L1296 PDF C09

The environment is everything that is around us. It includes not only the
natural elements that the word "environment" most often brings to mind, but
also people and the man-made components of our world. Neither is the envi-
ronment limited to the outdoors it also includes the indoor areas in which we
live and work.
The environment, then, is much more than the oceans and the ozone
layer. It is air, soil, water, plants, animals, houses, restaurants, office build-
ings, and factories and all that they contain. Anyone who uses a pesticide
indoors or outdoors, in a city or in the country must consider how that pes-
ticide will affect the environment.
The user must ask two questions:
1. How will this pesticide affect the immediate environment at the site where
it is being used?
2. What are the dangers that the pesticide will move out of the use site and
cause harm to other parts of the environment?
Pesticides can harm all types of environments if they are not used cor-
Pesticide product labeling statements are intended to alert you to particular
environmental concerns that a pesticide product poses. The lack of a particular
precautionary statement does not necessarily mean that the product poses no
hazard to the environment.
Both the public and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are be-
coming increasingly concerned about harmful effects on the environment from
the use of pesticides. As a result, EPA is looking closely at environmental
effects as it considers new applications for registration, and it also is taking
another look at existing pesticide registrations. Hazards to humans had been
the primary reason for EPA to classify a pesticide as a restricted-use product.
Now, more and more pesticide labels list environmental effects, such as con-
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tamination of groundwater or toxicity to birds or aquatic invertebrate animals,
as a reason for restriction.
When environmental contamination occurs, it is the result of either
point-source or non-point-source pollution. Point-source pollution comes
from a specific, identifiable place (point). A pesticide spill that moves into a
storm sewer is an example of point-source pollution. Non-point-source pollu-
tion comes from a wide area. The movement of pesticides into streams after
broadcast applications is an example of non-point-source pollution.
Non-point-source pollution from pesticide applications has most com-
monly been blamed for pesticide contamination in the outdoor environment.
But more and more studies are revealing that, in fact, much environmental
contamination does not result from non-point-source pollution. Contamina-
tion also results from point sources, such as:
" wash water and spills produced at equipment cleanup sites
" improper disposal of containers, water from rinsing containers, and
excess pesticides
" pesticide storage sites where leaks and spills are not correctly cleaned
" spills that occur while mixing concentrates or loading pesticides into
application equipment.
These kinds of tasks are involved with nearly every pesticide use, whether
the pesticide is applied outdoors, or in or around an enclosed structure. Figure
9.1 shows a worker cleaning equipment.
As a user of pesticides, especially if you use and supervise the use of re-
stricted-use pesticides, you must become aware of the potential for environ-
mental contamination during every phase of your pesticide operation. Many
pesticide uses are restricted because of environmental concerns. Whenever you
release a pesticide into the environment whether intentionally or acciden-
tally consider:
" whether there are sensitive areas in the environment at the pesticide use
site that might be harmed by contact with the pesticide
" whether there are sensitive offsite areas near the use site that might be
harmed by contact with the pesticide
" whether there are conditions in the environment at the pesticide use site
that might cause the pesticide to move offsite
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" whether you need to change any factors in your application or in the pes-
ticide use site to reduce the risk of environmental contamination.
Figure 9.1 Equipment clean-up site. Contamination can occur if wash water
is not collected and disposed of properly (courtesy of University of Wisconsin
Sensitive areas are sites or living things that are easily injured by a pesti-
Sensitive areas outdoors include:
" areas where groundwater is near the surface or easily accessed (wells, sink-
holes, porous soil, etc.)
" areas in or near surface water
" areas near schools, playgrounds, hospitals, and other institutions (Figure 9.2)
" areas near the habitats of endangered species (Figure 9.3)
" areas near apiaries (honeybee sites), wildlife refuges, or parks
" areas near ornamental gardens, food or feed crops, or other sensitive plant-
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Sensitive areas indoors include:
" areas where people especially children, pregnant women, the eld-
erly, or the sick live, work, or are cared for
" areas where food or feed is processed, prepared, stored, or served
" areas where domestic or confined animals live, eat, or are otherwise
cared for
" areas where ornamental or other sensitive plantings are grown or
Figure 9.2 Potential drift of pesticides onto children near schools or play-
Sometimes pesticides must be deliberately applied to a sensitive area to
control a pest. These applications should be performed by persons who are
well trained about how to avoid causing injury in such areas.
At other times, the sensitive area is part of a larger target site. Whenever
possible, take special precautions to avoid direct application to the sensitive
area. For example, leaving an untreated buffer zone around sensitive areas is
often a practical way to avoid contaminating them.
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Figure 9.3 Sensitive area containing assorted wildlife and wetlands.
In still other instances, the sensitive area may be near a site that is used
for application, mixing/loading, storage, disposal, or equipment washing.
The pesticide users must take precautions to avoid accidental contamination of
the sensitive area. For example, a permanent site for mixing/loading or
equipment washing could be equipped with a collection pad or tray to catch
and contain leaks, spills, or waste water.
Typical pesticide labeling statements that alert you to these concerns in-
" Do not use in hospital patient quarters.
" Remove all animals from building prior to treatment and keep ani-
mals out until spray has dried.
" Applications prohibited in areas where food is held, processed, pre-
pared, or served.
" Do not use around home gardens, schools, recreational parks, or
" In living areas, make applications in such a manner as to avoid de-
posits on exposed surfaces or introducing the material into the air.
" Do not use in or around residences.
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Pesticides that move away from the release site may cause environmental
contamination. Pesticides move away from the release site both indoors and
outdoors and may cause harm in both environments. Pesticides move in sev-
eral ways, including:
" in air, through wind or through air currents generated by ventilation
" in water, through runoff or leaching
" on or in objects, plants, or animals (including humans) that move or
are moved offsite.
1. Air
Pesticide movement away from the release site in the air is usually called
drift. Pesticide particles, dusts, spray droplets, and vapors all may be carried
offsite in the air. People who mix, load, and apply pesticides outdoors usu-
ally are aware of the ease with which pesticides drift offsite. People who han-
dle pesticides indoors may not realize how easily some pesticides move offsite
in the air currents created by ventilation systems and by forced-air heating and
cooling systems.
a. Particles and Droplets
Lightweight particles, such as dusts and wettable powders, are easily car-
ried by moving air. Granules and pellets are much heavier and tend to settle
out of air quickly. Small spray droplets also are easily carried in air currents.
High-pressure and fine nozzles produce very small spray droplets that are very
likely to drift. Lower pressure and coarse nozzles produce larger droplets with
less drift potential.
The likelihood that pesticide particles and spray droplets will drift offsite
depends partly on the way they are released. Pesticides released close to the
ground or floor are not as likely to be caught up in air currents as those re-
leased from a greater height. Pesticides applied in an upward direction or from
an aircraft are the most likely to be carried on air currents.
b. Vapors
Pesticide vapors move about easily in air. Fumigant pesticides are in-
tended to form a vapor when they are released. Persons using fumigants must
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take precautions to make sure the fumigant remains in a sealed container until
it is released into the application site, which also must be sealed to prevent
the vapor from escaping. Some nonfumigant pesticides also can vaporize and
escape into the air. The labeling of volatile pesticides often includes warning
statements that the pesticide handler should heed. Any time you release a
volatile pesticide in an enclosed area, consider the hazards not only to yourself
and to fellow workers, but also to people, animals, and plants that are in or
near the release site or that may enter the area soon after the release.
Typical pesticide labeling statements that alert you to avoid drift include:
" Do not apply when weather conditions favor drift from areas treated.
" Do not allow drift onto plants intended for food or feed.
" Drift from treated areas may he hazardous to aquatic organisms in
neighboring areas.
c. Water
Pesticide particles and liquids may be carried offsite in water. Pesticides
can enter water through:
" drift, leaching, and runoff from nearby applications
" spills, leaks, and back-siphoning from nearby mixing, loading, stor-
age, and equipment cleanup sites
" improper disposal of pesticides, rinsates, and containers.
Most pesticide movement in water is across the treated surface (runoff) or
downward from the surface (leaching). Runoff and leaching may occur when:
" too much liquid pesticide is applied, leaked, or spilled onto a surface
" too much rainwater, irrigation water, or other water gets onto a sur-
face containing pesticide residue.
Runoff water in the outdoor environment may travel into drainage ditches,
streams, ponds, or other surface water where the pesticides can be carried great
distances offsite. Pesticides that leach downward through the soil in the out-
door environment sometimes reach the ground water.
Runoff water in the indoor environment may get into domestic water sys-
tems and from there into surface water and ground water. Runoff can flow into
floor drains or other drains and into the water system. Sometimes a careless
pesticide handler washes pesticide down a sink drain and into the water system.
Some pesticides can leach downwards in indoor environments. In a green-
house, for example, pesticides may leach through the soil or other planting
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medium to floors or benches below. Some pesticides used indoors may be
absorbed into carpets, wood, and other porous surfaces and remain trapped for a
long time.
Typical pesticide labeling statements that alert you to these concerns in-
" Do not contaminate water through runoff, spills, or improper dis-
posal of excess pesticide, spray mixtures, or rinsates.
" Do not allow runoff or spray to contaminate wells, irrigation ditches,
or any body of water used for irrigation or domestic purposes.
" Do not apply directly to water and wetlands (swamps, bogs, marshes,
and potholes).
" Maintain a buffer zone (lay-off distance) of 100 feet from bodies of
" This product is water-soluble and can move with surface runoff water.
Do not contaminate cropland, water, or irrigation ditches.
d. On or in Objects, Plants, or Animals
Pesticides can move away from the release site when they are on or in ob-
jects or organisms that move (or are moved) offsite. Pesticides may stick to
shoes or clothing, to animal fur, or to blowing dust and be transferred to other
surfaces. When pesticide handlers, applicators, and users bring home or wear
home contaminated personal protective equipment, work clothing, or other
items, residues can rub off on carpeting, furniture, and laundry items and onto
pets and people.
Pesticides may stick to treated surfaces, such as food or feed products that
are to be sold. To protect consumers, there are legal limits (tolerances) for
how much pesticide residue may safely remain on crops or animal products
that are sold for food or feed. Products that exceed these tolerances are illegal
and cannot be sold. Crops and animal products will not be over tolerance lev-
els if the pesticides are applied as directed on the product labeling. Illegal pes-
ticide residues levels usually result when:
" too much pesticide is applied to the crop or animal
" the days-to-harvest, days-to-grazing, or days-to-slaughter directions on
the pesticide labeling are not obeyed
" pesticides move out of the release site and contaminate plants or ani-
mals nearby.
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Typical pesticide labeling statements that alert you to these concerns in-
" Do not apply within 5 days of harvest.
" Do not apply under conditions involving possible drift to food, for-
age, or other plantings that might be damaged or the crops thereof
rendered unfit for sale, use, or consumption.
" Remove meat animals from treated areas at least 1 day before slaugh-
ter if they were present at application or grazed treated areas within 21
days after application.
" Do not pasture or feed treated hay to lactating dairy cattle within 21
days after application.
Nontarget organisms may be harmed by pesticides in two ways:
1. The pesticide may cause injury by contacting the nontarget organism
2. The pesticide may leave a residue that causes later injuries.
1. Harmful Effects from Direct Contact
Pesticides may harm nontarget organisms that are present during a pesti-
cide application. Poorly timed applications can kill bees and other pollinators
that are active in or near the target site. Pesticides may harm other wildlife,
too. Even tiny amounts of some pesticides may harm them or destroy their
source of food.
Pesticides applied over large areas, such as in mosquito, biting fly, and
forest pest control, must be chosen with great care to avoid poisoning nontar-
get plants and animals in or near the target site. Read the warnings and direc-
tions on the pesticide labeling carefully to avoid harming nontarget organisms
during a pesticide application.
Drift from the target site may injure wildlife, livestock, pets, sensitive
plants, and people. For example, drift of herbicides can damage sensitive
nearby plants, including crops, forests, or ornamental plantings. Drift also
can kill beneficial parasites and predators that are near the target site.
Pesticide runoff may harm fish and other aquatic animals and plants in
ponds, streams, and lakes. Aquatic life also can be harmed by careless tank
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filling or draining and by rinsing or discarding used containers along or in wa-
Typical pesticide labeling statements that alert you to these concerns in-
" Phytotoxic. Do not spray on plants.
" Do not apply this product or allow it to drift to blooming crops or
weeds if bees are visiting the treatment area.
" Extremely toxic to aquatic organisms. Do not contaminate water by
cleaning of equipment or disposal of wastes.
" This product is toxic to fish, shrimp, crab, birds, and other wildlife.
Keep out of lakes, streams, ponds, tidal marshes, and estuaries.
Shrimp and crab may be killed at application rates. Do not apply
where these are important resources.
2. Harmful Effects from Residues
A residue is the part of a pesticide that remains in the environment for a
period of time following application or a spill. Pesticides usually break down
into harmless components after they are released into an environment. The
breakdown time ranges from less than a day to several years. The rate of pes-
ticide breakdown depends primarily on the chemical structure of the pesticide
active ingredient. The rate of pesticide breakdown also may be affected by
environmental conditions at the release site, such as:
" surface type, chemical composition, and pH
" surface moisture
" presence of microorganisms
" temperature
" exposure to direct sunlight.
Persistent pesticides leave residues that stay in the environment without
breaking down for long periods of time. These pesticides are sometimes desir-
able, because they provide longterm pest control and may reduce the need for
repeated applications. However, some persistent pesticides that are applied to
or spilled on soil, plants, lumber, and other surfaces or into water can later
cause harm to sensitive plants or animals, including humans, that contact
them. Clues on pesticide labeling that a particular pesticide product is likely
to be persistent include:
" Can remain in the soil for 34 months or more and cause injury to cer-
tain crops other than those listed as acceptable on the label.
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" This product can remain phytotoxic for a year or more.
When using persistent pesticides, consider whether their continued pres-
ence in the environment is likely to harm plants and animals.
When pesticides build up in the bodies of animals or in the soil, they are
said to accumulate. When the same mixing/loading site or equipment clean-
ing site is used frequently without taking steps to limit and clean up spills,
pesticides are likely to accumulate in the soil. When this occurs, plants, ani-
mals, and objects that come into contact with the soil may be harmed. When
pesticides accumulate in the soil, there is also a higher likelihood that the pes-
ticides will move offsite and contaminate the surrounding environment or
move into surface or ground water.
Sometimes animals can be harmed when they feed on plants or animals
that have pesticide residues on or in them. A special concern is for predator
birds or mammals that feed on animals that have been killed by pesticides.
The predators may be harmed by the pesticide residues remaining on or in the
bodies of the dead animals.
Typical pesticide labeling statements that alert you to these concerns in-
" Toxic to fish, birds, and wildlife. This product can pose a secondary
hazard to birds of prey and mammals.
" Do not use fish as food or feed within 3 days of application.
" Animals feeding on treated areas may be killed and pose a hazard to
hawks and other birds-of-prey. Bury or otherwise dispose of dead
animals to prevent poisoning of other wildlife.
Sometimes surfaces are harmed by pesticides or pesticide residues. Some
surfaces may become discolored by contact with certain pesticides. Other sur-
faces may be pitted or marked by contact with some pesticides. Some pesti-
cides can corrode or obstruct electronic systems or metal. Sometimes a pesti-
cide will leave a visible deposit on the treated surface.
Typical pesticide labeling statements that alert you to these concerns in-
" Do not apply to carpeting, linoleum, or other porous floor coverings,
as discoloration may result.
" Do not spray on plastic, painted, or varnished surfaces.
" May cause pitting of automobile and other vehicle paint.
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" Do not spray directly into any electronic equipment or into outlets
and switches, or any other location where the pesticide may foul or
short-circuit contacts and circuits.
" A visible deposit may occur on some dark surfaces.
Concerns about wildlife and the environment are becoming more impor-
tant in decisions about which pesticides will be registered and what they may
be used for. Two environmental concerns are receiving particular attention:
1. Protection of groundwater.
2. Protection of endangered species.
Federal and state efforts to protect groundwater and endangered species are
resulting in new instructions and limitations for pesticide handlers and applica-
tors. Whether you apply pesticides indoors or outdoors, in an urban area or in
a rural area, you must become aware of the importance of protecting these two
vital national resources. Pesticides that are incorrectly or accidentally released
into the environment either during application or during other handling ac-
tivities, such as mixing, loading, equipment cleaning, storage, transportation,
or disposal pose a threat to groundwater and endangered species.
Whether you must take special action to protect groundwater and endan-
gered species depends mainly on the location of the use site. Groundwater
contamination is of greatest concern in release sites where groundwater is
close to the surface or where the soil type or the geology allows contaminants
to reach groundwater easily. Protection of endangered species usually is re-
quired only in locations where they currently live or are being reintroduced.
Read the pesticide labeling carefully to determine whether your pesticide use is
subject to any special ground water or endangered species limitations.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency may establish specific limi-
tations or instructions for pesticide users in locations where groundwater or
endangered species are most at risk. These limitations and instructions are of-
ten too long to be included in pesticide labeling. The labeling may tell you
that you must consult another source for the details about the instructions and
limitations that apply in your situation. Your legal responsibility for follow-
ing instructions that are distributed separately is the same as it is for instruc-
tions that appear in full on the pesticide labeling.
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Groundwater is water located beneath the earth's surface. Many people
think that groundwater occurs in vast underground lakes, rivers, or streams.
Usually, however, it is located in rock and soil. It moves very slowly through
irregular spaces within otherwise solid rock or seeps between particles of sand,
clay, and gravel. An exception is in limestone areas, where ground water may
flow through large underground channels or caverns. Surface water may move
several feet in a second or a minute. Ground water may move only a few feet
in a month or a year. If the ground water is capable of providing significant
quantities of water to a well or spring, it is called an aquifer. Pesticide con-
tamination of aquifers is very troubling, because these are sources of drinking,
washing, and irrigation water.
1. Sources of Groundwater
Groundwater is recharged (replaced) primarily from rain or snow that en-
ters the soil. However, some water from lakes and streams and from irrigation
also becomes ground water. Water that is above the ground can move in three
ways it can evaporate into the air; it can move across the surface, as in a
stream or river; or it can move downward from the surface. Some of the water
that moves downward is absorbed by plants and other organisms. Another
portion of the downward-moving water is held in the upper layers of the soil.
The rest moves down through the root zone and the relatively dry soil zone
until it reaches a zone saturated with water. This saturated zone is the upper-
most layer of groundwater and is called the water table. The water table is the
"dividing line" between the groundwater and the unsaturated rock or soil above
it (see Figure 9.4).
2. Pesticide Contamination of Groundwater
When water that is moving downward from the surface contains pesti-
cides or comes into contact with them as it moves the pesticides may be
carried along with the water until they eventually reach the groundwater. Five
major factors determine whether a pesticide will reach groundwater:
" the practices followed by pesticide users
" the presence or absence of water on the surface of the site where the
pesticides are released
" the chemical characteristics of the pesticides
" the type of soil in the site where the pesticides are released
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" the location of the groundwater its distance from the surface and the
type of geological formations above it
By being aware of these considerations, you can handle pesticides in ways
that will make the potential for ground water contamination less likely.
Figure 9.4 Movement of rain water carrying pesticides from treated plants
downward through the soil (EPA, Applying Pesticides Correctly, 1991).
a. Practices for Pesticide Users
The best way to keep from contaminating groundwater is to follow label-
ing directions exactly. Be sure to note whether the labeling requires take any
special steps to protect groundwater. In addition, remember the following:
" Avoid the temptation to use more pesticide than the labeling directs.
Overdosing will increase both the cost of pest control and the odds
that the pesticide will reach groundwater. Overdosing is also illegal.
Keeping the use of pesticides to a minimum greatly reduces the risk
of groundwater contamination.
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" Consider whether your application method presents any special risks.
For example, soil injection of some pesticides may not be wise when
groundwater is close to the surface.
" Take precautions to keep pesticides from back-siphoning into water
" Locate pesticide storage facilities at least 100 feet from wells,
springs, sinkholes, and other sites that directly link to groundwater to
prevent their contamination from runoff or firefighting water.
" Whenever possible, locate mixload sites and equipment-cleaning sites
at least 100 feet from surface water or from direct links to ground wa-
ter. This will help prevent back-siphoning, runoff, and spills from
contaminating the water sources. If you must locate one of these
work sites near a water source, use methods such as dikes, sump pits,
and containment pads to keep pesticides from reaching the water.
" Do not contaminate groundwater through improper disposal of unused
pesticides, pesticide containers, or equipment and container rinse wa-
ter. Dispose of all pesticide wastes in accordance with local, state,
tribal, and federal laws.
b. Water on the Treated Surface
If there is more water on the soil than the soil can hold, the water (along
with any pesticides it contains) is likely to move downward to the groundwa-
ter. Prolonged heavy rain or excessive irrigation will produce excess water on
the soil surface (see Figure 9.5).
If weather forecasts or your own knowledge of local weather signs cause
you to expect heavy rain, delay outdoor handling operations including mix-
ing and loading, application, and disposal to prevent wash-off, surface run-
off, or leaching.
Pesticide movement into groundwater is affected by both the amount of
water used in irrigation and how soon before or after a pesticide application the
irrigation is done. If irrigation water contains pesticides, be careful to prevent
it from flowing into water sources.
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c. Pesticide Factors
Some pesticide chemicals are more likely than others to move to ground
water. Such movement depends mainly on:
" solubility Some pesticides dissolve easily in water and are more
likely to move into water systems
Figure 9.5 Movement of rainwater and irrigation water on treated surfaces
(EPA, Applying Pesticides Correctly, 1991).
" adsorption some pesticides become tightly attached (strongly ad-
sorbed) to soil particles and are not likely to move out of the soil and
into water systems
" persistence some pesticides break down slowly and remain in the
environment for a long time
These factors are all related to one another. Pesticides that are most likely
to move into groundwater are highly soluble, moderately to highly persistent,
and are not strongly adsorbed to soil. A nonpersistent pesticide would be less
likely to move to groundwater, even if it is highly soluble or not strongly
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adsorbed to soil. A pesticide that is strongly adsorbed to soil would be less
likely to move to groundwater even if it is persistent.
Pesticide labeling usually does not tell about these properties of the pesti-
cide product. The Soil Conservation Service, Cooperative Extension Service,
your trade association, or your pesticide dealer may have specific information
about the characteristics of the pesticides you are using.
d. Soil Factors
Soil is also an important factor in the breakdown and movement of pesti-
cides. Your local Soil Conservation Service can help determine the types of
soil in your area and how they affect breakdown and movement. The three
major soil characteristics that affect pesticides are texture, permeability, and
organic matter.
Soil texture is an indication of the relative proportions of sand, silt, and
clay in the soil. Coarse, sandy soils generally allow water to carry the pesti-
cides rapidly downward. Finer textured soils generally allow water to move at
much slower rates. They contain more clay, and sometimes organic matter, to
which pesticides may cling.
Soil permeability is a general measure of how fast water can move
downward in a particular soil. The more permeable soils must be managed
carefully to keep pesticides from reaching groundwater.
Soil organic matter influences how much water the soil can hold before
it begins to move downward. Soil containing organic matter has greater abil-
ity to stop the movement of pesticides. Soils in which plants are growing are
more likely to prevent pesticide movement than bare soils.
e. Geology
The distance from the soil surface to the water table is the measure of how
deep the ground water is in a given location. If the ground water is within a
few feet of the soil surface, pesticides are more likely to reach it than if it is
farther down. In humid areas, the water table may be only a few feet below
the surface of the soil. In arid areas, the water table may lie several hundred
feet below the soil surface. The depth to the water table does not stay the
same over the course of the year. It varies according to:
" the amount of rain, snow, and irrigation water being added to the soil
" the amount of evaporation and plant uptake
" whether the ground is frozen
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" how much ground water is being withdrawn by pumping.
The Soil Conservation Service can provide valuable information on the
geology of an area and on the potential for groundwater contamination on your
Spring and fall generally are the times when the water table is closest to
the soil surface. The water table often moves downward during the summer
when evaporation and plant uptake are high and when larger than normal
amounts of groundwater are being used for irrigation and other hot weather
needs. The water table also moves downward in winter if surface water cannot
move down through the frozen soil to recharge the ground water.
The permeability of geological layers between the soil and ground water is
also important. If surface water can move down quickly, pesticides are more
likely to reach groundwater. Gravel deposits are highly permeable. They al-
low water and any pesticides in it to move rapidly downward to groundwater.
Regions with limestone deposits are particularly susceptible to groundwater
contamination, because water may move rapidly to the groundwater through
caverns or "rivers" with little filtration or chemical breakdown. On the other
hand, layers of clay may be totally impermeable and may prevent most water
and any pesticides in it from reaching the ground water.
Sinkholes are especially troublesome. Surface water often flows into
sinkholes and disappears quickly into the groundwater. If a pesticide is re-
leased into an area that drains into a sinkhole, even a moderate rain or irriga-
tion may carry some of the pesticide directly to the groundwater.
Some pesticides or certain uses of some pesticides may be classified as re-
stricted use because of groundwater concerns. The user and applicator of these
pesticides has a special responsibility to handle all pesticides safely in and near
use sites where groundwater contamination is particularly likely. Take extra
precautions when using techniques that are known to be likely to cause con-
tamination of groundwater, such as chemigation and soil injection.
When a pesticide product has been found in groundwater or has character-
istics that may pose a threat of contamination of ground water, the pesticide
product labeling may contain statements to alert you to the concern. Typical
pesticide labeling statements include:
" This chemical has been identified in limited groundwater sampling
and there is the possibility that it can leach through the soil to
groundwater, especially where soils are coarse and groundwater is near
the surface.
" This product is readily decomposed into harmless residues under most
use conditions. However, a combination of permeable and acidic soil
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conditions, moderate to heavy irrigation and/or rainfall, use of 20 or
more pounds per acre, and soil temperature below 50Å‚F (10Å‚C) at ap-
plication time tend to reduce degradation and promote movement of
residues to groundwater. If the above describes your local use condi-
tions and groundwater in your area is used for drinking, do not use
this product without first contacting (registrant's name and telephone
An endangered species is a plant or animal that is in danger of becoming
extinct. There are two classifications of these plants and animals in danger
"endangered species" and "threatened species." The term "endangered species"
is used here to refer to the two classifications collectively. Scientists believe
that certain pesticides may threaten the survival of some of America's endan-
gered species if they are used in the places where these plants and animals still
A Federal law, the Endangered Species Act, requires the U.S. Environ-
mental Protection Agency (EPA) to ensure that endangered species are pro-
tected from pesticides (see Figure 9.6). EPA's goal is to remove or reduce the
threat that pesticide use poses to endangered species. Reaching this goal will
require some limitations on pesticide use. These limitations usually will ap-
ply only in the currently occupied habitat or range of each endangered species
at risk. Occasionally the limitations will apply where endangered species are
being reintroduced into a habitat they previously occupied.
Habitats, sometimes called "critical habitats," are the areas of land, water,
and air space that an endangered species needs for survival. Such areas include
breeding sites; sources of food, cover, and shelter; and surrounding territory
that gives room for normal population growth and behavior.
1. Limitations on Pesticide Use
Read all pesticide labeling carefully to find out whether the use of that
product requires any special steps to protect endangered species. The label
may direct you to another source for the details about what you must do.
When limitations do apply, they usually will be in effect only in some spe-
cific geographic locations. Use of a particular pesticide is usually limited in a
particular location when:
" the site is designated as the current habitat of an endangered species
" the endangered species that uses the site might be harmed by the use
of the pesticide within (or close to) its habitat.
© 1998 by CRC Press LLC
Figure 9.6 The Endangered Act (EPA, Applying Pesticides Correctly, 1991).
2. Habitats of Endangered Species
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is responsible for identifying the cur-
rent habitat or range of each endangered species. For aquatic species, the re-
stricted habitat often will include an additional zone around the body of water
to keep any drift, runoff, or leachate in the watershed from reaching the water.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is attempting to identify the habitats
as accurately as possible so that pesticide use will need to be limited only in
locations where it is absolutely necessary. For this reason, limitations on
pesticide use may apply on one property, while a similar adjoining property
may not have these limitations.
© 1998 by CRC Press LLC
3. Importance of Protecting Endangered Species
Hundreds of animals (including fish, birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibi-
ans, insects, and aquatic invertebrates) and thousands of plants have been
named as endangered or threatened species under the provisions of the Endan-
gered Species Act. Some of these animals and plants are ones that everyone
knows about, such as the bald eagle. Others are tiny, little-known creatures
that may rarely be seen by anyone except trained naturalists.
Endangered Species Restriction
Under the Endangered Species Act, it is a Federal offense
to use any pesticide in a manner that results in the death
of a member of an endangered species. Prior to making
applications, the user must determine that endangered spe-
cies are not located immediately adjacent to the site to be
treated. If the users are in doubt whether or not endangered
species may be affected, they should contact the regional
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Office (Endangered Spe-
cialist) or personnel of the State Fish and Game Office.
Regardless of the size or apparent significance of these endangered species,
it is important that each is allowed to survive mankind's well-being depends
on maintaining biological diversity. Biological diversity is the variety and
differences among living things, and the complex ways they interact. Diver-
sity is necessary for several reasons.
a. Agriculture
Nearly all of today's crops started as wild species. Genes from wild spe-
cies often are used to create new hybrids that have resistance to plant diseases
and insects, better climatic tolerance, and higher yields. Having different va-
rieties available is necessary insurance against devastating crop failures caused
by climate extremes or major pest outbreaks.
b. Medicine
Many of today's most important medicines come from obscure plant and
animal species. A mold is the source of penicillin, the miracle drug; an herb
is the source of quinine, a cure for malaria. Scientists are testing countless
plant and animal species around the world for sources of cures for major dis-
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c. Preserving Choices
No one can predict which species may be essential to the future of man-
kind. A species that is allowed to become extinct might have been the key to
stopping a global epidemic or to surviving a major climate change.
d. Interdependence
The extinction of a single species can set off a chain reaction of harm to
other species. The disappearance of a single kind of plant from an area, for
example, may lead to the disappearance of certain insects, higher animals, and
other plants.
e. Natural Balance
Extinction has always been a natural part of an ever-changing process.
During most of history, species have formed at a rate greater than the rate of
extinctions. Now, however, it appears that human activity is greatly speeding
up the rate of extinctions. People, plants, and animals live together in a deli-
cate balance; the disappearance of species could easily upset that balance.
f. Stability
The more diversity that exists in an ecosystem, the more stable it is
likely to be. There is less likelihood of huge swings in populations of par-
ticular organisms. There is also less likelihood of devastation from the intro-
duction of a new species from outside the system.
Endangered Species Act (ESA) is a federal law administered by the Fish
and Wildlife Service (FWS) of the Department of the Interior. The ESA
makes it illegal to kill, harm, or collect endangered or threatened wildlife or
fish or to remove endangered or threatened plants from areas under federal ju-
risdiction. It also requires other federal agencies to ensure that any action they
carry out or authorize is not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of any
endangered or threatened species, or to destroy or adversely modify its critical
habitat. As a result, EPA must ensure that no registered pesticide use is
likely to jeopardize the survival of any endangered or threatened species.
© 1998 by CRC Press LLC
The FWS has the authority to designate land and freshwater species as
endangered or threatened and to identify their current habitat or range. The
National Marine Fisheries Service has the same authority for marine species.
The FWS has the authority to prosecute persons, including pesticide us-
ers, who harm endangered or threatened species. In addition, EPA enforcement
personnel have the authority to ensure that pesticide users observe labeling
Baker, P. B., Arizona Agricultural Pesticide Applicator Training Manual,
Cooperative Extension, University of Arizona, Tucson, 1992.
Bohmont, B. L., The Standard Pesticide User's Guide, 4th. ed., Prentice
Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1997.
Cheng, H. H., Ed., Pesticides in the Soil Environment: Processes, Impacts,
and Modeling, Soil Science Society of America, Madison, WI, 1990.
Huston, D. H. and T. R. Roberts, Eds., Environmental Fate of Pesticides,
John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1990.
Schnoor, J. L., Ed., Fate of Pesticides and Chemicals in the Environment,
John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1992.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Applying Pesticides Correctly: A
Guide for Private and Commercial Applicators, revised 1991.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Applying Pesticides Correctly: A
Guide for Private and Commercial Applicators, 1983.
Waxman, M. F., Hazardous Waste Site Operations: A Training Manual for
Site Professionals, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1996.
© 1998 by CRC Press LLC


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