120502135606 english at work episode 12 en

English at Work
Episode 12: The big day
Opening presentations
Narrator: Hello, welcome to the offices of Citrus Ventures! It's a big day for Anna,
she's about to present Tip Top Trading's new Imperial Lemon to Mr Lime
and his colleagues. This must not go wrong.
Anna: & revoltionary laser-curve.... revolUtionary laser-curve... revol-
Narrator: How are you feeling today Anna?
Anna: Scared! I want to do really well. If I mess up and Citrus Ventures doesn't
place an order, I'll be so upset.
Narrator: You're well prepared, that's the main thing. Remember that the beginning
of your presentation is especially important. Explain clearly how your
presentation will be organised.
Anna: OK. Oh dear, I didn't think of the very beginning. Can you give me
examples of what I should say?
Narrator: After you've introduced yourself, you could say:
Today I'm going to... and explain. Then say:
I'll start by...
And then I'm going to move on to discuss&
And finally...
Anna: OK, like this:
Today I'm going to...
I'll start by...
And then I'm going to move on to discuss&
And finally...
Narrator: Exactly.
Anna: Right, thanks, I'll try. Everything will be fine. I feel relaxed now.
Mr Lime: Anna!
Anna: Mr Lime!
Mr Lime: How lovely to see you. You look absolutely... I've been looking forward to
this for days! Everyone is waiting in the meeting room. Come this way....
Anna: Oh gosh.
English at Work © British Broadcasting Corporation 2012
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Mr Lime: Everyone in Citrus Ventures is very excited about this new Imperial Lemon,
so I allowed a few extras to come and watch, I hope you don't mind. All
your equipment has been set up so you can begin!
Anna: Hello, I'm Anna of Top Tip Trading& I mean, Tip Top Trading, sorry!
I'm very unhappy to be here.
Narrator: Anna- focus!
Anna: I mean, I'm very happy to be here.
Narrator: Anna, breathe deeply, then say:
Today I'm going to...
Anna: Today I'm going to... Today I'm going to present our revolutionary, new
Imperial Lemon. I'll start by telling you a bit about Tip Top Trading and
some of the exciting new developments at our company. And then& I m
going to move on to explain how the Imperial Lemon is designed and what
makes it so revolutionary. And finally, you will all have a chance to see it
close up for yourselves and ask questions.
So, let's begin. This picture shows...
Narrator: Well, as usual, Anna seems to be turning a difficult situation into a success.
She used the phrases we discussed, which made her opening clear and
well-structured. She said:
Today I'm going to...
I'll start by...
And then I'm going to move on to discuss&
And finally...
But that's just the beginning, now she's got to get through the rest of the
pitch  how will that go?
Anna: & this picture shows& .oh no, why isn t it working& I should just click on
this& .oh, what s wrong with this stupid computer!
Narrator: Uh oh! It was all going so well but now Anna s got computer problems.
What is she going to do? We'll find out next time. Bye!
" Listening Challenge
Where is Anna s presentation taking place?
The answer is at the end of the pdf transcript.
(Answer: In the meeting room at Citrus Ventures)
English at Work © British Broadcasting Corporation 2012
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