therełs something perverse about this, he shouldnłt be dying
to fuck this poor girl, but he is, see if he canłt make her overflow with his
heat before the life drains out of her.

She strains
closer, and he tries to pull away, sickened, sympathy butting hard against his callous
lust. “No, donÅ‚t" But her icy mouth clamps over his, her phosphorous taste
tainted with salt.

Defeated, he
thrusts his tongue into her mouth, kissing her hard, closing his eyes to the
sudden urgent shimmer of rapture in the air. A whisper of her poisoned chill
soaks into him along with her energy, and she moans brokenly, her lips cracking
under the pressure. Urgent now, he squirms his hand under her dress, searching
for the last remnants of heat. Shełs wet, but itłs cool and his fingers are
burning. He finds her knotted little clit and presses, making tiny circles. She
gasps into his mouth, moving against him, her brittle skin crumbling against
his wrist, and after only a few seconds she cries out, shuddering. A dark mass
of sour liquid flows into Rajahłs mouth, running cold down his throat, and she
slumps against him, still.

The rapture
sizzles in triumph, and Rajah chokes, his pulse throbbing. He pushes her aside,
trying to lift her gently to the ground, but her bones crack, her skin ruptures
like thin ice on a pond. Her broken body sags to the ground, her head lolling,
her amber wings splintering to dust.

A fist of pain
thrusts into his guts. He doubles over, and black acid spews forth, searing his
throat. He coughs and spits, his mouth burning. The poisoned soul puddle
writhes on the dusty pavement, shrinking, hardening to a crisp black crust.

Rajah reaches
blindly for the wall, the rough brick skinning his palm, and cool male laughter
grates in his ears. Panting, he looks up into empty blue eyes.

“So itÅ‚s true
what they say. There really is a fae-murderer at large. I do believe IÅ‚m
aroused." Sweat glistens on a pale brow, drops sparkling in dark curly hair.
Crisp blue jeans, silver belt buckle, white shirt splashed with a few drops of

Rajah spits,
deliberately close to the manłs shoes. Got a fucking nerve, slinging around the
word murderer like he gives a shit. “She was already sick, DiLuca. Fuck

Dante leans his
shoulder against the wall, casual, his cool smile revealing nothing. “I heard
you were asking about me. No, I said, it canłt be true. He hasnłt finally come
to his senses."

“DonÅ‚t get your
hopes up. IÅ‚m just looking for a guy you might know." Rajah straightens,
catching his breath. Luna will surround himself with a false, glittering crowd
of liars, con artists, and vacuous beauties to prove how superior he is. The
kind of people Dante delights in baiting. Hełd thought it worth a try.

Slim dark
eyebrows lift. “I believe your last words to me were an obscenity involving my
mother and something about a cold day in hell." Dante leans closer, and Rajah
can smell him, salty and strong with blood. “Well, itÅ‚s warm in hell, Rajahni.
Warm and excruciating. IÅ‚ve been there. IÅ‚m not going back. If you want my
help, youłll earn it."

Sour guilt gnaws
at Rajahłs guts, alongside fear that Dantełs been following him, has seen him
with Jade. Hełs always thought hełll do anything, give anything. Any soul on
earth. Any bloodstained bargain. Anything but thrall. But imagining his sweet
Jade in Dantełs hands has him twitching with rage and sorrow.

His Jade. It
sounds good. “I told you before, I wonÅ‚t play your games."

“Even to spare
your luscious little whore of a girlfriend?" Dante shows his teeth at last,
sharp and gleaming in the streetlight. “Fuck or feed, thatÅ‚s always the

Fury ignites,
flickering like static along Rajahłs already taut nerves. Worms of irritation
wriggle in his skin that Dante always knows exactly how to taunt him, but Rajah
canłt let it lie. He steps closer, their shadows mingling like ink on broken
concrete. “Listen to me, you sick prick. I donÅ‚t want your blood, I donÅ‚t want
your screwed-up life, I sure as hell donłt want you. And if you ever threaten
her again"

“YouÅ‚ll what?"
Dante sniffs, testing the air, inhaling Rajahłs scent, and licks fine scarlet
lips. “Finger-fuck another fairy to death?"

Rajahłs temper
explodes, melting his common sense, and he slams Dante back into the wall with
a vicious swipe of his gold-wrapped forearm. Dante hisses, reddish spit running
on his teeth. His dark shape blurs like a spiteful shadow, and the next thing
Rajah knows, hełs retching on all fours, his guts cramping and sharp grit
digging into his palms.

Iron fingers
yank his hair, dragging his head down, and wet vampire breath burns the back of
his neck. Bloodstink sears, sickening. “DonÅ‚t provoke me, slut-boy. IÅ‚ll tear
you in half and bathe in the mess you make."

Rajah chokes,
kicking, but DanteÅ‚s grip is fast. “Fine," he gasps, slick phlegm coating his
lips. “IÅ‚ll find him myself. Just leave her alone."

“WeÅ‚ll see."
Dantełs wet tongue flicks down along Rajahłs throat, tasting, and in a rush of
warm breeze hełs gone, an empty space where his shadow lay.

Rajah spits and
hauls himself up, twisting his neck with a crack. Dantełs spit slides on his
skin, and he rubs it off, wincing. Hełll just have to find Luna himself.
Stupid, to imagine DiLuca would soften at a decent request. And the thought of
Dante stalking Jade with his warped and vengeful appetite churns sick disgust
into Rajahłs aching stomach. He wants to seek her out, warn her, protect her,
keep her for himself.

But shełs a big
girl. She can take care of herself, and she never asked for his help. For all
he knows, shełs into that kind of thing. Itłs none of his business. Right?

He shakes his
head, bile bright and sour in his mouth, and walks stiffly away into the dark.











The queue outside the club stretched down
the street inside a black velvet rope, blue neon glowing overhead. Bats flapped
in the streetlights. Cars cruised past, drivers hanging out the window to check
out the scenery, and there was plenty to check out. Unseelie Court attracts the finest and freakiest
Melbourne has
to offer, and the line was a flashbulb forest of Lycra-bursting breasts, tanned
female legs in fishnets, buffed boy muscles in rainbow colors, and the glitter,
glass, and glamour of gorgeous fae. The hottest action, the coolest drugs, the
most expensive drinks in townthe Court had it all.

The other thing
about Unseelie Court
is that on paper it was neutral territory. Owned by neither DiLuca nor Valenti,
it wasnłt off-limits to anyone, so either everyone was safe or everyone was
fair game, depending on which way you looked at it.

I ducked under
the rope, attracting some envious glares and a sneer or two. It wasnłt actually
true that you couldnłt get in unless the bouncers thought you were hot. But it
was a useful myth for management to foster, and in any case, I had a certain
advantage when it came to first impressions.

I stalked up and
smiled at the big black-shirted troll on the door, igniting my glamour with a
crackle of static. “IÅ‚m expected."

He flushed
darker green, his beady gaze fixed on my chest, the vein in his biceps pulsing.
“Sure, honey. Go on in."

I winked.
“Thanks, big guy."

He pushed the
metal door open, releasing a warm breath of smoke-stained air from inside, and
I hopped up the stairs and into the Court.

Music throbbed,
dark art rock, the off-rhythmic beat vibrating in my lungs. The dim air flashed
with colored lasers and sweet white smoke. Brilliant strobes stabbed at the
shining floor, snapping shots of sinuous bodies moving to the rhythm,
glittering off oiled muscles, piercings, lissome limbs, iridescent fairy wings.
Along one side, the bar glowed, girls in tight black T-shirts serving colored
spirits and sparkling fae-drenched wine.

remnants of my rapture turned heads as I sidled through, and I didnłt stop or
look. I thought I looked okay, in a tight black halter dress that reached only
halfway down my thighs and a pair of low heelsthat is, if you liked skinny, no
breasts, bony hipsbut I knew they werenłt really looking at me.

I could do with
a fix, after once again so nearly screwing Rajahłs brains out last nightdidnłt
look like IÅ‚d learn the no-Rajah lesson any time soon, not the way he made me
ache and burn and moistenbut my golden bangles buzzed, Kanełs slick insistent
whisper creeping in my heart. I wanted to scratch myself all over, the
pestilent itch of thrall maddening me. It would only get worse until I found
Dante DiLuca and did as Kane ordered me. I hankered to hunt down Detective
Quinn, too, suck his hate-filled soul into my trap and begin this horrid
freedom ritual, but as always, thrall overrode my own wants. My black lust for
Quinnłs soul would have to wait.

I shouldered
through to the glowing glass-topped bar, impatient, and ordered a tequila shot,
leaning my elbows on the warm surface. The place was pumping tonight, and as
usual no one cared much what anyone did or who saw. On a couch in the dim
corner, a peach-skinned water sprite with long tapered wings like a dragonflyłs
was going down on some moaning mortal girl, her leather skirt twisted around
her waist. Her ankles were locked around his slender neck, his long pointed
tongue lapping at her glistening sex, feeding. I wondered if she could see
through his glamour to what he really looked like, like I could, or whether she
just thought she was getting it from some hot mortal guy with an acrobatic

My drink came,
and I tossed it back, the strong alcohol searing my throat. How should I
approach this? How smart was this Dante anyway? Rapture didnłt work too well on
vampires. Perhaps a direct come-on was too overt. Then again, notorious vampire
gangsters are still just men in the end: when it comes to thinking, itłs dick
first, fangs second, brain a distant third.

I ordered
another drink, relaxing the curve of my back on the bar while I waited. Against
the wall at the end, a half-naked shaven-headed guy with the body of an athlete
took a panting blood fairy from behind, pumping into him with fingers clenched
on his narrow hips. Sanguine sweat trickled on the fairyłs naked back, his
wings glowing crimson, wet dark hair falling in his face.

“Let me get

I watched them,
fanning myself with my hand. Damn, it was hot in here. I realized someone had
spoken. “Huh?"

“I said, let me
get us a few drinks so I can work up the courage to hit on you." The voice was
amused, unruffled, a touch of sexy continental Italian.

I turned, and a
short rebuff died on my lips. He was cute. Sweet smile, neat dark curly hair
just right for crushing, the most amazing indigo eyes. Expensive clothes, dark
shirt and trousers on a tight, fit body. Great ass. A hint of fresh scent that
warmed my belly. No, he was more than cute. Sexy, in a nonchalant I might
not be Rajah, but that doesnłt mean Iłm not hot kind of way.

Guess my rapture
must still be showing. I sighed, regret stinging. “Look, you donÅ‚t understand.
Iłm not really . . . This isnłt really me, okay? Youłd be disappointed."

The bar girl
delivered my shot. I gulped it, fire flowing into my blood, and he gestured for
another. “I donÅ‚t think so. I have a pretty good idea what to expect, and I
still really want to hit on you, Jade."

I suddenly
realized my bangles no longer clamored quite so loud, and I flushed, my nerves
twisting. Jesus. Did I have to screw everything up?

He just held out
his hand, rings glinting. “Dante."

I took it,
hoping I could repair my mistake. He kissed my hand, just the briefest brush of
warm lips before he released it, and faint warmth flooded my cheeks. From any
other guy, the hand-kissing thing was trying way too hard. This Dante did it
like he wasnłt thinking, like I just deserved it. Smooth.

Sharp teeth
glistened at the corners of his mouth, and I smiled in return, uneasy. At least
he had manners. “IÅ‚ve heard of you."

“Really? What
did you hear?" He leaned toward me, his forearm on the glass bar, and then he
grinned, bashful, and dropped his gaze for a moment. “No, scratch that. LetÅ‚s
talk about you. What brings a girl like you to me?"

I laughed. They
were all the fucking same, even charming ones like this. “Yeah, I bet you know
a lot of ęgirls like me,ł right?"

“You mean
touched with sorrow? Wasted? Unfulfilled?" His blue gaze didnłt waver, and for
an instant my insides lurched like I was falling, drowning in warm indigo

I shivered,
pleasured, and tossed my head with a nonchalant laugh. “Wow. You work fast,
Dante DiLuca."

“Only when
therełs no time to waste."

“Really. So
whatłs your hurry this time?"

The bar girl
brought the drinks, only it wasnłt tequila but golden fairy wine, fragrant mist
wisping from the tall-stemmed glasses. Dante slipped one into my hand, drawing
closer to clink his glass against mine. “To get to know you before you get all
dutiful on me and go back to Angelo."

His closeness
warmed me, made me feel good. Not challenging, or frightening, or sexually
threatening. Pleasant. Alluring. Moreish. The icy glass stung my lips as I
sipped, giddy fae essence leaching from the wine onto my tongue, melting like
snow. I vaguely recalled I was supposed to be pretending rebellion. “What makes
you think duty means anything to me?"

He gave a tiny
shrug, awareness of his movement washing over me in a rash of goose bumps. “Why
else your sorrow?"

My heart
swelled. Jesus. He knew all the right things to say. IÅ‚d felt more genuine
interest from him in two minutes than IÅ‚d had from Ange in a month. And he
smelled fantastic, something I couldnłt place, berries or fruit or . . .

Jade. This guyłs dangerous. Youłre supposed to be getting information out of
him, not gazing into his pretty vampire eyes. Make him try harder, uncover
himself, let something slip.

I shrugged,
light and heady. “Maybe I had a lousy day, and IÅ‚m just looking for some fun."

Dante laughed, a
glint of fascination brightening those wonderful eyes. “Five people dead last
night in a street fight your idea of fun, Jade? Such charming chaos. I knew IÅ‚d
like you."

The war had
started, then. I hadnłt heard about any fight last night, but Ange sure wasnłt
in a good mood when I left him. I shook my head and laughed, like it was all
too complicated for little old me. “DonÅ‚t blame me for your gang bullshit."

Dante leaned
closer, confidential. “Why not? It wasnÅ‚t me who accused Angelo of having a
small dick. Nice play, by the way. Is it true?"

So hełd heard
about my quiet conversation with Ange. Great. I drank again, trying to look
uninterested, and obligingly my mind swayed and drifted loose. “YouÅ‚re giving
me too much credit. The boys are restless, thatłs all. If they donłt rip a few
DiLuca arms off every now and then, they get bored and start breaking things.
Nothing to do with me."

“DonÅ‚t bore me
with modesty. Actions have consequences. If you want to play, youłve got to be
prepared to lose."

A pleasant buzz
drifted in my head, whether from the wine or Dante I couldnłt tell. He was
right. IÅ‚d said my lines and taken my chances. Shit, if Ange wanted to get
hormonal, so much the better. I sipped and swallowed, steadying myself against
the bar. I felt warm, pliant, agreeable, and through a distant fog of apathy,
it occurred to me that maybe Dante had put something in my drink.

He slipped his
hand around my waist and tinkled the rim of his glass against mine again. “So
do you want to play, Jade? Or are you just a spectator?"

For a moment I
wanted to protest, to say, What the fuck? How dare you? but the truth
was, I didnłt mind at all. He made me feel safe, wanted, protected. That
bottomless blue gaze flooded mine, his fingers harmless on my waist, and
gratitude immersed me, overwhelming. “Umm . . . what did you have in mind?"

He put his glass
aside to grip my chin, gentle but inexorable, as if he needed to make me look
at him the way I was staring. “Be mine, Jade." His whisper was comforting, warm
and sweet like honey, mesmeric. “Forget Angelo. Forget Rajahni Seth. Give
yourself to me. You know you want to."

My lip trembled.
I did want to. So help me, I did. Some distant warning of wrongness clamored
deep in my skull, and my thrall bangles heated, urgent, but it seemed faint.
Inconsequential. I ignored it.

Dante gave a
soft smile and put a finger to his lips, as if to hush me. I watched,
fascinated. Now, blood shone on his fingertip, rich dark blood with a coppery
scent that made me faintly sick. Horror gripped me with sudden, burning claws
as he brought the filth to my lips, but it was too late. I couldnłt move.

Hot vampire
blood ran into my mouth, coating my tongue with salt and rust. My will
dissolved, and the first dark sexual glimmer sparkled in his eyes. “Come,
Jade," he whispered, walking me backwards away from the light, “tell me



Dante feeds her, just a single burning
drop on the tip of his finger, and she sucks it down greedily, her eyes
glazing, her tongue lapping and searching.

“More." Her whisper
is husky and pleading, and Dante smiles softly as he walks her back into the
dark. This is only the beginning of her addiction. Shełll need more, crave it,
beg him for it. But not now. Therełs too much to do, with her body limp and
willing under his hands. She isnłt really his typetoo skinny, too many
bonesbut to take what belongs to Kane and Rajahni fucking Seth makes his teeth
ache and his cock bend and strain.

He canłt help
but press his body against her, enjoying the pressure of her little breasts,
the grind of her hips. Never mind the business with her and Angelo, so
painfully transparent, it makes his head ache. Shełs so needy, so empty inside.
For all her powersand he can feel them, struggling deep within her like a
starving beastshełs just a lonely, unloved little girl. Easy prey to a sly
whisper of charm, a blink of hypnotic suggestion. And then a single drop of
lust-drenched blood turns Kanełs spy into Kanełs weakness. Itłs all too easy.

He sniffs at her
mouth, teasing himself with a taste of her bloodstained breath. “Tell me what
Kane wants."

“Poisoned fae,"
she murmurs, distracted, her eyes rolling. “He wants to know why you killed

Irony stings
Dantełs throat, sour amusement stinging like bile. He laughs, and nips
playfully at her chin, catching it in his teeth and shaking gently. “Fucking
demons and their games. Well, it doesnłt matter. Shall we get to know one

Swiftly he folds
her onto the soft white couch, her limbs still strong but pliable, persuadable.
Her head falls back against the wall, listless, her forest-brown hair floating
on her shoulders. “More," she pleads again, breathless, her lips shining.

The urge to take
her throbs in his veins. Take her. Taste her. Skin breaking, flesh crushing in
his mouth. Shake her throat in his teeth until the tendons rip and the burning
blood runs scarlet . . .

But not yet.
Therełs too much to be gained from waiting. With the blood already seeping
poison into her wits, Jade will tell Kane exactly what Dante wants her to.
Andthe salty gravy on the feastthis willowy ingénue is in RajahniÅ‚s
confidence. Rajahni is planning something. Plans can be spoiled. Jadełs blood
will speak to Dante, tell him the truth she wonłt dare whisper.

Dante snarls,
hot saliva flowing over his teeth, dripping. Sweat dampens his warming skin.
Her carcass is his. Hełll suck blood from her throat, her ankle, the palm of
her hand, the core of her dripping sex, tear her skin open wherever it pleases
him and shełll beg for more while shełs screaming.

But not yet.

He peels her
skirt up to get his mind off her blood, pulling her legs apart and her skimpy
black underwear away. Her sex smells fresh, clean, salty, blood pulsing gently
in the vein inside her slit. He growls and drags his tongue over her, the hot
slick fluid the next best thing. She presses against him, murmuring, offering
herself, and he dives his tongue in, searching, tasting, feeling for that
tempting pulse.

She writhes, her
murmurs deepening to moans. Her clit hardens under his stroking, her flesh swelling.
He burns to pierce it, twist it, feel the orgasmic gush of blood splashing the
back of his throat. His cock swells in sympathy, urging him not to stop, to
take everything, even if itłs just to spite Rajahni. But if she comes, if he
bites that tender little bud to feel it throb, hełll never stop until he
consumes her.

He drags himself
away, aching, his teeth stinging with thwarted anticipation. He cleans her up,
wiping away the wetness, and pulls her skirt down before he leaves her to lurk
in the darkness, stalking her with hungry eyes.

“What the fuck
was that?" His skinny cousin Joey sidles up to him, black fedora tilted over
one unblinking eye.

Dante grins.
“That, Joseph, is an opportunity."

Joeyłs narrow
hands morph to scaly black fins, and he snaps curved talons together like hełs
still picking Valenti blood from them. “DonÅ‚t underestimate Kane."

underestimates me. Fuck him."

“I told you that
demon queenłs been sniffing after you. We should do the deal, get her on our
side before"

“I already told
you no." Dante crunches bitter teeth, his own blood stinging his tongue. Let
Angelo fawn to the demon court if he wants to. No demon queen will own the
DiLucas, not while Dante lives. He searches the crowd for Jade and steps away
to follow her.

Joey grips his
arm with snakeskin webs, the stink of rotten leather rising. “That oneÅ‚s
poison, Dante. Youłre crossing the line. Why donłt you let me handle her?"

Jealousy burns
Dantełs blood, and he snaps aching fangs within an inch of Joeyłs black-scaled
nose. “No. SheÅ‚s mine."

Joey squirms
backwards, his neck elongating swiftly like a serpentÅ‚s. “Okay, dude. Whatever
you say. Just donłt say I didnłt warn you."

Dante wipes his
sticky mouth. “You always warn me, Joseph. ItÅ‚s never stopped me before." And
he grins over his shoulder as he slinks away.











I sat up with a start, blinking. Unseelie Court hove
into view, crowded and smoky, lights glowing, music throbbing. My fingers found
soft suede upholstery beneath me, my short skirt still in place, my purse
mercifully unstolen. I didnłt remember sitting down. Those tequilas must have
really gone to my head. IÅ‚d vagued out for a minute. Beside me on the pale
couch, two girls kissed, spit shining, onełs hand planted firmly between the
otherłs legs. Looked like I was lucky no one had jumped me while I sat here in
a daze.

I swallowed, my
mouth sour, and stood, my legs a little weak but not so unsteady as IÅ‚d feared.
I wasnłt wearing a watch, so I had no idea what time it was, but the club was
still pumping. I had time to do what IÅ‚d come for. Detective Quinn would be
here somewhere, and his soul was mine. My guts warmed as I thought about it, my
pulse quickening, and rapture awoke, snarling within me like a caged tiger.

I weaved around
the ring of sofas and shouldered out onto the floor, through glitter-eyed
banshees and rainbow-haired fae, struggling to silence my simmering rapture so
no one would notice me. Unseelie
Court was owned and run by some faceless corporate
conglomerate, but the DiLucas hung out here with predictable regularity and
Quinn was up to his speed-shiny eyeballs in their graft. Hełd be here, and hełd
be in the shadows, watching, waiting for some simple, unsuspecting wallflower
to try his shallow charm and rough good looks on.

I climbed metal
steps to the shadowy mezzanine. Fae and mortal alike tumbled and giggled on the
floor in a haze of chemical mirth, or slumped sluggish against steel chairs,
hallucinating, fingers straining for things only they could see. A fat black
spriggan waddled among them, stealing, her gnarled fingers crawling into their
pockets or snapping off chains and shiny earrings.

I ventured
deeper into the green neon darkness. Against a wall, a muscled vampire in
leather nuzzled a naked, groaning mortal boyłs cock, tongue and teeth trailing
over the soft-veined skin inside his thigh. That little romance was going only
one place.

Above the narrow
doorway to the back room drug shop burned a single ultraviolet fluorescent,
bathing smokers, lovers, and junkies in weird violet lightand against the
doorframe leaned Killian Quinn, alone, tense and twitchy, a cigarette burning
in his hand. I could only hope he hadnłt already gotten off tonight.

He saw me, and
his eyes focused, unmoving. I walked up, letting him survey me with that
chilling half disgust, half lust that made me squirm. “Hello, Killian."

He eyed me
sullenly, his gaze traveling over me, up, down. He didnłt look very drunk, and
his bloodshot brown eyes gleamed dully over a falling high. An almost
imperceptible green mist hummed around him, shining sickly.

I glanced around
in the dim purple glow. No one watched us. Excitement tightened my skin, and I
tried to keep my breath steady. He knew what I was, of course, so I had to be
careful with the rapture. Subtle. I shifted, crossing one foot over the other,
letting my hair fall on my shoulder with an oh-so-gentle shimmer of persuasion.
“Look, I wanted to say sorry about the other night. I didnÅ‚t mean what I said.
I just . . ." I let my head drop, hiding behind my lashes. A real blush burned
my cheeks, but it wasnłt from modesty. Lust for his soul writhed inside me,
threatening to break loose and smother him.

“You just what?"
He drew hard on his cigarette, the ash flaring bright, and held the smoke for a
moment before releasing it away from me.

I wandered
closer, twisting my fingers together like I was embarrassed, and breathed another
tiny whiff of rapture into the air. No more, or heÅ‚d get suspicious. “You want
the truth?"

His pale gaze
slipped to my breasts, then back up to my face, and he swallowed and dragged
again. “ItÅ‚d make a change."

Watching him
move was okay, actually, now he wasnłt threatening to rape me with a .38. He
was a big man, tense, barely contained. I could see his muscles straining
beneath his shirt, sweat trickling along his throat, the dark aura shimmering
like a second skin. A hot body, overwhelmingly male. Probably had a big cock.
IÅ‚d bet he was quick and rough in bed, a good hard ride if you could keep up
with him.

Pity he was such
a woman-hating asshole that the thought of doing what IÅ‚d have to made my
stomach turn, even as my yearning for his soul made me want it bad.

I slid my hand
onto the wall beside him and shifted even closer. Now I could smell him, fresh
sweat and scotch. I looked into his eyes, letting my gaze flicker downward.
“Truth is, I donÅ‚t know how to behave around you. What you did, the way you
touched me . . . it got me thinking." I licked my lips to tempt him. “IÅ‚ve been
thinking about it all weekend."

His aura
rippled, thickening like murky green treacle. He turned toward me, his shoulder
against the wall, his breath deep and husky. “Yeah?"

I didnłt back
off. “Every waking moment."

Insolently he
stroked my hair with the hand holding the cigarette, smoke drifting. He wound a
curl around his broad thumb, pulling until it hurt, watching me gasp. “You look
hot, with that tight dress up around your sexy ass."

It was hard to
smile at such an evil compliment. But I did, and my trapped rapture made me
ache, hungry now as I traced a seductive finger down over his shirt to his belt
buckle. “I wore it for you."


To make me look like
the slut he thought I was. I moved my finger lower, teasing. “I wanted you to
like me."

“Is that all you
want?" His aura flared, bright, and he tossed his cigarette away and grabbed my
hand, his eyes flashing. For a moment I thought hełd shove me away, and my
heart skipped, but instead he wrenched my hand over and pressed it into his
lap, his breath short.

Oh, yeah. He had
a big cock, all right. Big and hard like a stone. Angry heat sizzled off him to
burn my palm, his fingers digging into my wrist.

“God," I
whispered, widening my eyes, “youÅ‚re so . . . I never thought youÅ‚d let me . .

His eyes
flashed, ravenous and filthy with hatred, that aura writhing bright and evil.
My pulse thudded in my ears, triumphant. My thighs tingled, and rapture clawed
within me, my body screaming with lust. I was wet, my flesh throbbing with
anticipation. I wanted it, and I hated it as much as he did. If he rammed that
hot, massive thing inside me, IÅ‚d come, and that would be too humiliating.

So I slipped to
my knees on the iron floor, gazing raptly up at him, letting my lips part and
shine. God, I was glad it was dark and no one else could see me. “Can I?
Please, Killian. Let me."

Swiftly he
opened his trousers, freeing his cock, the musky smell of aroused male sweat
overpowering. He leaned on the wall over me, his head on his forearm, one hand
twisting in my hair, tight so it hurt. “Suck me, bitch. If I see you pulling
any rapture tricks, IÅ‚ll break your fucking neck."

Wełd see about
that. Until youłve experienced the rapture, you donłt really understand how
helpless you are.

His hateful aura
swam around me, tingling my skin with delight and danger. I took him in both
hands, triumph and dread swilling together in my guts. A drop of liquid already
glistened on his tip, and I licked it off, hot and salty, making him sigh. I
slipped the head into my mouth and closed my lips over it, letting the saliva
flow to dilute his sweat, sliding one hand down to grip his heavy balls. They
were tight, hot, the veins pulsing rapidly. It wouldnłt be too long before his
soul was mine.

I slid my lips
down farther, grazing him with my teeth, applying suction with my tongue. He
groaned and pressed forward. “Yeah. Take it. Take it all, you horny slut."

God, how
romantic, you fucking shitball.

I moved down as
far as I couldhe really did have a huge cockand pulled back, sucking. He
watched me hotly as I worked him, and I watched him back, sensation building
inside as rapture sizzled over my every nerve ending, stinging to be free. And
then he made his last mistake.

He closed his

I sucked down as
hard as I could, dizzy with triumph, and let the straining rapture gush out.

The air
shimmered, crackling hot with seductive energy. His swirling aura fled like a
storm cloud, screaming, but it was too late. He gave a gasping groan, and I
swear his cock swelled even further as he pushed it deeper into my throat. “Oh,
Jesus, Jade, youłre good. So hot . . ." He crushed his fist in my hair, leaning
over me, his heavy thighs straining, thrusting harder and faster until he let
out a throaty cry and emptied himself into my mouth. His hot seed spurted into
me, sweet and salty, and with it came his soul, a dark struggling mass of
seething emotion that boiled down my throat like hot tar. I swallowed, and swallowed.

Color drained
from his eyes, his face slackened, and it was done.

I let go and
scrambled aside before he fell. I collapsed panting against the wall beside his
lifeless body, wiping my wet mouth with the back of a shaking hand. Victory
burned in my heart even as my stomach churned with what hełd left there. I had
him. He was mine. One down, three to go.

But Jesus. IÅ‚d
just sucked off Killian Quinn. That qualified as a new low, even by my

Nausea clutched
my guts, and I scrabbled in my purse for the brass soultrap bottle, popping the
cork just in time. My stomach heaved, and the black mess spewed out stained
with white froth. It poured into the bottle, plopping like hot black soup.
Tears scorched my eyes, my face burning. My guts clenched again, and more foul
liquid choked me, splashing out over my hand. I wiped my dripping lips, but
still more came up, and by the time I finished spewing, IÅ‚d filled the bottle
to the very top.

I spat one more
time, jammed the cork back in and shoved the bubbling bottle back into my
purse. My guts ached, my mouth sour and stinging with acid. I wiped my mouth
again, black grime smearing with what was left of my lip gloss, and scrambled
to my feet. No one watched me in the dark. No one saw anything. All too intoxicated
to care. Even forensics wouldnłt lead to me. They didnłt have my DNA on file,
and even if they did, going down on a guy isnłt illegal. Without Quinn, the
cops didnłt believe in succubi. And Quinn was a speed addict, a hypertensive
accident waiting to happen. IÅ‚d get away with it. I always did.

My knees buckled
as I descended the mezzanine stairs, and I had to grip the railing to keep
myself upright. My rapture crackled angrily, robbed of its treasure, and
swollen glands ached between my legs. That was to be expected, but all wasnłt
well inside me. I could feel it. Part of Quinnłs energy still festered within,
not yet dead or consumed. It feels strange, another personłs soul jabbering in
my mind, terrified, thrashing against the bars of its new and eternal cage.

It occurred to
me for the first time that IÅ‚d have to drink the whole thing again to be free.
As well as three others, whoever they turned out to be. IÅ‚d be lucky if I
didnłt come out a raving lunatic.

I reached the
bottom of the stairs and searched through the backlit smoke for the exit. My
rapture gnashed frustrated teeth, making me squirm. I didnłt want to feed it,
not now. I wanted to go home and sleep it off.

“There you are.
Are you okay? IÅ‚ve been looking for you." He hurried up to me, his dark blue
eyes clouded with concern.

“What?" For a
moment I had no idea who he was.

But he slipped
his arm through mine, and warm contentment flowed over my skin, calming my
restless heart. Dante. I remembered now. I was supposed to pretend to like him.
Thing was, I did like him. I felt like Iłd known him for years. Wełd had such
an interesting conversation . . . about what, exactly? How exactly did we meet?

I didnłt
remember, and for a moment confusion rippled my nerves, uncomfortable.

But I knew hełd charmed
me, intrigued me, treated me like an equal instead of like an object. That was

He smiled,
handsome, and my heart fluttered. I dropped my gaze, sure I was blushing like a
girl. “Oh, sure. IÅ‚m fine."

“Can I get you
anything? You look hot." He paused, and swiped a hand over his dark curls,
embarrassed. “Shit. Flushed. I mean you look flushed. I didnÅ‚t mean it that
way." He touched me shyly under the chin, his fingers warm and safe.

I liked how he
spoke without thinking, said what was on his mind. How he didnłt try to touch
me sexually, even though I could see he wanted to. Though right now I wouldnłt
have minded if he had tried something. I wanted to forget about Quinn, get rid
of the greasy shadow of his hands in my hair, his salty sweat on my lips.

I grabbed
DanteÅ‚s smooth hand, slipping my fingers into his. “IÅ‚m fine. Really."

“How about
another drink?" He made as if to lead me away.

“How about you
come here?" I pulled him back, closer, facing me, and his body brushed mine,
warm. IÅ‚d let Quinn make me his whore. Dante could wash me clean again.

He smiled, his
heartbeat quickening against me. “Okay. IÅ‚m here. What now?"

He felt lean,
muscular, controlled. Not massive and frightening like Quinn. I needed Dante to
touch me, needed to know I was still here, not in some crazy dreamland where I
gave blow jobs to men I despised and cried in the arms of men I lusted after,
where everything was turned upside down, where it was even possible I could be

“Well, generally
you go like this." I slipped his hands around my waist. “And this." I slid my
arms around his neck, crossing my wrists.

“Mmm." He dared
to pull me closer, a sparkle in his eyes. “IÅ‚m beginning to get the idea."

“Thought you
might." I wanted to look at his mouth, tempt him to kiss me, but I couldnłt
look away from those wonderful, bottomless indigo eyes. All my secrets seemed
to swirl there, everything IÅ‚d ever wanted a man to understand. My head swam,
my thoughts melting in warm, adoring enchantment. I wanted to tear my heart out
and give it to him. Lie beneath him and whisper I love you while he
stroked my face, played with my hair, made love to me.

He drifted his
mouth closer, his teeth glinting. “Is this okay?"

I swallowed,
cool fear coating my nerves even as my heart raced. Angelo and his vicious
moods had kind of turned me off the whole vampire sex thing. I wanted so much
for this to be different. “Umm . . ."

“DonÅ‚t be
afraid. I wonłt bleed you unless you ask me to." His warm whisper brushed my
lips, and desire wrapped me like a hot velvet blanket.

piqued my need as I remembered Iłd just vomited, and probably wouldnłt taste
too good, given the contents. But Dante didnłt seem to mind. He closed his
eyes, his lips hovering so close to mine but not touching, waiting for me to go
to him.

And I did. His
mouth was soft, gentle, warm, tasting faintly metallic, and trust glowed in my
veins along with smoldering desire. He wasnłt like Angelo, crude and demanding
and careless of my pleasure. I wanted to share myself with him. I tried to get
him to part his lips, tracing my tongue over them, tempting, but he shook his
head to break free, his fingers tightening on my hips. “You shouldnÅ‚t."

“I donÅ‚t care."
I captured another kiss, sinking my fingers into his crisp curls, and he
groaned and caught my tongue with his, tasting me, letting me in. He crushed me
against him, his rapidly hardening cock pressing into my belly, and ravished me
with his tongue, testing every corner of my mouth. My sex ached, wet and
burning, not just because he turned me on but also because I trusted him. I
wanted him to touch me, slide his fingers into me, rub me and make me come.
Reckless, I flicked my tongue along the crisp edges of his front teeth, daring
him, daring myself. I brushed the razor point of his fang, my tongue stinging.
He gasped into the kiss, and sensation ripped into me, not agonizing or
frightening but glorious. I pressed the tip of my tongue harder, and the
delicate skin broke, his fang piercing me like a sweet knife. The taint of
coppery blood twinged my tongue, but not for long.

Dantełs body
flushed, sudden heat radiating. His arms tensed around me, and I could feel him
holding back, trying not to crush me. Slowly, delicately, he sucked on my
tongue, the salty burst of blood warm and gentle, flowing into him. The
intimacy overwhelmed me like a dark flood, and I longed to be closer. The
barrier of clothing between us maddened me. I imagined us kissing like this but
naked, my thighs gripping his on his lap, his sensitive vampire cock buried
deep in my flesh.

Such erotic
thoughts about a man IÅ‚d just met warmed me, and I flexed my tongue, giving him
more. I could have released my rapture, tasted his energy, consumed some, but I
didnłt. I wanted to be with him, not use him. If Dante wanted my blood like
thisnot a demand but a desire, not a rape but a shared pleasurehe could have

Dante swallowed,
groaning, and the flesh between my legs swelled, painful. Surely, this was how
thrall ended. Not in the rotting skeletal agony of energy starvation or flickering
out after a thousand horrible, never-ending years, but in the dark, damning
passion of a vampirełs kiss. Life bleeding out, red and burning, not lost on
the wind but savored, relished, consumed. The ultimate orgasm, death.

Hot tension
gripped me, my thighs trembling with longing, and I whimpered.

A different,
hotter hand touched the back of my shoulder, startling me out of my spell, and
I jerked back.

“Jade, IÅ‚ve been
. . . oh. Shit. Sorry." The touch snatched away, but the fine scent of cardamom
drifted, laden with memory.

I swallowed, my
mind overflowing with sudden confusion, and I couldnłt help turning my head.

Rajah stared at
me, black hair drifting free, a crease deepening between his fine dark brows.
He looked mouthwatering as usual, in a loose white shirt that glowed in the
nightclub lights and soft blue jeans that caressed every firm curve. He sucked
on that luscious bottom lip, his gaze flickering away. He looked mystified.
Hurt. Confused.

Jesus. What was
I doing? My hand drifted to my throat in embarrassment, and I shifted away.

But Dante smiled
softly, his tongue brushing the tips of his teeth. “Always late to the party,

gold-flecked eyes glinted with rage. “IÅ‚m sorry about his manners, Jade. If
this is about you and me, DiLuca, leave her out of it."

hardened like a hot stone in my guts. I opened my mouth to ask, but Dante
touched my hand, making me look at him, his ultra-blue eyes flashing a warning.
With a sick stomach I remembered how Rajah had seduced me, first taking
advantage of my rapture and then with some horrid attempt at empathy, fooling
me into thinking he cared about me when all the time he only wanted sex. God,
the way Iłd behaved with him. Like the slut hełd treated me as, like they all
said I was. A tear misted my eye, and I blinked it away.

Dante squeezed
my hand, and I didnłt pull away. He slipped his arm back around my waist,
protective, and glared coolly at Rajah. “Always so arrogant, assuming
everythingłs about you. Miss Jade and I are having a private conversation. I
donłt remember either of us inviting you. Any questions?"

“Just one."
Rajah focused on me, his gaze dark and candid. “Are you sure you know what
youłre doing?"

Rajah was
dangerous. Dante was safe. I looked Rajah in the eyes, uncomfortable warmth
swelling in my belly. Damn, he had beautiful eyes, the bastard. I swallowed.
“Perfectly sure, thanks."

Pain swirled for
a moment, and then his eyes glassed over, hard. “Fine. Sorry to bother you." He
walked away, biting his pretty lip. I watched him go, my eyes stinging.

Dante touched my
chin, breaking my gaze away. “Are you okay?"

Looking at him,
I felt better already. I smiled. “Sure. ItÅ‚s nothing. What is it with you and
him, anyway?"

He shrugged
faintly. “Vampire fixation, I guess. He wants it pretty bad. HeÅ‚s got quite a
temper. You should be careful."

Doubt slid a
cold finger up my spine. Rajah lied to me about not wanting immortality, then.
“What do you mean? HeÅ‚d never hurt me."

“DonÅ‚t be too
sure." He hesitated, like he didnÅ‚t want to say more. “I saw him last night,
with a fae girl. He killed her, Jade. Just like that. I tried to help her, but
. . ."

Nausea roiled.
Iłd seen Rajah last night, and he certainly hadnłt lacked for energy. Sex had
poured off him in waves. He hadnłt needed to consume any.

IÅ‚d turned him
down, and hełd taken out his anger on some poor fairy.

“DonÅ‚t let him
bother you. Hełs just jealous of me. And he should be, tonight." Dante brushed
my hair from my shoulder, a smile curling his lips. “How about that drink? You
can tell me more."

“Okay." I smiled
back. I couldnłt remember what Iłd been telling him, but it didnłt matter.

He slipped his
hand into mine, and we walked up to the bar. He whispered to the bar girl, and
she poured thick ruby-red wine that stained the inside of the glass. I lifted
it to my nose, a dark, fruity, musky smell rising.

Dantełs eyes
glinted. “Drink up."



Jade puts the glass to her lips, and
Dante watches greedily as she sips, blood staining her mouth. Shełs already
senseless, her eyes distant and euphoric like a fae junkiełs. Her slender
throat bobs as she swallows, one gulp, then another. His pulse flows quicker,
anticipation whetting his taste buds.

Such a
seductress, charming that fucking idiot Quinn. She really knew how to suck a
man, too. Hełd watched transfixed as shełd taken Quinn to the hilt, his own
cock full and aching in sympathy. No wonder Rajahni wants her.

Well, Rajahni
canłt have her.

Dante takes the
empty glass from Jadełs fingers and slips his arm around her thin waist, leading
her away. Hełs never seen any reason to play by the rules, never laid stock in
dusty centuries-old clan traditions. Follow the rules, get screwed by the
rules. He learned that with emphatic force as a boy, the day Mussolini marched
the Blackshirts into Calabria
to shoot and kick the shit out of hundreds of the people whołd voted the fucker
into office in the first place. And hełd sucked up another powerful dose when
the Reds strung the aging Il Duce up from a bloody meat hook in Milan. The spoils go to the
strong, not the nice or careful. Stop kicking for an instant, and youłll sink.

Dante is young,
delirious on his power, not old and stale like Angelo Valenti, or Sal DiLuca,
Dantełs predecessor. Who squealed like a squashed rat as he bled to death,
thank you very much, a sound Dante still remembers in hot blood-soaked dreams.
He always swore hełd bathe in Salłs blood, and a mighty fine bath it was. He
orgasmed as he held the struggling old man down, hard and long and
breathtaking, burning blood and come splashing his skin. Hełs not afraid of
that, doesnłt shirk from what it says about him. Hell, if it feels good, bring
it on. Thatłs what powerłs for.

Fuck Å‚em if they
canłt take it. And fuck the demon lords, too. All jealous of his freedom.
Dantełs got no time for useless courtesies or ancient clan bullshit about
territory and suitable mates. And now hełs on his own in the new world, with no
crusty elders controlling his every move.

So let the world
drown in blood and chaos, and all these craven liars who pretend theyłre so
goddamn civilized will eat each other alive to stay afloat. Let them sink
deeper into brutality with every dying thrash, and Dante and those he deems
worthy will watch and laugh. His own dark hell on earth, so much tastier and
more fascinating than the one below.

Pity Jade wonłt
like to watch. Hełs rather enjoying her, even if itłs just to spite Rajahni. He
offered Rajah everything once, and Rajah turned him down, saying he didnłt want
to live forever. Laughing at the very idea. No one laughs at Dante DiLuca and
stays happy. Dante will fucking well make sure the smug bastard lives every
last excruciating moment of his thousand years with Kane. Just thinking about
it makes him hard and ready.

He pulls Jade onto
the couch with him, distant strobe lights flickering in drifting white smoke.
Her gaze smolders as he tells her silently what he wants her to do, the blood
connection between them crackling in the stale air. As she stretches onto her
back and slides her fingers between her legs to open herself for him, he
smiles. Vampire blood, the date rape drug from hell.

He rips her
panties away, opens his trousers, and plunges inside her. Shełs tighter than he
expects, coating him like hot honey, and he has to push hard to enter her
fully. She cries out, weak, but thanks to the blood, her rapture is stunned and
useless. He nuzzles her breast through her soft dress as he thrusts, tugging
the flowering nipple with his front teeth, saliva running from his mouth to soak
her. She moans, her muscles rippling around him, and he grins, curiosity a
pleasant throb in his balls. “So who are you thinking of, Jade, now IÅ‚m fucking

“You," comes the
answer, faint. “Rajah. Killian."

“All three?
Ambitious. Still, you wonłt remember any of this, so go right ahead." He
laughs, his urgent breath wetting her dress more. “Now tell me what you really
want from me."

She shudders,
resisting, her head jerking from side to side. “Kane"

“Not Kane. You."
He likes it when she fights. “And donÅ‚t tell me you want to be loved. No one
loves hellłs whore. Believe me, I know." He captures her mouth, driving in his
tongue, and lets blood-tinged saliva flow, another sly taste of persuasion.
“What is there without love, Jade? Tell me."

She sighs, sensual,
tilting her hips against him to slide him deeper, and the words hełs waiting
for slip at last from her shining lips. “I want to die."

Desire thickens
his blood, and a growl wells up in his throat. “Say that again."

“Kill me."

His cock swells,
painful. He could kill her, too. Vampire blood can erase her fragile
immortality, wash it away like dirt whether she knows it or not. But he wonłt
grant her wish, not yet. Not until it suits him, and she begs him properly. But
he canłt wait any longer to taste her, and he drags the shoulder seam of her
halter dress inward, revealing one small white breast with a hard, puckered

“You know
thisłll hurt. Donłt scream." He stretches his jaws, snarling, and with a growl
of hungry desire he fastens his mouth over the peak and sinks his teeth in

Blood, boiling
and glorious, flowing over his tongue, rich with her salty stink. She moans and
writhes. He sucks, filling his mouth. He drives deep into her as he swallows,
but the pleasure of rapidly nearing orgasm is pale compared to this.

Her lifeblood
pumping into him, her soft skin trembling in his mouth, the dirty, gritty taste
of pain against the hardness of her nipple yearning for more sensation.
Complete submission, and with it come her thoughts, fragments of memory,
ecstasy, fear. Whispers of scent and sensation, a thousand different men, the
succulent brush of lips, the slick taste of skin and pressure of teeth, hot
hardness filling her, hurting her, pleasuring her, all together in a heady rush
of life. And most recently, the luxuriant fall of midnight hair, slick swollen
lips teasing hers, the enthralling scent of spice.

Jealousy burns
Dante like acid, overboiling his desire, but triumph steals his breath away. He
can see into her mind. He knows what Rajahniłs up to, wanting out from Kanełs
thrall. And he knows exactly how to fuck it up.

Hot tension
grips his balls, explodes along his cock. Desperate, he sucks hard and long,
one last delicious mouthful, and comes with a deep groan, jerking into her.

He laughs as
aftershocks steal his breath. Come inside a succubus. Not many men get to do
that and live. But she canłt steal a vampirełs soul, at least not with rapture.
He licks the last of her blood away and pulls her damp dress back to cover the
seeping wound on her breast. She didnłt come, and her flesh twitches in protest
as he withdraws.

He crawls up to
her face, his breath hot and coppery, wetting her ear. “Sorry, darlinÅ‚. Maybe
next time. Now listen carefully, and IÅ‚ll tell you how you can find Vorenus











I pushed up on my elbows in my sweaty
bed, squinting at the afternoon sun pouring in the open venetians. Dust motes swirled,
glinting, and my body sweated and burned in the sun-cooked bedroom air. Jesus.
What time was it?

The digital
clock on the bedside table said 3:25. I groaned and flopped the damp sheet

I dragged myself
up to the bathroom, a throbbing ache in my temples. My stomach hurt. I leaned
on the wall next to the toilet, fumbling knotted hair from my face, and waited
for the nausea. I was naked, sweat running in rivulets over me, and I smelled
like a seldom-cleaned distillery where someone had died. My wrists felt
swollen, my thrall bangles tight. I had no idea how IÅ‚d gotten home. At least
the other half of my bed was empty.

My stomach
churned at last, and I bent lower and let the spew heave out into the bowl,
stinking and stringed with scarlet. I wiped my mouth with a hot sticky hand,
tasting acid and copper. God knew what IÅ‚d drunk last night.

I turned the
shower on and stumbled under, grateful for the cold water soothing my skin and
running through my hair, blissfully icy on my pulsing scalp. I rinsed sweat
from my limbs, gingerly lathering soap everywhere. I rubbed absently at a
tender bruise on my breast I didnłt recall getting. Not only did I not remember
getting home, I didnłt remember much at all, beyond tramming it to Unseelie Court, a
few tequilas, seeing Killian Quinn. . . .

Goose bumps
constricted my skin, and I snapped upright, the soap slipping from my fingers
to bang against the cracked tiles. Quinn. Jesus.

I sprinted into
the lounge, not minding about a towel. Water sprayed from my soaked hair as I
scrabbled on the floor for my purse and rummaged inside. My heart stopped as I
felt nothingbut then my fingers closed around the cool brass neck of the
bottle, and I drew it out, my pulse thudding. I held it up before my eyes,
water dripping, and something heavy inside shifted, like it wasnłt happy
to be there. If I listened hard, I could hear a hissing whisper of fury.

The message tone
on my phone squeaked, and automatically I fished it out, the soultrap still
seething in my other hand. A mobile number I didnłt recognize. I pressed View.


Dont 4get
2nite eureka tower cy@9 xx Dante.


memories stirred. Hełd invited me with him to a party, with a handsome blush
when I teased him by asking if it was a date.

Dante DiLuca,
the most feared man in Melbourne,
blushing for me.

I wanted it to
be a date. Wełd barely kissedI remembered that now, his baffling blue eyes,
the way hełd savored my taste, and my spine prickled, pleasantbut I felt he
knew me better than almost anyone IÅ‚d ever met. I wanted to bask in his
attention, even if it only lasted for a while, until he found out I was Kanełs
spy and chewed my throat out. Was that so wrong?

Rajah certainly
thought so. I recalled the distant look in his gold-flecked eyes when hełd seen
Dante and me, the tight lines around his perfect mouth. Hurt. Confused. Sick.
Like IÅ‚d betrayed him.

Well, I hadnłt.

My heart
somersaulted, and I swallowed firmly on guilt and regret. There was nothing to
betray. Rajah didnłt own me. He had no right to control me, just because wełd
kissed. Just because wełd burned for each other, breathless and sore with
desire. Just because if I thought about it I could still feel Rajah against me
now, his glorious scent wrapping me, filling my senses, making me long for his
smile, his cheeky laugh, the warm feeling of his hand in mine.

The doorbell
clanged, jagged.

Absently I put
the phone and the soultrap on the table, and twisted the dead bolt before I
remembered IÅ‚d just stepped out of the shower.


My skin burned
all over again. I poked my dripping head into the gap, trying to keep the door
closed as far as possible and hoping to hell this wasnłt anyone I knew. The
door stuck to my wet breasts, uncomfortable.

A teenager in a
blue cap stared at me, blond hair sticking out. “Jade?"

“Yeah. What?"
Only then did I notice what he carried, and my breath caught.

“These are for
you." He handed me the basket, the heady scent of roses rolling over me like a

A couple of
dozen scarlet blooms, curling petals still dotted with water drops, green
foliage shining. No one had sent me flowers for at least a hundred years. Apart
from Nyxłs daisy chains, if you counted those. I inhaled, dizzy, and plucked
off the note, the door still awkward as my shield.


Still working
up the courage. D.


A foolish lump
swelled in my throat, and my eyes stung. God, IÅ‚m so pathetic. A little romance
and Iłm anyonełs.

“Is everything
okay, miss?" The delivery kidłs gaze darted to my bare shoulder and away a few

I swallowed, and
smiled despite my aching head. “Yeah. EverythingÅ‚s fine. Thank you."

I pushed the
door shut and put the flowers on the table, burying my face in velvety petals.
My nose tingled with sweet fragrance. Glorious. A man who didnłt think I was
easy. Who thought he had to work for me. Someone should bottle this guy . . .
Okay, bad joke.

I laughed, but
my gaze kept drifting to the soultrap, and the pleasure soured a little. What
would happen if I earned my freedom? Lost my immortality? Just as things were
starting to look up.

I glanced at
Rajahłs phone number, still scrawled in the thickening dust on the opposite
side of the glass. Primordium. For once, ten years of the Bible shoved
down my throat in Latin came in handy. The origin, the beginning. But whose
origin? The beginning to what? I was even more mystified by the others, terminus
and animus. The last one especially was a lousy clue. Soul. I mean, duh.
And terminus, the dividing line. Who was that supposed to mean?

And even if I
figured that out, what was I supposed to do? Drink Quinnłs soul now? Or wait
until IÅ‚d trapped all four and guzzle them all at once? I was feeling drained,
drawn, tired, even apart from my hangover. Did it matter if I fed on other
souls in between? And what if Kane found out? Rajah had earned a split lip, but
hełd kept Ninołs soul. How had he done that?

Frustration and
embarrassment stirred a prickly cocktail in my queasy stomach. There was too
much I didnłt know, and I had only one chance. I couldnłt let my pride screw it

My fingers strangely
clumsy, I picked up the phone, entered the digits, and pressed Call.

It rang three
times, four, five. Blessed relief washed over me. Itłd go through to voice
mail, and I wouldnłt have to talk to him.

But then he
picked up, and my tender abdomen clenched. I heard a muffled clunk while he
switched the phone from hand to hand. “Yeah. Rajah."

His voice made
me think of rogan josh, spicy and mouthwatering. Great. I was talking to him
naked. I swallowed, my mouth crusty. “Umm . . . itÅ‚s me. Hi."

“Jade? Are you
all right?"

The animated
concern in his tone made me bristle. “Of course. Why wouldnÅ‚t I be?"

“No reason. Just
after last night, I thought"

“Well, donÅ‚t
think, okay? IÅ‚m fine." Irritation at his possessiveness crawled on my naked
skin, and I stalked into the bedroom, scraping damp hair from my face.

“Hey, you rang
me. If youłve got nothing to"

“Okay, IÅ‚m
sorry, all right?" I realized that he now had my number, and cursed that I
hadnÅ‚t thought to call him from a public phone. “Listen, I need to talk to you.
About this . . . thing you told me about. You know."

“Sure." He
hesitated, like he swallowed or bit his lip. Or ran his tongue over them.
Making them wet. Jesus, donÅ‚t think about his lips. “IÅ‚m at home. You
want to come over?"

“What, now?"
More bumps shivered my skin, my bare nipples tight. But it wasnłt such a dumb
idea. IÅ‚d probably be safe from my lustful fixation with him today. Between the
gut ache, the headache, and fatiguethe physical kindIÅ‚d never felt less like
having sex.

“Okay. Where is











His address was the top floor of a
refurbished apartment block at the casino end of Spencer Street, where plane trees blew lazily
in the summer breeze and the distant sound of trains rumbled. I hopped off the
tram at about five, the hot sun turning golden and the streets starting to fill
with tired, sweaty commuters dressed in business suits far too warm for the
weather, coats tossed over their shoulders and damp patches showing on their
shirts and blouses.

The glass
security door was unlocked. A sleek fountain trickled in the marble-tiled
foyer, and the silent lift gleamed inside with chrome and mirrors. I pressed
the button for five, trying not to look at my reflection. IÅ‚d put on a thin
white cotton skirt and sleeveless top, and left my hair out to dry. It curled
around my shoulders, wild. I wished IÅ‚d brought something to tie it back with,
or at least a brush, but could find neither in my purse. I combed my fingers
through it uselessly, just making more knots.

What did I care,
anyway? Right? I was going out with Dante tonight. IÅ‚d dress to kill for that.
For someone who gave a shit.

Daylight shone
in a broad skylight in the top-floor lobby, glistening on slate floor tiles and
pale clay-rendered walls. Air-conditioning hummed softly, the air cool and
refreshing. It was a change from my place, where the summer sun baked
everything to boiling in five minutes flat. Especially if you crashed until
three in the afternoon and didnłt close the blinds.

When he opened
the door, he was wearing those same faded black jeans hełd worn the night I met
him, soft as a baby mousełs skin and as touchable. Not much left for the
imagination there. Top button undone. A glimpse of smooth brown hips. IÅ‚d bet
no underwear.

I flushed, my
guts warm. Honestly. Therełs only so much a girl can take. At least he had a
shirt on this time.

“Come in." He
turned immediately. Was he avoiding looking at me? Maybe IÅ‚d embarrassed him by
staring. IÅ‚d sure as hell embarrassed myself.

I followed him
down a short carpeted hallway into the living room, where the sun filtered
through half-closed mini venetians over the broad windows. A sweet, smoky scent
drifted, like incense or an oil burner. Books stacked a dozen high on his low
glass dining table, and above it hung a frieze of the Hindu god Shiva, multiple
arms gesturing. The couch lay sprawled in front of the plasma TV, and a console
game showed in pause, some first-person shooter set in a swamp, green slime
dripping into swirling gray water littered with alien bodies. Looked like he
was kicking ass. I smiled. “Busy, huh."

He shrugged,
sheepish, clearing magazines off the couch. “CanÅ‚t work all the time. Umm . . .
can I get you a drink?"

I wanted
something to do with my hands, but I didnłt know what to ask for. I hadnłt seen
him drink alcohol. I glanced over the marble island bench and noticed an ice
tap in the door of his stainless fridge. “Water?"

“Sure. Have a

I sat on the
cool cushions, velvet fluffy under my fingers. He returned with two tall iced
water glasses and handed me one, his gaze drifting away as he realized hełd
have to sit next to me. He settled finally a few feet away, silent.

I sipped, the
icy water stinging my tongue, aware that we were avoiding each otherłs eyes.
This was ridiculous. I put my glass aside. “I wanted to"

“Jade, I"

Wełd both spoken
at once, and he grinned, bashful. “You first."

I licked my
lips, dry despite the water. “I wanted to say sorry for snapping at you last
night. I donłt really remember, but"

“YouÅ‚ve nothing
to apologize for. It was entirely my fault." He took a deep swallow of his
water, his long hand tense and pale on the glass, fingertips slipping.

I tried again.
“No, really. I was rude, you surprised me, I didnÅ‚t mean to"

“You did mean
to, and I deserved it. My question was totally inappropriate. Itłs none of my
business what you do, and itłs I who should apologize."

Well, bullshit.
He was so obviously lying, the way his fingers shook and whitened, his gaze
sliding all over the place but not on me, the ever-so-slight quiver of tension
in those strokable thighs. So obviously repeating what he thought IÅ‚d want him
to say.

He probably
thought IÅ‚d slept with Dante already. Sorrow and anger tightened my jaw as I
remembered how IÅ‚d thought Rajah understood me, wanted to know me. Jesus. IÅ‚d
been so stupid. He might be an incubus in thrall, but he was still a man like
all the rest, focused on his own need and not giving a stuff for anyone elsełs.
Why didnłt he just say, Youłre a cock-teasing slut, Jade, and be done
with it?

I forced a
smile, sure I looked as insincere as he did. “Sure. Fine. Forget it."

He swallowed the
last of his water, ice clinking, and set his glass on the table with a clunk.
“Fine. So what did you want to talk about?"

Unease tickled
my spine, and I couldnłt help glancing over my shoulder. I knew Kane couldnłt
hear me, but I dropped my voice to a whisper anyway. “I got one. Odium."

I heard Rajah
catch his breath, and he looked at me in spite of himself, a little smile
turning his lips. “No way. Already?" He inched closer on the couch, cheerfully
conspiratorial. “When? Who was it?"

I swallowed.
“Last night. Before you . . . before I saw you. ItÅ‚s a guy I know, a cop. HeÅ‚s
always hated me."

“You donÅ‚t mean
our charming friend Quinn?" Sultry admiration sparked in his golden-brown eyes,
and the tip of his tongue touched his teeth, delicate. “Well. IÅ‚m impressed."

By what? My
audacity? My technique? My willingness to humiliate myself with men I despised?
“ItÅ‚s at home. I didnÅ‚t know what to do now. Do I keep it, or what?"

He nodded,
animated. “I think so. I mean, I have no idea, but it makes sense, right?
Remember the day you got these?" He brushed his finger across my thrall
bangles, just for a moment before pulling away, his lips tightening.

I felt it deep
under my skin, even though he hadnłt touched me, and I squirmed. Maybe Iłd been
wrong about the hangover.

But I did
remember the day of my thrall. Sick terror, flowing over me like choking black
mud, golden manacles pinning my fists against the floor, hot stone rough
beneath my naked back. Burning demon blood, sticky on my lips, coating my
tongue. Kanełs sweet mouth on mine, hot, ravenous; distant flames crackling,
scarlet sunlight glaring in my eyes, the crisp ashen stink of hell. My soul
screaming, ripping from me in a thick acid rainbow like vomit, flooding into

For an instant,
I died, agonizing. Then it slammed back into me, writhing in the grip of a
twisting, gnashing thing that ripped and tore its way into my heart, burrowing
deep. A fragment of Kane, inside me forever. The chains popped free, and the
golden bracelets shrank onto my wrists, immovable. And then Kanełs breathless thank
you, the hesitant brush of his fingers in my hair.

I nodded slowly.
To break the thrallto excise that vicious, whispering Kane-parasite for
goodone soul at a time would never be enough. All four at once . . . Well,
that might be a start. Excitement thrilled in my veins, warm. “So what now?
What does primordium mean?"

“It means
ęorigin.ł "

“I know that. I
mean, what origin? Whose origin?"

“IÅ‚ve thought
about that. Primordium, ęorigin.ł Terminus, ęthe line that
separates.ł Where you start, where you finish. Itłs your origin, Jade. The one
who made you what you are."

“Kane?" My
vision blurred for an instant, overcome with confusion. “Kane doesnÅ‚t have a
soul. How does that work?"

“Not Kane. Kane
does what he does. You canłt blame him."

slammed into my chest, sucking my breath away.

Vorenus Luna, my
golden-haired god. An immortal sorcerer, bound to Kane with blood. My blood.

I imagined it.
Lunałs misbegotten soul, sparkling with power and grace, free of the
encumbrance of conscience. And Quinnłs vile hatred, thrashing and spitting
vitriol. Mixed up, furious, lashing out. Maybe I did have a chance against
Kanełs nasty little cancer.

shimmered in my flesh just thinking about it, and I gasped, energy sizzling all
the way to my fingertips. So much for not wanting to think about sex. The
energy felt cooler than normal, weak and sputtering with my fatigue, but it
didnłt stop me. Immediately I was hyperconscious of Rajah, just a foot away,
his warm lean body, the sound of his breath past his lips, the wonderful
fragrance drifting from his skin. The way his hair just brushed his shoulders,
soft and sleek. The hard muscles of his thighs, moving beneath those
second-skin jeans. “But . . . heÅ‚s . . . he could be anywhere. I canÅ‚t possibly
. . ."

Rajahłs gaze
slipped, and he tucked his hands beneath his thighs, shifting. “You might be
surprised. Things happen when they happen for a reason. Why do you think these
auras burn now?"

My nerves
twitched. I wanted to squirm, but I didnłt want to leave a mess on his couch. I
wanted to grab that silky hair and drag his mouth onto mine, and it wasnłt only
the rapture drawing my gaze to his lips. I coughed, struggling to keep my mind
where it should be. “You donÅ‚t mean because theyÅ‚re all here?"

“Precisely." His
gaze met mine, dark and driven, and I couldnłt help but stare, enraptured in
more ways than one. My pulse thudded, my flesh aching and thick, but my heart
ached, too, and for a moment I wished that none of this were between us. Not
thrall, not rapture, not Dante, not the vengeful search for corrupt and hideous
souls to drink. Just a man and a woman who liked each other. Hełd said he
wanted a mortal life. Was this what he had in mind?

Then he let his
beautiful head fall back on the couch and laughed. “Oh, Jade. ItÅ‚s so near.
Itłs just a matter of searching. Asking around. Wełll find them, both of us."

I laughed too,
grateful for the release in tension, though my body still screamed at me to
act, move, touch, take. “Asking around? YouÅ‚re so cute. You might have missed
it, Rajah, but this is the twenty-first century. Ever hear of the Internet?
Itłs quite popular."

He shrugged,
sheepish. “IÅ‚m not so good with computers."

“You have an
Xbox and the worldłs biggest TV but not the Net? Shame on you."

“I have it. I buy
stuff on it. I just donłt get the rest of it. What am I going to do, blog about
thrall and luring souls to hell? Thatłd be a hit." He knelt to rescue his
laptop from beneath a pile of books on the floor and handed it to me. “Be my

I took it, careful
not to let his fingers brush mine.

He sat again,
closer so he could see the screen, resting his arm on the couch behind me so it
almostbut not quitetouched my shoulders. “Do you mind?"

Oh, I minded.
That he was too close. That he wasnłt closer, on me, all over me. That he
wasnłt Dante. That I didnłt want him to be.

“Of course not."
I tugged my skirt straighter, flushing, and flipped the shiny white laptop
open. The wallpaper showed the Taj Mahal, white marble glowing golden in the
sunset, and the desktop was littered with e-books.

If I knew
anything about Vorenus Luna, it was that he craved the limelight. He wore his
vanity like a prize. If he was in town, everyone who was anyone would know
about it.

Rajah shifted
next to me, cautious. “You really think you can find him with this thing?"

“Watch and
weep." I launched the browser and typed []

In five minutes,
I had him.

I stared at the
pictures, my stomach writhing. He was calling himself Luna, just one word like
Beyoncé or Madonna, but he hadnÅ‚t changed a bit. Gorgeous golden hair flowing,
face like an exotic catwalk model, body copied from a Michelangelo. Dressed
like an S&M rock star, black velvet, leather and lace, studs and diamonds
and bright steel. Dating movie stars, models, celebrities. Here he was in black
tie at some dreadful television awards ceremony, showing that stunning smile
for the camera, an up-and-coming starlet clinging to his arm.

And hełd lived
in Melbourne
these last few months, in the penthouse of a high-rise city tower. His perfect
face no doubt scattered through those glossy gossip magazines Kane adored so
much. Just went to prove that I didnłt get out enough.

My rapture had
evaporated, but my blood throbbed, sick and hot, revitalizing my faded
headache. He was . . . decorative. Dazzling. Spectacular. I wanted to smash my
fist through the screen, break him into glassy shards. The idea of touching him
made me want to rip off my skin to get rid of his filth. Sucking out his soul
would be worse than anything IÅ‚d done with Quinn. Whatever his grotesque
faults, at least Killian was honest. Luna was a seething aspłs nest of lies
with beautyłs face. Iłd vomit buckets before I was done with him.

This wasnłt
going to be easy.

Scrolling down
the page, I saw from the inane comments that he was throwing a party. At his
place, tonight. Invitation only, but my rapture could take care of that, no

I looked at the
address. Eureka Tower,
Riverside Quay.

My heart skipped
as I remembered Dantełs message. I wouldnłt have to glamour my way in. I
already had an invitation. Coincidence?

I looked away,
discomfort coiling inside, and realized I hadnłt asked Rajah the obvious
question. “So have you found yours?"

He stared at the
screen, chewing his bottom lip absently. “IÅ‚m sorry, what?"

Have you found them?"

He grimaced and
stood, shoving his long hands into his pockets and walking away from me,
turning only when he reached the window. “I have a confession to make."

His dark
expression sent a shiver of apprehension along my skin, and I smiled uneasily,
trying to shake it off with a joke. “That youÅ‚re in a hot fog of lust for me?
Yeah, look, I figured that one. . . . Damn it, Rajah, youłre scaring me. What
is it?"

He laughed,
helpless, shaking his dark head. “This is so unfair. Remember the student I
told you about? The one who traded me to Kane?"

Black dismay
stiffened me. I realized I knew what he was going to say, and horror clawed up
my throat, nearly choking me. “YouÅ‚re joking."

“Afraid not."
His gaze flicked to the screen on my lap, where Luna gleamed out at me,
beautiful and horrible.

I swallowed, my
mouth dry. “How long have you known?"

He didnłt look
at me. “Since the other night. When you told me how you ended up in thrall."

Anger burst into
my blood, sizzling with rapture to make a seething mess of fury. I pushed the
computer aside and bounced up, my nerves jerking. “And when were you going to
tell me? When youłd already stolen his soul behind my back?"

“IÅ‚m telling you
now, arenłt I? Iłm sorry. I didnłt know what to do." He walked closer, reaching
out a hesitant hand.

I shook him off.
Disappointment soured my rage, and I berated myself for my stupid wishful
thinking. Everything Dante had told me about him was true. “DonÅ‚t touch me. I
canłt believe you lied to me like that."

He frowned, his
mouth tight. “I never lied to you"

“You omitted,
then. Whatever, okay? Itłs the same fucking thing."

His golden-brown
eyes stormed, dark. “Well, shit, Jade, you were pretty fucking preoccupied last
time I saw you, what with your tongue down Dantełs throat and all. Not like I
had a chance to mention it."

Fury made me
laugh, short and dry. “Oh, so now we get to it. YouÅ‚re jealous."

Hurt clouded his
face. “Of course IÅ‚m jealous. HeÅ‚s a gold-plated asshole. I thought you were

Heat burned up
my body, scorching my cheeks. “No, you thought I was easier. Well, IÅ‚m not
easy, okay?"

“I never thought
that. But I bet he does."

I almost hit
him. My fist clenched, indignation sizzling in my bones, and I took a step
toward him. “What the fuck does that mean?"

He didnłt back
off, just fixed me in that inimitable stare. “DonÅ‚t you think itÅ‚s weird, how
youłre acting around him? What did you drink last night? Do you even remember?"

Uneasiness wriggled
inside me, a flash of disquieting memory, but I laughed it off. “My god, youÅ‚ve
got an ego. Just because Iłm with some guy who isnłt you doesnłt mean Iłm up to
my eyeballs in Rohypnol."

“Oh, so youÅ‚re
ęwithł him now?" He dragged a frustrated hand through his hair, black locks
spilling so close, I could have touched them. “Funny. I could have sworn I
remembered you begging for it from me."

My skin crawled
with embarrassment and memory even as I bristled at his arrogance. I could
still feel that amazing kiss, the way he tempted me, pleasured me. “YouÅ‚re a
fine one to talk. Taking your frustration out on fairies now?"

“Is that what
Dante told you?" He laughed, humorless. “I canÅ‚t believe IÅ‚m having this
conversation. That fairy was sick. She wanted me to kill her. She came to me
for help, Jade, and I shouldnłt have but I did. Havenłt you ever done someone
and regretted it later?"

I remembered Nyx
melting in my arms, and sharp guilt pierced me. But I didnłt want to hear
RajahÅ‚s explanations, no matter how reasonable. HeÅ‚d deceived me. “Oh, yeah.
IÅ‚m regretting almost doing you more and more every minute."

“Really." He
drifted closer, and his eyes flashed, daring me.

Despite my fury,
my mouth watered. God, he smelled incredible. Clean, hot, sinful. I lifted my
chin, defiance tightening my jaw even as I trembled. “Really."

He slid his
tongue over his bottom lip, just because he knew it drove me crazy. “So youÅ‚re
not tempted now."

My gaze glued
itself to his shining mouth, inches from mine, and warmth crept up over my
skin. I wanted to touch him, to trace my fingertip over those swelling wet
lips, slide it inside into his warmth. I dug my nails into my palms to keep my
hands still. “No."

He bent closer,
his breath hot on my cheek, and drifted his hand over my hair, barely touching.
“Are you sure?"

“Quite sure." My
legs weakened with desire, blood rushing to my tender, yearning flesh. Nerves
flowered and tingled between my legs, moistening me. I should have pulled back,
slapped his hand away, but the intoxicating flavor of his closeness maddened me
beyond sense or anger. I couldnłt breathe. I couldnłt think. How did he do it?
Only this man had ever turned me on with a glance, made my sex weep and ache
with a lick of his lips. Well, only this man and Luna. But I didnłt want to
think about Luna right now.

Rajah brushed
burning lips across to my ear. “Not a bit?"

“Not even a
bit." My breath caught as he flicked his hot tongue around my earlobe, slow and
tantalizing, sparking delicious shivers that started at my neck and tingled all
the way down. When he nipped me, I nearly moaned. I wanted to crush my breasts
against him, feel his mouth on my nipples, his hands on my thighs as he spread
them and feasted on me. And there wasnłt a scrap of rapture swimming in the
air. This was pure, honest need. Helpless and dizzy, I leaned into him, on fire
for his kiss, accepting his victory.

But he pulled
back, his lips twisting in a smile. “Me either."

seared my skin right to the top of my scalp, and I whirled away, spinning full
circle to face him. My skirt clung to my damp legs, pulling tight. “You

He stared me
down hotly, his chest heaving slightly with short breaths. What I could see of
his skin above his shirt buttons gleamed with fragrant sweat even in the cool
air. Those soft dark jeans revealed the clear evidence of his desire, wrapping
around his swollen cock and showing every quiver. “Tell me now that you want to
be with someone else. That you could bear to be with someone else. Hełs
tricking you, Jade. Think."

I tried not to
let my gaze slip below his face. My eyes stung with unshed tears, my throat
aching like the rest of me. “I donÅ‚t want to hear it."

“I bet you
donłt. Feeling a bit tired, are you? Did you spew this morning? Was it red?"

“Just donÅ‚t say
anything else, okay?" I yanked hair from my burning face and walked away, my
nerves seething and my body still flaming with desire and frustration. “See you
at Lunałs. Or not. Iłve already got an invitation from Dante. Maybe you can
just fuck your way in."











From the eighty-seventh floor of Eureka Tower,
I could see the whole of Melbourne
in a panoramic 270-degree view, darkened glass gleaming from marble floor to
ceiling. Golden lights glittered as far as I could see, broken at my feet by
the dark snake of the river striped with bridges. Blue and green lights rushed
up and down the arts-center spire like an iridescent inky fountain, and farther
afield the bright white spotlight towers of the cricket ground blotted out the
stars. High-rise buildings festooned with neon advertising jutted up below us,
dwarfed, and to the north and west, traffic-bright freeways slashed red and
white through light-studded suburbs, the slow arc of the Westgate Bridge
garishly backlit in orange.

I swallowed,
dizziness swirling gently in my head as I stepped from the glass lift. Fatigue
still washed me out, and a warm hollow stretched my stomach like I hadnłt eaten
all day, which I hadnłt. Iłd gone straight home from Rajahłs, too shaken up to
want anything.

My reflection
shone dimly in the sepia-toned glass, showing my hair curled up on my head with
a few wisps hanging free, shadowy glitter around my eyes. My sleek crimson silk
dress pushed my breasts up and brushed my thighs as I moved. IÅ‚d wanted to
stand out, to make Luna look. There was no point in hiding, or expecting him
not to remember me. IÅ‚d need all my powers of seduction tonight.

My skin burned
faintly, and my breath heated my throat, like I had a fever. Maybe I was
getting the flu, or just needed a fix. Once I was done with Luna, IÅ‚d get one,
some poor guy whołd never understand why he felt sick, staggered, passed out. .
. .

A bit tired,
are you? I remembered Rajahłs words, and a scowl tensed my forehead. He
knew nothing. Just seething with jealousy and a bruised ego.

Did you spew
this morning? Was it red?

Dante gripped my
hand, warm, leaning over to brush his lips against my cheek. “DonÅ‚t worry. You
look gorgeous." He sure sounded like he meant it, all breathy and intense.

“Thanks." I
smiled, as best I could, straightening the thin golden rope holding my purse
over my shoulder. He didnłt look so shabby himself, dressed neatly in some
designer as usual, light pleasant aftershave drifting, dark curls brushing his
open white collar. Something comforted me about a vampire who wore white. Like
he didnłt expect to make a mess tonight. Maybe he was just a careful diner.

We walked up to
the wide black glass doors, and a big bald security guy with no evident sense
of humor gave Dante a thick-necked nod. I laughed inwardly, satisfied. Rajah
would need all his imagination to get past that guy.

As we stepped
across the carpeted threshold, my jaw dropped.

The walls, the
distant vaulted ceiling, and half the floor were entirely of sparkling glass.
The night sky glowed above like jewel-scattered mist, and where the pale lush
carpet ended, the skyscraper fell away and the city sprawled below, twinkling.
Gaps in the glass let in the breeze, smelling of wind and water and city
decadence. The broad lounge stretched into the starry distance, scattered with
couches, cushions, and chaises in the height of expensive modern style. Behind
where wełd entered lay other rooms behind darkened glasspresumably where Luna
went when he grew weary of outshining the starsand a long black bar, serving
fae-drenched drinks, sparkling white powder on slivers of mirror and colored
glass eye droppers of shit most real people couldnłt afford. Hidden somewhere,
a diamond-clear sound system played something androgynous with sharp guitars
and echo effects, maybe Placebo or My Chemical Romance.

The guestsa
mixture of fae and mortallooked like the cream of the hip, beautiful crowd at
Unseelie Court, only the dresses were more expensive, the diamonds real and
flashier, the drinks in crystal instead of thick glass, and no one was fucking
over the wine velvet chaises longues, at least not yet. Some of these women
were freaks, tall, perfect and big-breasted like supermodels in shimmering
satin or drifting transparent silk, and the men werenłt far behind.

I saw actors,
pop culture criminals, musicians, sports stars, and littered amongst them all
the silvery butterfly wings, lissome limbs, and wild rainbow hair of fae. I
couldnłt yet see Luna. No one I knew personally . . .

Shit. Over
against the window. Skinny brown body in a black suit, bristly black hair like
wire, a slither of forked blue tongue over jagged teeth. I let my gaze drift, but
too late. Hełd seen me. Tony LaFaro, Angełs crazy-ass fae-born cousin.

carelessness warmed me. What the hell. I wasnłt with Ange anymore. Tony could
stare till his freaky lizard eyes burned out.

“IsnÅ‚t this
place fantastic?" DanteÅ‚s murmur warmed my ear, intimate. “I wanted to see you
in it."

I laughed
giddily, still gobsmacked. Like the moon at midday, I was totally outshone.
“Lucky you can see me at all."

He caught my
waist and spun me around, his indigo eyes glistening and intense as he grinned,
his face close to mine. “I donÅ‚t see much else tonight, sweet Jade. YouÅ‚ve
bewitched me."

My skin heated.
Damn. Was I blushing? I slid my wrists around his neck, inviting him to press
his body against mine. I didnłt care what Rajah thought. Dante actually liked
me. I could feel it in his gaze, intent and adoring. “Not true. ItÅ‚s all still
in the can, I swear."

I felt him laugh
against me, light and easy, and I laughed, too. His heady compliments still
dizzied me, bringing back the delicious scent of his roses. He made me feel
interesting, worthwhile, special. I wondered what itłd be like to touch someone
who made me feel like that, let him touch me. Make him want me, slide him into
me, make love to him.

He leaned even
closer, teasing his lips across mine, his hands sliding warm over my hips. A
cool sliver of fear pierced my skin, unsettling but tantalizing. “I dreamed of
you," he whispered, “did you know that?"

“DidnÅ‚t know
vampires dreamed." I stole a kiss, sucking his bottom lip between my teeth, and
a burning image flashed, steamy, sensation-soaked, of Dante inside me, deep and
hard, my head thrown back on pale suede, his mouth sucking my nipple to painful
hardness. I gulped, and jerked my head away a little, my thighs hot and
tingling and my nipples scraping my dress in sympathy. Jesus. That was pretty
real. I must really need a fix.

Dante smiled,
his tongue flicking out to mine. Like before, he tasted coppery, metallic. I
wanted to swallow, drag that salty essence into me. “Only when we want to. Want
to know what my dream was about?"

“Love to." I
meant it. I could listen to his compliments all night, and if it was a sexy
dream that might put him in the mood, so much the better.

“We danced. We
drank. We had dinner at some restaurant, and you pushed me under the tablecloth
and let me go down on you."

Another sultry
flash made me gasp. Dantełs head in my lap, my legs apart and my black dress
crumpled around my hips, his tongue sliding over me, into me, teasing my clit
to ecstasy.

I closed my eyes
on aching dizziness. God, it seemed so real, almost like a memory, that creamy
suede under my thighs, the smell of cigarette smoke. . . .

No. It couldnłt
be. Could it? Unseelie Court?

Did you spew?
Was it red?

Icy trails of
disgust ran down my back like melting snow. He hadnłt. Had he?

His thigh
pressed against mine, hard. “I know, I should be so lucky. But it gets better.
You gripped my hair and pulled me into you, and guess what?" He traced a warm
fingertip over my hip, suggestive, and dropped his voice to a whisper. “You
were bleeding. You tasted so delicious, so wet and hot. I slid my tongue into
you and sucked you, and you came, but you couldnłt scream because everyone was
watching. Thatłs what I dreamed."

Images of hot
splashing blood washed into my mind like waves on some hell-scarred beach. I
could taste it, thick and visceral, coating my tongue, dripping past my
tonsils. My fingers clenched behind his head, and I longed to pull away and
slap him. But my thrall bangles burned, searing and insistent on my itching skin,
and I couldnłt move.

Kanełs rapture parasite spat acid denial in my heart. Never defy me.

I had to swallow
so my voice wouldnÅ‚t shake. “ThatÅ‚s . . . pretty forward, Dante. ArenÅ‚t you
afraid IÅ‚ll take offense?"

He pulled back,
raising his eyebrows. “Not at all. I want you to know I want you, even if you
deserve to be treated like a goddess. Youłre a beautiful, sensual woman, not a
Barbie doll."

My gaze caught
on the shiny tips of his teeth, just visible beyond his bottom lip. Hot saliva
burst into my mouth, and wetness seeped between my legs in sympathy. My breasts
ached, my nipples hard and tingling. My tongue slipped out to wet my lips. I
couldnłt look away. All I could think about was his kiss, his fine teeth
piercing my skin and sliding inside, the blood welling, always the blood.
Horror crawled in my veins, mingling with burning desire.

Dante watched me
and smiled, teeth flashing. “Time to meet our host. YouÅ‚ll love him. Everyone
does." He slipped his hand into mine and led me away.

I nearly staggered
in my heels, my legs wobbly and unwilling but compliant. Bloodlust still raged
in my veins, screaming, my body shuddering with macabre arousal, trapped with
nowhere to go. I stung my rapture with a clumsy spurt of energy, but it
wouldnłt ignite, and fatigue weighed my heavy head down. Dantełs delicate scent
still filled my nostrils, stealing my attention, his fingers warm and
possessive in mine.

Dismay wrenched
my spine. I couldnłt meet Luna like this. I needed all my wits. I unfocused my
eyes, trying to clear my mind of Dante and whatever eldritch spell hełd
wrought, trying to think of anyone anywhere whołd ever given a shit about me. I
brought to mind Nyx, a rainy afternoon hunting antiques in Fitzroy, his long
green fingers agile over dusty piano keys. Watching Australian Idol
beneath soft downlights on Kanełs couch, his golden head resting easy in my lap
as we munched popcorn. Kissing Rajah in warm darkness on my doorstep, his
savage lips claiming mine, my body longing for him, my heart carved open and
bleeding, craving his love.

Golden rapture
sizzled to life deep within me, invisible static sparking the air. The world
swam back into sharp focus, my skin alive with awareness, the stink of blood
fading. I felt revitalized, as if my spirit dragged its weary head from the
dust. Fatigue still tugged at me, but I could handle it. I squeezed Dantełs
hand, breathing in his scent again, but this time fresh, feeding my soul with
his strength. I clasped my purse closer with my other hand, feeling the hard swell
of the empty soultrap hiding there. I could handle this.

We approached
the bar, and I searched it with a quick glance, nerves tingling my fingertips.
A pair of drunken banshees, giggling as they wobbled on their stools. A
stony-skinned earth sprite, dusty elflocks dangling over her breasts, swaying
her naked brown hips in a trance to the music. And a luscious sweep of long
golden hair, glowing with a faint, sweet mauve aura.

I stared, trembling,
as he turned. Tall, broad-shouldered, gorgeous like an airbrushed dream. Sharp
amber-green eyes, deep and wise with experience. A long Chinese silk coat
brushed his thighs, shiny black, the high open collar drawing attention to his
bone structure, cheekbones and chin perfectly carved. Pale shirt beneath,
almost translucent, showing off his impressive body.

I donłt hate
often. Not Kane, not Quinn, not even Angelo. But I hated Luna for what hełd
done to me, and black disgust filled me like tar, sticky and vile.

“Glad you could
make it, my friend." Luna kissed Dante on the corner of the mouth, their
fingers touching briefly. His voice rang pleasantly, no trace of language
problems or foreign accent. Luna adapted fast, always had. He switched his gaze
to me, voracious. “And with such a lovely lady, too."

I pasted a sweet
smile on my lips as I held out my hand. “Hello, Vorenus."

He eyed me
speculatively as he swept my fingers to his lips, his perfect blond brows
contracting a millimeter or two, fingers of violet aura flickering over his
flawless skin.

I fought a
flush, my skin crawling. He had no idea who I was. He didnłt even remember me.

And then his
lips parted in a perfect smile, his eyes brightening with delight. “Jade! My
god. You had me there for a minute. Dante, my friend, youłre a dark horse."

I fixed my smile
in place. “You havenÅ‚t changed."

“Oh, go on. ItÅ‚s
been so long. But you! You look fantastic. Hell, you always looked fantastic."
He grasped both my hands, laughing, and pulled me into a hug.

Black silk
pressed against my cheek, warm. The contours of his body brought a wash of vile
memory, his hands excruciating in my hair. His dark otherworldly scent filled
my nose, and I swallowed, gagging.

“Still chasing
the dangerous ones, hmmm?" His breath whispered on my cheek, his closeness
nauseating, but before I could react, he released me. “So howÅ‚d things work out
with Kane, eh? I swear the bastard cheated me that night. Canłt say I blame
him." He winked at me, handsome.

I forced a
little laugh. Unbelievable. He had no idea that I hated him. No clue why I
might resent him even a little bit. “I donÅ‚t think you can cheat at faro."

“Nonsense. If
you try hard enough, you can cheat at anything." He flicked an inscrutable
glance at Dante. “Perhaps weÅ‚ll have a game, see who wins the prize."

His arrogance
made my stomach curl. But confidence could be his weakness. Let him think I
didnłt mind, that Iłd forgotten about that cold, dank dungeon, the rusty iron
chafing my wrists. I breathed a tiny shimmer of rapture over him, tempting him
to look, move closer, touch.

Lunałs smile
froze, and my warm tendril of glamour slapped hard into a frigid wall. Static
shocked up my arms, zapping my skin with pain, and fragrant rapture evaporated
like summer rain. I caught my breath, my eyes wide. Jesus. Hełd seen me coming
a mile away.

He flicked the
tip of his tongue over his teeth, his lips curling in amusement, his stare a
haughty challenge. “Well, well. You should keep your wildcat chained, Dante. I
think she bites." He trailed his elegant finger under my chin, teasing. “WeÅ‚ll
talk later, eh? Enjoy yourselves."

Luna swept away
to greet other guests in a perfumed swirl of silk, and Dante laughed and led me
up to the bar, his arm flung casually around my shoulder. I went, still
stunned, my mind racing. Luna had brushed my glamour aside like it was an
annoying insect. How could I ever get close to him?

Dante ordered
wine, leaning his elbow on the glossy black bar. “So when did you ever meet

I shrugged,
trying to keep it casual. I hadnłt seen Rajah here yet, but I couldnłt imagine
heÅ‚d have any more success than I. It didnÅ‚t make me feel better. “It was a
long time ago. IÅ‚m surprised he remembered me."

“Who could
forget you, my love?" He slid a long-stemmed glass toward me, thick ruby wine

I shuddered and
pushed it back, sick copper echoes twinging my nose. “IÅ‚ll have a white,

He captured my
hand, preternaturally swift, and brought my palm to his lips, burning me. “Are
you sure?"

My vision
swirled and blackened. I inhaled sharply, dizzy, my stomach lurching, blood
rushing away from my head. Blindly I gripped the glass bar, nausea frothing in
my guts. I felt weird. This whole night was weird.

“Jade? Are you
okay?" Dantełs voice drifted over me, and the world shimmered back into focus,
a glimpse of pale carpet, the black glass bar near my face smelling sickly of
lemon disinfectant. How long did I faint for? A few seconds? A minute?

I wiped damp
wisps from my face, my skin burning. I needed space, cool clean air where I
could think. I needed to concentrate, to come up with a plan, and Dante wasnłt
helping. “I just need the bathroom. IÅ‚ll be back in a moment."

He smiled, sweet
and dangerous, and sipped his wine, long teeth glinting. “DonÅ‚t be too long."



Shadowed in sepia-drenched starlight,
Tony LaFaro watches Jade through transparent inner eyelids as she weaves into
the ladiesł room, teetering on her high heels, her titties just about falling
out of that tiny excuse for a dress. Tarty little whore, trying all the flavors
before she buys. Never mind them bangles, if he was Ange, hełd fuck some
goddamn sense into her.

The slender
yellow fae girl beside Tony grins and trails her glittering hair on his
shoulder, reaching with her long tongue for his cheek. Her crystal-tainted gin
fizz lolls half-empty in her hand. Now this pretty ladyłs no whore. Wouldnłt
hafta spike her drink if she was a whore. Told him to fuck right off, she did.
She ainłt saying that no more.

Tony wipes
remnants of bright banshee blue from his flat nose and slips a scaly hand
around her hip, eliciting a sigh and another besotted lick to his cheek. With
his other hand, he slips out his phone and dials Ange. “Hey, itÅ‚s me. Yeah,
nothing much. Listen, IÅ‚ve got a thing for ya. Guess which bangle-wearing
thrallslut I just saw with Dante DiLuca?"

He grins, his
forked tongue slithering, and holds the phone away from his ear to muffle
AngeÅ‚s curses. “Yeah, mate, he sure did. . . . I dunno, she looked happy enough
about it to me. . . . How the hell would I know if hełs fucking her? I donłt
have my hand around his cock, Iłm just tellinł ya what I saw."

He holds the
phone away again and nibbles at the girlłs sugary lips, tasting her sleepy kiss
while he waits for Ange to shut up. “Will you calm the fuck down and listen to
me? IÅ‚m trying to tell ya this could be a thing for us. Kane could be up to
something. I mean, I woulda dumped ya greasy fangwhore ass, too, but she canłt
just . . . Okay, so now ya real brainłs workinł. Whaddaya want me to do? . . .
Well, IÅ‚d let it run, see what we catch. . . . Yeah, okay. IÅ‚ll let ya know."

He debates
telling Ange what else hełs heardthat therełs a certain curry-munching incubus
with his queerboy hand up Jadełs skirt, toobut decides hełll save it and ruin
Angełs night again another time. Vampires. No sense of humor.

The yellow girl
sucks on his pointed earlobe, her lithe body falling against his. He stretches
webbed fingers to squeeze her perky little breast and cuts Ange off in
midsentence. “Yeah, mate. Whatever. Gotta go."











I clutched my bag in front of me and
walked to the end of the bar, where an open doorway led to a candlelit
bathroom, the mirrored walls leaping with reflected flame. My shoulder itched
above my collarbone, and I brushed at it irritably. I leaned my forehead on the
cool mirror above the creamy porcelain sink and closed my eyes. Tears pressed
behind my eyelids, stinging. I felt unprepared, alone, helpless.

A choking gasp
made me lift my head. A fae girl huddled in the corner, pale blue arms clutched
around her scrawny midriff. I palmed my eyes clear. She retched again, a dry
heave that made her gasp, blue water welling from her silvery eyes, long white
tangles spilling forward over her face.

I wiped my nose.
“Are you okay?"

She started to
wave me away, but choked again, her face crumpling in pain. This time she did
spew, jets of dark stinking mess riddled with blood. I held her hair for her
while it all came up, her jerking body thin under my arm, the long silver dress
she wore staining with vomit and blue saliva. “I canÅ‚t keep it down," she
gasped, bloody bubbles frothing from her sharp nose. “Some snort it with sugar.
Live forever. Blow your mind, that will."

I eyed the
rainbow vomit suspiciously. Bright, thick, cherry-colored blood that clotted
and writhed like a living thing. Not fae. Not human.

Vampire blood.
Was it DanteÅ‚s? I shuddered, jealous and disgusted at the same time. “YouÅ‚ll
kill yourself with that stuff."

“Doubt it. You
should know." Gamely the fairy grinned at me and grasped the wall with long
padded fingers like a frogłs to pull herself to her full height, inches above
me. Her beautiful long face shone translucent in the candlelight, blue-veined
skin glowing.

She traced a
splayed finger over my collarbone and licked the tip, tasting. Her delicate
fingers flowed to my chin, lifting it so she could look at me, black pupils
slitting wide like a catÅ‚s in silver irises. “You look lost. Want to try
something? How about oblivion? I can do you a mean forgetful. Or some fresh
abandon, let yourself go, sweet child. What do you say?" She sniffed my mouth,
lascivious, flickering her long forked tongue over thin blue lips.

Her fruity river
scent drifted, faintly rotten. “No thanks."

Her fingers on
my chin held me fast, her shiny eyes pleading. “You sure? You look like youÅ‚ve
memory to spare. How about a hit of curiosity? Itłs my most popular. Broaden
your horizons."

Her body heat
radiated, her curved hipbones standing out like beaks, silvery cotton flowing
around her slender bare feet. I shook my head and made to turn away, but I
hesitated, thinking of Luna, the challenge glinting in his tigerÅ‚s eyes. “What
about confidence? Can you bottle me that?"

The veins in her
face pulsed azure. “Oh, yes. Assurance to stand you up reckless in deathÅ‚s
face. One bottle, one fix. But worth my price." She licked her lips again,
artful. “IÅ‚ll need a memory. Something bold and gallant."

A shot of
recklessness might be just what Luna needed. “Knock yourself out. But just

I closed my
eyes, thinking of that warm spring night on the Bosphorus when I met him,
lanterns shining over the barge-laden water, the fragrance of pomegranates
sweet on the stinging oriental breeze. We danced, silk scarves flowing from my
hair, our bodies pressed together, his fingers insistent in mine, his desire
for me already pushing his cock hard and ready against my belly.

The fairy
giggled and sniffed my face, her warm breath tickling over me. “Mmm. More,

IÅ‚d wanted him
that night like Iłd wanted no other. Wełd stumbled through a dim stone doorway,
our lips glued together, his tongue mashing mine, my hands already hungry
inside his clothes. His body was a revelation, smooth, muscular, strong. I
pushed him against the wall and took him there, first with my mouth and then
when he could take no more I climbed onto him and he brought me off with his
last frantic thrusts. We came together that first time, and later that night
when he tied me to his bed with those same silken scarves and tortured me with
sweet desire, I thought IÅ‚d found life itself.

“Yes. That one."
The fairy glided her lips across mine, salty, parting my lips with her scaly
tongue and slipping it inside. My throat constricted as it probed and writhed
like a wet snake, and I reeled as the energy dragged up over my tonsils,
forcing from me. I gagged, saliva flowing.

“Mmm. Just the
thing. Memory food." She withdrew, her eyes shimmering, and drew out a shiny
glass tube. She whispered a puff of breath across the opening, misting the
glass. A tiny cloud of golden sparkles showered like fairy dust, drifting down
into the tube. She popped in the cork and handed the tube to me between two
bony blue fingers. “Take care, lonely child."

I took it,
plastering the back of my hand over my sick mouth, and mumbled indistinct
thanks as the fairy glided away, freshly healthy on the energy IÅ‚d lost.

Golden ether
shimmered in the vial, inviting. I thought once again of the night I met Luna,
but I couldnłt remember a thing, and a weak grin spread over my lips despite my
nausea. Now, I was armed and dangerous. But Luna wasnłt stupid. Hełd be wary of
anything I offered him, even hot fresh fairy score like this.

I thumbed the cork
aside and sniffed, cautious, careful not to bring the glimmering stuff too
close. Icy freshness sparkled up my nose, citrus and stinging like cocaine,
tingling my palate as it wafted down. My pulse strengthened, bold despite my
fatigue. Sure, IÅ‚d get him to take it. Why not?

I slipped the
corked tube into my bag and stepped out of the bathroom, trying to feed on that
magical confidence. But they were my memories shełd crafted, my essence shełd
trapped and tortured, and I knew it for a false high. I tossed my head back,
game, but for some reason my ankle buckled and my wobbly legs wouldnłt hold me.
My shoulder thudded into the shiny wall as I staggered, pain spearing my guts.
Jesus. What had I eaten?

Dizzy, I gripped
my stomach with both hands and folded. Red waves shimmered before my eyes,



Rajah hops up the stone steps and
through the automatic glass doors into Eureka Tower.
Cool air slides pleasantly over his skin after the heat outside, and he scrapes
sweat-damp hair off his neck. The foyer glistens, bright yellow downlights
reflecting on warm clay-colored marble. He hangs back awhile, waiting for his
chance, but his nerves wriggle, and itłs nothing to do with the rapture tricks
hełs about to pull. He just hopes Jade and DiLuca are already inside. He
doesnłt want to see her with Dante, watch her smile for him, touch him, look at
him that way.

The cold words
theyłd exchanged still scratch at Rajahłs skin like jagged ice, and the
shocking heat of their almost-kiss only sharpens the pain. He wonłt hold back
if he gets that opportunity again, but the chance of that is slim. Maybe hełs
just wishing her mesmerized. Maybe she wants Dante more. Hell, shełs probably
already swapping more fluids with him than blood.

Jealousy burns
his throat like bile, but sorrow taints his mouth, too, sweet as well as
bitter. Fuck. What does he care, right? Not like itłll matter once hełs got
Lunałs poisonous soul thrashing in a bottle.

People walk in
and out, residents, visitors, and tourists, but hełs interested only in those
going in. Three girls and their boyfriends, a glitter of golden bangles,
eyeliner and silk. Too many, too difficult. Two guys holding hands, beautiful
in smooth expensive shirts, designer stubble, diamond earrings. Too
conspicuous. A pair of young women, jeweled chokers sparkling at their throats,
long blond hair carefully blow-dried. Satiny party dresses, one pale yellow and
one purple, and strappy heels show off long tanned legs. They laugh together as
they step into the glass elevator.

Now thatłs what
Rajahłs waiting for. He slips into the elevator with them, offering a smile.
Their perfume drifts, sweet and sexy. “Eighty-seven?"

“Of course."
They eye him up and down, sly painted lashes dipping. One whispers in her
friendłs ear, and they laugh.

Rajah leans over
to touch the button and releases a silent waft of rapture. The shimmer caresses
the girls, brushing over their limbs, creeping along their smooth skin. The one
in yellow inhales, a hazy wisp drifting up her nose like a delicious scent, and
she flushes, biting her lip as she watches him with smoldering eyes. The second
girl is more wary, her frosted eyelids narrowing, but her gaze, too, is drawn,
her breath shorter as she shifts on her feet, squirming.

He traps his
hands behind him as the elevator door slides shut, his bangles clinking against
dark glass, and gives the yellow girl a come-hither look, laced with
none-too-subtle glamour.

She practically
purrs, her body stretching luxuriantly. His gaze follows the delicate line of
her throat, down to her swelling cleavage. Her nipples harden beneath the thin
yellow silk, tiny peaks poking, begging for his touch.

Rajahłs blood
heats, rapture tingling beneath his skin, but faint sickness sours his mouth,
too, and he wonders why. This is just work, just a job that needs to be done.
Therełs no reason he should feel guilty. Itłs not like hełs promised her

His nerves
twitch, uncomfortable. Damn it. When did Jade become her?

He shoves his unease
away and concentrates on his task, letting glamour flow over the yellow girl,
caress her, lick her nipples, trace invisible fingers up her thighs, flood her
senses with wanting. She fidgets, lips parted, chest heaving.

He taps his
fingers softly on the glass, tense, as the elevator rises with a hiss. “Care to
join me?"

“DonÅ‚t mind if I
do." The yellow girl canłt stand still a moment longer. She stalks over and
plants her glossy lips on his in a desperate, rapture-drenched kiss, her hands
already tugging at his clothes. She tastes of vodka and the bitter sherbet of
cheap cocaine.

Rapture ripples
lust into his blood, warming his thighs, filling his cock. He lets her ravish
him, opening his eyes in mid-kiss to skewer her purple friend with a dark spear
of glamour. The purple girl gasps, her muscles jerking, and he grazes his free
hand along her jaw and pulls her close, sliding his thumb into the warmth of
her eager mouth.

By the time the
elevator slows and the door whispers open, theyłre entangled in a three-way
embrace, unsure of whołs kissing whom and who wants whom more.

“LetÅ‚s go
inside." The yellow girl teases Rajahłs lips with her teeth, stinging. He can
smell her juice, hot and salty, her sex sore and weeping with too-sudden need,
and his rapture gnashes urgent teeth, wanting. He reaches around her to squeeze
the purple girlłs narrow ass, pulling both girls closer.

The purple girl
squirms and drags hungry hands across her friendłs breasts from behind, playing
with swollen nipples, her breath leaving wet marks on the yellow girlłs
shoulder. “How about we fuck right here?"

Rajahłs cock
jumps in anticipation, and he swallows a smile. “Inside," he whispers, and they
tumble into the penthouse foyer, limbs tangled. The yellow girl simpers at the
security guy, digging one-handed in her bag for her invitation, the other hand
occupied in sliding up between her friendłs thighs, while Rajah bangs teeth
with the purple girl, her kiss rough and desperate, shaking fingers yanking his

“Uh-huh." The
big bald guy squints casually at the gilt-edged invite. “What about him?"

“HeÅ‚s with us."
They both say it at once, breathless.

Rajah winks at
him, and the security guy scowls back. “Half his luck. DonÅ‚t make a mess." He
jerks his head gruffly at the black glass door, and they stand straight for
just long enough to pass through.

The penthouse is
amazing, a vast glassy space suspended above starry nothing, the sea of
dazzling men and women glittering like jewels, but Rajah barely has time to
look before the girls yank him onto a soft couch in a dim corner, a pile of
supple limbs, breasts, silk, soft blond hair. The sweat-drenched perfume of
their sex and the sweet mixture of their moans heats his blood, his balls tight
and his cock hungry for contact. His rapture crackles, pure lust searing inside
him, and itłs an effort to drag himself away. He extricates himself, sliding
one girlłs hands onto the otherłs body, one girlłs mouth onto the otherłs
throat. “Knock yourselves out. Gotta go."

The yellow girl
whimpers in displeasure, but the purple girl cuts off her disappointment with a
sensual growl, pulling her on top and dragging her smeared mouth downward,
blond waves tumbling.

Rajah grimaces
and walks stiffly away, forcing air into his lungs to slow his pulse. His
thwarted rapture snarls, bitter heat stinging his skin, and an angry shimmer
swells the air around him. Beside him, a slender blood fairy in white velvet
glances up from his drink, scarlet pupils dilating with desire, and Rajah
curses and flickers out of sight before he spreads his damn glamour all over
the fucking place.

Glassy music
fractures the air, a happy little song about dying from cancer treatment. Still
invisible, Rajah heads for the bar, stepping carefully around people who canłt
see him. He scans the crowd for Jade, but he canłt pick her from the mass of
color and beauty. His stomach tightens with disappointment, and he realizes he
misses her. Nerves clench in his spine, uncomfortable. If he sees Dante
touching her, he might not be able to contain himself in his current mood.
There must be a way he can make her see sense, instead of seeing just another
self-absorbed male who thinks he owns her.

Truth is, he
burns to own her. His blood rushes again, painful in his already aching cock,
and guilt only makes him want harder. To be the only one allowed to touch her,
kiss her, penetrate her sweet body and obsess her mind. To be the one who
teases her into a laugh, puts that glorious smile on her pretty face, sends her
eyelids fluttering closed with bliss. Itłs not what she thinks, not just
jealous possession. Itłs more like . . . Well, he doesnłt want to think about
what it really is.

A mortal couple
stop talking abruptly as he passes and fall into kissing, and he grits his
teeth and clamps down harder on his glamour. The cool air eventually soothes
his twitching skin, his rapture sulking in a tight frustrated coil. The fierce
ripple in his blood dims, his pulse slowing, and the boiling shimmer in the air
subsides to an occasional dirty spark. When he pops back into sight at the
black glass bar and orders lemon, lime, and bitters, he gets merely a sultry
glance and a lick of glossy lips from the bright-eyed bar girl.

He sips, citrus
fizz cooling his throat, and dark prescience prickles the back of his neck.

He spins, his
nerves jerking, but sees nothing, no one who stands out from the crowd. He
takes a deep breath, calming. Probably DiLuca, showing off.

Or maybe Luna.
Rajah gulps his drink, ice and all. If Luna sees him first, and realizes his
intent, itłs all over. He has no idea how to steal Lunałs soul. Overt rapture
wonłt do him any good. Luna is far too clever to let him get that close again.
Hełll need his most artful fakery even to get in the same room.

Dark challenge
heats Rajahłs skin again, and he has to bite his lip to halt a mischievous
smile. Dismay makes him sigh, but it canłt extinguish the old reckless spark in
his blood. Trapping Luna shouldnłt be impossible. His biggest weakness was
always his ego. Maybe a confidence trick, a clever sham. Rajah has nothing to

Except Jade.

Cold sensation
spears his guts. His spine crawls, and he realizes hełs afraid.

He swallows,
overcome. His longing for her cuts deep, the pain sharper than he can ignore or
explain away. But his freedom demands her sacrifice. He canłt have both.

Well, why the
hell not? Whatłs more importantto live free? Or to live in love?

The idea stops
his breath. Her freedom, his thrall, her love. Everything hełs ever wanted . .
. Well, almost everything. He can never give her a child, not in thrall, even
if she could conceive. Would she forgive him that?

Shit. Did he
really just think that? He flushes, reality souring his mouth, and shakes his
head at his own stupidity. Shełll never love him. The way hełs acted, all
jealous and possessive and lustful, hełs everything shełs ever loathed about
men. Shełd rather go with a vicious blood-hungry vampire than be with him. And
if she were free, just a regular woman, how long could she stand a lover who
screwed other women for a living?

He clinks his glass
back onto the bar, skidding it away from him in frustration. His crush on her
will pass. It always has before, such idle covetous impulse. It has to.

Beside him, a
tall water sprite in a slim silver gown winks at him, white hair flowing to blue-veined
shoulders. Her diamond eyes twinkle as she sniffs the air, wet wings shining.
“WhatÅ‚s that I smell, incubus? Regret?"

A reluctant
laugh twists his lips. “Sad but true."

She sways
closer, remnants of a forgotten song crooning in her throat. She smells of the
river in summer, warm and tainted. “YouÅ‚ve no such sorrow from me, IÅ‚ll bet."

He eyes her,
curiosity warming his palms. She does look familiar. Maybe hełs fucked her.
Something about her bow-shaped lips or the pale line of her chin puts him in
mind of St. Kilda Beach at midnight, salty summer breeze, waves lapping, the
warm grittiness of sand on his skin. She tasted of sea salt, not sweat, and
water rushed beneath her skin in rivulets, warm like blood but blue.

“The penny
drops." An artful smile, blue pointed teeth glinting.

He canłt help
another rueful laugh. “Sorry, sweetheart. My mindÅ‚s elsewhere."

She runs a
splayed fingerpad around the rim of his empty glass and slips it into her
mouth. The forks of her scaly tongue flicker, lascivious. “Want something
stronger, pretty? A splash of sweet forgetful? Youłll regret nothing then."

To forget Jade
would be sweet relief. Temptation slides crafty fingers over his thighs, and
hełs about to caress the fairyłs chin and ask what sordid favor she wants in
return, when a flash of scarlet satin catches his eye. Slender shoulders, soft
brown wisps, a vicious splash of . . .

Urgency slams
pressure into his racing blood, and he doesnłt even bother to excuse himself.











I staggered against the glass wall, and
a dark shape materialized, warm hands on my stinging shoulder.

“Bring it up.
Come on." His voice was soft, compelling, and despite my agony, I smelled a
whisper of familiar oriental spice.

“Rajah . . ."
Relief choked me, and another spasm twisted my guts. “I donÅ‚t feel so well." I
leaned against him, shivering, and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder,
gently but insistently forcing me back to the bathroom. I went, stumbling, my
ankles tangling. My thrall bangles hissed and sparked, the hot metal tightening
painfully on my forearms, but I didnłt care. I wanted to pass out, sleep
forever. Candlelight gloated on dark mirrors, the metallic stink of the fairyłs
vomit still souring the cool air.

Rajah gripped
my shoulders. “Look at me. Jade. Look at me, please."

With an effort
of will I dragged my swimming head up, and he cupped his hands around my face,
his thumbs caressing my cheeks. “You have to bring it up. ItÅ‚s making you

“What?" My lips
fumbled, clumsy. “What dÅ‚ya mean?"

He spun me
around to face the mirror, leaning over to press his head against mine, his
hands gripping my waist, forcing me to look. There I was, fatigue drawing lines
around my mouth, mascara smudged on my lashes, my red satin dress twisted where
he held me, my bare shoulders gleaming golden in the flickering light. Hełd
shown up in his full glory in a sleeveless black shirt and jeans, showing off
glistening muscles and perfect poise. His dark hair mingled with mine, his
beautiful lips tense and close to my ear. A faint shimmer of his rapture flowed
over me, warm, probably the remnants of whatever hełd done to get in here.

I couldnłt feel
the glamour, of course, but I wanted to swoon anyway. His body moved against my
back as he breathed, swift and short, but he didnłt seem concerned with
rapture. His reflected golden gaze bored into mine, unrelenting. “Look," he
insisted, harsh. “CanÅ‚t you see what heÅ‚s done to you? CanÅ‚t you feel it?"

I blinked,
straightening my nodding head, trying to filter my glaring vision. My
reflection goggled back at me, dumb. I twisted my neck, aching. My shoulder
stung. I rubbed it, wincing, and my hand came away wet and warm.

I looked down.
At fingers smeared with sticky blood.

Horror crushed
my heart with an icy fist. Wildly I stared up at the mirror, my pulse
galloping. Scarlet streamed over my shoulder, pooling in the hollow above my
collarbone, dripping, staining my dress. A bruise already blackened on the soft
flesh between my neck and shoulder, a ragged red gash freshly torn open by
rapacious fangs. Blood welled in the holes, dripping, fragments of scab already

When the
fuck did he do that? I remembered my fit of dizziness by the bar, that few
seconds IÅ‚d blacked out.

I wanted to
scream, but no sound could escape from my parched throat. My body shook,
helpless, my stomach shriveling. Dante had lied to me. IÅ‚d been an idiot to
believe him for an instant, to imagine for a moment that a man who had
everything could be the slightest bit interested in me. And Rajah . . . I
didnłt want to think about the things Iłd said to Rajah. God, what a fuckup.

Rajah gripped
me tightly, his warmth enfolding me. “ItÅ‚s okay. IÅ‚ve got you. Did you swallow any?"

I shook my
head, my mouth dry with terror.

“Did you
swallow any?" Rajah repeated, shaking me lightly to get my attention, his hands
tense and hot.

“I donÅ‚t know!"
I forced out at last. “Maybe. I donÅ‚t remember." But memories squirmed to the
surface like worms, of Dantełs body on mine, pushing inside me, his hot coppery
warmth tingling in my mouth, down my throat. Hełd fed me. Mesmerized me with
his blood. Licked my clit, made me like it. Fucked me. Probably came inside me,
and I didnłt know anything about it. And all the time Iłd believed he wanted
more than that.

God, IÅ‚m so

Blood rushed to
my face, burning. Claws of nausea slashed into my guts, and my stomach heaved.
I scrambled for the toilet, hanging my head over the bowl, and stinking scarlet
bile erupted onto the porcelain, scorching my throat. Pain punched into my
abdomen, my body spasming over and over until nothing remained.

I dragged back
damp wisps of hair, my eyes streaming. Dark vampire blood steamed in the bowl,
thick and clotted. Disgusting. I wiped my mouth, blood smearing on the back of
my shaking hand.

The rush of
water made me turn. Rajah flipped the tap off and handed me a glass of water,
wordless, his eyes dark and inscrutable.

I took it, my
gaze slipping away. Embarrassment crawled on my skin. He must think me so
gullible. I swilled cool water in my mouth and spat into the spotless porcelain
sink. Twists of bloody phlegm swirled down the plughole. I shuddered, and
washed my mouth out again and again until my spit ran clear and the foul taste
was gone, but it still didnłt feel clean.

I touched my
aching shoulder gingerly, trying not to flex it and reopen the wound. My own
blood stained my skin, crusting darkly on the red satin, streaked with viscous
vampire spit. My fingers shook, desperate. I wanted it gone. I fumbled for
paper towels, frantic, smearing my skin as I tried to wipe the mess away.

Rajahłs hot
hand gripped mine as he reached from behind to steady me, his body warm and
firm against my back. “Careful. Let me."

Unwilling, I
relented. He pried the bloody paper from my fingers and got some more, wetting
it under the hot tap and pressing it gently to my fouled skin. His fingers were
delicate, tender, soothing, the hot tissue fresh and cleansing. I closed my
eyes, relaxing, letting him take care of me. He brushed a stray curl away from
my neck, sliding the wet paper over me, dabbing gently. Warm tingles spread
across my back, climbing my neck, and I shivered, letting my head fall to the
side so he could touch me.

I could feel
him breathing, tense against my back, and I realized his rapture probably
wasnÅ‚t helping the situation. I opened my eyes. “You donÅ‚t have to"

“What if I want
to?" He tossed the mess in the bin and soaked a fresh lump of towel, moving
down over my collarbone where sticky clots still formed. Hot drips glided down
to my breast, soaking into the soft low neckline of my dress. I imagined his
fingertips following, sliding the fabric aside, tracing the shape of my breast,
teasing my nipple to hardness. I didnłt want him to stop. His gentleness
unnerved me, made me yearn for more.

He dabbed at
the dressłs stained edge, hesitant, his fingers brushing the top of my breast.
“I canÅ‚t get this off."

“ItÅ‚s okay."
His touch flooded tingling sensation into my guts. My nipple strained against
the wet satin, and I struggled to keep my breath slow and regular. Had he
noticed? He must have noticed.

I felt him
swallow, and slowly his fingertip slipped down over my breast, tracing a
deliberate circle around my tight peak. I shivered, my lips parting. His thumb
joined in, and he pinched my nipple, delicate, pleasure shooting deep inside

I closed my
eyes. “Rajah . . ."

“Mmm?" He bent
his lips to my neck, his tongue flicking out to pleasure me with a long slow
lick toward my ear, his thumb and finger making delicious wickedness at my
breast, rolling and tugging until my nipples swelled, tight like pebbles,
yearning for his palms, his mouth, his teeth.

His cock
pressed into the curve of my back, long and hard, and I trembled, the air
pregnant with his energy like an imminent storm. He was right. I didnłt want to
be with anyone else. Not Dante, not Luna, not anyone but my beautiful Rajah,
who cared who hurt me and how. I didnłt mind if his arousal was just rapture
this time. For once, IÅ‚d take what I wanted.

“Kiss me," I
whispered, turning my head toward him.

He dragged his
lips over my throat and my chin, sinking hot trails of desire into my skin. I
caught his mouth with mine, and his tongue delved into me, tracing my teeth, seeking
my own tongue and stroking it until I moaned. His energy mingled with mine,
pure and arousing. He cupped my breast, palming the nipple through wet satin,
the friction delicious. I leaned back into him, finding a place for his cock in
the hollow of my bottom, sliding him against me. My sex swelled and moistened
in sympathy, hurting. I wanted his length driving into me, pressing against my
limit, stretching me until I was full of him.

He pulled me
back onto him, strong fingers gripping my hip, his mouth sliding reluctantly
from mine. His voice husked, hot on my cheek and thick with need, his touch
still alive on my swelling breast. “This is impossible."

I leaned my
head back on his shoulder, burying my nose in his dark fragrant hair, my body
aflame in his arms. I wanted to trail kisses over his throat, down his chest,
bite his smooth brown nipples. How was I supposed to keep him at a distance? He
was too alluring, too wonderful. “I know. What are we going to do?"

“Well, thereÅ‚s
this." He teased his fingers under the satin, tugging my bare aching nipple. I
gasped from pure sensation, my teeth grazing his throat. He crept his other
hand beneath my skirt, feathering a shiver up the hot inside of my thigh. “And

I willed his
touch upward, shifting my stance to let him in. “I meant about . . . Oh, god."
Hełd slipped his fingertips inside my underwear, finding hot wetness. A bolt of
fierce need shot up into me, my clit swelling for him. He teased my entrance,
sliding over me lightly, maddening, and I thought IÅ‚d explode with boiling
desire, heat pouring off me in waves. His fingernail brushed my sensitive clit,
and I whimpered, nerves afire all over my body. I reached up to crush his hair,
gripping it tightly, pulling his lips back onto my neck. This was worse than
rapture. This was heaven.

“Do it." The
words burst from my lips, strained with lust. I was begging before hełd even
undressed me, and I didnÅ‚t care. “Please, just do it."

He slipped a
long, smooth finger inside, all the way in. I groaned in pure delight, my flesh
quivering and clenching. He buried his face in my neck, his mouth gentle but
ravenous, and crept his other hand down to massage me, two clever fingers
sliding around my clit, rubbing while he pushed inside me. Tension gripped me,
pleasure building rapidly. But fear tinged my sensation with hot edginess. I
was too raw, Rajah too overwhelming. “No," I panted, “itÅ‚s too much. Stop."

“Must I?" His
breath burned my skin, heavy. “I want to feel you come."

“I canÅ‚t.
Therełs still Luna . . . no. Stop it." I grabbed his wrists and dragged him
from me, my flesh whimpering in protest. IÅ‚d need all the energy I could muster
to seduce Luna. I couldnłt afford to waste it now, no matter how much I wanted

Yeah, okay. I
hadnłt made him stop because he frightened me, or anything. Not because when he
touched me I forgot who I was. Not because he made me feel like a woman instead
of a machine and I didnłt know what to do.

He leaned his
damp forehead on my shoulder, closing his arms around me, and gave a deep
shuddering sigh. “IÅ‚m sorry. I didnÅ‚t mean . . . Oh, Jade. What are we going to
do about Luna?"

I wriggled
away, his closeness too much to bear. “I donÅ‚t know. IÅ‚ve tried rapture and he
just shrugs it off."

He eyed me
darkly. “ThatÅ‚s not what I mean."

I swallowed,
the mirrored wall cold against my shoulder. Luna was one thing we couldnłt
share. But I didnÅ‚t want us to fight, not now. “Well . . . heÅ‚s no good to
either of us still alive, is he?"

A tiny smile
turned RajahÅ‚s lips. “Fair enough. First trap our soul?"

“And bicker
about it later?"

“IÅ‚m game if
you are."


“What did you
have in mind?" He licked his shining fingers delicately, and I blushed when I
remembered they were still wet from being inside me.

“IÅ‚ve got
this." I fumbled in my bag for the fairyÅ‚s sparkling drug. “Confidence. HeÅ‚s
not afraid of me. We can use that."

“It might take
both of us to break his defenses. I donłt see him letting us get him alone."

“Both of us?
Not a chance." I thought hard, trying to ignore the ache still burning deep
inside me, and an idea glimmered. “But he doesnÅ‚t have to see both of us, does

Rajah grinned
slowly, a hint of centuries-old malice lighting his eyes. “I like the way you

My mind raced.
“Give him the drug. Make him think I want him. Get him alone . . ." Fear
pricked my skin with icy needles. I never wanted to be alone with Luna again.
The way hełd scattered my rapture into thin air scared me. Iłd never realized I
relied so much on my glamour for self-confidence. Was this how IÅ‚d felt as a
mortal? Defenseless, weak, helpless? I bit my lip. Damn it.

“Only you wonÅ‚t
be alone. I wonłt let him hurt you, Jade."

I closed my
eyes briefly, shuddering, letting my head fall back against the cool mirror. “I
canłt. Hełs too powerful. Hełll know"

“No, he wonÅ‚t.
Youłre good. One weak moment is all it takes and hełs ours." Rajah gripped my
hand, sliding his damp fingers between mine. “Then one orgasm, heÅ‚s dead, itÅ‚s
over. Improvise. Youłll be fine. Iłll talk you through it."

“How? If you make
a sound, hełll know youłre there."

Trust me.

His voice
resonated in my head, caressing me like a warm feather. His lips hadnłt moved.
I stared. “How did you?"

He smiled,
cheeky. Itłs magic. How else? Another of the few things he couldnłt steal
from me. He brushed my cheek with his knuckles, tender. “You ready?"

My sex was
still slick from his caress, and I considered going to the toilet to clean up.
But I might need that wetness later, to convince Luna my skin wasnłt creeping
at the thought of him touching me. I tugged my damp underwear off over my heels
and tossed it in the bin, and heaved in a breath. “Okay . . . oh. Wait a

I popped the
cork on the vial and leaned over to wipe my finger in the stained toilet bowl,
wrinkling my nose at the metallic, acid stink. A drop of Dantełs blood quivered
on my nail, still warm. I tapped my finger on the rim of the glass, and a
single scarlet drop plinked in, dissolving in golden sparkles. I jammed the
cork back in tight, pressed the flush button and wiped my stained finger on a
paper towel as water gushed into the bowl, frothing away the stink. “A little
persuasion. Just in case."

Rajah watched
me, grinning. “You have a real talent for this, you know."

I grinned back
in spite of myself. “DonÅ‚t be too happy about it. ItÅ‚s my bottle his soulÅ‚s
going in."

His smile
twisted. “WeÅ‚ll see." He blinked out like a popping lightbulb, his reflections
vanishing. Can you still hear me?

“Sure." His
disembodied voice unnerved me, but knowing hełd be there kept me warm inside. I
slipped the blood-tainted vial back in my purse, straightened my shoulders, and
walked out of the bathroom.

My heart leapt,
blood throbbing hot in my veins.











Dante smiled at me, leaning against the
mirrored wall with his arms folded, his reflection copied in infinite corridors
on either side.

I swallowed,
flushing, wondering how much heÅ‚d heard. “Shit. You scared me."

“I worried about
you. Taking so long and all." He straightened and reached for me, his hand warm
and gentle but somehow unyielding in the bend of my arm. His blue eyes glowed
bright and intense, dizzying.

I wanted to look
away, to break his stare, but my gaze slid inexorably back to his. My wits
thrashed, sluggish. Bastard. How had I not noticed this before?

“You look tired,
sweetheart. Can I get you a drink?" His soft whisper shot straight to my skin,
cold shivers rippling. My thrall bangles buzzed, distant but definite, my
wrists itching.

Donłt, Jade.
Remember. Rajahłs voice slid into my head, gentle but insistent, the smell
of his skin still warm in my nostrils.

“No." My lips slurred,
and I had to force the words out. “No thanks."

Dantełs fingers
slid delicately over the twin scarlet dents in my shoulder where Rajah had
cleaned up the mess, and he slipped his fingertip into his mouth, tasting. “My,
my. Defiance.
It doesnłt taste good. Someone whispering poison in your ear, my sweet? Maybe
you need another taste of my antidote."

Darkness smeared
the air, crashing Dante back against the mirror. Rajah materialized, his
fingers squeezing Dantełs throat, muscles rippling and male bodies crushing
together as Rajah forced him against the glass. “Take your filthy fingers off

Dante hissed,
pink spit flecking, and broke free, his movement a blur. Effortlessly he threw
Rajah against the opposite mirror, glass creaking under the impact. He bared
shining wet fangs an inch from RajahÅ‚s face. “Careful where you piss, puppy
dog. It might get you into a fight."

“Go on, then."
Rajah gritted his teeth but didnłt back down, challenge ripe in his flashing
eyes. “Do it, in front of everyone. IÅ‚ll die in a noisy mess they canÅ‚t
possibly miss. You really want that?"

Mad relish
swirled in DanteÅ‚s ultra-blue gaze. “YouÅ‚d better be sure I give a shit."

wrenched my long-suffering guts once more, and I forced a laugh. “Steady on the
hormones, guys. Not in front of a lady, huh?"

Rajah stared
Dante down, raising a defiant eyebrow, sweat trickling down his perfect temple.

Dante shoved him
aside, swallowing a snarl in an effort to keep his dignity. “IÅ‚ll not make
demands on you, Jade. Do what you like. I only ever asked you for trust." He
turned his deep blue eyes on me, hurt and distant. “Only I care for you. Only I
understand you. Come back to me when youłve realized that." And he was gone,
air rushing in to fill the sudden space.

I let out a pent-up
breath, blinking to empty my mind of those horrid, hypnotic eyes. My thrall
bangles yipped and stung, angry like insects. I ignored them. I was well rid of
him. Iłd just have to find some other way to satisfy Kanełs demand. The scarlet
stink of that fairyłs spew drifted once again in my nostrils, and I suspected I
knew the answer to some of Kanełs questions already. Dante was poisoning the
fae with his own blood. But I still didnłt know why.

Rajah cracked
his neck, rubbing scarlet scratches on his throat, and sighed. “Yeah, so I
handled that well." He scraped a tense hand through his hair, fury still
tightening his muscles, and gave me a lopsided smile. “Sorry. CouldnÅ‚t help

His bashful
gallantry shone on my heart like sunshine, and I wanted to kiss him. “ItÅ‚s a
wonder youłve lived this long, Rajahni Seth. Leaping to girlsł defense like

“Not girls. Just
you." He winked, and disappeared. Donłt worry. If Luna tries anything, Iłll
stay invisible while I throttle him.

I straightened
my purse on my shoulder, scaly dread coiling in my bowels. “YouÅ‚d better be

His invisible
lips brushed mine, burning, and his tongue flicked my teeth, the unexpected
sensation shocking through my core. Wełre in this together. Iłll help you
when I can.

I nodded,
anxiety still raw on my skin like a rash, and stepped from the corridor, trying
to look like my legs werenłt shaking. I could trust him, right? Hełd never fool
Luna on his own. So hełd keep his word, and help me. Wouldnłt he?

The glittering
party still mingled and laughed, the bar still festooned with drunken fae and
improbably perfect mortals. At my end a muscled football player I recognized
chatted up a golden-skinned fae girl, trying to ease his hand down the front of
her dress while she giggled and snorted a line of sparkling blue dust off the
glass bar, spiky green hair flopping. On a pile of white cushions an identical
pair of sly blond fae boys shared a sleepy-eyed vampire girl, thin silvery
limbs entwined, their tongues flicking together as they kissed her, her long
black hair fluttering on the pale carpet.

I walked up to
the bar and asked for cognac and absinthe on ice, two of. I glanced around
while the girl mixed my drinks. I couldnłt see Dante, and I hoped hełd left
without me. But there stood Luna at the massive window, golden hair flowing
over his silk-clad shoulder in a haze of mauve aura. Talking into his phone. On
his own. Perfect.

Are you really going to drink that stuff? Rajahłs amused whisper slipped
softly into my head like a caress, but I couldnłt feel him near me, and I
wondered about the range of his sexy little mind tricks. I resisted a nervous
smile, and the girl eyed me strangely as I took the two cocktail glasses.

My heels clicked
softly on the dark glass floor, and my guts lurched at the heights, the city
impossibly distant beneath. I approached him, the stems warming in my trembling
fingers, and my nerves twisted as he turned. Had he heard me coming? Did he
feel my body heat? Sense me? I had my rapture under control; I wasnłt emanating
anything. Hell, maybe hełd smelled me. I wouldnłt put it past him. I could
smell myself, warm and salty, the hot fluid still coating me from Rajahłs
touch. My cheeks warmed, my pulse swelling in my temples.

Luna looked me
up and down with sharp amber-green eyes, still speaking into his little silver
phone. “Yeah, well, I told him a hundred and fifty or he can go to hell. No pun
intended. Listen, I really gotta go." He flipped the phone shut and vanished it
away with a twirl of long fingers.

I swallowed and
offered him a glass, ice clinking in clouded green vapor. “To old times?"

He studied me,
cool, before giving me his shattering smile and taking the drink from me, his
hard fingertips shocking mine with static. I struggled not to flinch. Was that
a tease, or a warning?

He clinked his
glass against mine and took a mouthful, rolling his eyes in a caricature of
pleasure as he savored and swallowed. “Damn, thatÅ‚s good. You know what I like.
But IÅ‚ll drink to new times and screw the old."

“ThatÅ‚s fair." I
sipped, the fiery alcohol zinging on my tongue, fumes dizzying. IÅ‚d need it, to
stomach his charm.

Anyway, were we really that long ago, you and I?"

“Long enough.
Arenłt you afraid Iłll poison you?"

He smiled, beautiful
eyes flashing. “You donÅ‚t smell like poison, wildcat."

“Really. What do
I smell like, then?"

He slitted his
eyes, pretending to consider, but ruined the effect with a cheeky turn at the
corner of his mouth. “IÅ‚d say . . . regret. Frustration. Angsty shit like that,
you know. But poisonłs a cowardłs weapon, and you were never afraid. Besides,
youłve something better now. Those sexy bangles." He let his gaze travel over
me, cool.

My nerves stung
a warning. “Not that I ever needed such a thing with you."

He laughed,
dropping his arm around my shoulder and gesturing to the window with his
half-empty glass. “God, IÅ‚ll never tire of this. Never. Remember those nights
in Sultanahmet, the torchlit barges on the bay? We swam in the warm ocean naked
and swore wełd live forever. And here we are." A laugh rumbled his chest, his
mauve aura whispering warm and hungry on my skin. “Not totally what you had in
mind, I guess, but still."

Intentional or
not, his barb skewered my heart. Bastard. IÅ‚d forgotten his carelessness, his
reckless disregard for feelings. No wonder he and Kane got on so well.

His scent of
orange blossom and cloves drifted, too close, unpleasantly disarming. Warm
silk-clad muscles pressed into the back of my neck, tempting, but his
familiarity sickened me. I tried to concentrate on the sensations, forget our
history, ignore the screaming impulse to rake my nails down his face, choke
him, smack his head into the glass until he bled and tear home to scrub myself
clean. Just a man. A handsome, powerful man, a candy feast for my eyes and a
snarling feline god in bed, but just a man. IÅ‚d had hundreds. I could surely
have this one.

His fingers lay
slack against my upper arm, casual, like hełd no intention of letting them
stray elsewhere. Wełd see about that. I tilted away, sliding my hand into my
bag. “I brought you a gift."

“Oh, you
shouldnłt have" His tone changed when he saw the vial, his pupils dilating,
and when I slipped it into his hand, he swallowed, golden glitter reflecting in
his eyes as he held it to the light. “But IÅ‚m so glad you did. What is it? No,
donłt tell me. Let me guess."

He put his drink
aside on the metal window frame and loosened the cork, tracing his fingertip
around the vialłs lip to collect a sparkling drop. As he touched it to his
lips, the air shimmered around him, so slight, I thought IÅ‚d imagined it, and
my stomach clenched in anticipation. Rapture, while I distracted Lunałs senses
with the drug. My admiration for Rajah slipped up another notch. That was good.
That was very good.

Lunałs eyes
sparkled, and he sucked his fingertip with relish. “Not sure if IÅ‚m flattered
or disappointed. You gave up the night we met for this?"

I wetted my
lips, delicate, and the shimmer flashed again. “I wanted you to have it. She
asked for something . . . fierce."

His gaze fixed
on mine, entranced. “Never mind, then. We made plenty like that, eh?"

I held his
stare, daring him. “Hundreds."

He watched me,
and electricity stung my skin as he searched, suspicious.

I didnłt let my
gaze slip. The rapture was all Rajahłs. Hełd find nothing.

Finally he gave
a soft laugh and popped the cork, bringing the vial to his nose. Golden glitter
swirled as he inhaled deeply, savoring the fresh fae essence. His face colored,
his green eyes glazing, and he let out his breath in a rush. “Good god."

murmured Rajah, and Lunałs aura writhed and rippled under the slow caress of

I smiled,
careful. “Like it?"

“I love it."
Luna sniffed, swallowed, and offered me the half-empty vial, his tawny lashes
shimmering. “Try some."

My heart
thudded, my fingers clenching on the hot stem of my glass. I hadnłt anticipated
hełd want to share. The last thing I needed with him around was a head full of
reckless fairy shit.

Take it.
Rajahłs whisper was urgent, tense. Iłm watching. Youłll be fine.

He was right. I
couldnłt back down now. I took the vial, willing my fingers not to shake, and

fire exploded in my skull. My pulse leapt into a sprint. My vision tumbled,
drenched with falling stars, and I swayed, water stinging my eyes. Holy shit.

Luna laughed,
gripping my shoulder so I wouldnłt stumble.

I steadied
myself, acid citrus searing my palate, air fresh and cold in my nose. My body
warmed as the drug rushed into my blood, sweat seeping onto my skin. I felt a
foot taller, stronger, my hips curvier, my breasts bigger. Rapture kindled deep
inside my womb, and I clenched it tight so it couldnłt escape. Not yet.

His gaze slipped
to mine and stayed there, his fingers gentle now on my shoulder. “Now thatÅ‚s worth
an old memory, eh?"

Cloves stung my
tongue, seductive, my drug-washed sense of taste heightened. I hadnłt realized
he was so close. I tucked the empty tube away in my purse, and it clinked on
the waiting soultrap, surely audible. I swallowed, my lips parting. “Want to
make a new one?"

He raised his
fine eyebrows, amused, but his lips shone wet, and he slipped hot fingers up my
cheek, tucking away a loose curl. “Well, well. If I didnÅ‚t know better,
wildcat, IÅ‚d think you a trickster."

I rubbed my
cheek against his palm, letting my eyelids flutter as if I lost myself. His
silken cuff brushed my collarbone, warm. “You know all my tricks," I whispered.
“You liked them once."

“More than once,
as I recall." He traced his thumb over my bottom lip, speculative.

Jade, youłre a genius. Rajahłs wicked rapture twinkled over us like

Lunałs gaze
darkened, scorching. He twisted my glass from my fingers, drained the drink in
a single gulp and dropped it. It shattered at our feet, green-stained fragments
scattering. “LetÅ‚s see if youÅ‚ve learned any new ones."

He slid his
perfumed wrist around my neck, pulling me toward him. His lips came down hard
on mine, tilting my head back, filling my mouth with his strong taste. I
gasped, triumph and seductive memory burning deep holes in my composure. He
forced my mouth open and slanted his head to get his tongue in deeper, and for
a frightening instant I remembered how Iłd loved him. Hełd broken me, burned my
life to endless ash with a careless shrug, humiliated and hurt me like no one
else ever had. But I had loved him. My body singing with it, my senses drenched
in it. IÅ‚d whispered it in his ear, screamed it to the world, gasped it into
his mouth with my legs wrapped around his hips and his hot length buried deep
inside me.

My heart ached
with loss. I stretched my tongue deeper into his warmth, searching for anything
that remained of what wełd had. His long fragrant hair flowed over my hands,
silk raw on my palms as I slid them up his spine.

My front teeth scraped
against his, and the shock hauled me back to reality. Hełd said he loved me,
too, and IÅ‚d ended up chained to a filthy wall in his dungeon. Fingers of
nausea curled in my stomach that IÅ‚d enjoyed touching him again even for a
moment. Maybe Luna had rapture spells of his own.

He smiled, his
lips curving in our kiss. “DidnÅ‚t think IÅ‚d leave this to chance, did you?"

My throat
swelled in alarm, but he spun me around, forcing me against the window, pinning
my wrists to the glass, his body unyielding against my back. My breasts
flattened on the window, my taut nipples compressing. He was hot, his heartbeat
strong and quick, his cock pressing hard and inviting into the base of my
spine. He dragged ravenous lips across the curve between my neck and shoulder,
his tongue savoring the sticky fang marks. “Mmm. You still taste good."

He released one
of my hands to crush my skirt in his fist, pulling it up over my thigh, fingers
grasping for my skin. The glittering city loomed below, dizzying, and I pressed
my cheek against the cold glass, my hot breath misting in a damp cloud over my
hand. Hełd take me here, in front of everyone. My heart pounded, the drug
dilating my vessels. IÅ‚ve never fucked eighty-seven floors above nothing.

I folded my head
back against his shoulder, breathless and squirming for more reasons than
nausea. “Not here. Take me to bed."

He forced my
thighs apart with one of his, and his urgent fingers traced the curve of my
naked ass, tempting. “Never so shy in Constantinople,

I resisted the
urge to thrust back onto him, get him inside me any way I could, get this over
with before he could screw with my mind. “No phone cameras in Constantinople."

“True." He
released me and slipped his hand into mine, tugging me away toward a darkened
doorway beside the bar.

An amused,
lustful tingle along my spine made me jump. Pity, whispered Rajah. I
was getting hot watching that.

I swallowed a
smile. So Rajah liked to watch, did he? Well, hełd get an eyeful pretty soon.
My insides heated at the thought of him watching us, those gold-flecked eyes
molten with lust.

Luna dragged me
into the dark corridor, grating electric music fading, and my nerves wriggled,
shaking off my levity. The fairyłs drug sharpened my vision and put a sway into
my hips as I walked, but deep-seated unease still dragged me down. Luna was
dangerous. Forgetting that could hurt me.

We emerged into
his vast pine-scented living space, the tall glass ceiling distant and
star-flecked, pale carpet glowing under soft spotlights. On a low table by the
window an old-fashioned brass oil lamp gleamed beside tortured blown-glass
figures in black and scarlet. Bizarre art decorated the walls, dark scrawls and
bright painted slashes of color, stunning nature photographs of sunsets and
waterfalls digitally warped and stained to look like scenes from hell. Slate
tiles covered an alcove in one corner for a bathroom, with a shower, a wide
white bathtub, and a mirror over the sink.

Luna nipped my
ear with wet lips, his seductive tongue curling. “Make yourself at home," he
whispered, and shoved me backwards.











I stumbled, flinging my arms out for balance,
and thudded into soft whiteness. My purse slipped from my shoulder, tumbling to
the floor, and he was on me, his lips crushing mine, his hard thigh insistent
between my legs. I shivered beneath him, icy apprehension and hot desire
chasing each other over my skin. He already had me on his bed. Luna wasnłt one
to mess around, especially not with rapture whispering lustful thoughts inside
his head. Triumph tingled my thighs, adding to my pleasant discomfort, and I
writhed, pressing myself onto him. I could do this. One orgasm, hełs dead and
itłs over. Right?

He sat astride
me and fought for my wrists, pinning me down, his long silk coat flowing over
my bare legs. Reflexively I struggled, and he held me tighter, his eyes
gleaming. His beautiful golden hair tangled over his wide shoulders, an
unsettling smile creeping about his lips.

He released one
of my wrists, and without so much as a flicker of his hot green eyes, he
conjured a mass of bright silk into his hand, the energy release tainting the
air with ozone. He wrapped my wrist tightly, and tied it fast to the rail at
the top of his bed. The scarf bit into my pulse, making it throb, and swiftly
he did the same to the other wrist, stretching my arms over my head. “WouldnÅ‚t
want you wriggling away."

I swear I heard
Rajah catch his breath. Oh, now thatłs too much. Do you have any idea how
hard it is to stand back and watch?

My nipples
tightened, and I squirmed, enjoying Lunałs weight pressing down on me as much
as I relished the thought of Rajah watching. Have to admit, the tying-up thing
still turned me on. My sex awakened, the pleasant ache growing, new moisture
thickening. If I had to let him fuck me, I might as well get into it.

Now that I lay
immobile, Luna shrugged off his coat and tossed it away. His ultrafine silk
shirt didnłt even pretend to hide the brutally masculine shapes of his chest,
the way his waist narrowed and tightened, the steel piercing at his nipple.
That was new. Hełd always had sensitive nipples, a hair-trigger for his
arousal. I imagined my tongue flicking that sharp stud, teasing the hard peak
of flesh, sucking it. Itłd drive him crazy. If I could reach, which I couldnłt.

When he
unbuttoned the shirt and let it fall, I got an even better view, his pale skin
taut over naturally toned muscles, that sexy serpent tattoo curling around his
biceps, assorted scars across his chest still showing after all this time. Some
of those were probably from my teeth, and I recalled the citrus tang of his
skin, the silky stone of his cock on my tongue.

He leaned over
me, soft golden hair brushing my breasts, and trailed his wet mouth up the
inside of my silk-shackled forearm, leaving shivering heat in his wake. His
scent filled my mouth, triggering bittersweet memory. I recalled the games wełd
played, how he teased me until desire threatened to boil my blood, until I
whimpered and pleaded for him to fuck me. My stomach clenched even as he
pleasured me. Would he make me beg?

I hesitated at
the thought of Rajah watching me humiliate myself. But there wasnłt much left
of my dignity as far as he was concerned anyway, not after hełd nearly made me
come screaming in about three seconds flat with just his fingers.

Still, the
sooner this was over with, the better. I was already liking it too much.
Daring, I flexed muscles deep inside my abdomen and let loose a tiny ripple of
that pent-up rapture.

Lunałs mouth
claimed mine again, and I gave in, tempting him, letting him dominate me. He
nudged my chin up, his lips wicked on my throat, and unwillingly I strained against
the silk, wanting to crush his hair in my hands, drag his mouth farther down to
my puckered nipples, my belly, my sex. God, IÅ‚d forgotten how good he was, how
effortlessly he turned me on. The things he was doing with his tongue shot
burning bombs of desire straight to my clit, and he was only kissing my neck.

Rajahłs sigh
sparkled over my skin, intense. You are so hot. I could come from just
watching you. Warm breath burned my ear, shocking me into a hiss. He was
right there, at the edge of the bed. Watching me gasp, smelling me, inhaling my
pleasure. I tossed my head toward him, stifling a groan, longing to feel
Rajahłs beautiful swelling lips devouring mine while Luna slid that talented
tongue between my legs.

Too late I
smelled ozone, the telltale stink of conjuration. A cold metal blade stung my
collarbone, tipping icy water over my need.

I choked,
tugging helplessly at my bindings. Luna leaned over onto one elbow and traced
the knifepoint across the sensitive bone, leaving a smarting trail, heat seeping
slowly as my blood trickled. I kicked, but he trapped my legs with his thigh,
heavy and strong and impossible to move. His cock lay hard against me, and my
wriggling only got him harder. He ground against me with a slow sigh of desire.

My heartbeat quickened,
and I tried to swallow, fear gripping my throat like a tight fist. IÅ‚d seen him
torture girls, cut them, burn their nipples with glowing iron, tease them with
his tongue and his cock in the most sensitive places while they sobbed. His
imagination was staggering, his patience never-ending. It had amused me, back
when I hated the world and everyone in it except him. But hełd never done it to
me. “What the fuck"

He clamped his
other hand gently over my mouth and clicked his tongue. “Did you really think
IÅ‚d forgotten those curses you spat at me? IÅ‚ve never heard such filth come out
of your sweet mouth." He trailed the warming knifepoint into the hollow of my
throat and pressed gently, his gaze fixed on mine.

The spot stung,
my pulse throbbing, and dread parched my mouth. Rajahłs invisible fingers
brushed across my hair, reassuring. Itłs all right, I wonłt let him hurt
you. Hełs still enraptured. Just do what he wants, and wait for our moment.

I knew Rajah was
right. Lunałs face still glowed warm from the fairyłs drug, his eyes glazed
with unnatural rapture-borne sensuality. He was still ours. So long as I could
endure this.

God, I hoped
that wasnłt just the drug rushing around my own head talking.

Luna watched me,
his lips quivering apart. “You want to be careful who you curse to hell forever
next time. It might come back and bite your pretty ass. We can still be
friends, Jade. I can forgive you. But not until youłve repented for your

The knifełs wide
blade glinted, and for a moment he admired the light catching on the sharp
edges. Then he slid the cold steel beneath the satin shoulder strap of my
dress. The blade sliced through the thin scarlet fabric as if it wasnłt there,
only a tiny hiss of friction. He slit the other one, too, and undid the side
zipper on my dress so he could drag it down. He slid the slick satin under my
ass, over my trembling thighs, down to my ankles and off, slipping the straps
of my shoes over my heels so they came off, too.

His hungry stare
raped me, raking over my body like rough hands. IÅ‚d never felt so naked. I
quivered, the scarves cutting into my wrists, desolate helplessness washing
away my confidence.

You are so
beautiful. Rajahłs whisper felt thick with lust on my ear, and for an instant
something wet and burning brushed my nipple. His invisible fingertip, wet with
his saliva.

Desire flooded
me, hot and fast, shooting under my skin. My clit ached, aroused too quickly, a
rush of blood so fierce, I cried out. Jesus. Donłt do that. Hełll see.

But Luna just
smiled, oblivious. He stripped naked, down-lights gloating over the perfect
shapes of his thighs, the sweet curve of his ass, the soft satiny sheen of his
magnificent cock. His aura glowed violet, a rippling, eerie second skin. A
beautiful man with a demonłs cold heart. Not that I wanted to insult demons. At
least Kane eventually figured out hełd hurt you, even if he didnłt understand

He crawled back
up over me, muscles gleaming with light sweat. Delicately he flicked his tongue
out to my nipple, savoring it, adding to RajahÅ‚s heat. “Good girl. Already so
hard." He reversed the knife in his hand and licked the sharp point, wetting
and warming it. A drop of his shiny saliva collected on the wicked tip, and
delicately he lowered it to my straining nipple.

The hot sting
tore into my breast, and bumps broke out on my skin. I gulped, my thighs
straining beneath his. To have pain where IÅ‚d just felt burning pleasure was
exquisite and horrible. He twisted his wrist, digging the point in farther.

He moved the
knife away and nudged me hard between the legs with his cock. I wriggled my
thighs apart, hoping the bastard would just get on with it. But he smiled,
cruel. “So you can still handle a little pain? LetÅ‚s see how you cope with

He slid down my
body, opened me with deft fingers and fastened his hot tongue right over my
clit. Treacherous pleasure shot to my core like a bullet, hard and painful. My
breath left me in a rush, hot juice flooding from my womb to soak the sheet,
and my rapture ignited in a burst of flame, filling me with shuddering, pent-up

Rajahłs groan
inflamed me more. Youłre killing me. Come, my love. Let him bring you. Fake
it if you have to, and while hełs distracted wełll have him.

Fake it? He had
to be kidding. Lunałs tongue worked harder, swirling over my most tender spot,
and burning tension rippled through my abdomen. I gasped, traitorous tears
welling in my eyes. It had been so long since any man had bothered to go down
on meI certainly didnłt count Dante raping me with his tongue while I sprawled
in a blood-drenched stuporthat IÅ‚d forgotten how good it felt. So hot, so
perfect. My inner muscles rippled, foreshadowing my release, and metal stung my
swollen flesh there, cold and frightening.

Jesus. He had
the knife there. Millimeters from my soft insides, so I couldnłt move, not
unless I wanted to skewer myself. The sick son of a bitch. Nausea and disgust
crawled cold fingers over me, spoiling my pleasure, and I was glad.

“Uh-uh," Luna
murmured, and I felt him smile. “DonÅ‚t move." He sucked me, delicate, drawing
my swollen clit deeper into his mouth, and raw sensation gripped me, but all my
enjoyment in the act had fled. I couldnłt come like this, not with that sharp
steel threatening to slice me and the air dripping with Lunałs breathless
malice. Guess IÅ‚d have to fake it after all, and IÅ‚d better make it good.

I closed my
eyes, willing my body to stay still, and thought of Rajah, pretending he was
doing what Luna was doing, tonguing me softly, then hard, teasing my flesh into
spasms, his gorgeous dark hair spilling like warm water over my thighs as I
locked my ankles around his neck. I thought of how IÅ‚d react, and I groaned,
tossing my head back. I imagined his tongue sliding inside, fucking me,
drinking my hot fluid straight from the source, and I struggled to remain
still. My breath quickened, my thighs quivering, straining. My imaginary Rajah
replaced his tongue with that smooth finger, more fingers, sinking them deeper,
stirring, stimulating that magical spot. I moaned, my nipples hardening again
without any help. “Oh, god, thatÅ‚s good."

“Mmm." Luna
pulled back a little, softening his tongue. “Good girl. Can you come without
moving? Bet you canłt."

Youłre doing
great. Donłt let him see this. Invisible fingers plucked at my wrists,
loosening the scarves. Silk whispered over my forearms, and I was free. I cried
out breathlessly so Luna wouldnłt notice, curling my toes and making my thigh
muscles jump like I couldnÅ‚t take much more. “No, please, donÅ‚t."

Rajahłs hot
palms slid over mine, and I gripped his unseen hands so tightly, my knuckles
ached. I wanted to grab Lunałs hair and drag him off me, gouge my nails into
his eyes and rip them out. I wanted to grab Rajah and take him, sink him into
me and never let go. Rapture swirled in my abdomen like a dancing fireball,
threatening to explode.

My mouth watered
hard, painful, and I swallowed. Okay, enough thinking about Rajah fucking me.
The point was to make Luna fuck me, to make him come, not me.

I made my body shiver,
panting. “Please, donÅ‚t make me. I want to come with you inside me. Please . .
. oh, god, no." I cried out, digging my heels into the sheet, pressing myself
against Lunałs horrid caressing mouth, trying not to wince as the knife blade
brushed my skin, stinging. I contorted my thighs, letting my muscles shudder
and heave. Luna groaned, covering me with his tongue, his fingers digging into
my thighs.

Yeah. Now let
it rip. Rajah released my hands, and his dark shimmering ripples slammed
down over us, soaking the air like a rampant heat haze. I gritted my teeth in
anticipation and let my own straining rapture erupt.

Agonising relief
burst in my guts, like its own kind of orgasm, and my body burned with magical
sexual energy. Sparks
arced in my hair, crackling, the smell of ozone spreading.

Luna shuddered
between my legs, his heavy shoulder muscles shaking. He whipped the blade away
and tossed it onto the floor, diving onto me and pulling my thigh around his
hips with a hot, strong hand. His cock jammed into my pubic bone, painfully
hard. “Wildcat, you gorgeous thing, I canÅ‚t pretend. I want you so bad," he
breathed, and rammed himself into my swollen flesh in a single powerful thrust.

My rapture
sizzled. Rajah laughed darkly in my head, and I felt like laughing, too. I
locked my legs around Lunałs hips and wrapped my hands in his hair, dragging
his head down to me. I had the bastard exactly where I wanted him. I flexed,
gripping his cock with practiced muscles, and he clenched his teeth, thrusting
deeper, again and again. It felt good. But not so good, I couldnłt enjoy his
powerlessness. Cold magic fists grasped, crushing, searching for my glamour,
but it was too late. The rapture was too strong, flowing over us like a
sparking volcano.

Absurdly, a
breathless smile parted his lips. “Shit. YouÅ‚re good. I figured IÅ‚d see this
coming. I didnłt see a damn thing." He pushed into me again, helpless,
groaning, his glittering mauve aura licking over me. He knew what was
happening. He just couldnłt do anything about it.

Victory flushed
me, and I tightened my thighs, urging him on. “Confidence in a bottle, Vorenus.
You should be more careful what you snort."

“Guess so.
Still, it was good, wasnłt it?" His movements quickened, sweat beading on his
handsome forehead. His breath came shorter, his lips shining. “Oh, fuck. No
way. You wonłt get me like that." He pushed away, triceps straining, forcing my
legs down and away from his hips, trying to pull out of me before he came. I
struggled, despair clenching dead fingers in my guts. He was too strong. I
couldnłt hold him.

“No, you fucking
donłt." A dark shadow flickered above us. Gold-speckled brown eyes flashed into
view over Lunałs shoulder, wild black hair, gleaming brown skin.

Luna choked and
slammed back into me, crushing me, a painful gasp escaping his open mouth. He
struggled to press up onto his elbows, panting, and with an effort sniffed the
air like a cat. “Rajah," he gasped, a smile tugging at his lips. “ThereÅ‚s two
of you. No wonder. Look, we can talk about this"

“No talking. Not
for you." Rajah stared at me, smoldering, and reached down to grasp my hand,
bracing himself. His forearm strained in his shining thrall bangle, his long
fingers clenched in mine. He slipped his other hand beneath him, and I felt his
fingers slide delicately around where Luna and I joined, collecting slick
wetness and spreading it. “ItÅ‚s been a while, Luna. Sure hope you donÅ‚t mind."

Luna tried to
catch his breath, sweat glowed on his face. “You crafty bitches."

“That didnÅ‚t sound
like a no." Rajah gripped Lunałs hipbone tightly, where Lunałs body pressed
into his beautiful naked flank, and shifted his hips, gritting his teeth,
working his way in. Luna gasped again, his cock swelling inside me.

I couldnłt see
what Rajah was doing, but I had a pretty good idea. Delicious images flooded my
rapture-soaked senses, and I shuddered, pleasured, sure my eyes were glazing
over. The night Iłd met him, Iłd imagined a threesome. This wasnłt quite what
IÅ‚d had in mind. But my heart overflowed to look at him, damp hair falling in
his face, his lips wet, gazing raptly down at me while we both did
somethingsomeonewe abhorred. He squeezed my hand, his thumb teasing my
burning wrist, and his luscious lips formed a kiss, just for me.

Rapture licked
over my body, raising lustful gooseflesh on my skin, and my loins ached for
him, my flesh scorching with friction. I knew it wasnłt Rajah my muscles
clenched around in longing. But it didnłt matter. He was here, with me, making
love to me as we murdered our oldest and most deserving enemy. My heart ached,
a lump swelling in my throat, and I fought back sweet tears. It was the most
romantic thing anyone had ever done for me.

I tilted my hips
up against Lunałs, urgent now to get this over with. Luna groaned and filled
me, and to my surprise a tear glimmered on his mauve-lit lashes too. “Well," he
breathed with a gentle smile, “might as well enjoy it while it lasts." He
pushed backwards, grunting in pleasure. Rajah thrust deep into him, driving
them both into me. My breath forced from my lungs, delicious sensation rippling
deep inside me. We moved together, slick skin sliding, muscles rubbing on
muscles, dark hair mingling with golden, and the whole time Rajahłs gaze never
left my face, desire burning in his eyes, his fingers crushing mine.

Lunałs breath
deepened, ragged, his eyes squeezing shut as he tried to hold off his orgasm,
to prolong the pleasure and his life. But Rajah pressed again and again against
some deeply pleasurable place inside him, and I milked him, squeezing and
releasing his cock until he shuddered, every breath a groan. “I canÅ‚t," he
gasped, a helpless laugh tearing from him. “See you both in hell."



He thrust hard into me one last time,
muscles straining in his thighs, and his cock jerked and throbbed, filling me
with his seed and his soul. A long painful cry forced from his mouth, dampening
my face with his last breath, and his beautiful bright eyes faded to gray and
rolled back. His arm muscles juddered and loosened, and he fell on me,
lifeless, his weight crushing what was left of my breath away.











I lay stunned, my limbs rigid. Lunałs
soul rushed around inside me, laughing madly, filling my veins with burning
mirth. My mind distorted and stretched, brimming with insane, alien
intelligence. I shuddered, uncontrolled. Luna was crazy like a blood-mad
raptor, and I wanted to scream, cackle like a madwoman, let the bubbling thing
froth up my throat and choke me.

Rajah dragged
Lunałs heavy corpse off me. Golden hair tumbled onto the sheet, limbs tangling.
He caught me in his arms, crushing me to his chest, smoothing sweaty hair from
my face. “ItÅ‚s done, princess. You got him."

The carnal smell
of our sex churned my stomach. Lunałs soul writhed in my womb, kicking,
scratching at my walls with hateful nails, and my rapture hissed and fought
back. I retched, spit flecking, my eyes watering, but nothing came up.

Rajah pulled me
closer onto his lap, my legs folding over his knees. The air still shimmered
and roiled around us. His heartbeat throbbed rapidly against me, his damp cock
still pressing hard beneath my thighs, but he wasnłt bothered with rapture now,
and neither was I, not really, not with this evil soul energy still raping me.
I dry-heaved again, my face scorching, and he stroked my back gently, small
circles from the base of my spine up. His hand shook a little, burning to do
more, but I couldnÅ‚t blame him for that. “Come on, sweetheart. DonÅ‚t keep it

“Always telling
me to be sick," I muttered, nausea gripping me again, the lust burning within
me from unsated rapture only making it worse.

He grinned
softly, charming, and scrabbled on the floor for my bag. He dug out the soultrap,
folded my fingers around its warm brass neck, and resumed stroking my back,
willing the grotesque thing out of me.

And out it came.
Pain stabbed through my veins, cramping like a vise. Acid seared up my throat and
poured out onto my tongue, bubbles stinging my nose. Hot purple froth gushed
into the soultrap. I choked, spitting up the last of it, sweet and horrid in my
mouth, and when I was finished, Rajah jammed the cork in tight. The bottle
sizzled in my hand, the metal thrumming. Rabid laughter echoed faintly from

I dropped it on
the bed and clung to him, my limbs stiff and sore, sticky fluid leaking between
my legs. He folded his arms around me, resting his cheek on top of my head.
Cheated of its prize, my rapture flared hotter, angry, heating my skin. My
senses ignited to Rajahłs quivering body, his warm muscles moving against me,
the stony length of his cock pressing against my leg. But the sickly sweet
taste of Luna flowered on my tongue, a shady remnant of his soul still
chuckling deep in my heart. His sweat still greased my skin, his saliva still
running between my legs, his hot semen still coating my insides. Filth
smothered me, clogged my hair, my nails, made me stink. Sluggish worms of
loathing coiled in my innards. Disgusting. Filthy. Useless. Whore.

I shoved Rajah
away, my legs scything on the wet sheet. I didnłt want him to have to touch me.
Why would he want to touch me? I stank. I wept refuse. Shudders racked me, and
I wrapped my arms around my curled legs, sick, even as my rapture screamed at
me to push him down next to Lunałs cooling corpse and impale myself on him.

Rajahłs warm
hand touched my shoulder, hesitant. “Princess"

“DonÅ‚t touch
me!" I shrugged him off, furious.

But he held me,
and a moment later I felt his arm slipping beneath my bent knees, my shoulder
thudding into his hard chest as he lifted me effortlessly. I wriggled. “What
are you?"

“Hush." He
carried me across the carpet, cradling my head on his shoulder, his warm
cardamom scent a temptation and a scorching reprimand at the same time. His
bare feet snicked on hard tiles, and I heard the splatter of rushing water. He
put me down, the slate cold beneath my feet, and pushed me under the shower.

Hot water
splashed, running over my face, into my mouth, soaking my hair, flooding down
my body. Steam clouded, misting the air with warmth. Scalding freshness
sloughed over me, but filth still clung like fungus. I scrubbed at myself,
frantic, my bangles scraping, water stinging my eyes as I tried to see. My
arms, my breasts, my belly, between my legs, the hot friction of my wet hands
tearing at my skin, digging into the dirt, my nails scratching.

“Slow down."
Rajah gripped my wrists and gently pulled them away. Water splashed over his
gleaming brown body, rinsing away sweat and stickiness, and he reached for the
soap. “Let me wash you clean."

Tears spilled
from my eyes, cold in the steaming water, and my hand shook in his. Was he
reading my mind now? God, IÅ‚d been raped enough already for one night. But I
looked up into his eyes, and his bleeding torment floored me. He chewed his
lip, his mouth tight and quivering, and his fingers strained white where he
clutched the pale soap. It was okay between us; he didnłt despise me. His
anguish was for me, and it was all his own. He wasnłt reading my mind. He just

My giddy heart
tipped over a precipice, falling forever, and the clang of warning in my head
came too late.

Barely able to
move, I nodded. He touched my shoulder and turned me gently, and I felt the
smooth soap rubbing over me in his palm, slow circles over my shoulder blades,
down my spine, up to the base of my neck. My hair stuck to my shoulders, and
pine-scented soap suds slid down my back, over my hips, into the cleft of my
ass, washed away by the rushing water. Now he used both hands, massaging me,
sending new blood to my worn, aching muscles. Bumps crept over my scalp. I
shivered, flexing sore shoulders, and my still-unsated rapture sighed, urging
me to press backwards, slide his cock between my legs.

He folded strong
arms around me, holding me gently against him. My skin slid over him, slick,
the friction delicious. I could feel his erection pulsing against my bottom,
his body heat searing even in the shower, but he didnłt seem to care. His soapy
hands slid to my belly, my ribs, leaving a fresh, clean feeling behind them. He
washed the undersides of my breasts, hesitant, and I wanted to thrust forward,
rub my nipples into his palms, feel the hard lump of soap against them.

“Touch me." My
voice scraped my throat, hoarse with wanting. I needed Rajahłs hands on me, to
erase the memory of what wełd done, of Lunałs body on mine, the smell of orange
blossom, his mouth invading me, the hard thrust of his cock, his groan as he
came and died.

Rajah bent his
head against mine, black hair dripping hot water onto my face, and his gentle
touch moved higher. My breasts slid like gel in his hands, slippery with soap.
He delved his hands between them, around them, over them, up around my
shoulders and back down, and soft pleasure flooded into my body, washing away
the tension and the dirt. He caught my nipples between his knuckles and tugged
gently, and when his fingers slipped off, twin bolts of desire jammed deep into
me, my breasts aching.

Now I did press
back against him, rubbing my head on his shoulder. Water flooded down, over my
face, washing hot waves over my breasts, trickling between my legs. I parted my
thighs, and the water stroked my swollen clit, teasing, making me want more. My
soap-slick back skidded on his chest, the twin hard nubs of his nipples
dragging over me. He sighed, and reckless need ignited in my heart. I flexed my
hips. He pulled me onto him, his fingers digging into my hipbones, his cock
burning in the drenched furrow between my buttocks. I shivered to my core with
longing. My body wanted more, wanted to bend over and push him into me, make
love to him, fuck him hard and fast until I exploded. I clenched my ass,
squeezing his cock, and the throb of his flesh and his soft groan told me he
wanted the same.

But my mind
wouldnłt let go. Fragments of insane soul energy still giggled inside me,
wicked. I couldnłt forget the feel of another man fucking me, making me wet,
sticky, filthy with desire and come. And it wasnłt just Luna. It was Dante,
Quinn, Angelo, every man IÅ‚d ever touched without emotion, every man IÅ‚d let
soil me with lust. Rajah touched my heart and my pleasure in ways that delved
deeper than I wanted to admit. If we were going to love, I wanted it to be
special, and it wasnłt.

“I canÅ‚t," I
whispered, but something deep inside me cracked.

“ItÅ‚s okay. Let
me care for you." He slid the soap down over my belly, into the curls between
my legs, rubbing me gently until it lathered frothy and white. Easing his hand
lower, he slid soap into the creases at the tops of my thighs, washing sticky
residue from the hair. Despite my upset, my flesh twinged and strained under
his touch, and my thighs drifted apart of their own accord. When the soap in
his palm brushed the hood of my clit, sensation shocked my nerves, crinkling my
skin with pleasure.

“DonÅ‚t," I
gasped, but I didnłt mean I didnłt want it. Just that I didnłt deserve it. He
shouldnłt have to touch me, not like this, while I still reeked of other men.

“Hush." The dark
intent heating Rajahłs whisper sent anticipation shivering into my bones. The
soap slipped from his hand and plopped onto the slate. Pounding water washed
the lather away, the suds sliding over his hand and down my legs, but it didnłt
matter. His fingers glided into me easily, my hot entrance soaked from within.
I couldnłt help but moan. My flesh ached, lumpy with overworked glands and
swollen tight from fucking, but having him inside me again felt so damn good.

He parted his
fingers gently, twisting them, opening me. My muscles worked against him,
pleasure flowering. Warmth gushed down in my channel, Lunałs fluid and my own
seeping out over Rajahłs hand to be washed away. Clean hot water flooded his
palm, washing up inside, sluicing the mess from me.

He slipped his
other arm around my waist and bent his head to my shoulder. “I donÅ‚t care,
princess," he whispered, water trickling over his lips onto my neck, his hair
dripping hot trails over me. “It doesnÅ‚t matter to me what youÅ‚ve done, who
youłve been with, whether itłs for thrall or for energy or because you wanted
to. I donłt care. I just want you. Not only your body. You."

I shuddered, my
heart slashed and bleeding. His fingers still stroked gently inside me,
cleaning me. But he stroked my desire, too, making my nipples yearn for his
mouth, my body long to be filled. His empathy ripped me open, exposing my
deepest wounds, and impossible words like love and forever caught
on the aching lump in my throat.

I gripped his
wrist, pushing him deeper, and his forearm tightened in my grip, urgent. Our
bangles clinked together, water spraying. He groaned and pulled his fingers
away, and I groaned, too, in protest. But he spun me around, out of the water
against the steam-wet wall, and dropped to his knees before me, his eyes fixed
on the shiny slickness coating my thighs. “I have to taste you. I canÅ‚t not . .
. oh, Jade." He leaned forward and plunged his hot tongue between my folds.

My palms thudded
into the slate wall lest my knees buckle. Sensation exploded, waves of excitement
rippling my thighs, my abdomen, all the way along my limbs. He wrapped his arm
around my legs, caressing my eager clit with the hottest, sweetest, most
perfect sensations. My nerves erupted, heat flashing out like lightning to
every part of my body. Energy swirled inside me, rapture shocked into burning
upsurge. I quivered, helpless, sighing with pleasure.

I resisted
letting my head fall back or closing my eyes to revel in this insane bliss. I
wanted to watch Rajah go down on me. Watch this impossible, beautiful man who
cared so much about my pleasure, giving it to me with an intensity I hadnłt
known for years. Maybe ever.

His eyes lay
closed, dark lashes a fine mess on his cheekbones. Steam clouded around us, and
water sluiced over his back, his drenched hair dripping in his face. He dipped
lower, bringing out more moisture, and he was probably licking Luna as well as
me but he didnłt give a damn. My clit swelled so hard, every movement was
perfect agony. He parted my flesh with his fingers, and I watched his tongue
move over me, swirling, flicking, tasting. . . .

Sweet Jesus.
Watching him just made it worse. I groaned, my thighs contracting. Tension
gripped me, tightening, more, more. My hand fisted itself in his hair, squeezing
tight. “IÅ‚ll come," I stammered, breathless, probably the most unnecessary
warning ever.

He just sucked
me, hard, flicking my sensitive tip over and over, torturing me. I just had
time to see his eyes flicker open, smoky with desire, before pleasure slammed
into my guts. I shattered, the blood rushing away from my head as energy
tumbled out of me, reckless. He held me, roughly prolonging my pleasure with
his tongue until I fell against the wall, limp and breathless, my legs refusing
to accept my weight.

He wriggled up
against me to his feet, hot water sloughing down between us, and kissed me,
soft and sweet, scraping wet hair tenderly back from my face. “Okay, princess?"

drained me, his speckled brown eyes glazed bright with my energy, but I didnłt
care. I laughed, no breath in me to make it sound properly. “YouÅ‚ve had four
hundred years to practice that. IÅ‚d say IÅ‚m okay."

He leaned in for
another kiss, this time long and hard with desire, our tongues sliding
together. His cock burned my belly, thick and full, and the taste of my juices
on his luscious lips inflamed me, making me want more of him.

I sucked on his
tongue, and he made a sexy little growl in his throat, energy flowing back into
me from his arousal. How I needed him now. Not just to feed me the energy hełd
stolen, but to squeeze him deep inside me, claim him, let him claim me. To
prove this wasnłt a dream. I slid my foot up his strong calf, hooking my ankle
around his leg, but my other knee gave way and I staggered, falling against him
with a giggle. “Oops. CanÅ‚t stand up."

“Then donÅ‚t." He
gripped my ass and lifted me, my back slapping against the tiles. The back of
my head cracked into the wall and I squealed, wrapping my legs around his hips
and my hands over his shoulders so I wouldnłt fall. His fingers clutched me,
desperate, like he couldnłt get enough, his hard chest glistening as he panted.
“Fuck. Sorry. Did that hurt?"

I loved the way
he needed me, the way he lost control like that. I wanted him to lose control
because of me. “I donÅ‚t care."

He groaned,
helpless, and bent to suck my breast into his mouth, the head of his cock
nudging my aching entrance. He caught his teeth on my nipple, the sting
shocking me with delight. Tension twanged, tight from my ravaged nipple to my
sex. My breath caught, membranes of pleasure ready to burst all over me, all
over again. IÅ‚d never been so ready. “Yes, Rajah, do it."

He turned his
head to rest his cheek on my wet breast, shuddering, and pushed into me, long,
powerful, all the way. “YouÅ‚re perfect."

A cry forced
from my lips, the sensation more than IÅ‚d expected, more than I could bear. He
relaxed and thrust in again, this time slamming me down hard, his fingers
bruising my ass. My flesh swelled, stretching, accepting, enfolding his burning
length, the friction beyond belief. And then he gazed up into my eyes, and I
thought IÅ‚d die.

He tilted his
chin up, offering his mouth, and I dived in, entering him with my tongue in
time with his thrusts, tangling my fingers in his sodden hair. I tried to move,
but with my back jammed against the wall I couldnłt, and in the end I crushed
him to me and let him take me how he wanted, how he knew I wanted, hard, slow,
as deep as he could go.

Energy flowed
between us, swirling in our mouths and down my throat from his kiss, pouring
into my insides where his cock filled me over and over. Rajah-scented steam
soaked my nostrils, his taste drowning my mouth, his fragrant wet skin rubbing
all over me. I couldnłt get enough. I wanted this to last forever.

But it couldnłt,
of course. Not the way my muscles spasmed around him, bunching tight, not the
way his cock swelled even harder, his thrusts fiercer, more urgent. My deepest
nerves thrummed with pleasure, my most secret flesh sparking alive with
tension, clenching harder, tighter. He gasped, his lips sliding on mine. “What
are you doing to me, princess? I swear IÅ‚m in love."

Too much.

I erupted,
burning deep inside, waves of throbbing heaven welling from our joining. He
captured my mouth with his and swallowed my scream, soon matched by his own
breathless cry as he came, deep, pressed up against the bone deep within me.
Energy surged into me, searing like molten metal.

My skin sizzled,
delight rising like fresh perfume, and my rapture coiled like a cat, sleepy and
sated. He withdrew and let me slide to my feet, pulling me back under the hot
shower. I clung to him, my heart still hammering and spasms of pleasure still
racking my body. Damn, that was fantastic. He was fantastic. I donłt know how
he let me feel so good, but I wanted more of it.

My nerves sang
with vigor, my muscles strong and lively. My spirit crackled, energy spitting
like fireworks. I felt like I could run all night, vitality streaming through
my veins. I wanted to sprint from here to Princes Bridge,
climb hand over hand to the top of the blue neon spire and lean screaming into
the wind with bats flapping in my hair. I wanted to pin Rajah to the
steam-washed floor and screw him senseless again, feed him with my orgasm, let
him feed me, make him come so hard, he passed out.

But I also
wanted to lie beside him and kiss all night, his warm limbs wrapped around
mine, his fingers gentle in my hair. Fondle his velvety brown skin, taste his
tongue, feel his heartbeat. Slide my mouth onto his cock and swallow while he
moaned. Settle my chin on his chest and watch him sleep, kiss him awake and
watch him smile for me. I wanted to do everything with him.

My heart
swelled, hot water sliding through my hair, my body trembling in Rajahłs arms.
IÅ‚d screwed an incubus before, a sweet young thing with more rapture than
talent, back when I was new to thrall and still trying to make Kane notice me
by fucking everything that moved. IÅ‚d enjoyed the energy fix then, too. But
this was better. Out of sight, over the horizon, rocketing into orbit better.
More nourishing than stealing souls, more intoxicating than any fairyłs eerie
drug. It was like . . .

Like the
difference between fucking and making love.

Oh, hell.

I flushed all
over, my skin afire, and I buried my face against Rajahłs wet chest so he
wouldnłt see into my eyes. And as I rested there, the wrongness of it all
speared into me. I couldnłt forget Lunałs soul, gabbling away like a mad turkey
in my trap. And I couldnłt forget Rajah and I were enemies, still after the same

For a few
blissful minutes, IÅ‚d forgotten everything except this extraordinary,
compassionate, delicious man. Please, God, if youłre there, if you havenłt
turned your face from me in disgust, let this just be afterglow from incredible
sex. Let me just be crushing on him like a naïve convent girl. If this is your
way of getting back at me, you win.

Rajah wiped
dripping hair from my face and bruised my mouth with his. His lips slid on mine
like he couldnÅ‚t bear to pull away, his tongue desperate to taste me. “Come
home with me," he murmured between kissing, his breath tantalizing my mouth.
“Say you will. Please. I need you again."

“God, yes." I
couldnłt believe the words spilling from me. I should go home, walk the streets
and calm down, go out and pick up some anonymous hot body to work this
unbearable intimacy out of my system. Go anywhere but to Rajahłs bed, where Iłd
undoubtedly die of orgasm overload and a broken heart. Sure, hełd said the word
love. Right when he was about to come. IÅ‚d heard that before.

But if he felt
even a shadow of what I felt, I couldnłt let this pass. I sought his mouth with
mine, gripping his wet hair in tense hands. “Yes, tonight, now," I said.

Before it has to
end. Before we remember wełre going to damn each other for freedom.

He shut off the
shower, reluctantly releasing me. My skin was shriveling up after so long in
the water, and the tips of my fingers wrinkled. The sudden cool air shrank it
further, beading my nipples. Rajah tossed me a fluffy white towel, and sweet orange
blossom scent drifted. Unease shimmered through me, a distant cackle echoing in
my head, but I brushed it away.

I wiped myself
down, Rajahłs gaze hot on my skin as I bent over. Flushing,
I glanced at him. He smiled, dripping. I smiled back, warm and shivery, and a
faint ache grew inside me, wetting me all over again. Damn, I was creaming from
his smile now. So much for getting him out of my system.

I threw the
towel at his head to stop him staring, and he caught it with a giggle.

As he toweled
himself, I wandered back to the bed, wrapping my arms over my breasts. There
lay dead Luna, his magnificence fading at last, his skin pale and waxy, his
glorious hair spilling over crumpled sheets. As far as anyone would ever know,
he fucked himself to death on too many drugs. Now that Killian Quinn was dead,
no one at St. Kilda Road Homicide believed in magic or demons or soul-sucking
succubi. Theyłd look for poison, and theyłd find nothing but cognac and
absinthe and elevated adrenaline.

Soft female
laughter whispered, and I spun around, my nerves jerking. No one there. Just
the starlight, gleaming softly on tortured glass figurines and glinting on the
curved brass lamp etched like my soultrap, designs twisting like spiked vines.
I wrapped my arms around my chest, shivering. I had to get out of here.

My shiny red
dress lay crumpled in a pile beside Lunałs body, the slashed shoulder straps
tangling, and I realized I had nothing to wear. I picked up Lunałs coat, and
the smooth black silk caressed my skin with fragrant, memory-laden static as I
slipped it on and fastened the knotted fabric buttons. It was far too big, of
course, my shoulders slim in comparison to Lunałs, but it fell to mid-calf
after I pulled my high heels on. People might suspect Iłd just come from Lunałs
bed, what with my hair dripping and everything, but no one would know for sure
I was naked underneath except Rajah.

I tried not to
stare as he dressed himself beside me. Damn, the man was beautiful. Beautiful,
clever, compassionate, sexy as hell. I wanted to trace my finger on the perfect
curves of his chest, bite his smooth brown nipples, slide my cheek over his
taut abdomen, lick those luscious hips, nibble the insides of his sleek thighs,
take his balls in my mouth and . . .

I looked away. Get
a grip, Jade.

Slowly I
retrieved the soultrap from where IÅ‚d dropped it, the living brass warm in my
hands. The soul lurched inside, boiling, swinging the bottle against gravity as
if drawn by a magnet. The cork trembled and I jammed it in tighter. I stared at
the trap, emptiness welling larger in my stomach.

“DonÅ‚t." A
whisper behind me as Rajah fetched my purse. His smooth arms folded around me,
and he twisted the bottle from my hands and stowed it away in my purse,
slipping the cord over my shoulder. “DonÅ‚t think about it. Not now."

I wanted to sink
into his arms, forget about thrall and freedom and death. “Tomorrow."

“Tomorrow. You
up to walking out of here?"

I squared my
shoulders and stepped away from his embrace, turning to kiss him once more.
“You bet. Just watch me."

He kissed me
back, tentative, exploring. Shy, like we hadnłt just come together in the
shower with the dead guy wełd murdered lying eight feet away. Emotion welled up
inside me, suffocating. He still didnłt think he owned me, not even after
everything wełd done. Astonishing. Humbling. Heartbreaking.

Tenderly, he
grazed his thumb across my lips, his gold-flecked eyes warm. His mouth
quivered, words about to spill out, but then he bit his lip and vanished. See
you soon. IÅ‚ll be the invisible guy jumping you in the lift.

“So you say.
Itłs an express, remember. The fastest elevator in the southern hemisphere."

Unseen lips
brushed my ear, delicious. Donłt relax too much. I can accomplish a lot in
forty seconds.











Hours later, I shuddered, dazed,
aftershocks still rippling through deep, impossibly rising pleasure. “No, I
canłt. Not again."

“You can." Rajah
pressed his long body against my back, his thigh sliding along mine. He glided
his cock in and out, massaging the shuddering knot of nerves deep inside me to
unbearable tension. His arm slipped over to embrace me, his lips warm and
loving on my cheek. “Come, princess. Come on my cock. Let me feel you."

And I did,
trembling, breathless, thrusting my breasts into his warm hand as I spasmed
with insane delight. Tears slid down my cheeks, slipping salty into my
quivering mouth. He was amazing. The things he did with his cock were amazing.
And everywhere he touched me, every crevice he licked or sucked or stroked,
memories sloughed away, wiping away years of disgust and brute, loveless
contact. Our sweat and body fluid soaked his pale sheets, the heady smell of our
coupling heavy in the air. Hełd understood my need to cleanse, to use him to
erase my shame, and offered himself freely to everything Iłd asked. Wełd done
everything. Hełd covered me with kisses, sucked my nipples, slid his tongue and
his fingers inside me, pulled me up to my knees to bite my ass and push his
tongue into the entrance there. IÅ‚d trailed my tongue over every curve of him,
tasted his skin with my teeth, rubbed the inside of my mouth with him,
swallowed on his orgasm, felt his thighs ripple in my hands and his cock
pressing down my throat.

Now, my eyelids
flickered, and my body slumped against him, my energy drained. A side effect of
too many orgasms with an incubus. Exhaustion had never felt so good. But the
more energy I lost, the more he gained. I could already feel him twitching like
a speed freak, his cock straining hard in my dripping, sated flesh. If he
didnłt finish again soon, hełd be biting his nails and jerking around like hełd
swallowed a bag of coffee beans. And there was one thing we hadnłt done yet,
one place he hadnłt made me fresh and new.

I shifted my
tired hips, slipping him out of me, letting his wet cock slide between the
curves of my ass. “Take me."

His fingers
tightened on my breast, his breath short. “You donÅ‚t have to"

“I want to." It
was as much for him as for me. Hełd had to fuck Luna too. Still, I couldnłt
help but tense up. My experience at this hadnłt been friendly. Most men didnłt
see it as an act of love.

But even before
I felt him touch me, his gentle fingers spreading my slick fluid, opening me
delicately, I knew Rajah would be different. He guided himself to my entrance,
pressing effortlessly into my ass, cradling my face close to his, rubbing his
cheek against mine. My muscles clenched, nervous. “Hush," he whispered, kissing
me, and slid in farther, so slow, so gentle, I nearly cried again. His
compassion for me was intense, intimate, deeply erotic. He worked me, groaning
softly as I accepted more and more of him, until he was fully inside, his warm
belly flat against my ass. “You feel . . . oh, such a gift, Jade. Thank you."

His arm
tightened around me and he rocked me against him, his cock moving in me ever so
slightly, awakening nerves I never knew I had. The sensation was amazing, my
whole body tingling. And then he slid his hand between my legs, slowly
massaging my wet flesh, and I moaned. He pulled his cock out a little farther,
drove it in a little harder. My clit jerked under his clever fingers, pleasure
sudden and intense. I must have tensed, because he groaned and pushed harder.
“Ahh. So tight. You perfect, beautiful girl."

He pressed my
hard nub of pleasure, grinding it against the bone, and when I shrieked at the
force of my impending release he sucked my earlobe into his mouth. My orgasm
crashed over me, his merciless fingers making me spasm again and again, milking
him as he lost control. He pumped me hard, my body welcoming his pleasure,
seeking it, and when at last he buried himself and came with a long groan, his
energy flowed into me, over me in a hot golden wave of pure perfection. Our
spirits mixed, melded, rolled together in a breathless, loving surge. I
shuddered, overcome. He was everything I needed, everything I ever wanted.

He buried his
face in my shoulder, enfolding me in his warm embrace. “Thank you," he
whispered again. “For everything."

I closed my
eyes, tears pressing, the sheet warm against my cheek. His soft hair caressed
my face, and I inhaled the spicy scent of his sweat, the taste of our endless
kisses on his breath, the warm comfort of belonging. Emotion flooded me that I
didnłt want to analyze. Instead I let myself drift into a fuzzy dream of
contentment, and as I lay there dazed, it occurred to me that the next 850
years might not be so bad if I could spend them here.



Shełs sleeping, and Rajah eases away
from her, careful not to awaken her. His sweaty skin unsticks from hers slowly,
reluctantly, leaving him cold and bereft. Her hair drifts on the pillow,
caressing her sweet face, and itłs all he can do to make himself let go. But
let go he must, and itłs no compulsion of time or hunger driving him but some
all-too-telling burn in his heart.

He walks slowly
to the shower, his limbs weak and unwilling, his feet sticky on the soft
carpet. The energy they shared still prickles under his skin. Without her the
bathroom is cold, empty. He closes the door, flips on the soft yellow light,
and wrenches the water on hard and scorching. Once the steam rises he leans on
his forearm against the glass and lets the hot water flow over his face, blinding
him, dragging his hair straight and flat on his cheeks, streaking his body,
washing her intoxicating flavor from his skin. He doesnłt know whether hełs
desperate, or sorry, to be rid of it.

Anyway, the
rough slough of scalding water only reminds him of loving her.

He canłt get the
images out of his mind. Her heartbreak, the shock and self-disgust on her face
when she finally shook off Dantełs tricks and saw her own blood flowing over
her skin. Her courage, her mouth trembling and her fingers tightening around
his while Luna tortured her in the most humiliating way. The anguish ripping
from her gaze as she tried frantically to scrub herself clean, nails scratching
like a captive animalłs claws.

Hełd longed for
a good scrub himself after helping her kill Luna, though he couldnłt deny that
having Lunałs muscles spasm around his cock in the throes of death had felt
fucking good. But Jadełs need was fiercer, the need of a lifetime of
self-loathing, and hełd wanted to smash his fist into the tiles, scour the
earth for the fucking pricks whołd used her, and rip their skin off. But the
way she trusted him to understand, to help wash her clean with his touch,
overflowed his heart with such dangerous wonder, hełd barely contained it.

Hell, he hadnłt
contained it. Hełd sighed the L-word right into her mouth, and as he exploded
with the hottest, most skin-melting orgasm hełd known for years, the truth of
it slammed into his guts like a vicious elbow, so hard, hełd nearly dropped

Rajah bangs his
forehead into the glass in frustration, his wet hair dragging clean streaks in
the condensation. This isnłt part of his plan. Not until hełs sated his need
for vengeance with the four magical souls and cut Kane screaming from his heart
forever. Then, when hełs mortal, hełll have all the time in the world for love.
Not before, and certainly not with the woman he must cheat of her lonely,
desperate dream in order to be free.

Madness, this
flame in his heart. He wants it to sputter out, wants to shrug her off like
countless others with a regretful sigh. But he canłt deny what he feels. His
hellbound soul zings with her, the taste of her pleasure still coating his
lips. The burning instinct to keep her safe overwhelms him, the same blind
compulsion that made him tempt Dantełs wrath at Lunałs. Heaven knew what hełd
been thinking. Only a fool challenges a vampire, and Rajahłs usually the guy
who talks his way out of fights with a smile and a wheedling hint of rapture.
But seeing Jade scared and hurt ignited his blood with rage, and the thought of
Dante sliding his teeth into herof any other man claiming herinflamed his
anger beyond reason.

The irony twists
in his throat. After years of tricking lovers into wanting, hełs the one
yearning for some untouchable goddess. He never imagined shełd be interested in
a guy like himthe words easy and amoral spring nastily to his
mind, and he chews them up hastily lest he lose confidencebut something in the
way she responded to his loving tells him her heart is vulnerable. Can he make
a plan? Change her mind somehow? Buy some time to give himself a chance with

A chance to
what? Fight over Lunałs soul? Stand back and watch while his dreams die along
with her?

The gleeful soul
buzzing in that trap poisons everything, and icy reality pierces his core
despite the steaming water. His throat swells, and he chokes as clarity shines,
brighter and more lucid than ever before. She is his heart, his breath, the
very taste of the air on his tongue.

And he canłt
have her.

Either way, itłs
impossible. Neither of them can bear staying in thrall. If he takes the
soultrap for himself, shełll never forgive him. And he could never make up for
the heartrending misery that is her thrall. Shełll never give up her freedom,
no matter how he loves her, and once shełs free, shełll end it.

Without her, six
more centuries of thrall stretch bleak and lonely. Excruciating. Unthinkable.

Tears scorch his
eyes, and his muscles shudder, wretched, but he knows what he must do. What he
intended all along, before his sentimental heart betrayed him.

Forget her. Take
the soultrap and disappear. Find the last two souls, steal his freedom, and
never come back.

Unwilling, he
flips the water off, his nerves screaming. He canłt bear the sight of her. Not
now. Not her wounded gaze, the tremble of her sweet mouth when he tells her
hełs leaving. Hełll do it now, before she wakes. Itłs kinder that way.

He steps from
the shower, water plinking on smooth brown tiles.

A cold arm
snakes around his throat, choking him into silence.

Shock triples
his pulse, and instinctively he grasps for leverage to break free. But an
impossibly strong male body slams him facefirst into the damp wall, wet leather
creaking over his back. His cheekbone bruises, and his teeth scrape bloody
dents into the inside of his cheek.

A crushing thigh
between Rajahłs legs jams his hips into the wall, grinding against his balls. A
grip like iron yanks his arm behind his back, wrenching his elbow until a cold
wedge of agony rips the joint apart. A whisper laden thick with copper drifts
over the back of his neck. “I warned you, puppy dog."

Fury ignites
Rajahłs blood, sharpened to a burning edge by fear for Jade, and he jerks his
head back, hoping to connect his skull with Dantełs forehead. But Dante evades
him easily, and scrapes stinging fangs over the crest of Rajahłs shoulder,
saliva dripping. The hot hiss of his breath slides like oil. “You stink of her.
Thatłs mine, her stink. Give it back."

Panic skewers
Rajahłs guts, his rage overflowing with images of Jade in Dantełs blood-soaked
embrace, but itłs too late. Dante is too strong. Rajah struggles, his feet
sliding on the wet floor, but therełs nothing he can do to stop Dantełs teeth
from sinking into his shoulder muscle.

Agony flares,
white-hot, and blinding dizziness rips through him. Dantełs cool lips clamp
down, and he shoves his fangs in harder, shaking his head like a dog. Muscle
fibers pop, and vessels tear open with a slurp. Blood splashes, a hot scarlet
mess diluting with water on the wall. Rajah jerks his arm helplessly, but Dante
grips it fast, pulling harder to help the blood flow. And then he sucks, hard,
sexual, and the pain is from hell, like nothing on earth.

Dante rips his
teeth free with a snarl, and now his cock bulges hard against Rajahłs naked thigh,
water and blood thinning the fabric between them. “Think you can keep her,
lover? A pretty fucktoy like you? Think again." His tongue slides a hot trail
up RajahÅ‚s neck, searching for the soft vein below his ear. “Death is too kind
for you, Rajahni. But youłll wish I killed you once Iłm finished with her."

Rajah chokes,
his skin crawling, and tries to spit out defiant words, but too late. Dantełs
breath stinks of meat, and his mouth fastens on Rajah once more. Wicked hot
fangs pierce the soft skin of his throat with a horrible sweet sting. The vein
bursts, exploding in a burning spurt of blood and pain. Dante sucks, then
swallows with an orgasmic groan, grinding his erection harder.

Blood gushes
under pressure, and Rajahłs skin rips open further on Dantełs tongue. Heat
flushes Rajahłs neck, bright blood splashing the wall. His tendons jerk,
useless. He can feel his skin cooling, his blood vessels constricting. He wants
to scream, to warn Jade, but he canłt make a sound. His knees buckle, his
muscles straining uselessly to hold him up, and his vision flashes with colored
light like stars before fading to black.



Dante collapses, panting, his back
against the blood-spattered shower wall. Rajahłs blood still runs on his teeth,
and he licks them, fragrant scarlet gushing down his chin to stain his wet
shirt. His veins burn with bloodlust, his skin afire. His balls clench tight
and heavy, his cock bursting. His gaze jerks inexorably downward, and his
nostrils flare, dragging in the intoxicating salty flavor.

Rajahni has
fainted, his beautiful naked body sprawled limp on the tiles. Wisps of steam
caress his brown skin, black hair plastered to his elegant cheek.
Scarlet-tinged water trickles onto the elongated muscles of his chest, over his
sleek flank, down his shapely thighs, into the wet hair at his groin. The
savage wound on the side of his neck exposes raw flesh, thick, salty blood
dripping, pooling, congealing. . . .

Dante smacks his
head back against the wall to distract himself, his skull smarting. Not really
his thing. Hełd much rather fuck her. Unless he can pin Rajahni down and feed
him blood, force it down his throat, choke him with it. Come inside him and
drain his life away once more, only to fill him again. Over and over, until
therełs nothing left but infected vampire blood, andsurprise!herełs
irresistible hunger and eternal life, only itłs not so everlasting when some
sadistic demon lord already owns your soul.

A vampire
incubus, ha ha. Try your fucking glamour then. But therełs a better way to make
the bastard suffer. To make Rajahni pay for taking whatłs his.

Rajahłs memories
hiss like a lunaticłs whispers in Dantełs mind, and his pulse throbs, glorious.
Now Dante knows what itłs like to love her, worship her, surrender your heart
to her.

Well, screw
that. Hełll settle for fucking and eating. Not necessarily in that order. Maybe
with a little subtle torture thrown in.

He wipes blood
from his chin, steadies the shake in his hands with a few gulping breaths, and
creeps like a shadow toward the bathroom door.

It opens without
a creak, and there she lies, limp and slender in Rajahniłs bed, pale sheets
draped across her hip. Her hair tangles on the pillow, her fingers slack by her
cheek in slumber. Her small breasts gleam in the crack of bathroom light, and
he recalls the clean taste of her nipple, her flesh springy in his mouth, her
blood thick and hot in his throat.

He leans over
her, inhaling the sweet stink of sex. He can smell what theyłve done, how shełs
let Rajahni take her, how shełs taken him. Dantełs mouth waters, lubricating
his teeth with slick spit. He wants to feel her come, scream, die, feel her rip
apart in his mouth and bleed.

He savors her,
sniffing her throat, her lips. Her breath whispers into him, slight and even.
Shełs so full, of satisfaction and oxygen-rich blood. His balls ache with lust.
He could have her here, drink her, eat her, spread her mess over Rajahniłs bed,
swallow her last heartbeat and leave her, raped and ravaged for Rajahni to

Or, he could
make it hurt even more.

He grazes his
fingertip on a wet fang and plinks a single glittering drop onto her damp
bottom lip. “Jade," he whispers.

She stirs,
murmuring. Her lips part, and her tongue slides out, licking the blood into her
mouth. “Mmm." She sighs in her sleep, her body stretching in contentment.

Dante smiles.
“Not yet, darlinÅ‚."











I opened my eyes, and nothing happened.

Cool air shrank
my naked skin, raising bumps. I blinked. Blackness, indistinguishable from the
inside of my eyelids. Was it that dark? Hell, maybe you really can go blind
from screwing.

“Rajah?" My
voice sounded flat, close. No answer.

I lifted my hand,
and my knuckles cracked against something hard. What the hell?

I spread my
fingers, a handłs breadth above my face. Wood, flat and rough. Cold fear
fingered my spine, and I splayed out my hands, searching. Splinters stuck in my
fingertips, rough edges grazing my knuckles, clunking on my bangles, smacking
into my elbows. A box.

A fucking box.
My heart sprinted. I pushed upward, and the thing wouldnłt budge. I kicked up,
sideways, down, and met more unmoving wood. Bruises stung my knees, my elbows,
my ankle bones. Swift hunger clawed at my stomach lining, insatiable. Panic
rose like wildfire in my throat, and I choked back a scream. Maybe IÅ‚d died and
gone to hell, and this was Kanełs idea of fun.

A cackle rasped
in my ears, hollow, and grasping fingers of malice squeezed my heart. And
now you know what itłs like.

My nerves
prickled at that slimy, whispering voice. I fought to swallow, a frightened
ache squeezing my breath away, and the weight of the word eternity
suffocated me. I guess I never really thought it would happen. Not so soon. And
now Kane had forever to torment me.

Not Kane,
wildcat. The cackle writhed out again like wet tentacles, gripping my
stomach with sick mirth not my own.

My head throbbed
in confusion, hunger tormenting me. What?

I ate him.
Well, I tried. Now hełs hiding. Not talking to me. Fucking demons.

I licked dry
lips, incredulous. Vorenus, are you still here?

Sweet, burning
froth slithered up and down my throat, gagging me. Trapped. Severed. Lost.
Welcome to my hell.

Frigid horror
stiffened my limbs, my mind gibbering. My throat parched. I wanted to scream,
but no sound came out. IÅ‚d almost rather Kane than this. How did this happen?
Why hadnłt my rapture chewed up what was left of him?

Lunałs fragment
chuckled, cold. Rajahłs quite a lover. You had energy to spare, so I took

I shuddered. I
should have known. Normal people couldnłt survive being swallowed. But Luna
wasnłt normal. The sorcerer had powers Iłd only dreamed of when I was mortal.
Hełd cheated death for this long, and he still wasnłt giving up. Slimy disgust
coated my mouth to think of him curled inside me while we loved, watching,
consuming. . . .

No more than
you deserved. A hot fist of rage clutched my guts, shaking me. I retched,
and his voice hissed thudding vengeance in my head. Now wherełs the rest of

Heavenly light
blinded me, painfully bright, and metal squeaked as someone wrenched the box
lid free. I squeezed my eyelids shut, tears brimming, and Luna snaked into a
tight coil inside me, quivering like a death adderłs tail.

I forced my eyes
open, squinting at first. Lightbulbs dazzling on metal claws, a distant ceiling
of pressed lead, white paint peeling. The shadow of a face, flowing white hair,
knotted in plaits with tiny flowers. Blue-veined skin, silvery eyes glittering,
a familiar flicker of forked blue tongue. “Ooh, looky here. Bottle me
confidence. Did you shine?"

I blinked, my
head still spinning. The water sprite from Lunałs. I was in hell with a fairy
drug dealer? I struggled to sit up, fought to speak, my croaky voice stinging
my throat. “Where am I?"


“IÅ‚m sorry?"

She laid a
scratchy blue hand on my chest to push me back down, her froggy fingers too dry
on my skin. I realized I was naked, and that she was still sick. Her skin peeled
like week-old sunburn, her blue lips pale and parched. “Where are we, child.
Therełs more than one of you. I see twinny, curled like a liver-worm. Sweet
thing, too. Pretty hair."

Lunałs imp
smiled and unwrapped, lissome like slime leaching into my blood. Why, thank
you, beautiful. Dance with me sometime.

The water fairy
grinned, indigo ichor staining her cracked gums. “Flowers for you, twinny. You
smell good."

And I bet you
taste good. Care to let me try?

admiration soured my mouth. He never gave up. Reduced to a gibbering soul
fragment and still pulling moves.

I pushed the
fairyłs hand away and wriggled my hips to sit up, the wooden box chafing the
backs of my thighs. My limbs felt watery, weak. Tangy furniture oil itched my
nostrils, and I glanced around at tall windows draped with brocade curtains,
lush green carpet, an antique mahogany dining suite, a stuffed pale velvet

My lungs
clenched tight, robbing me of air. What kind of freak leaves space in their
lounge room for a body-sized box? “What am I doing here? Why did you kidnap

She laughed,
hoarse, and the corner of her mouth cracked open, dust puffing from ruined
skin. “IÅ‚m just here for the candy. For napping of kids ask the candyman."

Her mention of
food watered my mouth, and my ravenous stomach growled. But I remembered the
dirty blood in her spew, writhing like living flesh, and apprehension skewered
me, sharp and hateful. Suddenly the box was a no-brainer. The kind of vampire
freak who likes torturing people, maybe? And if I was in a box, what had he
done with Rajah?

Urgency gripped
me, adrenaline seeping warmth into my blood. “Is this DanteÅ‚s place? Where is

The fairy
twisted her neck with a crack, listening to something I couldnłt hear, and put
a ripped finger to dry lips. She winked, her voice husking to a conspiratorial
whisper. “Hush-hush on pretty twinny, child. He wonÅ‚t like it."

Lunałs snaky
shade thrashed, and cramps bit into my abdomen. Pay attention, wildcat.
Canłt you smell him?

Warm breeze
puffed over my face. A dark blur severed the air and solidified into Dante,
black-clad, raindrops glinting in dark curls, spit running on hungry teeth. He
yanked the fairyłs ragged hair back, forcing her chin up an inch from his face.
“DonÅ‚t meddle."

Dry white hanks
broke off in his hand, and he grabbed more. Her silvery wings flapped
uselessly, their translucent membranes crackling like cellophane. Her lips
stretched, more dust crumbling from her face. “I told nothing. Just a looky. No

“I should hope
not, if you want more." He slid his fingers into her ruined hair, making it a
caress instead of a threat, and wormed his tongue over her broken lip, tasting
her sickness. “Say please."

His whisper made
her shiver, her black pupils slitting wide, her voice cracking. “Please."

Disgust crawled
over my skin like a fat black spider. The air suddenly chilled. No doubt hełd
made me beg like this, and humiliation seared like frost in my heart. I wanted
to wrap my naked body in my arms, cover myself. “Jesus, Dante. Leave her alone."

He winked at me,
malicious amusement glinting. “Your turn soon. DonÅ‚t be greedy."

I wanted to
scream shock into her veins, make her squirm away from his grip, but I realized
I didnÅ‚t know her name. “HeÅ‚s making you sick, darlinÅ‚, donÅ‚t go there."

But she ignored
me, fixated on him. Dante scraped one wicked fang over his own lip, dark blood

“Please, Dante.
Give it to me. I need it." Her crusty lips trembled, and silver grit grimed her
lashes, her tears thick and sluggish. “I want it."

“Good enough for
now." He struck like a serpent for a kiss, rosy lips sliding on blue, his blood
dribbling down her chin. She sighed and folded into his arms, deepening the
kiss to suck out more. He groaned and cupped her breast, dragging her nipple to

Lunałs shade stretched, sensual. Seems you like threesomes, Jade. Donłt
waste it.

I looked away,
nausea sliding in my stomach like a reptilełs scales. I didnłt want to watch
Dante fuck her, bleed her, make her plead for more. It was too much like what
hełd done to me.

But Dante pushed
her away with a blood-smeared smile. “Enough. Leave us alone."

She murmured in
protest, licking ravenous lips, and my heart ached for her. She wiped her mouth
with her frog-fingered hand, and it came away wet, not just with blood but also
with water. A moment ago, her lips were crumbling. Now the wound was healed.
She blinked, and moisture flowed into her gritty silver eyes. Her dull white
hair sprang, newly fresh and shimmering, and her blue-veined cheek glistened
damp and smooth, free of crumbling decay. She stretched her fingers, the pads
glowing wet, and her smile shone clean, her teeth gleaming sharp.

I stared,
confusion muddling my head like puzzle pieces tossed back into the box. I
remembered sweet Nyx dissolving into wet rainbows on my sheets, Kanełs pretty
fire sprite with ice in his hair. There was fae poison going around, all right,
but it wasnłt Dantełs blood. He wasnłt making the water sprite sick. He was
healing her, at least for now. Some snort it with sugar, shełd said.
Shełd spewed at Lunałs through overindulgence, not from poison.

The fairy
twirled, water drops sparkling from her fingertips, iridescent fluid pulsing
fresh in her wings. “Candy," she whispered with a giggle, and fluttered away.

Dante licked his
lips clean and sprawled on his lounge, a dark inkblot on pale velvet. He eyed
me coolly, his dark blue gaze impersonal and bored. I recalled the way Rajah
looked at me, warm, besotted, like I was the other half of his soul. The
contrast made me shiver, gooseflesh crawling, my nakedness even colder now. How
had I ever thought Dante compassionate?

He watched me
squirm, and dark interest parted his lips, cruel fangtips bright. “DonÅ‚t scowl
at me like that. Wełre alike, you and I."

I folded my
arms, trying to pretend I didnłt care he could see everything. My fingers stung
cold beneath my arms, my nipples tight and uncomfortable. “Sure, whatever you
say. So whatłs the plan, Dante? Iłm naked in a box. Are you just going to stare
at me? Or will you poison me, too?"

“I didnÅ‚t poison
anyone." A fine imitation of hurt creased his brow, his eyes shadowing with
candid disappointment.

His upset
caressed warm fingers of remorse over my heart, and I hated it. But IÅ‚d seen
that fairy blossom and heal with my own eyes. Maybe Dante spoke the truth this
time. Just because hełd lied to me didnłt mean he was guilty of everything.

But I couldnłt
forget how heÅ‚d invaded me, raped my will and stolen my secret heart. “Right.
Sure. A captive audience for your ęantidote.ł Why would you want that?"

He laughed,
incredulous, and a flush sparked my cold skin. IÅ‚d liked his laugh, so easy and
genuine, and it hadnÅ‚t changed. “Listen to yourself. Why the hell would I want
to poison fae? Theyłre creatures of chaos. Iłd fill this fucking city with fae
and watch it crumble. You want poison, look to your own."

I stared. Glass
splinters showering from a fluorescent tube, the hot gush of blood over Killian
Quinnłs face. Flames curling around Kanełs fingertips, sparks lighting his
hair. Nyx, color draining from his sweet face, his skin soaked in sick sweat
when wełd tried to love.

Sick realization
clamped my guts, and Luna slithered, giggling. Creatures of chaos. No one loved
order better than Kane, so long as it was his order. I thought Iłd drained Nyxłs
energy, only I hadnłt. My rapture had. Kanełs jealous fragment, indignant at
what I was doing. The only reason Rajah escaped unscathed was that rapture
couldnłt affect him, not while he wore bangles of his own.

What might Kane
himself be capable of? His moods could sizzle the sky with static if he didnłt
keep them under control. Kane got pissed off, and people died. Fae died.

The lying prick
was doing it himself.

So why the fuck
did he send me to Dante in the first place?

Never trust a
demon. Luna giggled again, and my stomach frothed like vomit waiting to
happen. I gulped, painful.

Dante grinned.
“Like I said. WeÅ‚re alike, you and I."

“And howÅ‚s

“We hate being
controlled. IÅ‚ve just got the guts to take what I want."

“Yeah, thatÅ‚s so
admirable. IÅ‚ve always wanted to mesmerize people and enslave them with my
blood but IÅ‚ve never had the guts. And wow, you just go right ahead and do it.
IÅ‚m impressed."

“DonÅ‚t be flip.
Blood is my power. Sex is yours. Donłt tell me youłve never fucked someone just
because you wanted to."

I thought of
Rajah and flushed again, even though rapture hadnÅ‚t been a factor. “ThatÅ‚s not
the same."

Dantełs eyes
glinted. “And damning souls to hell for your freedom. So unselfish of you."

The fact that theyłd
deserved it wasnÅ‚t making me feel better. “What the fuck would you know about

He smiled,
handsome. “No need to get defensive. IÅ‚m captivated. That thing with Luna was
beautiful. And the way you used Rajahni . . ." He flicked his tongue over sharp
teeth, saliva shining. “Ingenious."

Shit. The
soultrap. Iłd left it at Rajahłs. But I didnłt care about that right now. I
remembered the way he and Dante clashed at Lunałs, my joke that one day that
protective impulse would get Rajah killed. Icy fear hacked into my ribs like a
blunt knife. “What did you do to him?"

Dante grinned.
“Never mind that. LetÅ‚s talk about us. Come here." And the bastard stood and
held his hand out to me, courteous and charming like I wasnłt kneeling naked in
a coffin on his lounge room floor.

I stayed there,
glaring at him, wishing for acid, a bee sting, anything to cause him pain.
“YouÅ‚ve got to be kidding"

A dark weight
crashed into me, knocking the breath from my lungs. I choked, my back pressed
tight into the couchłs warmth, my limbs flung out before me. His forearm jammed
across my throat, and his lips quivered an inch from mine, showing razor teeth.
“YouÅ‚re naked. IÅ‚m hungry. DonÅ‚t try my patience." He let go and flung himself
down beside me, glaring.

The brush of his
coppery breath made my skin flinch, warmth crawling over me. The memory of
blood filled my mouth, hot, arousing, and I swallowed. I didnłt want to play
his games. They were too dangerous. “IÅ‚m bored. If youÅ‚re going to bite me, get
on with it."

He leaned
closer, resting his head on his hand. “I will. I just want you to beg first."

I laughed,
trying not to stare at his teeth, the way the fangs brushed his bottom lip,
delicate. “Never."

“Never say
never." His gaze drew mine, hypnotic. “WeÅ‚ve been through this already. I can
help you. Just tell me what you want."

My stomach
twisted even as I stared, transfixed. Snaky wriggles churned my guts, and I
tried to stand up, but my legs wouldnłt move, the muscles rigid and useless. Donłt,
Luna screeched, donłt want! But I couldnłt help it. My lips stretched,
sluggish. “WonÅ‚t."

“You will." He
stroked my hair back, caressing, his tongue flicking out to clean his teeth.
His voice growled softly, almost a whisper, but it drilled straight to my core
and splintered my resolve, plumbing to the depths of my most reckless, hidden
need. “You donÅ‚t break my power over you by spewing, Jade. You drank my blood.
IÅ‚ll own you forever. Now tell me again what you want most, and IÅ‚ll give it to











Unsheathe your claws, wildcat,
urged Luna, but I barely heard him. The warm, male scent of cardamom filled my
nostrils, so dear to me, I trembled. Cold tears spilled onto my cheeks, and my
most secret words dragged over my lips, compelled. “Love Rajah. Want him to
stay with me."

Dante smiled
softly, shaking his head. “Even I canÅ‚t make that happen. HeÅ‚s already
forgotten you."

“No." My wits glugged
like paste, cold and thick. “WonÅ‚t forget."

“Trust me. How
do you think I stole you away? He let me. The soultrap for the girl. He didnłt
even blink. Do you think hełd give up his freedom for a whore like you?" He
bent closer, caressing my temple with his, mingling our hair together. His
cheek brushed mine, warm, and that horrid, wonderful flavor flooded my mouth,
erasing everything else, seductive as he whispered in my ear. “ThatÅ‚s what you
are, sweetie. A whore. Donłt you feel that sometimes?"

The taste of his
hot, vibrant blood tingled on my tongue, intoxicating and fresh. Hełd fed me
again. While I slept. Horror crawled up my throat like vomit, burning, but I
couldnÅ‚t stop the truth from spilling out. “Yes."

“Do you really
believe he gives a damn about you?"

Yes. I
wanted to scream it out, banish my fear with reckless, unfounded confidence,
but my tongue froze when I tried to speak. The syllable wouldnłt form, and my
muscles contorted themselves into the vile truth. “Want to. Said he did. Took
me home."

“You donÅ‚t say.
After watching you fuck his oldest enemy to death? Why do you think hełd do

My throat
clogged, and I couldnłt speak. Maybe, just because he felt like it. Because
rapture made his cock hard and I was the closest thing. So hełd humored me, let
me think he was washing me clean, lied to make me feel special. All so IÅ‚d let
him put it wherever he wanted.

So fucking
pathetic. A few orgasms and IÅ‚m in love.

With a man who
makes a living screwing girls he doesnłt give a shit about.

Tears burned,
soaking my lashes, trailing hot rivers down my cheeks. My chest swelled, swift
and agonizing, the scarred skin of my heart ripping once more to shreds. IÅ‚d
never wanted so badly to lie. But Dantełs gaze immobilized me, remorseless, the
blood allowing nothing but cold, undeniable truth.

He traced my
tears with warm lips, sucking the moisture away. “ItÅ‚s okay, darlinÅ‚. You donÅ‚t
have to answer that one. Just tell me how much it hurts."

I choked on a
sob. “Like the worst thing ever."

“Do you want it
to stop hurting?" His lips drifted to the corner of my mouth, warm and

I didnłt care.
It didnłt matter. Nothing mattered. I let him kiss me, drag his tongue over my
bottom lip, that tempting iron taste invading my mouth. “Yes."

“And do you think
it will? Ever?" His breath slid to my throat, hot razor teeth whispering over
the dent where my pulse beat, thick and sore and weary. My sluggish nerves
sparked in alarm, but before I could react, he slid his thigh over mine,
trapping me beneath him. His body heat soaked over me, welcome in the chill,
and my skin reacted with a slow flush. He inhaled my scent through parted lips,
tasting me.

Luna struggled
inside me, thrashing like a skewered reptile, and part of me wanted to
struggle, too, but misery swamped me, smothering any desire to fight Dante off.
He was right. IÅ‚d let Rajah break my heart, and it might never heal. After a
thousand years, when my thrall bangles finally broke and Kane dragged me off to
hell, Iłd be thinking of Rajah, his cheeky laugh, the way I didnłt feel alone
and useless anymore when he looked at me, and IÅ‚d curse myself for being so sad
and hopeless and empty that I hadnłt interested him for more than a few hours.
A few hours of bliss in a millennium.

Dante yanked my
head back by the hair, snarling softly, spit running on curved fangs. His blue
eyes shone bright, glazed, intoxicated. His body quivered, tight and coiled
like a serpent about to strike, and his skin glowed with arousal. God, he was
beautiful, this creature of death.

IÅ‚d thought that
the night I met him, before IÅ‚d ever seen the primal animal inside. But the way
he surrendered to his beast made me stare, transfixed. Envy coursed through me,
hot and tempting. I wanted to touch, learn, take. Was that how I looked when the
rapture stole my reason? In perfect submission, unfettered, free?

No. It wasnłt.
Dante loved his compulsion. I hated mine.

“Answer me,
Jade. Will the pain ever stop?" He scraped his mouth over my collarbone and
down to my breast, flicking his sinuous tongue over my nipple. My flesh
responded, hardening, and he bit me, playful like a kitten, teasing out
pleasure that swelled in my breast and slithered through my veins to heat my

I shivered,
helplessness welling inside me. Maybe I could have hit him, pushed him off me,
jammed my knee into his swollen groin. But I didnłt want to fight. I didnłt
want to be strong anymore. I just wanted it to end. “No. The pain wonÅ‚t ever

He sucked me,
pulling my nipple taut in his hot mouth, stinging teeth scraping my breast.
Breathlessly he slid to the floor in front of me and dragged his lips over my
ribs. He chewed lightly on my hipbone, his tight dark curls teasing my belly.
“So what do you want from me?"

I let my head
fall back, squeezing my swollen eyes shut. The words he wanted clogged my
mouth, and my tongue jerked, longing to spit them out. Donłt, Luna
warned, sharp claws of caution slashing inside my abdomen, but I ignored him.

I thought of
Rajah, how wełd loved, the beautiful friction between us, the way my heart
swelled when he held me, kissed me, slid into me like he belonged there. For a
few precious hours, I didnłt hate what I was. And now only a few hours later,
here I was naked under another man.

It didnłt matter
that I was a prisoner, that Dante would never let me go until he was satisfied.
I was still here, conscious, letting it all happen while some other guy took
possession of me. Got off on my body like I was a sex doll. Smeared me with
lust and spit and blood, touched me in places and ways I only ever wanted Rajah
to touch me again.

The reality of
my thrall crashed in on me like a stinking mudslide. Kane whistled me up, and I
fucked. It was as simple as that. Without the Luna soultrap, there was no
escaping it. Even if I gambled on the wafer-thin chance that Rajah would even
speak to me again, how could I ever look him in those beautiful golden eyes and
tell him I loved him and only him, when every other week I was prostituting
myself for some lustful stranger?

My horrid
bangles stung, and caustic tears forced into my eyes. I tried to blink them
away, in case Dante thought they were because of him, but my sorrow swelled
like a cancer, strangling me. It was no good. There was no hope for us, and now
IÅ‚d tasted love, breathed heavenly air in that magical place where I thought
Rajah cared for me, the next eight hundred years without him stretched ahead
even longer and more unbearable. Even if he did harbor some residue of sympathy
for me, it was better I died now than watch his affection dissolve while I
whored. Every interminable day, IÅ‚d think of him, imagine his lost smile, the
missing twinkle in his eyes. Every night when I went to bed alone IÅ‚d miss him,
every careless body I touched would make me long for his caress. Every guy I
fucked, IÅ‚d weep for Rajah.

Dantełs fangs
sliced my belly, delicate, a fierce sting zipping across my skin. He scraped
his tongue slowly across the cut, excruciating, and in a blood-drenched flash
of memory I remembered him going down on me with just that movement, a slow, deliberate
lick that left me breathless. I didnłt want sex with him now. Not with anyone,
if I couldnłt have Rajah. But I did crave the other thing Dante offered.

His lips curled
against my skin in a smile. “Say it, Jade. Tell me what you want me to do."

My hellbound
soul yearned for it, my weary body ached for it, my tortured heart bled for it.
The words clamored inside, desperate to be free. I swallowed, dry with desire.
I let my muscles relax, my limbs slacken. I opened my mouth, and out it
spilled. “Kill me."



Rajah stirs, and cramp seizes his
shoulder, excruciating.

He gurgles
through a locked jaw, wanting to scream, tiles cold and wet under his jerking
muscles. Gradually the unbearable tension subsides, and the agony fades to a
dull ache. He forces sticky eyes open, light glaring. Glass. Earthy ceramic
squares, polished metal, the smell of water and blood.

His pulse thuds.
The bathroom. Dante. Jade.

Shock slams into
his lungs, forcing his breath away. He scrambles up, his feet slipping in the
clotted red stain, and skids out into the bedroom. Drips slide cold on his
skin. “Jade?"

Cool pre-dawn
moonlight creeps through the venetians, striping the room with light. The
sheets lie rumpled; her smell is everywhere. But shełs not there. He ducks his
head out into the living room. Empty.

Rajah curses,
trying to still his racing heart. Maybe shełs all right. Maybe she just left,
just didnłt want to see him anymore.

Maybe she
figured out he was leaving her, and did it before he could.

Bright guilt
slashes like a blade at his heart, but he remembers the cold stab of Dantełs
fangs, his faint as blood rushed away, the cold curse on Dantełs lips. Youłll
wish IÅ‚d killed you once IÅ‚m finished with her.

He scrabbles on
the bedside table for his phone and dials with shaking, bloody fingers.

A glassy
ringtone peals from the floor beside his bed, and he kicks the sheets away,
stumbling. Her bag, the twisted golden strap pooling on the carpet beside
Lunałs shimmering silk coat. Swiftly he scoops the bag up, fumbling the magnetic
clasp open. Purse, keys, phone, lipstick, soultrap. His mouth dries, crusty,
his fingers clenching around crisp black satin. Shełd never leave without Luna.
Or without clothes. He shoves his wardrobe door aside, careless of the crash.
Nothingłs missing.

The soultrap
hums angrily in the bag, and for a moment he stares at it. He could take it,
and forget her.

He sees her in
his mind, her sweet hair brushing his face, her flavor flooding his senses with
bliss, and he curses himself for an idiot.

Forget her.
Sure. Might as easily forget about breathing.

Resolve grips
him, hot and indefatigable like rapture. Time to call in some favors, find
where DiLuca is skulking. Jade is strong. Shełll still be alive. She has to be.
And if he has to surrender his freedom to save her, so be it. Screw freedom.
Without her, itłs not worth having.

He drops his
phone into her bag and snaps it shut, and in ninety seconds hełs dressed and











Dante groaned, nuzzling hard into the
crease at the top of my thigh. “I love it when you talk dirty. Say it again."

“Kill me, Dante.

He dived his
head between my legs, nipping the soft inside of my thigh, but I didnłt care. I
closed my eyes, but didnłt bother to shift my legs apart for him. Let him do
that. Let him take me any way he wanted. Everyone else did.

He bent my knees
and pushed them apart, baring more skin, and licked himself a clean place,
inside my thigh where the vein pulsed, making it slick and ready. Hot razor
teeth whispered on my skin, stinging, his hair tickling me. “You want it fast
or slow?"

I wanted it
fast, now, over with. But whatever I said, hełd choose the other. Luna
wriggled, snapping, but I ignored him. “Just do it."

Dante bit
slowly, delicately. A miserable ache cramped my thigh, and I cried out, willing
him to get on with it. But he withdrew, fangs sliding cold from my skin. Pain
seared, his tongue hotter as he lapped at the wound, teasing, not taking me
until he was good and ready. Fear clawed me, but I gritted my teeth. Better I
died now.

The hell you

My teeth grated
with alien rage that boiled my blood, and without any spark from me, my rapture
ignited, snarling. Have I got your attention now?

Energy swirled
in my womb, hot and ravenous, leaking out to wet me. Dante murmured in
pleasure, and slid his tongue into my slit to collect some, mixing it with the
blood tricking hot down my thigh. He teased me, trailing his teeth over my
folds, a sharp sting of fangs scraping my clit. A burning sensation crept up my
body, and I gasped, squeezing my eyes tighter. Let it go, Vorenus. Itłs

You will not
fucking flicker out and take me with you. Scaly muscle gripped my throat
like a constrictor, choking me. Stop drowning in self-pity and show some
goddamn spirit, Jade. Send this prick to hell where he belongs.

I spluttered,
and some of the woolly inertia plastered over me by Dantełs blood sloughed off.
The idea kindled vicious longing in my heart. But it was impossible. Rapture
couldnłt trap a vampirełs soul. Could it?

Then drink
his fucking blood if thatłs what it takes. Use some imagination. What the fuck
do you think Rajah sees in you, anyway?

Lunałs wrath
bubbled, roiling, and my rapture sucked it up with a growl, flaring brighter. I
looked down, at Dante feasting on the wound hełd made. Blood smeared his lips,
coated his teeth, ran on his tongue. He licked me, sucked me, slid his tongue
under the broken skin to taste moreand an ethereal scarlet shimmer flowed over
him, coating him like spectral blood.

My aura.

My heart
skipped, jumping my pulse, and Dante rubbed his lips in welling blood, letting
it run to stain the couch. Terminus. The line of division. Death. But
not the mortal kind.

Lunałs snide
words came back to me with a hearty thud. I ate him, hełd said of Kane, at
least I tried.

My heart
skipped. It was worth a try. If I failed, IÅ‚d just die. But if I succeeded, I
still had Lunałs fragment. What if I didnłt need the whole thing to make it
work? What if I could still be free?

Resolve seeped
into my veins, thick and needy with rapture. Vorenus, you hungry?

Now youłre
talking, wildcat. A rough chuckle shivered my skin. But nothingłs free.
I want out. Give me back the rest of me, and IÅ‚ll eat the bastard whole. Deal?


A lie, of
course. But IÅ‚d worry about that later. I let my rapture roam, and concentrated
on Dantełs lips, the warmth, the pain, the slickness of my sex. Lunałs
confidence crept through my veins, glittering with life, giving me fresh
strength and perspective. Dark, enchanted pleasure sizzled, swelling my flesh,
and though my heart still ached, something glorious and deeply arousing called
to me. Yes, I wanted to yell, this is what I am. This is what I do.
Sex and death are the same, this man will die before Iłm through, and thatłs

IÅ‚m me, and fuck
łem all if they canłt take it. Dante was right. He and I were the same. And if
it meant Rajah would never love me, IÅ‚d just have to learn to live with it, no
matter how much it hurt. I loved him, with every cursed fragment of my soul.
IÅ‚d love him forever, and no one could take that away. IÅ‚d keep my love safe,
like a diamond, hidden in a warm dark place where no one could ever touch it.

And if it makes
me smile just once while I spend eternity screaming in hell, IÅ‚ll have won.

Fuck. Them. All.

Luna giggled,
sparkling. Thatłs my girl.

Dante sank his teeth
in once more, deepening the wound. Pain lanced again, constricting my veins,
but it was distant, forgettable. He sucked, and I let a lustful groan well up
in my chest as more life flowed out of me. “You want to get naked while you do

He let go, blood
sliding from his grin. “Why, you naughty girl. Are you rebelling?"

“Maybe." I still
couldnłt lie to him. Didnłt mean I couldnłt color it the way he wanted.

Dark lust
ignited in his gaze. “Okay. How do you want it?"

I grabbed his
hair, and he snapped playfully at my forearm, slashing a dark red welt. I
swallowed a wince. “Fuck me. Maybe IÅ‚ll come while I die."

He stood and
stripped, his motions jerky and almost too swift to follow, revealing his
tense, pale body, muscles lean and tendons twisted like a starving wild
animalłs. Still had a great ass. Nice hard-on, too, straight and thick. My
pulse quickened, and I swallowed. He looked dangerous. Vorenus, you ready?

More than
ready. Luna quivered happily, making my stomach ache. He pretends hełs
straight, you know. I never got to fuck him. Let me have it.

Now that was the
Luna I remembered. Hełd fuck anything with a heartbeat.

Well, IÅ‚m a
succubus. So will I.

Dante climbed
back on the couch and pulled me astride his lap. Blood and vampire spit dripped
down my thigh, and he slid his fingers through it, smearing it into the hot wet
mess between my legs. His fingertips grazed my entrance, merciless, and my
flesh twitched. “Already on your way, I see."

I wriggled up on
my knees to make him get on with it. I didnłt want him touching me any more
than I needed him to. “See if you can do better than last time."

His eyes
glinted, malicious, and he gripped my hips and dragged me down on him. His cock
pushed inside, forcing through my wetness until he could go no farther. His
pupils dilated, and before I was ready he struck.

He jabbed
burning fangs into my throat. My skin popped, and blood gushed. Pain clawed my
neck, digging in, slashing down my back and over my chest. I couldnłt move my
head. I couldnłt move at all. He ground his cock deeper, growling, his erection
swelling as he sucked and swallowed.

My balance
tumbled, dizzy, my skull swirling. My pulse skidded wildly, thrumming like a
trapped birdłs wings. Chill whispered over my skin, shocking next to Dantełs warm
body. My muscles loosened, my limbs limp and weak.

He withdrew his
teeth and slowed down, sucking only gently, his tongue caressing my ripped
flesh. He slid his thumb over my clit, spearing me with sensation, and blood
flowed to my sex, leaving even less for my brain. He kept swallowing, sucking
my life out mouthful by mouthful, and he rocked deep inside me, stroking me,
bringing me on. “Die for me, sweetie. Come on. ItÅ‚ll feel good."

Luna sighed,
quivering, and I couldnłt help but groan, tilting my hips to press against
Dantełs clever hand. It did feel good, this light-headed bliss, like some
exotic fairy high. I struggled to form whispered words. “Not yet. Give me more.
Let me taste you."

Dante laughed
and groaned at the same time, thrusting hard and deep. “You want me to infect
you, is that it?" He lapped up more blood, his breath hot and short on my
throat. “Sorry. Not this time."

He slid thumb
and forefinger around my clit and squeezed, and I gasped, the stimulation too
intense. “Please. I just want one proper taste." I forced a smile, my breath
burning. “ItÅ‚d drive Rajah bugfuck."

He pulled his
mouth away, panting around a bloody grin. A flush reddened his face, his skin
plump and succulent. “Damn, I love a spiteful woman. If you can take it, itÅ‚s
yours. But be careful. I might decide to infect you after all."

He made no move
to help me, to cut himself or bite his lip. Just pressed his fingers over my
sex and watched me, stained lips parted, glazed blue eyes shining with lust. He
wanted to see me humiliate myself for him, but it didnłt make him special. It
made him common as dirt, and I was glad.

I licked dry
lips with a drier tongue, and let my head fall to his shoulder. His skin felt
soft on my cheek, and a glorious fleshy fragrance radiated, sweet and hot. The
smell of my blood. I trailed my lips over his throat, grazing him with my
teeth, salty male sweat tingling my tongue. I found a dip, where a faint hot
pulse threaded, and I took a mouthful and bit.

My teeth crushed
into thick skin, bruising it, and a tinge of his glorious, hypnotic taste
wormed into my mouth. My rapture crackled with lust, and I shivered, my flesh
clenching around his cock, preorgasmic delight rippling through me. God, I
hated this.

Dante thrust
into me in response, grunting. “Harder. You canÅ‚t hurt me."

Wełd see about
that. But it was difficult. My teeth werenłt made for this. I clamped down
harder, and his skin broke with a sick crunch. Salty filth filled my mouth, hot
and stinking. My eyes watered, my stomach churning, and Luna gripped me tight
inside, stopping me from vomiting. Swallow, wildcat. Do it.

I gritted my
teeth together through Dantełs flesh, and swallowed. Blood coated my throat,
disgusting, dribbling down.

Luna slurped it
up, greedy. More.

Steeling myself,
I sucked. More blood leaked out, and I swallowed it. Luna cackled in delight.

Dante pulled his
hand from between my legs and grabbed my hair to yank me closer, his cock
swelling tight inside me. His voice grated, his breath burning my ear. “Yes. Do
it. Drink me."

I bit down and
shook my head from side to side as he had, and more skin tore, blood vessels
breaking. I sucked, and warmth spurted, splashing my tongue, running down my
throat. I gagged, but Luna latched on to it, screeching. Reptilian claws scraped
in my guts, frothing soul energy lurching up into my mouth, and the blood began
to run of its own accord.

blossomed in me, flowing from my womb, wrapping Dantełs cock, caressing us both
with flaming pleasure. His energy leached into me from our sex, black and icy
but nourishing. Dante gulped, his chest heaving. “Enough."

But Luna was
pissed off and hungry, and he wasnłt letting go. I stretched my jaws apart, my
teeth still embedded in Dantełs neck, pulling the ragged wound open. Sick
vampire blood rushed down my gullet in a flood, burning, sucked away before it
hit my stomach by Lunałs ravenous shade. The thing drank and drank and drank,
insatiable, swelling inside me, and I just held on and let the blood flow.

“Enough. Stop."
Dante tried to yank my head away, his fingers curling in my hair. But I held
on, my rapture sinking deadly claws into his strength and dragging him closer
to the edge at the same time. His fist weakened in my hair, his essence
sponging into us, and his muscles jerked beneath me as he fought it. His words
slurred as he cursed me. “Bitch. YouÅ‚re not alone."

He plunged
within me, helpless to stop his own death, and his cock rubbed over my
sensitive flesh, too much, too fast. My rapture sighed and moaned, coiling
tighter. My thighs tingled, my muscles juddering. I was going to come, but I
didnłt care. Let him feel it as he died.

I gritted my
teeth and let the pleasure take me, slow and delicious, rolling through my
core, creeping along my limbs, sparkling my fingers. I groaned. My pelvic walls
spasmed, hugging him, and he squeezed his eyes shut and jetted into me. A hot
flood splashed my eager womb, drenched and alive with what was left of his
poisonous soul.

Energy spurted
into me, and my rapture consumed it, sucking back the life hełd stolen from me.
My skin burned, my rejuvenated blood racing.

Lunałs shade
clenched its teeth, whooping with delight, and a thick fleshy lump sucked into
my mouth as the last of Dantełs consciousness tore free. His scarlet aura
bubbled in fury as it faded, dying. His fingers dug into my hips, jerking, and
then fell slack.

The bastard was
dead. Wełd killed a vampire, the only way you could. The fucker bled to death,
and now his soul was mine.











I tore my mouth away, my teeth
squelching out of his mangled flesh. I pushed away, ripping him from me, and
stumbled onto the floor, panting. My breath hurt my lungs, the horrid salty
taste of blood bubbling in my guts. Hot bloodstained liquid dribbled down my
thighs. Lust seethed in my womb as my rapture snarled, voracious, ready to
consume what IÅ‚d stolen.

But Luna snapped
sharp teeth, fighting it off. Mine. Get your own.

My heart had
slowed, but now my pulse leapt, urgent. If he consumed Dantełs soul, it was all
for nothing.

I swept my gaze
around the room, and lighted on a swan-necked glass vase on the coffee table. I
crawled over and grasped it, cold and heavy in my burning fingers. Give it
up, Vorenus. Let me have it.

Luna coiled
tight like a snake, possessive. No. Hungry.

I roasted him
with rapture, my flesh throbbing. Give it up, or you canłt have yourself
back, and youłll stay there forever. That what you want?

He sulked,
vitriol seething, but he did uncoil, and angry soul energy burst in my stomach,
frothing. Should have known better than to bargain with you.

I barely heard
him through the sudden spear of agony in my belly. Acid rammed up my throat,
choking me, and I cracked my teeth against the vasełs glass lip in haste. Hot
ruby spew splattered into the vase, clotted and disgusting, dribbling down the
sides. Heat scorched my cheeks, my eyes pouring, but I didnłt flinch until Iłd
choked up the last of it, spitting to clear my mouth of filth.

Dantełs soul
spat like boiling scarlet soup, and I jammed my hand over the vasełs mouth lest
it escape. Acid burned my palm, and swiftly I stuffed the neck with a handful
of Dantełs shirt, blood staining the black linen. Itłd do for an hour or two,
until I could tip it into a soultrap. I ripped off the rest of the shirt and
prodded the plug in tighter.

At last, I fell
on my backside on the carpet, exhausted. My rapture hissed at me, disappointed,
but I had no sympathy.

I licked sore
lips. Vorenus?

Luna sniffed,
still pissed off with me. What?

Youłre a very
sick man. But thanks.

At last, I felt
him smile. Grudging, but the same handsome smile hełd had while he was still
alive. Youłre welcome, wildcat. He tasted pretty fine, eh?

I wiped blood
from my legs, rubbing my hand on the carpet to clean it. Fatigue dulled me,
even though IÅ‚d just gotten a fix. I should go home, stash this soul properly
next to Quinnłs, go to bed so I could wake up and worry about finding animus,
whatever the hell that meant. I should have been triumphant, full of hope and

But I wasnłt. I
didnłt feel like getting up. I didnłt feel like doing anything. Without someone
to share it with, all the excitement was taken out of it. And I didnłt mean the
vicious double-thinking shade of my murdered ex-lover.

Idly I rolled
the vase between my palms, watching Dantełs soul struggle and seethe. Wełd have
laughed together, Rajah and I. Clinked glasses over our soultrapswine for me,
lemon squash for himand stuffed ourselves silly on chicken tikka and aloo
paratha. Walked home in the dark, holding hands, wrapped in each otherłs scent
and sweat. Fallen breathless onto his bed and made love, with the windows open
to soft summer breeze and moonlight. Slept in each otherłs embrace, sharing warmth,
skin, breath.

Stupid tears
swelled my eyes, and I let them blur. I didnłt want to see. I didnłt want to
move. What for?



Donłt you
have somewhere to be?

Sure. At
home, alone. For eight hundred years, with you and Kane fighting in my guts.
Canłt wait.

Luna sniffed
again, his dissatisfaction sour on my tongue. Bullshit. You just found a
reason to live. You really going to let him get away?

Sorrow pierced
me like a hot wire, stinging. “Yeah, right," I muttered. “Give it a rest."

Oh, sure. Be like
that if you want to. Could have sworn I heard him say something about love.

I laughed, and
it caught on the swelling in my throat, choking me. “Like he meant it? ThatÅ‚s
just perfect, coming from you."

I meant it.
He sounded distant, bruised. For a while. How long do you need to make it
worth living for, anyway?

I opened my
mouth for a cutting reply, but it shriveled and died on my tongue. Just how
long was worth it, when it came to love? How much happiness did I need? A year?
A day? An hour?

Cherish the
small pleasures, wildcat. Only thing that makes immortality worth the effort.
Luna tossed his head with a haughty shrug. Not that you give a shit what I
think, right?

If I could have
just another five minutes with Rajah before he left me, would I take it? Would
I dare to ask the questions that branded my soul? Or would I rather live out my
miserable thousand years and die without ever knowing what was really in his
heart for those few precious hours we spent?

I scrambled up,
my legs quivering. “Vorenus?"

You still

“Thank you."











Vine leaves drip dew onto the pavement
from the canopy in front of Valentinołs, shining in the morning sun. The smell
of wet asphalt rises, puddles reflecting in the street after the rain, and Lygon Street
bustles with the sounds of shoppers, clinking coffee cups, traffic.

Tony LaFaro
shrugs skinny shoulders and slithers his spiked blue tongue into his latte,
collecting a blob of white froth. “DonÅ‚t know nothinÅ‚."

“Can I see
Angelo, then? I just need to know if she"

“Ange ainÅ‚t
here. Sorry." Tonyłs second set of eyelids flicker, mocking.

Rajah rakes
frustrated fingers through damp hair. “Look, IÅ‚ve tried everywhere. She could
be in trouble. If youłve"

“AinÅ‚t seen
her." Tony unfolds a newspaper, ignoring him.

Rajah spins away
before he can break his knuckles on the prickłs snarky brown face. He stalks
off, the damp pavement slick, fury and worry seething together in his guts like
boiling oil. Hełs tried the clubs, the pubs, the whole of King Street and
South-bank, where the DiLucas hang, but no one will admit to seeing them or
knowing where Dantełs hiding. DiLucałs fae just smile and murmur, their eyes
glazed. He even tried the house in Richmond
where old Sal used to live, but Antonia DiLuca just hissed at him and told him
to mind his own fucking business, hate flashing in her indigo eyes.

He jogs across
the street in front of a slow-moving car and ducks down the side alley,
half-running the few blocks to her place. Unlikely shełll be home, but Dante is
cunning, delighting in the unexpected.

A stray cat
meows on her doorstep, its skinny gray body tense, and it darts away as he
approaches. Remnants of his fingermarks still show in the rain-speckled dust on
the glass, half-erased digits fading. The doorłs locked, unbroken, both a good
and a bad sign. He jams her key in, shoves the door open, and dashes into her
grimy living room, tripping in his haste.

A stuffed couch,
bookshelves thick with dust, last weekłs TV listings creased on the table. A
rust-stained fridge, dishes and plastic takeaway containers piled dirty on the

“Princess?" But
the smell is all wrongstale, not fresh like she isand he already knows shełs not

He wipes a weary
hand over his face with a sorrowful sigh. He canłt think of anywhere else to
look. Hełs got only one option left. Sunlight brightens the room, slanting in
through open blinds, but it doesnłt lighten his mood, and a chill crawls to his
fingertips at the thought of making the call. Slowly he pulls his phone from
her bag and keys through the address book, but he canłt bear to dial just yet
and he slouches against the tablełs edge, bitter anguish awash in his heart. On
the table, red roses in a silver box grow crispy at the edges, and he sniffs
them, the perfume soft and rich like her skin, but she doesnłt smell of roses.
She smells of woman, fresh and natural like sunshine.

On the table,
her bag shifts, rocking. Lunałs soul is restless, and Rajah wonders about her
other soultrap, the one with Killian Quinn. If Dante gets his hands on that . .

Swiftly he
searches, opening drawers, lifting cushions, flipping back cupboard doors in the
gritty kitchen. A row of brass bottles gleams under the dull steel sink, but
theyłre all empty. He tries the fridge. Chocolate biscuits, yogurt, a stalk of
celery. In the bedroom her sheets lie stripped in a pile on the floor, a faint
blue stain marking the mattress. He wants to pick them up, slide his face into
them, smell her. Instead he tries her drawers, and therełs the soultrap,
nestling in amongst slips and T-shirts.

He plucks it
out, satin sliding over his sweat-damp hands. It teeters, whispering black
curses, and he slips it carefully into her bag next to Luna. Taking it where
hełs going is a risk. He could lose it forever with a careless word. But he
canłt bear to leave it for Dante. Hełd rather take his chances.

Back in the
living room, he swallows, dread shredding his nerves. He clenches his hand to
steady it, picks up his phone, and presses Call.

After three
rings, Kane picks up, his voice light and pleasant. “Rajah. How sweet of you."

Rajah closes his
eyes, warm tears leaking onto his cheek. “I need your help."











I stumbled from the
elevator, sweating in the cool air. My hair tangled around the thick collar of
the shirt Iłd stolen from Dantełs place, and my wet fingers clenched on the
handle of the green shopping bag that held my makeshift soultrap. My bare feet
stuck on the slate, leaving wet footprints, and I skidded turning the corner to
his door.

It lay open. Ajar. Lights out.

I stumbled through, catching myself on the doorframe. “Rajah?"

Silence. Morning sun speared in open venetians, striping the carpet with
white, flashing on stainless steel. I skipped into the bedroom, breathless. The
mess wełd made was still there, the sheets rumpled, the smell of sweat and sex
and cardamom, Lunałs coat a splash of midnight on the pale floor. I kicked it
aside, searching, but my foot slid across empty carpet.

My heart clenched. I stuck my head under the bed, desperate. Nothing.

My bag was gone. Lunałs soul was gone.

The soultrap for the girl. Dantełs taunt replayed in my mind,
malicious. Not only that, Rajah had taken my purse. My phone. So I couldnłt
find him.

No. No way. Hełd just taken the bag for safekeeping. I should wait for
him. Hełd be back.

But I couldnłt wait here. Not here, where the walls screamed of him, the
air stinging with his scent and mine. Even the coolness made me think of him,
shivering my skin. And in my shopping bag, Dantełs bloody soul writhed and
spat, contorting the hot glass. IÅ‚d jammed the fabric in as tight as I could,
but soon the foul thing would shatter the glass and escape. I needed a
soultrap. Now.

I ran back into the kitchen and tried the cupboards, one by one. White dishes,
tall glasses, a stainless milkshake maker. Nothing made of brass. The pantry,
nothing but breakfast cereal and tinned fruit and spice jars by the dozen. I
tried under the sink. Dishwashing powder, a spotless toaster. The worldłs
cleanest garbage bin. I even peered into the dishwasher, just in case. No

I slammed the door shut, unease rippling my pulse. What kind of incubus
doesnłt keep soultraps on hand? I scanned the bookshelves, under the TV, behind
the sofa.


The bag jerked in my hand, Dantełs soul squelching like hot jam. I
couldnłt wait any longer. I scrabbled through the pile of magazines on the
floor for pen and paper, and it was the easiest damn letter IÅ‚ve ever written.



I love
you. Donłt give up on me. Iłll be back in an hour. Wait for me. Please.





I plopped a
glass on it on the marble bench so it wouldnłt drift away in the
air-conditioning, and dashed out.

The sun burned
as I waited at the tram stop, my skin sizzling in the after-rain humidity. A taxi
would be faster, but I had no cash and no one on the tram cares if you pay or
not. I caught the city circle to Swanston
Street, and people in business suits or gym
clothes stared at me as I curled my feet up under me on the seat and cradled my
shopping bag. My nerves twinged, ragged with worry, and I wanted to bare my
teeth, tear my hair, scream, What the fuck are you looking at? But I was
greasy and barefoot, wearing Dantełs shirt and pantsfar too big for me, and I
hadnłt found any shoes that didnłt fall off my feetand sporting a ragged red
bite mark on my throat. No wonder they were a little curious. If they only knew
what was in my bag.

I swapped trams
by the shining gray monolith of Federation
Square, watching the creeping hands on the clocks
at Flinders Street Station for what seemed like an age. By the time I hopped
off at Lygon Street,
a piercing ache split my skull from dehydration and I felt light-headed and
weak, like I hadnłt eaten or drunk in days. Iłd absorbed some good energy from
Dantełs death, but Luna had eaten most of it and it wasnłt enough to make up
for the blood Dante took.

I wanted to run.
But I walked carefully toward home, clutching my precious bag, crossing
slippery bluestone paving and stepping over rivulets of graying water in the
gutters. More than once, my feet conspired to tangle and trip me up, and I
reached my door with grazed knees and a bloody elbow where IÅ‚d scraped it on
the ground to keep my temporary soultrap safe.

The door lay
ajar, my key ring still dangling from the lock.

My heart
tumbled. At least hełd been here, looking for me. I plunged inside, anxiety and
hope plugging my throat like a scratchy clump of sand.

The usual mess,
dirty dishes, old magazines, piles of washing I hadnłt bothered to put away.
Dantełs roses, crisping and fragrant on the table, sweetening the fading smell
of fairy. Sunlight, slanting through the blinds, gleaming on open cupboard
doors, dishes knocked awry, my threadbare couch cushions tumbled on the

My bag twitched,
murmuring sadistic promises. Blindly I grabbed an empty trap from the open
cupboard and yanked the cork free. The blood-soaked shirt squelched out like an
overused tampon, and Dantełs oozing soul spewed into the trap, filling it to
the brim. I jammed the cork in as hard as I could, my muscles weak and
unresponsive, and shoved the trap into the fridge to shut him the fuck up. Good
riddance. I didnłt have time for him now.

In the bedroom,
my drawers hung open, clothes jumbled. I pawed through my shirts, sweat sliming
my hands, and that beloved spicy scent drifted over me, warming my skin even as
my heart thudded screaming into my guts.

The soultrap was
gone. Rajah had taken Quinn.

My lungs
convulsed, deflated, and I gasped for air, my diaphragm cramping. My only hope
of an end to this foulness, and hełd taken it. Even if Lunałs shade was enough,
without Quinn, IÅ‚d never be free.

My bangles
chimed smugly, victorious, and my knees buckled. I sank onto my barren bed, the
rotten stink of moldy fairy blood crawling into my nose. My mind gibbered at me
like a cage-mad rat, scrabbling for another explanation, any explanation that
didnłt mean Iłd lost him. Dante. It could have been Dante who took Quinn while
I was still passed out in his goddamn box.

But I knew it
wasnłt true. Dante would have drunk Quinnłs soul himself, or tipped it out onto
the carpet before my eyes so I could watch it wither and die. He wouldnłt have
passed up the chance to taunt me. Besides, my keys were in the door, and the
whole forsaken place smelled of Rajah. Hełd broken in while I was captive and
had stolen Quinn, just to make sure IÅ‚d never win. To make it pointless for me
to fight with him over Luna.

So go get it
back, sniffed Lunałs shade dismissively. Giving up so soon?

I ignored him. If
Rajah had screamed, Donłt come after me! into my face, the message
couldnłt have been clearer.

My eyeballs
ached with impossible tears. I wanted to scream, sob, crawl under the bed and
rot away to dust. I wanted to curl up and die.

I dragged the
stained quilt from the floor and pulled it over my head, burying myself in damp
darkness. The flowery smell of Dante crept over me, soaking the quilt, and I
wriggled out of his horrid clothes and flung them away. My legs hurt, like IÅ‚d
run too far uphill, and sickness wormed cold fingers of misery in my guts, but
the discomfort was dull and pleasant compared with the savage ache in my heart.

I couldnłt die,
but I sure as hell didnłt have to live. Maybe Iłd just stay here, and never get
up. I wrapped the quilt in tight, my tears spilling out at last to soak the
quilt and smother me.

A creeping
tingle spidered over my skin, my bangles vibrating.

I clamped my
teeth down on the quilt, groaning. No. Fuck off. Not now. IÅ‚m wallowing in
self-pity. Come back in a few hundred years.

The metal
heated, searing my wrists. My skin stung like a rash, and I gurgled in
frustration, kicking my legs in useless rebellion. But it was like a cloud of
invisible wasps attacked me, piercing every inch of my skin with their feral
stings, and the smell of the burning blisters on my forearms grew worse.

I thudded my
fists into the mattress, wailing, but it was no use. Resisting thrall was
futile. If IÅ‚d learned anything from this mess, IÅ‚d learned that.

I dragged myself
up from the bed, defeated, and struggled into the first thing that came to
hand, an old green sundress. My mirror showed a corpse, pale, black circles
under staring eyes, hair limp and straggling, a fading yellow bruise splashing
my throat. I didnłt care. I forced one foot in front of the other and
robot-walked into the kitchen to fetch Dante from the fridge, my skin still
writhing with poison. A gift might at least cool Kanełs temper. And Dante was
no use to me, not anymore.

The black-suited
troll already hulked under the stairs outside, gleaming white tusks curling up
over his thick lip, and I got in the car without a word, gripping the cold
brass bottle on my lap.











You want me to what?"

Kane reclines on
his white sofa, calm blue flame twisting around his knuckles, his black eyes
like mirrors giving away nothing. Soft downlights gleam on the glass table, the
creamy linen drapes drawn. Kane doesnłt like the sun.

Rajah swallows.
“Help me find her. Please. I canÅ‚t . . ." The words stick in his mouth, sour
like rotten meat, and he forces them out, humiliation and sorrow stabbing hot
claws in his chest. “I canÅ‚t do it on my own."

A sweet red
smile curls Kanełs lips, delight crusting his golden hair with frost like
diamonds. “You know what I want."

“Damn it, Kane,
therełs no time"

“You know what I
want," Kane repeats steadily. His fingernails sharpen and grow an inch, their
color mottling.

Rajahłs hands twitch
in fury. Hełd hoped Kane would insist, order him, take the responsibility away.
But Kane is too particular in his pleasures for that. Guilt squeezes Rajahłs
bruised heart, cold and bitter, but hełs determined not to let it show. As
calmly as he can, he pops Jadełs bag open and sets the two soultraps on the
coffee table.

Kanełs eyes
blossom azure, a happy, childlike grin lighting his face. He scoots to the
sofałs edge and plucks up the first trap, thumbing the cork aside to sniff the
contents. His nose wrinkles in distaste, and behind him a tall black vase of
lilies wilts, crisp petals falling to the floor. “Horrid. Is this hers, or

Rajah doesnłt
have time to waste on Kanełs weirdness. Neither does Jade. Images brand his
mind again, of her in Dantełs foul embrace, her blood flowing out, and fear
compels him more strongly than any thrall bangle. His voice comes tight, barely
audible. “JadeÅ‚s."

Blue static zaps
in Kanełs hair, his soft chin tightening. The flowers wither and turn black,
and he jams the cork back in, hard enough to crumple the brass.

Rajah blinks. He
knows that look. Angry, indignant. Jealous.

But before Rajah
can figure more, Kane opens the second trap, and sparkling golden flame
flickers along his fingers, his expression overwritten by a smile. “This oneÅ‚s
been a long time coming. Very sweet of you, Rajah. You shouldnłt have. But Iłm
afraid itłs not enough."

He leans back on
the couch, flicking imaginary dirt from his nails, and Rajah longs to leap up
and throttle him with his bare hands. “Please, you have to help me find Jade
before he hurts her. IÅ‚ll give you anything you ask."

Kanełs eyes light with a malicious green twinkle.

Humiliation and
hate burn together like oil and acid in Rajahłs lungs, but he forces the word
out. “Anything."

Another smile
twists KaneÅ‚s lips, this one not so nice. “Done," he says lightly, his red
tongue flicking his teeth in delicate pleasure. “But you neednÅ‚t have. SheÅ‚s
already here."

Before Rajah can
curse or wonder, the entranceway lights snap on behind him, and the front door
clicks open.



I stared, and Rajah stared back.

Vaguely, I
formed the idea that Kane was there, that my two soultraps sat gleaming on the
table. I bit my lip, my tongue dry and useless.

Rajah looked
like he was having the same problem, because he had to swallow twice before he
could speak. “IÅ‚m sorry."

I didnłt know
what to say. He was sorry for what? That hełd stolen my souls and given them to
Kane? That Iłd made it back from Dantełs alive?

Frustration and
helplessness stiffened my limbs, and I walked forward and clunked Dantełs
soultrap onto the table next to the others. Rajah closed his eyes, shaking his
head softly, and I had to look away. He was too beautiful, too sad. Too
distant. A dull ache spread in my chest, intensifying to agony when it pierced
my heart. IÅ‚d imagined myself numb. I was wrong.

“Oh, look. The
set. How nice." Kane licked frosty lips, delight twinkling in his eyes, and
held out his hand to me.

I waited for him
to speak, to order me to come to him. But he didnłt. He just stood there, and
when I didnłt move he stared, sparks fading from his fingers, a dark line
creasing his perfect brow. “Did you not . . . That is Dante DiLuca in that
bottle, yes?"

His words made
no sense. My throat hurt, and I could barely speak. “You knew your answers all
along. You killed those fae. Why?"

He pouted, his
gaze slipping like a sulky childÅ‚s. “CouldnÅ‚t help it. Not my fault. I just . .
. you made me sad, Jade. The air tastes bad when IÅ‚m unhappy."

I remembered
Nyx, shivering wet in my arms, and hot guilt burned my spine. If IÅ‚d stayed
with Kane that night, Nyx would still be alive. I didnłt want it to be my
fault. It wasnłt fair to land Kanełs jealousy in my lap. But that didnłt stop
shame from tearing at my heart like IÅ‚d killed Nyx myself. “Then why give me to
Dante? Why did you send me away?"

Kanełs lips
quivered. Tears swelled in his eyes, slipping free, and tiny diamonds clicked
onto the floor, facets sparkling as they tumbled one by one. “Because I thought
. . . if you wanted to, you might come back. To me."

I stared. IÅ‚d
never seen Kane cry before. My heart stung, sorrow fresh on my tongue. He meant
it. He actually imagined a world in which I could love him, regardless of
thrall or rapture or the disgusting things hełd ordered me to do.

Strange, deluded
demon. His tears cut me, all the more because I couldnłt laugh at him or spit
in his face. I didnłt hate him, any more than I hated an insect who bit me or a
bird who crapped on my shoulder. A lot of the time I felt sorry for him, and
for years hełd been my only companion. In better moments, I felt fond of him,
in a helpless codependent sort of way, and even being his thrall-bound lover
had occasional shades of tenderness and affection. But love?

Speechless, I
shook my head.

He stared back
at me, flames licking his earlobe. Glitter crusted his lashes, and for a moment
I thought hełd dissolve in tears, and guilt wrenched my heart.

Then his mouth
tightened. His gaze flickered away, and his fingernails flooded a deep and dangerous
indigo. “Rajah, I think you owe me."

Fear stung me
like a wasp, and I stumbled forward, compelled. “No, wait"

Rajah retched,
clutching his guts, and fell to his knees. Spasms racked him, curling his body
like a peanut. Unbidden, my rapture flickered out, sensing, and I felt his
energy start to leach away at Kanełs behest.

No. No way. This
was my five minutes. He couldnłt die now. I hadnłt yet worked up the courage to
say I love you.

Rajah hunched on
his side, choking. Honey-colored liquid spilled over his lips, splashing on the
floor. His soul, golden and beautiful and perfect, just like he was, smearing
wasted on the floorboards in the sparkle of Kanełs scattered tears.

Kane watched,
his black eyes gleaming with delight, his red lips shining.

“Stop it! Kane,
please." I grabbed his shoulder, desperate to spin him around, distract him,

He whirled,
furious scarlet flames bursting to life in his hair. He bared jagged teeth,
smoke hissing out to choke me with demonic compulsion. “No."

My thrall
bangles screeched tight, and I staggered backwards, woolly stickiness clogging
my throat. My spine cracked into the glass tablełs edge, tilting it as I fell.
Pain flared, a sharp spear along the bones. My legs sprawled before me, numb,
and into my lap rolled a warm brass soultrap.

IÅ‚d never stop
Kane on my own.

I didnłt wait. I
didnłt think. I just ripped the cork out, brought the crinkled neck to my lips,
and chugged.











Foul black sickness like mud made me
gag, and I fought to swallow on grit and slime. Quinn, already crazy and pissed
off, his senses unhinged by what IÅ‚d done to him. His soul squelched down my
throat, and Lunałs shade latched on to it with sharp rodent teeth. Scaly mayhem
exploded in my stomach, writhing creatures struggling to the death, and a mad,
psychotic light ignited in my skull. Colors glared, the down-lights painfully
bright. My nose tingled, icy and burning at the same time, and alien fury
clenched my fingers until my palms bled.

Great. IÅ‚ve
always wondered what it was like to be Quinn.

Beside me,
Rajahłs knees cramped to his chest, and he clutched his guts, his throat
convulsing as he fought to keep his honey-gold soul down.

My head
spinning, I scrabbled on the ground for the next one. The cork shot out into my
palm under pressure, bruising. Kane screeched, but it was too late. Brass
smashed into my teeth, rattling my skull, and Lunałs soul sparkled in my mouth like
sweet fruit juice, delicious and sinful. I gulped it down, swooning.

Heat spread in
my abdomen, blood rushing to the flesh between my legs. My eardrums rattled,
aching, drowned in minute sounds IÅ‚d never heard before, my pulse, the squelch
of my wet fingers on the brass, the slide of moisture deep inside me. My
rapture stretched with a sensuous sigh, joined by the lithe new sensation of
Lunałs senses, wild, grasping, euphoric.

Lunałs fragment
screamed in delight and ripped free of Quinn, black acid searing my guts. He
dived upon himself and melted, froth bubbling, and an irresistible cackle
surged up my throat. I laughed out loud, mad, ecstatic, overcome with
desperate, strange joy.

Rajah dragged
himself to his hands and knees, spitting, tears leaking onto his cheeks as his
stomach heaved. He swallowed, gagging, trying to keep it in, but hot golden
phlegm spattered from his lips to sizzle on the floorboards.

I scrambled for
the third and last trap, but it lay out of my reach under the table. Kane
slashed at me with suddenly razor-sharp talons, his skin crisping to burnt
black scales, his hair streaming to his waist wrapped in cerulean flames.
Yellow eyes swirled with fury, his lashes caked with ash, and the acrid stink
of hellfire burned my nostrils.

I jerked back. I
couldnłt get past him. Iłd burn. Frustration seethed, igniting a crackling knot
of current that exploded along my nerves.

Under the table,
the soultrap juddered under latent force and rolled over.

My arm jerked,
alive with the glowing sensation of Luna. My fingers strained to
hyperextension. Pain crabbed up my forearm, and the soultrap tumbled into a
roll, skidding across the floor. Kane dived for it, smoke hissing from his
joints, but it careered around his grasping talons and thumped into my hand.

I didnłt
hesitate. The cork squelched out, clotted and stinking, and I lifted the trap
to my lips and tilted. Copper-tainted filth slid over my tongue, choking,
burning as it went down. I gagged, scarlet mess spilling down my chin, but I
forced my throat open and swallowed more. It hit my stomach, hot and sluggish,
smearing my insides, ruining Lunałs sweet rhapsody with Dantełs sour disgust
for everything human.

Rapture slashed
through my veins, ravenous, and I screamed. My blood burned with hate, and
Lunałs hyperaware nerves screeched in my limbs, spasming my muscles until I
shook. Desperately, I gulped for air, my lungs crushing. My taste buds sizzled
with Dantełs vampire perception, stray emotion splashing in the air like
fragrant dust. Jealousy, tart like citrus. A splash of cyanide fury on a salty
sea of regret, the warm fresh taste of summer rain that could only be sorrow.

Kane growled,
spitting broken shards, and my thrall bangles squeezed tight, crushing my
forearm bones to agony. I yelled, electricity flaring translucent under my
skin, and my sight blurred and blackened for a moment. Kane struck, jaws
snapping. But a thick, invisible wall of force solidified between us, and his
teeth grated like flint on metallic nothing, sparks jumping.

He howled, his
demon fury thwarted. Splinters flew from cracking floorboards, stabbing at my
ankles, but I didnłt stop to watch. I skidded to my knees and slid sparking
fingers into Rajahłs wet black hair, lifting his head to see his eyes.

He coughed with
his mouth shut, gagging on another mouthful. Syrupy liquid bubbled from his
lips, smearing with the sweat running down his face.

Anguish sliced
under my skin, flaying my nerves raw, and despair strangled my heart. I buried
my face in RajahÅ‚s hair, black strands sticking in my tears. “No, donÅ‚t. You
canłt die." I gripped his temples between shaking hands and forced my mouth
onto his.

He coughed, his
body jerking. I held on, trying to feed him, give him my energy, anything to
stop his precious soul slipping away. But his strength leaked free, his muscles
juddering, and his lips softened, surrendered, slipped apart. Sweet golden
energy filled my mouth, rippling over my skin, sinking in like sunshine. My
rapture moaned, greedy, orgasmic, and I ached with longing. Sanguine sweat
soaked me, staining my dress, and helplessly I clenched my hands in his hair
and kissed him deeper, sliding my tongue on his, drinking.

his soul slipped into me, and I gasped, spasms of delight sliding along my
limbs and into my core. Pleasure sizzled along my tendons, into my muscles,
through my bones. I could feel him embracing me, enveloping me in endless
warmth. Like wełd been as we loved, delicious, intimate, wonderful.

We werenłt a
lie. Hełd meant every beautiful, breathless word.

My heart melted.
I wanted to weep, laugh, scream my delight to the world. Rajah loved me. IÅ‚d
tasted his soul. I knew it. I could prove it. IÅ‚d longed so many years for
freedom, to end my desolate, empty life. Now, I wasnłt empty anymore.

But his exquisite
lips curled on mine in a last, sweet smile, and his whisper warmed my mouth
like flame. “Love you, princess. Always." And then he sighed, soft like
release, and his head grew heavy in my hands. His mouth slipped from mine,
slack, and the golden flecks in his eyes faded to empty gray.

Dread slashed
like poisoned knives in my guts, where already his heavenly soul essence
frothed and fought with the others. My skin chilled. That wasnłt what I meant
to do.

I tried to talk,
to say his name, but no sound emerged, and my treacherous nerves stung alive
with blissful energy. My thrall bangles quivered and loosened, the metal
humming, and as I watched, a tiny crack opened in the rolled edge, a rift
widening in flawless gold.

Kane laughed,
hollow like hellish drums, and ash fell from the air like dirty snow.

At the corner of
my eye, golden radiance glimmered.

My gaze
magnetized, drawn helplessly back to Rajah, and my heart somersaulted. Faint
golden light shimmered over him, glowing on his brown skin, flickering weakly
through his dark hair, caressing his perfect face.

My aura. Fading.

Breath rushed
from my lungs, forgotten. IÅ‚d never figured out what animus meant. Soul.
What kind of fucked-up clue was that? IÅ‚d thought it obscure, useless,
infuriating. But it didnłt just mean anyonełs soul. It meant mine.

And there he

IÅ‚d given him my
heart, and now it was too late to change anything. This ritual was a malicious
hellwrought trick, a game I couldnłt win. Iłd swallowed him, my fourth and
final soul. My bangles were breaking. And Rajah would die.

I choked, and
cinders stung bitter on my tongue, ruining the sweetness. Horror dripped icy
filth over my ecstasy, a vicious ache chewing at my heart. No. This wasnłt

My hard-won freedom
loomed cold and worthless without him. IÅ‚d rather live my interminable years in
thrall all over again than watch him die. If this was that final five minutes,
I didnłt want it.

I wanted

At my wrist the
crack widened, screeching, and with a horrid snap the other bangle cracked,
too, the curled edge popping as gold ripped asunder.


I dragged
Rajahłs forehead to mine, and the cool pallor of his skin sparked a shiver of
fear in my core. I kissed his temple, his cheek, his idle lips. “DonÅ‚t leave.
Please. I canłt bear this without you. Come back to me."

No breath
tingled my tongue, no life stirred. My spit warmed his lips, and my guts
bubbled, four disparate souls mingling. Despair clutched my chest. Mingling was
no good. Soon his essence would die and itłd be too late. I needed the rest of
them gone. I needed Rajah back, alone, alive before my rapture consumed his
soul for good.

Before my
bangles split off because IÅ‚d lost him forever.

Haste scrabbled
along my spine like a frightened rat, and I forced myself to close my eyes and
listen to my rapture, which sighed in my womb like a sated lioness. I summoned
every scrap of experience IÅ‚d earned in 140 years of thrall, and dived my new
quadruple senses deep into my own soul.

I summoned
Quinn, black hatred searing my blood. He squirmed, spitting foul curses, but I
pressed my will harder, and he snarled one final insult and let go, swirling
with a scream into the depths of hell.

Kane screeched
in a hail of hellish sparks. My bangles howled, and the cracks split further.

I stroked a
seductive caress of promise over Luna. He snapped at me with sharp, mischievous
teeth and grinned. Told you so.

I gave him one
last, lingering kisshełd earned back that muchand tore him free. He struggled
for a moment, spitting, and then he flicked loose with a careless shrug and
dived headfirst into the chasm with a crazy fuck-Å‚em-all yell.

Dante hissed,
fangs tearing my insides. I scrabbled, but he slid away, slime dragging through
my clutches. I stung my rapture to shrieking fury, engulfing him, but still he
resisted. And then a scaly purple tentacle writhed up from the deep and wrapped
around him like a vile python, yanking him free. Dante screamed, but Luna
pulled harder, constricting, and sharp fangs finally ripped away, leaving me
sore and bleeding as they tumbled to hell together.

Now only Rajahłs
soul remained. My hot breath stung my lips, my mind swirling like leaves in a
tornado. I dragged Rajah closer, plastering my lips on his, willing him to
wake. His honey-thick soul writhed inside me, my rapture snapping at it with
hungry teeth. I breathed in, tasting his fading scent, filling my lungs with
him, tempting his soul back from the brink.

He didnłt stir.
Urgency chewed my nerves raw, and cold desperation flooded my veins. I tried to
reach out my senses, dull and colorless now without Luna. I didnłt know if
Rajah could hear me, if anything was left. I pressed my lips on his, my fingers
aching in his hair, frantic for a sign of life. Come back to me, my prince.
Donłt give up. I love you.

Sweet soul
essence erupted onto my tongue, spilling over my lips and back into his mouth.
His spine jerked, shaking his limp limbs and cracking his teeth against mine. A
sugary ache tormented my throat, and my rapture screeched in fury, ravenous
claws slashing for its lost prey, but I didnłt care. I tightened my stomach,
closing my gullet so the energy couldnłt slip back down.

Rajah choked,
liquid sloshing between us, and burning relief clawed at my heart, so
desperate, it hurt. I held on, my eyes squeezed shut, and at last he gulped,
sucking it down. My mouth emptied, but I didnłt let go. I never wanted to let

He gasped,
dragging air into his lungs, his face pale and slick with sweat and honeyed
stains. My half-broken bangles sizzled with malice and clamped tight around my
wrists, and with a blinding scarlet flash, the metal reformed.

Smoke hissed
from my stinging wrists, and my nose seared in the hellish stink of ash and
flesh. My rapture wailed and thrashed, bereft. I burned to lick the golden
remnants off Rajahłs skin, swallow, steal him again, not only to sate my
rapture but also to savor his rich soul energy and crack those hell-cursed
bangles off forever.

But I wanted him
alive more. So much, much more.

I wiped a
shaking finger across his cheek, saving the spill, and touched it to his lips.
My fingertip tingled. “Welcome back."

He forced his
eyes open, wet dark lashes fluttering as he squinted, and stood shakily.

I stared at the
ash-strewn floor, my nerves shredded. IÅ‚d felt his precious soul caressing
mine, knew his love wasnłt a lie. Hełd offered up his life for me. But doubt
still chilled my blood. Iłd cursed us both so we could be together. Hełd found
death. IÅ‚d found freedom. We could both have escaped. Now neither of us ever

Could he ever
forgive me?

Rajah slid
careful hands around my ribs and lifted me to my feet. Hardly daring, I looked

He licked his
acid-burned lip, tears shimmering in warm golden eyes splintered with grief.
“Why, Jade? You could have had everything you ever wanted."

Raw emotion
flooded my heart, so new and precious, my throat swelled. No care for himself.
Only for me. My eyes burned, but I didnłt let my gaze drop, and my voice came
out stronger than IÅ‚d expected. “YouÅ‚re everything I want."

He swallowed,
and drew me closer, his hands warm and reverent on my shoulders. “But"

“I love you,
Rajahni Seth." I silenced him with my fingertip on his swollen lips. IÅ‚d
already told him, when I held his soul inside me. But the words still spread
warm shivers over me, sparking my skin alive under his touch.

He closed his
eyes, and brushed his cheek on mine with a soft incredulous sigh. “Thank you,
Jade. I wonłt ever make you regret it."

The warm
cardamom scent of his hair intoxicated me. I flushed all over, glorious, and
tilted my face up for his kiss. His lips caressed mine, tender, sparkling my
mouth with a trace of his honey-sweet soul. My aching limbs weakened in the
delicious warmth of his embrace, and for once my thousand long years beckoned
shiny and bright, like the twinkling delight in my heart.

Air crackled,
shifting, and I dragged myself away. Kane stared at us, white flame flickering
in his soft golden hair, his smooth white face flawless once more. His lip
trembled, as if he wanted to say something, and then he sat himself elegantly
on the couch, plucked up the remote, and flicked on the TV.

I stared at my
shining thrall bangles, clean, polished, not a hint of dent or damage. Fresh
tears stung my eyes, but hope warmed my blood like sunshine. Together, Rajah
and I would make this bitter thrall worth enduring. He gave me strength. I
hoped I did the same for him.

Rajah slipped
his hand into mine and squeezed. His bangle clinked against mine, and I looked
up at him, his beautiful face a blur. My heart shone with love. His lips
brushed my hair, gentle as a raindrop, and together we walked out.



Alone in the dark, Kane stares at the
television, colored images flickering meaninglessly before his eyes. The
leather sofa feels cold under his limbs. Beside him, tiny flames hiss over the
splintered wooden floor, curls of black lacquer-sharp smoke drifting. Splashes
of Rajahłs essence still shine wet on the floor, tiny diamonds scattering like

Kane flips a
dozen channels, two dozen, through soap operas, cricket, garish advertisements.
Now his favorite cartoon is on, the one with the purple ostrich and the coyote,
and he manages a faint smile. The coyote never catches the beeping bird, but he
never gives up, either.

The crack of
sunlight beneath the curtains reddens, shifts, fades. The cartoons give way to
news bulletins, sports wraps, cop shows, more news. Still Kane sits, squeezing
a cushion in his lap, his nails pale and still. He doesnłt want to go out. He
doesnłt want to be alone. But he canłt think of anything else to do.

He wonders where
she is, what shełs doing. He lets his gaze lose focus, and his senses burst
like an invisible shock wave, climbing, spreading, searching for those elusive
cosmic eddies that mean something curious is afoot.

His invisible
shade swoops batlike over the city, riding the wind above the wild scatter of
lights, cars zooming below along glowing ribbons. He inhales, and distant
thunder rumbles, bringing the iron smell of rain. Dive closer, a rush of summer
air, golden trails like shooting stars. The warm cloud of his breath on a
window, peering inside an Albert Park mansion, where an ancient mother screams
ragged over the pale bloodless body of her vampire son, and in the corner a
vile-smelling snakeshifter bursts glossy black fins from his skin and plots
chilly revenge.

Swish, flap,
focus. A vine-draped restaurant across the river, where a grinning fae-born
murderer with crazy-bright lizard eyes clinks glasses in celebration with his
vampire master.

Dive, along a
black stone street to a tiny heat-drenched flat, dark and empty in the smell of
dying roses. Shełs not there. Skid over bluestone cobbles and concrete tram
lines to a row of bright steel apartments, where beyond shining glass his
beautiful Jade sighs words of love with shimmering wet lips, her fragrant body
breathless in her loverłs strong embrace.

In front of his
television, Kane crunches icy lashes tight, and his shade snaps cruel teeth and
swoops away.

Across the
river, gaslights flaring, the crawling anthill twinkle of the casino, a
glittering revue where a skinny blond ex-waitress named Claire dances the show
of her life. Upward on a warm jasmine-scented draft, where the wind blows
fresher and moonlight slants in the broad glass window on the eighty-seventh
floor of Eureka Tower. Right-angled shadows carve the
pale carpet in Lunałs bedroom, falling on the unmade bed, the striped blue
crime scene tape, a lone sleepy boy in blue police uniform and latex gloves who
seals an ancient brass oil lamp into a cellophane bag. Spectral female laughter
echoes, and the policeman glances this way and that in the empty room.

Down in free
fall, wind whipping, the street rushing upward, the bright blue spike atop the
state theater stabbing like a blade. Vintage orange streetlamps bathe the wide
tarmac lanes of Princes Bridge, where a bright silver tram clatters by and two
slender white figures tumble from nowhere onto the pavement in a dense shaft of

Kane cocks his
head, curiosity and foreboding twinging his spine.

The pale twins
climb to their feet in unison, street dirt smearing their white suits.
Identical white haircuts, bleached skin, sharp faces that seek each other and
smile. Hand in hand, the intruders turn away from the rippling blue spire and
stroll in step toward the city.

Back in Toorak,
Kanełs hair singes, smoke twisting to the ceiling. He ghosts his shade closer,
stealthy, sniffing for honey and flowers, the telltale stink of a
centuries-fled enemy.

The twins halt
in midstride, and inhale.

Kane darts
upward, and jerks back into his cool lounge to a black-and-white movie on
television and the church-organ ripple of his telephone.

He swipes up the
handset and devours the number, greedy.

It isnłt Jade.
Bitter charcoal stings his tongue, the taste of loss. The burning floor smokes
one last time, and hisses out. He picks up slowly, his damp thumb smearing the
button. “Yes."

“I have the item
we discussed." Cold voice, grating and metallic with a glint of dark fae
attitude. His fairy thief.

Weariness aches
Kanełs bones, but a tiny flood of warmth tints his nails green. Jade might
still call. In the meantime, a shiny stolen bauble might make him feel better.

“The club, one
hour." He hangs up and slips the phone into his pocket. Quietly, he presses Off
on the remote control, and the television blinks to black. He puts the remote
aside, scrapes a wet crust of diamonds from his lashes, and walks out.














I climb off the bed, licking slick fluid
from my lips, and straighten my damp dress. The corpse sprawls naked, limbs
contorted, damp with sweat and my saliva. My rapture sizzles like a frypan,
sated, the soul energy already consumed, but my thighs ache, my sex still
twitching. I sigh. After 140 years, I still havenłt learned rule number one.

I tidy my hair
and fix my smeared lipstick in the hotel room mirror before I slip my shoes
back on and ease the door open.

It flies toward
me, knocking me back, and Rajah pins me against the wall, his thigh pressing
between mine.

My heart swells
with love. He always waits for me. Hełs never jealous. It just makes him want
me more.

His beautiful
lips form a smile, inches away from a kiss. “You cheating on me again?"

God, after all
this time, I still canłt stop staring at his mouth. I slip my arms around him,
sliding my hands over his ass. His body fits against mine like it was made to
be there. Hell, maybe it was. “You bet."

“Was he good?"
He teases loose hair from my neck, shivering my skin with need.

I grin, and pull
him closer, harder against me. “He was okay. Had a few tricks."

“Yeah?" HeÅ‚s
already lifting my skirt, spreading my legs, sliding hot fingers into my wet
flesh. Sometimes IÅ‚m not in the mood after IÅ‚ve swallowed a soul. But he never
has to ask me. He just knows.

I sigh,
blissful, and shift to accept him. Truly, IÅ‚m the luckiest woman in the world.
“Yeah. Wanna see?"

He drops to his
knees, his laugh soft and warm on my thigh. “Later."












Available from St.
Martinłs Griffin
in April 2010

Copyright © 2009
by Erica Hayes



diamond bracelets glittered on my wrists in the colored nightclub lights, and I
laughed, my wings swelling damp in the warm crush of bodies. Midnight at Unseelie Court,
dark and fragrant with smoke and sweat, music ripping my ears like sweet
razors, so loud the air thudded in my lungs and my hair shook to the beat.
Strobe lights sliced me, snapshots in time as I danced, here, there, gone.

Blaze wrapped his long white arm around my waist, spilling
flames on my shoulders from soft crimson hair. I grinned and wriggled closer,
his hot firefae flesh a sweet glory on my skin. Dancing, drinking, diamonds I
donłt own. Doesnłt get sweeter than this.

The floorłs packed tonight, a mash of bright fairy wings and
rainbow limbs and slick vampire smiles, the air steamy with breath and lust and
chemical euphoria. Humans here, too, a few sly ones who can see, but mostly
glassy-eyed and drunk on poison glamour, here for the oblivion. A sweet bubble
of unreality this club, no thought, no consequences. Kiss, embrace, dance,
love, drown your cares in glorious sensory nectar. A fairy kind of place, no
rules, no guilt, the air so glassy with glamour it might shatter.

Even the name is a fairy joke: Unseelie Court. We fae have no court, no
queen or princes or justice. We leave that to demons, gangsters, people who

The smell alone warmed my insides. IÅ‚m waterfae, which makes
me attuned to moisture, and the wet scent of all that pleasure pressed a sweet
ache deep inside me. I shimmied on the crowded dance floor, my silky skirt
sticking to my thighs, and lifted my arms in the sweet white smoke. My new
diamonds sparkled over my wrists, painted blue and green and scarlet by glassy
lights. Wełd filched them tonight from a shiny apartment in South
Yarra, along with a pile of cash and other trinkets.

My skin glowed blue with desire. Shiny things get me all
warm and wriggly. I wonłt get to keep them. We owe the Valenti gang too much
protection money. But just for tonight, theyłre mine. And what harm ever came
from something shiny?

Behind me, Blaze rubbed his cheek against my wing, sparks
showering from his pretty red hair. Ooh, tingles, all down my side like sugar.
I wriggled my shoulders, fluttering golden dust that danced in manic spotlights
and rippled in the glassy static of glamour. Blaze is my best friend, a
dazzling firefae boy with cute muscles and a naughty sharp-toothed smile, and
his glamour is good. I mean, itłs really good. Humans wonłt see the fine
crimson wings like a dragonflyłs, the cheeky flame dripping from his fingers,
his narrow fae-muscled body. They just see a cute redhead with naughty black

Me? Well, I do my best, but glamour isnłt my forte. My nose
looks a bit less pointy, my hair more blond than orange, my garish yellow skin
fades to human tones. Thatłs about it. Glamour or not, Iłm still the same geeky
old me.

Blaze slid his arm over my shoulder to offer his fingertip,
wet and adorned with a shimmering purple pill.

Naughty boy. I giggled, licked off the pill and swallowed.
It had a bitter sting, but his finger tasted of sherbet, sparkly and sweet.

He rubbed his sharp nose in my hair, and I laughed, my blood
hot and urgent, my head awhirl with fizzy-sweet vodka and the thrill of our
nightłs work. Forget the Valentis. Forget the world. Just me and my diamonds;
jumping, twirling, dancing until I dropped. Yes.

Next to me, a blue-haired vampire kid in leather and his
girl were kissing, bloody spit trickling on her chin as she swayed to the
music, his fingers sliding beneath her skirt. A pair of shirtless trolls scoped
for girls, sweat glistening on bulging green muscles and bell-pierced nipples.
One winked at me, flicking ragged black hair from shiny eyes, and I pretended
not to see him.

“Spice for Ice," Blaze yelled, sparks showering. HeÅ‚s
allowed to make fun of my unfortunate name. He sizzled my pointed ear with his
tongue. Shivers. Mmm. More tongue, slower and wetter than strictly necessary.
Bet hełs got a hard-on.

I arched my butt backwards and giggled again. Oh, yeah. Hełs
wearing suction-tight leather pantshow he gets those on, IÅ‚ll never knowand
they donłt leave much to the imagination.

I grinned, chemical warmth already glowing in my guts. Blaze
feels as good as he looks, and when hełs sparkled to the eyeballs and high from
housebreaking and too much broken glass, he always tries something. But wełre
just friends. Wełve got rules, and they donłt include dragging each other out
back for a hot dirty shag.

Blaze is my lucky charm. Other guys will laugh at me or hit
me or play tricks on me just to watch me cry. Fairy girls get that. Itłs a
harsh fae-taunting world out there. Every week you hear about a new
fairyslasher, a sadist, a murderer on the loose. Fairies arenłt people, see.
Wełre whispers, shadows, irrelevancies sheathed in desperate glamour so we
wonłt stand out or offend anyone or make anyone feel uneasy. Wełre just
flotsam, bobbing on the surface of real peoplełs lives. We just hang out and party.
Itłs what wełre here for. No one cares if we die or hurt or bleed.

But I know IÅ‚m safe with Blaze, even if he is a horny little

That hunky troll bumped my hip, his beady black gaze
slithering down over my ass, and Blaze snarled wet sparks at him and spun me

I giggled, and wriggled to face him, static shifting. He
tossed blood-red hair and threw me that dazzling Blaze grin. He cuts his hair
short in the back and scrunches it wildly too long at the front, so he can
shake it back like that and skewer you with his dirty come-taste-me stare.

But I know he doesnłt mean it, not with me. Hełs just having
fun. I tickled his pointy red teeth with my claw. “Go rub that thing on someone
else, ya dirty whore."

He slid bony fingers over my hip, keeping me just an inch or
two away. His scent zinged my nose, fresh like a newly-struck match. Rakish
golden rings glinted in his pointy ears, and his studded, black velvet jacket
was cropped at his smooth hip, with nothing underneath. Sweat caressed his
narrow muscles in all the right places. He flicked his smoldering gaze to the
bar for a second, ruby sparks jumping from his lips. “I can taste green.
Azurełs watching us. Wanna tease her a bit?"

Azurełs our other best friend; as pretty and awesome as
Blaze. I looked. She was, indeed, watching him, with that shiny glaze over her
eyes that meant trouble. “YouÅ‚re cruel," I said.

“YouÅ‚re scared," he shot back. He edged closer, sweat-slick
skin sliding on my bare midriff. My breasts pressed against his chest, burning.

Already the purple pill flowered deep and hot inside me. It
canłt be desire. Iłm far too sensible to want Blaze. Indignation lifted my
eyebrows. “Am not. IÅ‚m sensible."

“To hell with sensible. LetÅ‚s be reckless. IÅ‚m good at
reckless." He wetted his plum-red lips, and the smell of that moisture tripped
warm, dizzy waves in my skull. Hot fae boy. Lips. Diamonds.

I couldnłt keep the giggles in any longer, and I shoved him
in the chest, tipping him backward. “What you are is a naughty boy with a
hard-on. Get a girlfriend." And I turned and pushed my way through the fragrant
crowd, laughter floating from me like starlight on the swelling currents of my

Colors tumbled and prismed. My diamonds dazzled me, and I
stumbled over my own ankles a few times as I approached the blue neon bar.
Azure pointed at me and giggled, pearlescent wings jittering as she swayed on
her stool. She wore a jagged-hemmed white dress that left her back bare, and
shełd piled her green hair above her head in a wild nest of knots and stolen
pearls, a pair of broken chopsticks, and a cocktail fork sticking out.

My purple-drugged heart swelled with love and awe. Azurełs
the pretty one. Her glamour shows some weirdly beautiful supermodel, tall and
willowy, with wide-spaced almond eyes. Her real appearance is the same, only
with shimmering oval wings, and her skin is a dozen perfect shades of pale
airfae blue.

Whereas my hair looks kinda like mango peel, half green and
half moldy orange, and my wings are burnt yellow, ragged and droopy, like a sick

Some girls have all the luck.

Azure poked my chin with a sharp claw. “YouÅ‚re drunk,
diamond girl."

“Not true. IÅ‚m high. YouÅ‚re the one whoÅ‚s drunk." I jumped
up and down, unsteady on my heels, until the bar boy noticed me and served me
two pink vodka lemonades without my asking. Maybe I was drunker than I thought.
Still plenty of stolen cash left, though. I tossed him a crumpled twenty,
waving my diamonded wrist grandly. “Keep it, peaches. Stop looking at him like

Azure said nothing, and I lurched onto a stool and tickled
her slender ribs. “I said, stop staring at him."

“Who?" She tossed her pretty blue head, her wings aflutter,
and concentrated too hard on stirring her drink.

“Oh, I dunno, the woolly mammoth in the corner? Who dÅ‚ya think?"

She thumped her chin into her hand and her elbow onto the
bar, sea-green moisture staining her eyes. “But heÅ‚s so pretty."

Guilt twinged my happy guts, and I patted her shoulder
clumsily. “Yeah, I know. But itÅ‚s an orchid farm in here, okay? Look around.
Therełs other pretty ones."

“Not like him." She hiccupped and burst into proper tears,
her wings flooding verdant.

I sighed. Last month she had the hots for some sweet blond
vampire babe. This week it was Blaze. Shełd get over it. But my heart still ached
for her. Just because she falls quick doesnłt mean she doesnłt fall hard. And
Blaze is the Courtłs biggest boy-whore. Hełll only break her heart.

I slipped my arm around her bony shoulder and pointed to the
dance floor, where Blaze was trickling orange flame down some laughing
bansheeÅ‚s spine, singeing the ends of her long silver hair. “Look at him. See
that girl hełs dancing with? In the shiny silver dress? Oh, now hełs
tongue-kissing her, hełs putting his hand up her . . . yeah. You really want
that to be you?"

Az just looked at me.

I flushed, vodka-tainted water heating my muscles. Maybe I
wasnÅ‚t quite making my point. “Okay, letÅ‚s not look at that anymore." Firmly, I
spun her back around to the bar.

She glared, wet-eyed. “YouÅ‚re a real big help, Ice."

I gulped my vodka, pink fizz shooting fireworks up my nose.
“So heÅ‚s boy candy, everyone knows that. You also know what a bitch he can be.
Whaddaya want me to say?"

“Promise youÅ‚ll never go with him."

I flushed again, and this time the water burned my cheeks.

“Butterflies in the sun. IÅ‚ve seen him flirt with you.
Promise me youłll never."

“Never flirt with him?" Discomfort twisted, ruining my high.
Why dissemble? We were best friends. Thatłs all. Even if Iłd wanted to, I
didnłt have the courage to pursue it further. Believe it or not, Iłm not too
smooth with the boys, and courage is not my middle name.

Azure swatted my shoulder. “You know what I mean."

“Hide-and-seek, catch-me-if-you-can. ItÅ‚s just games"

“Promise, Ice. I couldnÅ‚t bear it."

She stared, so earnest and brimful with tears that I
couldnÅ‚t take it. “Okay, I promise. Call me a pincushion and shove safety pins
up my nose if Iłm wrong. Itłs the rules anyway, right?"

“Yeah, I guess." Azure gave a sad half-smile.

I hugged her, my hand slipping beneath her delicate wings.
“YouÅ‚ll get over him, Az."

She hugged me back, and I felt better. I had nothing to
hide. She sniffed, wiping snot on my shoulder. “I wish I was like you, Ice.
Youłre the sensible one."

I thought of BlazeÅ‚s tongue in my ear and giggled. “Yeah,
thatłs me. Sense, dense, intense. Dripping out my ears, it is. Of course, you
wanna be me. Why wouldnłt you? Youłre only the prettiest, cleverest girl in the
whole world."

She kissed me, a sweet taste of sky-blue lips, and gamely
wiped her tears away in green streaks. “YouÅ‚re nice. LetÅ‚s get drunk and find
some boys."

Meaning, Iłd get smashed, shełd get prettily tipsy, shełd
find more boys than she had hands for, and IÅ‚d get the leftovers who were too
plain to interest her and too shitfaced to care that she was a hundred times
more beautiful than me. But what are best friends for?

“Yes, yes, yes." I paid for two more drinks and we clinked
glasses. Sugar and alcohol burst into my brain like flares, and my nose fizzed.

Azure gasped. “Raspberries and ice cream. More."

“Careful, thereÅ‚s a fairyslasher on the loose."

She snorted. “SÅ‚always a fairyslasher. More."

I ordered more, and we chugged again. This time the froth
did come out of my nose, laced with plummy drug-charmed mirth. I laughed,
splurting pink bubbles onto the guy next to me. “Whoa. Sorry, dude." I yanked
up my skirt hem to wipe his arm clean, but the frills were too short. My heels
skidded out from under me and I landed in his lap in a giggling, spluttering

Oops. I craned my neck up to apologize, and my laughter

Not again.

Dark blue skin, dusted with copper, so smooth and perfect
itłs unreal. Black hair so crisp it curled jagged. Eyes the velvety gray of
softened steel. Long narrow wings like silver-shot glass.

My senses tumbled, intoxicated with hot metal scent. Warm
midnight-blue hands steadied me, and my belly melted inside me like chocolate
fudge sauce on ice cream, running everywhere. I inhaled molten iron and hot
fairy skin. . . .

Fluid scorched into my wing veins, swelling them tight. I
held my breath. Calm, Ice. Hełs touching you. Youłve practically got your face
in his lap. Say something really cool and seductive.

“Oh. Um. Hi, Indigo. ItÅ‚s me."

Yeah. That so wasnłt it.

Effortlessly, Indigo lifted me to my feet. Rusty
wing-glitter shimmered warm on my shoulders. His coppery claws grazed my wrist,
and tiny electric shocks crackled up my arms, sparking my diamonds blue.

I stared, my fingerpads itching. He wore black, as usual,
jeans and a sleeveless shirt that showed off lean blue arms.

I wanted to rub my cheek against them, tickle my tongue
along his biceps. Metalfae are usually twisted hunchbacked little monsters with
razor-sharp metal teeth and an attitude. Indigo, well, hełs tall and sculpted
and moves lightly, like a cat burglar, but hełs still got razor-sharp metal
teeth and an attitude. Licking is strictly off limits, especially for a no-account
geek girl like me.

He surveyed me, steely eyes cool. “Nice diamonds."


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