progress test 3a moduł 5 i 6

Modules 5 & 6 Progress Tes 3A
4 Uzupełnij opisy osób, uŻywając słów z ramki.
black blond curly dark fat
1 Wpisz brakujące litery w nazwach osób
long plump slim straight
wyst"pujących przed publicznoĘcią.
This person stands still for ages.
u m a n t a t u e
h s
1 This person tells jokes.
He s got
c e a
hair and he s
2 This person does magic.
m g n
3 This person throws balls in the air.
j g
4 This person tells stories.
She s got 3
s t r
hair and
5 This person acts in films.
she s 5
t r
6 This person sings songs.
s g
7 This person is an athlete.
g n
She s 6
/ 7
she s got 7
2 WykreĘl słowo, które nie pasuje do pozostałych.
/ 8
ballet / ice skating / fund-raising / dancing
1 disaster / earthquake / audience / famine
2 paint / dye / cut / grow
3 baggy / tight / short / skirt
5 Przeczytaj tekst. ZakreĘl właĘciwą odpowiedę
4 contortionist / victim / clown / juggler
(A, B lub C).
5 slim / young / short / tall
Everyone loves magic and I m sure everyone
6 happy / bored / angry / scared
to do magic tricks, but not everyone
7 teenager / middle-aged / young / woollen
do them well. I was six years old when
/ 7 my parents gave 2 a magic set for my
birthday. I loved it, but my hands weren t
to do most of the tricks. I 4 do
3 Uzupełnij tekst, wpisując jeden przyimek
w kaŻdą luk".
some of them today and once a month my
friends and I get 5 and try out tricks on
My friend doesn t want to put
each other. I 6 that it s about selling the
weight, so she s not eating cakes. She laughs
idea of the trick to the audience. You
me because I love chocolate cake
look nervous or uncertain. You really
and eat lots of it. She told me to stop eating
make them believe what is happening.
burgers, too, but I didn t listen 2
You 9 practise a lot though  that s
Last week I tried 3
my best dress, but
very important. Last week I saw an amazing
it didn t fit me. I think I need to find
trick where the magician made an elephant
something about diets, too. I really
disappear. I still 10 worked out how the
want to get 5
that dress for my party
magician did it.
next month!
/ 5
Modules 5 & 6 Progress Test
A has tried B is trying C tried
Exam Expressions
1 A must B has to C can
7 Uzupełnij dialog wyraŻeniami z ramki.
2 A to me B me C for me
3 A too big B enough big C big enough
changing room medium let s
4 A must B can C have to
can I suits you I m looking
we all good idea  d like
5 A together B down C into
6 A learn B have C haven t
Sal Why don t
go shopping this
learned learned
7 A don t have to B mustn t C don t
Alice Okay. 1________ go to the new shopping
8 A have to B can C need
9 A don t have to B can C must
10 A haven t B isn t C can t Sal _______. I haven t been there before.
Alice Neither have I.
/ 10
Sal Shall we have dinner there, too?
6 PrzeksztaÅ‚ç zdania, uÅ»ywajÄ…c wyrazów
Alice ______ right.
w nawiasach.
In the shop.
This magic trick is too difficult for me. (enough)
Assistant 4___________ help you?
easy enough for me.
The magic trick isn t
Alice Yes, 5____________ for a new coat.
1 It s impossible for me to do that trick. (do)
that trick.
Assistant What size are you?
2 Don t show the audience what s in your hands.
Alice ____________ .
(mustn t)
Assistant And what colour would you like?
Alice I 7__________ this style in grey or light
what s in your hands.
3 It s necessary to practise a lot. (to)
Assistant Here you are. The 8_______________ s
a lot.
over there.
4 It s not necessary to spend a lot of money.
(don t)
In the changing room.
a lot
Alice Thanks. I like this one. Is it okay?
of money.
Sal Yes, it really 9_______________.
5 He isn t old enough to drive a car. (too)
/ 9
He s
a car.
6 My parents bought me an mp3 player. (me)
My parents bought an
7 I showed the new dress to my friend. (friend)
new dress.
8 It s the first time I ve been to the circus. (never)
to the
circus before.
/ 8
Modules 5 & 6 Progress Tes 3A
10 Uzupełnij artykuł słowami z ramki. Jedno
8 Posłuchaj nagrania. Przeczytaj zdania (1 10)
słowo zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje
i zaznacz, czy są prawdziwe ('), czy fałszywe (').
do artykułu.
Jonathan gets up late every day. '
1 Jonathan relaxes during the day
after animals been for gymnastic
when he s working.
performed races then to trapeze
2 He says a play usually lasts about
five hours.
ircuses have
around for a
3 Emma really enjoys her work.
Cvery long time. They probably began with
4 She has to wear make-up in her work.
5 Steve never works on Saturdays the ancient Egyptians who loved to show
and Sundays.
their people.
exotic creatures 1
6 He works outside.
The ancient Greeks held chariot races and
7 He thinks that children are 2
that the Romans developed the
always horrible.
idea into a circus. They built huge stadiums
8 Marion spends a lot of time
where they held horse and chariot
with children.
and exhibited wild animals
9 She says that children are
such as elephants and lions. They also had
always noisy.
jugglers and acrobats. Travelling gypsies
10 She doesn t like her work.
probably kept the circus skills alive and
/ 10
brought them to Europe in the fourteenth
and fifteenth centuries. We think that a
9 Posłuchaj nagrania. ZakreĘl właĘciwą
Briton called Philip Astley started the first
odpowiedÄ™ (A, B lub C).
modern type of circus in 1768 when he
1 What does the boy say about his sister?
exciting tricks on horseback.
A She s got long, black hair.
he introduced jugglers and
B She wears glasses.
acrobats into his show and the modern circus
C She s younger than him.
was born. By 1959 other circuses had started
2 What does the girl say about her boyfriend?
A He s got long, brown hair. and the flying 6
act was part of
B He s older than her.
most shows. Today many people do not like
C He s got a handsome, square face.
in their
to see circuses using 7
3 What does the boy say about Natalie?
shows and Cirque du Soleil is one example.
A She s his regular girlfriend.
Cirque du Soleil was started in Quebec in
B She wears glasses.
1986 and its show is based on the
C Her hair is straight.
skills of its performers. They
4 What does the girl say about her brother?
use fantastic costumes and interesting
A She likes the way he smiles.
lighting to make the show as exciting as
B He s quite slim.
C He s forty years old.
5 What does the boy say about his best friend?
/ 8
A He s good at volleyball.
B He isn t very tall.
C His hair is short.
6 What does the girl say about her best friend?
A Her hair is short and red.
B She likes earrings.
C Her eyes are dark blue.
/ 5
Modules 5 & 6 Progress Test
11 Przeczytaj ponownie artykuł z zadania 10. 13 Napisz opis swojego przyjaciela, udzielając
ZakreĘl właĘciwą odpowiedę (A  prawda, odpowiedzi na poniŻsze pytania.
B  fałsz lub C  brak informacji).
1 What is his/her name?
The author of the article has studied circuses.
2 How old is he/she?
A Right B Wrong C Doesn t say
3 How did you meet?
1 The ancient Egyptians were interested in
4 Is he/she tall or short?
strange animals.
5 Is he/she slim or plump?
A Right B Wrong C Doesn t say
6 What is his/her hair like?
2 Chariot races were very popular in ancient Greece.
7 Does he/she wear glasses/braces/earrings?
A Right B Wrong C Doesn t say
8 What colour are his/her eyes?
3 The Greeks built the first open-air stadiums.
9 What clothes does he/she usually wear?
A Right B Wrong C Doesn t say
10 What is he/she like (his/her personality)?
4 Circus skills were probably brought to Europe
by gypsies.
My Best Friend
A Right B Wrong C Doesn t say
1 My best friend s name is
5 Philip Astley was a very rich man.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn t say
6 There were no jugglers and acrobats in Mr 3
Astley s shows.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn t say
7 Most people enjoy seeing wild animals in
circuses today.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn t say
8 Costumes and lighting are very important in the
Circus Soleil shows.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn t say
/ 8
/ 10
TOTAL / 100
12 Uzupełnij list słowami z ramki. Jedno słowo
zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do listu.
after before during let s
suddenly then when
Hi Jane!
school, my friends and
I went to see a brilliant animated film at the
cinema. We ate popcorn and drank cola
the film. Unfortunately, my best
friend, Sal, 2
felt sick in the middle
of the film, so she had to leave
the end. 4 the film
was finished, we met Sal outside and luckily she
was feeling better. 5
we all went to
a café for supper.
Have you seen any good films recently? Write
and tell me.
Love, Kelly
/ 5


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