

To be a good manager, you must trust and rcspcct your employees. You must be available to thcm if they have problems, but you must trust thcm to do tneir jobs when they don’t. You should assume that they are trying to do their best and change that assumption only when you have direct evidence to the contrary.

To be o good manager, you musr trust ond respecr your employees. You musr be available ro rhem if rhey hove problems, but you musr rrusr rhem ro do rheir jobs when rhey don r. You should assume rhar rhey are nying ro do rheir best ond chonge rhor assump-rion only when you have direcr evi-dence ro rhe conrrory.

To be a good manager, you must trust and respect your employees. You must be availabfe to them if they have problems, but you must trust them to do their jobs when they don’t. You should assume that they are trying to do their best and change that assumption only when you havc direct evidence to the contrary.


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