Cartoonkes bbie Brown 9

Cartoonkes bbie Brown 9


Colour 7g (V4oz) of the modelling pasie green. Roli ;t cut thinly and cul a circle using the 5cm (2>n) circle culter and slick ii onlo the top o: Marvm’s head, covenng around the back. Ro'i out a strip of green modelling pastę and cut cul the helmet base using ihe template (see p.94) and stick it on the back of his head. smoothing the ends round lo the front.

Using a littie white modellmg pastę, model two eyes and stick these cfose togetfier on the centre of Marvtn‘s face. Then. with the remaimng black. shape two eyebrows 3nd tiny flattened circles for pupiis Rcll out the remaining green and cut out the front of the helmet using the temptate (see p 94). then stick it in place jusi above his eyes. Using green inmmmgs. model two smali, flattened circłes and stick these in place on either side of Marvin's helmet.

With a pea-sized amount of white modelling pasie make his gloved hand with a smali, separate cuff using the siep-by-$tep photcgraph as a guide Stick the hand in posilion and support it with a smali piece of foam sponge while it is drying.

A stop-by-strp guldo to modelling tho hand and nrm.

Tho arm should bo positionod at a slight angtc. Support It untit dry.

n Split 7g (V<o7.) of the modelling pastę into two pieces.

making one slightly larg er than the other Colour the smailer piece pale brown and the larger piece pale yellow Model a smali bali of the pale brown pastę and stick u onto the top of Marvin's helmet to create the broom handle. Shape the remaining piece of pale brown mto an oblong. 2.5cm (lin) long. and place this piece on top of the handle.

-i -> To make the brush. shape the pale yellow modelling pastę I Z mto an oblong and men make cuts around the edge using a knife. Strck this onto the pale brown oblong and bend it Slightly. then pinch around the top edge of the brush. Push the head onto the sugar stick. securing it at the base with sugar glue.


-i 3 Colour the remaining modelling pastę with various colours I J and use the pieces to model differem-sized dome shapes for ihe planets on the cake board. Mix colours to create others- e.g. red and yellow fororange. pink and blue for nauve. For the swirted effect. knead two colours together uniil they are streaky To fmish the cake off. brush s>iver streaks over the board using the edible si!ver powder.

This shows a comptotad back view

of Manrin and his spnccship.



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