MaturaSolutionsAdv Unit 4 Progress test A

progress test
Unit 4
5 There s a car outside your house. It used to
belong to my brother.
1 Which words CANNOT be used to complete the
sentences? Choose the correct answers.
1 I ate _______ more than you did at the
Mark /5
3 Complete the sentences with the correct
A by far B a good deal C rather
conditional form of the verbs in brackets.
2 It s _______ less expensive to travel by car than
1 I
(pass) my exams
by train these days.
easily, if I (focus) on
A marginally B a bit C by miles
my revision timetable. I will next time.
3 This is _______ the most nauseating film I ve
2 Paul s parents have got to sell their
ever seen.
house. They
A very B by far C easily
be) in such financial difficulties if they
4 It s _______ more difficult to learn a completely
(save) more wisely.
new language when you re older.
3 It was a near miss! If Dan
A a good deal B by a long way
(drive) any faster, we
C an awful lot
(not sit) here now!
5 Cathy is _______ the entrant with the best
4 If I (have) a younger
chance to win in the whole competition.
brother or sister, I
(not get) so much pressure from my parents.
A quite B far and away C easily
It s not easy being an only child.
Mark /5
5 If you (take) the
car into the garage when I suggested, it
2 Combine the sentences using reduced relative
(repair) by now.
Mark /10
1 I spoke to a person on the phone. He gave me
directions to the office.
4 Complete the sentences with appropriate words.
2 We celebrated my sister s wedding at a hotel.
They ve demolished it now. 1 Have you seen the film
the final Harry Potter book?
_______________________________________ 2 Pete s dad has had a change of
and says we can have the
3 I invested in shares last year. A lot of them
party at his place.
have since gone down in value.
_______________________________________ 3 The wedding dress just needs some minor
and then everything is
ready for the big day!
4 A lot of books were published in the 1950s.
Many of them have gone out of print. 4
retirement because of
_______________________________________ disability can be a terrible problem for older
_______________________________________ people.
Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Matura Solutions Advanced Tests 1
progress test
Unit 4
5 We ve had to make some slight
to the design, but I think
6 Read the text. Choose the best answers.
you ll agree with them.
6 Can you give me a hand with the
No going back
from feet and inches to
metric? I m not very good at it!
We are all well aware of the significance of
technological advances over the last few
7 I don t think Ben s happy studying science
decades, but the impact on everyday working
at university. He needs a change of
life has yet to be fully appreciated. This is
because change is gradual and it is only when
8 They say that we will continue to
we look back that comparisons force us to
as a species as a result of
evaluate what can be considered progress and
changes in our lifestyles.
what is a sad loss.
9 Leo has always had a On the plus side, technology allows us greater
access to information at incalculable speeds.
relationship with his father. You never know
Through the Internet we can tap into vast
whether they re talking to each other or not.
amounts of data at the touch of a key. As well
10 When a new manager is taken on there s
as saving time, this has given rise to new
usually a period of
types of jobs and encouraged us all to develop
the employees get used to a new system.
totally new skills. With the technological
Mark /10 world changing so rapidly there are exciting
opportunities for everyone whose working life is
just beginning.
A downside to this technological revolution
is the fact that the workplace has changed
5 5.04 Listen to an interview with a popular
beyond recognition for many people. Gone
music artist. Are the statements true or false?
are the cosy offices with chats across desktops.
1 Popularity has come quickly for Gary. T / F
Employees today remain mainly fixated on their
screens and their relaxation is obtained through
2 One thing he has changed is his
the occasional surreptitious access to social
appearance. T / F
networking sites. Communication is conducted
3 Gary doesn t really enjoy the loss of anonymity
electronically depending less and less on face-
that has come with the success. T / F
to-face discussion or even phone contact.
4 He gets angry with journalists who misreport
Office misbehaviour has changed radically too.
him. T / F Whereas in the past employees had to be careful
not to talk about the boss behind his back or
5 He used to work in a supermarket. T / F
mislay important paperwork, today it is the
Mark /10
careless e-mail to the wrong person or loss of a
CD or even laptop on the train that can lead to
disciplinary action.
The workplace itself has changed and people no
longer need to leave their homes and commute
to work. Work can be done at home or during
the commute and a significant result of this
is that we no longer have space and time to
ourselves. Being contactable at all times can put
enormous pressure on individuals and is one of
the main causes of stress at work today.
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progress test
Unit 4
It is inevitable that our working lives will
continue to change. For some people this
7 Write a discursive essay with the title  How
change is worrying and stressful. They believe
different might our towns and cities look 50
that the faster life becomes, the more is
years from now? Use the writing guide to help
demanded of us at work, and eventually we
you. Write 200 250 words.
shall reach a point where we are unable to cope.
Others see these advances as something akin to
Paragraph 1: Introduction. Talk about recent
magic! Whatever developments are around the
electronic corner, there will be those who talk
Paragraph 2: Write about changes you envisage.
about  progress and those who talk about  loss ,
but what is sure is that it s something that none
Paragraph 3: Discuss the advantages of these
of us will be able to control.
Paragraph 4: Discuss the disadvantages of these
1 The impact of technological advances
A has been underestimated.
Paragraph 5: Conclusion.
B forces us to consider what we have lost.
Mark /10
C hasn t yet been fully understood.
Total /60
2 One advantage of these advances is that
A computers are getting faster.
B our skills are improving.
C we are becoming better educated.
3 Social networking at work is
A frowned upon.
B vital for relaxation.
C better than chatting.
4 Why do people often work at home these
A There is less commuting.
B Communication is easier.
C It is more enjoyable.
5 What is the writer s attitude?
A The faster life is bad for our health.
B Change is inevitable.
C We should embrace change.
Mark /10
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