Hofstede G Dimensions do not exist A reply to Brendan McSweeney

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Human Relations
Volume 55(11): xx xx: 028921
Copyright © 2002
The Tavistock Institute ®
SAGE Publications
London, Thousand Oaks CA,
New Delhi
Dimensions do not exist: A reply to
Brendan McSweeney
Geert Hofstede
In January 2001 Human Relations invited me to write a response to an article
by Brendan McSweeney which was a critical examination of my 1980 book
Culture s consequences, to coincide with the forthcoming publication of the
books second edition. I reacted enthusiastically, but my enthusiasm quickly
faded away when I saw McSweeney s diatribe. I pointed out that the appear-
ance of a re-written and updated edition of my 1980 book would make many
of McSweeney s comments obsolete. Also, I reacted to his style, which I found
unnecessarily abrasive.
Human Relations decided to publish McSweeney s article anyway, in a
somewhat mollified version. My response to his comments follow below.
The second edition of Culture s consequences contains a section:
 Support and Criticisms of the Approach Followed which reads as follows
(endnotes omitted):
The first edition of this book s disrespect for academic borderlines paid
off in a multidisciplinary readership. It also caused very mixed reviews:
Some enthusiastic (e.g. Eysenck, 1981; Triandis, 1982; Sorge, 1983),
some irritated, condescending, or ridiculing (e.g. Cooper, 1982;
Roberts & Boyacigiller, 1984). I had made a paradigm shift in cross-
cultural studies, and as Kuhn (1970) has shown, paradigm shifts in any
science meet with strong initial resistance.
Editor s Note
This exchange has been prompted by interest in and response to the original
McSweeney article in Vol. 55, No. 1 (January 2002) of the journal. The
Editors regard this exchange as now closed.
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2 Human Relations 55(11)
Five standard criticisms of my approach were:
1. Surveys are not a suitable way of measuring cultural differences (my
answer: They should not be the only way).
2. Nations are not the best units for studying cultures (my answer:
True, but they are usually the only kind of units available for com-
parison and better than nothing).
3. A study of the subsidiaries of one company cannot provide infor-
mation about entire national cultures (my answer: What was
measured were differences between national cultures. Any set of
functionally equivalent samples from national populations can
supply information about such differences. The IBM set consisted
of unusually well matched samples for an unusually large number
of countries. The extensive validation in the following chapters will
show that the country scores obtained correlated highly with all
kinds of other data, including results obtained from representative
samples of entire national populations).
4. The IBM data are old and therefore obsolete (my answer: The
dimensions found are assumed to have centuries-old roots; only
data which remained stable across two subsequent surveys were
maintained; and they have since been validated against all kinds of
external measurements; recent replications show no loss of validity).
5. Four or five dimensions are not enough (my answer: Additional
dimensions should be both conceptually and statistically indepen-
dent from the five dimensions already defined and they should be
validated by significant correlations with conceptually related
external measures; candidates are welcome to apply).
Since the later 1980s the idea of dimensions of national cultures has
become part of what Kuhn called  normal science. The message of
the first edition of this book has been integrated into the state of the
art in various disciplines dealing with culture. The four or five dimen-
sions I introduced have become part of intercultural training programs
and of textbooks and readers in cross-cultural psychology, organiz-
ational psychology and sociology, management and communications.
They have also been used in a number of other areas and disciplines;
these will emerge in the following chapters, and Chapter 10 will sum-
marize some of the more surprising applications.
In fact, this extensive use has its disadvantages. Some people have tried
to imitate my approach cheaply for commercial purposes. Some carry
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Hofstede Dimensions do not exist 3
the concepts further than I consider wise. At times my supporters worry
me more than my critics. But fortunately the message has also reached
serious academics and practitioners who carry on with research and
experimentation in intercultural cooperation, to meet the crying need
for integration of human efforts in a shrinking world.
(Hofstede, 2001: Ch. 2, p. 73)
McSweeney s article reiterates some of the old comments, mostly from
the categories 1, 3, and 4. He focuses very much on details of the analysis of
the IBM database, but does not write a word about the validation of the
country differences in the IBM study on other data. It all started at IMEDE,
where I taught on a leave of absence from IBM. IMEDE (now IMD) is an
international business school in Lausanne, Switzerland. The 1980 edition of
Culture s consequences contains the following text (which McSweeney could
have read):
I taught courses in organizational behavior at IMEDE from 1971 to
1973. By that time it had become clear that certain questions in the
HERMES questionnaire which could be expected to express values
produced stable and predictable differences in answer patterns among
countries. I included in my IMEDE courses the administration of a 17-
item  Questionnaire on Work Goals and Preferences which contained
questions . . . of the HERMES questionnaire; I used the results as
teaching material in the course itself. Answers on this questionnaire
were obtained from 362 managers from about 30 different countries
and from a variety of private and public organizations unrelated to the
HERMES Corporation. As will be shown in Chapters 3 and 5, the
major country differences found in HERMES are also visible in the
IMEDE sample. The latter is based on a different population, and all
respondents reacted to the English version of the questionnaire,
whereas in HERMES every nationality received its own language
version. The similarity between HERMES and IMEDE data therefore
also ruled out the hypothesis that the differences found among coun-
tries could be due to the translation of the questionnaire.
(Hofstede, 1980: Ch. 2, p. 68)
 HERMES was the nickname for IBM used in the early versions of my work,
when IBM had not yet agreed to make its identity public. The IMEDE experi-
ence was the first external validation of the country differences already
identified in IBM. It provided statistical proof that a significant part of the
differences in answers on the IBM questions were due to the nationalities of
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4 Human Relations 55(11)
the respondents. To me this was the starting point of an exploration of other
cross-national differences that might be expected to relate to the IBM scores.
Most of the 1980 book is devoted to these validations  how could anyone,
including McSweeney, possibly claim to have read this book without noticing
it? They consist of cross-national survey and test data from other studies,
including a number of representative samples of entire national populations,
and of indicators measured at the country level, such as GNP per capita,
income inequality and percentage of the national budget of wealthy coun-
tries spent on development assistance to poorer countries. All validations are
summarized on pages 326 31 of the 1980 book, a total of some 90 signifi-
cant and independent correlations.
Precisely these validations were the reason why so many academics in
different disciplines felt stimulated by my work; these people added more
validations, and contributed to the overall picture. They did so because of its
possibilities to further their analysis, not because of some kind of faith, as
McSweeney suggests. Their work has been reviewed for the 2001 second
edition. More than half of the over 1500 sources in the 2001 reference list
were published after the first edition appeared. The count of significant and
independent correlations has grown to more than 400. The validations are
now in Appendix 6. Besides, there have been more straight replications of
the IBM surveys, using the same questions on different populations (as was
done at IMEDE). My 2001 book describes four large-scale replications
covering between 15 and 32 countries, on country elites, employees of other
organizations, airline pilots and consumers. After the completion of the 2001
edition, new large-scale replications were published on civil servants
(Mouritzen & Svara, 2002) and on employees of a multinational bank (van
Nimwegen, 2002). Replications usually confirm most, but not all of the
dimensions, but different replications confirm different dimensions.
This leads me to McSweeney s allegations of my supposed rigidity, such
as holding  the notion of a mono-causal link between national cultures and
actions within nations (McSweeney, 2002: 109). But this rigidity is in the
eye of the beholder. In my 1980 book, where I introduced the term  mental
programs to include both  values and  culture , I wrote:
It is possible that our mental programs are physically determined by
states of our brain cells. Nevertheless, we cannot directly observe
mental programs. What we can observe is only behavior: Words or
deeds. When we observe behavior, we infer from it the presence of
stable mental software. This type of inference is not unique to the social
sciences; it exists, for example, in physics, where the intangible concept
of  forces is inferred from its manifestations in the movement of
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Hofstede Dimensions do not exist 5
objects. Like  forces in physics,  mental programs are intangibles,
and the terms we use to describe them are constructs. A construct is a
product of our imagination, supposed to help our understanding.
Constructs do not  exist in an absolute sense: We define them into
(Hofstede, 1980: Ch. 1, p. 14)
In the first session of a new student class, I used to write big: CULTURE
DOESN T EXIST. In the same way values don t exist, dimensions don t exist.
They are constructs, which have to prove their usefulness by their ability to
explain and predict behavior. The moment they stop doing that we should
be prepared to drop them, or trade them for something better. I never claim
that culture is the only thing we should pay attention to. In many practical
cases it is redundant, and economic, political or institutional factors provide
better explanations. But sometimes they don t, and then we need the con-
struct of culture.
Also, the validations of my dimension scores do not imply assumptions
about causality: validations can point to causes, effects, or association based
on circular causation or on hidden third factors. Circular causation applies
to the relationship between national culture and national institutions, illus-
trated in the diagram on page 27 of the 1980 book.
McSweeney misses the point completely about our research on organiz-
ational cultures. This was a separate large-scale project carried out in the
1980s across 20 organizational units in Denmark and the Netherlands. The
full report was published in an article in Administrative Science Quarterly
(Hofstede et al., 1990), which McSweeney lists in his references but does not
refer to in the corresponding section of his text (pp. 96 7). (For unclear
reasons he lists, but does not use, a number of my other publications as well.)
I did not  begin to belatedly acknowledge that there is cultural variety within
and between units of the same organization (p. 96). We had planned this
research for years  it was the logical sequel to the cross-national study. And,
what if I had acknowledged it belatedly? On page 90, McSweeney reproaches
me with never having changed my mind.
The organizational culture study tried to identify the values component
that differentiated organizations within the same country rather than similar
organizations across nations. Contrary to our original hypothesis we found
only a weak values component, but strong differences in what we labeled as
 practices . For a description of what we meant by that, McSweeney should
read the article. If he wants to define practices differently, fine, but then we
are talking about something else. The practical consequences of the fact that
the national culture component relates primarily to values, the organizational
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6 Human Relations 55(11)
component to practices, are far-reaching. Values (as we measured them) are
hardly changeable (they change but not according to anybody s intentions),
whereas practices can be modified  given sufficient management attention.
This explains why a multinational like IBM could function at all, in spite of
the considerable differences in values, which my research revealed. What
holds a successful multinational together are shared practices, not, as the
 corporate culture hype of the early 1980s wanted it, shared values.
McSweeney s criticism of my interpretation of survey data (his pages
100 6), if correct, applies to all survey and test-based cross-cultural studies,
including those of Schwartz, Triandis, market researchers, sociologists and
political scientists around the world. All of these draw conclusions from
central tendencies calculated from individual survey answers. There is no
creative accounting in the way I treated my data, I followed common practice
and moreover in the 1980 and 2001 books provided all the data by which
others can verify my findings. What we social scientists all do is called statisti-
cal inference, but McSweeney is obviously unfamiliar with it.
To conclude, let me cite from a review of my work on culture by
Malcolm Chapman, British like McSweeney, but an anthropologist, not an
. . . Hofstede s work became a dominant influence and set a fruitful
agenda. There is perhaps no other contemporary framework in the
general field of  culture and business that is so general, so broad, so
alluring, and so inviting to argument and fruitful disagreement. . . .
Second, although Hofstede s work invites criticism on many levels, one
often finds that Hofstede, in self-criticism, has been there first. Third,
although Hofstede s work is based on a questionnaire drawn from
social psychology that was not expressly designed for the purpose to
which it was later put, Hofstede brings to his discussion such a wealth
of expertise and erudition from outside the questionnaire that many
criticisms of  narrowness are withered on the tongue.
Hofstede s work is used and admired at a very high level of general-
ization. Those who take country scores in the various dimensions as
given realities, informing or confirming other research, do not typically
inquire into the detail of the procedures through which specific empiri-
cal data were transmuted into generalization. Hofstede, of course,
provides all the background one could wish for about these procedures,
and that is another reason for admiring his work.
(Chapman, 1997: 18 19)
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Hofstede Dimensions do not exist 7
Chapman, M. Preface: Social anthropology, business studies, and cultural issues. Inter-
national Studies in Management & Organization, 1997, 26(4), 3 29.
Cooper, C.L. Review of Geert Hofstede:  Culture s consequences . Journal of Occupational
Behaviour, 1982, 3(2), 123.
Eysenck, H.J.  The four dimensions . Review of Geert Hofstede:  Culture s consequences .
New Society, 1981, 16 April.
Hofstede, G. Culture s consequences: International differences in work-related values.
Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 1980.
Hofstede, G. Culture s consequences: Comparing values, behaviors, institutions and
organizations across nations (2nd edn). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2001.
Hofstede, G., Neuijen, B., Ohayv, D.D. & Sanders, G. Measuring organizational cultures.
A qualitative and quantitative study across twenty cases. Administrative Science
Quarterly, 1990, 35, 286 316.
Kuhn, T.S. The structure of scientific revolutions (2nd edn). Chicago: University of Chicago
Press, 1970.
McSweeney, B. Hofstede s model of national cultural differences and their consequences: A
triumph of faith  a failure of analysis. Human Relations, 2002, 55, 89 118.
Mouritzen, P.E. & Svara, J.H. Leadership at the apex: Politicians and administrators in
western local governments. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2002.
Roberts, K.H. &. Boyacigiller, N.A. Cross-national organizational research: The grasp of
the blind men. In B.L. Staw & L.L. Cummings (Eds), Research on organizational
behavior. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 1984, pp. 423 75.
Sorge, A. Review of Geert Hofstede:  Culture s consequences . Administrative Science
Quarterly, 1983, 28, 625 9.
Triandis, H.C. Review of Geert Hofstede:  Culture s consequences . Human Organization,
1982, 41, 86 90.
van Nimwegen, T. Global banking, global values: The in-house reception of the corporate
values of ABN AMRO. PhD Dissertation, Nyenrode University, Delft, The Netherlands.
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