Comments Part 14

I included a Flash animation for the first time. It's a great new medium to create animations in, and this animation of John Coltrane's Giant Steps by Levy is extremely well done. From the very funny stop motion filmmaker PES I added Game Over. For more PES animation, check out Don Hertzfeldt has created a new short where he combines his traditional pencil drawings with experimental photography to tell the story about how the simple things in life can start to become quite scary. Guide Dog is Plympton's follow up to the short Guard Dog, who's that this isn't the career for the dog as well. Thankfully it's followed by Hot Dog, so there's hope for poor creature. I Met The Walrus by Josh Raskin is an animation made over an interview of John Lennon. It's well done, although it does not exceed being more than a visual description of what's being discussed. Anyway, I'm a Lennon fan, and if you are as well, it is enjoyable. Superflat Monogram by Takeshi Murakami is a visual bombardment of colors. A young girl floats through an Alice in Wonderland like world. The soundtrack Different Colors by Fantastic Plastic Machine fits the commercial, which was made for Louis Vuitton, perfectly. Wallace and Grommit's a Close Shave is a classic, and this is the best Wallace and Grommit short. Shaun the Sheep has gotten is own show recently, but this is his first acting performence. Tuk Tuk is a funny shot by one of the best Russian animators, Konstantin Bronzit. I got a request for something from Michel Ocelot, and added the first tale of his movie Princes et Princesses. It's not a short animation really, but the seperate tales can be watched seperately, and it's beautifully made, and the story is excellent. Big Buck Bunny by Sacha Goedegebure recently won the audience award at the Holland Animation Film Festival. It deserves a lot of credit for being an open source movie. Regina Pessoa has creates a truly original short animation (Tragic Story with a Happy Ending) but pencil drawings and a haunting story about a girl whose heart beats very loudly. By the Gobelins L'École de L'Image comes the funny short Oktopodi which has been received very well in festivals the last 2 years. I hope you will enjoy these and the other short in this part.


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