Dawning Star Terraformer 06 Dawning Star University

Requires the use of the d20 Modern
Roleplaying Game, published by
Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Dawning Star University (DSU) is the first major college of higher learning
established on Eos since humanity settled on this new planet.
Agenda: The school s purpose is to further mankind s understand of this
new world and the new technological wonders it promises, while
preserving and sharing the history and knowledge that the humans
brought with them to the stars.
Structure: Educational institution.
Symbol: An open book, encircled by the Dawning Star compass icon,
with the motto  animis opibusque parati inscribed in Latin across its face.
Most Common Allegiance(s): Dawning Star Republic
Requisition Limit: 33 (Licensed, 12 for weapons)
Since the landing of the Dawning Star on Eos, humanity has been
determined to create a new home on this alien world. As Dawning Star
City grew out of the body of the Dawning Star, the families of the
terraformers and colonists realized the need for quality education of the
children of generation Omega as well as the children of generation Eos.
Initially, education was limited to home study, and a number of small
rooms set aside in the ship. As the children born on Eos began to grow
and the other 2 million were awakened from their cryogenic sleep, the city
founders realized that the existing education system would not be
sufficient. They developed a system for the complete range of schooling
Dawning Star was the first full-scale science fiction campaign setting built on d20
Modern and powered by the Future ruleset from Wizards of the Coast. The
critically-acclaimed setting was nominated for an ENnie for Best d20 Game. You
can learn more and download free material by visiting www.dawningstar.com.
The Terraformer line of products from Blue Devil Games presents new material
designed for Dawning Star but usable in most science-fiction campaigns. Each
entry will offer a new prestige class, xenomorph, talent tree, feat, weapon, etc.
and advice on using it into your campaign and using it to  shape your world.
 Fiendishly Clever. Blue Devil Games is one of the highest-quality small-press
publishers on the market today. BDG product lines include Dawning Star,
AEvolutions in support of Monte Cook s Arcana Evolved, and the upcoming
Passages. Visit our website for more information: www.bluedevilgames.com.
Sean is a regular contributor to the active Dawning Star message boards,
posting under the name  Salcor. His contributions have included PC Gen files
for Dawning Star and a conversion of The Forgotten Forge adventure module.
from pre-school through 12th grade. To support this need and future
growth, four school districts were established in Dawning Star. The city
planners soon realized that, as humanity took hold on Eos, a new center
of human learning would eventually be needed. Land near the future
Earth Memorial Park was reserved and a plan developed to build the
greatest university humanity had ever seen.
In 2228, after Colonist 0 was resuscitated, ground was broken on the
Dawning Star University foundation. The construction project was
completed in 2238, the same year that Iron Scar was founded. The
university was an engineering marvel, able to house 30,000 students and
the full complement of administrative and educational faculty to support
As the center of human learning, the curriculum is very extensive,
ranging from ancient Earth history and sociology to advanced
astrophysics and xeno-archeology. However, the school allows some
latitude in the classes that students take and the ideals that flow within
these towers. Anything a student should want to study is available at the
school, although some courses may end up as self-study or EONET-
based curricula due to a lack of experts in these areas. The EDF also
maintains a ROTC program at the school, although all formal military
training takes place at the EDF headquarters.
As with many educational institutions, DSU inspires young Eotians to
explore the world around them and form their own ideas. Thus, a
superficial examination might lead one to conclude that the school has a
liberal bent. The school security also looks the other way when it comes
to student dorm parties (although any discovery of illegal drugs is dealt
with swiftly and strictly). The school also supports a number of athletic
programs, but they are not the focus of the school. No athletic
scholarships are available; academic scholarships are available to all
Eotians that qualify. On campus, the school has a football stadium, golf
course, baseball field, and an all-purpose field that can be used for
soccer, lacrosse, cricket, and polo (often played atop Dawson dragons).
Each year, the Eos Professional Baseball League plays a few games at
the university (in honor of the first few official games that were played at
the school before the professional ballpark was built).
Enrollment at DSU is open to all people of Eos, including people from
the faction camps--even velin. Unfortunately, students from the faction
camps are rare; most campers feel that their children will be brainwashed
by the Dawning Star Republic. Those students that do come from the
camps provide a much-needed perspective on the wider world of Eos. A
number of velin have come to the school, occasionally as students but
principally to assist the velin arts and xeno-archeology departments, the
latter being the largest growing department in the school.
The students of Dawning Star University are highly regarded within the
Dawning Star Republic; many become influential members of society,
such as Lieutenant-Commander Lauren Aysle, the science officer on the
coming mission to Phaeton. Unfortunately, as with humanity, DSU has
also produced its share of disappointments (in infamy if not in talent).
Alumnus Alistair Sho, for example, is one of the leading members of the
Terraformer s Guild.
The school is also very active in developing the social and artistic
center of Dawning Star. Since the University opened its doors, it has
established the DSU Orchestra, DSU Film and Holo Academy, and the
Terran Museum of Art. These institutions serve both to remind humanity
of their lost home and to lead the way in development of the arts on Eos.
Dawning Star University is divided into a number of major colleges of
study with different departments. The major colleges of DSU are:
" College of Agriculture
" College of Art and Design
" College of Business
" College of Education
" College of Engineering and Science
" College of Human Studies
" College of Technology and Xenological studies
" College of Transportation operations and technology
" Graduate Studies
Each college offers a large number of classes. They also include new
disciplines focusing on understanding the new species, technology, and
history of Eos and the surrounding system. The most common DSU
curriculum for new students provides a good grounding in science,
technology, and the humanities as well as an introduction to more
advanced disciplines such as xeno-political relations and nano-
cybernetics. Students are advised to wait until the second semester their
sophomore year before they declare a major.
Physical Campus
The campus consists of five towers of modern architecture, situated in a
cross configuration. The buildings are connected by garden skyways at
varying heights.
The North Tower houses the majority of the administrative offices and
housing for those employees. The penthouse of the North Tower serves
as the dean's living quarters and is home to a ceremonial garden where
graduation has been held every year since the institution opened.
The East and West towers are student dormitories, capable of
providing the student body of 30,000 with all their domestic needs. Each
dorm room is a suite with a living room and kitchen with four spartan
bedrooms, which house four students. Each floor has two co-ed
bathrooms. Both towers also include cafeterias, a few commercial dining
areas, the school bookstore, and other services. On the lower levels of
each building are a gymnasium, basketball courts, and a swimming pool.
School policy discourages students from owning personal vehicles; there
are no parking facilities for the student body. The roof of the East Tower
also houses the student rec center. The grounds at the base of that
building offer a garden (maintained by the botanical college) and beach
volleyball and street basketball courts. The West Tower roof is home to
the library, which contains over 27 million electronic volumes, including a
duplicate database of the U.S. Library of Congress and other important
archives of Old Earth. A well-tended Zen garden also decorates the roof
of the building.
The South Tower provides housing for the faculty and their families as
well as the department offices. The roof of the tower holds the school s
cathedral, a structure similar in design to the chapel of the old United
States Air Force Academy. The cathedral sits amid a beautiful flower
The Central Tower is the location of all of the classrooms and
laboratories, as well as a state-of-the-art medical facility, particle
accelerator (located underground), and observatory and satellite control
center (used for numerous classes, including AP4017 Orbital Terraforming
In addition to the main campus, Dawning Star University also has
annexes at the Dawning Star Spaceport and numerous archeological and
research stations around the globe. Several other institutions on Eos--
such as the vocational school in Iron Scar--started as Dawning Star
University Distance Learning Centers before becoming more specialized.
University Resources
Dawning Star University has access to a multimillion-credit budget, which it
uses to provide the most advanced equipment to their students and
faculty. This includes a pair of hummingbird shuttles, a number of AV, a
few deep-sea exploration ships, and advanced scientific, engineering, and
computer systems second only to the government facilities. As a rule
however, the university budget is not used for weapon purchases. The
DSU security force is actually a specialty posting for members of the
DSU police force, and security for school archeological expeditions is
provided by EDF troops. The EDF ROTC does not keep any military-
grade equipment on campus. Much of the school s funding comes from
government grants and private donations; Maximillian Dagos is one of the
school s most notable patrons.
Involving the Heroes
There are numerous ways for players to become involved with Dawning
Star University. The most obvious way is to introduce players as either
DSU students, faculty, or some combination thereof. The school provides
many advanced level classes that lead characters into ancient Star
Confederation ruins or into the surrounding star system. The university
also holds a number of research contracts with the Dawning Star
Republic, many of which are focused on the history of Eos, observing the
other planets in the Helios system, or studying newly discovered Eotian
creatures, plants, and artifacts. Indeed, the DSR Bureau of Investigation
suspects that the EFL has a number of operatives posing as students
and faculty to gain access to this information.
Using Dawning Star University
Dawning Star University provides a firm starting point for beginning
characters. Faculty members can also be used as contacts, providing
players with knowledge that their skills and experience do not cover. It
could also be an interesting adventure site, with the characters attempting
to stop (or start) student riots against the Dawning Star Republic and the
Eos Defense Force. The university can be a boon of knowledge and a
home base for the players, or it could be viewed as the ultimate
statement of the monolithic establishment, and how it brainwashes the
youth into the party line.
Learning about Dawning Star University
The heroes can learn more about DSU with appropriate Gather
Information, Knowledge (Current Events), Knowledge (Local), or
Research checks.
The following tables contain information PCs might learn in their
investigations. In each case, success at beating a DC grants access to
that DC s information and all the information indicated by lower DC results.
At the GM s discretion, other Knowledge skills might be used to reveal
particular information about the university.
Gather Information
A Gather Information Check only turns up news of what is going on
around the campus, and what is affecting student life. Greasing the
wheels (in the form of a donation of beer or food, Wealth DC 4) while
gathering information confers a +5 to their check when talking to students.
DC 1: DSU is a good college. It has a great curriculum, and it even lets
the college students be students, as colleges did back on Old Earth.
DC 5: DSU graduates are very distinguished on Eos. Over the last
fifteen years, many of the leaders of DSR industry, politics, and the
military have been DSU graduates.
DC 10: DSU tries to produce well-rounded students who are not only
smart and educated but also live a moral life and support their community.
The college is trying to become the greatest center of learning in the
history of humanity.
DC 15: While DSU is a great school, the expectations of students are
high. Since the school s first class, 20 people have committed suicide.
These deaths are kept quiet since that would put a blemish on the
school s reputation.
DC 20: Smash (a designer drug created from an Eotian plant) has
become a major no-no here at the university. In the last year, it has made
an appearance at a few frat parties, but DSU Security is quick to react.
Someone told me that a few months ago; they even shot and killed a kid
who was on it. Man, it just seems like the institution is trying to get down
on us, we just want to experience every sensation this new world has to
DC 25: Joseph, one of the faction-camp kids, was telling me of a
meeting at a local bar. Apparently, there is a small EFL support group
forming on campus. They say that the institution has been spreading
Smash into the college groups it finds  undesirable . Can you believe that?
But it is amazing how quickly Security comes down on the parties that
serve that stuff.
Knowledge (Current Events or Popular Culture)
This check reveals information about what the media is reporting about
DSU and the activities associated with the university.
DC 1: This season the Dawning Star University Orchestra will be
playing a number of classical earth melodies featuring Samuel Barber s
Adagio of Strings.
DC 5: The DSU introductory flight training program has suffered a
number of unexplained malfunctions, resulting in the loss of a TAV-6. The
crew ejected from the AV without any injuries.
DC 10: Lauren Aysle, valedictorian from the class of 2244, was chosen
as second-in-command of the Republic Space Agency s mission to
Phaeton. Since her graduation from DSU, Lauren has served with
distinction as an analytical physicist aboard the ESF s Sadler Orbital
Facility. With her transfer to the RSA, she has received a promotion to
Lieutenant Commander. In a recent interview, Lt. Cmdr. Aysle confided
that:  The moon of Phaeton has always drawn my eye with its mystery. I
am proud to have been chosen for this historic mission.
DC 15: This summer, DSU is sponsoring twelve archeological
expeditions to a coastal city ruin located 450 miles northwest of Dawning
Star City. These various expeditions are trying to find evidence of how
multiple species may have co-existed within one society. The overall
purpose is to come to a greater understand of the intelligent species that
once lived on Eos.
DC 20: The 8th Annual DSU Independent Film and Holo Awards gala
will be held on the 15th of May. This event usually brings the upper crust of
Dawning Star to the forefront on a dazzling night. This year s favorite is
the multi-generation drama Into the Outback, a film about the struggles of
a family that left Dawning Star to find their fortune in Lanner s Crossing.
The story tells of four generations struggling with their new life on Eos and
how the human spirit can overcome all odds. It is up for a number of
awards including Best Screenplay and Best Leading Actor.
DC 25: Maximillian Dagos recently announced that, starting this Landfall
Day, he loan a small portion of his art collection for display at the Terran
Museum of Art. This collection is focused on the exploration of man. The
highlight of the exhibit is George Catlin s Missouri River, which illustrates
the departure of the Louis and Clark Expedition into the unknown
territories of North America. This exhibit will be on display at the Museum
until the next Lastday ceremony.
Knowledge (Local)
Using Knowledge (Local), the heroes can find out information about what
the community thinks or feels about Dawning Star University.
DC 1: For the most part, the students at DSU are well-mannered, clean-
cut kids.
DC 5: The heroes learn the names of the nearest student hangouts.
DC 10: The heroes learn what a typical day in the life of a DSU student
is like.
DC 15: There are a few activist groups within the school that often
protest the DSR s abuse of Eos.
DC 20: The heroes learn the location of a base of operations for one of
the local student activist groups.
DC 25: There is some level of coordination between the activist groups.
In fact, there are seldom conflicts between them during various protests.
This check represents what information a character can find about
Dawning Star University through EosNet, court and public records, and
library research. The difficulty of finding this information might change
depending on how the character researches it. The DCs might be lower if
the character hacks into the Dawning Star Republic municipal court
mainframe. However, there is far more risk involved, then going through
news archives. This table represents general information that is available
about Dawning Star University.
DC 1: The Dawning Star University EosNet site contains information
about enrollment, curriculum, and current activities that the university is
DC 5: Access to class schedules for the University s aerospace flight
training and departure times for the deep-sea exploration missions.
DC 10: The budget of the xeno-archeological expeditions, making it one
of the largest single expenditures and the largest source of extra revenue
for the university through research grants and patents.
DC 15: A number of students have been expelled over the years for
theft of xeno-artifacts. The most well known case was the discharge of
Professor Neil Pritchard for unauthorized use of limited resources, illegal
possession of Eotian artifacts, and black market sale of same. Since
Pritchard s discharge, there have been two lawsuits by students that said
they were framed and expelled with only circumstantial evidence. In both
cases, the university has settled out of court.
DC 20: Dawning Star University has been subject to a recent wave of
industrial espionage. Several technological innovations by the EFL may
have been projects stolen from Dawning Star University. For example,
the new revolutionary engine technology that researchers in Rogers Point
are working on is very similar to a set of plans promulgated by staff
member Dr. Benjamin Ganesh. Dr. Ganesh claimed that the engine
designs were developed in connection with an archeological expedition he
led near Iron Scar. He stated that the translation of the plans was on his
personal infocomp, when his pod crashed. When it rebooted the entire
drive was empty. The university could find no evidence of sabotage. Dr.
Ganesh has previously been labeled the  doctor that cries wolf ; he has
made a number of prior claims of discoveries that end up going  missing .
DC 25: Various intercepted podcasts and EosNet chatter describes an
EFL intelligence operation in progress at Dawning Star University. Since
all the traffic is in some sort of code, there is no indication what the target
of the operation is. The interesting thing about each of the transmissions is
that it ends with a question mark.
Following, are two NPCs associated with the University. Depending on
which side of the fence the PCs sit, they could serve as either allies or
Doctor Alexander Van Hausen, Dean of Xeno-Archeology (Smart
Ordinary 4/Charismatic Ordinary 3/Dedicated Ordinary 1): CR 8; Medium-
size humanoid; HD 4d6+4 plus 3d6+3 plus 1d6+1; HP 37; Mas 13; Init +1;
Spd 30 ft; Defense 14, touch 14, flatfooted 13 (+0 size, +1 Dex, +3 class);
BAB +3; Grap +4; Atk +4 melee (1d6+1, weapon), or +4 ranged (1d6+0,
weapon); FS 5 ft by 5 ft; Reach 5 ft; SQ ; AL Dawning Star Republic,
Family, knowledge; SV Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +6; AP 4; Rep +5; Str 13, Dex
13, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 11.
Occupation: Academic (Decipher Script, Gather Information, Research)
Skills: Bluff +3, Computer Use +7, Craft (electronic) +4, Craft
(mechanical) +4, Craft (structural) +5, Craft (writing) +4, Decipher Script
+10, Diplomacy +6, Gather Information +7, Investigate +9, Knowledge
(Civics) +2, Knowledge (Current Events) +2, Knowledge (Earth and Life
Sciences) +8, Knowledge (History) +8, Listen +4, Profession +8, Read/
Write Language +4 (Star Confederation common), Repair +2, Research
+9, Search +1, Sense Motive +6, Spot +4
Feats: Attentive, Educated (Knowledge [Earth and Life Sciences],
Knowledge [History]), Gearhead, Simple Weapons Proficiency, Studious
Doctor Van Hausen was five years old when he boarded the Dawning
Star and was put into stasis. His parents were part of the initial
terraforming team, revived on landing. He traveled around the world with
them as they set up terraforming stations in various parts of Dawnhome.
These travels introduced him to the love of his life: the ruins of the Star
Confederations. As a child, he would run and play in many of the ruins
(not aware of the dangers that they represented). In between his
explorations, he was tutored in the history of Old Earth, and he began
focusing his studies on archeology. He was eventually granted an
honorary degree in archeology by the Dawning Star's fledging
government. He spent many years working for the Dawning Star
Department of Science, and he was one of the first people hired when the
DSU opened its doors.
At the age of 58, Doctor Van Hausen has seen much of Eos, explored
many of its most well-known ruins, and has many friends in the
government and even a few on the Velin council. His signature
accompaniment is a weathered brown fedora, an idea that he got from an
age-old American movie he particularly enjoyed. He has been an
inspiration to a number of aspiring xeno-archeologist across Eos.
Professor Nicolas Faust, Unmentionable Intelligence Operative Prime
(Charismatic Hero 3/Fast Hero 3/ Personality 2/ Infiltrator 1): CR 9;
Medium-size humanoid; HD 5d6+1 plus 4d8+1; HP 71; Mas 13; Init +2; Spd
30 ft; Defense +21, touch 19, flatfooted 19 (+0 size, +2 armor, +2 Dex, +7
class); BAB +4; Grap +4; Atk +4 melee (1d8, whipstick), or +8 ranged
(2d6+1, custom SITES M9); FS 5 ft by 5 ft; Reach 5 ft; SQ Electric
Vulnerability ; AL Unmentionables, Eos Freedom League, Self ; SV Fort
+6, Ref +10, Will +2; AP ; Rep +; Str 10, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 10,
Cha 14
Occupation: Academic (Computer Use, Knowledge (Technology),
Skills: Barter +1, Bluff +5,Computer Use + 13,Diplomacy + 9,Disguise
+2, Drive +2, Escape Artist +4, Gather Information +7 , Hide +8, Intimidate
+5, Knowledge (Behavioral Science) +10, Knowledge(Current Events) +6,
Knowledge (Popular Culture) +6, Knowledge (Technology) +6, Listen +2,
Perform (Dance) +6, Profession +1, Research +12, Search +4, Sense
Motive +3
Feats: Armor Proficiency (Light), Combat Martial Arts, Dawning Star
Familiarity, Personal Firearms Proficiency, Point Blank Shot, Renown,
Simple Weapons Proficiency, Trustworthy
Talents: Charm (Female), Coordinate, Evasion, Sweep, Uncanny
Dodge 1, Unlimited Access
Equipment: Custom SITES M9 (with double-tap firing option, laser sight,
smartlink, and suppressor, +1 mastercraft bonus), 5 box magazine, hip
holster, scout armor (chameleon surface, integrated night-vision goggles,
smart link with heads-up display link), DS belt-comp running App-3
Advanced, mesh vest, digital camera, 5 chemical light sticks, flash-seal,
fusion torch, intellipicks, climbing gear, duracable, explorer vest, grappler
tag, skill plexus (with Knowledge [Tactics], Navigation, Survival, and Treat
Injury), stun baton, whip stick.
Professor Nicolas Faust is one of the most popular instructors at Dawning
Star University, and he is the single most celebrated instructor in the
Department of Psychology. Since he starting working at Dawning Star
University, he has exposed numerous syndromes associated with the
destruction of Earth, and surviving on an alien planet.
Professor Faust is the son of Dr. Melissa Faust, a physician. He grew
up in a life of luxury within Dawning Star City, and was quite a problem
child, until his mother decided to send him for individual advanced
education in Sun City. There, Nicolas was able find his own route in life as
well as explore his wilder nature.
While in Sun City, Nicolas was approached by agents of the
Unmentionables, due to his position within the upper crust of Dawning Star
society. Nicolas quickly embraced Squad Gamma Zero s philosophies and
proved to be a valuable addition to the unit with his extensive knowledge
of Dawning Star society and keen mind for psychological warfare.
After his training, Nicolas returned to the Dawning Star Republic and
began working for DSR Central Hospital as a therapist. From this position,
he was able to divert potentially valuable EFL contacts into the obscurity
of the mental ward system, where they were often smuggled out of the
Republic. Eventually he was offered a position within Dawning Star
University s faculty, where he has become firmly entrenched.
Nicolas has become a very important operative for the EFL within the
heart of the Dawning Star Republic. He is the central figure in a growing
student movement attempting to sow change within the Republic. He uses
them mainly as a subversive element, distraction, and a recruiting pool for
his personal group of informants and muscle. He also runs surveillance on
a number of key University figures from his apartment in the Southern
Tower. This equipment is tied directly into a number of DSU security
systems. Only an expert computer technician could discover their
existence. All of this surveillance is routed through a number of anti-
establishment hackers within the DSU community. This system itself was
designed by another Unmentionable for Nicolas s use and was designed
to ensure  Operative Prime s anonymity. Usually, Nicolas distributes
missions to his minions through private podcasts and EosNet dead drops
that are monitored by his App 3 system. If an operative fails to update the
system on deadline, a mission failure message is sent to Nicolas, who
scraps the mission and terminates the operative.
Patricia Rogers is quite pleased with the performance of Operative
Prime, who is responsible for stealing a number of key advancements
from DSU, including the new engine technology the EFL is using.
Nicolas Faust is a dangerous enemy hidden within the heart of the
Dawning Star Republic, who could not only turn the tide of the simmering
EFL-DSR conflict but could also prove to be a powerful nemesis to player
New Feat
The following feat is suitable for some character backgrounds.
DSU Alumni
You are a graduate of Dawning Star University.
Prerequisites: Student or Scholar occupation, Dawning Star Familiarity.
Benefit: You have a contact at the university who provides you
information about a particular area. You should develop the character
concept of the contact with the GM. The contact has a +12 bonus to one
of the following skills: Computer Use, Craft (any), Decipher Script,
Knowledge (any), or Research. Once per week, you may communicate
with your contact to gain information related to his area of expertise.
Essentially, you use your contact s skill bonus in place of yours for one
check. You must have some means of communicating with the contact,
e.g, telephone, e-mail, face-to-face contact, etc.
Additionally, all bonuses you gain from the Dawning Star Familiarity feat
are doubled.
Special: This feat may be taken multiple times. Each time it is taken you
gain an additional contact (but gain no additional bonuses related to the
Dawning Star Familiarity feat).
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System License version 6.0. A copy
special abilities; places, locations, Identity.
of this License can be found at
environments, creatures, equipment, magical
or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, 8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game www.wizards.com/d20. d20 Modern
symbols, or graphic designs; and any other Content You must clearly indicate which
and Wizards of the Coast are
trademark or registered trademark clearly portions of the work that you are distributing
trademarks of Wizards of the Coast,
identified as Product identity by the owner of are Open Game Content.
Inc. in the United States and other
the Product Identity, and which specifically
excludes the Open Game Content; (f) 9. Updating the License: Wizards or its countries and are used with
"Trademark" means the logos, names, mark, designated Agents may publish updated
sign, motto, designs that are used by a versions of this License. You may use any
All other content is ©2006 Justin D.
Contributor to identify itself or its products or authorized version of this License to copy,
Jacobson. Dawning Star, Operation Quick
the associated products contributed to the modify and distribute any Open Game
Launch, Helios Rising, TERRAFORMER,
Open Game License by the Contributor (g) Content originally distributed under any
their corresponding logos, and all Blue Devil
"Use", "Used" or "Using" means to use, version of this License.
Games logos are trademarks of Justin D.
Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify,
Jacobson. This edition of TERRAFORMER is
translate and otherwise create Derivative 10 Copy of this License: You MUST include
produced under version 1.0a of the Open
Material of Open Game Content. (h) "You" or a copy of this License with every copy of the
Game License, version 6.0 of the d20 System
"Your" means the licensee in terms of this Open Game Content You Distribute.
License, version 5.0 of the d20 System
Trademark Logo Guide, and the Modern
11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not
System Reference Document by permission of
2. The License: This License applies to any market or advertise the Open Game Content
Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Subsequent
Open Game Content that contains a notice using the name of any Contributor unless You
versions of this product will incorporate later
indicating that the Open Game Content may have written permission from the Contributor
versions. All rights reserved. Product Code
only be Used under and in terms of this to do so.
License. You must affix such a notice to any
Designation of Open Content: All of the
Open Game Content that you Use. No terms 12 Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for
content not specifically enumerated as Closed
may be added to or subtracted from this You to comply with any of the terms of this
Content is Open Content, including but not
License except as described by the License License with respect to some or all of the
limited to the NPCs, equipment, xenomorphs,
itself. No other terms or conditions may be Open Game Content due to statute, judicial
and description of Julian measles.
applied to any Open Game Content order, or governmental regulation then You
Designation of Closed Content: Dawning
distributed using this License. may not Use any Open Game Material so
Star logos and titles, TERRAFORMER logos
and titles, the cover illustration and the term
3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open
vaasi and darkling.
Game Content You indicate Your acceptance 13 Termination: This License will terminate
of the terms of this License. automatically if You fail to comply with all


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