

or irbe Uiat11, in the long run be -will just be moulded according to s o me one eleere fancy. Kemember the whole ie evideDoe-d in all parts, but an isolstcd part, efficient or not, does not conslilute the w hole. bo on.e can say o litłlo Learning is a dangerous thing11 applies oppropriately to those who are conditioned toa a parlicular approach to combat.

If mere mechameal routine nffieiency will make overyone a martiiO arli&l, theti all i-s weH. Unfortunately, oombat, like froedom, is Komothjng that


cannpt he preeonceived. Preformations^ ibe fłeyihility to to the f;vor-cha nging. At this point, many would ask how then do we galn this unlimrted frcodom? I oannot tell you because it will than hecome on approach. AHhough I oait tell ypi] what is not, I cannot tell you wftat is, irThat1f my friend, you will have to find out ali by yourfrelf, for there is no help but self-hclp, What •pjj mnrc, who says wt: have to ^gain’1 Ireedom?

frj (raditional mariial art being wise seems to be o consiant proccrss of srcumulation of fiitcdj lilte a frip*Ht degree knows so many acts or teohniąues, a. sccond degree a llttle morę; nr śi X brand martial artiat, a kicJcer, should acemnulate Y hrandłs band terfmiąues, or vice vers«. Acmjjnulatjon of fixed knowtedgn is not the primcss of JKJJ; raLhor, it is r.hat of disc.overing the eause of ijjnora rico, and oftentimo involving a ahedding pro^ess* Kemumlier my frionda that ultimstely, knowledge in rnarti^il art simply me a n fi self-knowledge, ond JKl) pan Injcome intelligiblc only in the process of sidf discovery. Froedom ha s olways hccn ■with us and not some+hirig i o be gai no d ai the end through following sijinc particular formula S„ We do not "heeome", we aimply "ai CM*

So Ojc iraining i o JKD is townrd this, of |rbeing" mind, ratłicr than Mha.vingM mind. Stcrile patterna are incapable of such Jfrclinoss and frcshnesik and pre.fnT-maLionS only a^uelch creatwity and impoftO mcdiocrity. Also, the


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