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Somełimes when I am hghting my way up a his. I look to the top and think. *n never mak® a." my friend gives me me strengtn to keep going and keep dMCting

we feel Irapped undcr a black clono of despair and hopeiessness

"Your Mend«ine man who Knows a!l about you. and sta Ukos you "

- Obail Hubbom

Donl walk n tront of me. I may not foBow.

Oonl waik behind me. I may na lead

Just walk beside me and be my Mend.- Albert Camus

'A tncnó In nooć U o tnonó ndeetf

Frtends ofien share tikes and disSkes. interests. pursuits. and passłon

Truć fnendshtp mvołvos oclion: dorng something for someone elso wbile expecllnQ nothing In return shanng thoughts and feeiings wilhout fcar of |udgment ot negative cnUcism

The very find thing anyone nottces about Tom orc tas eyes and srrnle. His oyos ore a strange yel beauiiful tiazel; the Wue of his eyes is one of the tiucs! błue hues I have ever scen with a twt oi gołd Thosc are are truły the Windows to his soul and emooonai stale. lor i cen aiways read me emobon and (ee*ng there. His smac is absolulety bearnmg and always with a hirt of mtschief m the maUng Thał śmie makes his eyes fwłnWewnh mirth. and shows off the dsnples that are set In his cheeks siighify lower than my own

Ha s of strong buJd muscular Buł not overty so and ev«n lhough he works hard cvciyday wrth his hands. ihoy are stti smooth nnd suppfe. withlong. gracefuifingers He has broad shoutdersandlegsthat arelong and powerful \Mienhe walka I la wflh a oooMent. powerfui SOTtłe.

His hair la IMnnlng a bil on top but I be*eve It makes hlm ta* dMnguishtd even lhough he haiesthat a laalowty racaadtng His hair Is Ught brown whłch la alowty ahowlng hinta of salt and pepper. thafS mon wavy than curty She was tali lor hor age and pracbcaHy towered owerme. She almosl always kepi hot long goWen DMrpuled back Mo a pony tal

Many people ftnd that he looks tnbmldabng at Itrat. bul as they gef to know him they tlnd that ha la a klnd soul. wlth the paiience of a sami and the undantandtog of a scholar.

His wace Is daep and rasonanl; a voico I newer tire of tistening to and ona that gives comfort just by haartng n Ha rarały speaks m angor but when he doea. R la much Ike the belts of hel

I hava known ... evar alnce I can remembar./We met m a kindergarden and we have baan frtends ever sińce

My ftrst day at the secondary achool provad memorable not only because of but alao duo to the extraordlnary girl I mot then.

To foiow his exampte

Throughoul lite. we encountor many dlłfcrent people. howeyer. only a cerlałn few hava the abiiity to make an Impet* that lasts a Ifefcme. There ara 3 women that hava affected my Me the most. and. have hetped make ma who I am today. From birth unit thrae years old R was my grandmother. at age four. my kindergarten taacher Ms. Martina. Today. R Is my mother She has always baen herc for ma. through thlck and thin, good and bad and I hava noCMng but admlrauon and raspect for her. Thanks to ail thrae of these wonderful ladles, I am who I am, and woukJ not trade it for the wortd.

We have been frtends for quNa a while now, and I just want to say thank you for betng there when ttmes got tough

Have you ever had someone In your lite who hciped you figurę out who you wera? Someone who showed you the rtght path Someone who was there rtght next you even U you did not take that path. Someone who always seemed to be rtght but never hetd R agałnst you when you were not. Someone whom wlthout your Rfe woołd most kkeły be antlrely dłlarent. I have. Mername was Jessica.

Jessica was mora than my neighbor She was mora than my mentor She was my best Mend. Jessica lived thrae houses down from me when 1 moved Mo a new nelghborhood She was always In a good mood. always had somethlng pleasant to say. and no mattar what was going on. she oould get you to śmie


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