Rectus Femoris KT method

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Screening Test Functional Anatomy Testing Tape Specification KT Method Confirmation Testing
KT Method
Rectus Femoris
Movie for broad-band (300kbps)
Patient position: supine, with thigh
hanging off the table to increase
tissue tension. (Not Shown: Pelvis
and lumbar spine may also be
stabilized by flexing the opposite knee
and hip in hooklying position.)
Apply the medial tail of the  y tape to
the AIIS
Apply the lateral tail of the  y tape
two to three fingerbreadths lateral to
the medial tail.
While stabilizing the tails and pulling
proximally to increase tissue tension,
stretch the tape slightly and apply to
the superior border of the patella.
Place the hip and knee into flexion
with the foot flat on the table.
Peel the Kinesio Tex from the paper
liner and place the tape temporarily
on the skin. Do not activate the glue
by rubbing.
Apply the other end of the Kinesio
Tex to the tibial tuberosity. 2007-12-16
Strona 2 z 2
Completed Kinesio Tex application:
rectus femoris
0056-KN-HI Rectus Femoris Go
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